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PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia PP-MN-GG-001 1

DATE : 3 September 2001 SHEET : 1 OF 8


CHECKED BY DMo 28 August 2001
APPROVED BY DMo 3 September 2001




0 03/09/01 8 Issue as approved DMo DMo DMo

1 11/7/02 ALL CPI SPEC REVIEW TEAM (JG-Bekasap, TOTO, KWK-Duri, TRB) Team Team Team
PT. CALTEX PACIFIC INDONESIA Permitting and Regulatory Compliance Plan
PP-MN-GG-001 Rev. 1



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PT. CALTEX PACIFIC INDONESIA Permitting and Regulatory Compliance Plan
PP-MN-GG-001 Rev. 1


1.1. Scope
This Specification covers CONTRACTOR’s permitting requirements to ensure compliance
with Republic of Indonesia Laws and Regulations for the Minas Project.
All permits, licenses, certifications, registrations, and approvals required by the
Government of Indonesia that are required to provide a complete operating facility shall be
provided by CONTRATOR at its cost, with the sole exception of Basic Permits.
Permits, approvals, recommendations, clearances, and others given by the Government
Authority shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of his ultimate responsibility of complying
with all of his obligations under the Contract.
CONTRACTOR’s Representative shall ensure that aspects of the project are completely in
compliance with Republic of Indonesia rules and regulations. This plan is a living
document and should be updated as necessary to be in compliance with the applicable rules
and regulations. All permits related to this project shall be included in the Project As Built
CONTRACTOR shall report in writing to COMPANY the status of CONTRACTOR’s
permitting activities.

1.2. Terminology
In this specification, the following words and terms shall have the meanings hereby
assigned to them, unless noted otherwise.
1.2.1. COMPANY
Refers to PT. CALTEX PACIFIC INDONESIA, as the ultimate user and owner,
the authorized representative of COMPANY or COMPANY third party
Refers to company selected by COMPANY, which may be responsible for the
detailed engineering design, material and equipment procurement, and
construction as specified by Contract, Scope of Work, or Work order.
1.2.3. Vendor/Subcontractor
Refers to the company selected by COMPANY or CONTRACTOR, which is
responsible for the purchase agreement or purchase order of the goods/services
specified in this specification
?? For EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) project purposes:
The terminology shall have the meanings as above.
?? For “ Direct Procurement” by COMPANY purposes:
Vendor/Subcontractor shall also be responsible as CONTRACTOR.

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PT. CALTEX PACIFIC INDONESIA Permitting and Regulatory Compliance Plan
PP-MN-GG-001 Rev. 1

1.3. Reference
Permits and/or regulations are required from the regulatory and non-regulatory authorities
listed below to perform Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) activities.
1. Trade Office (BKPM)
2. Local Authority (PEMDA)
3. Ministry of Workers (DEPNAKER)
4. Ministry of Defences (DEPHANKAM / POLRI)
5. Ministry of Finance (DEPKEU)
6. Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication (DEPHUB)
7. Ministry of Industry and Trading (DEPPERINDAG)
8. Ministry of Mining and Energy (DEPTAMBEN)
9. Environmental Impact Control Agency (BAPEDAL)
10. Land Office (BPN)
11. National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)
12. Surveyor Indonesia


The following are subjects of related permits and/or regulations concerning activities that shall be
carried out by CONTRACTOR:

2.1. Basic Permits

a. Permit in Principle and Permanent Operating Licence (Izin Prinsip dan Izin Operasional
Tetap) issued by Trade Office (BKPM) shall be provided by COMPANY.
b. Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans (RKL and RPL) of the
Environmental Impact Study (AMDAL) approved by Environmental Impact Control
Agency (BAPEDAL) shall be provided by COMPANY.
c. Land Utilisation Plan (HGB) issued by Land Office (BPN) and Local Authority
(PEMDA), shall be provided by COMPANY.
d. Land Reservation (Pencadangan Lahan/SKPT) issued by Local Authority (PEMDA)
shall be provided by COMPANY.
e. Royalty for Mining Products, Mining, and Excavation Permit (Royalti Tambang dan
Surat Izin Penambangan) issued by Ministry of Mining and Energy (DEPTAMBEN)
and Local Authority (PEMDA) shall be provided by COMPANY.

