Mini DP Chlorobenzene

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Table of Content

No. Title Page

1. Introduction to Chlorobenzene

2. Process Description & Process Analysis

3. Plant Location & Site Selection

4. Process Flow Diagram (PFD)

5. Workbook

6. Material & Energy Balance

7. Pinch Calculation

8. Major Equipment Design

Piping & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)

9. Plant Layout

10. Capital & Manufacturing Cost

11. Hazard Analysis (Environmental

12. References

13. Appendices
Introduction to Chlorobenzene

Chlorobenzene is an aromatic organic compound with the chemical formula C6H5Cl. It is made
from chlorine and benzene trough chlorination process. It is a colorless volatile flammable liquid
with an almond odor and used as a solvent and in the production of phenol and DDT and other
organic compounds.

As a group, chlorobenzenes are much less reactive than the corresponding chlorinated derivatives
of alkyl compounds and are similar in reactivity to the vinyl halides. They are very stable to
nucleophilic attack due to resonance in the molecule resulting in a shortening of the carbon-
chlorine bond distance and an increase in bond strength.

Chlorobenzenes are not attacked by air, moisture, or light. at room temperature and pressure.
Chlorobenzenes also are not affected by steam, prolonged boiling with aqueous or alcoholic
ammonia, other alkalis, hydrochloric acid, or dilute sulfuric acid. To form phenols, hydrolysis
takes place at elevated temperatures in the presence of a catalyst.

Hot concentrated sulfuric acid attack chlorobenzenes to form chlorobenzene-p-sulfonic acid.

Nitric acid will react with chlorobenzenes at the meta- and parapositions on the ring to form
chloronitrobenzenes at -30°C to 0°C (-22°C to 32°F). At higher temperatures, the nitration will
either proceed further to form a dinitrochloro-compound, chloronitrophenol, or a nitrophenol.1
Chlorobenzenes are attacked by electrophilic agents. Para- is predominantly substitution for
monochlorobenzene with some ortho-substitution. Electrophilic substitution might be resisted by
the higher chlorinated benzenes but can be substituted under extreme conditions.

Some free radical reactions undergo on Chlorobenzenes. Formation of organometallic compounds

(grignards, aryl-lithium compounds) provides a useful route to many organic intermediates.
Photochemical transformations occur on irradiation of chlorinated benzenes, which are much less
stable to radiation than benzene. When subjected to ultraviolet irradiation or pulse hydrolysis in
solution, chlorobenzenes may polymerize to biphenyls, chloronaphthalenes, or more complex
products. The ability of chlorobenzenes to undergo wide varieties of chemical reactions makes
chlorinated benzenes useful as reactants in numerous commercial processes to produce varied
products. All chlorinated derivatives of benzene are soluble in lipids. Partition coefficient data for
chlorobenzenes show an increase in partition coefficient with an increase in the degree of
chlorination. In general, a positive correlation exists between partition coefficient and degree of


Chlorobenzene identification in the commercial industry is listed as below in Table 1.2:

Chemical Name Chlorobenzene

Molecular Structure

Synonyms Monochlorobenzene, Chlorobenzol, Phenyl

chloride, Benzene chloride
IUPAC Name Chlorobenzene
Classification Aryl halides
UN Identification Number UN1134
Hazardous Waste ID No. D001, U037, D021
Formula C6H5Cl
Codes/Label Flammable Class 3
The physical and chemical properties of chlorobenzene can be concluded in the Table 1.1.

Properties Value
Molecular Weight 112.56G
Normal Freezing Point -45.58 °C
Vapor Pressure 1.17 kPa
Normal Boiling Point, 131.69 °C
Liquid Density 1.11 g/cm3
Reference temperature for liquid 20 °C


Chlorobenzene is usually used as a solvent for pesticide formulations, diisocyanate manufacture,

and degreasing automobile parts and for the production of nitrochlorobenzene. Furthermore,
chlorobenzene can be used as intermediate in the phenol and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
(DDT) production.


The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) stated that the exposure of the
chlorobenzene to human being appears to be primarily occupational. EPA has listed some
information on the health hazard information of chlorobenzene.

Acute Effects:

Acute exposure to chlorobenzene may cause redness and inflammation of the eyes and eyelids,
runny nose, sore throat, redness and irritation of the skin, headache, dizziness, drowsiness,
incoherence, ataxia, and loss of consciousness. Furthermore, it also may cause twitching of the
extremities, deep and rapid respiration, and irregular heartbeat. Respiratory arrest may follow.
1. A child who ingested chlorobenzene became unconscious and cyanotic and had muscle
spasms but recovered completely.
2. Acute inhalation exposure of animals to chlorobenzene produced narcosis, restlessness,
tremors, and muscle spasms.
3. Acute animal tests in rats, mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs have demonstrated chlorobenzene
to have low acute toxicity by inhalation and moderate acute toxicity from oral exposure.

Chronic Effects (Non-cancer):

Long term exposure to chlorobenzene may cause chronic central nervous system (CNS)
depressions which are headache, dizziness, and somnolence. Based on effects seen in animals,
chronic exposure may cause elevated liver enzymes, enlarged and tender liver, and blood, pus, or
protein in the urine. Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause skin burns.

1. Chronic exposure of humans to chlorobenzene affects the CNS. Signs of neurotoxicity

include numbness, cyanosis, hyperesthesia (increased sensation), and muscle spasms.
2. Headaches and irritation of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract and eyes have also
been reported in humans chronically exposed via inhalation.
3. The CNS, liver, and kidneys have been affected in animals chronically exposed to
chlorobenzene by inhalation.
4. Chronic ingestion of chlorobenzene has resulted in damage to the kidneys and liver in
5. EPA has calculated a provisional Reference Concentration (RfC) of 0.02 milligrams per
cubic meter (mg/m3) for chlorobenzene based on kidney and liver effects in rats. The RfC
is an estimate (with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of a continuous
inhalation exposure to the human population (including sensitive subgroups), that is likely
to be without appreciable risk of deleterious noncancer effects during a lifetime. It is not a
direct esimator of risk but rather a reference point to gauge the potential effects. At
exposures increasingly greater than the RfC, the potential for adverse health effects
increases. Lifetime exposure above the RfC does not imply that an adverse health effect
would necessarily occur. The provisional RfC is a value that has had some form of Agency
review, but it does not appear on IRIS.
6. The Reference Dose (RfD) for chlorobenzene is 0.02 milligrams per kilogram body weight
per day (mg/kg/d) based on histopathologic changes in the liver in dogs.
7. EPA has medium confidence in the study on which the RfD was based because it provided
both a no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) and a lowest-observed-adverse-effect
level (LOAEL) and incorporated several biochemical and biological endpoints; medium
confidence in the database because several subchronic, chronic, developmental, and
reproductive toxicity studies provide supportive data, but they did not give a complete
assessment of toxicity; and, consequently, medium confidence in the RfD.

Reproductive/Developmental Effects:

1. No information is available on the reproductive or developmental effects of chlorobenzene

in humans.
2. Chronic inhalation exposure of rats to chlorobenzene did not adversely affect reproductive
performance or fertility. However, a slight increase in the incidence of degenerative
testicular changes was observed.
3. Chlorobenzene does not appear to be a developmental toxicant and did not produce
structural malformations in rats and rabbits acutely exposed via inhalation.

Cancer Risk:

1. No information is available on the carcinogenic effects of chlorobenzene in humans.

2. In a National Toxicology Program (NTP) study of rats and mice exposed to chlorobenzene
via gavage (experimentally placing the chemical in the stomach), an increased incidence
of neoplastic nodules of the liver in high dose male rats was observed, but not in female
rats or male or female mice.
3. EPA has classified chlorobenzene as a Group D, not classifiable as to human

A worker who handles chlorobenzene should wear protective clothing such as gloves, boots,
aprons, and gauntlets to prevent skin contact with chlorobenzene. Eyewash fountains and
emergency showers should be available within the immediate work area whenever the potential
exists for eye or skin contact with chlorobenzene. Contact lenses should not be worn if the potential
exists for chlorobenzene exposure.

Use of respirator also should be considered for handling the chlorobenzene. Good industrial
hygiene practice requires that engineering controls be used to reduce workplace concentrations of
hazardous materials to the prescribed exposure limit. Respirators must be worn if the ambient
concentration of chlorobenzene exceeds prescribed exposure limits.

Spill and leaks

In the event of spill or leak involving chlorobenzene, persons not wearing protective equipment
and clothing should be restricted from contaminated areas until cleanup is complete. The following
steps should be undertaken following a spill or leak:

1. Do not touch the spilled material.

2. Notify safety personnel.
3. Remove all sources of heat and ignition.
4. Ventilate potentially explosive atmospheres.
5. Water spray may be used to reduce vapors, but the spray may not prevent ignition in closed
6. For small dry spills, use a clean non-sparking shovel and gently place the material into a
clean, dry container, cover and remove the container from the spill area.
7. For small liquid spills, absorb with sand or other non-combustible absorbent material and
place into closed container for later disposal.
8. For large liquid spills, build dikes far ahead of the spill to contain the chlorobenzene for
later reclamation or disposal.

Chlorobenzene should be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area in tightly sealed

containers that are labeled in accordance with OSHA’s hazard communication standard (29 CFR
1910.1200). Outside or detached storage is preferred. Inside storage should be in a standard
flammable liquid storage room. Containers of chlorobenzene should be protected from physical
damage and should be stored separately from oxidizers, dimethyl sulfoxide, silver perchlorate,
other incompatible material, heat, sparks, and open flame. Only non-sparking tools may be used
to handle chlrobenzene. To prevent static sparks, containers should be grounded and bonded for
transfers. Because containers that formerly contained chlorobenzene may still hold product
residues, they should be handled appropriately.

Market Analysis of Chlorobenzene

Demand and consumption pattern

Only three of many possible products resulting from the chlorination of benzene continue to have
any large-volume applications—monochlorobenzene, o-dichlorobenzene and p-
dichlorobenzene—and they are the major focus of this report. These three products combined
account for as much as 92–96% of the total chlorobenzenes market. Other chlorobenzenes that
have commercial applications but are not produced on a large scale include m-dichlorobenzene,
trichlorobenzenes, tetrachlorobenzenes and hexachlorobenzene. Market information on these
products is included in the report where available.

The following pie chart shows consumption of chlorobenzenes in the major regions:
Monochlorobenzene accounts for nearly 73% of total chlorobenzene consumption. China is the
world's largest manufacturer and consumer, accounting for nearly 82% of total consumption in the
four major regions shown below. Monochlorobenzene represents about 70% of chlorobenzene
consumption in Western Europe, and 52% of consumption in the United States, but only 10% in
Japan, where p-dichlorobenzene is a larger factor than in the other regions.

Nitrochlorobenzene is the most significant end use for monochlorobenzene. Nitrochlorobenzenes

are consumed as intermediates in the manufacture of dyes and pigments, rubber-processing
chemicals, pesticides (e.g., parathion and carbofuran), pharmaceuticals (e.g., acetaminophen) and
other organic chemicals. Monochlorobenzene has been used for the synthesis of diphenyl ether
(also known as diphenyl oxide or DPO) and is increasing in demand for sulfone polymers.

o-Dichlorobenzene is a chemical intermediate consumed mostly for 3,4-dichloroaniline in the

United States, South America and Western Europe and as an herbicide intermediate in Japan.

Worldwide, p-dichlorobenzene is used primarily as a raw material for polyphenylene sulfide (PPS)
resins, for deodorant blocks for indoor air, and for moth control. Polyphenylene sulfide is a
growing high-performance polymer that is produced only in the United States, Japan and China.
PPS resin production has increased rapidly both in the United States and Japan over the past five
years and has become significant in China since 2010. PPS production is projected to continue to
grow over the next five years, with additional capacity planned in China and the Republic of Korea.
There are no producers of PPS resins in Western Europe.

The gradual shift in global demand away from industrialized regions and further into developing
countries has resulted in a buildup of new chlorobenzene capacity in Asia. China is the world's
most diverse market and home to four of the world's five largest producers. It also accounts for an
estimated 68–75% of global capacity.

With the exception of high-performance polymers, the markets for chlorobenzenes are mature.
Demand for chlorobenzenes in more industrialized regions has been on a decline for the past few
decades as a result of the substitution of alternative chemistry in the production of such products
as phenol, rubber chemicals and moth control agents. Growing environmental concern over usage
in herbicides and solvents has additionally contributed to the slow decline. However, strong growth
in China and growing global demand for p-dichlorobenzene have since stabilized this trend,
resulting in a moderate, average growth rate of 4% per year for the forecast period.

Future Demand for Chlorobenzene

The capacity of chlorobenzene in China reached 320 000 t/a at the end of 2003, accounting for
50% of the world total. The output of chlorobenzene in China was around 260 000 tons in 2003.
Chlorobenzene is mainly used to produce o- and pnitrochlorobenzene, 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene
and diphenyl ether. It is also used in the synthesis of solvents, pesticides and dyestuffs. The
consumption composition of chlorobenzene in 2003 was 73.8% for o- and p-nitrochlorobenzene,
10% for 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene, 1.7% for diphenyl ether and 14.5% for others. The import and
export amounts of chlorobenzene in China are fairly small. The export amount was estimated to
be 3 000 tons in 2003. The competition in chlorobenzene and major downstream products is mainly
between domestic producers rather than from foreign products. Furthermore, the consumption of
chlorobenzene in other sectors is also relatively stable, mainly determined by o - a n d p –
nitrochlorobenzene production. With the rapid capacity expansion, the production cost of o- and
p-nitrochlorobenzene in China has consistently fallen. Foreign countries have slowed down the
development of o- and p-nitrochlorobenzene production and mainly depended on the import of
downstream fine chemicals derived from o- and p-nitrochlorobenzene such as dyestuffs, pigments,
pharmaceuticals and pesticides from China. The export of o- and p-nitrochlorobenzene has
therefore been promoted. Chlorobenzene will still experience brisk production and sales in China
in 2004 and there will be a supply shortage in some areas. If there are no drastic fluctuations in
raw material supply, however, the price of chlorobenzene will be kept stable.
Process Description & Process Analysis
Continuous process
Batch process
Raschig process

1. Direct chlorination (Continuous process)

C6H6 + Cl2 C6H5Cl + HCl

C6H6 + Cl2 C6H5Cl + HCl

The process begins with a series of small, externally cooled cast iron or steel vessels
containing the catalyst (which may consist of Rashig ring of iron or iron wire). The catalyst used
is usually Ferric chloride. This can be added as solution in benzene. Chlorine is supplied into each
vessel through suitably positioned inlets to maintain a large benzene-to-chorine reaction at all
points along the reaction stream. The temperature is maintained about 20℃ to 40℃ for this reaction
in order to minimize the production of dichlorobezene which occur at higher temperature. Besides,
this range of temperature is the best temperature for production of large amount of
monochlorobenzene. This process will produce large amount of monochlorobenzene and small
amount of dichlorobenzene. The feed, which are liquid benzene and gaseous chlorine are at
temperature 25℃ and atmospheric pressure then fed to the reactor which operates at 2.4 bars.

