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Republic of the Doilippines Department of oucation DIVISION OF ORIENTAL MINDORO Office of the Schools Division Superintendent October 24, 2019 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 22 +8. 2019 DEPED PARTNERSHIP DATABASE SYSTEM (DPDS) TO : OIC - Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Chief and Personnel, School Governance and Operations Division Chief and Personnel, Curriculum Implementation Division School Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1. Pursuant to Republic Act No, 9155 or the “Governance of Basie Education Act of 2001” under Section 2, that the State shall encourage local initiatives for improving the quality of basic education, Republic Act No. 8525 or the “Adopt-A-School Program Act” and in reference to DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2015 titled “Guidelines on K to 12 Partnerships” which mandates the need for partnership building to support the implementation of K to 12 Program, the Department of Education through the External Partnership Services (EPS) in coordination with the Information and Communications Technology Service (ICTS) developed the DepEd Partnership Database System (DPDS) that aims to capture information on all partnership initiatives and engagements in all DepEd levels (school, division, regional levels and central office) to strategically address resource gaps in basic education delivery. 2. DPDS is an online database system for data gathering and reporting mechanism of all partnership initiatives in all DepEd levels. The system is designed to consolidate and to harmonize various forms of assistance provided by public and private sector partners as well as their participation in providing quality and accessible basic education to all learners. The system will reflect the resources that are often provided by the partners to public schools, and the resource gaps that need to be addressed through more partnership initiatives and linkages. 3. Anent this, External Partnership Services is aiming for the full implementation of the system for Calendar Year (CY) 2019. The system requires the submission of partnership quarterly reports on the following deadlines: a. Quarter | ~ Every 3rd Friday of March b. Quarter 2 ~ Every 3rd Friday of June c. Quarter 3 ~ Every 3rd Friday of September d. Quarter 4 — Every 3rd Friday of December socmobnetjem/enn/rsm/eegm Office Address: Sta. abel, Calapan City, Orental Mindoro, 5200 ‘Tel. No, (043) 2887830 / Email Adress: ental mindoro@depe gov ph Ba ae : Republic of te Dhilipines Department of Education DIVISION OF ORIENTAL N Office of the Schools Division Superintendent 4. Each elementary/secondary school in the Division of Oriental Mindoro will be provided with a DPDS username and temporary password through their Public Schools District Supervisors. While community learning centers’ accounts will be created per request to the Division Information Technology Officer (DITO). Each account can be accessed using the DPODS live site at Enclosed here are the step-by-step procedures in using the system (Enclosure No.1). 5. Further, the Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro will conduct a One-Day Reorientation on DPDS Updates on October 31, 2019 at the SDO Conference Hall, Sta, Isabel, Calapan City. This orientation prioritizes those who were not able to attend during the Division Orientation on the Use of DPDS last January 22, 28, 29, 30 and February 1, 2019 held at different districts in Oriental Mindoro. Schedules are as follow: Time Schedule Participants za 9:00 AM — 11:30 AM Elementary 1:30 PM —4:30 PM Secondary | 6. For CY 2019, the DPDS is open for the submission of partnership reports for the first, second and third quarters until November 30, 2019. Each quarterly report is required to be submitted/uploaded by all schools and community learning centers using the following templates: a. School Account - School Partnership Data Sheet (SPDS) b. Community Learning Center Account (CLC) - CLC Partnerships Data Sheet (CPDS) It is advised to have a separate folder for Partnership Data Sheet (PDS) and to save the SPDSI/CPDS template using the filename format (quarterly basis): [ FORMAT SAMPLE spds_region_division_SchoolName_Schooll spds_mimaropa_ormin_juandelacruznhs_111 D_quarter_year 000_q1_2019 pds_region_division SchoolName_quarte | epds_mimaropa_ormin, |_juandelacruznhs_qi_ | year |2019 J 7. Aside from the quarterly submission of SPDS/CPDS, all schools and learning centers are required to have PARTNERSHIP LOGBOOK using the recommended template enclosed in this Memorandum (Enclosure No. 2). The logbook will serve as an offline version of DPDS Where all partnership engagements, pledges, donations and contributions are recorded. All teaching and non-teaching staff of the school shall be oriented on the purpose of the logbook and on how to log-in reports. The personnel directly responsible for partnership engagement will also be the one in-charge for the recording of accomplishments. The School Head may devise award or recognition system for the highest value partnership accomplishments for each quarter/year. Office Adare: Sta, Isabel, Calapan City, rental Mindor, 5200 Tel No, (043) 288 780 / Eri Address rental mindoro(@deped gov ph socmobnetjem/enn/sVeegm Republic othe Byipines ‘Bepartment of Education DIVISION OF ORIENTAL MINDORO Office of the Schools Division Superintendent 8. __ Every reporting quarter, hardcopy of one-pager transmittal report (Enclosure No. 3) is to be submitted to the District Office and the same shall be compiled per district and to be forwarded to the Social Mobilization and Networking Section (SGOD Office) two weeks after each deadlines. 