Controversial Science Topics

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Controversial Science Topics

1. Earth Institute vs Heartland Institute: Which sounds better?

2. Can alternate fuels replace fossil fuels by 2020?
3. Can cell phone radiation kill you?
4. Abrupt increase in human population could make global warming worse
5. How effective is daylight saving in current decade?
6. Does paranormal world exist?
7. What happens when doomsday clock reaches zero?
8. Can you travel between parallel universes?
9. What makes evolution or creationism a science or art?
10.Are we living in a toxic environment?

Funny Controversial Topics

1. Why the cat videos are trending YouTube?

2. The subtle benefits for using the mobile phone while driving
3. What makes smoking beneficial for your health?
4. Masturbation is a natural process
5. Why you should enjoy smog in your area?
6. Can the Kardashians be the next US President?
7. Why you should post your credit cards information online?
8. Is online gaming a real sport?
9. Should Walmart need to implement a dress code policy?
10.Why cats are better than dogs?

Controversial Speech Topics

1. Fundamentalism in religion should be considered a global threat

2. Health insurance firms should increase their data protection protocols
3. The inflation of the certificates and diplomas by high-school grades.
4. Tests for STDs should be available portably
5. Hunting of rare species should be strictly regularized
6. Nuclear power can be considered as a viable source of energy generation
7. Government should stop subsidies on farms
8. Governments need to make strict policies to fight child labor
9. Behavior of children is a result of bad parenting
10.Should we conduct experimentation on humans?
Controversial Essay Topics

1. Dating at the workplace should be allowed

2. Castration of sex offenders is a much-needed measure
3. Graveyard hours at work can cause you ten years of your precious life
4. Abortion: Pro-choice or pro-life
5. How good is multiculturalism for our society?
6. Is US intervention in Iraq justified?
7. Pornography access needs to be banned from public places
8. Should teens be allowed to gamble?
9. Increase in suicidal tendencies among youth
10.Should teen be allowed to hold public office?

Controversial Political Topics

1. Labor Unions can become a mafia for the organization

2. Nuclear arms race needs to be stopped
3. Can the world be finally at peace?
4. Should the electoral college be abolished?
5. Can torture be used for interrogation?
6. Should America focus on the welfare of its people?
7. Student loans result in reduced quality of life for students
8. Prisoners should have better human rights
9. Death penalty: Is it barbaric?
10.Censorship and right to freedom of expression

Most Controversial Topics 2017

1. Ice bucket challenge can be a real goal in life

2. Are CIA black sites justifiable?
3. War on Terror and cost-benefit analysis
4. How effective is PETA for avoiding violence against pets?
5. Trending #WomenBycottTwiter and Rose Army
6. Laura Loomers: What makes her commit hate speech against Muslims?
7. Should we turn a blind eye to Donald Trump’s sexually offensive
8. Evolution of #MeToo movement and its implications on Hollywood
9. Moonlight vs La La Land: Are Oscars justified?
10.Should PewDiePie’s anti-Semitic remarks go unnoticed?
Most Controversial Topics 2018

1. Blue Life Matters vs Black Life Matters

2. Racial Profiling of Muslim Actors and Performers at Airports
3. Second Amendment Rights and Gun Owners
4. Living as LGBTQ+ in Trump’s America
5. Increase in Ku Klux Klan and White supremacy in America
6. TSA and its overregulation at airports
7. PewDiePie vs T-Series: Which one is better?
8. Gender Pay Gap at BBC: How is it justified?
9. Laura Ingraham and Gun Control Advocacy
10.Why are school shooting incidents rose in the United States?

Controversial Debate Topics

1. Age of consent must be higher

2. Should the United States legalize gambling?
3. Racism and Freedom of Expression
4. Should media be allowed to manipulate jury?
5. Insanity defense
6. Indian surrogate industry
7. Concealed arms and second amendment
8. Creationism vs evolution
9. Can secularism have room for religion?
10.Euthanasia for terminally ill patient

Controversial Persuasive Speech Topics

1. How effective is Amnesty International in curbing global violence?

2. Is it necessary to regulate the evolving media?
3. How does intelligent building design curb global warming?
4. Can artificial intelligence impact our day to day tasks?
5. No Child Left Behind and its significance in the current age
6. Does the Government has to impose FISA (Federal Intelligence
Surveillance Act) on American citizens?
7. Effects of Monopoly of life-saving drugs companies?
8. Historical evolution of the LGBTQ+ community in the United States
9. Can electromagnetic radiation be lethal for you?
10.Are we going to get a military unit for space?
Controversial Topics In Education

1. Is it necessary to wear school uniforms?

2. How effective is sexual education in American schools?
3. Homeschooled children and their achievements
4. Should your child need to go to pre-school?
5. Can ebook learning affect learning outcomes of students?
6. Is there a need for reforms in the education sector’s wage pay gap?
7. Is it necessary to have bilingual proficiency in the United States?
8. Incorporation of nourishment curriculum in the schooling system
9. Would it be feasible for schooling students all year?
10.Excessive students inhibit children development

Controversial Health Topics

1. Could healthcare rationing be a good choice for the US healthcare

2. How secure is your implanted GPS limb?
3. GMO crops are the necessary evil for the global food chain
4. What is worse: Marijuana or Alcohol?
5. Should vaccinations be mandatory for public schooling?
6. How does the meat industry impact by antibiotics?
7. Does smoking really cause cancer?
8. What do you know about fetal abuse as part of pregnancy?
9. What is the impact of value-size meals on American citizens’ healthcare?
10.Does stem cell research provide solution to terminally ill patients?

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