The reaction is exothermic process. Cooling process is required to maintain the temperature
at 40℃. 90% of the HCl formed is first cooled to condense impurities (benzene and chlorinated
product) and then it is scrubbed in a scrubber using refrigerated chlorobenzene. The crude
chlorobenzene stream leaving reactor is washed with NaOH solution (20wt%) in order to
maintained slightly alkaline to protect downstream equipment from corrosion) in a pre-neutralizer.
The product stream is free from HCl. Then, the product is fed to a Benzene Recovery Column
(distillation column). Here, the bottom is almost slightly 100% pure chlorobenzene. The top
contain 98% by weight of benzene and 2% chlorobenzene. All the benzene is recycled to the
benzene storage via a purifier. From purifier the monochlorobenzene is sent to the refrigeration
system. The bottom contains monochlorobenzene and dichlorobenzene. This bottom product is fed
to the chlorobenzene column that may be contain 12-25 trays which operated at 3-7 lb/in2 abs. The
temperature may be 100℃-200℃. The distillate has purity of 99% monochlorobenzene while
bottom has purity of 97% dichlorobenzene.

This reaction will produce HCI as the side product. All the desired product and undesired
product are then fed to the Benzene Recovery Column (distillation column). The advantages of
continuous process are, it produce higher amount of monochlorobenzene which is 95% conversion
and the process also operate at lower temperature.
2. Batch process
In the batch process, benzene is contained in a deep, iron or mild steel vessel lined with
lead cooling coils. The catalyst that usually used for this process is FeCl3, is added in a benzene
solution. Chlorine is fed to into bottom of the chlorinator through a lead covered at temperature
45℃ in order to minimize the formation of dichlorobenzene. Then the crude chlorobenzene stream
and HCl stream are collected and treated in the purification and recovery process.

For another type of batch process is describe by Faith, Keyes, and Clark’s Industrial
Chemicals. The chlorine is bubbled into a cast iron or steel tank containing dry benzene with on
percent of its own weight of iron filings. The temperature is maintained at 40°C to 60°C (104°F to
140°F) until density studies indicate that all benzene is chlorinated. Then, the temperature is raised
to between 55°C and 60°C (131°F to 140°F) for six hours until the density raises to 1.280g/cm3
(79.91 lb/ft3). The same methods of chlorobenzene purification and HCl recovery in batch form
are then employed. At 100% chlorination, the products are 80% of monochlorobenzene, 15 % of
p-dichlorobenzene, and 5% of o-dichlorobenzene.

3. Hooker/ Raschiq Process

C6H6 + HCl + ½ O2 (AIR) C6H5Cl + H2O

C6H5Cl + H2O C6H5OH + HCl

This process is conducted at elevated temperature which is in the range of 230 to 270 ℃.
This process involve the reaction between benzene and mixture of hydrochloric acid gas and air in
the presence of an oxychlorination catalyst. This catalyst consists of copper and iron chlorides on
an inert support. Once-through conversion for this process is limited (10 – 15 percent ) to prevent
the excessive formation of polychlorobenzene. The catalyst is put in the beds to prevent damage
since this process is exothermic process. In order to control the overall temperature, the benzene
is injected at lower temperature. This process is then followed by purification of
monochlorobenzene which can be done by fed the product from the reactor into the distillation
column which is known as brick-lined column.
The top stream of this column contain water/benzene azeotrope while at the bottom are 1/1
mixture of benzene and chlorobenzenes. The top product which is benzene and water is recycled
back into the reactor while the bottom products which are benzene and chlorobenzene is
neutralized with caustic soda, washed with water and distillate in two columns to separate the
dichlorobenzene, monochlorobenzene and benzene. Then the process is followed by hydrolysis of
the monochlorobenzene by steam in the presence of tricalcium phosphate or silica gel base catalyst
which can be reactivated periodically to reduce carbon deposited. The formation of
dichlorobenzene in the oxychlorination reaction and the polyphenols in the hydrolysis process
reduce the yield.

The process contains a few disadvantages. The high temperature in the process favours
high combustion rates of benzene which cause the reaction uncontrollable. Compare to the other
process, this process produce high cost of vapour phase chlorination process which make it become
uneconomical process for the production of monochlorobenzene. This process also can only
produce small amount of chlorobenzene since this once-through conversion is limited.
Comparison between the three process


Raw Material  Benzene  Benzene

 Hydrochloric acid  Chlorine
 Oxygen (air)
Reaction Conditions Temperature at range 220 ℃ - Temperature at range 20℃ -
260℃ and in gas-phase
40℃ and in liquid -phase
Reactor Fixed-Bed Reactor Continuous Stirrer Tank
Catalyst Copper and iron chloride Ferric chloride

Advantages  Large economic  Lower operating

advantages because labor
HCl produce in the  Simple operation 
hydrolysis of liquid phase
chlorobenzene can be  High conversion of
used for the benzene (95%)
oxychlorination of  High production of
benzene. monochlorobenzene
 Economy in steam  Produce less by
and cooling required products  only
for evaporating and small amount of
condensing the dichlorobenzene.
 Less purification
Disadvantages  Produce many by-  High cost of
products  equipments
dichlorobenzene,  Required special
trichlorobenzene, material of
tetrachlorobenzene construction for very
and others. low temperature.
 The benzene
conversion is

 The reaction is
because of the high
 High cost of vapour
phase chlorination
 Has large investment
for corrosion-
resistants 
hydrochloric acid is
highly corrosive

Raw Material  Benzene

 Chlorine
Reaction Conditions Temperature at range of 40℃ - 60℃ and in

Reactor Batch Reactor

Catalyst Ferric chloride

Advantages  High production of

monochlorobenzene compare raschiq
 Low cost of factory equipment
because of the simple design of batch
 Reaction it easy to control due to low
Disadvantages  Lower conversion compare to
continuous (80%).
 Produce higher amount of by-
products  dichlorobenzene
 Only can produce small scale
 Require strict scheduling and control.
 Higher operating labor costs due to
equipment cleaning and preparation
 Many people need to operate the

Based on the review and screening, the most suitable process for the production of the
monochlorobenzene is by continuous process. The process was selected because it is more
beneficial compare to batch process and Raschig process. The selection is based on a few important
criteria that need to be considering in this process. One of the criteria is continuous process can
give higher conversion of monochlorobenzene which is 95% conversion. Besides, the temperature
used for this process is only between 20℃- 40℃ . At this low temperature, the operating cost can
be reduced because it does not required heating process. Furthermore it is easy to handle the
reaction at low temperature and this range of the temperature is the best temperature to produce
high amount of the monochlorobenzene. Furthermore, the continuous process also produce high
amount of monochlorobenzene and small amount of dichlorobenzene compared to the other two
processes that produce dichlorobenzene, tri-chlorobenzene, penta-chlorobenzene and also tetra-
chlorobenzene. Another criteria is, for this process the benzene that been used is in liquid phase
which is cheaper compared if we used benzene in vapor phase. Therefore, it indirectly can reduce
the operating cost. Other than that, the continuous process only need a bit of workforce. So, only
a few workers need to be hired and it indirectly also can reduce the labor cost.
Review of the process production of monochlorobenzene from benzene and
chlorine (from question)

Liquid benzene (which must contain less than 30 ppm by weight of water) is fed into a
reactor system consisting of two continuous stirred tanks operating in series at 2.4 bar. Gaseous
chlorine is fed in parallel to both tanks. Ferric chloride acts as an catalyst produce in situ by the
action of the hydrogen chloride on mild steel. Cooling is required to maintain the operating
temperature at 328K. The hydrogen chloride gas leaving the reactor is first cooled to condense
most of the organic impurities. It then passes to an activated carbon adsorber where the final traces
of the impurity are removed before it leaves the plant for use elsewhere.

The crude liquid chlorobenzenes stream leaving the second reactor is washed with water
and caustic soda solution to remove all the dissolved hydrogen chloride. The product recovery
system consists of two distillation columns in series. In the first column (the “benzene column”)
unreacted benzene is recovered as top product and recycled. In the second (the “chlorobenzene
column”) the mono- and dichloro-benzenes are separated. The recovered benzene from the first
column is mixed with the raw benzene feed, and this combined stream is fed to a distillation
column (the “drying column”) where water is removed as overhead. The benzene stream from the
bottom of the drying column is fed to the reaction system.
Plant Location & Site Selection
It is important to have a proper selection of the location of the plant. The geographical location of
the plant could give a very strong influence to the success of the plant/industry itself. During the
selection of the site of the plant, it is crucial to always keep in mind the objectives of the company.
This will lead to a very careful considerations on the various factors that could make the plant to
give a big contributions towards its working environment and thus, making it into an economically
viable unit.

Any mistakes in selecting the plant location could lead to undesired situations or problems to occur,
such as; a higher cost and investment, the difficulties in both marketing and transporting of the
products, dissatisfaction of the employees and customers, as well as interruptions in the production
process and an excessive wastage. Therefore, a complete survey of both the advantages and
disadvantages of the various areas should be made prior to selecting the final site/location of the
plant. The following are the list of the factors that should be taken into considerations during the
selection of the site of the plant:

1. Location, with respect to the marketing area

2. Raw material supply
3. Transport facilities
4. Availability of labour
5. Availability of utilities
6. Availability of suitable land
7. Environmental impact (including the waste/effluent disposal)
8. Local community considerations
9. Climate
10. Political and strategic considerations

Other than those listed above, the room for expansion and safe living conditions of the operating
plant are also important in the site selection. The following are the details on how the above factors
affect the site selection of the plant.
1. Location with Respect to Marketing Area

The cost of an industrial land depends on few factors such as the physical characteristic of the land,
market economic conditions and most of all its location, with respect to the marketing area. The
price of the land site should be as economical as possible to reduce the total investment and
construction cost of the plant. It is important to choose the lowest reasonable land price, with good
storage and handling infrastructures. The price of the land can be referred to the real estate agency.
For materials that are produced in large or bulk quantities, it is important that the proposed plant
site should be located as close to the primary market so that the cost of transportation can be
maximized. Other considerations include the demand of the product within the area and the
availability of the raw materials suppliers should also be taken.

2. Raw Material Supply

This is one of the most important factors taken into consideration whenever a selection of plant
location/site is made. The nearness of the source of the raw materials for the production of
Chlorobenzene (which are benzene and chlorine) has to be considered since this will influence
both the transportation and storage charges of the raw materials. This is very important especially
if large volumes of raw materials are needed for the Chlorobenzene production process. The nearer
the source of the raw materials could reduce the transportation and storage charges. Attention
should also be given to the price as well as the purity of the raw materials themselves.

3. Transport Facilities

They are three forms of major transport facilities, which are the road network (land-port), seaport
and airport. A plant site should be close to at least two of this major form of transport in order to
boost the import-export activities. Land-port can be connected via road or railway. Road transport
using lorry, etc. is suitable for local distribution from a central warehouse while rail transport using
the train is used for long-distance transport of bulk chemical because is cheaper. Good road linkage
will aid in the selling of product to local customer. Seaport facilities is connected via waterway
such as canal, river and sea; using tankers that is usually practiced if involving import and
exportation of product and raw materials with other country. Meanwhile, air transport using the
airplane, helicopter, etc. is convenient and efficient for the movement of personnel and essential
equipment and supplies. Transportation factor also important in case of emergency such as an
accident at the plant site for example fire at the workplace. Good road linkage from the site to the
nearest fire station can prevent further property damage if this kind of accident happens.

4. Availability of Labour

This factor has been in the top 10 list (ranked by the Area Development Corporate Survey) of the
important factors in site selection. The location of the plant should have sufficient available labors
to be employed. Labors are needed for the construction as well as for running the plant. The
availability of both the skilled and semi-skilled labors will lead to the efficiency of the operating
plant itself. For example, when a large amount of money is invested by a plant, the needs of the
skilled labors become very important in order to ensure the operations in the plant could run
smoothly. Also, skilled labors such as the electricians and pipe fitters are important in the
maintenance of the plant. Unskilled labors however are important as well for training in operating
the plant.

5. Availability of Services such as Utilities, Water, Fuel, Power

Water, electricity and fuel are very important factors in site selection to ensure the plant can be
operated smoothly. Nearness to the available power facility will reduce the plant operation cost.
Most chemical processes required a large quantity of water for cooling process and general use.
Thus, the plant needs to be located near to the source of water of suitable quality which is usually
near to coastal (sea) area or lake. Other source for this process water may come from a river, deep
wells, and reservoirs or even purchased from a local authority. Electrical power is a must at all
sites, without electrical power, the plant might be shut down. Therefore the availability of power
plants near to the plant site is very important. Stable and uninterrupted power of required
magnitude, without fluctuations in voltage and frequency is important for the successful operation
of the plant. Other than that, a reasonably competitive priced fuel is important for steam and power

6. Availability of Suitable Land

It is important to first examine carefully the characteristics of the proposed plant site. This means
that the topography of the tract of land and the structure of the soil has to be considered and
examined very well. It should be noted that either the land or the soil of the proposed site could
affect the cost of the construction. The characteristic of the land that is considered as the most
suitable for the construction of a new plant is for it to be flat, well drained and having suitable
load-bearing characteristics. Even though there is no immediate expansion is, it is best for a new
plant to be constructed at a location with an additional space (for future changes).

