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Simple present tense S + V/V-es + O she fixes the broken chairs

Present continuous tense (sedang) S + are/am/is + Ving + O She is fixing the broken chairs

Present Perfect tense (sudah) S + Have/has + V3 + O She has fixed the broken chairs

Present Future tense (akan) S + will + V1 + O She will fix the broken chairs

Present perfect continuous tense S + have/has + been + Ving + O She has been fixing the broken chairs

Present future continuous tense S + will + be + Ving + O She will be fixing the broken chairs

Present future perfect tense S + will + have + V3 + O She will have fixed the broken chairs

Present future perfect continuous tense S + will + have + been + Ving + O She will have been fixing the broken chairs

Simple past tense S + V2 + O she fixed the broken chairs

Past continuous tense S + was/were + Ving + O She was fixing the broken chairs

Past Perfect tense S + had + V3 + O She had fixed the broken chairs

Past Future tense S + would + V1 + O She would fix the broken chairs

Past perfect continuous tense S + had + been + Ving + O She had been fixing the broken chairs

Past future continuous tense S + would + be + Ving + O She would be fixing the broken chairs

Past future perfect tense S + would + have + V3 + O She would have fixed the broken chairs

Past future perfect continuous tense S + would + have + been + Ving + O She would have been fixing the broken chairs


I fix the computer I don’t fix the computer do I fix the computer? Don’t I fix the computer? Do I not fix the computer? You
fix the computer you don’t fix the computer do you fix the computer? Don’t you fix the computer? Do you not fix the computer?
We fix the computer we don’t fix the computer do we fix the computer? Don’t we fix the computer? Do we not fix the computer?
They fix the computer they don’t fix the computer do they fix the computer? Don’t they fix the computer? or Do they not fix the computer?
He fixes the computer he doesn’t fix the computer does he fix the computer? Doesn’t he fix the computer? Does he not fix the computer?
She fixes the computer she doesn’t fix the computer does she fix the computer? Doesn’t she fix the computer? Does she not fix the computer?
It fixes the computer it doesn’t fix the computer does it fix the computer? Doesn’t it fix the computer? Does it not fix the computer?



I fixed the computer I didn’t fix the computer did I fix the computer? didn’t I fix the computer? did I not fix the computer?
You fixed the computer you didn’t fix the computer did you fix the computer? didn’t you fix the computer? did you not fix the computer?
We fixed the computer we didn’t fix the computer did we fix the computer? didn’t we fix the computer? did we not fix the computer?
They fixed the computer they didn’t fix the computer did they fix the computer? didn’t they fix the computer? or did they not fix the computer?
He fixed the computer he didn’t fix the computer did he fix the computer? didn’t he fix the computer? did he not fix the computer?
She fixed the computer she didn’t fix the computer did she fix the computer? didn’t she fix the computer? did she not fix the computer?
It fixed the computer it didn’t fix the computer did it fix the computer? didn’t it fix the computer? did it not fix the computer?


I am fixing the computer I am not fixing the computer am I fixing the computer? am I not fixing the computer?
You are fixing the computer you are not fixing the computer are you fixing the computer? aren’t you fixing ix the computer?
We are fixing the computer we are not fixing the computer are we fixing the computer? aren’t we fixing the computer?
They are fixing the computer they are not fixing the computer are they fixing the computer? aren’t they fixing the computer?
He is fixing the computer he is not fixing the computer is he fixing the computer? isn’t he fixing the computer?
She is fixing the computer she is not fixing the computer is she fixing the computer? isn’t she fixing the computer?
It is fixing the computer it is not fixing the computer is it fixing the computer? in’t it fixing the computer?



I have fixed the computer I haven’t fixed the computer have I fixed the computer? haven’t I fixed the computer?
You have fixed the computer You haven’t fixed the computer have you fixed the computer? haven’t you fixed ix the computer?
We have fixed the computer We haven’t fixed the computer have we fixed the computer? haven’t we fixed the computer?
They have fixed the computer They haven’t fixed the computer have they fixed the computer? haven’t they fixed the computer?
He has fixed the computer He hasn’t not fixed the computer has he fixed the computer? hasn’t he fixed the computer?
She has fixed the computer She hasn’t fixed the computer has she fixed the computer? hasn’t she fixed the computer?
It has fixed the computer It hasn’t fixed the computer has it fixed the computer? hasn’t it fixed the computer?


I will fix the computer I will not fix the computer will I fix the computer? will I not fix the computer?
You will fix the computer you will not fix the computer will you fix the computer? won’t you fix the computer?
We will fix the computer we will not fix the computer will we fix the computer? won’t we fix the computer?
They will fix the computer they will not fix the computer will they fix the computer? won’t they fix the computer?
He will fix the computer he will not fix the computer will he fix the computer? won’t he fix the computer?
She will fix the computer she will not fix the computer will she fix the computer? won’t she fix the computer?
It will fix the computer it will not fix the computer will it fix the computer? won’t it fix the computer?

