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I’ve been doing my best!

In this fourth activity of English Dot Works 4, you will learn how to describe events
and situations that started in the past and are still taking place in present time. For
that purpose, we will be contrasting the present perfect simple and continuous
tenses and introducing language related to careers and jobs and learning to use
some common phrasal verbs.

Introductory material

Dear learner,

This material will help you study the topics related to learning activity 4.

You will learn about:

1. Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous: how long / for /

2. Pronunciation: weak forms.

3. Be able to / good - careers and jobs.

4. Applying for jobs and positions: describing personal characteristics.

5. Phrasal verbs.

Let’s begin!
1. Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous: how long / for /

A. Two friends are talking about their life in the USA. Read the conversation.

Johnathan: So, how long have you

been living here Jane?

Jane: I have lived here for 10


Johnathan: Why did you come to US

for the first time?

Jane: My father got a job, so we

moved here. I was really
happy about it because I
always wanted to learn
English. Besides, I have
never been to US in my Fuente: SENA
life. I was really excited.

Johnathan: What have you been doing since you arrived?

Jane: Well, I have been studying a lot. I finished elementary school here.
Then, I started high school which is almost over. I have learned
English. I have also traveled with my family and friends a lot. For
the last year I have been working in a cafe.

Johnathan: Is that hard work?

Jane: Sometimes. Some customers are really difficult. I have had awful
experiences there. Sometimes it is hard but I really enjoy my job. I
have met wonderful people since I started working there, and the
pay is so good.

Johnathan: What’s the best thing about living in the USA?

Jane: The people. Before coming to the USA I was absolutely afraid
about moving to a new country but people here are amazing. I fell
in love with American people since I arrived.
Note: We use the present perfect continuous to talk or ask about unfinished actions.

How long have you been living here Jane?

What have you been doing since you arrived?

I have been studying a lot.

I also have been working in a cafe for a year.

To make the present perfect continuous use have / has + been + verb - ing.

She has been studying a lot.

They have been traveling around the USA.

Use the present perfect continuous with for and since with actions verbs.

Past Present Future

He has been learning English for 2 years.

I have been living here since 1998.

Use how long to ask questions about the duration of an action.

A: How long have you been studying English?

B: I’ve been studying English for six months.

A: How long has he been watching TV?

B: He’s been watching TV since 2:00 p.m.

With non-actions verbs (know, be, etc.) use the present perfec simple not the
present perfect continuous with for and since.

Correct Incorrect

We’ve known for 10 years. √ We’ve been knowing for 10 years. X

Note: We use present perfect + for or since to talk or ask about actions or states
which started in the past and are still true now.

Past Present Future

I have lived here for 10 years.

I have fallen in love with American people since I arrived.

Use how long to ask questions about the duration of an action.

How long have you lived there?

How long has she worked in the company?

Use since with the beginning of a period of time. For example: since 1997, since
last year, since, etc.

She’s been afraid of clowns since she was a child.

Use for + period of time. For example: For five years, for three weeks, etc.
We’ve had this apartment for two years.

You can’t use the present simple here.

Correct Incorrect

A: How long have you lived here? A: How long do you live here?
B: I’ve lived here since 1995. √ B: I live here since 1995. X

B. The form of the present perfect continuous is: have / has been + verb - ing.

Read the following sentences from the conversation between Johnathan and
Jane to see how the structure is formed. Then, look at the box to see all the
possible forms:
a. I have been studying a lot.

b. I have been working in the cafe for a year.

c. How long have you been living here Jane?

Positive form Negative form Interrogative form Wh - questions

I have been I have not been

waiting here waiting here for
for two hours. two hours.

I’ve been I haven’t been

waiting here waiting here for How long have you
What have you
for two hours. two hours. been waiting for?
been doing?
He has been He has not been How long has he
teaching since teaching since been teaching
July. July. since?

He’s been He hasn’t been

teaching since teaching since
July. July.

2. Pronunciation: weak forms

In English, there are words that can be pronounced in two ways: either strongly or
weakly. These words are function words, the ones that do not carry the essential
meaning in a sentence. Some function words are:

Function words
Articles: <a> <the>
Conjunctions: <and> <but>
Prepositions: <of> <to>
Pronouns: <he>
Auxiliary verbs: <have> <has>
Note: There are a few function words that do not weaken. For example, on
/ɑn/ is always /ɑn/.

