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Review Google Play Store

Google Play is a digital distribution service operated and developed by Google LLC. It serves as the official app store
for the Android operating system, allowing users to browse and download applications developed with the Android
software development kit and published through Google. Google Play also serves as a digital media store, offering
music, books, movies, and television programs

Google Play, which was originally born and referred to by Google as the Android Market, is Google's official store
and portal for Android apps, games and other content for an Android-powered phone, tablet or Android TV device.
Just as Apple has its App Store, Google has the Google Play Store. It's a huge place and it offers a lot of content to
its users such as apps, games, music, movies and many more.

In the past Google Play used to offer Devices tab in the Play Store, but the device transactions were obviously not
the same as the software ones, because devices required transactions like shipping, customer support, and potential
returns. So, Google just decided to split the devices and now there is Google Store and, of course, Google Play,
which is used for downloading apps and content.

The ''old version'' of Google Play was Android Market. It handled app content whereas Google Music and Google
Books handled books and music. So, Android Market was just an Android app store which made the creation of other
separated app stores for Amazon, Samsung, Sony and many others.

Noe, Google Play sells Android apps, which are accessible on the Home and Games section of the Play Store. Also,
the Google play store has the smart option to give recommendations based on your previous downloads. The design
of the store is amazingly done as well. The categories, top carts and the editor's choice are sorted and in a perfect
order which make great comfort to the user.

The word ''play'' in Google Play also play a great part. The word itself implies that there are games involved. The
logo looks similar to the Play button on videos. So, this metaphor makes us feel excited for playing and exploring the
store. After all, Google Play has a great variety of Android games. But, games are not the only great thing that
the Google Store can suggest. The Play Music store still works the same way as the old standalone Google Music
product. The player operates the same way, the difference is that it's located in the Music section of Google Play.

Google Play is the big Googley umbrella that covers the Android app store, Google Play Music, Google Play
Books, Google Play Movies & TV and Google Play Newsstand. All of those apps are already installed in your Android
phone, tablet or Android TV device along with the stand alone Google Play application where you can download and
purchase apps and media. Not every service is available in every country, so you might be missing one or more of
the items. That's something Google is constantly working on, and we hope all the services roll out across the globe
Pros Cons
- Large number of categories

- Refunds for paid apps available - No search filters

- Easy navigation - Regional display of apps

- Nice design

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