The long question means that this question requires long answers or explanations, not only “yes” or “no” answers


Yes or no question (short question)

Do you fix radios? yes, I do / no, I don’t (apakah kamu (bisa) memperbaiki radio?)
Will you fix that radio? Yes, I will / no, I won’t (will not) (apakah kamu akan memperbaiki radio itu?)
Are you fixing the radio now? Yes, I am / no, I’m not (apakah kamu sedang memperbaiki radio itu?)
Have you fixed the radio yes, I have / no, I haven’t (apakah kamu sudah memperbaiki radio itu?)

Long questions use question word: WHAT, WHERE, WHY, WHEN, WHO, HOW, WHAT TIME, WHICH
You can simply put a question word at the front part of the interrogative sentence.

What do you fix? I fix computer and cellphone (apa yang kamu perbaiki?
Where do you fix them? I fix them at my workshop in a popular shopping mall in town
Why do you fix computers? because that’s the only way i can do to earn money
Why don’t you fix cars? I don’t know how to fix cars
When do you fix the computer? I fix computer everyday
Who do you trust? I trust only myself :D
How do you fix the computer? I check the problems and replace what needs to be replaced
What time do you usually fix computer? I fix computer every day from 10 pm to 8 pm
Which one do you fix first? I fix whichever comes first to my workshop

What do you fix? When will you fix the computer?

Where do you fix the computer? Who will you look for?
Why do you fix the computer? How will you fix the computer?
Why don’t you fix the computer? What time will you fix the computer?
When do you fix the computer?
Who do you look for? What have you fixed?
How do you fix the computer? Where have you fixed the computer?
What time do you fix the computer? Who have you seen?
What did you fix?
What are you fixing? Where did you fix the computer?
Where are you fixing the computer? Why did you fix the computer?
Why are you fixing the computer? Why didn’t you fix the computer?
Who are you looking for? When did you fix the computer?
Who did you look for?
What will you fix? How did you fix the computer?
Where will you fix the computer? What time did you fix the computer?
Why will you fix the computer?
Why won’t you fix the computer?
When to use which tenses?
Understanding how to use tenses by comparing tenses with similar functions

SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE: she cleans up her bedroom every morning

Untuk menyatakan present habit, fact or general truth. Tidak menyatakan bahwa sesuatu itu sedang
terjadi. Tidak menyatakan bahwa saat ini dia sedang membersihkan kamarnya, tapi menyatakan bahwa
dia memiliki kebiasaan membersihkan kamarnya setiap pagi

Key word (time modifier): everyday, every week, every two weeks, usually, always, seldom, rarely,
often, never

PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE: she is cleaning up her bedroom now

Untuk menyatakan bahwa sesuatu sedang terjadi saat ini juga.

Keyword: now, right now, at the moment, as we speak now

SIMPLE PAST TENSE: She cleaned up her bedroom yesterday

Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi di waktu yang sudah lampau. Tense ini benar-benar hanya
menekankan pada waktunya yang sudah lampau bahwa dia membersihkan kamarnya tersebut kemarin

Key word (time modifier): yesterday, two days ago, last week, last Saturday, three years ago

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: She has cleaned up her bedroom before (sebelumnya)

Tidak berbeda jauh dengan simple past yang menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah lewat, tapi tense ini lebih
menekankan pada sudahnya, tidak menyatakan kapan/waktu sesuatu tersebut dilakukan/terjadi.

Dia sudah membersihkan kamarnya tersebut

- She has cleaned up her bedroom once (dia sudah membersihkan kamarnya satu kali)
- She has cleaned up her bedroom before (dia sudah membersihkan kamarnya sebelumnya)
- She has once cleaned up her bedroom (dia sudah pernah membersihkan kamarnya tsb)
- I’ve always wanted to buy this house (menyatakan keinginan yang sudah ada sejak lama)

Contoh-contoh diatas tidak memberitahu kapan dia membersihkan kamarnya tersebut

Keyword: already, once, ever, before, one time (once), two times (twice), three times
Note: (have/has = sudah)

PAST PERFECT TENSE: She had cleaned up her bedroom before her daddy came home

Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi sebelum sesuatu yang lain di masa
lampau terjadi. Dia sudah membersihkan kamar sebelum ayahnya pulang ke rumah. Kesimpulannya,
kalimat dengan tenses ini tidak bisa berdiri sendiri, tetapi harus dilengkapi kalimat lain (simple
past/verb 2) sebagai pembanding waktu. Jika tidak ada kalimat pembanding, maka present perfect
tense lebih tepat untuk digunakan.

