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As you listen to the tape, fill in the missing information for questions 1-10.

The conversation will be played twice.

An example has been done for you.

MI K E : G'day, Jane.

JANE: G'day, Mike

MI KE: I'm heading off to Paddy's Market on

Sunday JANE: What are you going to do there?

MIKE: Well, l want to buy some fruit, oh, and a pair of sunglasses too.

JANE: Actually, I wouidr!'t mind joining you. I'd like to get a few souvenirs. Do you think
they have a good range of souvenirs there?

MIKE: Oh, they've got lots of souvenirs.

JANE: Okay, well that sounds good, um, what time could we meet?

MIKE: What about half past ten?

JANE: Half past ten in the morning? Yeah, that's fine. Where abouts?

MIKE: Oh, there's a cafe on the corner of George and Haymarket Streets. It's at
George Street. 1

JANE: Oh, yes, I know it actually. But, what's the best way for me to get there?

MIKE: Well, are you coming from Redfern?

JANE: Mmm, I am

MIKE: Take bus number ____________ and get off at stop___________

2 3

JANE: Well, how long do you think that would take, and how much would it cost?
MIKE: From Redfern? About____________minutes, oh, and it would be____________
4 5
Australian Defence Force
English Language Profiling System
JANE: Wouldn't the train be faster?

MIKE: The train might be faster and perhaps a bit cheaper at $2.00, but you'd have to walk a bit.

JANE: Ah, what about a taxi? How much would that cost?
MIKE: A taxi would be about $12.00.
JANE: _______________________________Ah, I think I’ii go with the , that's the best option.

MIKE: Mmmmm, all right. Well after I’ve been to Paddy's Market I thought we'd go
shopping up George Street.

JANE: That's, that's a good idea too, actually.

MIKE: Mmm, and what about afterwards?


JANE: Yes, um, got any particular restaurant in mind?

MIKE: Well, there's a nice Thai restaurant.

JANE: What’s the name of it ? 1 know a few Thai restaurants down there.

MIKE: The Thai Lotus restaurant.

JANE: That's a nice place, actually. Well, what time could, what time would dinner be, do you

MIKE: Oh, about


JANE: That sounds good. Just in case 1 get lost, or else I change my mind, do you have mobile
phone number?

MIKE: Oh, just a minute yep, here it is:


JANE: Okay 1'll see you on then.

MIKE: Sounds careat

You will now hear a short conversation between two people: an Orderly Room Corporal and an
officer. They are talking about the officer's travel arrangements.

As you listen to questions 11-20, tick (J) the best answer: A, B, C or D.

The conversatio ,7 will be played twice.

An example has been done for you.

~r What are the two people talking about?

A. a train ticket
B. plans for their summer holiday B
C. travel on a Qantas flight C √
D. plans to travel to Penan . D

11. What time is Flight 087 departing?

A. 22 hundred hours
B. 20 hundred hours B
C. 12 hundred hours C
D. 24 hundred hours D

12. How will the officer get to the airport?

A. by taxi B
B. by hus C
C. by driving her own car
D. a car will take her to the airport D

13. The officer must check in

A. at least ninety minutes before the flight A

B. at least forty five minutes before the flight B
C. at least sixty minutes a before the flight C
D. at least half an hour before the flight D

14. The officer is told her Departure Tax from Australia ...
A. must be paid at the airport B
B. has already been paid C
C. can be paid later
D. will cost $30 US
15. The officer is staying in Banf7kok ... A
A. for a week
B. overnight C
C. for three days D
D. for two nights

16. What is the name of the hotel in Bangkok where the officer will be staying?

A. Royal Prince A
B. Loyal Princess B
C. Loyal Prince
D. Royal Princess C

17. What time does the flight leave Bangkok?

A. at zero eight hundred hours B
B. at ten hundred hours
C. at twelve hundred hours C
D. at zero two hundred hours D

18. What is the baggage allowance on the officer's flight?

A. ten kilos A
B. twenty kilos B
C. thirty kilos C
D. twenty five kilos

19. Where will the officer stay in Phnom Penh?

A. Hotel Phnom Penh B
B. Landmark Hotel C
C. Contact Hotel
D. Princess Hotel

20. What is the telephone number of the hotel in Phnom Penh?

A. 9765 3297
B. 9785 3217
C. 9785 3207 C
D. 9745 3807 D
You will now hear a short conversation between two people: Leading Seaman Brown and a lieutenant
in the Royal Australian Navy.

Leading Seaman (LS) Brown works at a naval base in New South Wales. The lieutenant is visiting the base to
attend a training program. It is Saturday, and LS Brown is on duty.
As you listen to questions 21--28, tick ( √ ) the best answer: A, B, C or D.

The conversation will be played twice.

An example has been done fix- you.

