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Unit 3 Lab Assignment

Lab Project
The goal of this lab is to find descriptive statistics for your quantitative data.

Part 1: V2 Quantitative Data

Use the list of 100 numbers from Lab 1, column V2 for this part of the lab.

A. Identify the name of the quantitative variable V2 that you are using.

B. Use Microsoft Excel to find

Mean ____________41.04____________
Median __________42_____________
Mode ____________41_____________
Standard Deviation _________11.11________________
Minimum Value _________20_______________
Maximum Value _______59_________________
Q1 ______________31_______________
Q3 _______________50.5______________

B. Consider your values for mean, median and mode listed above. Which is the largest?

The value of median is largest amongst the other, and it is 42.

Discuss the similarities and differences among your three measures.

All of these are used to find the measures when looking at all we can see that all are looking close
to each other because their numbers are close to one another. When we are looking at the value of
mean and median, they are the same.

Which one of these measures of central tendency is most suitable for your data? Explain your

While looking at the data, the value of mean and mode are incredibly close to each other, the
median set a great example of central tendency. I can say this because we are not looking for the
average age of the person or in which age comes up more frequently, which is why the median is to
be considered good because it is the middle number of all the different ages. It generally gives us
the central figure of the whole data.

C. Using the appropriate numbers from B above, make a box-and-whisker plot for your

Box Plot (Ages of Card holders)

Axis Title

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Ages of card holders

Figure: Box plot of card holder’s ages

What does this plot tell you about your data?

Box plot graph shows us that the majority of the people are in the age between 30 to 50.
Further, the study shows us that there is a large range of angles which is very good when it comes
to study

E. Looking at your list in B, list your lowest, highest and mean data values. List below
and then find the z –score for each.

Data Value, x z – score

Lowest 20
z= = -1.89

Highest 58


Mean 41.04

F.How do z -scores indicate a data value is above the mean? ______It is positive
below the mean? ____________It is negative______________________

What z -score always corresponds to the mean?

To the mean the value of z-score is zero.

Part 2: V3, Quantitative Data

A. What is the name of your V3 variable?

The name of my V3, variable is Sales.

B. Fill in the values in the chart below using the frequency distribution in Lab 2, Part 3. You may
not need all of the rows below.

frequenc Class xf xX ( x  X )2 ( x  X )2 f

Data Groups, y, f Midpoin
using V3 t, x
27.07-56.07 15 41.5 623.55 -116.4 13548.96 203234.4
57.07-86.07 14 71.57 1001.98 71.54 5122.26 71711.70
87.07-116.07 10 101.57 1015.7 101.57 10316.46 103164.64
117.07-146.07 7 131.57 920.99 131.57 17310.66 121174.65
147.07-176.07 7 161.57 1130.99 161.57 26104.86 182734.05
177.07-206.07 14 191.57 2681.98 191.57 36699.06 513786.90
207.07-236.07 6 221.57 1329.42 221.57 49093.26 294559.58
237.07-266.07 17 251.57 4276.69 251.57 63287.46 1075886.90
267.07-296.07 10 281.57 2815.7 281.57 79281.66 792816.64

f n 15797 3359069.517

C. Use the appropriate values in the table to find the mean x and standard deviation s for your
grouped data. Show your computations.

 ( x  f ) = 15797= 157.97
n 100

 ( x  x) 2
= 184.200
n 1

D. Use Chebyshev’s Theorem to write a statement about the interval from 2 standard deviations
below the mean to 2 standard deviations above the mean. List the specific interval you used
for your data. Interpret the result in the context of your data.

If we use Chebyshev’s theorem, we have to know that about 90% of the data will falls between a
negative, such a two standard deviation and a two positive. If we have to use this theorem in our
study, we would find that all the data falls between the negative 2 and positive 2 standard
deviations. This theorem will work perfectly for the study, but also it work for the other studies, it
certainly might not because you must have some certain standard deviation to do this work.

Stat Project Points: 25 Points

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