Keyword: before, after

Her daddy came home after she had cleaned up her bedroom
SIMPLE PAST TENSE: She cleaned up her bedroom yesterday

Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi di waktu yang sudah lewat dengan ketarangan waktu yang tidak

Key word (time modifier): yesterday, two days ago, last week, last Saturday, three years ago

PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE: she was cleaning up her bedroom yesterday at 7 am

Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi di waktu yang sudah lewat dengan keterangan waktu yang
spesifik, yaitu kemarin pukul 7 pagi dia sedang membersihkan kamarnya. Keterangan waktu yang
spesifik tersebut bisa digantikan oleh kalimat lain (simple past) sebagai pembanding waktu disaat yang

She was cleaning up her bedroom WHEN I accidently broke the vase

Oleh karena itu, fungsi dari past continuous adalah untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang terjadi di
masa lampau KETIKA kejadian lain di masa lampu terjadi. Kesimpulannya, kalimat dengan tenses ini
tidak bisa berdiri sendiri (kecuali dgn keterangan waktu yang spesifik), tetapi harus dilengkapi kalimat
lain sebagai pembanding waktu (simple past/verb 2). Jika tidak ada kalimat pembanding, maka simple
past tense lebih tepat untuk digunakan.

Contoh lain: she was cleaning up her bedroom WHILE I was preparing food for breakfast

PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE: she is cleaning up the rooms now

Hanya satu hal yang ditekankan pada tense ini yaitu untuk menyatakan bahwa sesuatu sedang terjadi
saat ini juga. Present continuous juga bisa memiliki fungsi seperti present future: I am visiting my
grandparents’ house this weekend = I will visit my grandparents’ house this weekend

Keyword: now, right now, at the moment, as we speak now

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: She has been cleaning up her bedroom for two hours

Ada dua hal yang ditekankan dalam tense ini yaitu 1). Saat ini sesuatu sedang terjadi; 2) dan sedang
terjadinya itu sudah berapa lama?

Dia sudah sedang membersihkan kamarnya selama dua jam

Keyword: for, since

She has been cleaning up her bedroom since two hours ago

PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: She had been cleaning up her bedroom for two hours when I got

Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah sedang terjadi untuk durasi tertentu dimasa lalu
ketika sesuatu yang lain dimasa lalu terjadi. Jadi, ketika kemarin saya pulang ke rumah, dia sedang
membersihkan kamarnya sudah selama dua jam / sejak dua jam sebelumnya

Keyword: for and when

PRESENT FUTURE TENSE: she will clean up her bedroom tomorrow

Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi dimasa datang di waktu yang tidak spesifik

Keyword: tomorrow, next week, next two weeks, two weeks from now, in two weeks, two weeks ahead

Tenses lain seperti Present Continuous bisa juga memiliki fungsi sama persis seperti present future tense,
yang memiliki arti akan bukan sedang, tergantung dari konteks kalimat/time modifier-nya.

She is coming to the next monthly meeting ---- she will come to the next monthly meeting

Akan lebih jelas jika kita menggunakan going to: She is going to come to the next monthly meeting

- I will clean up my bedroom (tanpa keterangan waktu yang jelas, tapi pasti akan dilakukan baik itu hari ini juga,
besok ataupun minggu depan. Belum jelas waktunya karena keputusan dibuat mendadak ketika mengatakan
“I will clean up my bedroom”
- I am going to clean up my bedroom (jika tanpa keterangan waktu yang jelas, memiliki makna bahwa dia akan
mulai membersihkan kamarnya tidak begitu lama setelah kalimat tersebut diucapkan—karena keputusan
telah dibuat sebelum kalimat dengan kata “going to” tersebut diucapkan—)
- She is about to clean up her bedroom (juga memiliki arti akan, tetapi hampir tanpa jeda sama sekali.
Artinya dia memang akan membersihkan kamarnya segera setelah kalimat tersebut selesai diucapkan.

PRESENT FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE: She will be cleaning up her bedroom tomorrow at 7 am.

Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi/dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang dengan
keterangan waktu yang lebih spesifik. Dia akan membersihkan kamarnya besok dan besoknya itu adalah
pukul 7 pagi (lebih spesifik). Dengan kata lain, besok jam 7 pagi dia akan sedang membersihkan kamarnya.
Jika tidak memiliki keterangan waktu yang spesifik, kalimat tersebut memiliki arti sebuah janji.

