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TAE0010.1177/2042018819834846Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and MetabolismG Gava and MC Meriggiola

Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism Review

Update on male hormonal contraception

Ther Adv Endocrinol

2019, Vol. 10: 1–9

DOI: 10.1177/
Giulia Gava and Maria Cristina Meriggiola

© The Author(s), 2019.

Article reuse guidelines:
Abstract:  Despite increases in female contraceptive options, 40–45% of pregnancies across
the world are still unplanned. While several effective female contraceptive methods have been permissions

developed, contraceptive choices for men are still limited to the male condom with its high
failure rates and to vasectomies, which are invasive and not reliably reversible. Several studies
have demonstrated a great interest among men and women for effective, reversible, and safe
male contraceptive methods. Over the years, numerous studies have been performed to develop
male hormonal and nonhormonal safe and effective contraceptives. A variety of new molecules
are under development as oral or transdermal hormonal contraceptives for men demonstrating
few side effects. In our overpopulated world, the development and commercialization of a
male contraceptive method that will allow both men and women to take an active role in family
planning is mandatory and further research on this topic is required.

Keywords:  contraception, male contraception, male hormonal contraception

Received: 16 November 2018; revised manuscript accepted: 8 February 2019.

Introduction hormonal approach is feasible, relatively effective, Correspondence to:

Maria Cristina Meriggiola
Options available for male contraception are still and acceptable. However, progress in research Gynecology and
limited to condoms characterized by a high failure continues to be slow and a marketable product is Physiopathology of
Human Reproduction, S.
rate with typical use1 and to vasectomy, which is not on the horizon. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital,
invasive and not easily reversible.2 For these rea- Department of Medical and
Surgical Sciences (DIMEC),
sons, family planning continues to be the responsi- University of Bologna,
bility of women even though a large number of Action mechanism of male hormonal Via Massarenti, 9, 40138
Bologna, Italy
men would welcome the opportunity to use male contraception cristina.meriggiola@
contraceptive methods, recognizing that the possi- The basic mechanism by which hormones affect

bility of sharing family planning should be an indi- fertility in men is through the suppression of lute- Giulia Gava
Gynecology and
vidual right rather than a responsibility.3 inizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating Physiopathology of
hormone (FSH) with subsequent reversible inhi- Human Reproduction, S.
Orsola-Malpighi Hospital,
The availability of male hormonal contraceptives bition of testicular function, namely spermato- Department of Medical and
would give men the chance to have control over genesis and testosterone production (Figure 1). Surgical Sciences (DIMEC),
University of Bologna,
their own fertility and to share the responsibility for Both the decrease of testosterone and suppression Bologna, Italy
family planning. Among the different approaches of FSH lead to a decrease of Sertoli cell function
to control male fertility, hormonal contraception essential for germ-cell maturation. To maintain
is the closest to possible clinical application. androgen-dependent physiological functions an
However, despite the significant progress showing androgen (usually testosterone) must be part of
efficacy, feasibility, and acceptability of hormonal the contraceptive regimen.4,5
regimens, research in this field has thus far not led
to a product approved for clinical use. The support
of government agencies such as the World Health Overview of all hormonal contraceptive
Organization (WHO), Contraceptive Research regimens tested in men: background and
and Development (CONRAD), and the National efficacy studies
Institute of Child Health and Human Develop- Over the last few decades several studies have
ment has led to important progress in this field been performed to evaluate the suppression of
and numerous studies have confirmed that the spermatogenesis provided by different hormonal 1

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Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism 10

Figure 1.  Schematic representation of the male’s hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (left panel) and
the hormonal contraception mechanism of action (right panel). FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; GnRH,
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone.

