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Jonathan Yun

# Quote My Comments

1 “The crash of Green Hornet had left This quote shows the power of human
Louie and Phil in the most desperate emotions, and how the mind can be more
physical extremity, without food, water, powerful than the body. It shows how
or shelter. But on Kwajalein, the guards important emotions are to the human and
sought to deprive them of something that how Louie’s survival as a POW was not
had sustained them even as all else had limited to just the physical toils.
been lost: dignity.” (Hillenbrand 162-163)

2 “At that moment, something shifted Hillenbrand worked to show how much the
sweetly inside him. It was forgiveness, war affected Louie. Louie became thin and
beautiful and effortless and complete. For frail due to starvation. He was unable to talk
Louie Zamperini, the war was over.” properly due to his parched throat. He was
(Hillenbrand 332) bleeding due to his skin cracking from the
heat. He survived shark attacks, fighter jets,
storms, frequent beatings, diseases, but no
matter what he survived being a POW with a
single purpose, to live through the end to
obtain his revenge. Louie would spend many
years after the war dealing with flashbacks,
nightmares, and alcoholic problems, all due
to the war. He was fueled by hate to capture
the Owl, and it wasn’t until this point in the
story, where he chose to finally end this
hatred, and replace it with forgiveness and
compassion. And at this point, the war
would finally end for Louie.

3 “A lifetime of glory is worth a moment of This quote foreshadows how much pain, a
pain. Louie thought: Let go.” literal lifetime of it, would occur. But what’s
(Hillenbrand 41). more important is that this quote will come
to mind at various points in the story.

4 “Without dignity, identity is erased. In its In this quote, Hillenbrand emphasizes how
absence, men are defined not by important dignity is to a person. In the
themselves, but by their captors and the chapter where this quote is found, it shows
circumstances in which they are forced to the terrible situation the prison is in, and
live.” (Hillenbrand 163) shows the daily struggles. But towards the
end of the chapter, Hillenbrand shows how
dangerous it can be to lose one’s dignity in
comparison to physical struggles

5 “Across the bay, masses of civilians stood This is an important quote because it not
in the streets, looking at the sky. As the only shows what the POWs were feeling, but
plane passed into the civilians’ view, what the Japanese guards were feelings. This
Frank Tinker heard the people shouting quote was at the end of the war, and it shows
[…] Louie glanced toward the south end how both the POWs and the Japanese guards
of camp. The Bird was standing just were hoping for the end of the war. The
outside his office, motionless and POWs wanted the war to end in an American
expressionless, watching the plane. ‘It victory to be free, while the Japanese guards
was not their Messiah,’ Martindale wrote, wanted the war to end in a Japanese victory
‘but ours.’” (Hillenbrand 22) to be able to return home. And when they
saw the plane, a powerful new B-29
American plane, it resulted in the Americans
rejoicing for victory, and the Japanese
fearing defeat.

6 “What God asks of men, said [Billy] This quote signifies the importance
Graham, is faith. His invisibility is the Christianity played in Louie Zamperini’s
truest test of that faith. To know who sees life. The war tore his mind and body apart
him, God makes himself unseen.” each and every day he was living as a POW.
(Hillenbrand 327) But each and every one of those days he had
faith that one day he would be rescued and
that he would be able to regain his freedom.
But at this point of the story, he chose to
make the decision to put his faith in God,
which would change his life forever.

7 "Before Louie had left the States, he'd This quote is a bit ironic in the fact that
been issued an olive-drab Bible. He tried although he abandoned Chrisianity, he
reading it to cope with his anxiety, but it would eventually return, finding peace and
made no sense to him, and he abandoned tranquility.
it." (Hillenbrand 82)

8 “Confident that he was clever, This powerful quote, appearing early in the
resourceful, and bold enough to escape story, already gives the reader an
any predicament, [Louie] was almost introduction to a recurring theme in this
incapable of discouragement. When book: perseverance. It shows how through
history carried him into war, this resilient constant perseverance, Louie was able to
optimism would define him” (Hillenbrand make it through the war alive.

9 The men grew thinner. Phil was gradually This quote again, shows the perseverance of
regaining his strength after his initial state Louie and how no matter the situation,
of concussed exhaustion; Mac's body whether it be a shipwreck, or a being
grew weaker, following his broken spirit. captured for two long years, he would
(Hillenbrand 136) always keep his perseverance and hope for
freedom. This quote also shows how
dangerous it could be to lose hope. Once
Mac gave up hope to be rescued, his body
started to grow weak without the mind
supporting it.

10 Ahead of him lay a POW camp, a This shows how desperate Louie was to
promised land. (Hillenbrand 205) escape his current prison camp. Ofuna (the
camp he was leaving), was a secret POW
camp in Japan that was not given any
external support from the Red Cross. This
resulted in constant starvation, malnutrition,
lack of clean water, lack of shelter, and other
basic needs. So when Louie heard that he
was being transferred to a Red Cross
supported POW camp, he was overjoyed,
only to realize that even at the camp, the
situation was terrible.

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