Indonesia Bali Travel

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266 B A L I • • H i s t o r y 267

HISTORY century, and for the next two centuries this

Bali It’s certain that Bali has been populated

since early prehistoric times, but the oldest
human artefacts found are 3000-year-old
was the base for the ‘king of Bali’, the Dewa
Agung. The Majapahit kingdom collapsed
into disputing sultanates. However, the
stone tools and earthenware vessels from Gelgel dynasty in Bali, under Dalem Batur
Cekik. Not much is known of Bali during Enggong, extended its power eastwards to
the period when Indian traders brought the neighbouring island of Lombok and
Hinduism to the Indonesian archipelago, even crossed the strait to Java.
Bali may be small in size – you can drive around the entire coast in one long day – but its but the earliest written records are stone As the Majapahit kingdom fell apart,
prominence as a destination is huge, and rightfully so. Ask travellers what Bali means to inscriptions dating from around the 9th many of its intelligentsia moved to Bali, in-
them and you’ll get as many answers as there are flowers on a frangipani tree. Virescent rice century. By that time, rice was being grown cluding the priest Nirartha, who is credited
terraces, pulse-pounding surf, enchanting temple ceremonies, mesmerising dance perform- under the complex irrigation system known with introducing many of the complexities
as subak, and there were precursors of the of Balinese religion to the island. Artists,
ances and ribbons of beaches are just some of the images people cherish.
religious and cultural traditions that can be dancers, musicians and actors also fled to

And those are just some of the more obvious qualities. A visit to Bali means that you are traced to the present day. Bali at this time, and the island experi-
enced an explosion of cultural activities.
in the most visitor-friendly island of Indonesia. There are pleasures of the body, whether a Hindu Influence The final great exodus to Bali took place
massage on the beach or a hedonistic interlude in a sybaritic spa. Shopping that will put Hindu Java began to spread its influence in 1478.
‘extra bag’ at the top of your list. Food and drink ranging from the freshest local cuisine into Bali during the reign of King Air-
bursting with the flavours of the markets to food from around the globe, often prepared langga, from 1019 to 1042. At the age of European Contact
16, Airlangga had fled into the forests of The first Europeans to set foot in Bali were
by chefs and served in restaurants that are world class. From a cold Bintang at sunset to an
western Java when his uncle lost the throne. Dutch seafarers in 1597. Setting a tradition
epic night clubbing, your social whirl is limited only by your own fortitude. He gradually gained support, won back the that prevails to the present, they fell in love
kingdom once ruled by his uncle and went with the island, and when Cornelius Hout-
Small obviously doesn’t mean limited. The manic whirl of Kuta segues into the luxury of on to become one of Java’s greatest kings. man – the ship’s captain – prepared to set
Seminyak. The artistic swirl of Ubud is a counterpoint to misty treks amid the volcanoes. Airlangga’s mother had moved to Bali and sail from Bali, some of his crew refused to
Mellow beach towns like Amed, Lovina and Pemuteran can be found right round the coast remarried shortly after his birth, so when he leave with him. At that time, Balinese pros-
and just offshore is the laid-back idyll of Nusa Lembongan. gained the throne there was an immediate perity and artistic activity, at least among
link between Java and Bali. At this time, the the royalty, were at a peak, and the king
As you stumble upon the exquisite little offerings left all over the island that materialise courtly Javanese language known as Kawi who befriended Houtman had 200 wives
as if by magic, you’ll see that the tiny tapestry of colours and textures is a metaphor for came into use among the royalty of Bali, and a chariot pulled by two white buffa-
and the rock-cut memorials seen at Gu- loes, not to mention a retinue of 50 dwarfs.
Bali itself.
nung Kawi (Mt Kawi) near Tampaksiring When the Dutch returned to Indonesia in
are a clear architectural link between Bali later years, they were interested in profit,
and 11th-century Java. not culture, and barely gave Bali a second
After Airlangga’s death, Bali retained its glance.
semi-independent status until Kertanagara
became king of the Singasari dynasty in Java Dutch Conquest
HIGHLIGHTS two centuries later. Kertanagara conquered In 1710 the capital of the Gelgel kingdom
„ Sunbathing and partying at Kuta Beach (p281) Bali in 1284, but his power lasted only eight was shifted to nearby Klungkung (now
years until he was murdered and his king- called Semarapura), but local discontent
„ Hitting the latest bars, restaurants and
dom collapsed. With Java in turmoil, Bali was growing, lesser rulers were breaking
clubs at Seminyak (p287)
regained its autonomy and the Pejeng dyn- away from Gelgel domination and the
„ Experiencing Bali’s elaborate cultural life asty, centred near modern-day Ubud, rose Dutch began to move in, using the old
in Ubud (p307) and surrounding villages Munduk to great power. In 1343 Gajah Mada, the policy of divide and conquer. In 1846 the
„ Chilling out – or maybe catching a wave – legendary chief minister of the Majapahit Dutch used Balinese salvage claims over
on Nusa Lembongan (p346) Ubud dynasty, defeated the Pejeng king Dalem shipwrecks as the pretext to land military
Bedaulu and brought Bali back under Java- forces in northern Bali. In 1894 the Dutch
„ Hiking through and enjoying the superb Nusa Lembongan
Seminyak nese influence. chose to support the Sasaks of Lombok in a
views of lush valleys from the region Kuta Although Gajah Mada brought much rebellion against their Balinese rajah. After
around Munduk (p364)
of the Indonesian archipelago under Ma- some bloody battles, the Balinese were de-
japahit control, Bali was the furthest extent feated in Lombok, and with northern Bali
of its power. Here the ‘capital’ moved to firmly under Dutch control, southern Bali
Gelgel, near modern-day Semarapura (once was not likely to retain its independence for
AGUNG (3142M)
known as Klungkung), around the late 14th long. Once again, salvaging disputes gave
268 B A L I B A L I • • C u l t u re 269

