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118 new community radio stations to be set up:

Prakash Javad ..
Community Radio Stations act
as essential communication
channels for enhancing last mile
of outreach of government. Plans
are underway to ensure expansion
of the community radio network
to each district of the country.
Community Radios are small
FM radio stations with a cov-
erage area of around 10-15
Km radius, depending on
the geography of the area.

The approved list of appli-

Applications from NGOs, Ed-
ucational Institutions - both
COP14 : Drought is brought cen-
cants having been granted Let- private and public, and Kri-
tre stage in New Delhi Declara-
ter of Intent for setting up CRS shi Vigyan Kendras have
includes 16 from Left Wing Ex- been granted approvals.

tremism (LWE) affected dis- It is expected that these
tricts, 6 from most LWE affect- Community Radio Sta-
ed districts, 25 from coastal tions will become operation-
districts, 17 from Aspirational al within the next six months
Districts, 3 from North-East and
2 from Jammu and Kashmir.

India seeks Switzerland’s sup-

porty to enhance global efforts

Ibrahim Thiaw, Executive Secretary of the

UN Convention to Combat Desertification

The 12-day long 14th Confer- Countries will address insecu-

ence of Parties (COP14) to Unit- rity of land tenure, including
ed Nations Convention to Com- gender inequality in land ten-
bat Desertification (UNCCD) ure, promote land restoration
has come to a close today, with to reduce land-related carbon
thought-provoking discussions emissions and mobilize inno-
on land management, resto- vative sources of finance from
President Kovind addresses the Federal Council of Switzerland. ration of degraded land, drought, public and private sources to
The President of India, Shri The President was happy to note climate change, renewable en- support the implementation of
Ram Nath Kovind, along with that India-Switzerland will have ergy, women empowerment, these decisions at country-level.
Mr Ueli Maurer, the President the first automatic exchange of gender equality, water scarcity The framework used for report-
of the Swiss Confederation, ad- information on tax matters in and various other issues. India ing action will be improved to
dressed the Federal Council of the coming weeks. He said that was the proud host of UNCCD ensure it captures key issues,
Switzerland in Berne today (Sep- it is a very positive development. COP14,which witnessed wide- such as gender equality, drought
tember 13, 2019). The Federal The President highlighted the spread participation from over response and the influence of
Council is the highest executive linkages between tax evasion and 9000 participants from all across consumption. Through the Delhi
authority in Switzerland. It com- money laundering with terror- the globe at India Expo Cen- Declaration, ministers expressed
prises seven members, who are ism. He said that the scourge of tre & Mart, Greater Noida from support for new initiatives or co-
elected by the Federal Assembly. terrorism is among the gravest 2nd to 13th September 2019. alitions aiming to improve hu-
In his address, President Kov- challenges that the world faces Speaking at the Press Confer- man health and well-being, the
ind said that India - Switzerland today. India has been a victim of ence today on the outcomes health of ecosystems, and to ad-
partnership has made signifi- state sponsored terrorism for de- of COP14, Union Minister for vance peace and security. The En-
cant progress. Our complemen- cades and it seeks Switzerland’s Environment, Forest and Cli- vironment Minister stated “Del-
tary strengths make us natural support to enhance global efforts mate Change (MoEF&CC), Shri hi Declaration is an ambitious
partners. India is the world’s to defeat and destroy all mani- Prakash Javadekarexuded con- statement of global action by
fastest growing major economy. festations of terrorism, he said. fidence that all three Rio con- each country on how to achieve
ventions will work in synergy. Land Degradation Neutrality”.

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