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London School of Science

and Technology

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND
Diploma in Business
Unit 14: Working with and Leading
Assignment Title: Working with & Leading People

Assessor Name: Asim Riaz

Internal Verifier: Dr. George Panagiotou

Issued on: 30th January 2017

Deadline: 12th May 2017
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Task 1 - Prepare an Advertisement to recruit a new Staff

1.1 Prepare documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff.

Post: Store Manager of Virgin Media

Definition of recruitment and selection

The job recruitment process varies depending on different organizations model and structure and how
they choose and what they want. This process mainly conducted by the Human Resource Department. But
in the small organizations the internal members are responsible for doing this task. In Virgin Media Plc,
the HRM Department conduct a research to find out what skills are required to do the required job
perfectly and flawlessly. The team leader also helps the HRM to get the exact data which will be
beneficial for finding the perfect employee for their store manager job and that person must be a team
player. Then they post a job identifying the nature of the job, create a job description for Virgin Media,
place of works, duties and responsibilities, skill-set, qualifications, experiences, education. After that they
take the possible candidates CV and make a short list of the best possible candidates. After the proper
interview, Virgin Media Plc will select the best candidate from the shortlist (Weschler and Graff, 2009).

Job Description

Title: Store Manager of Virgin Media

Place of work: Busy London market place.
Main duties
Employee’s recruitment for the store
The store must make a profit and they must fulfil the sell which is required of a store manager.
Manager needs to make a schedule for his employees based on their skills
Training, motivating, teaching, communicating and help the employees
Creating new types of strategy to increase sales of the products
Watch out for customer satisfaction and their positive feedback

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Who the position reports to

This position reports to the Head of the Marketing Department.

What aspects of work the position is responsible for

Making strategy for high sales of the products
Finished the required sales before the deadline.
Motivating and mentoring the employees
Every customer must be satisfied of the store
Keep the store neat and clean
Ensure the availability of desired products
Directly reports to the team leader about selling and in any need.

3. Person Specifications
• Skills – Person must be dependable, able to communicate freely and frankly with members of the
groups and with customers, must be self-motivated, the manager must earn respect from his/her
employees, have to find positive attitudes from within, must be a team player, must adapt in a new
environment quickly and have to have a great problem solving skills (Axelrod, 2010).
• Qualifications – Graduates from any reputable Institution as well as HND or degree are
encouraged to apply. But graduates form the following studies will be preferred first.

Business Studies
Fashion Management
Retail Management
Accounting and Finance

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• Experience – Working in any disciplined organization can enhance a person’s possibility to get
the job at Virgin Media.
• Qualities – Person must be self-motivated, reliable leader, respected among the staffs and
members, can communicate easily with everyone, control the budget of the store and seek problem, must
solve various problems, multi tasked and so on (Katz and Greenwald, 2012).

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1.2 Assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the recruitment and
selection process.

The United Kingdom created some laws to prevent discrimination and inequality among the subjects of
the country when any organization wants to recruit or hire new people. Virgin Media is also respected
towards those laws and follow them strictly. They are looking to fill a store managerial position. They are
willing to hire the best possible member despite their race, ethnicity, colour or creed. The employer and
employees must honour their words, follow the law, must be honest, hardworking and loyal.
• Code of Ethics: Code of ethics must be followed by the jobseekers and the employer which is
as follows.

Code of ethics for employers: The employer of Virgin Media treats all the jobseekers very seriously
and equally. They do not discriminate people depending on their race, colour, sex, disability, creed, or
religion. The HR of Virgin Media is aware of the-Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act
1976, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, and Employment Equality. The organization when seeking a
suitable candidate for a position, they only rely upon job related information (Cameron and Moss, 2011).

Code of ethics for jobseekers : The jobseekers also give correct information to the organization via
their CV. When Virgin Media wants to verify their background history they must willing to help them to
do it. Any kind of errors in the CV and the decision the organization takes must be accepted by the

Unethical recruitment practices: Sometimes an organization recruit’s employees by the reference

of high officials and in that case unethical recruitment process occur. In those cases, they only hire people
from a specific race and region or religion. If the job description depicts that fair sexes and minorities or
people who lack in a specific language but they have all the skills needed to complete the described job
but discriminated due to company policy, then unethical recruitment practices occur.
Unethical Screening Practices: If an organization publishes a job advert with job qualifications
which are not relevant to perform the job then it is to discriminate the minorities. Also, the test which
removes specific people of minorities or one who lacks the knowledge of the region but qualified for the
job is called Unethical Screening Practices.