the Dutch the excuse they needed to move The huge eruption of Gunung Agung


To Lombok
To Lombok
12 miles
20 km

in. A Chinese ship was wrecked off Sanur in 1963 killed thousands, devastated vast
in 1904 and ransacked by the Balinese. The areas of the island and forced many Bali-

Gunung Selang

Dutch demanded that the rajah of Badung nese to accept transmigration to other

pay 3000 silver dollars in damages – this parts of Indonesia. Two years later, in the

was refused. In 1906 Dutch warships ap- wake of the attempted communist coup,


peared at Sanur; Dutch forces landed and, Bali became the scene of some of the blood-

Padangbai Candidasa

despite Balinese opposition, marched the iest anticommunist killings in Indonesia.

5km to the outskirts of Denpasar. These were perhaps inflamed by some mys-

Muncan Tirta Gangga


Gunung Agung
On 20 September 1906, the Dutch tical desire to purge the land of evil, but




mounted a naval bombardment of Den-

also came about because the radical agenda

Danau (2152m)

Pura Goa

Nusa Penida
pasar and then commenced their final as- of land reform and abolition of the caste


Toya Bungkah


sault. The three rajahs of Badung (southern system was a threat to traditional Balinese

Batur Songan

Bali) realised that they were outnumbered values. The brutality of the killings was in
Buahan Batur




and outgunned, and that defeat was inevit- shocking contrast to the stereotype of the
Pura Tirta Kayuanbua



Sukawati Pura Masceti




able. Surrender and exile, however, was the ‘gentle’ Balinese.





worst imaginable outcome, so they decided


Modern Bali

to take the honourable path of a suicidal



Pulau Serangan


Tanjung Benoa


Pelabuhan Benoa

Bukit Peninsula
puputan – a fight to the death. The tourism boom, which started in the


Nusa Dua

The Dutch begged the Balinese to surren- early 1970s, has brought many changes, and
Danau Bratan
Yeh Sanih




Bedugul Pelaga


der rather than make their hopeless stand, has helped pay for improvements in roads,


Taman Ayun

but their pleas went unheard and wave after telecommunications, education and health.

Batukau Wangayagede

wave of the Balinese nobility marched for- Though tourism has had some marked ad-

Pura Mas
ward to their deaths. In all, nearly 4000 Bali- verse environmental and social effects, Bali’s


Mayong Tamblingan Pura Ulun

(2093m) Gunung



nese died in the puputan. Later, the Dutch unique culture has proved to be remarkably
Danau Buyan

Pura Beji

marched east towards Tabanan, taking the resilient. Beginning in the 1990s there has



rajah of Tabanan prisoner, but he commit- been vocal public opposition to some contro-

Pura Tanah

Pura Luhur
Ulu Watu
ὈὈὈὈ Antosari

ted suicide rather than face the disgrace versial tourist developments, which indicates

of exile. that Balinese people will play a more active


The kingdoms of Karangasem and Gi- role in the development of their island.


anyar had already capitulated to the Dutch Bali, like most places, has also been af-
Celukanbawang Seririt

and were allowed to retain some powers, fected by global politics. In October 2002,
but other kingdoms were defeated and the two simultaneous bomb explosions in Kuta –


rulers exiled. Finally, the rajah of Klung- targeting an area frequented by tourists –
kung followed the lead of Badung and once injured or killed more than 500 people; see
more the Dutch faced a puputan. With this p281. The island’s vital tourist industry was
last obstacle disposed of, all of Bali was now dealt a severe blow. It had mostly recovered
Perancak Perancak Rambut Medewi

under Dutch control and became part of by 2005 when in October of that year more
Gunung Musi


the Dutch East Indies. Dutch rule over Bali bombs went off, albeit with less loss of life.
National Park
West Bali


Still, the bombs caused an immediate sharp


was short-lived, however, as Indonesia fell


to the Japanese in WWII. drop in tourists and have forced the Bali-

nese to yet again ponder their role in the


Independence world’s greater geopolitics.