These kinds of words can be pronounced strong in some positions but aren’t in
most cases, because they are not stressed they are weaken. As you will notice,
most of the weak forms take the form of Schwa /ə/, which is the most common
vowel in English. Go to the multimedia and listen to some examples and compare
the two forms:

Strong form Weak form

Word (full vowel) (Schwa)
<to> /tu/ /tə/
<at> /æt/ /ət/
<have> /hæv/ /həv/
<for> /fɔr/ /fər/
<us> /ʌs/ /əs/
<are> /ɑr/ /ər/
<from> /frɑm/ /frəm/

Sometimes, it is easier to recognize a weak form because of its spelling. For

example, when we see contracted forms:

Strong form Weak form

I have bought a new dress. I’ve bought a new dress.

[hæv] [əv]

However, some other times, the spellings are just the same. As in:

Strong form Weak form

But But

[bʌt] [bət]
Let’s go to the multimedia, listen to and compare some phrases pronounced with
strong and weak forms.

I’d like some tea. I’d like some tea.

I have to go to school. I have to go to school.

She wants to write a letter. She wants to write a letter.

Although it may sound weird to you, it is more difficult for native speakers of
English to understand sentences such as those in the first column. Weakening
unstressed syllables is very common in English and native speakers do it all the

Students of English as a second language usually don’t know about weak forms.
Usually, they pronounce all words as strong which leads to an unnatural
pronunciation. Now that you know about weak forms, keep on practicing!

3. Be able to / good - careers and jobs

A. You can use be able to + infinitive or good at to talk or ask about the things
you can do. They can be used in the present, past, future and present perfect.
Be able to can be used as a gerund or infinitive.


 I have been able to speak four languages since I was ten.

 He is good at languages.

 She is able to cook French food.

 I am good at Maths.

 They are able to use Microsoft excel.

B. Be able to and good at can be used to talk about careers and jobs. Look at
the following expresions and vocabulary related to this topic.

Job applications process:

Write a resume and cover Fill out your application Send your application,
letter. form. cover letter and resume.

Follow up your application

and confirm it was Attend the interview. Wait a few days.

Fuente de imágenes: Fotolia (s.f.)

Look at the following vocabulary:

Jobs - careers
English Spanish
Accountant Contador(a)
Actor Actor
Actress Actriz
Archeologist Arqueológo(a)
Architect Arquitecto(a)
Artist Artista
Astronomer Astrónomo(a)
Author Autor(a)
Banker Banquero(a)
Barber Barbero(a)
Biologist Biólogo(a)
Bodyguard Guardaespaldas
Builder Constructor(a)
Bus driver Conductor(a) de bus
Cameraperson Camarógrafo
Car mechanic Mecánico(a) automotriz
Cardiologist Cardiólogo
Carpenter Carpintero(a)
Cashier Cajero
Chef Cocinero
Chemist Químico(a)
Composer Compositor (a)
Consultant Asesor / Consultor
Dancer Bailarín(a)
Dentist Dentista
Designer Diseñador(a)
Detective Detective
Director Director(a)
Doctor Doctor(a)
Driver Conductor(a)
Economist Economista
Engineer Ingeniero(a)
Executive officer (CEO) Director(a) / ejecutivo(a)
Farmer Granjero(a)
Fashion designer Diseñador(a) de modas
Film director Director(a) de cine
Firefighter Bombero
Flight attendance Auxiliar de vuelo
Graphic designer Diseñador(a) gráfico
Guard Guardía
Hairdresser Peluquero(a)
Hair stylist Estilista
Head cook/chef Cocinero(a) jefe
Historian Historiador(a)
Jounarlist Periodista
Judge Juez
Lawyer Abogado(a)
Librarian Bibliotecario(a)
Management Administración
Mathematician Matemático(a)
Mechanic Mecánico(a)
Model Modelo
Musician Músico
Painter Pintor(a)
Paramedic Paramédico
Pediatrician Pediatra
Philosopher Filósofo(a)
Photographer Fotógrafo(a)
Physicist Físico(a)
Pilot Piloto
Plumber Plomero(a)
Police officer Agente de policía
Politician Político(a)
Priest Sacerdote
Principal Rector / director
Producer Productor
Professor Profesor(a) universitario
Psychologist Psicólogo(a)
Receptionist Recepcionista
Reporter Reportero(a)
Sales manager Gerente de ventas
Salesperson Vendedor(a)
Scientist Ciéntifico(a)
Sculptor Escultor(a)
Secretary Secretario(a)
Singer Cantante
Student Estudiante
Surgeon Cirujano(a)
Tailor Sastre
Taxi driver Conductor(a) de taxi
Teacher Profesor(a)
Technician Técnico(a)
Teller Cajero (únicamente en un banco)
Travel agent Agente de viajes
Truck driver Conductor(a) de camión
Writer Escritor(a)

