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400 // shutter-speed 1/4th // f/ 5.0

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A is for Arise
In the Image, Adam seems to arise above all being; including light, sound, and the mortal souls around him.
All in the universe seems to blend into inself, including adam . The beautiful sunset in the background accents
the talent, and the harsh flash from the camera contrasts the soft glow of the setting sun.
B is for beam
Eli looks into the from seat, beaming with his eyes, but also with the soft halo that appears to cover his chest.
His blue Iridescence hoodie pleasantly contrast the orange glow that was created with the long - exposure
C is for crouch
Adam looks up from his phone in his comfortable crouching position. Here, there is only
a small glow emerging from this hand, but enough to give it a vintage film feel.
D is for drive
In the from seat of the car, Adam drives through the streaks of light created by the long shutter speed. The
orange glow dives both depth and flatness to the image, giving it comotion; something that may come with
E is for electric
Here, a bolt of electricity appears to strike itself into the image. It’s orange and bright glow gives the picture
another aspect to its style. The grain on the image sharpens this happening of light and puts it further into the
environment where the portrait was snapped.
F is for flow
In this image, Zsa Zsa’s face looks like it is flowing across the frame. The distortion and warping of light
caused by a slow shutter speed made this almost water like streak appear naturally. Also, a bright orange
glow manifests itself and almost silhouettes her head.
G is for garrett
Garrett is another word for attic, or any room at the top of a house. In this portrait, Adam can be pictured in the
attic of the house. He looks his way around the poorly lit room, but the bright flash of the camera illuminates
him and the area around him for a split second.
H is for Hallelujah
Here, Adam raises his hand as though he is preaching for a crowd of people. From the inferior angle, he looks
powerful, but the large amount of deadspace counteracts this to bring him back to his place.
I is for Inferno
In the Image, Luke is whipping his body around in a fiery inferno of rage. At the time of the picture,
“Bangarang” by skrillex was being played. Over the loud bumping of the music and thumping bass, I yell “Go
Sicko Mode”. And he did.
J is for Junk
Adam’s junk, pictured in his car. Long Exposure.
K is for Knock on Wood
If one looks at this picture, The bright orange/yellow orb of light may be the centrepiece of focus. Instead look
over to Luke’s right hand, where it can be seen that he is crossing his fingers. This is a signal for goodluck or
hope; something also associated with “Knock on Wood”.

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L is for Little trees
Add a little fragrance to your life with the world-famous Little Tree air fresheners. Black Ice has a brisk, clean scent and bold,
attractive packaging. Like all Little Tree fragrances, it's high-quality, strong and long-lasting. Hang it in your car, home or office.
M is for melt
In this photo, Eli’s face appears to melting into the orange glow surrounding him. The soft grain makes his face glow and flow
through the image.
N is for neck
Adam’s neck appears to be elongated through the rail. His figure almost appears ghostly as his body is see-through. The orange
glow created by the long exposure, and the rail creates a mysterious depth to the image.
O is for Ocean
The picture is not actually of an ocean, but the colors appear so. The street and cars are actually pictured here, and the long
exposure turns the urban life in to a blur of beach and sunset.
P is for Peach
Adam runs up to the camera, holding and empty bottle of Peach Liquor he found on the ground. While still running, I snapped this
picture, making him in focus, and the background in a blur of commotion and movement.
Q is for Quilt
The image contains no quilt, but the hangers represent it. Here, the warped metal of the clothes hangers create a grimy, nostalgic
feel; along with the leaks of random light.
R is for Rail
Adam sits on the rail and smiles. He is not moving. Just smiling. Again, the orange glow create this very raw emotion. Adam’s eyes
are red.
S is for Shocker
The bright light trails really punch through the image, to shock the audience. This also pertains greatly to the theme of the
photobook with the trails of light and glows.
T is for trails
In this portrait of Adam, trails appear out of adams body and move forward. It looks as though he is breathing out an aura of light
and movement.
U is for Up close and Personal
This is an “Up Close and Personal” portrait of Adam. It gives you more expression in his face, pulling you closer to the image. The
colors are near, washed out; adding more mystery and intimacy to the picture.
V is for Van accessible
The sign is old and dirty, making the picture feel raw and basic. This is something we may see everyday, wherever we go.

W is for wavvy
All the light streams and leaks seem to be moving in a wave motion. The cars headlights are wavy, which contrasts and pops from
the soft orange sunset in the background.
X is for Xerotripsis
Xerotripsis means dry friction, attrition, or abrasion. This is the roughest picture in the photobook, yet has one of the softest
feelings. The bright saturated colors create a nostalgic feeling; almost as if this picture was taken from a frame of Super 8 film. The
overexposure also creates the motion blur that is seen throughout the book.
Y Is for Yellowing
In this image, everything seems to be yellowing from age. This creates a vintage feel, and adds character to the picture. The light
waves also add another aspect of depth to the picture.
Z is for Zoom
This picture was taken while Adam and I were running. The background is made blurry, while adam is in focus because he was
moving the same speed as the camera. Also, because we were running the camera captured a wider range of the background,
creating a panorama. There is no leading room on adam, so the picture feels awkward, yet the waves from the light make the
whole picture flow.

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