Pulau Menjangan


On 17 August 1945, just after WWII ended,


Taman Nasional

the Indonesian leader Soekarno proclaimed

Alas Purwo

the nation’s independence, but it took four The population in Bali is almost all Indones-

Pulau Tabuan

years to convince the Dutch that they were ian; 95% are of Balinese Hindu descent and


Prapat Agung

not going to get their great colony back. In could be described as ethnic Balinese. The



a virtual repeat of the puputan nearly half a remaining residents are mostly from other

t Ba
li century earlier, a Balinese resistance group parts of the country, particularly Java.


was wiped out in the Battle of Marga on Balinese have traditional caste divisions
20 November 1946; Bali’s airport, Ngurah that resemble the Indian Hindu system, al-

Rai, is named after its leader. It was not though there are no ‘untouchables’. Nor is

until 1949 that the Dutch finally recognised there separation of labour based on caste,
Indonesia’s independence. except for the Brahmana priesthood. Over
270 B A L I • • C u l t u re B A L I • • C u l t u re 271

90% of the population belong to the com- The Balinese believe that spirits are every- For much of the year Balinese temples
mon Sudra caste, which now includes many where, an indication that animism is the are deserted, but on holy days the deities BALI MEDIA
wealthy Balinese. The main significance of basis of much of their religion. Good spirits and ancestral spirits descend from heaven To find out what’s happening locally pick
caste is in religious roles and rituals, and its dwell in the mountains and bring prosper- to visit their devotees, and the temples come up any of a number of local publications,
influence on Balinese language. ity to the people, while giants and demons alive with days of frenetic activity and nights including the following.
The traditional Balinese society is in- lurk beneath the sea, and bad spirits haunt of drama and dance. Temple festivals come Bali Advertiser Free newspaper with volumin-
tensely communal; the organisation of vil- the woods and desolate beaches. The people at least once every Balinese year (210 days). ous ads, comprehensive information, and idiosyn-
lages, the cultivation of farmlands and even live between these two opposites and Because most villages have at least three cratic columnists.
the creative arts are communal efforts. A their rituals strive to maintain this mid- temples, you’re assured of at least five or six Bali Style Glossy features for the posh set.
person belongs to their family, clan, caste dle ground. Offerings are carefully put out annual festivals in every village. The full- Hello Bali Good features and restaurant and
and to the village as a whole. The roles of every morning to pay homage to the good moon periods, around the end of September entertainment reviews.
the sexes are fairly well delineated, with cer- spirits and nonchalantly placed on the to the beginning of October, or early to mid- What’s Up Bali Useful map-based weekly
tain tasks handled by women and others ground to placate the bad ones. You can’t April, are often times of important festivals. brochure with complete entertainment listings.
reserved for men. For instance, the running get away from religion in Bali – there are Galungan-Kuningan is a 10-day festival when

of the household is very much the woman’s temples in every village, shrines in every lots of activity takes place at family and com- The website Bali Discovery (www.balidiscov
task, while caring for animals is mostly a field and offerings made at every corner. munity temples all over the island. has a first-rate section on Bali news.
male preserve. For news from further afield, the Interna-
Balinese society is held together by col- TEMPLES Arts tional Herald Tribune is sold at convenience
lective responsibility. If a woman enters a The word for temple is pura, which is a San- The Balinese had no words for ‘art’ and ‘art- stores in South Bali and Ubud. Same-day
temple while menstruating, for instance, skrit word meaning ‘a space surrounded by ist’ because, traditionally, art has never been copies of Australian newspapers are sold by
it is a kind of irreverence, an insult to a wall’. As in so much of Balinese religion, regarded as something to be treasured for its vendors for ridiculous sums.
the gods, and their displeasure falls not the temples, though nominally Hindu, own sake. Prior to the tourism boom, art was
just on the transgressor but on the whole owe much to the pre-Majapahit era. Their just part of everyday life, and what was pro-
community. This collective responsibil- kaja, kelod or kangin (alignment towards duced went into temples, palaces or festivals. ing. Traditional painting was very limited
ity produces considerable pressure on the the mountains, the sea or the sunrise) is in Although respected, the painter or carver in style and subject matter, and was used
individual to conform to adat – the trad- deference to spirits that are more animist was not considered a member of some spe- primarily for temple decoration. The arrival
itional values and customs that form the than Hindu. cial elite, the artist’s work was not signed and of Western artists following WWI intro-
core of society. Almost every village has at least three there were no galleries or craft shops. duced new subject matters and materials
temples. The most important is the pura It’s a different story today, with thou- with which artists could work.
Religion puseh (temple of origin), which is dedicated sands of art outlets tucked into every pos- Traditional Balinese painting was strictly
The Balinese are nominally Hindus, but to the village founders and is at the kaja end sible crevice. Although much Balinese art limited to three basic kinds: langse, iders-
Balinese Hinduism is half a world away of the village. In the middle of the village is churned out quickly as cheap souvenirs, iders and calendars. Langse are the large,
from that of India. When the Majapahits is the pura desa for the spirits that protect buried beneath the reproductions of repro- rectangular hangings used as decoration or
evacuated to Bali they took with them their the village community in its day-to-day life. ductions there’s still much beautiful work curtains in palaces or temples. Iders-iders
religion and its rituals, as well as their art, At the kelod end of the village is the pura to be found. are scroll paintings that are hung along the
literature, music and culture. The Balinese dalem (temple of the dead). The graveyard Even the simplest activities are carried eaves of temples. The calendars are usually
already had strong religious beliefs and an is also here and the temple will often in- out with care, precision and artistic flair. astrological, showing the auspicious days
active cultural life, and the new influences clude representations of Durga, the terrible Just glance at those little offering trays of each month.
were simply overlaid on existing practices – incarnation of Shiva’s wife. thrown down on the ground for the demons Most of the paintings were narratives
hence the peculiar Balinese interpretation Families worship their ancestors in family every morning – each one a throwaway with mythological themes, illustrating
of Hinduism. temples, clans in clan temples and the whole work of art. Look at the temple offerings, stories from Hindu epics and literature.
The Balinese worship the same gods as village in the pura puseh. Certain temples the artistically stacked pyramids of fruit Paintings were executed in the wayang
the Hindus of India – the trinity of Brahma, in Bali are of such importance that they are or other beautifully decorated foods. Look style – the flat two-dimensional style that
Shiva and Vishnu – but they also have a deemed to be owned by the whole island for penjor, long decorated bamboo poles at imitates the wayang kulit (shadow pup-
supreme god, Sanghyang Widi. Unlike in rather than by individual villages. These in- doorways during festivals, the woven deco- pets), with the figures invariably shown in
India, the trinity is never seen – a vacant clude Pura Besakih (p332) on the slopes of rative palm-leaf strips called lamak, stylised three-quarter view. The colours that artists
shrine or empty throne tells all. Nor is Gunung Agung, the most revered place in female figures known as cili and the intri- could use were strictly limited to a set list of
Sanghyang Widi often worshipped, though Bali, often called ‘The Mother Temple’. cately carved coconut-shell wall-hangings. shades (red, blue, brown, yellow and light
villagers may pray to him when they have The simple shrines or thrones you see – Traditionally most visitors to the island ochre for flesh).
settled new land and are about to build for example, in rice fields or next to sacred have found the greatest concentration of In these narratives the same charac-
a new village. Other Hindu gods such as old trees – are not real temples, as they are the arts in and around Ubud (p307). ters appeared in several different scenes,
Ganesh, Shiva’s elephant-headed son, may not walled. You’ll find these shrines in all each depicting an episode from the story.
occasionally appear, but a great many purely sorts of places, often overlooking intersec- BALINESE PAINTING The individual scenes were usually bor-
Balinese gods, spirits and entities have far tions or dangerous curves in the road to The art form most influenced both by dered by mountains, flames or ornamental
more relevance in everyday life. protect road users. Western ideas and tourist demand is paint- walls. The deities, princes and heroes were
272 B A L I • • C u l t u re B A L I • • C u l t u re 273