Places of work
English Spanish
Agency Agencia
Company Compañía
Factory Fábrica
Firm Firma
Hospital Hospital / clínica
Hotel Hotel
Office Oficina
Plant Planta
School Escuela
Shop Tienda

Describing a job
English Spanish
A badly paid job Un empleo bajamente pagado
A boring job Un empleo aburrido
A challenging job Un empleo demandante
A difficult job Un empleo difícil
A full-time job Un empleo de tiempo completo
A good job Un buen empleo
A highly paid job Un empleo altamente pagado
A low-paid Un empleo mal pago
A part-time job Un empleo de medio tiempo
A permanent job Un empleo permanente
A temporary job Un empleo temporal
A well-paid job Un empleo bien pago
An interesting job Un empleo interesante
English Spanish
To hire Emplear
To be promoted Ser promovido
To fire Despedir
To quit one’s job Reunciar al trabajo

Related terms
English Spanish
Accident insurance Seguro de accidentes
Annual pay Ingreso annual
Bonus Bono
Contract Contrato
Deductions Deducciones
Employee Empleado
Employer Empleador
Expenses Gastos
Freelance worker Trabajador independiente
Gross pay Ingreso bruto
Health insurance Seguro de salud
Holiday / vacation Vacaciones
Hourly pay Paga por hora
Income Ingresos
Interview Entrevista
Jobless Sin trabajo
Letter of application for a job Una carta de postulación a un empleo
Life insurance Seguro de vida
Maternity leave Licencia de maternidad
Medical insurance Seguro médico
Monthly pay Pago mensual
Net pay Pago neto
Overtime pay Pago de horas extras
Pay Pago
Pension plan Plan pensional
Raise Aumento
Resume Hoja de vida
Salary Salario
Season worker Trabajador por temporadas
Sick leave Licencia por enfermedad
Staff member Miembro del equipo de trabajo
Take-home pay Ingreso neto
Taxes Impuestos
Temporary work Trabajo temporal
Tips Propina
To apply for a job Postularse a un trabajo
To be on staff Ser miembro del equipo de trabajo
To be paid by the hour Ser pagado por horas
To be paid by the month Ser pagado por meses
To have a part-time job Tener un trabajo de medio tiempo
To look for a job Buscar trabajo
To work full-time Trabajar tiempo completo
To work overtime Trabajar horas extras
To work part-time Trabajar medio tiempo
Unemployed Desempleado
Wages Salario/sueldo/paga
Weekly pay Pago semanal
Work agreement Acuerdo de trabajo
Yearly pay Pago anual

4. Applying for jobs and positions: describing personal characteristics

Nicole has a job interview for a job. Read the following interview.

Interviewer: Good morning, Nicole.

Nicole: Good morning, Mr. Johnson.

Interviewer: So, Nicole; you’ve applied for the seller position, right?

Nicole: Yes, I have.

Interviewer: Could you, please tell me what made you reply to our advertisement?
Nicole: Well, I think I would be really good at this kind of work. Additionally, I am
looking for a temporary job this summer holidays. I’m going to start my university
soon and I want to earn some money to help me through college.

Interviewer: Nicole, let me ask you something. Do you know what do you have to
do as a seller?