contraceptive regimens. These studies varied in (to azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia) in

their size, molecules used, and duration of study, men.7,8 In 1990, in the first multicenter study,
but they all demonstrated that testosterone is 271 healthy volunteers received 200 mg TE weekly
efficient in suppressing sperm concentrations. and 157 (65% at 6 months) became azoospermic
Subsequent trials demonstrated that testosterone with a mean time of 120 days. The mean time
alone is not as efficient as testosterone plus a pro- of recovery of spermatogenesis after stopping
gestin, both in the rate and extent of suppression testosterone injections was 3.7 months.7 The
of spermatogenesis.6 In addition to these studies, study demonstrated that azoospermia induced by
the feasibility of hormonal contraception for men 200 mg TE injections was able to provide highly
was tested in a few contraceptive efficacy studies effective, sustained, and reversible contraception:
(which evaluated the ability of the formulation among the 157 azoospermic men who entered the
to prevent pregnancy) (Table 1). They showed 12-month efficacy phase there was only one preg-
that azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia nancy (0.8 conceptions per 100 person-years).7
(⩽ 1 million/ml) induced by hormone regimens
provide excellent pregnancy protection compara- In the second WHO study, 399 men were enrolled
ble with female oral hormonal contraception. and 357 completed the suppression phase with
weekly intramuscular injections of 200 mg TE,
with 8 (2.2%) failing to reach the oligozoosper-
Hormonal contraceptive injectable regimes mic threshold (⩽ 3 million/ml).8 A total of 42
using testosterone only men discontinued before the end for personal rea-
Testosterone enanthate. The US National Insti- sons or dislike of the injection schedule, preg-
tutes of Health began male hormonal contracep- nancy during the suppression phase (n = 7), or
tive clinical trials in the 1970s using short-acting for medical reasons (n = 6). Men from Asian
testosterone formulations such as testosterone centers reached azoospermia sooner than men
enanthate (TE). These studies demonstrated from other centers (91 days versus 112 days).
in healthy male volunteers that intramuscular Nonsuppression to the oligozoospermic threshold
administration of TE suppresses sperm concen- (⩽ 3 million/ml) occurred in 8 out of 242 men
tration to very low levels.13 from nonAsian centers compared with none of
the 115 men from the Asian centers. In this study,
TE was also used in two large WHO-supported efficacy was tested in men with different levels of
efficacy studies confirming that testosterone can oligospermia. Four pregnancies were reported
induce profound suppression of spermatogenesis during 29.5 person-years in oligozoospermic men

G Gava and MC Meriggiola

Table 1.  Efficacy studies.

Regimen Enrolled Sperm Subjects Subjects Subjects Pregnancy rate

subjects concentration reaching entering completing N (%/couple-year)
threshold threshold efficacy efficacy

TE 200 mg/week7 271 azoospermia 157 157 119 1 (0.8)

TE 200 mg/week8 399 < 3 (reduced 349 268 209 4 (1.4)

from < 5)

TU 1000 (loading) + 500 mg/4 week9 308 <3 299 296 280 1 (2.3)*

Depot MPA 300 mg/12 week 55 <1 53 51 30 0 (0)

testosterone pellets 800 mg/24–
16 week10

TU 1000 (loading) + 500 mg/4 1045 ⩽1 855 855 733 9 (1.1)


TU 1000 mg + NETE 200 mg/8 320 ⩽1 274 266 111$ 4 (1.57)


*One pregnancy was attributed to sperm rebound.

$Trial terminated before the planned end of the study.

MPA, medroxyprogesterone acetate; NETE, norethisterone enanthate; TE, testosterone enanthate; TU, testosterone undecanoate.

(sperm count 0.1–3 × 10 (6)/ml) and no preg- contraception. During the efficacy phase, one
nancy was reported during 230.4 person-years in pregnancy occurred, and it was attributed to
azoospermic men.8 sperm rebound. In this phase the continuation
rate was 95/100 couple-years. Overall the total
Side effects included discomfort at the injection failure rate of the methods was 5.2% and total
sites, acne, psychological changes, weight gain, efficacy was 94.8%. Spermatogenesis returned to
polycythemia, and abnormal lipids.7,8 the normal range within the recovery period with-
out any serious adverse events occurring during
Testosterone undecanoate. Long-acting intra- the study.9 Side effects included tenderness or
muscular testosterone undecanoate (TU) was discomfort at the injection sites, acne, and self-
studied as a potential hormonal male contracep- reported changes in sexual desire.9
tive agent in a large Chinese phase II contracep-
tive efficacy study. In this trial TU was used in Another subsequent large multicenter, phase III,
308 healthy men9: during the 6-month suppres- WHO-supported, contraceptive efficacy clinical
sion phase, an initial loading dose of 1000 mg TU, trial was conducted in China enrolling 1045 cou-
followed by 500 mg TU every month was admin- ples who received an initial loading dose of 1000 mg
istered until the achievement of azoospermia or TU followed by 500 mg every month for up to 6
severe oligozoospermia (< 3 million/sperm ml). The months during the suppression phase and then for
12-month treatment period included a 6-month 24 months of the efficacy phase.11 A total of 43
suppression phase followed by a 6-month efficacy participants (4.8%) did not achieve azoospermia
phase and a 12-month recovery period. The or severe oligozoospermia within the 6-month sup-
threshold for entering the efficacy phase was pression phase. Of the 855 men entering the effi-
defined as azoospermia (< 3 million/sperm ml). cacy phase, 122 discontinued early and 733
Only 9 men did not achieve the required level completed the 24-month efficacy phase. A total of
within the 6-month suppression phase whereas 10 participants presented sperm rebound during
296 men entered the efficacy phase.9 During the the 24-month efficacy phase, with a secondary
efficacy phase, 500 mg TU was administered at method failure rate of 1.3%. Nine pregnancies
monthly intervals for 6 months. A total of 296 were reported in 1554.1 person-years of exposure
men used the hormonal method for in the 24-month efficacy phase for a cumulative 3
Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism 10

