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fter heard that she had an accident yesterday, i have not visited her yet on hospital.

i'm so busy but

actually, i have telephoned her desk mate yet cause i'm literally afraid that no one friends have visited
her. when i have telephoned her desk mate yuju, yuju say that she has known about the accident and
she has sleep in the hospital to take care yerin. our classmates have not known about yerin accident
because yerin tell me and yuju to shut up. but our teacher have known it.

Simak lebih lanjut di -

which one is the right sentence of present perfect tense?

a. she have sung the song
b. she has been singing the song
c. she is singing the song
D. she has sung the song

Aliya, Ryan

Let’s go to the cinema. I’ve bought two tickets for us. (Ayo pergi ke bioskop. Saya
Aliya : sudah beli 2 tiket untuk kita.)
Ryan : What is the movie? (Filmnya apa?)
The Boss Baby. That’s a comedy. You’ll love it. (The Boss Baby. Film komedi. Kau
Aliya : akan menyukainya.)
How do you know that I will like the movie? (Bagaimana kau tahu saya akan
Ryan : menyukainya?)
Aliya : Because I have watched it twice. (Karena saya sudah menontonnya dua kali.)
What? You’ve watched a comedy movie two times? (Apa? Kau sudah menonton film
Ryan : komedi sebanyak dua kali?)
Aliya : Yes, I have. (Iya.)
Ryan : So, why do you want to watch it again? (Trus, kenapa kau ingin nonton film itu lagi?)
I want to watch it with you. I want to laugh with you. We haven’t gone to the cinema
for ages. (Saya ingin nonton film itu bersamamu. Saya ingin tertawa denganmu. Sudah
Aliya : lama kita tidak pergi ke bioskop.)
Ryan : You know the reason right? We’ve had different preference. I like comedy while you
like horror. (Kau tahu alasannya kan? Kita punya pilihan berbeda. Saya suka komedi
sedangkan kau suka horor.)
Yes, I know it. That’s why I’ve learned to watch comedy movies. My friends and family
have helped me. (Ya, saya tahu itu. Maka dari itu saya sudah belajar nonton film
Aliya : komedi. Teman-teman dan keluarga telah membantu saya.)
Ryan : Wow… (Wow…)
I have bought two tickets for us. Do you want to go to the cinema to watch a comedy
movie with me? (Saya sudah beli dua tiket untuk kita. Apa kau bersedia pergi ke
Aliya : bioskop dengan saya untuk menonton film komedi?)
Ryan : Of course I’d love to. (Tentu saja.)
Aliya : Thank you, Ryan. (Terimakasih, Ryan.)
I thank you. You have learned to enjoy comedy movies. (Saya berterimakasih
Ryan : kepadamu. Kamu sudah belajar menonton film komedi.)
Aliya : No problem. I’m happy to do it. (Sama-sama. Saya senang melakukannya.)

Juna dan Tere

Juna : By the way, have you had your lunch? (Ngomong-ngomong, apa kau sudah makan?)
Tere : No, I haven’t. (Belum.)
Juna : Let’s go eating! (Ayo makan!)
But I haven’t finished my tasks yet. I have to submit it today. (Tapi aku belum
Tere : menyelesaikan tugasku. Harus dikumpul hari ini.)
No worries. I am going to help you after eating. Come on! (Nggak usah khawatir. Aku
Juna : akan membantumu setelah makan nanti. Ayo!)
Tere : But I haven’t felt hungry yet. (Tapi aku belum ngerasa lapar.)
Hey, you need to eat. Your body needs energy to finish all these tasks. (Hey, kau harus
Juna : makan. Tubuhmu perlu energi untuk menyelesaikan semua tugas ini.)
Tere : But,… (Tapi,…)
It’s my treat. No worries about money. I have just received my writing fee. (Aku yang
Juna : traktir. Nggak usah khawatir soal uang. Aku baru aja menerima pembayaran tulisanku.)
Wow, you have been a rich woman… Hopefully your writing business runs
successfully. (Wow, kau sudah jadi perempuan kaya… Kuharap bisnis tulisanmu sukses
Tere : ya.)
JUna : Oh, thank u. I hope so. (Oh, terimakasih. Kuharap begitu.)
So… you’ll buy me lunch everyday. Ha ha… (Sehingga kau traktir aku makan siang
Tere : setiap hari.)
If I have become a boss by 2020, I will pay your lunch every single day in a
month. (Jika aku sudah jadi boss pada tahun 2020, akan kubayar makan siangmu setiap
Juna : hari dalam satu bulan.)
Tere : Hey, I am just kidding. (Hey, aku hanya bercanda.)
Juna : I am serious. You’re my best friend. (Aku serius. Kau sahabat terbaikku.)
Tere : Oh, you are so kind. Thanks, Juna. (Oh, kamu baik sekali. Terimakasih, Juna.)
JUna : Ah, don’t mention it. (Sama-sama.)

Juna : By the way, have you had your lunch?

Tere : No, I haven’t.
Juna : Let’s go eating!
Tere : But _________I have to submit it today.
Juna : No worries. I am going to help you after eating. Come on!
Tere : I haven’t felt hungry yet, I am sorry
A. I have finished my homework yet
B. I haven’t finished my home work yet

I haven’t finished my tasks yet

Adi : By the way have you had your lunch?
Tere : No, I haven’t
Let.s go eating!
Adi : But I haven’t finished my home works yet. I have to submit it today?
Tere : No worries. I am going to help you after eating. Come on and let’s go to KFC !
I treat you.
Adi : Well, whatever…..
Based on the text that ……
A. Tere has’t done her assignment yet
B. Adi have gone to KFC
C. Tere have done her assignment
D. Adi hasn’t complete his assignment

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