INTERVIEW Q A Safety Professional

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Before you begin priming yourself for an interview for the position of an HSE officer, sit
down and think about what your specific job duties will be. What exactly does an HSE
(health, safety and environment) officer do? Once you know this, you will be able to
determine at least some of the likely questions that will be posed to you during an

To put it briefly, an HSE officer is responsible for providing safe working conditions to
employees within an organization. He conducts risk assessments and mitigations before
the beginning of a project and takes preventive measures to make sure that accidents,
injuries and diseases do not bog employees down. Now that you know what role you are
in for, let us discuss the interview.

At an interview for an HSE officer’s position, you will be tested on safety policy
development and implementation, investigation techniques and compliance abilities.
Most of the questions will revolve around these three areas so if you have these covered,
no one can stop you from excelling at the interview.

Some questions (and possible answers that you can provide) are given below:

HSE Officer Interview Questions and Answers

What do you know about us?

DXT is a construction company that builds commercial structures. DXT has a team of
150+ workers and separate departments for architecture, employee management,
budgeting, HSE and designing. You have a well-defined HSE policy which is in
compliance to the workplace safety guidelines issued by OSHA.

What are the main duties of an HSE officer?

An HSE officer is responsible for scheduling and conducting regular audits, inspecting
safety measures, ensuring the HSE policies have been clearly communicated to
employees and are being implemented. An HSE officer is also responsible for conducting
risk analysis to avoid accidents and conduct post-accident research to identify the cause
of accident and take measures to avoid its repetition.

Tell me about your experience?

I started my career as a junior safety officer 5 years back. I was responsible for
implementing the safety policies and explaining the proper use of PPE to employees. I
was promoted to HSE officer two years back and my added responsibilities include
designing HSE policies, checking for health safety or environmental hazards and taking
corrective actions to fix any security leaks proactively, before any accident occurs.

What qualifies you for this job?

I am a highly responsible person with excellent analytical and communication skills. I
also possess a diploma in HSE management and am good at communicating the risks
involved in various fields of work and how to deal with them which renders me well
qualified for the role of an HSE officer.

As an HSE officer, what is your prime safety concern on any given day?
There are many concerns that are on my mind each day. But since I value human life, I
am usually very anxious about any accidents that may occur and end up harming a

What unsafe conditions do you think are usually taken for granted in an
In my five years of work in safety, I have come across many situations that have
transpired by human negligence. Loose stair treads and wires that have not been
earthed are two of the common things that people take for granted and can prove to be

What are some of the areas that you would want to focus on in your HSE officer
I believe that fire safety, chemical safety, biohazard safety, radiation prevention and
First Aid and CPR training are the areas that need to be the prime focus in this role.

Tell us of a situation when mere observation helped you foil an accident or

One of the things which I mentioned earlier as easily taken for granted are stair threads.
Quite recently, I was doing the rounds of the elevators and staircases in the building I
was assigned to and noticed that one of the stair treads had come apart. It was a routine
inspection but my observation abilities made it possible for me to pinpoint this and have
it repaired before the lunchtime bell gonged and the workers descended to the cafeteria.

Which areas of your profession do you think you are best at?
I believe myself to be an all-rounder since if and when I feel I am week in a certain area,
I immediately make effort to improve in that area. I am an expert in risk analysis,
incident evaluation, safety auditing and HSE policy implementation.

What OHS and other HSE qualifications do you possess?

I possess NEBOSH certification, BCLS certification, Helicopter underwater escape
certification and firefighting certification. I also hold a technical diploma in HSE, form the
Professional safety institute affiliated with the OSHA.

What is a safe work permit?

A safe work permit is basically a document and a permit that specifies the hazards
involved in the work to be done and precautions needed to avoid the same.

Name some precautions related to working at heights?

Proper PPE must be used, risks of falling must be carefully catered for and ladders must
be tightly fastened before a worker climbs on.

Name some common construction site PPE?