Nicole: As far as I know, I will have to help customers, check the supplies in the
store and keep the products organized.

Interviewer: You’re right. That’s pretty much what you have to do. Now, Nicole,
what sort of student you think you are? Did you enjoy high school?

Nicole: I am a very responsible student. I have excellent qualifications. I have

always obtained outstanding grades. I really enjoyed my high school.

Interviewer: Nicole, do you have any previous work experience?

Nicole: Yes. Last summer I worked part-time in a coffee shop. This is the second
time I apply for a job.

Interviewer: Do you have any questions or doubts about the job?

Nicole: Yes. Could you, please tell me about the job schedule? How long is the
lunch time?

Interviewer: The store opens at 9:00 a.m. but you have to be here at 8:00 a.m.
Employees usually have lunch from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Then, we close at 8:00
o’clock, so you would be able to leave at about 8:30 p.m.

Nicole: Sounds good to me.

Interviewer: Great! Well, that’s it Nicole. I think I’ve collected all the information we
need. Thank you very much for coming. We will give you a call in a few days.

Nicole: Thanks to you Mr. Johnson.

5. Phrasal verbs

A. Phrasal verbs are verbs that are followed by another word which can be either a
preposition or an adverb. Read Richard’s routine in the morning and have a look
of the phrasal verbs he uses.

Hey! Every day I wake up at 6:00. I turn

on the TV and watch the news. I always
eat up my breakfast at 7:00. Then, I go to
the gym at 10:00 and work out for an

Fuente: SENA

Phrasal verbs

Verb Meaning
(verb + particle)

To become conscious after

To wake up Verb wake + preposition up

To make something operate by

To turn on Verb turn + preposition on
activating it.

To eat all the food that you have

To eat up Verb eat + preposition up
been served.

To exercise usually aiming to

develop the strength and
To work out Verb work + preposition out
improve your body’s
B. To use phrasal verbs correctly, you need to consider the following:

1. There are phrasal verbs that don’t need an object.


a. To get up: What time do you get up?

I usually get up at 5:00 a.m.

b. To go away: I’m going away next vacation.

c. To take off: What time did your plane to New York take off?

It took off at 9:00 p.m. It was almost three hours late.

2. Some other phrasal verbs require an object and are separable. This means
you can include the object between the verb and the preposition or adverb.


a. To turn off: Please, turn your cell phones off before class.

b. To fill in: Could you fill this form in for me, please?

I’m going to fill the home insurance form in.

c. To put on: Don’t forget your gloves. Put them on.

3. Finally, there are phrasal verbs that require an object and are inseparable.

a. To look for: I have been looking for my keys all morning.

b. To ask for: What did you ask for dinner?

I asked for a chicken salad.

c. To look after: Could you please look after my car for ten minutes?
C. Now, have a look at some common phrasal verbs and their use.

Phrasal verbs

Require an object and Requiere an object and

No object
are never separated can be separated

I alwasy get up at 6:00 I can’t sleep. Could you On Saturdays, I usually

a.m. please, turn the TV off? look after my niece.

Get up Turn on / off Look after

I’m looking for keys. I

I just came back from The sand is really hot. I’ll
don’t know where I left
work put my flip-flops on.
Come back Put on
Look for
It was nice to know about
I need to go back to the
My plane will take off at you. I’ll be looking
restaurant. I forgot my
9:00 a.m. forward to seeing you
glasses on the table.
Take off
Go back
Look forward to

Hurry up! The train is This jacket is beautiful. We are lost. We need to
leaving soon! I’ll try it on. ask for help.

Hurry up Try on Ask for

I’m busy right now. I’ll
I don’t want to speak to I’m so sad. Michael and I
call you back in a few
you. Just go away. just broke up.
Go away Broke up
Call back

Jessie was always the

It's terribly smoky in here. The new neighbors are
best student in her class.
I'm just going out for a bit so noisy. I’m going to
Now, she has turned into
of fresh air. write down a complaint.
a great teacher.
Go out Write down
Turn into

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

Note: There are some phrasal verbs that have more than one meaning. In
those cases they can be used differently. For example:

Work out (Exercise)

I love to work out in the mornings. (Can’t be separated)

Work out (solve a problem by reasoning)

That math problem is so difficult. I can’t work it out. (Can be separated)


Read to the profiles of four who are looking for a job.