identified by opulent clothing, jewellery, figures, leaving the wood in its natural Rawana, the King of Lanka. Rama is ac- great magical powers and casts a spell that
elaborate headdresses and by their graceful state rather than painting it, as was the companied to Lanka by Sugriwa, the king stops the kris from harming the men. This
postures and gestures; and the devils and traditional practice. Others carved delight- of the monkeys, with his monkey army. is the most dramatic part of the dance – as
giants by their bulging eyes, canine teeth, ful animal figures, some totally realistic Throughout the Kecak dance, the circle of the gamelan rings crazily the men rush back
bulbous noses and bulky bodies. Semara- and others wonderful caricatures, while men, all bare-chested and wearing checked and forth, waving their kris around, all but
pura (p330) is still a centre for traditional other artists carved whole tree trunks into cloth around their waists, provide a non- foaming at the mouth, sometimes even roll-
painting – the painted ceiling of the Kertha ghostly, intertwined ‘totem poles’ or curi- stop accompaniment, rising to a crescendo ing on the ground in a desperate attempt
Gosa (p331) there is a fine example of the ously exaggerated and distorted figures. as they play the monkey army and fight to stab themselves. Finally, the rangda re-
style. it out with Rawana and his cronies. The tires defeated – good has won again. Good
DANCE chanting is accompanied by the movements must always triumph over evil in Bali, and
ARCHITECTURE Music, dance and drama are closely related of the monkey army whose members sway no matter how many times the spectators
The basic feature of Balinese architecture in Bali. In fact, dance and drama are syn- back and forth, raise their hands in unison, have seen the performance or how well they
is the bale (pronounced ‘bal-ay’), a rectan- onymous, though some ‘dances’ are more flutter their fingers and lean left and right, know the outcome, the battle itself remains
gular, open-sided pavilion with a steeply drama and less dance, and others more all with an eerily exciting coordination. all-important.