Helmets, fall arrest equipment, high visibility garments and eye protection are some of
the PPE used on construction sites.

You may be surprised to know that there are different types of interviews that you may
be subjected to when you have been shortlisted for a position. The standard “two sides
of the table” interview is not a choice in many instances now. While many employers still
conform to standard interview procedures, others analyse situations to determine what
type of interviews need to be conducted. Some popular interview types include:

• One-on-one • Panel • Group • Meal • Working • Telephone • On-site

On-site or second round interviews are usually conducted once an employer is quite sure
that he will be hiring the candidate in question. Interviews conducted over meals are
usually done for jobs that are “relaxed” in nature – such as freelance work.

Whichever type of interview that will be conducted for you, it is up to you to ace it.
Preparedness spells success. So if you are appearing for an interview for a construction
safety officer interview, you should prepare beforehand with the following questions:

Construction Safety Officer Interview Questions and Answers

What do you consider the most important quality of a construction safety

Construction work is very dangerous. And in order to be able to enforce safety
standards, you have to know about safety standards yourself. Knowledge of dangerous
situations such as heavy equipment failure, building accidents and exposure to chemical
agents is very important. It is also important to maintain insight into all of this to be able
to work successfully and ensure an accident-free and safe environment for all.

What are the core work duties of a construction safety officer?

Apart from enforcing key safety standards, it is important to monitor manpower, conduct
regular site inspections, record all violations and conduct safety trainings.

What is your experience with handling safety documentation?

I have worked extensively with management teams to develop new safety policies,
augment existing ones and handle draft construction related specifications. I have
written safety proposals and conducted safety programs as well.

Tell us about a typical day at work. How does it start? What do you do?
At the beginning of each day, I inspect the work site to make sure that it is hazard-free.
Once the work site is secured, I verify that all tools and equipment are adequate in
supply. As soon as the work orders are delivered, I provide workers with security
guidelines and carry out drills. During the workday, it is my duty to monitor workers to
ensure that they are working according to the enforced safety policies and that any
problems or accidents are quickly addressed.

As a safety officer, the essence of your work is ensuring other people’s and property’s
safety so it stands to reason that at an interview for this position, you will be tested
along these lines primarily. If you are comfortable in your safety officer role, it will show
in an interview; your knowledge of the work and how you execute it will be a great asset
when you sit across the table from an interviewer.

An interview for a safety officer’s position will focus mostly on your abilities of
implementing security policies and handling adverse situations. You should be confident
in both these areas if you want to excel in the interview. Remember, you only get one
chance to make a first impression so be prepared to give the interviewer what he wants!

While you will most probably be asked situation-based questions during an interview for
a safety officer position, you must prepare yourself for other types of questions as well.
These may include your knowledge of using safety equipment or understanding of safety
procedures and protocols.

Given below is a set of interview questions and answers that you could be asked when
appearing for an interview:

Safety Officer Interview Questions and Answers

Define the terms risk and safety?

Safety is defined as a condition that is free from hazards while risk is the realization of a
potential loss or injury.

Differentiate between risk assessment and incident investigation?

Risk assessment is conducted before an incident has occurred with the aim of avoiding
any incident in the first place while incident investigation is done after an accident has
occurred to determine its causes and avoid its repetition in the future.

How would you define safety and its relevance to real time situations?
Safety is a condition which provides you freedom from risk. While most people say
safety and think “people”, it is not just about people. It is also about buildings and
assets. Real time situations that may warrant safety include physical hazards such as
fire, natural calamities, intended harm and emergencies.

What is a safety audit? On what three bases does it operate?

A safety audit is a workplace screening process that indicates any unsafe working
conditions and recommends corrective measures. Is operates on measurements,
analysis and testing.

What are the five essential E’s of a safety program?

The five essentials of a safety program include: engineering, education, enforcement,
enthusiasm and example.

Explain a situation where your proactive thinking avoided a certain accident?