Gordon Blair
DOB: 25/03/1969 –
Telephone: 555-87596325

I think I’m very good with food. Since I

was a little kid I used to help my mom
and grandma in the kitchen when they
were cooking. I have been cooking
ever since I remember. I went to
university to study gastronomy and I
have being working as a sous-chef for
several restaurants. I’m forty-five now
and I’d love to become head chef in a
famous restaurant in London, where I

Fuente: SENA
Ross Carter
DOB: 17/09/1985 –
Telephone: 555-58746985

I left my job in August because I want to

get a job as a sales manager. I have
been studying business and
management since last year because I
wanted to become more skilled. I have
worked as a salesperson for several
companies but I think it is time to move
to a managing position. I’m currently
living in Chicago, but I can move to
another city if the job requires it.

Fuente: SENA

Jennifer Hawk
DOB: 21/12/1990 –
Telephone: 555-25846321

I got interested in agronomy when I was

in high-school, here in LA. We used to
visit some farms in the village and that’s
how I learned the basics about plants
and agriculture. I studied agronomy
engineering at the university. Since I
graduated, I have been working with
some of my colleagues in the field of
phytogenetics as Junior Engineer. Now,
I really want to run my own business or
work for a multinational corporation to
get more experience.

Fuente: SENA
Louise Clark
DOB: 30/01/1974 –
Telephone: 555-88669956

Fashion fascinates me. I design all my

clothing. I even made my sister’s bridal
gown. I studied fashion in France a few
years ago. Since I got my degree, I
have been working for myself, but I
think I need to gain more experience.
For that reason, this is the moment to
move and work for a big international
fashion house. I live in New York, but I
would love to travel around the word
looking for new fashion styles. I
consider that working in fashion is a
good way to learn about different

Fuente: SENA


A. The following words are included in the texts above. Relate them to their

1. Sous-chef.

2. Salesperson.

3. Phytogenetics.

4. Head chef.

5. Fashion house.

6. Junior Engineer .
7. Fashion designer.

8. Multinational company.

9. Sales manager.

10. Gastronomy.

a. A company that designs and sells b. The second in command in a

new styles of clothes, shoes, bags, kitchen; the person ranking next
etc., especially expensive ones. after the head chef.
d. The person who is in command of
c. A person whose job is to sell things.
a kitchen.
e. The branch of botany concerned f. A person responsible for leading
with the origin and evolution of and guiding a team of
plants. salespeople.
h. Person who designs clothing;
g. The art or activity of cooking and
usually considered to be
eating fine food.
sophisticated and fashionable.
i. A person who performs entry-level j. A large business company
professional engineering activities. operating in several countries.

B. Match each person’s profile to the appropriate job.

a. Agronomist. b. Designer. c. Chef . d. Salesperson.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

C. Complete the application forms given below with Gordon, Louise, Jennifer and
Ross’s correct information.

Application form 1

Last name:
Date of birth:
Address: Woodhouse Lane 49.
Post code: LS6 2QJ City:
Present occupation / Studies:

Describe any special

qualifications or work
experience you have:
Signature of the applicant:
Gordon Blair

Application form 2
Earth first – Agriculture Investment
Last name:
Date of birth:
Address: Malibu Street 558
Post code: LW7 3NP City:
Present occupation / studies:

Describe any special

qualifications or work
experience you have:

Signature of the applicant: Jennifer Hawk

Application form 3
Andreina’s global fashion
Last name:
Date of birth:
Address: 1968, Upper East Side.
Post code: WP8 3RT City:
Present occupation / studies:

Describe any special

qualifications or work
experience you have:
Signature of the applicant: Louise m. Clark

Application form 4
General Oil Enterprise ®
Last name:
Date of birth:
Address: Bradley Place 3576
Post code: RL4 9PL City:
Present occupation: Studies:

Describe any special

qualifications or work
experience you have:
Signature of the applicant: Ross carter
D. Now, based on the profiles, choose true or false.