7. Environmental Impact, Including Effluent Disposal

A plant site needs a smooth operation to maximize the production but in the same time release the
minimum amount of waste or effluent so that cause less impact to the environment. For example,
constructing a site next to sea coastal may be convenient for cooling water supply but it will cause
harm to the local aquatic ecosystem in the water through excessive withdrawals or thermal
pollution (from discharges of hot cooling water). All industrial processes will produce waste
products. The site selected must have efficient disposal system such as drainage and dumping site.
Disposal of toxic and harmful effluent need to follow the local regulations, and during the site
survey, appropriate authorities need to be consulted to determine the standards that must be met.

8. Local Community Considerations

The proposed plant site should also consider the opinions of the community nearby the location of
the plant. The proposed site should be accepted by the local community. It must be ensured that
the plant that is going to be constructed at the proposed site will not cause any risks to the local
community nearby. The health hazards should be kept at its minimum with all the safety
precautions taken as one of the priority in the construction of the plant.

9. Climate
The characteristics features of the climate of Malaysia are uniform temperature, high humidity and
copious rainfall with winds that are generally light. A suitable climate can ensure the plant to
operate smoothly and productively. Some natural disaster such as flood, earthquake, typhoon, etc.
that occur at the plant location may increase the cost of operation. Thus, careful site consideration
needs to be taken to avoid choosing site with adverse climatic conditions. In Malaysia, cases where
major disasters such as earthquake or typhoon occur very little; the weather condition is influenced
by the Northeast and Southwest monsoon. The Southwest monsoon season usually occur in end of
May to September with wind flow is generally light below 15 knots. Meanwhile, the Northwest
monsoon occurs in early November to March with wind speed ranging from 10 to 20 knots. During
the two inter-monsoon seasons, the winds are generally light and variable. Stronger structure need
to be built at locations subject to high winds. Annual rainfall in Malaysia is found to be around
2500 mm per year. Rain falls most heavily during the monsoon season, which is from the end of
September to early January for East Malaysia and December to March for West Malaysia.
Malaysia is a tropical country that has a daily temperature that varies around 25 to 27 degrees
Celsius. The maximum is about 32oC, while the minimum is about 21oC daily. Highest humidity
is achieved during the night and dawn, while the relative humidity value drops to minimum around
midday where bright sunlight appears.

10. Political & Strategic Considerations

Subsidies and concessions from the government are provided for industries located in certain
notified areas. Those areas are the ones that have been declared as industrially backward where
low wages, cheap power and tax concessions are offered by the government.
The Several Strategic Locations as the Site For The Manufacture Of Chlorobenzene

In order to find the most suitable site location for the production of Chlorobenzene (with
20000KMT/year of Mono-Chlorobenzene and not less than 2000KMT/year of Di-Chlorobenzene),
all the 10 factors stated previously has been considered during the survey of several possible sites.
The three main sites that have been considered are as listed below:

i. Tanjung Langsat, Johor

ii. Gebeng Industrial Estate, Pahang
iii. Kerteh Industrial Park, Terengganu

Tanjung Langsat Industrial Complex, Johor

Iskandar Malaysia which is a development corridor conducted in the southern part of Johor. It is
also known as the South Johor Economic Region (SJER). One of the main components of Iskandar
Malaysia is as the centre of industrial and manufacturing activities which covers up to 31,132
hector of Pasir Gudang region. The Major Economic Zone D includes the Pasir Gudang Port, Pasir
Gudang Industrial Park, Tanjung Langsat Port as well as the Tanjung Langsat Industrial Complex.

It is located for about 48km in eastern of Johor Bahru and 8km from the Pasir Gudang industrial
area with population of around 100,000 people. One of the main economic activities of Pasir
Gudang involves chemicals, oleo chemicals, biofuels and etc. The Tanjung langsat Industrial
Complex symbolizes the continuation of the existence of the industrial area of Pasir Gudang and
it covers an area of 4,198.52 acres which is reserved for light, medium, and heavy industries. On
the other hand, the Tanjung Langsat Industrial Park which covers up to 3764 acres of land has
been one of the most successful industrial estates in Malaysia with a tank farm facility being
developed for the chemical storage.

This location has good connectivity in terms of the transport facilities. It currently is connected by
the four-lane Pasir Gudang Highway, a trunk road and a railway line to Johor Bahru. This would
therefore ease the transportation process of raw materials (chlorine and benzene) since the supplier
of these raw materials are also available in Johor Bahru (HG Chemicals Technology Sdn. Bhd.)
which is only 48km away from Tanjung Langsat. Other than that, the Senai-Desaru Expressway
makes it possible for the traffic from the north of Johor Bahru to have an easy access to the Tanjung
Langsat Industrial Complex through the 5km four-lane dual carriage road that links Tanjung
Langsat to the expressway. Also, this location has seaport nearby (Tanjung Langsat Port that is
located adjacent to the 4,000 acres of the industrial land) which would make it easier for the import
and export activity of the Chlorobenzene product. Tanjung Langsat Port is designed especially to
handle the bulk cargo (LPG and hazardous chemicals). Other than that, Senai Airport is also
available for personal businesses.

The available area for the industrial activities in Tanjung Langsat is about 2709.94 acres with the
price ranging from RM12 – RM14 per square feet (for a 30yr + 30yr lease period). In terms of the
available utilities, the current water supply by the Syarikat Air Johor Holdings Bhd (SAJH) to the
industrial areas in Iskandar Malaysia is adequate. On the other hand, natural gas is used for the
power generation in Malaysia with 24% of the NG being used in heavy industries whereas 4% is
used in the housing, commercial and other industrial areas. Supply of NG is made by the Petronas
Gas Bhd via pipelines to the factories.

In reference to Ramli, Abdul Rahim (2007), the environmental impact of the industrial activities
in the Tanjung Langsat area has showed that the industrial development had given positive impacts
to the local community in terms of their income, infrastructure as well as public facilities.
However, it also creates negative impacts such as pollution of air & water and limitation of area
for fishing activities around the Tanjung Langsat. Next, considering the climatic factor, as stated
earlier, a suitable climate can ensure the plant to operate smoothly and productively. Natural
disasters that occur at the plant location may increase the cost of operation. Thus, it is important
to avoid choosing site with adverse climatic conditions. The possibilities of the occurrence of
natural disasters in Malaysia are very low. Thus, it could be concluded here that in terms of climatic
factor, Tanjung Langsat is also suitable for the site location. Next, the rapid development of the
industry in the Pasir Gudang Tanjung Langsat has led to the shortage of manpower or labor to
carry out all the operations in the plant. Though some industries have implemented the automated
systems, but the need of manpower is still high.

Lastly, it is important to have the targeted marketing area as close as possible to the site location.
Chlorobenzene is used mostly in the manufacture of pesticides, dyes, and rubber. Thus, it is
important to have the site close to the manufacturer of these three materials. In Johor, there are
few rubber industries which are located at Skudai, Johor Bahru which are LekSeng Rubber
Industries and N.K. Rubber (M) SDN. BHD.

Gebeng Industrial Estate, Pahang

Gebeng Industrial Estate (GIE) has developed rapidly over the past 20 years where it first started
in early 90s by the Pahang State Development Corporation (PSDC). GIE is located in Kuantan,
Pahang, Malaysia which consist of four development phases that have about 8600 hectares of land
and is a world-class petrochemical and chemical industrial zone. It is located 25 km from Kuantan
Town and 250 km from Kuala Lumpur; and is strategically located only 5 km from the Kuantan
Port. GIE also offers a wide variety of facilities for the investors. For example, the Gebeng bypass
that links Kuala Lumpur and Kuantan directly via the East Coast Highway which eases the trafiic
flow from the industrial estate to Kuantan Port. Pahang State Government has continuously
upgrading the infrastructures around the area mainly its transportation facilities. For example, the
railway link that connects Kuantan Port-Gebeng-Kerteh to ensure the import and export activities
runs smoothly.

1. Location, with respect to the marketing area

 Distance from nearest town :

o 25 km from Kuantan town
o 250 km from Kuala Lumpur city
- Using land transport is 2 hours drive and by air is 45 minutes.
 Distance from nearest port :
o 5 km from Kuantan Port
- This is very strategic; close proximity to the port save the logistics costs
and promotes imports-exports activities.
 Market Demand:
o Chlorobenzene is widely used in pesticide business. Within the Pahang State itself,
there are many pesticide or pest control company that required chlorobenzene for
its production, for example:
- Rentokil Pest Control Kuantan, BINS Pest Control, Kilpest (Pahang) Sdn
Bhd, Prima Pest Control & Services, etc. which is all located in Kuantan,
o Chlorobenzene also used in synthesis of rubber for example in manufacturing of
tire and furniture. There are a lot of tires and rubber-based furniture company in
area near to Gebeng such as Uts Tyre Service (Kuantan) Sdn Bhd and TWINS
Furniture Manufacture.
o Other than that, chlorobenzene also involve in the production of herbicide that
widely used to kill weed. Weed killer is popular among farmers and also landscape

2. Raw material supply

 The raw materials needed for production of chlorobenzene are chlorine and benzene. There
are many suppliers for benzene near to Gebeng, for example PETRONAS Chemicals
Group Berhad (PCG) which is located at Gebeng too. Since Gebeng Industrial Estate is
located near to Kuantan Port, the availability of raw materials should not be a problem as
it can be exported from outside of Gebeng.

3. Transport facilities
a) Road facilities:
i. Highway
- East Coast Highway that links Kuantan and Kuala Lumpur which is only 2
hours drive away.
- Gebeng Bypass Road is being planned to further enhance the traffic flow
between the main road and Gebeng.
- Kuantan Bypass Road will be widened to eased the traffic congestion.
- Federal Road (Kuantan-Kerteh-Kuala Terengganu)
- Federal Road (Kuantan-Segamat)
- Federal Road (Kuantan-Karak-Kuala Lumpur)
ii. Railway
- Have a railway link that connects the integrated petrochemical complex in
Kerteh (Terengganu) to Gebeng and Kuantan Port. This railway link has
strengthen the chemical and petrochemical linkage between Gebeng and other
industrial centers by which it ensures a much more safer form of transporting
dangerous goods by train rather than by road.

b) Airport facilities:
- The nearby airport to Gebeng is the Kuantan Airport. Since airport transportation
is used to ease the movement of personnel and essential equipment and supplies
from Gebeng to other places, Kerteh Airport and Kuala Lumpur International
Airport (KLIA) also available for this purpose.

c) Seaport facilities:
- The main seaport facility in Gebeng is Kuantan Port which is only located 5 km
from the industrial estate. (*More details about Kuantan Port are described in
latter section.)
- Other seaports that connect with Kuantan Port are Kemaman Port and Kerteh Minor
Port for better transport of goods for import and exports activities.

4. Availability of labour
 Labors, of both the skilled and semi-skilled labors are needed for the construction as well
as for running the plant. Training institution with customized courses are available such as:
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Indera Mahkota
- Institut Latihan Perindustrian
- Politeknik Sultan Ahmad Shah (POLISAS)
- Institut Kemajuan Ikhtisas Pahang (IKIP)
5. Availability of utilities

a) Electricity
 The main electricity supplier in Gebeng Industrial Estate is Tenaga Nasional Berhad
(TNB) which supply 132/11 kV main intake for Phase I and II; and for Phase III, there
are two sources of electricity available which are Centralized Utility Facilities (CUF)
and 12/275 kV main intake.
 Other sources of electricity may be from the nearest electric generators which are:
- Paka Power Plant
- IPP YTL Power Generation Sdn. Bhd.
- Tasik Kenyir Hydro-Electric

b) Water Supply
 The main water supply in Gebeng Industrial Estate is from the Semambu Water
Treatment Plant with capacity of 2 MG/D.
 Others are from the reservoirs at Bukit Penggorak with capacity of 2 MG/D and 1.5
MG/D; and reservoirs at Bukit Merah with capacity of 0.5 MG/D and 1.0 MG/D.
 Government of Pahang have taken few steps in order to ensure efficient water supply
in Gebeng which are:
i. Increase the water supply to 64 MG/D
ii. Building of a new 200 acres dam in Sungai Lembing, Kuantan
iii. Building of new pipes and water tanks in Gebend Industrial Estate

c) Natural gas utility

 The current natural gas suppliers for Gebeng Industrial Estate are Gas Malaysia and
Petronas Gas Berhad which supply gases within the estate to fulfil the tremendous
demand for existing and further petrochemical projects in the area.
 Other than that, availability of natural gases, Butane and Propane are supplied by the
Peninsular Gas Utilization Network (PGU).
d) Telecommunications
 Telecommunication services such as Integrated Systems Digital Network (ISDN),
digital line, MAYPAC, Internet and video conferencing in Gebeng is supplied by the
Telekom Malaysia.

e) Fire Fighting facilities

 As one of the most developed industrial estate in the nation with various kinds of plant,
factory, buildings, etc., Gebeng Industrial Estate is built near to the Pahang Fire and
Rescue Department in order to handle any emergencies. In addition, near to Gebeng
area is also the Petronas Centralized Emergency Facilities. Both of these stations are
equipped with HAZMAT (hazardous material) facilities.
 Alliance between Government agencies and private manufactures in Gebeng has set up
a voluntary crisis management organization called the Gebeng Emergency Mutual Aid
(GEMA) which is to execute proactive action and offer expert services to overcome
emergencies situation.

f) Piperack link
 Centralized Tankage Facilities which is located at Kuantan Port links Gebeng and
Kuantan Port with a common piperack / pipeline network to transport gases.