During an oil drilling project the drillers were using PPE but the audit revealed they were
not using proper eye gear. I designed and recommended sealed eye gear for them and
insisted on its use which paid off because the drillers came across a pungent gas during
drilling which could have damaged their eyes causing serious threats on site and long
term health issues had they not worn that equipment.
What is a near-miss? Share a near-miss experience and what you learnt from
Near miss is a situation where an accident could happen but did not. These indicate leaks
in security arrangements. Last year, during a renovation project someone placed heavy
tiles on the first floor just where the floor was not strong enough to carry their weight.
The floor gave in and a couple of tiles fell down, no one was hurt but I learnt to always
place safety tags on weak parts of structures being renovated.

What parameters determine ‘work at height’?

Any task that is required to be performed at a height of 2m or more above ground level
is considered as a ‘work at height’ situation.

What is the biggest hazard in construction and what can be done to remove it?
Biggest hazard that applies to construction sites is that of collapse. This is avoided
through proper and secure scaffolding at sensitive structural points.

What is your biggest weakness?

I would say paying extra attention to details might be my weakness. I am highly
cautious and do not sit back until I have thoroughly understood and figured out
strategies to carry out things which sometimes over burdens me but in a way helps me
perform better as a security officer.

What are your main strengths as a security officer?

I am a good manager, highly organized and possess very good communication skills.

In the event of a fire inside a building, what thought will be foremost in your
Evacuation. I would want every living being inside the building to safely step out and run
as far away from the building as possible.

Have you ever been involved in a situation which has tested your mettle as a
safety officer on a personal level?
There was this situation in which the university that I was working for fell under a
vandalism attack. All security personnel looked for the perpetrator for three months but I
was the one who managed to pinpoint a student responsible for the vile acts. It was
unfortunate that the student was the son of my best friend. I had no option but to hand
him in even though I knew I could very well let him go with a warning and none would
be the wiser! My ethics said otherwise.

Training or experience? What is more important in a safety officer’s role?

One without the other is not potent enough for many situations so I would consider both
very important. Training is a prerequisite and experience is comes with time. They
cannot be compared or used interchangeably.

You may be surprised to know that there are different types of interviews that you may
be subjected to when you have been shortlisted for a position. The standard “two sides
of the table” interview is not a choice in many instances now. While many employers still
conform to standard interview procedures, others analyse situations to determine what
type of interviews need to be conducted. Some popular interview types include:

• One-on-one • Panel • Group • Meal • Working • Telephone • On-site

On-site or second round interviews are usually conducted once an employer is quite sure
that he will be hiring the candidate in question. Interviews conducted per meals are
usually done for jobs that are “relaxed” in nature – such as freelance work.

Whichever type of interview that will be conducted for you, it is up to you to ace it.
Preparedness spells success. So if you are appearing for an interview for a construction
safety officer interview, you should prepare beforehand with the following questions:

Construction Safety Officer Interview Questions and Answers

What do you consider the most important quality of a construction safety

Construction work is very dangerous. And in order to be able to enforce safety
standards, you have to know about safety standards yourself. Knowledge of dangerous
situations such as heavy equipment failure, building accidents and exposure to chemical
agents is very important. It is also important to maintain insight into all of this to be able
to work successfully and ensure an accident-free and safe environment for all.

What are the core work duties of a construction safety officer?

Apart from enforcing key safety standards, it is important to monitor manpower, conduct
regular site inspections, record all violations and conduct safety trainings.

What is your experience with handling safety documentation?

I have worked extensively with management teams to develop new safety policies,
augment existing ones and handle draft construction related specifications. I have
written safety proposals and conducted safety programs as well.

Tell us about a typical day at work. How does it start? What do you do?
At the beginning of each day, I inspect the work site to make sure that it is hazard-free.
Once the work site is secured, I verify that all tools and equipment are adequate in
supply. As soon as the work orders are delivered, I provide workers with security
guidelines and carry out drills. During the workday, it is my duty to monitor workers to
ensure that they are working according to the enforced safety policies and that any
problems or accidents are quickly addressed.

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