Cisco ACE: Basic HTTP Load Balancing: Assumptions

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Cisco ACE: Basic HTTP Load Balancing

The ACE (Application Control Engine) is Cisco’s replacement for the CSS and CSM
load balancers in their data center product line.  It comes in both a module (or “blade”)
for the Catalyst 6500 switch and as a standalone appliance.  This post will cover the
basics of configuring an ACE to load-balance a farm of HTTP servers.  Subsequent posts
will cover advanced features such as session persistence, health checks, and more.


1. The ACE has been configured (possibly using the setup wizard) with interface
and trunking options.
2. You are deploying the ACE in “routed mode”, e.g. the ACE is the default
gateway for the backend servers and the VIPs live on a different network on the
“outside” interface.
3. You have three web servers, WEB1, WEB2, and WEB3 all listening on port 80.


Unlike a router, the ACE is a “deny by default” device.  You must explicitly permit any
traffic entering the ACE from the network.  Thus, we need an access list (ACL) to allow
traffic to our HTTP virtual IP (VIP).

access-list VLAN1 extended permit tcp any host eq www

Next, we need to define our backend servers.  The “inservice” keyword is the ACE
equivalent of the “no shutdown” command for an interface.  If you forget it, things won’t

rserver host WWW1

ip address

rserver host WWW2

ip address

rserver host WWW3

ip address

Now we need to define a health check, so that the ACE can determine if each backend
server is functional and should receive traffic.  We’ll use a very basic HTTP service
check at this point. We configure the probe to check each server every 10 seconds and
accept the default behavior of marking a server as “failed” if it fails 3 checks. Also by
default, the ACE will use an HTTP GET request for the root or “/” URL. That’s fine for
this example. Finally, we tell the ACE that a server must respond for at least 60 seconds
before it is marked as “back up” after a failure.

An important note: the HTTP probe must have an expected status code or range of codes
defined. If you omit this statement, your backend servers will never come up!

probe http HTTP_PROBE

interval 10
passdetect interval 60
expect status 200

Now that we have our backend servers defined, as well as a probe to check their status,
we can join them together into a server farm. Again, don’t forget to “inservice” each
rserver, or it won’t come up.

serverfarm host HTTP_FARM

rserver WWW1
rserver WWW2
rserver WWW3

We need to tell the ACE about the virtual IP (VIP) on which we want it to listen. This is
done with a class-map.

class-map match-all HTTP_VIP

2 match virtual-address tcp eq www

Next, we need to define our load-balancing policy, to tell the ACE what to do with traffic
once it hits the VIP. In this case, we just direct it to the server farm defined above.

policy-map type loadbalance http first-match HTTP_POLICY

class class-default
serverfarm HTTP_FARM

The last piece we need is something to tie the policy to the VIP. We do this with a policy-
map of type “multi-match”. For convenience, we configure the VIP to respond to ICMP
echo request (pings) as long as at least one backend server is up.

policy-map multi-match VIPs

class HTTP_VIP
loadbalance vip inservice
loadbalance policy HTTP_POLICY
loadbalance vip icmp-reply active

Finally, we need to apply our policy to the “outside” interface of the ACE, bringing up
our VIP. We also need to apply the ACL we created above to allow the HTTP requests
interface vlan 1
description Public Network
ip address
access-group input VLAN1
service-policy input VIPs
no shutdown

That’s the end! You can grab the full configuration here.

Posted in Cisco ACE.


By blanders – January 24, 2010

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