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The government of the United Kingdom is determined to rule the country where every person is equally
treated. They also ensure equal pay for the employees of the organization by the Equal Pay Act 1970. By
the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, they prevent the organization from removing the female candidate from
a job interview or getting any jobs. They can also get pregnancy break. Race Relations Act 1976 ensures
that people of all colour and creed are equal and must get the equal opportunity if they are qualified for
the job. According to Disability Discrimination Act 1995 act, with the ability to perform a job, they can
have equal rights and opportunities in getting new jobs (Rice, 2010).

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1.3 Take part in the selection process

The selection process for a job interview is a very hard task and as a board member, I with my two
members, should do this task with utmost care. The methods and steps which I will take to select the right
person are described below.
Short Listing: The 1st task I choose to make a shortlist of the members who applied for the job. I will
review all the resumes of the candidates against the job posting to see if the person who applied for the
job are qualified. I will reject those resumes which does not meet the required skills and knowledge to do
the job effectively. The shortlist will be of the people who are selected for the next step by me and the
other board members. I will let these people know that they are selected candidate who will be taking the
interview. The Virgin Media will notify them about the time and place of the interview to take place
through email, telephone or in some cases letters. Those who are removed from the process are also
notified that they are not eligible for the position (Stanley and Weinstein, 2009).
Inviting Candidates to Interview: I selected the shortlist and I have to take their interview to
select the final candidate. I will oversee the whole interview process. The selected candidates will be
received by some people when they will enter the Virgin Media main office building. Those people will
take the candidates to their prescribed place for the interview. I will instruct the office to let the
interviewees to know what they must bring with them in the interview board and must show those
documents if asked by the board member.
Assessing Applicants to Decide Who Should Be Offered a Job
Now the applicants are told to about their job and what they will do in Virgin Media in a detailed manner.
Here, I will assess the applicant’s ability to perform the job process first handily. I will also check if the
candidate should work under a lot of stress. To understand his ability I will make him come out of his
comfort zone to see what steps he would take to convincing me. I will also do a background check and the
real reason for his leaving the previous job and qualifications, skills and a lot more (Sack, 2010).

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3.2 Role Play – As team members you will be asked to support the applicant provided by
scenarios provided in 1.3

When I found two candidates with same qualifications, it becomes very hard for me to choose the right
person for the job. Also, the other two board members have individual preferences and one of them like A
and the other one like B. But the as a 3 rd member and deal-breaker, I have to contribute in this matter by
thinking the following matter.

Avoidance: At first, when I will compare these two individuals, I must avoid any unnecessary
qualification which may be suitable for the job but in a long run it may not needed. Both A and B are both
equally qualified for the job. But A is more professional and he is prepared for the job and when he does
not know the answer, his attitude is very positive and he is eager to learn that part very soon. But,
candidate B tried to give me wrong answer which everyone must avoid in a job interview (How2become.,

Smoothing: Among these two candidates, A is very smooth in answering every question and he is also
very knowledgeable about our company. To me, it seems that he is very eager to work in this
organization. Candidate A also maintains a professional charisma in his gesture which is not present in
candidate B.

Compromise: To avoid the conflict, I have to compromise to choose a candidate. The first impression
of the candidate must show his ethical standard. Candidate has a long lasting first impression. He is very
friendly and I think it would benefit us if he leads the team of Virgin Media.

Collaboration: Here, I will play the role of a customer and ask the candidates individually what he will
do when I am giving him a hard time in buying the products and why I would buy it. Here A seems to
know a lot about our products and convince me to buy one and as well as solve the problem. Candidate A
is also able to solve the problem in a team based manner where the employees under him will be able to
contribute some idea to solve a problem (Brantley, Walters and Wersch, 2010).