contraceptive failure rate of 1.1 per 100 couple- This trial showed that the combination of
years. Six pregnancies were retrospectively attrib- etonogestrel subcutaneous implants with 750
uted to sperm rebound and three attributed to mg or 1000 mg TU every 10–12 weeks was asso-
men whose sperm concentration was no greater ciated with sperm suppression to 1 million/ml.
than 1 × 106/ml. The combined method failure This regimen was well tolerated and provided
rate was 6.1%, of which 4.8% had inadequate sup- an effective and reversible suppression of
pression and 1.3% had postsuppression sperm spermatogenesis.16
rebound. The cumulative contraceptive failure
rates were 1.0% and 1.1% at the end of months 12 In a small trial the efficacy of a regimen using
and 24, respectively, based on 1554.1 person-years testosterone pellets (four 200  mg implants,
of exposure in the 24-month efficacy phase. No every 4 or 6 months) and 300 mg depot MPA
serious adverse events were reported during the injected every 3 months demonstrated high
study period. A total of 18 participants discontin- contraceptive efficacy (no pregnancies occurred
ued early and the most frequent complaint was in 426 person-months (35.5 person-years);
tenderness or discomfort at the injection sites, 95% confidence interval [CI] for contraceptive
acne, changes in mood or behavior, and facial failure rate: 0–8%/annum) with satisfactory
swelling or skin rash.11 Spermatogenesis returned short-term safety and recovery of spermatogen-
to the normal fertile reference range in all but two esis.10 Recovery was complete in all but one
participants.11 This study showed that in the cou- man with an incidental testicular disorder. Side
ples who completed the efficacy phase, contracep- effects included problems with pellets, symptoms
tive protection was excellent.14 of androgen deficiency, and mood fluctuations.

In 2001 the combination of the injectable depot

Hormonal contraceptive injectable regimes preparation of TU 1000 mg plus NETE 200 mg
using testosterone combined with other injected every 6 weeks in 14 subjects was shown to
molecules induce profound suppression of spermatogenesis
Testosterone plus progestin.  Testosterone adminis- and the absence of serious side effects.17 In a sub-
tration demonstrated contraceptive efficacy but sequent study, the injection interval was increased
testosterone alone is not as efficient as testosterone to 8 weeks and 9 out of 10 subjects still achieved
plus a progestin in the rate and extension of sper- azoospermia and all were severely oligozoosper-
matogenesis suppression. These two steroids have mic (< 1 million/ml) by the end of the 48-week
synergic and additive effects on the hypothalamus- study period.18 A further increase of the injection
pituitary axis resulting in more rapid and profound interval to 12 weeks led to a decrease in sperm
gonadotropins and sperm suppression compared suppression.
with each compound administered alone.
After the promising results of these small studies,
Adding a progestin also allows the reduction of WHO and CONRAD decided to use this regimen
the testosterone dose therefore reducing possible in an efficacy study. The appeal of this regimen
side effects related to supraphysiological doses of was that both TU and NETE are dissolved in cas-
testosterone, therefore improving the safety of the tor oil and thus in principle they can be included
regimen.15 in one formulation that is injected every 8 weeks
providing an acceptable hormonal contraceptive
Various pilot studies using testosterone injections regimen. A large multinational phase II efficacy
(esters or testosterone implants) plus different trial was carried out to determine the safety and
progestins have confirmed the efficacy of these efficacy of TU 1000 mg combined with NETE
formulations in sperm suppression. Various pro- 200 mg for sperm suppression and contraceptive
gestins including depot medroxyprogesterone efficacy. Participants received injections every 2
acetate (MPA), levonorgestrel pills and implants, months during the suppression and efficacy phases.
desogestrel pills, etonogestrel implants, oral Within 24 weeks, 274 of the 320 initial partici-
cyproterone acetate, and injectable norethister- pants suppressed to a sperm concentration less
one enanthate (NETE) have been studied. than or equal to 1 million/ml.12 During the effi-
cacy phase of up to 56 weeks, among 266 male
The combination of TU with etonogestrel participants, 4 pregnancies occurred in the part-
(active metabolite of desogestrel) was studied in ners (rate of 1.57 per 100 continuing users [95%
2008 in a multicenter trial involving 354 men.16 CI: 0.59–4.14]). During the 52-week recovery