9. _ For further inquiries, you may contact the Division Partnership Focal Persons through Ms. Eleanor N. Nieva at 0917-406-2853 and Ms. Joyce C. Mortel at 0998-580-4636. For technical assistance particularly account creation and password reset, you may contact the Division Information and Technology Officer through Mr. Elpidio Mortella at 098-566-1217 10. Immediate dissemi tion of the content of this Memorandum is desired. susate M. BAUTISTA, Schools Division Superintender References: Republic det No. 9155 or the "Goxernance of Bate Eduction det of 2001 BA 8825 or the AdeptedSchool Program Dep Order No.4, 2018 0 the “Guldelines on Kto 12 Parmeships’ ‘Tobe indicate in the Perpetua Index under the following subject: ELECTION STAKEHOLDERS. SOCIETY oR ASSOCIATIONS POLICY PARTNERSHIP SS Office Adcress: Sta, abel, Calapan City, rental Mindor, 5200 Tel No, (043) 288 78:0 Email Address rental mindoro(@deped. gov. ph socmobnetem/ern/rsn/eegm enti othe Doiinines Department of €oucation DIVISION OF ORIENTAL MINDORO ‘Office of the Schools Division Superintendent (Enclosure No. 1 to Division Memorandum Wo. 122, s. 2019 titled DepEd Partnership Database System) STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURES IN ACCESSING THE DPDS: STEP BY-STEP PROCEDURES IN ACCESSING THE DPDS: 1. Go to DPDS live site at Click Accept and Continue to proceed LOGIN. 2. In the Login page, type the given USERNAME and TEMPORARY PASSWORD. This inputs are available in your respective district supervisors. 3. During the first login, the system will prompt to change password. The password will be for the safekeeping and responsibility of School Partnership Focal Person and/or schoo! head. For every password reset, kindly contact the Division Information and Technology Officer (DITO). 4. Upon entry to the system, dashboard will appear and among the options is “Download Template”. Click the download option, then click OK to proceed. The downloaded excel file is the School/CLC Partnership Data Sheet (S/CPDS). Rename the file immediately using the prescribed template in paragraph 6 of this Memorandum. Sharing of downloaded SPDS/CPDS is not allowed because each file is matched with its respective school ID/Number per DPDS Account. Each account needs to individually download the SPDS/CPDS at least once. Once downloaded, the file can be copied and renamed corresponding the reporting quarters and years. 5. Before every reporting period, the designated Partnership Focal Person shall refer to the Partnership Logbook for the data inputs for SPDS/CPDS provided that all transactions are logged-in and shall encode the reports for the quarter. Next is the uploading of quarterly reports through the system (DPDS). 6. Uploading procedures are as follows: (1) Go to (2) Login using your usemame and password; (3) Among the options in the dashboard is UPLOAD TEMPLATE, click it and choose the DPDS Quarterly Report file from your computer. The system will prompt that your report was successfully uploaded. 7. Reporting periods and deadlines are mentioned in paragraph 3 of this Memorandum. Reports may be submitted before the deadline and any partnership accomplishments that will arise after the submission but before the deadline will be reported on the next quarter. After the deadline, the system will be temporarily locked for reporting to give way for the consolidation and ‘generation of report. 8. DPDS can also be accessed using your Android phones internet application, Same procedures will apply. Only make sure to transfer your report file to your cellphone for uploading. Office Address: Sta. tsabel, Calapan City, Oriental Mindor, 5200 Tel No. (043) 288 7820/ Email Address oriental mindoro@aeped gov. ph secmobnet jem/enn/rem/eegen a (Bujpuad uonopusuayduy (313 FOU GO (ssouswoy pur 40f 3us08-w ‘powjduos) | “OW VON) poansaxg | sioyoooy o-ow | (sosod us) “ON some smtig suoneyuaunsoq, Saepyousg | qunowy | uopnquyuoy | yeju05 | ssoappy yo amen, ara (Jooyss Jo omen) MOO#DOT dIHSUANLAV (wearsts asoqoi0a awysiourieg p3dea pap 6t02 's Ey] ON wnpuoroWeYy UoIsINg 012 “ON aunsopou3) Republic ofthe Doitypines ‘Bepartment of Education DIVISION OF ORIENTAL MINDORO Office of the Schools Division Superintendent (Enclosure No. 3 to Division Memorandum No. _[22, s. 2019 title DepEd Partnership Database System) TRANSMITTAL REPORT DATE: FROM: Name of School (Schoo! 1D) District/Municipality Name of School Head Contact Number/s TO: Social Mobilization and Networking Section School Governance and Operations Division TITLE : DPDS QUARTERLY REPORT FIRST/SECOND/THIRD/ FOURTH (QUARTER ) 2019 (YEAR) Respectfully submitting the Summary of Contributions for the THIRD QUARTER of 2019 uploaded last __(date of uploading) _. See the attached template below: (download the Summary of Contribution from the DPDS and attached here) fice Addres: Sta. abel, Calapan City, Oriental Mindor, 5200 Tel. No. (043) 288 7810 /Emall Address xental mindoro@deped gov. ph secmabne jem/enn/rsm/esam

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