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Grammar Enhancement Training

(Paper 6)

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the word or phrase which correctly completes the sentence.
Encircle the letter which represents your answer.

1. I have studied a lot of books, but __________ of them helped me improve my English skills.
A. both B. all C. neither D. none

2. A: “Do you want steak or chicken for dinner?”

B: “__________. I’m starving. I could eat anything.”
A. All B. Either C. Neither D. None

3. A: I am going on a trip to Perth next week. You’ve been there many times. Which hotel would you recommend?
B: Well, I stayed at The Naboo Grand Hotel last year and The Endor Moon Palace last month. I would say that I’m
very satisfied with the service. __________ hotels exceeded my expectations.”
A. Both of B. Both of the C. Neither of D. Neither of the

4. Alice was __________shocked __________ devastated when she learned that she didn’t get the promotion.
A. both; and B. both; or C. either; and D. either; nor

5. I sneeze a lot ___________ I smell flowers.

A. all the time B. all day C. every time D. every of the time

6. The seminar was a success. _________ went as planned.

A. All B. Whole C. Everything D. Both

7. __________ went out of the room when the bell rang.

A. All B. All of him C. Everybody D. Everybody of us

8. She hasn’t seen a coyote __________.

A. whole her life B. her whole life C. her all life D. all life

9. A: Hey Jared, have you studied all the pointers Mrs. Baggins gave us?
B: Yes, __________.
A. everyone B. every one C. every of them D. every

10. For an intimate relationship to be successful, __________ person should be humble enough to apologize first.
A. every B. all C. each D. both

11. Which is CORRECT?

A. The retail price for these books is each 100 pesos. B. The retail price for these books is 100 each pesos.
C. The retail price for these books is 100 pesos each. D. The retail price for each books is 100 pesos.

12. _________ wants to be successful in life.

A. Every one B. Everything C. Everyone D. Every thing

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Grammar Enhancement Training
(Paper 6)

13. Which is INCORRECT?

A. A master sommelier is a wine connoisseur who helps a restaurant match meals with the right type of wine.
B. A master sommelier is a wine connoisseur who helps a restaurant who matches meals with the right type of wine.
C. A master sommelier is a wine connoisseur that helps a restaurant match meals with the right type of wine.
D. A master sommelier is a wine connoisseur who matches meals with the right type of wine in a restaurant.

14. I wish there was a pill ______ could help someone move forward after a bad breakup.
A. that B. who C. what D. -----

15. According to a blog, one of the signs that you haven’t moved on yet is when you keep mentally reliving past
memories with him/her ______ are usually the happy/sweet ones.
A. what B. which C. who D. they

16. What makes the sentence below wrong?

John is getting married to a woman she used to work with. (Congratulations!!!)
A. woman B. she C. getting D. work

17. Which word is needed to make the sentence below correct?

Someone wants to move on from a relationship should seek closure.
A. who B. which C. what D. ---

18. With the sentence below, what is the function of who in the relative clause?
Lynn fell in love with a guy who she met in school.
A. subject B. no function C. verb D. object

19. The man (who) I saw throw an egg ____ the mayor got immediately arrested by the police.
A. to B. on C. at D. under

20. Could you please share ______ you know about The Unmarried Wife with me?
A. that B. what C. which D. who

II. IDENTIFYING ERROR: Each of the following sentences has a grammatical error. Identify the mistake by encircling
the letter representing such.

21. Farce is a dramatic form that is derived much of its humor from improbable characters and situations.

22. Gothic Revival architecture has several basic characteristics that distinguishes it from other nineteenth- century

architectural styles.

23. One of earliest plants domesticated in the Western Hemisphere, manioc was introduced to Europe by Spaniards

returning from the New World.

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Grammar Enhancement Training
(Paper 6)

24. The early period of aviation in the United States was marked by exhibition flights made by individuals fliers or

by teams of performers at country fairs.