True False
1. Gordon has been working as head chef.

2. Ross has been living in New York since he graduated.

3. Jennifer has been working with colleagues.

4. Louise studied fashion in L A.

5. Jennifer has been working the field of phytogenetics.

6. Ross has studied languages.

7. Gordon has been cooking since he was a child.

8. Ross has dropped university.

Practice 1

A. Read to the conversation and answer the questions below.

Jesse: Sorry I’m late. Have you been

here long?

Luciana: For more than 20 minutes. Why

didn’t you call me? I was really

Jesse: I had to go back home to pick up

my umbrella. It has been raining
hard lately.

Luciana: And that’s why you didn’t call Fuente: SENA


Jesse: Well, when I picked up the umbrella, I left my cell phone on the
kitchen countertop.
Luciana: Now I am going to be late for my job interview. I don’t know why I
have to drive you everywhere.

Jesse: Why didn’t you leave without me? Next time I’ll take a bus. See?
Problem solved.

Luciana: And now I owe you an apology? Oh, my god!

Jesse: Don’t worry. Pretty soon I’ll be getting my driver’s license. I’ve been
taking driving lessons for the last two weeks. I am tired of your

1. The man is apologizing because:

a. He isn’t on time.
b. He left the keys at home.
c. He has a job interview.

2. The man didn’t call the woman because:

a. He doesn’t have a cell phone.

b. He doesn’t have her number.
c. His cell phone is at home.

3. The man had to go back home because:

a. He left the car keys on the countertop.

b. He left his coat in the kitchen.
c. He doesn’t want to get wet if it rains.

4. The woman is upset because:

a. She might miss a job opportunity.

b. She will be late for work.
c. He drives her everywhere

5. They won’t have the same problem in the future because:

a. He has a driver’s license.

b. He has been taking the bus.
c. He will be able to drive soon.
B. Complete the biography of American-born director Terry Gilliam. Use for or

Terry Gilliam has been part of the

entertainment industry ______ more than 50
years. He has led a very prolific career
________ 1967. In 1973, he married Maggie
Weston. They have been married
_________ 41 years. He was born in the
United States, but he renounced his
American citizenship. He has been a
naturalized British citizen _________ 1968.
However, he has lived in Italy _______ the
last 12 years.
Fuente: Fotolia (s.f.)

C. Complete each statement with the present perfect continuous. Use the verb in

Fuente: SENA

1. Mutant Wives from Mars _______________ (play) at Metropolitan cinema

since May.
2. My parents ______________ (come) to this restaurant for more than a

3. That poor dog _____________ (wait) for his owner since he left at 5:00 a.m.

4. Maggie ______________ (talk) about that book for months now.

5. I ______________ (work) on this project since yesterday.

D. Check the sentences that describe an unfinished activity and then rewrite them
in the present perfect continuous.

1. I have written three books.


2. We have come to this theater for years.


3. Has he met her father yet?


4. She has written emails for two hours.


5. I have decorated my apartment this summer.


E. Select and write the expressions in the box into the right column.

5 years I came to Popayan October 3 months

A very long time Half an hour It started to rain I left school

For Since
F. Answer the following questions using the information in parenthesis.

1. How long have you lived in Rome? (five years).


2. How long have your cousins been drinking beer? (two hours).

3. How long Tom has been on vacation? (Monday).


4. How long has Giselle known Finn? (last year).


5. How long have your parents been married? (thirty-three years).


Practice 2

A. Put the correct form of either "can" or "be able to" for each sentence. Only use
"be able to" if it is absolutely necessary.

1. I haven't _____________ concentrate lately at school. I don't know what it is.

2. Jeremy _________________ cook very well. He has his own restaurant.

3. When I was 3 years old, I ___________ speak very well. I just stammered.

4. Marcela has to go to a conference tomorrow night so she __________ (not)

come to the party. What a shame.

5. They lived in Germany for nine years, so they must __________ speak
German fluently.

6. Even though it was raining very hard, they ____________ finish the soccer

7. When I was very young, I used to ____________ do front flips, but I can't
8. My grandmother was one of the best musicians in the neighborhood. She
__________ play the guitar like a professional.