6. Availability of suitable land

 The preferable type of industrial activities in Gebeng Industrial Estate is chemical,
petrochemical and general.
 The land / site available are originated from the State Land.
 There are four development phases available in Gebeng Industrial Estate, which is very
convenient for additional space needed for future changes such as expansion of plant and
so on. They are Gebeng Phase I with space 700 acres (283.28 hectares), Gebeng Phase II
with 1400 acres (566.57 hectares), Gebeng Phase III with 2500 acres (1,011.73 hectares)
and Gebeng Phase IV with 4000 acres (1,618.76 hectares).
 Land price (RM psf) : (Note: Price change without notice)
- RM16.00 per square feet (Industrial Lot Ready Land)
- RM20.00 per square feet (Small Medium Enterprise- SME
Lot 129 Complete with infrastructure)
- RM12.00 per square feet (Raw Land)
 The leasehold for the site is 99 years upon the issuance of titles.
 Total Planned Area is about 2468.60 hectares, Total Land Developed around 2408.08
hectares; and the Total Land Available is 1,528.5 hectares.
 Quit Rent per Annum (RM) is subjected to RM15.00 for every 100 m2 portion of it for the
first 2 hectares and RM10.00 for every 100 m2 or portion of it subject to a minimal taxation
of RM150.00 per ownership.
 The Annual Assessment is 7% of the property / land value.

Kerteh Industrial Park, Terengganu

Kerteh also known as Kertih, is a town in the district of Kemaman in southern Terengganu,
Malaysia. Kerteh is the base of operations for Petronas in Terengganu, overseeing the oil platform
operations off the state's coast as well as petrochemicals production and crude oil refining in nearby

Terengganu is known with its industrial land being the cheapest among the other lands in Malaysia.
It ranges from RM0.18 – RM5.60 per square foot. Other states land price usually ranging from as
low as RM2.00 – RM4.50 psf to as high as RM18.00 – RM22.00 psf. The land price in Kerteh
Industrial Area is ranging from RM9 - RM14 psf. While for land with ready-built factories with
pre-installed facilities like broadband, water and power, which reduces the time required to get a
project off the ground is ranging from RM45 - RM60 per square meter.

As for the utilities supply, the Centralized Utility Facility (CUF) which is located in Kerteh
operates independently of the national grid. CUF supplies wide range of industrial utilities to the
selected industrial area. This includes the electricity, steam, industrial gases as well as other by-
products (de-mineralized water, raw water, cooling water, effluent treatment and etc.). Since power
is generated by CUF from natural gas. Thus, it is less prone to lighting and power surges in the
grid, and therefore making it an efficient source of utilities. The availability of this facility allows
the Kerteh industrial area to save up to 20% of its operating and investment costs since they do not
need to build any extra infrastructure to generate utilities.

In terms of closeness of the plant with the targeted markets, for the Kerteh Industrial Park, this
location is quite close with the Mardec Processing Sdn. Bhd. (MPSB) Kuala Berang Factory which
manufactures rubber (one of the product in which the process of the production uses
chlorobenzene). The distance between Kerteh and Kuala Berang is about 108km difference.
Another targeted market is the manufacturer of pesticide which is the Felda Agricultural Services
Sdn Bhd located Kuala Lumpur. The distance between Kerteh and Kuala Lumpur is about 326km

One of the raw materials suppliers that provide benzene for production of chlorobenzene in Kerteh
Industrial Park is Aromatics Malaysia Sdn Bhd in conjunction with PETRONAS, MJPX Co. Ltd.
that was built in July 2000. It has a capacity of 188,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) Benzene.
Meanwhile, liquid chlorine may be supplied by Malay-Sino Chemical Industrial Sdn Bhd which
is located in Kemaman Terengganu. This somehow increases the transportation cost of raw
materials since raw materials are obtained from two different suppliers.

As a developed town, Kerteh is equipped with a good transportation facility. As for road facilities,
Kerteh Industrial Area is located within the East Coast Industrial Corridor (ECIC) of Pennisular
Malaysia and also Kerteh-Kuantan Port Railway Line is available for transportation of goods via
train. The railway is 77 km is a single-track line that links Kerteh Petrochemical Complex in
Terengganu with Kuantan Port in Pahang with a direct connection to Gebeng Industrial Estate.
East Coast Expressway is the highway that connects Kerteh, Terengganu with Kuala Lumpur. As
in terms of airport facility, Kerteh Airport is available, that is only 3.54 km to Kerteh town center.
This airport is owned and operated by Petroleum Nasional Berhad (Petronas), and was built to
serve the purpose of airlifting its employees and ExxonMobil employees to their various oil
platforms located 100–200 km offshore South China Sea. Other than that, this airport is also used
to transport Petronas and ExxonMobil employee from Kerteh to Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport,
Subang near to Kuala Lumpur. As for seaport facility, Kertih Port Marine Terminal which is
operated by Petronas Penapisan Sdn Bhd is available in the South China Sea. The supporting
Kerteh marine facilities include six berths that can accommodate chemical tankers of up to 40,000
tonnes. Another port is the Kemaman Port which is situated only 7 km from Kerteh, about 9
minutes of travel via road.
Comparison Among The Possible Sites (Using Concept Screening & Scoring)

For the concept screening of the potential sites, only five main criterions are considered and
evaluated. The criterions are as follow:

Criterion Alternatives
1 (Gebeng) 2 (Reference:Kertih) 3 (Tanjung Langsat)
1  Kuantan Town  Kuala Berang (108km)  Targeted markets are
(25 km)  Kuala Lumpur (326km) located in Skudai,
 Kuala Lumpur Johor
(250 km)
 Targeted markets are
mainly located in Kuantan,
+ 0 +
2  Benzene supplied from  2 suppliers: Kemaman,  48km from Tanjung
PETRONAS Chemicals 41.9km and in Kerteh Langsat
Group Berhad (PCG) in  Increase in transportation
Gebeng itself. cost

-- 0 +
3  East Coast Highway  Kerteh-Kuantan Port  Four-lane Pasir Gudang
 Gebeng Bypass Road Railway Line Highway, a trunk road
 Kuantan Bypass Road  East Coast Expressway and a railway line
 Federal Road  Kerteh Airport  Senai-Desaru
 Kerteh-Kuantan Port  Kertih Port Marine Expressway
Railway Line Terminal  Tanjung Langsat Port
 Kuantan Airport  Senai Airport
 Kuantan Port
+ 0 +
4  Centralized Utility Facility  Centralized Utility  SAJH (water supply)
(CUF) Facility (CUF)  Petronas Gas Bhd.
 Centralised Tankage (power supply)
+ 0 0
5  RM12 – RM16  RM 9 – RM 14  RM 12 - RM14
-- 0 --
Total 2 0 2
Rank 1 3 1
Where the criterion are as follow:

 1 = Location, with respect to the marketing area

 2 = Raw material supply
 3 = Transport facilities
 4 = Availability of utilities
 5 = Availability of suitable land

Based on the concept scoring, both proposed sites which are in Gebeng Industrial Estate, Pahang
and Tanjung Langsat Industrial Complex, Johor has a higher ranking than the reference site in
Kerteh Industrial Area, Terengganu. Therefore, both proposed sites are further judged in the
concept scoring as shown below.

Criterion Weight 1 3
1 35% 5 4
2 25% 2 4
3 15% 5 4
4 20% 5 3
5 5% 2 2
Total Score 4.10 3.70
Rank 1 2

By comparing both proposed sites that have passed the concept scoring, it was found that the best
alternative is the one with the highest score which is the Gebeng Industrial Estate with total score
of 4.10 against Tanjung Langsat Industrial Complex with total score of 3.70. Thus, Gebeng
Industrial Estate has been chosen as the site location for the production of Chlorobenzene.
Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
 PFD for the production of Chlorobenzene
Heat and Material Balance Table
Substream: MIXED
Mole Flow lbmol/hr
C6H6 70.21297 0.0 0.0 62.34210 70.21297 0.0 0.0 7.870874 7.870874 0.0 0.0 70.21297 41.42565 7.870874 7.870874 0.0 0.0 0.0
CL2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 139.0676 139.0676 73.01193 0.0 0.0 73.01193 0.0 40.74648 73.01193 0.0 69.53380 69.53380 0.0
HCL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.05566 0.0 0.0 66.05566 0.0 28.78732 66.05566 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
C6H5CL 0.0 58.62853 .0165002 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 58.62853 58.62853 58.61203 0.0 0.0 28.78732 58.62853 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
P-DIC-01 0.0 3.713564 3.555722 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.713564 3.713564 .1578421 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.713564 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
H2O 0.0 0.0 0.0 .3132769 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .3132769 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .3132769
Total Flow lbmol/hr 70.21297 62.34210 3.572202 62.65538 70.21297 139.0676 139.0676 209.2806 70.21297 58.76990 139.0676 70.52625 139.7468 209.2806 7.870874 69.53380 69.53380 .3132769
Total Flow lb/hr 5484.591 7145.040 524.5567 4875.412 5484.591 9860.644 9860.644 15345.23 7759.862 6620.482 7585.372 5490.235 10414.91 15345.23 614.8226 4930.322 4930.322 5.643771
Total Flow cuft/hr 104.9297 109.3135 7.829402 89.47071 33431.60 53581.76 60176.79 87193.84 121.4675 110.9598 65951.02 104.9700 12598.08 24653.12 3648.030 30088.40 30088.40 .0941140
Temperature F 138.0930 184.7300 384.5992 76.73000 201.0930 67.73000 130.7300 184.7300 184.7300 306.0184 184.7300 138.0930 130.7300 130.7300 184.7300 130.7300 130.7300 138.0930
Pressure psia 14.50377 14.50377 24.65642 14.50377 14.50377 14.50377 14.50377 14.50377 14.50377 24.65642 14.50377 14.50377 34.80906 34.80906 14.50377 14.50377 14.50377 14.50377
Vapor Frac 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 .8830702 0.0 0.0 1.000000 0.0 .5022436 .6563256 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.0
Liquid Frac 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 .1169298 1.000000 1.000000 0.0 1.000000 .4977564 .3436744 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.000000
Solid Frac 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Enthalpy Btu/lbmol 23377.86 7694.139 3344.977 20857.45 38298.11 -108.7071 410.5660 -5323.835 9618.068 13315.22 -18048.10 22758.96 632.5283 -9539.589 37895.68 410.5660 410.5660 -1.2252E+5
Enthalpy Btu/lb 299.2802 67.13311 22.77911 268.0454 490.2871 -1.533129 5.790335 -72.60725 87.02643 118.1989 -330.8876 292.3561 8.487232 -130.1023 485.1353 5.790335 5.790335 -6800.626
Enthalpy Btu/hr 1.64143E+6 4.79669E+5 11948.94 1.30683E+6 2.68902E+6 -15117.63 57096.43 -1.1142E+6 6.75313E+5 7.82534E+5 -2.5099E+6 1.60510E+6 88393.78 -1.9965E+6 2.98272E+5 28548.22 28548.22 -38381.17
Entropy Btu/lbmol-R -56.41256 -55.26235 -49.08018 -59.44399 -32.88386 -.1537557 .7762084 -9.876595 -54.42879 -48.51741 3.913583 -56.24713 -26.65722 -17.91827 -33.50052 .7762084 .7762084 -38.00291
Entropy Btu/lb-R -.7221858 -.4821766 -.3342333 -.7639324 -.4209746 -2.1685E-3 .0109471 -.1346985 -.4924839 -.4306881 .0717502 -.7225372 -.3576852 -.2443720 -.4288690 .0109471 .0109471 -2.109482
Density lbmol/cuft .6691428 .5703057 .4562548 .7002893 2.10020E-3 2.59543E-3 2.31098E-3 2.40018E-3 .5780390 .5296502 2.10865E-3 .6718707 .0110927 8.48901E-3 2.15757E-3 2.31098E-3 2.31098E-3 3.328696
Density lb/cuft 52.26918 65.36284 66.99831 54.49171 .1640541 .1840299 .1638612 .1759899 63.88425 59.66557 .1150152 52.30290 .8267063 .6224461 .1685355 .1638612 .1638612 59.96739
Average MW 78.11364 114.6102 146.8441 77.81315 78.11364 70.90540 70.90540 73.32374 110.5189 112.6509 54.54450 77.84668 74.52704 73.32374 78.11364 70.90540 70.90540 18.01528
Liq Vol 60F cuft/hr 99.54653 102.8150 6.490596 88.47795 99.54653 113.3212 113.3212 230.1390 113.9742 96.32442 116.1649 99.63711 163.8012 230.1390 11.15917 56.66059 56.66059 .0905787
Material Balance

Basis being used: 330 days/year of operation.

In which, it is required to produce 50000 metric tonne/year of monochlorobenzene (MCB) with

not less than 2000 metric tonne/year of dichlorobenzene (DCB).