pitched roof of palm thatch. A family com- dance and less drama.
pound will have a number of bale for eating, Balinese dance tends to be precise, shift- Barong & Rangda Legong
sleeping and working. The focus of a com- ing and jerky, like the accompanying game- The Barong Keket is half shaggy dog, half This is the most graceful of Balinese dances
munity is the bale banjar, a large pavilion lan music, which has abrupt shifts of tempo lion – and is played by two men in much and, to connoisseurs of Balinese dancing,
for meeting, debate, gamelan practise and and dramatic changes between silence and the same way as a circus clown-horse. Its the one of most interest.
so on. Buildings such as restaurants and the crashing noise. There’s virtually no physical opponent is the rangda (witch). There are various forms of the Legong
lobby areas of hotels are often modelled on contact in Balinese dancing – each dancer The Barong represents good and protects but the Legong Kraton (Legong of the
the bale – they are airy, spacious and hand- moves independently, but every move- the village from the rangda, but is also a mis- Palace) is the one most often performed.
somely proportioned. ment of wrist, hand and finger is impor- chievous creature. It flounces into the tem- A performance involves just three danc-
Like the other arts, architecture has trad- tant. Even facial expressions are carefully ple courtyard, snaps its jaws at the gamelan, ers – the two Legongs and their ‘attendant’
itionally served the religious life of Bali. choreographed to convey the character of dances around and enjoys the acclaim of known as the Condong. The Legongs are
Balinese houses, although attractive, have the dance. its supporters – a group of men with kris. identically dressed in tightly bound gold
never been lavished with the architectural The dances are a blend of seriousness Then the rangda makes her appearance, brocade. So tightly are they encased that
attention that is given to temples. Even and slapstick. Basically, they are straight- with long tongue lolling, pendulous breasts it’s something of a mystery how they man-
Balinese palaces are modest compared with forward ripping yarns, where you cheer the wobbling, human entrails draped around age to move with such agility and speed.
the more important temples. Temples are goodies and boo the baddies. Some dances her neck, fangs protruding from her mouth Their faces are elaborately made up, their
designed to fixed rules and formulas, with have a comic element, with clowns who and sabre-like fingernails clawing the air. eyebrows plucked and repainted, and their
sculpture serving as an adjunct, a finishing counterbalance the staid, noble characters. The two duel with their magical powers, hair decorated with frangipanis.
touch to these design guidelines. The clowns often have to convey the story and the Barong’s supporters draw their kris The dance relates how a king takes a
to the audience, since the noble characters and rush in to attack the witch. The rangda maiden, Rangkesari, captive. When Rang-
SCULPTURE may use the classical Javanese Kawi lan- puts them in a trance and the men try to kesari’s brother comes to release her, he
In small or less-important temples, sculpture guage, while the clowns (usually servants of stab themselves, but the Barong also has begs the king to let her free rather than go
may be limited or even nonexistent, while the noble characters) converse in Balinese.
in other temples – particularly some of the Dances are a regular part of almost every
exuberantly detailed temples of northern temple festival, and Bali has no shortage of TOP FIVE BALI READS
Bali – it may be almost overwhelming in its these. There are also dances virtually every The stacks of books about Bali are like coconuts on trees, there are so many they could easily top-
detail and intricacy. Throughout the island night at tourist centres, although the most ple over and hit you on the head. However, here’s five you’ll enjoy before or during your stay.
you will see elaborate carved stone decora- authentic are found in and around Ubud; Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert is, as the subtitle says, ‘One Woman’s Search for Every-
tions and accents. These are relatively easy admission to a first-class performance here, thing Across Italy, India and Indonesia’. The climax occurs in Bali and answers questions posed
to produce in the soft local stones. for example, costs around 50,000Rp. throughout the book.
Fragrant Rice by Janet De Neefe follows her from her time as a naive backpacker from Mel-
WOODCARVING Kecak bourne to her life today as a mother of a Balinese family. She brings her experience running the
Like painting, woodcarving is no longer One of the best-known dances of Bali is wonderful Casa Luna empire in Ubud to her chapters, which cherish local food.
done simply for decoration or other sym- the Kecak. It is unusual because it does not A House in Bali by Colin McPhee is the timeless classic about a Canadian who experienced
bolic purposes in temples and palaces but have a gamelan accompaniment. Instead, the Bali’s cultural and village life to the core in the 1930s.
is now created for its own sake. Influences background is provided by a chanting ‘choir’ Our Hotel in Bali by Louise Koke is another classic about Westerners in Bali in the 1930s. She
from outside inspired new subjects and of men who provide the ‘chak-a-chak-a- and her husband Bob created the first-ever Kuta Beach hotel and had numerous delightful en-
styles, and some of the same Western art- chak’ noise that distinguishes the dance. counters along the way. It’s a quick and fun read with lots of photos.
ists provided the stimulus. The Kecak tells the tale of the Ramay- Bali Blues by Jeremy Allan is a highly readable tale of love set in the tumultuous year after
Especially around Ubud, carvers started ana, the quest of Prince Rama to rescue his the 2002 bombings. It contains many an insight into life on the island.
producing highly stylised and elongated wife Sita after she had been kidnapped by
274 B A L I • • G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y B A L I • • G e t t i n g A r o u n d 275

