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London School of Science

and Technology
Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND
Diploma in Business

Unit 13: Personal and Professional

Module Leader: ParisaSaadati

Internal Verifier: Dr. George Panagiotou
Issued on: 30th January 2017

Deadline: 26th May 2017

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Student Name:XYZ
Student ID:H1234567
Pearson Registration Number:12345678

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Task 1: Written Essay

1.1 List five different approaches to self-manage learning in bullet

point and evaluate three of the approaches to self-Managed

Self-manage learning is the process of enriching skill, knowledge and personal

development by the own efforts of an individual, at any time using any method
(Gibbons, 2003). For example, learn how to improve communication skills by
watching video on YouTube.

Approaches to self-managed learning are several types

 Learning from others

 Conferences
 Interviews
 Use of the internet
 Social networks

Learning from others is one of the most common but useful approaches of
self-managed learning. More or less every individual sues this method. The
main positive aspect is that it is the easiest way of learning. But, the negative
aspect is that individual may misguided unintentionally.

Internet is the biggest source of self-managed learning for people these days.
Now, more or less every individual in the world takes the help of internet for
learning. The positive aspect is that it is helpful for getting quick solution. The
negative aspect is that linguistic barrier may disturb in learning.

Conference is another source of self-managed learning. The positive aspect

is that individual may learn from experts. The negative aspect is that only few
people gets the opportunity in participating in the conference.

After discussing the above self-managed learning approaches, the best

approach is learning from Internet because from internet one can learn
anything he/she needs from huge resources.
1.2 From the scenario propose 5 different ways in which lifelong learning
in personal and professional contexts could be encouraged.
Lifelong learning is the self-directed and continuous personal and professional
formal and informal learning and education process to develop skills, knowledge
and personal development (Cooper, 2017).

Lifelong learning encourages self-managed learning because it is helpful

for improving career skills. For example, to cope up with the dynamic
situations, state agent needs to assess information

Continuing professional development is another purpose of lifelong

learning. For example, a state agent needs to improve sales skills
throughout his works life.

Linking higher education with industry increases the network with

professionals. For example, state agent can take of experts at any time.

Further education is necessary for continuing learning process by an

individual. For example, state agent can learn new professional skills from
further learning.

Apprenticeship is a good way of lifelong learning because individual can

learn from working. For example, sate agent can learn practically from
1.3 Evaluate the benefits of self-managed learning to the individual
and organization.

Coaching and mentoring is the process to increase well-being and

performance of people in their personal life and work domains (Hussain,
Ireland and Law, 2007).

Coaching and Mentoring gives many benefits to individual such as it helps

to build knowledge and skills of state agent to boost up sales and well
communication with the customers; state agent can adjust with any situation; it
helps state agent to overcome from difficulties.

Coaching and Mentoring to organisation gives many benefits to organisation

such as it reduces the cost of hiring experts of State Agency; increases
employee retention rate of State Agency; quick adjustment with change
management and business circumstances.
Task 2

2.1 Evaluate own current skills and competencies against

professional standards and organisational objectives

2.3 Identify development opportunities to meet current and future

defined needs
The Rate of Scale from Skills Audit

1 = Don’t know 2 = no experience 3 = Little experience

4= some experience 5= Wide experience

Evaluation own current skills and competencies against professional

standards and organizational objectives
SWOT Analysis for Current Skills

Professional context

Strengths Weaknesses
* Necessary educational * Lack of experience in property
background management
* Experience in marketing * No experience in leadership
* IT skill * Take time to adjust with new
Opportunities Threats
* Getting quick promotion * High competition
* Improve experience level * low job security
* Work in a team * Satisfying customer is tough

Organisational context

Strengths Weaknesses
* Quick understanding skill * Weak interpersonal skills
* Good IT skill * Little problem solving skill
* Self-motivated * Insufficient adaptability
Opportunities Threats
* Gather strong experience * Fierce challenge
* Lifelong learning opportunity * Uncertain economic condition
* Estate management * High competition
Development Opportunities for present needs

To determine the opportunities for present needs is important for an employee

who wants to progress in his/her career. In this context, appropriate self-
assessment is necessary for the person. Development opportunities help
employee to meet personal career objectives (Kokemuller, 2017). For example,
the current needs are developing communication skills, and problem solving
skills for the state agent to establish well in his/her real estate career as a
customer and sales service executive.

Development Opportunities for future needs

To progress and reach into the career, an employee needs utilising the future
development opportunities. The business environment is chaining so quickly so
adjustment with the new environment needs development for future. For example,
the state agent should acquire further education related to building industry and
leadership traits to get into managerial position in future.
Task 3

2.2, 2.4, 3.1 and 3.2: Devise a personal and professional development
plan by setting SMART OBJECTIVES

What are my Priority What What Target Actual date of

development activities do I support/resource date for achieving my
objectives? need to s do I need to achieving objectives
undertake to achieve my my
achieve my objectives? objectives

Interpersonal Short Communicate Support from line One month 17 April 2017
skill term with co- manager and
workers colleagues,
regularly. friends and family.

IT skill Short Training and Laptop, internet, 15 days 31 March 2017

term coaching. video tutorial

Short Training, Work in a team 2 months 19 May 2017

term coaching and
solving skill

Further Long Join in Join into college 2 years 10 February

education term professional or university 2019

Leadership Long Participating in Participate in the 1 year 15 March 2018

skill term leadership seminars, active
training presence and
programme, leading the team
take members
Property Long Get Get promotion 3 years 13 February
management term professional through good 2020
skill degree performance

30 April 2017
Review Date:
3.3 Reflect critically on own learning against original aims and
objectives set in the development plan

Own progress on areas of development:

(1) Short term objective needs

To work as an estate administrator, communicate with others is an obligatory task.