Balance Around Reactors

The reaction that occurred around the reactor is as follow:

Reaction 1 : C6H6 + Cl2 → C6H5Cl + HCl

Reaction 2 : C6H5Cl + Cl2 → C6H4Cl2 + HCl

 The balance around Reactor 1:

𝑛ሶ Cl2 = 69.53380 lbmol/hr


𝑛ሶ tot = 139.7468 lbmol/hr


𝑛ሶ tot = 70.21297 lbmol/hr 𝑥o B = 0.2964

𝑥B=1 𝑥 0 Cl2 = 0.2916
𝑥 o HCl = 0.2060
𝑥 o MCB = 0.2060

 Inlet streams:
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
B-IN = 1 × 70.21297 = 70.21297 B
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
SPLIT-1 = 1 × 69.53380 ℎ𝑟
= 69.53380 ℎ𝑟

 Components in outlet R1-OUT stream:

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
B = 0.2964 × 139.7468 ℎ𝑟
= 41.42 ℎ𝑟

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
Cl2 = 0.2916 × 139.7468 ℎ𝑟
= 40.75 ℎ𝑟

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
HCl = 0.2060 × 139.7468 = 28.79
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
MCB = 0.2060 × 139.7468 = 28.79
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
 The balance around Reactor 2:

𝑛ሶ Cl2 = 69.53380 lbmol/hr


𝑛ሶ tot = 139.7468 lbmol/hr R2
𝑛ሶ tot = 209.2806 lbmol/hr
𝑥B = 0.2964
𝑥 Cl2 = 0.2916 𝑥B = 0.0376
𝑥 HCl = 0.2060 𝑥 Cl2 = 0.3489
𝑥 MCB = 0.2060 𝑥 HCl = 0.3156
𝑥 MCB = 0.2801
𝑥 DCB = 0.0177
 Inlet streams:

For stream R1-OUT

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
= 0.2964 × 139.7468 ℎ𝑟
= 41.42 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
= 0.2916 × 139.7468 ℎ𝑟
= 40.75 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
= 0.2060 × 139.7468 ℎ𝑟
= 28.79 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
= 0.2060 × 139.7468 ℎ𝑟
= 28.79 ℎ𝑟

For stream SPLIT-2

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
= 1 × 69.53380 ℎ𝑟
= 69.53380 ℎ𝑟

 Components in outlet R2-OUT stream:

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
B = 0.0376 × 209.2806 ℎ𝑟
= 7.87 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
Cl2 = 0.3489 × 209.2806 ℎ𝑟
= 73.02 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
HCl = 0.3156 × 209.2806 ℎ𝑟
= 66.05 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
MCB = 0.2801 × 209.2806 ℎ𝑟
= 58.62 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
DCB = 0.0177 × 209.2806 ℎ𝑟
= 3.70 ℎ𝑟
Balance around Separator & DC
 The balance around the first separator 1:

Assumption is that all the water contained in the liquid benzene fed to the inlet stream of this
separator goes to the top stream of the separator:


𝑛ሶ tot = 0.3132769 lbmol/hr

𝑥 H2O = 1

𝑛ሶ tot = 70.52625 lbmol/hr

𝑥B = 0.9956
𝑥 H2O = 0.0044
𝑛ሶ tot = 70.21297 lbmol/hr

Balance for each component is as follow:

 B: inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.9956 × 70.52625 = 1 × 70.21297
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
70.215935 ≈ 70.21297
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

 H2O: inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.0044 × 70.52625 = 1 × 0.3132769
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.3103155 ≈ 0.3132769
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

 The balance around the separator 2:

Where hydrochloric acid and chlorine are removed in this step:


𝑛ሶ tot = 70.21297 lbmol/hr

𝑥B = 0.1121
𝑥 MCB = 0.8350
𝑥 DCB = 0.0529


𝑛ሶ tot = 209.2806 lbmol/hr

𝑛ሶ tot = 139.0676 lbmol/hr
𝑥B = 0.0376
𝑥 Cl2 = 0.3489 𝑥 HCl = 0.4750
𝑥 HCl = 0.3156 𝑥 Cl2 = 0.5250
𝑥 MCB = 0.2801
𝑥 DCB = 0.0177 HCL-OUT

Balance for each component is as follow:

 B: inlet = outlet
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.0376 × 209.2806 = 0.1121 × 70.21297
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
7.86895 ≈ 7.87087
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

 Cl2: inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.3489 × 209.2806 = 0.5250 × 139.0676
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
73.01800 ℎ𝑟
≈ 73.01049 ℎ𝑟

 HCl: inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.3156 × 209.2806 = 0.4750 × 139.0676
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
66.04896 ℎ𝑟
≈ 66.05711 ℎ𝑟

 MCB: inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.2801 × 209.2806 = 0.8350 × 70.21297
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
58.61950 ℎ𝑟
≈ 58.62783 ℎ𝑟
 DCB: inlet = oulet
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.0177 × 209.2806 = 0.0529 × 70.21297
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
3.70427 ℎ𝑟
≈ 3.71427 ℎ𝑟
 The balance around the separator 3:

Assumption is that all the benzene remained in the inlet stream of the separator goes to the top
stream of this unit and is recycled back together with the feed:


𝑛ሶ tot = 7.870874 lbmol/hr

𝑥B =1

DIST-1 Sep. 3

𝑛ሶ tot = 70.21297 lbmol/hr

𝑛ሶ tot = 62.34210 lbmol/hr
𝑥B = 0.1121
𝑥 MCB = 0.8350 𝑥 MCB = 0.9404
𝑥 DCB = 0.0529 𝑥 DCB = 0.0596


Balance for each component is as follow:

 B: inlet = outlet
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.1121 × 70.21297 = 1 × 7.870874
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
7.87087 ℎ𝑟
= 7.87084 ℎ𝑟

 MCB: inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.8350 × 70.21297 = 0.9404 × 62.34210
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
58.62783 ℎ𝑟
≈ 58.62651 ℎ𝑟
 DCB: inlet = oulet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.0529 × 70.21297 = 0.0596 × 62.34210
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
3.71427 ℎ𝑟
≈ 3.71559 ℎ𝑟
 The balance around the Chlorobenzene column:

Based on the process description, it is required to produce product with 99.7 wt% of MCB and
99.6 wt% of DCB:


𝑛ሶ tot = 58.76990 lbmol/hr

𝑥 MCB = 0.997
𝑥 DCB = 0.003

B-1 Column

𝑛ሶ tot = 62.34210 lbmol/hr

𝑥 MCB = 0.9404
𝑛ሶ tot = 3.572202 lbmol/hr
𝑥 DCB = 0.0596
𝑥 MCB = 0.0046
𝑥 DCB = 0.9954


Balance for each component is as follow:

 MCB: inlet = outlet
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.9404 × 62.34210 = (0.997 × 58.76990 + 0.0046 × 3.572202)
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
58.62651 ℎ𝑟
≈ 58.61002 ℎ𝑟
 DCB: inlet = oulet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.0596 × 62.34210 = (0.003 × 58.76990 + 0.9954 × 3.572202)
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
3.71559 ℎ𝑟
≈ 3.73208 ℎ𝑟
Balance around Heat Exchangers & Mixer/Splitter
 Balance around Mixer

𝑛ሶ tot = 7.870874 lbmol/hr
𝑥B= 1


𝑛ሶ tot = 70.52625 lbmol/hr

𝑥B = 0.9956
𝑛ሶ tot = 62.65538 lbmol/hr 𝑥 H2O = 0.0044

𝑥B = 0.995
𝑥 H2O = 0.005

Balance for each component:

 B: inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
(0.995 × 62.65538 + 1 × 7.870874) = 0.9956 × 70.52625
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
70.21298 ≈ 70.21593
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

 H2O: inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.005 × 62.65538 = 0.0044 × 70.52625
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.31328 ≈ 0.31032
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
 Balance around the Splitter

𝑛ሶ Cl2 = 69.53380 lbmol/hr

𝑛ሶ tot Cl2 = 139.0676 lbmol/hr

𝑛ሶ Cl2 = 69.53380 lbmol/hr


Balance for each component:

 Cl2 : inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
1 × 139.0676 = (1 × 69.53380 + 1 × 69.53380 )
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
139.0676 ≈ 139.0676 ℎ𝑟
 Balance around the HEATER:


𝑛ሶ tot = 70.21297 lbmol/hr 𝑛ሶ tot = 70.21297 lbmol/hr


 B: inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
1 × 70.21297 = 1 × 70.21297
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
70.21297 ≈ 70.21297 ℎ𝑟

 Balance around the HEATER2:

𝑛ሶ Cl2 = 69.53380 lbmol/hr 𝑛ሶ Cl2 = 69.53380 lbmol/hr

 B: inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
1 × 69.53380 = 1 × 69.53380
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
69.53380 ≈ 69.53380 ℎ𝑟

 Balance around CONDENSER:

𝑛ሶ tot = 209.2806 lbmol/hr 𝑛ሶ tot = 209.2806 lbmol/hr

𝑥B = 0.0376 𝑥B = 0.0376
𝑥 Cl2 = 0.3489 𝑥 Cl2 = 0.3489
𝑥 HCl = 0.3156 𝑥 HCl = 0.3156
𝑥 MCB = 0.2801 𝑥 MCB = 0.2801
𝑥 DCB = 0.0177 𝑥 DCB = 0.0177

Balance for each component:

 B: inlet = outlet
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.0376 × 209.2806 = 0.0376 × 209.2806
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
7.86895 ≈ 7.86895
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

 Cl2: inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.3489 × 209.2806 = 0.3489 × 209.2806
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
73.01800 ≈ 73.01800
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

 HCl: inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.3156 × 209.2806 = 0.3156 × 209.2806
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
66.04896 ≈ 66.04896
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

 MCB: inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.2801 × 209.2806 = 0.2801 × 209.2806
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
58.61950 ≈ 58.61950
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟

 DCB: inlet = outlet

𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
0.0177 × 209.2806 = 0.0177 × 209.2806
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙
3.70427 ≈ 3.70427
ℎ𝑟 ℎ𝑟
Energy Balance
Energy Balance For Reactors
 Energy Balance for reactor 1:

Overall chemical equation

C6H6 + C6H5Cl + 2Cl2  C6H5Cl + 2HCl + C6H4Cl2

∆𝐻𝑟 ° = (7.5 + 2(−92310) + (−42)) − (49 + 7.5 + 0)

= -184711 kJ/kmol

𝜀 = 31.85 − 18.79

= 13.06 kmol/hr

∆𝐻 = 𝜀∆𝐻𝑟 °

= 13. 06 kmol/hr X (-184711 kJ/kmol)

= −2.41 × 106 𝑘𝐽/ℎ𝑟

Cl2 = 31.54 kmol/hr

T=328K Total= 63.39 kmol/hr

C6H6=31.85 kmol/hr 0.2964 C6H6

0.2916 Cl2 T=328K
0.2060 HCl
0.2060 MCB

Reference C6H6, Cl2, HCl and MCB at 298℃

Component nin (kmol/hr) Hin (kJ/kmol) nout (kmol/hr) Hout(kJ/kmol)
C6H6 31.85 H1 18.79 H3
Cl2 31.54 H2 18.48 H4
HCl - - 13.06 H5
MCB - - 13.06 H6

H1= (Cp328 – Cp298 )

= 142.96 -136
= 6.92 kJ/kmol
H2 = ∫298 33.6 × 10−3 + 1.367 × 10−5 𝑇 − 1.607 × 10−8 𝑇 2 + 6.473 × 10−12 𝑇 3 𝑑𝑇
= 11.59 – 10.49
= 1.0992 kJ/kmol

H3= H1
= 6.92 kJ/kmol

H4 = H2
= 1.0992 kJ/kmol

H5 = ∫298 29.13 × 10−3 − 0.1341 × 10−5 𝑇 + 0.9715 × 10−8 𝑇 2 − 4.335 × 10−12 𝑇 3 𝑑𝑇
= 0.879 kJ/kmol

H6 = (Cp328 – Cp298 )
= 157.19 – 152
= 5.19 kJ/kmol

∆𝐻 = 𝜀∆𝐻𝑟 ° + ∑ 𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑡 − ∑ 𝑛𝑖𝑛 𝐻𝑖𝑛

= −2.41 × 106 ℎ𝑟 + ( (18.79×6.92)+(18.48×1.0992)+(13.06 ×0.879)
+(13.06×5.19)) – ( (31.85×6.92)+(31.54 × 1.0992))

= −2.41 × 106 + (229.60 – 255.07)

= −2.41 × 106 - 25.47
= −2410025.47 kJ/hr

𝑄 + 𝑊𝑠 = ∆𝐻 + ∆𝐸𝑘 + ∆𝐸𝑝

Where 𝑊𝑠 , ∆𝐸𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∆𝐸𝑝 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑜 𝑧𝑒𝑟𝑜

𝑄 = ∆𝐻
= −2410025.47 kJ/hr
 Energy Balance for reactor 2:

Cl2 = 31.54 kmol/hr Total= 94.93 kmol/hr

Total= 63.39 kmol/hr

0.2964 C6H6 0.0376 C6H6

0.2916 Cl2 T=328K 0.3489 Cl2
0.2060 HCl 0.3156 HCl
0.2060 MCB 0.2801 MCB
0.0177 DCB

Reference C6H6, Cl2, HCl and MCB at 298℃

Component nin (kmol/hr) Hin (kJ/kmol) nout (kmol/hr) Hout(kJ/kmol)
C6H6 18.79 H1 3.57 H5
Cl2 50.02 H2 33.12 H6
HCl 13.06 H3 29.96 H7
MCB 13.06 H4 26.59 H8
DCB - - 1.68 H9

H1 =(Cp328 – Cp298 )
= 142.96 -136
= 6.92 kJ/kmol

H2 = ∫298 33.6 × 10−3 + 1.367 × 10−5 𝑇 − 1.607 × 10−8 𝑇 2 + 6.473 × 10−12 𝑇 3 𝑑𝑇
= 11.59 – 10.49
= 1.0992 kJ/kmol

H3 = ∫298 29.13 × 10−3 − 0.1341 × 10−5 𝑇 + 0.9715 × 10−8 𝑇 2 − 4.335 × 10−12 𝑇 3 𝑑𝑇
= 0.879 kJ/kmol

H4 = (Cp328 – Cp298 )
= 157.19 – 152
= 5.19 kJ/kmol

H5 = H1
= 6.92 kJ/kmol
= 1.0992 kJ/kmol

H7 = H3
= 0.879 kJ/kmol

H8 = H4
= 5.19 kJ/kmol

H9 = (Cp328 – Cp298 )
= 111.35 – 0
= 111.35 kJ/kmol

𝜀 = 18.79 − 3.57
= 15.22 kmol/hr

∆𝐻𝑟 ° = (7.5 + 2(−92310) + (−42)) − (49 + 7.5 + 0)

= -184711 kJ/kmol

∆𝐻 = 𝜀∆𝐻𝑟 ° + ∑ 𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑡 − ∑ 𝑛𝑖𝑛 𝐻𝑖𝑛

= −2.81 × 106 ℎ𝑟 + ( (3.57×6.92)+(33.12×1.0992)+(29.96 ×0.879) +(26.59×5.19)
+ (1.68× 111.35) ) – ( (18.79×6.92)+(50.02 × 1.0992)+ (13.06× 0.879)+(13.06×5.19))

= −2.81 × 106 +148.24

= -2809851.76 kJ/hr

𝑄 + 𝑊𝑠 = ∆𝐻 + ∆𝐸𝑘 + ∆𝐸𝑝

Where 𝑊𝑠 , ∆𝐸𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∆𝐸𝑝 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑜 𝑧𝑒𝑟𝑜

𝑄 = ∆𝐻
= −2809851.76 kJ/hr
Energy Balance for DC

 Energy Balance for Distillation Column

F 10 =129.7 kmol/h

0.9954 DME
0.0046 CH3OH
0 H2O

Total = F 9 =328.23 kmol/h

0.3976 DME
0.1976 CH3OH
0.4048 H2O
F 11 =198.6 kmol/h

0.0071 DME
0.3238 CH3OH
0.6692 H2O

Reference MCB and DCB at 298K

Component nin (kmol/hr) Hin (kJ/kmol) nout (kmol/hr) Hout(kJ/kmol)
Feed DME 129.1 H1 - -
Feed CH3OH 64.9 H2 - -
Feed Water 132.9 H3 - -
Distillate DME - - 1.4 H4
Distillate CH3OH - - 0.6 H5
Bottom DME - - 1.4 H6
Bottom CH3OH - - 64.3 H7
Bottom Water - - 132.9 H8