to war. The king refuses and on his way to International airlines flying to and from Sea
the battle meets a bird bringing ill omens. Bali include the following: JAVA PREPAID TAXIS FROM NGURAH RAI
He ignores the bird and continues on to Air Asia (airline code AK; %0361-760116; www.airasia Ferries operate between Gilimanuk in west- AIRPORT
meet Rangkesari’s brother, who kills him. .com) Hub Kuala Lumpur. ern Bali and Ketapang (Java), see p358. Destination Fare (Rp)
The dance, however, relates only the lead Cathay Pacific Airways (airline code CX; %0361-
up to the battle and ends with the bird’s 766931; Hub Hong Kong. LOMBOK Denpasar 70,000
appearance. When the king leaves the stage Continental Airlines (airline code CO; %0361-768358; This island is accessible by regular public Jimbaran 50,000
he is going to the battle that will end in Hubs Newark and Houston. boat from Padangbai, see p334. Kuta Beach 40,000
his death. Eva Air (airline code BR; %0361-751011; www.evaair Legian 45,000
The dance starts with an introduc- .com) Hub Taipei. OTHER INDONESIAN ISLANDS Nusa Dua 85,000
tion by the Condong. She departs as the Japan Airlines (airline code JL; %0361-757077; www Three ships from Pelni stop at Benoa Har- Sanur 85,000
Legongs enter. The Legongs dance solo, Hub Tokyo. bour (p297) as part of their regular loops Seminyak 55,000
in close identical formation, and even in a Korean Air (airline code KE; %0361-768377; www throughout Indonesia. Dobonsolo travels to Ubud 175,000
mirror-image formation when they dance Hub Seoul. Java, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and northern

a nose-to-nose love scene. They relate Malaysia Airlines (airline code MH; %0361-764995; Papua; and Awu and Tilongkabila to Nusa
the king’s sad departure from his queen, Hub Kuala Lumpur. Tenggara and southern Sulawesi. Prices are continue a couple of hundred metres to the
Rangkesari’s request that he release her Qantas Airways (airline code QF; %0361-288331; dependent on the route and the class of airport road, where you can hail a regular
and the king’s departure for battle. Finally, Hubs Sydney and Melbourne. Plans travel. Check for details locally. cab for about half the above amounts. You
the Condong reappears with tiny golden to rebrand its service as Jetstar. You can inquire and book at the Pelni can also get a bemo (minibus) into Den-
wings as the bird of ill fortune and the Singapore Airlines (airline code SQ; %0361-768388; office (%0361-763963;; Jl Raya Kuta pasar here as well.
dance ends. Hub Singapore. 299; h8am-noon & 1-4pm Mon-Thu, 8-11.30am & 1-4pm
Thai Airways International (airline code TG; %0361- Fri, 8am-1pm Sat) in Tuban and the Pelni office Bemo
GAMELAN 288141; Hub Bangkok. (%0361-721377; h8am-4pm Mon-Fri, 8am-12.30pm Most of Bali’s public transport is provided by
As in Sumatra and Java, Balinese music is Sat) at Benoa Harbour. cramped minibuses, usually called bemo, but
based around the gamelan orchestra. The Domestic services in Bali seem to be in a on some longer routes the vehicle may be a
whole gamelan orchestra is known as a gong – constant state of flux. However competition GETTING AROUND full-sized bus. Denpasar is the transport hub
an old fashioned gong gede or a more mod- is fierce and you can usually find flights to a Bali is a small island with good roads and of Bali and has bus/bemo terminals for all the
ern gong kebyar. There are even more an- range of destinations for under US$100. The regular, inexpensive public transport. Traf- various destinations. Travel in southern Bali
cient forms of the gamelan, such as the gong best thing to do is to go to the airport and fic is heavy on the main roads from Den- often requires travelling via one or more of
selunding, still occasionally played in Bali shop at the airline ticket offices. Often you’ll pasar south to the Kuta region and Sanur, the Denpasar terminals, which can make for
Aga villages like Tenganan. come close to long-distance bus and ferry east about as far as Semarapura and west an inconvenient and time-consuming trip.
Although the instruments used are much fares. Places served often from Bali include Ja- across to the port of Gilimanuk. Roads are The fare between main towns may be
the same, Balinese gamelan is very different karta, Surabaya, Lombok, Yogyakarta, Bima, uncrowded on the rest of the island. If you posted at the terminals, or you can ask
from the more gentle, reserved and formal Maumere, Bandung, Kupang and more. rent your own vehicle, it’s generally easy to around. You can also flag down a bemo pretty
form you’ll hear in Java. Balinese gamelan Garuda Indonesia (airline code GA; %0361-227824; find your way around – main roads are sign- much anywhere along its route, but you may
often sounds like everyone is going for it Hubs Bali and Jakarta. posted and maps are readily available. Off be charged the harga turis (tourist price) –
full pelt. In Java gamelan music is rarely Lion Air (airline code JT; %0361-763872; www.lion the main routes, most roads are surfaced but Bali bemos are notorious for overcharging
heard except at special performances, often potholed and signage is not good. tourists. Ask a local the correct fare before
whereas in Bali you’ll hear gamelan play- Merpati Nusantara Airlines (airline code MZ; It’s worth noting that many pricier res- starting a journey, or watch what people
ing everywhere you go. %0361-235358; taurants in places such as South Bali and pay and give the same when you get off.
Mandala Airlines (airline code RI; %0361-751011; Ubud will arrange free transport to/from Local rides cost a minimum of 2000Rp.
GETTING THERE & AWAY the establishment. Just ask. Beware of pickpockets on bemos – they
Air Pelita (airline code 6D; %0361-762248; www.pelita often have an accomplice to distract you, or
Bali’s Ngurah Rai Airport (DPS) is just To/From the Airport use a package to hide the activity.
south of Kuta. It is named after a hero of the Ngurah Rai airport is just south of Kuta
struggle for independence from the Dutch. Public Bus Beach, a 25-minute walk max. You can ar- Boat
The airport is spacious and modern and JAVA range usually hassle-free prepaid taxis from Small boats go to a number of islands
is well-served with international flights. It Many buses from numerous bus companies the official counters, just outside the termin- around Bali, notably those in the Nusa
has a hotel-booking counter, a left-luggage travel daily between the Ubung terminal als. See the boxed text (above) for approxi- Lembongan group. They will usually pull
room, several moneychangers, an expensive in Denpasar and major cities in Java (via mate costs to various destinations. up to a beach, and you have to wade to and
duty-free shop and many souvenir shops, ferry); most travel overnight. Fares vary be- If you have a surfboard, you will be from the boat with your luggage and clam-
ATMs and lots of familiar fast-food places. tween operators, and depend on what sort charged at least 35,000Rp extra, depending ber aboard over the stern. Details of boat
The domestic terminal (%0361-751011) and of comfort you want – it’s worth paying on its size. services are given in the relevant sections.
international terminal (%0361-751011) are a few extra for a decent seat and air-con. For de- The thrifty can walk across the airport There are also larger tourist boats to Nusa
hundred metres apart. tails, see p306. car park to the right from the terminals and Lembongan (p349).
276 S O U T H B A L I • • K u t a & Le g i a n S O U T H B A L I • • K u t a & Le g i a n 277