So that improve in interpersonal skill and communication skill are vital for good
career. I have decided to improve my communication skill within a month and as for I
introduce minimum five people every day both in office and outside. I am maintaining
regular connection with them and it helps me to improve my communication skill
significantly. I watch YouTube videos to improve my IT skill and take helps from the
expert at my office. Now I have gained significant expertise in IT works. The
company provided me training and coaching to improve my problem solving skill.
Now I am progressing in this matter quickly because every day I have to solve many
small issues.

(2) Long term objective needs

To achieve long term objectives, I have admitted in an education college to achieve

professional degree in civil and structural engineering. It needs two years to
complete. Currently I am attending in the first semester. In addition, I am
participating in leadership development courses to improve my leadership skill. The
company also make me team leader of a small team. I believe it will be helpful for
me to improve my leadership skill. In future when I will get promotion, I will gain more
knowledge in property management and bring my career ahead.
3.4 Update the development plan based on feedback and

Objectives Success criteria Actions Implementation

What do I want to How will I recognise What methods will I use How will I practice and
be able to do success? to achieve my learning apply what I learn?
or do better? objectives?

Interpersonal skill Feeling no hesitation Face to face Introduce with new

during communication communication, people every day
with unknown and phone, chat on social
Maintain regular
known people. media
contact with
colleagues, friends
and newly
introduced people.

Leadership skill Successfully direct the Received training and Attend in Professional
followers towards the coaching, attended in institution and
target of the team and professional training centre
organisation as well. leadership skill
development course.

Taking few time to solve Training and coaching, Attend in training and
problem, with or solve small issue by development
Problem solving
without taking the help self, take help from programme of the
of others. expert in big issue. company.
Task 4

4.1 Select solutions to work-based problems

Problem identification

The first step of work-based problems solution is identifying the problems.

The problems of State Agency are:

 Underperformance of workers
 Low quality of service
 Lack of competencies
 Poor communication between workers and employers
 High employee turnover
 Reduced productivity

Generating alternative solutions

To get rid of from the problem, the State Agency should take the actions to solve the

 Improve training and development methods of the company

 Establish both upward and downward communication style
 Gives incentives, bonus on the performance
 Higher experts in relevant field


Training and development programme is cost effective compared to others because

training and development improves the skills and performance of employees.
Communication style is mandatorily implemented by the State Agency, it is cost
saving also.

Selecting an alternative

 Hiring experts in relevant field.

 Gives bonus and incentives on performance

The company should implement the training and development programme right now.
After getting on the profitable track, the company can implement bonus and incentive
schemes for good performer.

Following up on the solutions

The company should monitor the result monthly. If any deviation found, the company
should implement the alternative solutions.
4.2 Communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at
various levels

Imad Guenane
22 Lower Street
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Mobile: +44 2033228570


I believe I am capable of doing any kind of job that would be provided to me. Because I believe in
myself and I am hardworking, honest and I have the spirit.


Looking forward to build a dynamic career in the marketing sector of business world where I would
get the opportunity to use my effort, interpersonal skills through dedication and growth- oriented


 Customer relations officer at Asda from 1 January 2014 to 15 May 2015.

 Sales executive at Oakville Real Estates from 18 September to 15 February 2017.


 Bachelor of Business Administration, Specialization: Marketing

London School of Science and Technology
CGPA: 3.30 out of 4.00

 Higher Secondary School Certificate

Pate’s Grammar School


Language Skill:
 Good communication skill in English and French
Computer Skill:
 Operating system- Windows XP
 Package Program (Word, Excel, Access, Power point)
 Programming Language (Visual basic)
 Internet, E-mail, Web Browsing
 Good managerial & communicative competent
 Coordinating different seminars and fair
 Creative potentials applicable in different circumstances

 Interests: Fishing, Reading, Playing

The screenshot of sending CV is given here:

4.3 Evaluate and use effective time management strategies.

Time management Strategy refers making the best of use of time and
getting more done in the time available without wasting time or irrelevant
things (Winstanley, 2005).

Time management strategies involved prioritising workloads, setting work

objectives, using time effectively, making and keeping appointments, and reliable
estimates of task time

Prioritising workloads involve focusing on the top priority task first and then
low priority task. For example, making daily report is the top priority job for
State agent.

Setting work objectives help State agent to determine his/her objectives of

each tasks and what will he/she gain from it. It helps to understand high work
priority and useless works.

Effective using of time for relevant task is a vital issue is time management.
For example, give phone call to the customers to get their feedback is a vital
task for the State agent.

To get high result, reliable estimation of task time is necessary because it

helps State agent right task within the appropriate time period.

For effective time management, prioritising workloads and reliable estimation

of task time are most appropriate strategies for State agent.
Cooper, D. (2017) What is lifelong learning-definition & benefits. [Online]. Available
(Accessed: 17 March 2017).

Gibbons, M. (2003) The Self-Directed Learning Handbook. San Francisco: John

Wiley & Sons.

Hussain, Z., Ireland, S. and Law, H. (2007) The Psychology of Coaching, Mentoring
and Learning. John Wiley and Sons

Kokemuller, N. (2017) Advantage of career development and training. [Online].

Available at:
6783.html (Accessed: 17 March 2017).

Winstanley, D. (2005) Personal Effectiveness. CIPD Publishing

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