Contoh lain: this time tomorrow, all of us will be watching Phil Harmony Concert

PRESENT FUTURE PERFECT TENSE: she will have cleaned up her bedroom by next 2 weeks

Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang akan sudah terjadi sebelum waktu tertentu dimasa datang.
Kalimat future ini memiliki makna sebuah janji bahwa tepat dua minggu dari sekarang (14 hari kemudian), dia
akan sudah membersihkan kamarnya; tidak menjadi urusan lagi apakah dia membersihkan kamarnya besok
atau mungkin di hari ke 7, tapi yang pasti, maksimal di hari ke 13 adalah deadline dia untuk membersihkan
kamarnya karena di hari ke 14 dia harus sudah selesai membersihkan kamarnya. Keyword: by (before) January,
by the end of this month/this week, by the time + simple present, by 2017 etc.


She will have been working on the project for a year next week.

untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang akan sudah sedang terjadi untuk durasi waktu tertentu dimasa datang.

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: She has been working on the project for 11 months and 3 weeks.
Agar keterangan waktunya menjadi lebih sederhana, maka digunakanlah PRESENT FUTURE PERFECT
CONTINUOS: She will have been working on the project for a year next week
PAST FUTURE TENSE: she would clean up her bedroom when i saw her at home

Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi/akan dilakukan dimasa lampau ketika kejadian
lain dimasa lampau terjadi.

She was going to clean up her bedroom when I asked her to do so.

Contoh lain:
A: why didn’t you clean up your bedroom yesterday?
B: I was going to, but I had no time
Bisa juga untuk menyatakan past habit:
I would usually ice cream at this time, or
I used to eat ice cream everyday
Semua tenses PAST FUTURE memiliki fungsi lain sebagai kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentence),
yaitu :
- Past future tense: she would clean up her bedroom (bisa saling menggantikan dengan past future
continuous: She would be cleaning up her bedroom)
- Past future perfect tense: she would have cleaned up her bedroom (bisa saling menggantikan dengan
past future perfect continuous: She would have been cleaning up her bedroom. Tapi tenses ini sangat
jarang digunakan)

Kalimat pengandaian terdiri dari 8 jenis tetapi hanya 4 jenis yang umum diajarkan yaitu conditional type 0, I, II dan III

CONDITIONAL the Real Fact Time of The Fact Tenses Used (Pattern)
Type I Still possible to be true In the Present time If + Simple Present, Present Future
Type II Contrary to fact/untrue In the Present time If + Simple Past, Past Future
Type III Contrary to fact/untrue In the Past time If + Past Perfect, Past Future Perfect

Conditional Type I: If She cleans up her bedroom, her mom will give her an extra time to play X-box
(happens now, still has the possibility that she cleans up her bedroom and gets X-box extra time)

Faktanya, dia belum membersihkan kamarnya, dan jika dia membersihkan kamarnya sekarang, dia akan
punya waktu lebih untuk bermain X-box, tapi jika dia tidak membersihkan kamarnya maka tidak akan ada waktu
tambahan untuk bermain X-box

contoh lain:
if you don’t clean up your bedroom, I won’t give you an extra time to play X-box.

Conditional Type II: If She cleaned up her bedroom, her mom would give her an extra time to play X-box
(happens now but contrary to fact—If the cond sentence is a positive sentence, the fact is in negative sentence—
and vise versa)

The fact: She doesn’t clean up her bedroom, so her mom won’t give her an extra time to play X-box
Faktanya SEKARANG dia tidak membersihkan kamarnya sehingga dia tidak diberi waktu tambahan untuk
bermain X-box. Tapi SEANDAINYA SEKARANG dia membersihkan kamarnya, maka dia akan punya waktu
lebih untuk bermain X-box sekarang (if she cleaned up her bedroom, she would have more time to play X-

Walaupun tenses yang digunakan adalah Past Tense, tetapi Conditional Type II ini menjelaskan fakta yang
terjadi di Present Time.
Conditional Type III: if she had cleaned up her bedroom, her mom would have given her an extra time to play
X-box (happened in the past and contrary to fact)

The fact: She didn’t clean up her bedroom yesterday, so her mom didn’t give/hadn’t given her the extra time to
play X-box. But if she cleaned up her bedroom yesterday, her mom must have given her extra time to play X-

Faktanya kemarin dia tidak membersihkan kamarnya sehingga kemarin ibunya tidak memberikan dia waktu
lebih untuk bermain X-box. Tapi jika saja kemarin dia membersihkan kamarnya, ibunya pasti sudah
memberikan dia waktu lebih untuk bermain X-box.

Contoh lain:
A: Thanks Mom for the extra time to play X-box
B: Sure, if you hadn’t cleaned up your bedroom, I wouldn’t have given you that extra time.

Happy learning guys!

This is a simplified method of mastering tenses. If you want to learn more about this lesson, you can buy
English grammar books at the nearest bookstore.

Mr. Z

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