Car & Motorcycle quicker, more comfortable and more con- SOUTH BALI 0
5 km
3 miles
A small Suzuki or Toyota jeep is the typi- venient than public transport, and though To Batubulan
cal rental vehicle in Bali. Typical costs are more expensive, they are very popular with A B Gaji
C Mengwi (12.5km); D
Pura Bedugul (26km)
80,000Rp to 120,000Rp per day, including budget and midrange travellers. If you’re Tanah
Lot Ketewel
insurance and unlimited kilometres but not with a group of three or more people (or Ubung Tohpati

including fuel. Hiring a car with driver will sometimes even two), it will probably be 1 Kayutulang
Seseh Kerobokan
cost, all-inclusive, around 350,000Rp for an cheaper to charter a vehicle, however. 4
eight- to 10-hour day. Perama ( is the main op- Batu
Mejan Canggu
Motorcycles are a popular way to get erator. It also has offices or agents in Kuta DENPASAR
around Bali, but can be dangerous. Most (p287), Sanur (p297), Ubud (p324), Lovina See Seminyak Map (p288)
rental motorcycles are between 90cc and (p373), Padangbai (p337) and Candidasa BIMC.............................................1 C2 See Denpasar Sanur Boats to
Map (pp304–5)
125cc, with 100cc being the usual size. (p340). At least one bus a day links these International SOS...........................2 C2 Petitenget Lembongan
Abiantimbul Tegalwangi
Rental charges vary with the bike, period tourist centres with more frequent services SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES
Kuta Beach
of hire and demand. The longer the hire to the airport. There are also services to Kiti- Bali Galleria....................................3 C2

2 Bali Orchid Garden.........................4 D1 See Kuta-Legian
period the lower the rate; the bigger or newer mani and along the east coast between Lovina Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Legian Map (p278)

the bike the higher the rate. Typically you and Candidasa via Amed by demand. Park............................................5
Pura Luhur Ulu Watu.....................6
A4 Teluk Pesanggaran See Sanur
Map (p293)
can expect to pay from around 30,000Rp a Fares are reasonable (for example Kuta Kuta Kuta
2 Suwung
day. This includes a flimsy helmet, which is to Lovina is 70,000Rp). Be sure to book SLEEPING
Blue Point Bay Villas & Spa.............7 A4
See Tuban 3
compulsory and provides protection against your trip at least a day ahead in order to Dewi's Warung..............................8 B4 Map (p284)
Pulau Serangan
Jimbaran Ocean Cottages..........(see 15)
sunburn but not much else. confirm schedules. It is also important to Pansea Puri Bali..............................9 C3 Tuban Benoa
You can arrange rentals from any place understand where Perama buses will pick Rocky Bungalows.........................10 A4
Ngurah Rai
Udayana Eco Lodge.....................11 C3
you are staying, or in tourist areas just by you up and drop you off, as you may need Uluwatu Resort............................12 A4
Teluk Benoa
walking down the street. Offers will pour to pay an extra 5000Rp to get to/from your Villa Batu.....................................13 C3 Fish Market
3 Teluk 13
forth. hotel. EATING Jimbaran 15
Jimbarin Beach Jimbaran
Seafood Warung..........................14 C3
9 Tanjung
Seafood Warung..........................15 C3
16 Benoa
Seafood Warung..........................16 B3
Metered taxis are common in South Bali,
Denpasar and Ubud. They are essential for Dreamland

getting around Kuta and Seminyak, where For many people South Bali is Bali; for many Impossibles
Bingin 8 Cenggiling 5
Bukit Nusa Dua
you can easily flag one down. Elsewhere, others it is anything but. Chaotic Kuta and