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PT. CALTEX PACIFIC INDONESIA Permitting and Regulatory Compliance Plan
PP-MN-GG-001 Rev. 1

f. Land Compensation (Pembebasan tanah) issued by Land Office (BPN) and/or Local
Authority (PEMDA) shall be provided by COMPANY.

2.2. Financial
a. Book keeping in English and figures in US Dollar Approval (Pembukuan dalam Bahasa
Inggris dan nilainya dalam US Dollar) issued by Trade Office (BKPM) and Ministry of
Finance (DEPKEU) shall be provided by CONTRACTOR. Not Applicable.
CONTRACTOR will supply any data required to the main COMPANY’s Book
b. Foreign Loan Approval (Pinjaman luar negeri/PKLN No 39) issued by Trade Office
(BKPM) and/or Ministry of Finance (DEPKEU) shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
If applicable.
c. Loan Documentation Approval (Persetujuan atas Pinjaman) issued by Trade Office
(BKPM) and/or Ministry of Finance (DEPKEU) shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
If Applicable.

2.3. Material and Equipment ( If Material Purchased by CONTRACTOR on behalf of

a. Limited Import License (Angka Pengenal Impor Terbatas / APIT) issued by Trade
Office (BKPM) shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
b. Master List (Daftar Induk Barang) issued by Trade Office (BKPM) and Surveyor
Indonesia shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
c. Surveyor Inspection Report (Laporan Pemeriksaan Surveyor / LPS) issued by Custom
Office / Surveyor Indonesia shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
d. Import Duty Exemption (Pembebasan Bea Masuk / PBM) issued by Custom Office /
Ministry of Finance (DEPKEU) shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
e. Shipment Import Approval (Rencana Impor Barang / RIB) issued by Surveyor Indonesia
shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
f. Permit to possess and utilize hazardous waste or substances (Izin untuk pemilikan &
penggunaan limbah atau bahan berbahaya) issued by Environmental Impact Control
Agency (BAPEDAL) and Ministry of Industry and Trading (DEPPERINDAG) shall be
provided by CONTRACTOR. If Applicable.
g. Component Worthiness to use Pressure Vessel, Compressor etc. (Surat Kelayakan

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PT. CALTEX PACIFIC INDONESIA Permitting and Regulatory Compliance Plan
PP-MN-GG-001 Rev. 1

Penggunaan Peralatan / SKPP) issued by MIGAS Office / Ministry of Mining and

Energy (DEPTAMBEN) shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
h. Permit to operate heavy equipment (Izin Penggunaan Alat Berat) issued by Local
Authority (PEMDA) shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
i. Flowmeter Operation and Calibration (Kalibrasi Flowmeter) issued by MIGAS Office /
Ministry of Mining and Energy (DEPTAMBEN) and Metrology office / Ministry of
Transportation and Telecommunication shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
j. Storage Tank Calibration (Kalibrasi Tangki Penampungan) issued by Migas Office /
Ministry of Mining and Energy (DEPTAMBEN) and Metrology office / Ministry of
Transportation and Telecommunication shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
k. Telecommunication Permit (Izin Pengoperasian Alat Telekomunikasi) issued by
Telecommunication Office / Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunication and
Police Office / Ministry of Defences shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
l. Tax Exemption (Dispensasi Pajak) issued by Tax Office/Ministry of Finance (DEPKEU)
shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
m. Permit to possess and operate radioactive equipment or utilize radioactive materials as
well as disposal of radioactive equipment and materials issued by National Atomic
Energy Agency (BATAN) shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.