Confrontation: After the interview I will confront the two interviewees individually to understand their
moral standard and how they handle stress environment situations. In this aspect, Candidate A is more
qualified. He is well versed in handling the stress situation than candidate B.

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After considering these factors, I think it would be beneficial for the company to hire A over B. So I
support hiring the candidate A.

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1.4 Evaluate your own contribution to make the process more effective and fairer

The Virgin Media at first creates a job description according to their need and specify their requirements.
In the job description, the organization also specifies what they want in their Store Manager position. The
job description includes job title, place of work, main duties, personal specification such as education,
qualifications, experiences and some other significant traits if found any.
The Virgin Media is very strict in following the law and ensures that equality is maintained and a
proportionate number of male and female employees are working in the company. Discrimination based
on race, sex, disability, region and religion, colour and creed are violation of rules. So, in any way this
must be prevented from within. Unethical screening is also bad for the company (Abrams, 2011).
As a researcher who is working in this company as a store manager, the duty is equally important. After
the specification specified by the HR, the researcher reviewed the job posting too find out about any
unethical material or screening. Also, the job specification which was posted and published by the HR
rechecked again to see if it is specified about the specific tasks required to do the job properly. When the
CV of the applicants comes to the office, the board member as well as the researcher reviewed all of them
against the job specification and made a short list who will be invited into the interview.
In the interview board, it is a crucial duty for the researcher to find out the suitable person who is self-
motivated, team worker, friendly and have experience to deal with in the distressed situations. The
recruitment process of Virgin Media must be free from any discrimination (Hitchcock and Willard, 2009).

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Task 2 –Prepare a Report on leadership, management and motivation of staff

Line Manager
Virgin Media, UK
Subject: Report on leadership, management and motivation of staff
Dear Sir,
The motivation of the staff is very important to improve the company’s earning. The motivated
individuals are the best work force of an organization. The leaders who can easily motivate his staffs can
any task very effectively and perfectly.

2.1 Explain the skills and attributes needed for leadership

Everybody does not become a leader by birth. It is gained thorough experience and perception towards
life. To become a great leader, a person needs some set of skills and attributes.

A great leader must be very productive and saves time so that they can do other tasks.

Motivating capacity: The most important attributes of a leader are skill to motivate the staff members.
All great leaders can motivate his team and thus contribute greatly to the organization.
Courage : A leader must be courageous and take proper initiative to take a creative decision. A fearless
leader who can take risk has the power to improve his staff’s performance in the organization. The
courage of a leader is very important. A timid store manager is afraid of every decision taking and falls
behind the ladder (Dorrian, 2011).
Technical Knowledge : All types of technical knowledge are very important for a leader because
technology made the task very easier and saves a lot of time. A leader who understand modern tech
greatly can apply them in the job sector where if he is not aware of this knowledge, then one kind of fear
will be found in his nature which will bind him to use tech in his store. On the other hand, this
technological knowledge will improve a stores selling condition from others.
Responsibility: Leaders are responsible, respectable and they have integrity. People love to follow
respectable leaders which are good for business also.
Ability to communicate: They can communicate very easily with his staffs and make them understand
the task at hand. If they understand what is required of them, then the staff can do it perfectly.
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Loyalty : He must be loyal to his superior and has the skills to immediately solve any kind of raising
problems. He must properly guide his employees to do the work.

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2.2 Explain the difference between leadership and management.

To understand the difference between leadership and management, it is essential to understand what these
two terms refer to.
Management: Management is a process of controlling a company’s major decision or running it,
leading it with innovative ideas, monitoring the work force and organizes them by proper and adequate

For example, Robert Dunn is the chief financial officer at Virgin Media and started working in this
company since 2013. He is responsible for financial activity and this kind of staffs (Behrens and
Rosen, 2008)

Leadership: Leadership means when the leader easily communicates with his member of staffs better in
order to achieve a goal. He leads his people or organization with the direct help of the member of staffs.

Basis Manager Leader

origin Personal qualities can make someone the
Manager is an office position which anyone
leader. In the business, the people when turn to
can gain by virtue. Tom Mockridge
is a Chief executive manager of someone out of respect to seek help, he is the
Virgin Media. leader.