9. She ___________ type two hundred words per minute. She will finish
transcribing the recording very fast.

10. He knows he ___________ trust his employees. He personally selected


B. Write the profession under the picture. Use the vocabulary from the introductory

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9.

Fuente de imágenes: Fotolia (s.f.)

C. Read to the description and match it with the profession.

1. This person is good at keeping track of

a. Salesperson.
your agenda.
2. This person can diagnose diseases. b. Barman.

3. This person can cure your pet. c. Dentist.

4. This person is good at cooking. d. Chef.

5. This person can fix your teeth. e. Pediatrician.

6. This person is good at planning trips. f. Secretary.

7. This person can operate on you. g. Surgeon.

8. This person can prepare cocktails. h. Doctor.

9. This person is good at improving
i. Travel agent.
children’s health.
10. This person can convince people to buy
j. Veterinarian.

D. Complete the following anecdote using the appropriate form of the phrasal verbs
in the box.

come back - got up - write down - hurry up - looked for - asked/for - take off

I remember I _________ very early that day because I had to be on the airport
on time. When I got there, I ________ my visa, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I
totally panicked. If you don’t have it with you, they won’t let you travel. I ______
a police officer _____ advice. He told me I’d better go home; get it, and
_________ as soon as possible. I didn’t want the plane to ________ without me.
I took a taxi and told the driver to ___________. When I got home my mom
called me to remind me I had left my passport at her place the night before. In
the end, I missed my flight. Now I_____________ a list of things I need to do
before I travel.
E. Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs you have learned in this level. Use
the correct form.

- turned into - have been looking forward to - Hurry up - try/on- write/down-

put on- turn off- get up - go away

1. Alice is not a girl anymore. She has ____________ a beautiful young woman.

2. I’m really excited about going to Morocco. I

____________________________ visiting Tangier since I was a teenager.

3. ______________! I don’t want to be late!

4. I am going to _______ this ________. I feel it looks good on me.

5. That’s an excellent idea. Let’s find some paper and ________ it _______
before we forget.
6. ________________ your jacket. It’s freezing outside.

7. I told her to ______________ the TV and read a book instead.

8. If you don’t want to be late, you have to ______________ earlier.

9. She decided to _____________ for a few days. The city was driving her

F. Read the following text and answer the questions below.

Registered nurse: A high-demand job

Fuente: Fotolia (s.f.)

Have you ever been told you are an empathetic person? Well, why not capitalize
on your good nature and pursue a career in nursing? Being a nurse, you can easily
get a well-paid job to care for the sick and elderly. The best part is that you won't
have to worry about investing multiple years of your life and a lot of money in
medical school.

In order to be a nurse, you need to have some special abilities. Nurses are good at
monitoring and operating medical equipment, recording patients' medical histories
and symptoms, and educating patients and family members on caring for their

Registered nurses have very good salaries because theirs is a specialized field.
The level of technological proficiency they should have rises every year. They need
to have updated medical understanding to perform their job.

Another reason why it pays well is because it is a high risk job where the human
component is also necessary. Nurses need to have interpersonal skills to connect
with their patients and attention to detail because one mistake could lead to

In order to become a Registered Nurse in the United States, you need to complete
at least one of the following alternatives:

- A bachelor of science in nursing.

- An associate’s degree in nursing.

- An approved nursing diploma program.

Once you get an official certificate, you must get a license in order to apply for a

If you are looking for a good job with benefits such as life insurance, health
insurance, pension plan and overtime pay, look no further. Nursing is the right job
for you.

1. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to empathetic:

a. Selfish.
b. Compassionate.
c. Extrovert.
2. Nurses teach people:

a. how to operate medical equipment.

b. how to take better care of themselves. v
c. how to record their symptoms. v

3. The articles says nursing is a high-risk job because:

a. They can get infected. v

b. Their mistakes might be mortal. v
c. It is a very stressing job. v

4. If nurses want to keep their jobs, they should:

a. know what is going on in the field. v

b. go back to school. v
c. study with their co-workers. v

5. To succeed, registered nurses should be:

a. Friendly and watchful. v

b. Talkative and negligent. v
c. Observant and cold. v

Are the following statements true or false according to the article?