Cp at 298K :
MCB = 152 kJ/kmol
DCB = 0 kJ/kmol

H1 = Cp298 – Cp298
= 0 kJ/kmol

H2 = Cp298 – Cp298
= 0 kJ/kmol
H3 = Cp425.4 – Cp298

Value Cp425.4 by interpolation:

T Cp
400 170
425.4 X
450 181
X= 175.588 kJ/kmol

H3 = 175.588 – 152
= 23.588 kJ/kmol

H4 = Cp425.4 – Cp298

Value Cp425.4 by interpolation:

T Cp
400 238
425.4 X
450 296
X= 267.464 kJ/kmol

H4 = 267.464 – 0
= 267.464 kJ/kmol

H5 = Cp468.92 – Cp298

Value Cp468.92 by interpolation:

T Cp
450 181
468.92 X
500 192
X= 185.162 kJ/kmol

H5 = 185.162 – 152
= 33.162 kJ/kmol

H6 = Cp468.92 – Cp298

Value Cp468.92 by interpolation:

T Cp
450 296
468.92 X
500 366
X= 322.488 kJ/kmol

H6 = 322.488 – 0
= 322.488 kJ/kmol

∆𝐻 = ∑ 𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑡 − ∑ 𝑛𝑖𝑛 𝐻𝑖𝑛

= ((26.58 ×23.588) + (0.08 × 267.464) + ( 0.007×33.162)+( 1.61× 322.488 )) −

= 1167.8 kJ/hr

𝑄 + 𝑊𝑠 = ∆𝐻 + ∆𝐸𝑘 + ∆𝐸𝑝

Where 𝑊𝑠 , ∆𝐸𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∆𝐸𝑝 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑜 𝑧𝑒𝑟𝑜

𝑄 = ∆𝐻
= 1167.8 kJ/hr
Pinch Calculation

Table of data:

Stream Condition 𝒎ሶCp (kW/K) Tin (K) Tout (K)

3 Hot 1.03 328 298

1 Cold 1.23 293 328

2 Cold 4.034 x 10-6 293 328

Step 1: The minimum approach temperature is chosen to be 10℃

Step 2: The Temperature Interval Diagram

Stream 3 1 2 ∑ 𝑚ሶ 𝐶𝑝 ∆𝑇
𝑚ሶ𝐶𝑝 1.03 1.23 4.034 × 10 kW/K (kW)
65°C (338 K) ___________________________________________ 55°C (328K)
A -12.3
55°C (328K) ___________________________________________ 45°C (318K)
B -5.00
30°C (303K) ___________________________________________ 20°C (293K)
C 5.15
25°C (298K) ___________________________________________ 15°C (288K) _____
Step 3: The Cascade Diagram

QH = 12.30 A


Tpinch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tpinch

QH = 5.00 B

Tpinch --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tpinch

A QH = 5.15

Step 4: The Calculation for Minimum Number of Heat Exchanger

i. Above the Pinch

H.U 3
17.3 25.75

1 2
43.05 1.4119 × 10−4

Since there are two arrows, thus minimum number of heat exchanger above the pinch
is two. Nmin,a = 2.
ii. Below the Pinch




Since there is only one arrow, thus minimum number of heat exchanger below the
pinch is one. Nmin,b = 1.

Step 5: Design of the heat exchanger network

 Above The Pinch

Stream 3 1 2
ሶ p
𝑚𝐶 1.03 1.23 4.034 x 10-6

338 328

327.97 QHU = 17.3


328 Q1 = 25.75 313.9

1 1
303 293

The calculation for change in temperature:

𝑄 25.75
 For stream 3: ∆𝑇 = = = 25
𝑚𝐶ሶ 𝑝 1.03

𝑄 25.75
 For stream 1: ∆𝑇 = = = 20.9
𝑚𝐶ሶ 𝑝 1.23

𝑄 17.3
 For Hot Utility: ∆𝑇 = = = 14.07
𝑚𝐶ሶ 𝑝 1.23
 Below The Pinch

Stream 3 1 2
ሶ p
𝑚𝐶 1.03 1.23 4.034 x 10-6

303 293

298 288

C QCU = 5.15

The calculation for change in temperature:

𝑄 5.15
 For stream 3: ∆𝑇 = = =5
𝑚𝐶ሶ 𝑝 1.03

𝑄 5.15
 For Cold Utility: ∆𝑇 = = =5
𝑚𝐶ሶ 𝑝 1.03
Major Equipment Design
 The Distillation Column (Chlorobenzene Column):
 inside diameter : 0.94 m
 height of top disengaging section: 0.3 m
 height of bottom separation section: 0.4 m
 Design pressure: 1.7bar
 The vessel is subjected to external pressure of :0.5405 kgf/cm2
 Design temperature: 25℃
 Shell material: carbon steel(sp. Gr.=7.7) (IS:2002-1962, GRADE I)
 Permissible tensile stress: 950 kgf/cm2
 Insulation material: asbestos
 Density of insulation: 2700 kg/m3
 Insulation thickness: 50 mm
 Down comer plate material: stainless steel(sp. Gr.: 7.8)

The shell thickness calculation:

Assuming first that the thickness of the shell is 6mm

 By using a stiffener channel of C-60, 18x4, of CSA=18 in2

 With Wt =51.9 lb/ft
 The data needed for the calculation of allowable P:
 Do = 0.952 m
 L = 0.305 m
 B = 13100
𝐿 0.305𝑚
Therefore; = = 0.3204
𝐷0 0.952𝑚
Thus, P allowable?
Pallowable = 𝐷
14.22×( 𝑜 )

1.7 bar =

t = 1.757 x 10-3m = 1.757mm

From the calculated value above, it shows that the thickness assumed (6mm) is allowable under
the operating condition. Taking into consideration the corrosion correction of 2mm, therefore
the thickness becomes: 6 + 2 = 8mm.

Piping & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)

Plant Layout
The economic construction and operation of a process unit will depend on how well the plant
equipment specified on the process flow sheet and laid out. Plant layout for the plant will
consist of the process units involved, which is located in the main plant and other auxiliary
buildings. The layout, which refers to each department, must be arranged in order to maximize
efficiency and minimize the cost of ownership and plant operating; and also to minimize the
time spent by personnel in travelling between buildings.

The principal factors to be considered when designing the plant are:

1. Economic consideration: construction and operation cost.

2. The process requirement
3. Convenience of operation
4. Convenience of maintenance
5. Safety
6. Future expansion

Other than the lists above, it is also advisable to check up the insurance regulations from the
view of getting the best coverage at minimum cost for plant building and inventory. The
auxiliary buildings and services required on site, in addition to the main processing units
(buildings), will include:

i. Storages for raw material and products : Tank farms and Ware house
ii. Maintenance workshops.
iii. Store for maintenance and operating supplies.
iv. Control room.
v. Laboratories for process control.
vi. Fire stations and other emergency services.
vii. Utilities: steam boilers, compressed air, power generation, transformer station.
viii. Effluent disposal plant.
ix. Offices for general administration.
x. Canteens, surau and other amenity buildings, such as medical centres.
xi. Car parks.
xii. Guard house / security posts.
1. Costs
- The cost required to build a plant need to be kept at possible minimum value so
that less modal will be used and more profits will be generated. The cost of construction
can be minimized by choosing a land site with cheapest price but has a good facilities
and utilities provided. Other than that, the layout needs to have the shortest run of
connecting pipes between all equipment and also least amount of structural steel work.
However, this will not necessarily be the best arrangement for operation and
maintenance. In plant layout, economic is considered mainly with steelwork, concrete,
piping and electric cabling.

2. Process Requirement
- All the required equipment need to be placed properly and strategically so that
can achieves smooth flow for transportation from raw materials to final product storage.
The installation of the auxiliaries also need to be placed in such was so that it will
occupy the least space. Process units are normally spaced at least 30 meters apart.
Administration offices and laboratories, in which a relatively large number people will
be working, should be located well away from potentially hazardous process control
rooms. The siting of the main process units will determine the layout of the plant roads,
pipes, alleys and drains. Access roads will also be constructed for operation and
maintenance purpose. Utility building should be sited to give the most economical run
of the processing units. The main storage areas should be placed between the loading
and unloading facilities and the process units they serve. Storage tanks containing
hazardous materials should be sited at a safe distance from other buildings which is at
least 70 meter from site boundary.

3. Operation
- Any equipment that required frequent operation should be located near to the
control room so that easier for the operators to monitor the operation. All valves, sample
points, and instruments should be located at convenient position and height. The
working space and headroom must be sufficient to allow easy access to equipment.
Since some of the equipment might need replacement if some parts is broken, thus
sufficient space must be provided to allow access for lifting the equipment.

4. Maintenance
- All equipment needs to be prepared with maintenance facilities so that if any
problems arise during the process, the source of problem will be detected and solved at
a fast rate. Heat exchangers need to be sited so that the tube bundles can be easily
withdrawn for cleaning and tube replacement. Vessels that require frequent
replacement of catalyst or packing should be located on the outside of buildings.
Equipment that requires dismantling for maintenance, such as compressors and large
pumps, should be placed under cover.

5. Safety
- Since most chemicals are hazardous and have the potential to explode in wrong
condition, blast walls may need to be built in order to separate potentially hazardous
equipment and thus confine the effects of an explosion. Other than that, at least two
escape routes for operator must be provided from each level in the process building and
assembly point need to be built at an easy access and the emergency route need to be
stated clearly.

6. Plant Expansion
- Equipment should be located so that it can be conveniently tied in with any
future expansion of the process. Space should be left on pipe alleys for future needs,
and service pipes should be over-sized to allow for future requirements. Free space for
plant expansion is important so that if the production rate need to be increased, more
equipment should be added to the plant, thus free space will allow future expansion to
be able to accommodate the equipment required. This expansion space is also very
important because the additions of equipment and pipes can be erected and tested with
the minimum interference to plant operations.

Plant Layout Description

As mentioned in the site selection section, the plant was decided to be built in Gebeng Industrial
Estate, Kuantan, Pahang that was estimated to cover about 10 hectares of industrial lot ready
land with price of RM16.00 per square feet.

Gebeng is located in Pahang in the East coast of Malaysia. Every year Pahang experiencing
Northeast Monsoon that brings rain and wind. Thus, the structure of the plant is placed in
upwind direction. The buildings need to be placed in such that the wind will not affect the plant
and brings any inconvenience. Strategic placement of the buildings relative to wind direction
can assist to cool down process equipment during the process.

By referring to the plant layout provided in the following figure, administration building is the
main and most visited building for many purposes in a plant. It should be located on the public
and safe side of security point and as close as possible to main entrance. Administration offices
and laboratories, in which a relatively large number of people will be working, are located well
an away from potentially hazardous process which is the main processing plant. Stores for
maintenance and operating supplies was placed near to the administration buildings so that the
staff will have easy access to the service.

There is a bottom expansion just below the main process plant and near to the waste treatment
plant. This free space is provided to be used for the placement of new equipment and pipes in
the future just in case the plant needs to be expanded. The waste treatment plant will enable the
direct transport of waste stream produced by the separation units. There is also a pond that is
placed next to the waste treatment plant.

Waste treatment plant, utilities plant and tank farm were placed near to the main process plant.
This placement also reduces the distance and length of supply pipes used in the transporting
process of raw materials, waste, and utilities to or from the plant area, making it cost effective.
Beside it, it should be beside a road which will make it easier for loading and unloading of

Control room was placed near to the main processing plant so that easier for the operators to
monitor the operation of the plant because if the is malfunction in any of the operating process,
troops can be send to the site immediately.

Maintenance workshops and others that did not link to process materials should be located
together at the safe area and within easy access to process units. Direct access should be
provided for traffic purposes, which if possible should not pass through any process area. There
is also a loading area placed for transport of goods and raw materials where only the lorries
and other form of transport to transfer these materials allowed entering the area.

Canteen and surau (prayer room) are also provided for the convenience of the staffs and were
placed near to the administration and maintenance workshop buildings because it is one of the
most used workplace and it is a must to have easy access to these places. These buildings should
be located in a safe area within a short distance of the main concentration of workers. The
surrounding should be attractive and relaxing for workers to release some stress from hectic

For quality control of products, a plant needs a laboratory to inspect the products produced.
Work laboratories should be located at a safe area near the administration building where most
facilities are completed. Clinic is placed next to the laboratory to handle any emergency case
caused by chemicals. Fire house to handle emergency cases for example fire or explosion of
the plant is built near to the main processing plant.

Sufficient car parks facilities also provided for the convenience of the staff and personnel or
visitors to park their vehicles. Car parks are placed near to the main entrance to prevent any
unwanted hazard to the properties.

Guard houses or security post were placed at both entrances to the plant to monitor the flow of
in and out to the plant itself. There were three assembly point placed near to every section of
the plant so that in case of emergency, all the people in the site can be evacuated at faster rate
to these safer places.

Other than those mentioned above, free lands also available at the plant layout for future needs.
Trees also will be planted in the site to absorb the emission of carbon dioxide gases and also to
make the site pleasant to the eye. There is no smoking area provided in this plant layout since
chlorobenzene is volatile and explosive to ignition of fire, thus for safety of the plant and all
personnel, smoking in the plant area are strictly prohibited. Access road will be needed to each
building for construction and for operation and maintenance.