G Gava and MC Meriggiola

phase, 94.8 per 100 continuing users (95% CI: Sperm suppression below 1 million/ml or less was
91.5–97.1) recovered to a sperm concentration of significantly more probable in men treated with
at least 15 million/ml or to a total sperm count of testosterone plus NES 8 mg (89%, p < 0.0001)
at least of 39 million per ejaculate.12 and testosterone plus NES 12 mg (88%, p = 0.0002)
compared with men treated with testosterone
Reported side effects included acne, increased (23%).24 Adverse effects were minimal in all
libido, injection site pain, myalgia, and mood groups with 21% of subjects presenting mild or
alterations; 6% of men discontinued due to a side moderate acne.
effect. The reported frequency of moderate to
severe mood changes, occurring in some but not Testosterone and NES can be combined into a
all sites, lead to an external safety review commit- single gel with reduced volume thus simplifying
tee recommending stopping further injections application and improving adherence. A phase IIb
before the planned end of the study.12 efficacy trial of a testosterone plus NES gel has
been initiated enrolling 400 couples. If the men
Testosterone plus Gonadotropin Releasing Hor- achieve sperm concentrations of ⩽ 1 million/ml,
mone (GnRH) antagonists.  GnRH antagonists act the couples will enter a 52-week efficacy phase.
by competitive binding to receptors and reduce
both LH and FSH to undetectable levels. GnRH
antagonists are very effective in suppressing sper- Oral formulations: the ‘male pill’
matogenesis. Short-term studies have shown that Up to now, studied male hormonal contracep-
the suppression of spermatogenesis by GnRH tives are designed to be administered through
antagonists plus testosterone is profound.19,20 injections or implants which may be uncom-
However, GnRH antagonists are expensive and fortable so many men prefer other administra-
the majority of them still require frequent subcu- tion methods such as oral or transdermal
taneous injections. New long-acting depot formu- self-administration.25 The oral delivery of tes-
lations of GnRH antagonists, such as degarelix, tosterone has been challenging with the prob-
are under investigation.21 Those new long-acting lem of hepatoxicity with methyltestosterone or
formulations may represent an option for male for the necessity of multiple doses per day in
contraception but remain to be demonstrated. the case of TU.26
Therefore, until newly developed GnRH antago-
nists are marketed, these regimens do not repre- New androgens are currently under development
sent a realistic option for male contraception. as potential oral male hormonal contraceptives.
Dimethandrolone undecanoate (DMAU) is a
derivative of 19-nortestosterone with both andro-
Hormonal contraceptive transdermal regimes genic and progestational activity in preclinical
using testosterone and Nestorone: gel-gel studies.27 Recently, it has been studied in 82
combination healthy men for 28 days: a single dose of up to
Nestorone (segesterone acetate) (NES) is a 400 mg daily was safe, well-tolerated, and demon-
19-norprogesterone-derived progestin character- strated its ability to suppress serum testosterone,
ized by the absence of androgenic, estrogenic, or LH, and FSH to levels consistent with effective
glucocorticoid effects.22 It provides inhibition of contraception.28 Limitations of oral DMAU are
gonadotropins through a negative feedback mech- the need for concomitant food administration for
anism but it also inhibits local testosterone produc- effective absorption29 and androgenic side effects
tion directly in the testis. (i.e. weight gain, increased hematocrit, and reduc-
tion in HDL-cholesterol).
Testosterone gel can be used together with
NES gel. This combination used daily in Another new molecule is 11-beta-methyl-19-nortes-
healthy men has shown effective gonadotropin tosterone 17-beta-dodecylcarbonate (11-ßMNTDC),
suppression.23 a derivative of 19-nortestosterone. In preclini-
cal data, it showed serum gonadotropin sup-
A total of 56 subjects were randomized to receive pression,30 and one study in men demonstrated
one of these treatments: testosterone gel at a dose that given in oral doses of 100–800 mg with
of 10 g, testosterone plus NES at a dose of 8 mg, food it is well tolerated and able to suppress
or testosterone plus NES at a dose of 12 mg. testosterone.31 5
Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism 10