2.4. Construction and Commissioning

a. Building Permit (IMB) issued by Local Authority (PEMDA) shall be provided by
b. Nuisance Permit (Izin Gangguan / H.O) issued by Local Authority (PEMDA) shall be
provided by CONTRACTOR.
c. Liquid Waste Disposal Permit (Izin Membuang Limbah Cair) issued by Ministry of
Mining and Energy (Directorate of Oil and Gas), Local Authority (PEMDA) and
Environmental Impact Control Agency (BAPEDAL) shall be provided by
d. Permit for removal of soil / sand outside Project (Izin mobilisasi tanah diluar lokasi
Proyek) issued by Local Authority (PEMDA) shall be provided by CONTRACTOR. If
e. Permit to Construct Acid / Chemical Tank (Izin Pembuatan Tangki Zat Asam dan Bahan

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PT. CALTEX PACIFIC INDONESIA Permitting and Regulatory Compliance Plan
PP-MN-GG-001 Rev. 1

Kimia lainnya) issued by Ministry of Workers (DEPNAKER) shall be provided by

CONTRACTOR. If Applicable.
f. Non-Hazardous and Hazardous Solid Waste Substances Disposal Permit (Izin
Membuang Limbah Bahan Padat Tidak-Berbahaya dan Berbahaya), issued by
Environmental Impact Control Agency (BAPEDAL) and or Local Authority (PEMDA)
shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
g. Permit to cut and fill outside Project Area (Izin penggalian dan penimbunan di luar
lokasi proyek) issued by Local Authority (PEMDA) shall be provided by
CONTRACTOR. If Applicable.
h. Permit to Utilize River or Surface Water (Izin Penggunaan Air Sungai atau Air
Permukaan) issued by Ministry of Public Works and Local Authority (PEMDA) shall be
provided by CONTRACTOR. If Applicable.
i. Permit to Utilize Ground Water (Izin Penggunaan Air Tanah) issued by Ministry of
Mines and Energy (Directorate of Geology) and Local Authority (PEMDA) shall be
provided by CONTRACTOR. If Applicable.
j. License for Explosive (Izin Penggunaan Bahan Peledak) issued by Ministry of Defences
(DEPHANKAM/POLRI) shall be provided by CONTRACTOR. If Applicable.
k. Utilisation of Public Road (Izin Penggunaan Jalan Raya) issued by Local Authority
(PEMDA) and Ministry of Public Works shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.
l. Component Worthiness to Operate (Surat Kelayakan Pengoperasian Instalasi / SKPI)
issued by MIGAS Office / Ministry of Mining and Energy (DEPTAMBEN) shall be
provided by CONTRACTOR.
m. Final Operating Licenses (Izin Usaha Ketenagalistrikan Umum, IUKU) issued by
Ministry of Industry and Trading shall be provided by CONTRACTOR. If Applicable.
n. Power Line Connection for Construction and Resource (Permohonan Sumber Daya
Listrik) issued by Indonesia National Power Company shall be provided by
CONTRACTOR. If Applicable.
o. Steam Generators, Power Boilers ASME Div 1, Permit to Operate (Izin Operasi Ketel
Uap) issued by Ministry of Works (DEPNAKER) shall be provided by
CONTRACTOR. If Applicable.
p. Pipeline (as required for Migas Certification), Permit to Operate (Surat Kelayakan
Penggunaan Peralatan) issued by Migas, Ministry of Mining and Energy, shall be
provided by CONTRACTOR. If Applicable.

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PT. CALTEX PACIFIC INDONESIA Permitting and Regulatory Compliance Plan
PP-MN-GG-001 Rev. 1

2.5. Manpower
a. Police Registration for Expatriates (Surat Tanda Melapor Polisi Orang Asing) issued by
Police office / Ministry of Defences (DEPHANKAM) shall be provided by
CONTRACTOR. If Applicable.
b. Expatriate Work Permit (Izin Kerja Tenaga Asing / IKTA) issued by Ministry of
Workers (DEPNAKER) shall be provided by CONTRACTOR. If Applicable.
c. Temporary Stay Permit (Ketetapan Izin Tinggal Sementara / KITAS) issued by Local
Authority (PEMDA) and Police office / Ministry of Defences (DEPHANKAM) shall be
provided by CONTRACTOR. If Applicable.
d. Investor Man-Power Plan (Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja/RPTK) issued by
Ministry of Workers (DEPNAKER) and Trade Office (BKPM) shall be provided by
CONTRACTOR. If Applicable.
e. Register of all labourers employed at local area (Izin penggunaan Tenaga Kerja) issued
by Local Authority (PEMDA) and Police office / Ministry of Defences
(DEPHANKAM) shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.

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