General Safety Procedures

For a new plant, it is very important to have sufficient site medical, fire and security services.
For ensuring safety, health and welfare of all workers at the plant, Occupational Safety and
Health Act (OSHA) was enacted. All contractors, employees and agents must tolerate and
understand the Site Safety Rules & Regulations before starting any work. Work cannot begin
until a complete site safety induction has been carried out. Safety is the most pressing issue
when being evaluated in a chemical plant. It must be made the highest priority as compared to
other factors such as profit. Prevention wills the best means of containing risk and danger. The
plant risk reduction must be followed as strictly as possible to ensure all precautions are taken.
Some general manuals that should be followed to ensure the safety in work field and work
force are listed below:

1. Each employee is expected to know and observe all plant safety procedure. All injuries,
no matter how light, must be reported to the immediate Supervisor. This is to ensure
the protection of each worker and assure that proper records of the accidents are made.
2. All employees are responsible for their colleagues and of their own. Broken equipment,
unsafe conditions and unsafe practices must be reported to Supervisor as soon as
3. There shall be no smoking at any time within the plant area since most of the chemicals
are volatile. Matches or lighters shall not be carried into the plant and must be left in
locker rooms.
4. It is mandatory that all workers at the plant area to wear hard hats and safety glasses all
the time. In some plant area, other protection may be required such as hearing
protection. Person who do not wear this safety equipment are prohibited to enter the
plant area.
5. Possession or use of liquor and illegal drugs is not permitted on the plant premises.
Anyone under the influenced of either will is strictly prohibited from entering the
6. Visitor must apply permission at the main office or at the security post, sign a release,
and be instructed of plant safety rules before they are allowed to enter the plant. Visitor
will not be taken into the plant areas that are experiencing production problems. Any
visitors who do not possess the temporary entering pass cannot be around the plant site.
7. All workers must know how to use all types of fire extinguishers, fire hoses, fire
blankets, and other personal protective equipment. (e.g. water must not be used on fires
around the electrical equipment since water is a conductor that may result an
electrocution of people).
Figure 1: Plant Layout
Economic Analysis
Estimation of Capital Cost
Generally, capital cost estimating has five classifications:

1. Order of magnitude Estimate also known as Ratio or Feasibility

2. Study Estimate, also known as Major equipment or Factored
3. Preliminary Design Estimate, also known as Scope
4. Definitive Estimate, also known as Project Control
5. Detailed Estimate, also known as Firm or Contractor’s

This five classifications roughly correspond to the five classes of estimate defined in the AACE
Recommended Practice No. 17R-97[4]. This part will discuss on Preliminary Design Estimate
which is Class 3. For the cost estimation of a chemical plant, a Class 3 estimate is typically +10%
to -40% accurate. This means by doing such an estimate, the true cost of building the plant would
likely be in the range of 0.1 higher than and 0.4 lower than the estimated price.

If greater accuracy is required in the capital cost estimate, then more money and time must be
expended in conducting the estimate.

Estimation Of Purchased Equipment Costs

The purchased cost and an attribute of the equipment are the most common simple relationship
related to units of capacity and it is given by

𝐶𝑎 𝐴𝑎 𝑛
= ( )
𝐶𝑏 𝐴𝑏

Where: A = Equipment cost attribute

C = Purchased cost

N = Cost exponent

Subscripts : a refers to equipment with the required attribute

b refers to equipment with the base attribute

Effect of Time on Purchased Equipment Cost

The cost of equipments are depend on past records or published correlations for price information,
it is essential to be able to update these costs to take into account changing economic
conditions(inflation). This can be achieved by using the following expression:
C2 = C1(𝐼2 )

Where: C= Purchased cost

I =Cost Index
Subcripts: 1 refers to base time when cost is known
2 refers to time when cost is desired

Calculation for Cost of Equipments

log10 Cp0= K1 + K2 log10 A + K3 (log10 A)2
The value of K1,K2, and K3 can be obtained from Table A.1 and A is the capacity of the equipment.

B1 and B2 can be obtained from Table A.4
FM can be obtained by referring the Table A.3 for the identification number for the material and
then refer the material factor at Figure A.8
FP can be obtained by two methods which are
1. For process vessel,
+ 0.00315
FP,vessel = 2[850−0.6(𝑃+1)] ⁄
2. For other equipment
Log10 FP = C1 + C2log10P + C3(log10P)2
Value of C1,C2, and C3 can be obtained from the Table A.2 and P is the unit pressure of bar
gauge or barg.


Sample of Calculations
 Calculations for heater:


 2 units of heater with different types

 H1 Duty = 1307 kW
H2 Duty = 1501 kW
 Type = H1 - Steam boiler heater and H2 - Hot water heater
 Type = Carbon Steel
 Identification Number = 53

𝑜 𝑜
Based on the Figure A.4, 𝐶𝑝𝐻1 = 196 $/kW and 𝐶𝑝𝐻2 = 48.2$/kW

Based on Figure A.19, FBMH1 = FBMH2 = 2.1


= (196 $/kW)(1307 kW)(2.1)

= $538120


= (48.2 $/kW)( 1501 kW)(2.1)

= $152097

$H1(2013) = $538120(564.7⁄397)
= $765431.65 = RM 2,518270.12
$H2(2013) = $152097(564.7⁄397)
= $216, 345.53 = RM 711, 776.80

 Calculations for reactor:


 Two reactors with same type

 Length = 8 , diameter = 4m
 Volume of tower = 100 m3
 Type = carbon steel

Log10𝐶𝑝𝑜 = 3.4974 + 0.4485log10(100) + 0.1074[log10(100)]2

𝐶𝑝𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = $66680.68

$tower(2013) = $66680.68 (564.7⁄397)

= $94847.80

Based on Table A.4, B1 = 2.25, B2 = 1.82

(2.4+1)4 0.00315
Fpvessels = +
2[850−0.6(3.4)] 0.0063

= 1.77

FBM = 2.25 + 1.82(1.77)(1)

= 5.47

CBM = ($94847.80)(5.47)

= $519,450.21


$REACTOR(2013) = $519,450.21 (564.7⁄397)

= $738875.40 = RM 2,430,900.00

For two reactors = RM 4,861,800.00

 Calculations for separator

3 units

Characteristic = Flash distillation

Diameter = 1.8 m

Height =5m

Volume = 50.89 m3

log10 Cp = 3.4974 + 0.4485 (log10 50.89) + 0.1074 (log10 50.89)2

Cp0= $37644.95

(1+1)1.8 0.00315
Fpvessels = + = 0.5021
2[850−0.6(1+1)] 0.0063

FP = 0.84

Based on Table A.4, B1 = 2.25, B2 = 1.82 and FM = 1.0 (carbon steel)

FBM = 2.25 + 1.82(0.84)(1)

= 3.779

CBM = ($37644.95)(3.779)

= $142252.74

$SEP(2013) = $142252.74(564.7⁄397)

= $202342.87 = RM 605,708.00

 Calculation for storage tank


4 units of different types of storage tanks:

 Dimensions for benzene, Length=10 , Diameter= 4.8

 For 3 days storage,Volume = 182 m3
 Type = floating roof

Log10𝐶𝑝𝑜 = 5.9567 – 0.7587log10(182) + 0.1749[log10(182)]2

𝐶𝑝𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = $136571.32

$tower(2013) = $136,571.32 (564.7⁄397)

= $194,261.52 = RM 639,120.00

 Dimension for chlorine, Length =10m , Diameter =4.8m

 Volume = 182m3
 Type = fixed roof

Log10𝐶𝑝𝑜 = 4.8509 – 0.3973log10(182) + 0.1445[log10(182)]2

𝐶𝑝𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = $49,098.53

$tower(2013) = $49,098.53 (564.7⁄397)

= $69,838.64 = RM 229,769.00
 Dimesion for chlorobenzene, Dimensions , Diameter = 4.4 m, Length = 10
 Volume for storage 3 days of = 150 m3
 Type= floating roof

Log10𝐶𝑝𝑜 = 5.9567 – 0.7587log10(150) + 0.1749[log10(150)]2

𝐶𝑝𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = $136,118.24

$tower(2013) = $136,118.24 (564.7⁄397)

= $193,617.05 = RM 637,000.00

 Dimension for Dichlorobenzene, Dimensions = , Diameter = 2m, Length = 5 m

 Volume = 15 m3
 Type = floating roof

Log10𝐶𝑝𝑜 = 5.9567 – 0.7587log10(15) + 0.1749[log10(15)]2

𝐶𝑝𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = $39,810.70

$tower(2013) = $39,810.70 (564.7⁄397)

= $56,627.49 = RM 186,304.00

 Calculation for distillation column

 One unit of distillation column
 Dimensions, Diameter = 3m, Length = 30m
 Volume = 212.1 m3

Log10𝐶𝑝𝑜 = 3.4974 + 0.4485log10(212.1) + 0.1074[log10(212.1)]2

𝐶𝑝𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = $132500

𝐶𝑝𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 (2013) = $132500 (564.7/397)

= $188,470.40
Based on Table A.4, B1 = 2.25, B2 = 1.82

(1.7+1)3 0.00315
Fpvessels = +
2[850−0.6(1.7+1)] 0.0063

= 1.26


FBM = 2.25 + 1.82(1.26)(1)

= 4.54

CBM = ($188470.40)(4.54)

= $856,258.72

Tray tower area = 7.0686 m3

Log10𝐶𝑝𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑦 = 2.9949 + 0.4465log10(7.0686) + 0.3961[log10(7.0686)]2
𝐶𝑝𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑦 = $4570
𝐶𝑝𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑦 (2013) = $4570(564.7/397)

= $6,500.45


CBMtray = CpNFBMfq

= ($6500.45)(24)(1)(1.0)

= $156010.82

CBM,tower + trays = $856,258.72 + $156010.82

= $1,012,269.54

$DC(2013) = $1012269.54(564.7⁄397)

= $1,439,870.55 = RM4,737,174.00
Equipment identification No. Actual bare module cost, CaBM 00 (RM)

Heater H1 2,518,270.00

H2 711,776.00

Cooler CO1 417,463.00

Separator S1 605,708.00

S2 605,708.00

S3 605,708.00

Reactor R1 2,430,900.00

R2 2,430,900.00

Distillation column D1 4,737174.00

Tank T1 639,120.00

T2 229,769.00

T3 637,000.00

T4 186,304.00

Total bare module cost, CBM (RM) 16,755,800.00

CTM = 1.18 ∑ CBM


= 1.18 x (RM16,755,800.00)
= RM 19,771,844.00

Grass roof capital cost, (GRC) = RM28,493,713.00

Table: Estimation of fixed and total capital investment cost

Range Cost (RM)

Direct cost
Purchased equipment cost 12% GRC 3,419,245
Instrumentation and control 6% GRC 1709622.80
Piping (installed) 15% GRC 4274056.95
Electrical and material (installed) 3% GRC 854795.20
Building 8% GRC 2279497.04
Yard improvements 1% GRC 284937.13
Service facilities 5% GRC 1424685.65
Land 2% GRC 569874.26
Total 14,816,714.03
Indirect cost
Engineering and supervision 3% GRC 854795.20
Construction expenses 6% GRC 1709622.80
Contractor’s fee 1% GRC 284937.13
Contingency 8% GRC 2279497.04
Total 5,128,852.17
Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) TOTAL + GRC 48,439,279.20
Manufacturing Cost
Factors affecting the cost of manufacturing (COM), for a chemical Product

Factor Description of Factor

1.Direct cost Factors that vary with the rate of production
A. Raw materials Costs of chemical feed stocks required by the process.
Flowrates obtained from the PFD

B. Waste treatment Cost of waste treatment to protect environment

C. Utilities Costs of utility streams required by process. Includes but not

limited to:
a. Fuel gas
b. Electric power
c. Steam(all pressures)
d. Cooling water
e. Process water
f. Boiler feed water
g. Instrument air
h. Inert gas (nitrogen) etc.
i. Refrigeration

D. Operating labor Costs of personnel required for plant operations

E.Direct supervisor and Cost of administrative/ engineering and support personnel

clerical labor
F.Maintenance and Costs of labor and materials associated with the maintenance
Costs of miscellaneous supplies that support daily operation not
G. Operating supplies considered to be raw materials. Examples include chart paper,
lubricants, miscellaneous chemicals, filters, respirators and
protective clothing for operators, etc.

Costs of routine and special laboratory tests required for product

H. Laboratory charges quality control and troubleshooting.

Costs of using patented or licensed technology.

I. Patents and royalties
2. Fixed costs Factors not affected by the level of production
A. Depreciation Costs associated with the physical plant (buildings, equipment,
etc.). Legal operating expense for tax purposes.

B. Local taxes and Costs associated with property taxes and liability insurance.
Insurance Based on plant location and severity of the process.
C. Plant overhead costs Catch-all costs associated with operations of auxiliary facilities
(sometimes referred to supporting the manufacturing process. Costs involve payroll and
as factory expenses) accounting services, fire protection and safety services, medical
services, cafeteria and any recreation facilities, payroll overhead
and employee benefits, general engineering, etc.
3. General expenses Costs associated with management level and administrative
activities not directly related to the manufacturing process
A. Administration costs Costs for administration. Includes salaries, other administration,
buildings, and other related activities.

B. Distribution and Costs of sales and marketing required to sell chemical products.
selling costs Includes salaries and other miscelleaneous costs.

C. Research and Costs of research activities activities related to the process and
development product. Includes salaries and funds for research related
equipment and supplies, etc.

The equation used to evaluate the cost of manufacture using these costs becomes:

Costs of Manufactures (COM) = Direct Manufacturing Costs (DMC) +

Fixed Manufacturing Costs(FMC) + General Expenses (GE)

The cost of manufacturing, COM, can be determined when the following costs are known or can
be estimated :
1. Fixed capital investment (FCI) : (CTM or CGR)
2. Cost of operating labor (COL)
3. Cost of utilities (CUT)
4. Cost of waste treatment (CWT)
5. Cost of raw materials (CRM)

The table above gives data that are need to calculate to estimate the individual cost items that are
identified above. With the exception of the cost of raw materials, waste treatment, utilities, and
operating labor all the data need to be calculate by using certain equations. If no other
information is avalaible, the midpoint values for each of these ranges is used to estimate the costs
involved. Hence, all the summation of the datas for the calculation of manufacturing cost ca be
simplified into these equations :
DMC = CRM+ CWT + CUT + 1.33COL + 0.069FCI + 0.03COM
FMC = 0.708COL + 0.069FCI + depreciation
GE = 0.177COL + 0.009FCI + 0.16COM

We can obtain the total manufacturing cost by adding these three categories together and solving
for the COM and the result is :
COM = 0.280FCI + 2.73COL + 1.23(CRM+ CWT + CUT)

The cost of manufacture without depreciation :

COMd = 0.180FCI + 2.73COL + 1.23(CRM+ CWT + CUT)

Cost of operating labor, COL

The technique used to calculate operating labor requirements is based on data obtained from five
chemical companies and correlated by Alkayat and Gerrard. According to this method, the
equation for the operating labor requirement for a chemical processing plant is given by:
NOL= (6.29 + 3.17P2 + 0.23Nnp)0.5
Where NOL is the number of operators per shift, P is the number of processing step involving the
handling of particulate solids, and Nnp is the number of nonparticulate processing steps handling
steps includes compression, heating and cooling, mixing, and reaction.

