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CNSC as a Premier Higher Education Institution in the Bicol Region.

Republic of the Philippines MISSION

CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE The Camarines Norte State College shall provide higher and advanced studies
in the fields of education, arts and sciences, economics, health, engineering,
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION management, finance, accounting, business and public administration
ABAÑO CAMPUS fisheries, agriculture, natural resources development and management and
Daet, Camarines Norte ladderized courses. It shall also respond to research, extension and production
services adherent to progressive leadership towards sustainable development.



III. Objectives:

At the end of the discussion the students should be able to:

 understand how chromosomes is important in our body

 identify how chromosomal abnormalities formed
 explain how important to study about chromosomal abnormalities

Materials: Projector, laptop, cartolina, crayons, pencil

IV. Overview: Chromosomes is the structure that holds genes wherein the individual
instructions that help our bodies how to develop and function which govern physical
and medical characteristics of individual such as hair color, blood type, and
susceptibility to disease. It usually occur when there is an error in cell division
resulting in cells with too few or too many copies of a chromosome. It can have
many different effects depending on the specific abnormality.

V. Procedure:
A. Activity (oral speaking)
a. Before the start of the discussion the students will be answer a
jumbled words.

B. Analysis

1. What have you notice in the formed words?

2. In that activity, what now is your idea about chromosomal abnormalities?
CNSC as a Premier Higher Education Institution in the Bicol Region.

Republic of the Philippines MISSION

CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE The Camarines Norte State College shall provide higher and advanced studies
in the fields of education, arts and sciences, economics, health, engineering,
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION management, finance, accounting, business and public administration
ABAÑO CAMPUS fisheries, agriculture, natural resources development and management and
Daet, Camarines Norte ladderized courses. It shall also respond to research, extension and production
services adherent to progressive leadership towards sustainable development.

C. Abstraction (MMK)

1. What are chromosomes and it’s important in our body?

2. What are chromosomal abnormalities?
3. How chromosome abnormalities occur?
4. What factors can risk to cause chromosome abnormalities?
5. What is the difference between numerical and structural abnormalities?
6. Is there a cure for Down’s syndrome? For a Turner’s syndrome?
7. What is the difference between Down’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, XYY
and XXX syndrome?
8. Why do we need to study about the chromosomal abnormalities?

D. Application

In a group of 2, they need to create a genotype by pairing the chromosomes

from a male and a female and make a sketch of a facial profile from the genotype that
they obtain or create. After that, they will describe this in the forms of broadcasting.

VI. Reference:


Authors: Rodrigo DP. Tomas, Marivic T. Sanchez, Elena T. Paragas, syndrome

http:/ Sheet

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