Formal Member of staffs in Virgin Media act formal Leader is not a position, so formal attitude
rights in front of a manager. does not require here. So, Virgin Media does
not give much attention here.
Followers Members of the organization follows the Leader has a specific group of follower who
manager because his position allows him. works directly under him and they follow him
out of respect.
Functions A manager performs all five functions of Leader influences people to work willingly for
management group objectives
Necessity A manager is very essential to a concern. A leader is required to create cordial relation
The Virgin Media is a large organization so between person working in and for
it was divided like this. organization
Stability The manager position of Virgin Media is The position of leadership in Virgin Media is
stable job. The employees are binded to temporary. The person with great insight and
respect him for his position even if nobody idea becomes the leader but he will have to

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like him. work under someone if that person comes up

with another great innovative ideas.

Jaco Wilsenach is the Director of transformation in Virgin Media. He is a great leader in this organization
have so far. His hard work, skills, experience and motivation got him in this position. He is the role model
of other employees of the company. The employees of the company wants to follow him out of respect
(Yan, 2012).

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2.3 Compare leadership styles for different situations.

Leadership style can be divided in many types depending on its nature. But Virgin Media mostly uses
authoritarian and Participative leadership styles.
1. Authoritarian: In authoritarian leadership style, the leader uses his leadership skills and dictates
all of his staff members. The person who follows this kind of leadership traits does not take any
advice from his team members and take all the decisions by himself. The leader always imposes all
of his ideas and thought on the staff.
2. Participative: In this style, the leader cannot impose his decision upon his employees. The staff
members also have their opinion about the task at hand and how to perform it properly. After taking
everyone’s decisions, the leader chooses the decision which is supported by many staffs (Ali, 2013).
Authoritarian Participative
The leader dictates his staffs. The staffs could not The leader is not a dictator, he discuss every matter
give their opinion in the task. with his fellow staff members.
No one is allowed to question the judgement of the The leader is friendly with his employees and can
leader. be criticised for mistake.
Authoritarian style allows speedy decision. This style is very slow because every opinion is
This style works best with the best leader who is Average leader follow this style.
capable of giving best solution for any problem.

In Virgin Media, the short term task when taken by a capable and great leader who needs to complete it
very fast, then the authoritarian leadership style is followed. In the long term process, people cannot deal
with the authoritative style, so they follow the later one.
The Virgin Media can use Authoratitative leadership style in the following scenarios-
1. Virgin Media uses authoritative leadership style in case of emergency or for contingency plan.
When Virgin Media forsees some future event which can benefit the organization, then the leader
took it upon himself to make the decision because he cannot take everyone’s opinion in that short
amount of time (McGonagill and Doerffer, 2011).
2. Virgin Media is a big organization and sometimes decision need to taken on the spot and at that
moment consulting it with proper management is near to impossible. In that cases, leader of that
group of Virgin Media take the decisions himself.

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3. Sometimes when a leader consulting other parties and agencies, he takes all the decisions for the
The Virgin Media uses participative leadership style in the following scenarios-
When a leader does not need to take a sudden decision in an emergency situation or for contingency
plans, and he can take every members opinion on the matter. To solve a problem in a creative, the leader
asks everyones opinion. This helps him to evaluate his option and he is able to exploit every possible
move. Virgin Media’s store manager takes his customers point of view to understand how they can be of
help to the customers (McGonagill and Doerffer, 2011).

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2.4 Explain ways to motivate staff to achieve objectives.

To motivate the employees of Virgin Media is a crucial job for the team leader which is beneficial for
increase the sale of products. The Virgin Media follows Maslow’s hierarchy as a basis to motivate
their employees.

Physiological needs: The Virgin Media always look out for their employee’s physiological needs. The
physical need which is basic for human survival is ensured so that the member of staffs can be distress
free. Also Virgin Media gives the employee’s proper break and arranges some fun thing to do. The work
environment of the company is very friendly and proper healthy competition is present between the
employees’s. So they are always competing with each other and rival groups about sale increase which is
like a game to them.