Side effects and risks Factors influencing suppression and

In trials which tested testosterone-only regimens, reversibility
the most common side effects were related to high- In the Chinese population, testosterone alone
dose testosterone administration: common side induced azoospermia and thereby effective
effects were acne, altered libido, night sweats, contraceptive protection in most subjects.7–9,11 In
increased weight, and mood changes. The combi- Caucasian men testosterone alone cannot guaran-
nation of testosterone with a progestin allowed a tee effective contraception as it produces azoo-
reduction of testosterone dose minimizing andro- spermia in only two-thirds of volunteers and
genic side effects.15 When the testosterone dose azoospermia or severe oligospermia in about 95%
was decreased and combined with a progestin, side of subjects.8 To achieve uniform azoospermia or
effects were correlated with the type of progestin severe oligospermia in Caucasian men, testoster-
used. Progestins derived from nortestosterone, one must be combined with a progestin. Progestin
which retain their androgenic activity, more often co-administration almost doubles the rate and
caused androgen-related adverse side effects such extent of sperm suppression.6 In addition to eth-
as weight gain, acne, or decreased HDL- choles- nicity, the dose of testosterone may also modulate
terol. Although side effects were reported in all the extent of suppression as a higher total adminis-
studies, a placebo-controlled study that compared tered dose may be related to a higher proportion of
treatment with etonogesterel combined with TU incomplete suppression,6,33,34 while higher baseline
versus placebo proved very interesting. In this endogenous testosterone is also associated with
study, active treatment was more frequently asso- slower suppression.6
ciated with mood and libido alterations, acne,
weight gain, and night sweats.16 Interestingly, Even after drug and dose optimization, male hor-
although not surprisingly, it should be acknowl- monal contraceptive regimens can have some
edged that adverse side events reported by 93% of variability on the extent of sperm suppression
men on active treatment were also reported by depending on body mass index age, and initial
81% of men on placebo treatment. In this placebo- sperm count but the effect of these cofactors is
controlled trial, treatment was associated with a still to be fully understood.
decrease of total cholesterol, HDL-, and LDL-
cholesterol, with an increase in the total choles- Hormonal male contraceptive regimens have
terol/HDL- cholesterol ratio.16 This placebo- shown full reversibility within a predictable time
controlled trial was methodologically precise, how- course. Nonrecovery has only been reported
ever a different regimen and longer administration twice in men diagnosed with other causes of ste-
time may lead to different adverse side events. For rility, such as epididymitis and myotonic dystro-
this reason, postmarketing monitoring will be phy.10,11 Different covariables can affect the rate
mandatory. Also, the clinical significance of these but not the extent of recovery.35 In 1549 men
changes, that is, the HDL decrease, in terms of who underwent 1283.5 man-years of treatment
increased cardiovascular risk remains unclear. No and 705 man-years of recovery, higher rates of
significant changes in prostate volumes were recovery were detected with older age, Asian ori-
detected in studies where the prostate was moni- gin, shorter treatment duration, shorter-acting
tored by ultrasound and digital rectal examination. testosterone preparations, higher sperm concen-
PSA levels did not change throughout the study trations at baseline, faster suppression of sper-
periods in any study. matogenesis, and lower blood concentrations of
LH at baseline.35
Pregnancy and fetal outcomes during and after
male hormonal contraceptive treatment are similar In the longest study of 855 men treated with andro-
to those of the general population.32 Spontaneous gen for up to 30 months, the median time to recov-
miscarriage rates (6–11%) were comparable to the ery of sperm output to at least 20 million/ml was
general population (8–20%). The congenital mal- 7.6 months, longer than the median recovery time
formation rate was 0.9–1.8% (0·0–6·3), which is of 3.4 months previously calculated.11 In another
consistent with the congenital malformation rate in study of 354 men administered with combined
spontaneous and ART pregnancies (4%), but the androgen-progestin therapy for 42–44 weeks the
power of the analysis was not sufficient to exclude the median recovery time was 3.7 months and all men
possibility that congenital malformation rates may had recovered after 16 months.16 In the most recent
be increased by male hormonal contraceptives.32 study of 266 men treated for up to 54 weeks with

