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Demonology is one of the earliest theories in criminology. This theory was one of the theory
of pre-classical school. In the ancient times, people believed that evil spirits or demons entered
the human soul and made people commit sins. This was the earliest explanation given regarding
crime and criminal behavior. Terms like demons, witches and windigo were used for people
who had turned criminals under demonic influence. The society thought that it all happened
due to evil spirits. Supernatural powers were considered the best explanation behind crime and
sin them. It was believed that a person did not commit crimes of his own free will but because
he was under the influence of evil. Still, demonology is not a suitable or proper explanation for
criminal behavior since instead of relying on real factors, there are unreal or mythical facts in
its foundation. Several theories have followed demonology that provide newer and better
perspectives on crime. However, demonology has not still grown totally irrelevant. In many
parts of the world, people still believe in the existence of evil spirits. Such people or
communities try to explain sinful or criminal behavior as the wrongdoings of Satan. In the
ancient times, science and technology had not advanced as much and therefore everything evil
was committed under the influence of demons and satanic powers. Due to a lack of education,
no proper explanation was available for criminal behaviour. Demonology provided
generalized explanations that did not offer a suitable basis for criminal behavior.

Historical background
The period of seventeeth and eighteenth century in Europe was dominated by the scholasticism
of Saint Thomas Acquinas (1225-1274).The dominance of religion in state activities was the
chief characterictics of that time. In political sphere, thinkers such as Hobbes and Locke were
concentrating on social contract as the basis of social evolution. The concept of Divine right of
king advocating supremacy of monarch was held in great esteem. As scientific knowledge was
yet unknown the concept of crime Saint Thomas Aquinas. The dominance of religion in State
activities was the chief characteristic was rather vague and obscure. The pre-classicals
considered crime and criminals as an evidence of The period of seventeenth and eighteenth
century in Europe was dominated by the scholasticism of Saint the fact that the individual was
possessed of devil or demon the only cure for which was testimony of the effectiveness of the
spirit. Worships, sacrifices and ordeals by water and fire were usually prescribed to specify the
spirit and relieve the victim from its evil influence. An ordeal is an ancient manner of trial in
criminal cases.


There was a general belief that man by nature is simple and his actions are controlled by some
super power. It was generally believed that a man commits crime due to the influence of some
external spirit called ‘demon’ or ‘devil’. Thus an offender commits a wrongful act not because
of his own free will but due to the influence of some external super power. No attempt was,
however, made to probe into the real causes of crime. This demonological theory of criminality
propounded by the exponents of pre-classical school acknowledged the omnipotence of spirit,
which they regarded as a great power.
Mode of punishment:
The pre-classicals considered crime and criminals as an evidence of the fact that of the
effectiveness of the spirit. Worships, sacrifices and ordeals by water and fire were usually
prescribed to specify the spirit and relieve the victim from its evil influence. An ordeal is an
ancient manner of trial in criminal cases. When an offender pleaded “not guilty”, he might
choose whether he would put himself for the individual was possessed of devil or demon the
only cure for which was testimony trial upon God and the country, by 12 men or upon God
only, and then it was called ‘the judgment of God’, presuming that God would deliver the
innocent. Examples of such ordeals are, throwing into fire, throwing into water after tying a
stone to his neck, administration of oath by calling up God’s wrath, trial by battle, etc.
Trial by battle was common mode of deciding the fate of criminal. The oaths and ordeals
played a very important role in the ancient judicial system in determining the guilt of the
offender. The justification advanced for these rituals was the familiar belief that “when the
human agency fails, recourse to divine means of proof becomes most inevitable”. Though these
practices appear to be most irrational and barbarous to the modern mind, they were universally
accepted and were in existence in most Christian countries till thirteenth century. The Roman
law completely ignored the system of ordeals and it was forbidden in Quran.
The right of society to punish the offender was, however, well recognized. The offender was
regarded as an innately depraved person who could be cured only by torture and pain. The
evolution of criminal law was yet at a rudimentary stage. Hobbes suggested that fear of
punishment at the hands of monarch was a sufficient deterrent for the members of early society
to keep them away from sinful acts which were The right of society to punish the offender was,
however, St. Thomas Aquinas and the social contract writers such as Donte Alighieri well
recognized. The offender was synonymous to crimes. Thus the theosophists, notably,
Machiavelli, Martin Luther and Jean Bodin provided immediate background for Beccaria’s
classical school at a later stage. The pre-classical thinking, however, withered away with the
lapse of time and advancement of knowledge.


The principle of divine intervention especially though ordeals was in vogue in ancient india as
well.The oaths and ordeals played a important role in ancient judicial system in determining
the guilt of the offender.The Roman law completely ignored the system of ordeals and it was
forbidden in Quran.The validity of trail by ordeal wasquestioned even by ancient authurities
such as Purvapaksa but ever sincetime of Manu it has repeatedly argued that ordeals are the
creations of Brahma and have been prastised by Gods,great sagesand all thoughtful
persons.Medhatithi further pointed out that ordials have worked efficiently since time of sages
and there are examples ofVasistha ,Vasta and others who tried such test with success.
Though these practices appear to be most irrational and barbarious to the modern mind ,they
were universilly accepted and were in existence in most Christian countries till thirteenth
century. The Roman law completely ignored the system of ordeals and it was forbidden in
Quran.In India,the system of ordeal fell into disuse with the advent of British rule in India and
subsequent rationalisation of the penal law.
The Demonological School is the most ancient theory of crime and dates of PreScientific Age.
According to the thinkers belonging to this age viewed that a crime is a handiwork of the devil. They
believed that there are two kinds of forces in the world: Gods and Satanic forces. The Gods force keeps
us away from crime and helps us to do good , where as the devil force distracts man from the right
path and makes him commit crime. It makes man reckless, lose the sense of morality and removes the
fear of God from the individual. Such a person becomes unable to foresee the consequences of his
actions. During this age there was a separate and distinct penal code; the system of punishment was
not fixed nor was it well regulated. The chief purpose behind infliction of punishment was to drive
away the Demon from the soul. For this whipping was the most common form of penalty.The tender
organs of the body were exposed to cruel treatment, burning, laceration and maceration. The main
idea behind this apparent maltreatment of the body was to cause pain to the devil so that it is
compelled to leave the body.

This approach and the penal code thereof had no followers because it was

1) Unscientific

2) Irrational and

3) Cruel and Barbaric

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