Comets, Asteroids &: Meteors

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 Comets
 Asteroids
 What happens when a comet or an
asteroids hits earth?
 Meteoroid
 Meteor
 Meteorite
 Dinosaur’s Extinction
 Meteor Create in United State of
 Do superstitions about comets,
asteroids, and meteors have scientific
A celestial body that appears as a
fuzzy head usually surrounding a
bright nucleus, that has usually
highly eccentric orbit, that consist
primarily of ice and dust and that
often develops one or more long
tails when near the sun.

Anyone of thousands of small
planets that circle around the
What happens when a
comet or an asteroids
hits earth?
An asteroid striking our planet -- it's the
stuff of science fiction. Many movies and
books have portrayed this possibility ("Deep
Impact," "Armageddon," "Lucifer's
Hammer," and so on).
An asteroid impact is also the stuff of
science fact. There are obvious craters
on Earth (and the moon) that show us a long
history of large objects hitting the planet.
The most famous asteroid ever is the one
that hit Earth 65 million years ago. It's
thought that this asteroid threw so much
moisture and dust in to the atmosphere that
it cut off sunlight, lowering temperatures
worldwide and causing the extinction of
the dinosaurs.
So, what if an asteroid
were to hit Earth
Any asteroid falling from the sky would
have a tremendous amount of energy. Here's
a typical example. In 2028, the asteroid
1997XF11 will come extremely close to
Earth but will miss the planet. If something
were to change and it did hit Earth, what you
would have is a mile-wide asteroid striking
the planet's surface at about 30,000 mph. An
asteroid that big traveling at that speed has
the energy roughly equal to a 1 million
megaton bomb. It's very likely that an
asteroid like this would wipe out most of the
life on the planet
It's difficult to imagine 1 million megatons,
so let's try some smaller sizes. Let's say that
an asteroid the size of a house crashed on
Earth at 30,000 mph. It would have an
amount of energy roughly equal to the bomb
that fell on Hiroshima -- perhaps 20
kilotons. An asteroid like this would flatten
reinforced concrete buildings up to half a
mile from ground zero, and flatten wooden
structures perhaps a mile and a half from
ground zero. It would, in other words, do
extensive damage to any city.
If the asteroid is as big as a 20-story
building (200 feet on a side), it has an
amount of energy equal to the
largest nuclear bombs made today -- on the
order of 25 to 50 megatons. An asteroid like
this would flatten reinforced concrete
buildings five miles from ground zero. It
would completely destroy most major cities
in the United States.

By the time you get up to a mile-wide

asteroid, you are working in the 1 million
megaton range. This asteroid has the energy
that's 10 million times greater than the bomb
that fell on Hiroshima. It's able to flatten
everything for 100 to 200 miles out from
ground zero. In other words, if a mile-wide
asteroid were to directly hit New York City,
the force of the impact probably would
completely flatten every single thing
from Washington D.C. to Boston, and would
cause extensive damage perhaps 1,000 miles
out -- that's as far away as Chicago. The
amount of dust and debris thrown up into the
atmosphere would block out the sun and
cause most living things on the planet to
perish. If an asteroid that big were to land in
the ocean, it would cause massive tidal
waves hundreds of feet high that would
completely scrub the coastlines in the
In other words, if an asteroid strikes Earth, it
will be a really, really bad day no matter
how big it is. If the asteroid is a mile in
diameter, it's likely to wipe out life on the
planet. Let's hope that doesn't happen
anytime soon!
1. a small body of matter
from outer space that enters
the earth's atmosphere,
becoming incandescent as a
result of friction and
appearing as a streak of light.
A small body of matter from outer
space that enters the earth's
atmosphere, becoming incandescent
as a result of friction and
appearing as a streak of light.
A meteor that survives its passage
through the earth's atmosphere
such that part of it strikes the
ground. More than 90 percent of
meteorites are of rock, while the
remainder consist wholly or partly
of iron and nickel.
 Positive and negative charge
 Atom
 Subatomic Particles
 Thomson’s Model of the Atom
 Rhuterford’s Model of the Atom
 Periodic Table of Elements
 Isotopes

What does Positive Charge and Negativ
Charge mean?
In an atom, a positive charge occurs when a
atom has more protons than electrons. Th
proton is what determines its positive charge
It is denoted with a plus (+) sign. It attract
negative charges and repels other positiv
When an object has a positive charge,

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