True False

6. In order to become a nurse you need to finish at least three courses. v v

7. After graduating, you need a special permission to work.

v v

8. Nursing offers many perks for job seekers. v v

Pronunciation practice

Note: This practice must be completed using the multimedia version of the
study material. There you will find the corresponding sound files.
A. Look at the transcription of the following words. Write the words. One word is
given to you as an example.

Note: The symbol ˈ represents the stressed syllable. If the word

has three or more syllables, a secondary stress ˌ can also appear.

For example:

morning mathematician
ˈmɔr·nɪŋ ˌmæθ·ə·məˈtɪʃ·ən

Transcription Word Transcription Word

ˈbɑd·iˌɡɑrd Bodyguard ˌvet̬ ·ər·əˈneər·i·ən
ˈweɪ·dʒəz ˌæp·lɪˈkeɪ·ʃən
ˌʌn·ɪmˈplɔɪd ˈdʒɜr·nəl·əst
ˈweɪ·trəs ˈɪn·tərˌvju
əˈɡri·mənt ɪmˌplɔɪˈi

B. Go to the multimedia and listen to the following words. Notice the stress patterns
in the following nouns which are composed by noun + noun or by an adjective +

Noun + Noun Adjective + Noun

Body guard Full-time

Now, classify the words on the following list according to their stress pattern.
Barman Sales person

Hot water Life insurance

Green house Gross pay

Cameraman Bank officer

Net pay Good job

Noun + Noun Adjective + Noun

C. Go to the multimedia, click on each of the following words to listen to them.

Then, select the word with the different stress pattern.

Engineer Producer Referee Employee

Bonus Builder Chemist Hotel

Judge Nurse Pilot Pay

Detective Consultant Carpenter Deduction

Architect Bodyguard Company Director

Empathetic Economist Executive Astronomer

Application Paramedic Photographer Politician

D. Go to the multimedia and listen to the following sentences. Click on the word
that has been pronounced with a weak form.

Note: There can be more than one weak form in a sentence.

Most of all.

See you at lunch.

Close the door.

Wait for the end.

Eat an orange.

Come and see!

The color is the thing that annoys me.
Take her home.

Fish and chips.

Do it on your own.

Who is she?

What do you think?

How can you get home?

The boots are in the closet. Wear them.

Caroline invited all of us.

Try to call Jonathan.

I just came back from work.

As quickly as possible.

I’ll see you at work.

Where have you been?

I could do it!

The guests were late.

She has been to New York twice.

When does he arrive?

The papers are in there.


 Fotolia. (s.f.). 3d Männchen wartet. Consultado el 16 de Octubre de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Airline pilot. Consultado el 16 de Octubre de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Astronomo osserva il cielo con un telescopio. Consultado el 16 de

Octubre de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Filling out tax form. Consultado el 16 de Octubre de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Klemptner bei der arbeit. Consultado el 16 de Octubre de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Laboratorio. Consultado el 16 de Octubre de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Lawyer on trial. Consultado el 16 de Octubre de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Man with movie clapperboard and hat. Consultado el 16 de

Octubre de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Mechanic repairing a car in a workshop or garage. Consultado el

16 de Octubre de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Rubber stamp received. Consultado el 16 de Octubre de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Senior teacher. Consultado el 16 de Octubre de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Signing the deal. Consultado el 16 de Octubre de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Teacher at the blackboard. Consultado el 16 de Octubre de 2014,

 Fotolia. (s.f.). US mail box. Consultado el 16 de Octubre de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Woman with problem on reception for psychologist. Consultado el

16 de Octubre de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Working at the laboratory. Consultado el 16 de Octubre de 2014,


 Fotolia. (s.f.). Young female patient talking to nurse in emergency room.

Consultado el 16 de Octubre de 2014, en

Document control

Name Position Dependence Date

Theme expert
Johanna Vera Dirección de
Author Asesor English
Diettes formación October
Dot Works -
& profesional. 2014
Programa de
Nicole Bruskewitz Dirección General

Luz Clarena Copy editor – Línea October
Adaptation Agroindustrial.
Arias González de producción 2014
Regional Quindío

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