Nnp = ∑ 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑝𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡

Equipment Quantity
Compressor 0
Tower 1
Reactor 2
Heater 2
Exchanger 3
Total 8

Hence, when Nnp is equal to … , the number of operating labor requirement is

NOL= [6.29 + 3.17𝑃2 + 0.23(8)]0.5

NOL =2.85

The value of NOL is the number of operators required to run the process unit per shift. A single
operator works on the average 49 weeks (3 weeks time off for vacation and sick leave) a year,
five 8-hour shift a week.

= 49 week/yr × 5 shift/week

= 245 shifts per operator/year

A chemical plant operates 24 hours per day. This requires (365 days/year × 3 shift/day) 1095
operating shifts per year. The number of operators needed to provide this number of shifts is
= 1095 shift/year ÷ 245 shifts per operator/year
= 4.5 operators

the operating labor = NOL × 4.5 operators

=2.85 × 4.5

= 12.8 ≈ 13 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃
The cost of operating labor, COL is equal to the salary given to each of operator yearly which in
this case the yearly salary given is RM18,000

COL = RM18,000 × 13
=RM 234,000.00

Cost Of Utilities
Utility Description Cost (RM/GJ) Cost RM/Common
Stream Dry saturated
a. 8 bar 20.003 41.717/1000kg
b. 28 bar 22.602 45.106/1000kg

Cooling water Process cooling water: 1.165 48.69/1000m3

550C to 200C

Other water High purity water for 1.03/m3

process use at 20 0C

Caustic soda solution 5 wt % NaOH at 20 0C 1414.7/tonnes

Waste treatment and Non-hazardous 118.44/tonnes

disposal (water)

Production of waste water = 0.142 kmol /hr x 18 kg/kmol = 2.558 kg/hr

= 2.588 kg/hr x 24 hr/day x 365 day/year x 1 tonnes/1000kg
= 22.6709 tonnes/year
Cost for waste water treatment and disposal = 22.6709 tonnes/year x $36/tonnes
= $816.15/year = RM 2,685.15
Raw Material Costs
The cost of raw materials can be estimated by using the current price listed in such publications as
the Chemical Market Reporter (CMR) at the middle of 2013.

Chemical Cost (RM/kg) Typical Shipping Capacity or

Basis for Price
Benzene 1.3681 Barge, Gulf Coast

Chlorine 0.2156 Railroad tank car

Yearly cost for raw materials = (Mass flow rate of raw materials per year) x (cost, RM/kg)

Yearly cost for benzene = (2216.76 kg/h x 24 x 330) x (1.3681) = RM 24,019,374.90

Yearly cost for chlorine = (0.6212 kg/h x 24 x 330) x (0.2156) = RM 1060.73

Total cost for raw materials, CRM = RM 24,019,374.90 + RM 1060.73

= RM 24,020,435.63

Yearly Cost and Stream Factor

Manufacturing and associated costs are most often reported in terms of RM/yr. The fraction of
time that the plant is operating in a year must be known in oreder to calculate the yearly costs of
raw materials or utilities. This fraction is known as the Stream Factor(SF), where :

𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑃𝑒𝑟 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑟

Stream Factor (SF) = 365

= 365 = 0.904
COM = 0.280FCI + 2.73COL + 1.23(CRM+ CWT + CUT)
= 0.280(48,439,279.20) + 2.73(234,000.00) +1.23(24,020,435.63 +2,685.15 + 1,738953.39 )
= RM 45,889,169.41
COMd = 0.180FCI + 2.73COL + 1.23(CRM+ CWT + CUT)
= 0.180(48,439,279.20) + 2.73(234,000.00) +1.23(24,020,435.63 + 2,685.15 + 1,738953.39)
= RM 41,045,241.49

Profitability analysis

Land: RM 17,222,400.00

Salvage value: RM 10,000000

Taxation rate: $45%

Plant life: 10 years

Non discounted cash flow

Working capital = labor cost + utility cost + raw material cost + waste treatment

Working capital = RM 234,000.00 + RM 1,738953.39 + RM 24,020,435.63 +RM 2,685.15

= RM 25,996.074.17

Total fixed capital investment, FCI: RM 48,439,279.20


(K) − 𝑑𝑘 ) FLOW
× (1 RM
− 0.45)
+ 𝑑𝑘

0 -17222400 -48439279 -12916800
1 -48439279 -48439279 -48439279
2 -25996074 -48439279 -25996074
3 -9687856 -38751423 1316000000 41045241 45889169 694201422 694201422
4 -15500569 -23250854 1316000000 41045241 45889169 691585701 691585701
5 -9300342 -13950512 1316000000 41045241 45889169 694375803 694375803

6 -5580205 -8370307 1316000000 41045241 45889169 696049865 696049865

7 -5580205 -2790102 1316000000 41045241 45889169 696049865 696049865
8 -2790102 0 1316000000 41045241 45889169 697305411 697305411
9 1316000000 41045241 45889169 698560957 698560957
10 1316000000 41045241 45889169 698560957 698560957
11 1316000000 41045241 45889169 698560957 698560957
12 38912874 1317000000 41045241 45889169 699110957 738023831

Payback period

Find the value of $-38912874 in cumulative cash flow

𝑥−0 −38912874+−25996074
PBP = 1−0 = −694201422+−25996074

𝑥 = 0.096 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠

Cumulative cash Position

CCP= RM 7012801172

Cumulative cash ratio




= -14.3775

Discounted cash flow


$ $ FLOW
0 -17222400 -17222400 -17222400
1 -48439279 -44035708 -61258108
2 -25996074 -21484359 -82742467
3 694201422 521563803 438821336
4 691585701 472362339 911183675
5 694375803 431152742 1342336417
6 696049865 392902003 1735238420
7 696049865 357183639 2092422059
8 697305411 325298120 2417720179
9 698560957 296258038 2713978217
10 698560957 269325489 2983303706
11 698560957 244841354 3228145060
12 738023831 235157137 3463302197

Discount rate: 10% p.a

Discounted payback period

Discounted value of land + working capital

17222400 + 25,996.074.17
= 𝑅𝑀 38587923.37

Find the value - 𝑅𝑀 38587923.37 in the cumulative cash flow

Discounted payback period

𝑥 − 0 −38587923.37 + 82742467
= =
1−0 438821336 + 82742467

𝑥 = 0.08 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟

Net present value

NPV= RM 3552745510

Present value ratio



Hazard Analysis
Handling and Storage

Chlorobenzene need to be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area in tightly sealed containers
that are labelled according to the OSHA’s hazard communication standard [29 CFR 1910.1200].
Outside or detached storage is highly preferable; however, if inside storage is to be used, the
storage should be in a standard flammable liquids storage room that meet OSHA requirements.
The containers used to store chlorobenzene need to be protected from any possible physical
damage and should be stored separately form oxidizers, dimethyl sulfoxide, silver perchlorate,
other incompatible chemicals, heat, sparks and open flame as cholorobenzene is categorized as
rate 3 flammability which is severe fire hazard. All source of ignition must be eliminated. Thus,
only non-sparking tools can be used to handle chlorobenzene as static electricity and formation of
sparks must be prevented. The optimum temperature condition for the storage of chlorobenzene is
between 16°C and 26°C; and it must be stored away from direct sunlight and moisture. The
containers should also be grounded and bonded together for transfer in order to prevent static
sparks. In addition, the containers previously used to store chlorobenzene need to be handle or
disposed appropriately as it may still hold product residues.

Health Effect

According to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the current permissible
exposure limit for chlorobenzene is 75 ppm (350 mg/m3). The routes for the exposure of
chlorobenzene mainly occur through inhalation, ingestion, and eye or skin contact. Chlorobenzene
also mainly absorbed through the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, and dermal absorption.
Chlorobenzene is lipophilic and has a tendency to accumulate in lipid-rich tissues in animal and
humans. The effect of chlorobenzene to animals is irritation, narcosis, liver and kidney damage.
However, fatal effect may occur at high concentration of chlorobenzene. For humans, if
chlorobenzene is exposed at the concentration of 200 ppm, eye and nose irritation will occur and
at high concentration, central nervous system depression will take place. If liquid chlorobenzene
is just briefly in contact with skin, mild irritation occur, however if prolonged or repeated contact
happened, burning of the skin will occur. The toxic effects of chlorobenzene on humans were
exhaustion, nausea, lethargy, headache and irritation to the upper respiratory tract and eye.
Chlorobenzene is considered toxic and many studies conducted have found that the toxic effect of
chlorobenzene on organisms in the environment includes mortality, immobilization and growth
inhibition. The targeted organs for exposure of chlorobenzene are mainly kidneys and liver.

Environmental Release

Chlorobenzene does not occur naturally. It enters the atmosphere as fugitive emissions from the
pesticide industry and from other industries that use it as a solvent (Howard 1989). Release of the
chemical also occurs during the disposal of industrial wastes (Howard 1989). Concentrations of
chlorobenzene in the atmosphere have typically ranged from < 0.02 ppb for remote areas to 0.8
ppb in cities; the maximum reported value measured was 12 ppb (Howard 1989).

Chlorobenzene is volatile (vapor pressure, 11.7 mm Hg) and slightly soluble in water (466.3
mg/L). The most important transport process for chemical from water and soil is evaporation. If
chlorobenzene is released to moist soil, it will evaporate to the atmosphere; and if it is released to
sandy soil, chlorobenzene will leach into the groundwater. Chlorobenzene will biodegrade very
slow and might not degrade at all and remains in the environment.

If exposed to the air, the half-life of chlorobenzene is to be about 9 days or sometimes 20 to 40

hours under simulated atmospheric conditions. Usually, the chlorobenzene is removed from the
atmosphere through reaction with hydroxyl radicals forming microbiophenyl and photolysis
reaction. When exposed to the water, the chlorobenzene will have a half-life about 0.3 days in a
river, and about 1 to 12 hours in a rapidly flowing stream. Chlorobenzene is removed from the
water through vaporization and biodegradation processes. And if exposed to the soil, it will have
a half-life f 0.3 days is exposed to soil at depth 1 cm and 12.6 days at depth 10 cm. Main removal
of chlorobenzene from the soil surface is through evaporation.


Since it is possible for chemicals waste to enter the environment if waste incinerated, land filled
or just drained, it is important to keep them out of municipal waste stream. Since, chlorobenzene
is known as hazardous and toxic chemicals, proper treatment and disposal method need to be made.
The waste disposal facility should be approved by the local authorities; and care should be taken
to ensure the disposal meet the regulatory requirements or local environmental laws.

Chlorobenzene is listed as a hazardous substance, thus the disposal of it is very strict and is
controlled by the federal regulations. Disposal of chlorobenzene into the soil (landfill) is very
restricted, except under specific conditions. It is not suitable for disposal by either landfill or via
local sewers, drains, natural streams or rivers. Wastes containing chlorobenzene may be disposed
by liquid injection, rotary kiln, or fluidized bed incineration. Since chlorobenzene is widely used
as a solvent in many chemical processes and it is a volatile compound, most of the waste is released
to the atmosphere, few wastes were found in wastewater and land. Thus, the air plays a large role
in the environmental transport and degradation of chlorobenzene.
For container disposal, the container must be first drained thoroughly. After draining, it should be
store in a safe place away from sparks and ignition of fire because the residues of chlorobenzene
that still attach to the wall of the container may cause an explosion hazard. Disposal of container
and unused contents must be in accordance to local regulatory requirements and environmental
Articles & Books

1. Yajie Zhao. (Sept, 2003). Industrial Property Performance and Building Functionality.
Retrieved from
2. R.K. Sinnott. 2005. Chemical Engineering Design, Volume 6


1. Sevas Edu. Society. (n.d). “Production of Chlorobenzene.” Retrieved and adapted from


1. Malaysian Meteorological Department. (2013). General Climate of Malaysia. Retrieved

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2. Chris Pearson. (2013). Factors Affecting Plant Siting. Retrieved and adapted from
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3. Union of Concerned Scientists. (15th July 2013). How it Works: Water for Power Plant
Cooling. Retrieved and adapted from
choices/energy-and-water-use/water-energy-electricity-cooling-power-plant.html on 23th
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4. Robin Gulati. (26th March 2012). Plant Site Selection and Layout. Retrieved and adapted
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5. Richard L. F. (Sept 2007). Ranked #8: Availability of Skilled Labor. Retrieved and adapted
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6. AJAD. (2013). Site Selection for a Plant / Project – Factors Considered. Retrieved and
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7. Faiz Kaskar. (2013). Plant Layout. Retrieved and adapted from on 23th Nov 2013 (22:03).
8. Michelle Comerford. (Feb/March 2010). Labour Costs: The Number-One Site Selection
Factor. Retrieved and adapted from
factor001111.shtml on 23th Nov 2013 (23:10).
9. ReAgent. July 2009. “Safety Data Sheet Chlorobenzene Technical”. Retrieved and adapted
10. US Public Health Service. Dec 1990. “Toxicological Profile for Chlorobenzene”.
Retrieved and adapted from
11. US Environmental Protection Agency. January 1995. “OPPT Chemical Fact Sheets -
Chlorobenzene”. Retrieved and adapted from
12. Howard, P.H., Ed. 1989. Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data. Lewis
Publishers, Chelsea, MI.
13. US Dept. of Health and Human Services. 1995. “Occupational Safety and Health Guideline
for Chlorobenzene.” Retrieved and adapted from
14. Chemical Evaluation and Research Institute of Japan. May 2007. “Hazard Assesment
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