Safety needs: Virgin Media also ensures the employees safety of personal, financial and health
security. Virgin Media is looking out for the safety issues of the employees. If a person feels ill,
then the company will treat him with their own accord. As a result, everyone at the organization is
self-motivated. The employees can work very freely and without any worry (Benincasa, 2012).
Love and belonging: When an employee is loved by his colleagues and feel that he is one of them,
then he can freely share his ideas with the members. Virgin Media wants a close relationship with the
customers and employees. The employees feel that they are evaluated in a positive way in the
organization. They think that they belong to this company and work like he is working for his own. This
is another form of motivation.
Esteem: Getting respect from the employees of all level also important to motivate someone. Virgin
Media has a policy to respect all levels of employees. The trust can build up from respecting one another.
When a person is respected by others, he feels a close connection with that person and a healthy and
respectable environment created in the organization.
Self-actualization: The last and final part is self-actualization. In this process, the employee finally
finds his position in the company (Hawkins and Watson, 2010).

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Figure: Maslow’s hierarchy

Source: (Rentsch, Mot and Abbe)

Name of the Student
Team Member, Virgin Media, UK

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Task 3- Prepare a Training Newsletter and plan

3.1 Assess the benefits of team working for Virgin Media.

Five Benefits of Team-Working

When a group of people under an outstanding and courageous leader thrive together to
achieve a common goal very easily and effectively is called team working.

The Five Benefits of Team-Working

Enhance quality of products or services Improve productivity

Team-work can also enhance the When a team work together very
quality of the products or services. effectively, they can improve the
They are a team, so they hide some of productivity rate of the company. They
their employees weakness with other are able to communicate and
members strength. They can cover for understand each other in a way that
each other. Each members know who they can do the job properly.
does what best in their capabilities
and assign them their task in which
they are better as a result, the
products or services offered by them is
of good quality.

Improve customer focus Increase employee motivation

Best team working often improve the Effective team work increase
customer view point because employee motivation. The employees

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customers are always looking for working as a team and compete with
good services and when someone give other to finish their task. This way
it to them, they tried to visit them they are always motivated towards
again and again. So, it becomes their their goals.
customer focus (Northouse, 2016).

Speed the spread of ideas

Each member of the team are well known to each other and they are very comfortable with
each other. So, when problem arises the members try to solve it with their best possible
solution. Each and every members give their opinion and the best idea is selected. This way
everyone give their ideas. So a lots of promising ideas are generating in a team (Wart, 2014).

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3.3 Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals.

Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals

The main task of the manager of Virgin Media is to effectively and efficiently manages his team so that
they can achieve their goal very easily.

Efficient Leadership Shared Team Vision Problem solving

of the Store-manager Every team member must
A great leader who can share a common goal andshare The store manager of Virgin
understand his employees very a teamvision which is to sell Media uses participative
easily and able to motivate them their products and services to leadership style. Every
is the key to their great the customers. When all the conflicts are solved by the
performance. This way they can members shared the same shared team opinion, so the
perform in a better way. vision, only then the team problem can be solved in a
thrive to achieve their goal. democratic way. Which is
important to build a
healthyrelationship among the
member of staff (Wart, 2014).

Members Role in the Team Regular Update of the Sales

Each member must understand his roles in the
organization. If they understand their role, the The store manager of Virgin media collects daily
performance of the team can enhance potentially. sales report and publish the best seller of the
week in weekly manner. In this manner they
always try to compete with each other as well as
with other team members which always motivate

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4.1 Explain the factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work

The following five factors are involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance.
1. Learning styles of the employees: Learning style of employees is very important to monitor and
assessment of his performance. The learning style can determine how he will do in his job. So it is easy to
monitor the work-force based on the learning styles of the employees.
2. Establish and communicate expectations for performance: The manager should communicate with
the employees and tell them what they are expected to do. This will give them a proper guideline which
they can follow. In this way, the manager can observe how the employees are doing with the given
structure. Their performance can be monitored in a close range.
3. Establish and communicate standards for measuring performance: Virgin Media has their own way
of measuring the performance of their employees. They set a goal for each member which they need to
fulfil in any way. This information was taken by the store manager who gives a weekly update about their
performance and let them know their lacking (Talley, McCorkle and Baile, 2012).
4. Observe and measure individual performance against standards: In a certain amount of time, the
average people’s performance was compared with the individual performance of the employees. This way
the Virgin Media measures how their employees are performing in their job.
5. Reinforce performance or provide remedies: If the performance was not satisfactory then the company
reinforce their performance or give them some ideas to do it correct.