25. Many medical authorities agree that a balanced diet, rich in certain foods, positively contribute to better healthy.

26. In 1989 Florida had one of the highest growth rates in the nation and ranked four among the states in population,

after California, New York, and Texas.


28. The mountains surrounding Los Angeles effectively shield the city from the hot, dry winds of the Mojave Desert,

but they also prevented the circulation of air.


29. Doris Humphrey, a pioneer of modern dance in the United States, was an innovator in the technique,

choreographical, and theory of dance movement.


30. Almost all the electricity for industrial used comes from large generators driven by steam turbines.

31. Because the tachinid fly is a parasite of harmful insects, many species have been imported into the United States

to combating insect pests.


32. According to the third law of thermodynamics, the lowest temperature possibility is -273.16 degrees centigrade.

33. Amber comes chiefly from the resins of pine trees that have grown in Northern Europe millions of years ago.

34. Native American sites village, burial grounds, and artifacts have been found in nearly every part of West Virginia.

35. One of the facts enabling oak trees to usually live a long time is that it is highly resistant to storm damage.

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Grammar Enhancement Training
(Paper 6)

III. IDENTIFICATION: Read the following sets of four sentences carefully. Identify the sentence, in each set, which is
appropriate – grammatically and semantically (with regard to meaning).
Encircle the letter representing your answer.

36. A. Commercial expansion from city to suburb its affection on the way people in the United States live and work.
B. Commercial expansion from city to suburb has affected the way people in the United States live and work.
C. Commercial expansion from city to suburb affected the way has people in the United States live and work.
D. Commercial expansion from city to suburb has the way affected people in the United States live and work.

37. A. India’s No.1 bottled drinking water Bisleri found its licence cancelled by the Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) for
contravention rules on its labels.
B. India’s No.1 bottled drinking water Bisleri found its licence cancelled by the Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) for
contravening rules on its labels.
C. The Bureau of Indian Standard for contravention rules on labels cancelled the licence of India’s No. 1 bottled
drinking water Bisleri.
D. India’s No.1 bottled drinking water Bisleri cancelled the licence by the Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) for
contravention rules on its labels.

38. A. Muskrats generally stay close to the edge of a bog, in that their favorite plant foods grow plentifully.
B. Muskrats generally stay close to the edge of a bog, where grow their favorite plant foods plentifully.
C. Muskrats generally stay close to the edge of a bog, where their favorite plant foods grow plentifully.
D. Muskrats generally stay close to the edge of a bog, their favorite plant foods grow plentifully where.

39. A. A person can receive, interpret, and only a limited amount of information acting on in a given period of time.
B. A person can receive, interpret, and act on only a limited amount of information in a given period of time.
C. A person can receive, interpret, and only a limited amount of information is acted on in a given period of time.
D. A person can receive, interpret, acting on only a limited amount of information in a given period of time.

40. A. The water pepper plant has smooth leaves, slender spikes of tiny greenish flowers, and very pungent juice.
B. The water pepper plant has smooth leaves, and slender spikes of tiny greenish flowers, and very pungent juice.
C. The water pepper plant has smooth leaves, with slender spikes are tiny greenish flowers, and very pungent juice.
D. The water pepper plant has smooth leaves, has slender spikes of tiny greenish flowers, and very pungent juice.

***Go on to the next page.***

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Grammar Enhancement Training
(Paper 6)

IV. CORRECTING ERROR: Each of the following contains an error – a word, phrase or clause. Underline such mistake
and write the correction directly above it. Such correction should not change the supposed
meaning of the sentence – if a word does not make the sentence wrong, do not change it.
Strictly follow directions.

41. Why are you talking with such a loud voice?

42. They can’t decide if to travel now or next year.

43. She is such babyish.

44. I’m going to the mountains about twice a year.

45. The rain made wet the grass.

46. It is important to don’t worry.

47. He could read in the age of three.

48. I promise I don’t smoke again.

49. Try to don’t be late.

50. Under no circumstances we can accept cheques.

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