Weekly Clinic Visite Bayu Constructor 1-7 Nov 19

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November 1 - 7 th, 2019

Reported by : Adri Syahreza
No.of sick person
No. ICD X Description of Illness No. ICD X
PHE Contractor
1 A01 Typhoid/paratyphoid fevers 49 I84
2 A05 Bacterial food borne intoxications 50 I95
3 A09 Diarrhoea/gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin 51 J00-J06
4 A15-A19 Tuberculosis 52 J10-J11
5 A35 Other Tetanus (Secondary from infected wounds) 53 J12-J18
6 A50-A64 Infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission 54 J20-J22
7 A90-A99 Arthropod-borne viral fevers/viral haemorrhagic fevers 55 J30-J39
8 B00 Herpesviral (herpes simplex) infections 56 J40-J47
9 B01 Varicella (Chicken pox) 57 J68
10 B02 Zoster (Herpes Zoster) 58 J90-J94
11 B05 Measles (Campak) 59 J98
12 B15-B19 Viral hepatitis 60 K00-K14
13 B26 Mumps 61 K20-K31
14 B30 Viral conjunctivitis 62 K35
15 B35 Dermatophytosis.(Most of Tinea/Pavus/epidermophyton/micosporum/tric 63 K40
16 B36 Other superficial mycosis.(Pityriasis versicolor/T.nigra/white piedra.)) 64 K55-K63
17 B37 Candidiasis 65 K65
18 B54 Unspecified Malaria 66 K80-K87
19 B85-B89 Pediculosis/acariasis/other infestations 67 L00-L08
20 E00-E07 Disorders of thyroid gland 68 L20-L30
21 E10-E14 Diabetes mellitus 69 L50-L54
22 E66 Obesity 70 L55-L59
23 E78 Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism/other lipidaemias 71 M05-M14
24 E79 Disorders of Purine/Pyrimidine Metabolism 72 M60-M63
25 E86 Volume depletion (Non traumatic-non shock dehydration/hypovolemic) 73 M65-M68
26 F23 Acute/transient psychotic disorders 74 M70-M79
27 F32 Depressive episode.(Mood disorders/reduction of energy/tiredness after c 75 N20-N23
28 F40-F48 Neurotic/stress-related/somatoform disorders.(Phobic anxiety/reaction to 76 N30-N39
29 F51 Non-organic sleep disorders.(Behav.synd.assoc.with physiological distur 77 N40-N51
30 F60 Specific personality disorders.(Paranoids/schizoid/emotional unstable/an 78 R00-R09
31 G40-G47 Episodic/paroxysmal disorders.(Epilepsy/migraine/headache syndromes/TI 1 79 R10-R19
32 G50-G59 Traumatic nerve, nerve root and plexus disorders 80 R20-R23
33 G60-G64 Polyneuropathies and other disorders of the peripheral nervous system.(H 81 R30-R39
34 G70-G73 Diseases of myoneural junction and muscle.(Myasthenia gravis/primary d 82 R42
35 G80-G83 Cerebral palsy & other paralytic syndromes 83 R50
36 H00 Hordeolum/chalazion 84 R53
37 H10 Conjunctivitis (Bacterial) 85 R55
38 H11 Other disorders of conjunctiva 86 R96
39 H16 Keratitis 87 T36-T50
40 H40 Glaucoma 88 Z00-Z13
41 H53-H54 Visual disturbances/blindness 89 Z95
42 H60-H62 Diseases of external ear 90 S00-S98
43 H65-H75 Diseases of middle ear/mastoid 91 T00-T07
44 H90-H95 Other disorders of ear 92 T08-T14
45 I10-I15 Hypertensive diseases 93 T15-T19
46 I20-I25 Ischaemic heart diseases 94 T20-T32
47 I30-I52 Other forms of heart diseases 95 V90-V94
48 I60-I69 Cerebrovascular diseases 96 W00-X59
0 1
Subtotal 1 1

Total : 0 + 6 : 6
Average per day : 1
Visit Rate (%) : 0.72
ember 1 - 7 th, 2019
ted by : Adri Syahreza
No.of sick person
Description of Illness
PHE Contractor
Acute upper respiratory infections
Pneumonia 1
Other acute lower respiratory infections.(Acute bronchitis/acute bronchiolitis/unspecified)
Other diseases of upper respiratory tract.(Vasomotor/allergic rhinitis/chronic (rhinitis/nasopharyngitis/phary
Chronic lower respiratory diseases.(Bronchitis/emphysema/asthma/status asthmaticus/bronciectasis)
Respiratory conditions due to inhalation of chemicals/gases/fumes/vapors
Other diseases of pleura.(Plural effusion/pleural plague/non-traumatic pneumothorax)
Other respiratory disorders.(Pulmonary collapse, emphysema)
Diseases of oral cavity, salivary glands and jaws.(Dental caries/hard tissue of teeth/pulp/periapical/gingivit
Diseases of oesophagus, stomach and duodenum.(Oesophagitis/gastro-oesophageal reflux/gastric-duodenal 1
Acute appendicitis
Inguinal hernia
Other diseases of intestines.(Paralytic ileus/irritable bowel syndrome/fissure-fistula-abcess of anal/rectal)
Diseases of gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas.(Cholelithiasis/cholecystitis/acute pancreatitis/diseases o
Infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue(Impetigo/staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome/cutaneous ab 2
Dermatitis and eczema
Urticaria and erythema
Radiation-related disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.(Sunburn/other acite skin changes due to ul
Inflammatory polyarthropathies.(Rheumatoid arthritis (sero-positive)/psoriatic/gout/crystal arthropathies/othe
Disorders of muscles.(Myositis/calcification/ossification of muscle)
Disorders of synovium and tendon.(Tendo-synovitis/spontaneous rupture of synovium/tendon)
Other soft tissue disorders.(Related to use/over-use/pressure/bursopathies/shoulder lesions/enthesopathi
Other diseases of the urinary system.(Pain associated with micturition/unspecified haematuria/unspecified u
Diseases of male genital organs.(Hydrocele/spermatocele/torsion testis/orchitis/epididymitis/other disorder
Symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory systems.(Abnormalities of heart beat/cardia
Symptoms and signs involving the digestive systems and abdomen.(Abdominal pelvic pain/nausea & vomitin 1
Symptoms and signs involving the skin and subcutaneous tissue.(Disturbance of skin sensation/rash & othe
Symptoms and signs involving the urinary system
Dizziness and giddiness
Fever of unknown origin
Malaise and fatigue
Syncope and collapse
Other sudden death, cause unknown
Poisoning by drugs, medicaments and biological substances
Persons encountering health services for examination and investigation
Presence of cardiac and vascular implants and grafts
Open wound / Dislocation / Injury / Fractures
Open wound / Fractures / Injuriy (Multiple region)
Injuries to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region
Effects of foreign body entering through natural orifice
Water transport accidents
Other external causes of accidental injury
0 5
Subtotal 2 5

Total Pengeluaran obat (Rp) :

Average per patient (Rp) :
Day 1 120 Day 8
Day 2 120 Day 9
Day 3 120 Day 10
Day 4 119 Day 11
Day 5 119 Day 12
Day 6 121 Day 13
Day 7 118 Day 14
Total 837 Total 0
Avrg 120 Avrg 0

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