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4.2 Based on your answer in (Ac 1.3) plan and deliver the assessment of the development
needs for the “Virgin store Manager”.

Name of Position Training need Target Method Start Trainin Expecte Review
Employe identified identified of date g travel d Method
e delivery accom outcom and date
other e
John Store Bad Able to Training 1/2/2017 By High 15/4/201
Watson manage judgement and identify can be Virgin 7
r recruitment motivated performe Media
habit individual d in

for the Virgin

organizatio Media
Windy Team Communicati Better Course 28/1/201 Own Medium 25/3/201
Sinfrey leader on with team communicatio must be 4 costing 7
members n helps to complete

convey the d
desired outside

message of the
Mathew Assista Operating all Take some Outside 21/1/201 Own 1/3/2017
Clark nt the branches classes taken 7 costing
manage under him about course
r manageme
nt and
Lucy Clerk Typing is too Able to Can 17/1/201 By Medium 17/2/201
Winslow slow and less work fast practice 6 Virgin 7
knowledge and take in Media
about the less time to Virgin
modern do a job Media
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Oliver Cashier Slow in Can be Class 12/1/201 Own High 17/6/201

Allen managing better at can be 5 costing 7
cash what he conducte
does. d

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4.3 Using your assessment plan delivered in (Ac 4.2) evaluate the success of the
assessment process.

After developing the needs of the employees, Virgin Media assesses the job performance of the
employees and reevaluated them again. This development process helps to overcome the employees of
their problems and if they overcome their problems then Virgin Media will get the benefit from it. With
the three following method this assessment process can be completed.
• Questionnaire: To understand the development of the employees, Virgin Media selects a set of
printed questions which will test the employee in different situations, which will also be out of their
comfort zone and how they react and how they solve these question can determine their growth after the
development process. Virgin Media will take a close observations in this process (Grams and Farrell,
• Performance appraisal: Performance appraisal is a process by which big organization like
Virgin Media documented and review their employee’s performances. In this process, they compare the
employee’s performance with his previous track record. Virgin Media uses Cloud Based system to
documented every detailed situation and scenarios. Then he was compared to average employees who can
do the job done without taking any development course. So, they are expected to do a better job than
those average people.
• Randomly observation: Virgin Media also randomly checks their employee’s work
performance. In this case they do not document anything but they keep a casual eye over them to see how
they are doing after taking the extra classes. Virgin Media gets proper helps from the cloud-based system
to understand their growth(Pichère, Cadiat and Probert, 2009).

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References and Bibliographies


Abrams, R. (2011). Hire your first employee. 1st ed. Palo Alto, Calif.: Planning Shop.

Ali, S. (2013). Building bridges between quality and leadership. 1st ed. Hampstead: Maple
Creek Media.

Axelrod, R. (2010). Terms of engagement. 1st ed. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler

Behrens, L. and Rosen, L. (2008). Writing and reading across the curriculum. 1st ed. New
York: Pearson Longman.

Benincasa, R. (2012). How winning works. 1st ed. Don Mills, Ont.: Harlequin.

Brantley, A., Walters, G. and Wersch, M. (2010). CUPA-HR interview guide. 1st ed.
Knoxville: College and University Professional Association for Human Resources.

Cameron, C. and Moss, P. (2011). Social pedagogy and working with children and young
people. 1st ed. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Dorrian, P. (2011). Dancing with the Customer. 1st ed. Cape Town: Random House Struik.

Hawkins, A. and Watson, R. (2010). Extracurricular/ co-curricular preparations and the

relationship to leadership styles of K-12 administrators. 1st ed. Columbia, Mo.: University
of Missouri--Columbia.

Hitchcock, D. and Willard, M. (2009). The business guide to sustainability. 1st ed. London,
England: Earthscan.

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