G Gava and MC Meriggiola

NETE and TU, the cumulative rate of recovery The transdermal route can improve the accept-
to a sperm concentration of 15 million/ml or total ance rate of the hormonal contraceptive method
sperm count of 39 million per ejaculate was 94.8 in some men over injectable regimens. Of 79
per 100 continuing users (95% CI: 91.5–97.1) in a studied subjects 56% were satisfied or extremely
52-week recovery phase.12 satisfied with this gel-gel method and 51% would
recommend it to others.24
Reversibility has also been evaluated in volunteers
with subnormal semen parameters according to
WHO parameters. Volunteers received injections Conclusion
of 1000 mg TU at weeks 0, 6, 14, and 24, fol- Nowadays, despite increases in female contracep-
lowed by a 24-week recovery and follow-up tive options,41 40–45% of pregnancies across the
period. A total of 23 men with normal semen world are still unplanned and several studies have
parameters and 18 with sperm counts below confirmed that there is great interest among men
20 million completed the trial. All sperm counts, and women for effective, reversible, and safe male
in both normal and subnormal volunteers, contraceptive methods. Numerous studies have
returned to the starting range confirming the been performed to develop male hormonal and
same safe pattern in both groups.36 nonhormonal safe and effective contraceptives,
however progress in research in the last decade
A limitation in the assessment of reversibility of has been slow and commercialization is not on
male hormonal contraception is that the longest the horizon. A variety of new molecules are still
study had treatment duration of 30 months and under development as oral or transdermal hor-
further data would only be available with post- monal contraceptives for men demonstrating few
marketing follow up. side effects. The goal for the future is the develop-
ment and commercialization of a male contracep-
tive method that will allow both men and women
Acceptability to take an active role in family planning.
The ideal male contraceptive method should be
independent of the sexual act and without short- Author’s Note
or long-term side effects and interference with Giulia Gava: contribution to the conception and
libido. It should be effective quickly, fully revers- the design of the work; drafting the work and revis-
ible, have no impact on eventual offspring, and be ing it critically for important intellectual content;
easily accepted by both partners.37,38 final approval of the version to be published.
Maria Cristina Meriggiola: contribution to the
A large number of men surveyed internationally conception and the design of the work; drafting
are interested and would welcome the opportu- the work and revising it critically for important
nity to use male contraceptive methods. Several intellectual content; final approval of the version
studies have been performed in different coun- to be published.
tries to evaluate the level of acceptability of pos-
sible male contraceptive methods. In these studies Ethical approval
44–83% of men interviewed welcomed male hor- Ethical approval was not required for this review.
monal methods. Zhang and colleagues reported
that acceptability of an injectable monthly regi- Funding
men was good in 308 interviewed men, although This research received no specific grant from any
frequency of injections, monthly semen analysis, funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-
and the need to use another contraceptive method for-profit sectors.
during the period of sperm suppression were
reported as inconveniences of the method poten- Conflict of interest statement
tially limiting continuation and satisfaction The authors declare no conflicts of interest in
rates.39 In two different studies performed in Italy preparing this article.
and China, men participating in clinical trials on
a potential hormonal injectable contraceptive ORCID iD
found the method acceptable.37,40 In the Italian Giulia Gava
study 79% of men indicated that they would use -312X
the method if available and 74% of subjects Maria Cristina Meriggiola
reported that their partner would appreciate it.40 00-0003-0061-9834 7
Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism 10

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