When does the Lieutenant arrive at the naval base?
A. in the morning
B. at lunchtime C √
C. in the evening D
D. at midnight

21. What is the name of the course the Lieutenant is reporting for?
A. Twelve Week Course B
B. Leading Seaman's Course C √
C. Basic Navigation Course
D. Naval Aviation Course D

22. Leading Seaman (LS) Brown asks for the Lieutenant's next-of-kin details and ...

A. the name of her service A

B. her Service number B
C;. how long she has been in the Service C √
D. her Service form

23. What is the Lieutenant’s room number?

A. 271
B. 721
C. 127 C √
D. 217 D

24. The dining room evening hours are from…..

A. 1900 to 2020
B. 1920 to 2000 B
C. 1920 to 2020 C √
D. 1900 to 2000
25. Where is the nearest telephone the Lieutenant can use to make a loca, call?

A. adjacent to the Wardroom

B, in the Lieutenant's room
C. on the bottom floor of the accommodation
D. next to the dining room

26. What kind of calls can be made on the telephone adjacent to the Wardroom?

A. local calls
B. STO calls
C. calls using only coins
D. calls using only a phone card

27. Why will the Commanding Officer meet the students in the Wardroom?

A. he eats breakfast with new students

B. he likes to greet all new students before they start their courses
C. he goes through the School of Navigation with all new students
D. he can't meet the new students at the School of Navigation

28. Where should the Lieutenant go if she needs anything before Monday morning?

A. to see LS Brown
B. to the Gangway
C, to the School of Navigation
D, to the Wardroom.
You will row hear a brief news report.

As you l;sten, write your answers to questions 29-41 in the spaces provided. The
conversation will be played twice. The following example has baen clone for ycu:

The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) Shoalhaven Branch claims the Royal
Australi Navy (RAN) is:
v%olat%nj t h e concept (~rlesrt"Ici( wilklne~s a re a tiy flyifVI over tile tvatGOrlal Park_

29. How dces the Department spokesman defend its right to conduct military exercises in
Moreton National ?

30. Janet Mayer is spokesperson. What is her aim?


31. What is the rank of D(-;fence spokesman?


32. What happened in '1996 in Moreton National Park?


33. How does the l;epartment spokesman defend New Zealand's right to fly in the Moreton
National Park area?

34. What is the Defenc spo,;esman s view on the ACF`S complaint about Moreton National Pz rk?

35. List two ways thr~ fence spokesman defends the tr7epartment's environmental record:

37. List two ways The ACF disagrees with the Defence Department's claim that it is a
good environmental manager:
39. How often do Defence Department aircraft use the National Park area for flying

40. Why hasn't the Defence Department studied the impact of flying in the National Park

41. List two ways in whicl i the Unit,id States studies show that flying can impact on an



You will now hear a radio discussion between Stan Corrie, a radio announcer, and Stephen Metz, Pi -ofessor
of Military Studies at the United States Army War College. They are discussing the emerging market for
private military services.
As you listen, write your answers to questions 42-53 in the spaces provided. The

conversation will be playec.' twice. The following exampie has been done for you:

~r The rjiscussion on the radio program is about:

_____________________________________the ernerin~ m~rket fnr~~rii~~~(r nulit~~~ services


42. The Papua New Guinea !F'NG) Government upset organisations like the United Nations (UN) by:

43. Which two traditionally military roles now involve private military security firms?



45. Three possible future war scenarios idEntified by Professor Stephen Metz are:

(45) _


48. Why are militias and d , v~~te security ccm panies on the increase in the third world?

lisfenihg tes,t--page10,.
49. Last year one of the world's largest oil companies spent $60 million in Colombia to:

50. What particular situation in third world countries is encouraging the growth of private
security companies'~

51. List three kinds of work now done by private security companies and corporate armies:






You will now hear a short conversation between two people: an Orderly Room Corporal and an officer. They
are talking about the officer's travel arrangements.

As you listen to questions 11--20, tick (J) the best answer: A, B, C or D. The conversation will be played
An example has been done for you.
%~ What are the two people talking about?

A. a train ticket
B. plans for their summer holiday C. travei on a Qantas flight D. plans to travel to Penang


11. What time is Flight 087 deporting?

A. 22 hundred hours 3. 20 hundred hours C. 12 hundred hcurs D. 24

hundred hours

12. How will the officer get to the airport?


A. by taxi
B. by bus
C. by driving her own car
D. a car will take her to the airport

13. The officer must check in

A. at least ninety minutes before the flight

B. at least forty five n-1inutes before the flight C. at least sixty minui ,:;s
before the flight D. at least half an hour before the flight

14. The officer is told her Departure Tax from Australia ...

A, must be paid at the airport B. has already been paid C.

can be oaid later D. will cos430 US




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