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Salem Teske

FRIT 7236
KA Part 3
Part 3: Higher Order Thinking Skills
First Grade Reading
Students will read the following story: Troy’s Treat (from

Troy was excited. He had saved $5 to buy his sister a special treat. It was Tara’s birthday. She
was going to be five years old. They walked to the ice-cream store. “I have a surprise,” Troy
said. “What is it?” Tara asked. “Happy birthday; pick a treat!” Troy said. “Thank you,” said
Tara. “I’ll have a vanilla sundae with chocolate on top.” Troy saw that the price of a sundae was
$5. Then the girl at the counter smiled at Troy and Tara. “Today, we have a special sale price,”
she said. “You can have two sundaes for $5!”

Objectives Level and Type HOT

Students will be able to Understand How do you think Troy felt when he told
identify words and phrases procedural Tara “Happy birthday; pick a treat!” Why
in stories or poems that knowledge do you think Troy felt this way? Explain
suggest feelings or appeal to your answer.
the senses.

Students will be able to Understand, apply, What do you suppose Troy was thinking
compare and contrast the and analyze when he saw the price of a sundae? How
adventures and experiences procedural do you think Troy felt at the end of the
of characters in stories. knowledge story? Explain your answer.

Students will be able to Understand, apply, Retell the story using illustrations and
describe the characters, and create details. Include the characters, setting and
setting, and events in a procedural events. Predict what you think Troy will do
story. knowledge next by creating your own ending to the
story. Explain why you chose this ending.
- Good work here. Your objectives align with your assessment items.

Dr. A

Assessment Plan

Reliability: Reliability is the degree to which students’ results remain consistent over
replications of an assessment procedure (Brookhart & Nitko, 2015). To ensure reliability of these
assessments, rating scales will be created. The rating scales will be used to evaluate if students
are able to use higher-order thinking skills during instruction.

Validity: Validity is the soundness of your interpretations and uses of students’ assessment
results (Brookhart & Nitko, 2015.) To ensure validity of assessments the Georgia Standards of
Excellence will be used to determine if the tasks are appropriate and align to the standards.
Students’ scores from the rating scales will also be evaluated to guarantee appropriateness,
alignment, and understanding of the content being taught.

Differentiation of instruction: Differentiation of instruction is when a teacher tailors instruction

to fit the individual needs of students. A teacher can differentiate the content, the process, or the
product to meet students specific needs. When completing assessments, students who receive
accommodations can have the questions read aloud, have directions repeated, or have
directions/questions explained in simpler terms. Students who receive modifications for written
responses can answer the questions aloud, and then have an adult record their answers.

Improving student learning: Students’ learning can be improved by using assessment

blueprints, rubrics, and rating scales when creating summative assessments. This will ensure the
reliability and validity of these assessments. Upon reviewing students’ scores of formative
assessments, the need for reteaching opportunities will be provided. Opportunities for more
hands-on learning activities that allow students to apply the concepts they are learning can aid in
the use of higher-order thinking skills.

Improving future assessments: Improving future assessments is crucial for the reliability and
validity of assessments. There will always be opportunities to improve assessments when using
assessment blueprints to create assessments and continuously evaluating students’ scores.
Comparison of students’ scores with the overall performance of the grade level and
conversations with team members will promote the changes that need to be made to improve the
current assessments. To improve students’ higher-order thinking skills, a variety of opportunities
for real world application scenarios can be included during classroom instruction.

- Nicely done here. Your objectives align with the assessment items, you provided required
descriptions of your terms, and the differentiation of instruction and improvement plan are
feasible and actionable.

Dr. A

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