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Sushree Priyanka Mishra


Phone: 8249056845



Organization/Institution Area Project Title

Centurion Institute of DDOS attack on a web

Technology server using raspberry pi
Brief Description

Worked on- performing ddos attack on web server during my graduation

period. Here we have first developed a web server than performed ddos
attack on it using an attacking tool.

Organization/Institution Area Project Title

Centurion Institute of Student Registration Form

coding using Tkinter python.
Brief Description

I have successfully made this project where the student details can be entered in
the form and also linked it with database using SQLite3 to store and fetch the

Programming Languages – C, Python

Tools - MS Word, MS Excel, Libre Office, Powerpoint

Operating System - Windows, Linux
Databases – Oracle10g, NoSQL, MongoDB (intermediate in all)
Web technologies - HTML, CSS, Javascript (intermediate in all)
Other tools - Virtualization, Cloud computing, Information Security,
Cryptography, Server Administration (intermediate in all)

Other Skills- good in written and verbal communication, providing innovative

ideas, planning skills, good team coordination

Year of Name of
Qualification Board/University Percentage/CGPA
Passing Institution
Centurion Centurion 9.3
B. Tech in University of University of
(C.Sc(CTIS)) Technology and Technology and
Management Management
Deepika English CBSE 73%
12th 2016
Medium School
Deepika English CBSE 9.2 CGPA
10th 2014
Medium School

Personal Details

Date of Birth: 26th March 1998

Gender: Female

Languages known: Odia, English, Hindi

Achievements: I have involved and won prizes in dance competitions.

I had score 9.6 CGPA in aggregate in my graduation batch and
got the prize for being the topper of our branch in first year.

I have taken part in preparing presentations and get good


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Resume: Sushree Priyanka Mishra

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