Jl Ulu
10 Peninsula
See Tanjung Benoa &
they’re often a lot less hassle than haggling upscale Seminyak throb around the clock. Ulu Watu
Ulu Watu
7 Padang Padang
Nusa Dua Map (p301)
with bemo jockeys and charter drivers. In the south, the Bukit Peninsula is home to 12 Bali
4 Indah
The usual rate for a taxi is 5000Rp flag some of the island’s largest resorts, while in 6 Pecatu
fall and 2000Rp per kilometre, but the rate the east Sanur follows the subdued beat of Ulu Watu

is higher in the evening. If you phone for a its reef-protected surf. The coast features a
taxi, the minimum charge is 10,000Rp. Any fine range of beaches. Green
driver who claims meter problems or who
won’t use it should be avoided. KUTA & LEGIAN
The most reputable taxi agency is Bali Taxi %0361 donism and entrepreneurial energy can be History
(%0361-701111), which uses distinctive blue The Kuta region is overwhelmingly Bali’s exciting. It’s not pretty, but it’s not dull Mads Lange, a Danish copra trader and an
vehicles with the words ‘Bluebird Group’ largest and tackiest tourist beach resort. either, and the amazing growth is evidence adventurer of the 19th century, established
over the windshield. Drivers speak reason- Most visitors come here sooner or later be- that a lot of people find something to like a successful trading enterprise near modern
able English and use the meter at all times. cause it’s close to the airport and has the in Kuta. Kuta, and had some success in mediating
There’s even a number to call with com- greatest range of budget hotels, restaurants Kuta has the most diversions and the best between local rajahs and the Dutch, who
plaints (%0361-701621). and tourist facilities. Some find the area beach – but the worst traffic and most per- were encroaching from the north. His busi-
After Bali Taxi, standards decline rapidly. overdeveloped and seedy, but if you have sistent hawkers. ness soured in the 1850s, and he died sud-
Some are acceptable, although you may a taste for a busy beach scene, shopping Legian is a slightly quieter version of denly, perhaps murdered. His grave, and
have a hassle getting the driver to use the and nightlife, you will probably have a great Kuta and seems to appeal mostly to sun- a monument erected later, are near Kuta’s
meter and fending off offers for shopping, time. Go elsewhere on the island if you want seekers who have outgrown Kuta. The night market.
massage etc. a quiet, unspoilt tropical hideaway. hotels are slightly more genteel, as is every- The original Kuta Beach Hotel was
It is fashionable to disparage Kuta and its thing else. started by a Californian couple in the 1930s,
Tourist Shuttle Bus immediate neighbour to the north, Legian, Tuban, a small area between Kuta and but closed with the Japanese occupation of
Tourist shuttle buses travel between the for their rampant development, low-brow the airport to the south, is short on charac- Bali in 1942. In the late 1960s, Kuta be-
main tourist centres in Bali and connect to nightlife and crass commercialism, but the ter but does boast several large hotels and came a stop on the hippie trail between
destinations on Lombok. Shuttle buses are cosmopolitan mixture of beach-party he- a vast new shopping centre. Australia and Europe, and an untouched
278 S O U T H B A L I • • K u t a - Le g i a n S O U T H B A L I • • K u t a & Le g i a n 279

0 500 m
KUTA-LEGIAN 0 0.3 miles
Bali@Cyber Café.........................1 C3
Hotel Lusa.................................18
Hotel Padma Bali...................... 19
Kopi Pot................................... 41
Kori Restaurant & Bar............... 42
A (Jl Arj
B C D Hanafi........................................ 2 C6 Hotel Puri Raja..........................20 A2 La Cabana.................................43 B4

Jl Doub le Six
Internet Outpost......................... 3 C4 Hotel Sayang Maha Mertha......21 B4 Made’s Warung........................ 44 C5
Legian Medical Clinic.................. 4 C4 Kedin’s II.................................. 22 C5 Mama's.................................... 45 C4
Main Post Office........................ 5 D6 Komala Indah I..........................23 B4 Poppies Restaurant................... 46 C5
Netherlands Consulate............... 6 D4 Kuta Seaview Cottages.............24 B5 Wayan & Friends......................47 B2
1 Periplus Bookshop...................(see 54) Lima Satu Cottages................... 25 C5 Yut'z.........................................48 A1
Police Station.............................. 7 D6 Mimpi Bungalows..................... 26 C5
Gate s Taru
Bagu na
Swiss Consular Agent................. 8 D3 Poppies Cottages I.................... 27 C5 DRINKING
Jl Pura
17 dara) Tourist Police Post.......................9 B4 Puri Tantra Beach Bungalows....28 A1 Dolphin.....................................49 B3


Legian Rita’s House............................. 29 C5 Tubes Surf Bar & Restaurant..... 50 C5

SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Sari Yasa Samudra Bungalows...30 B5

Jl S
53 Jamu Spa.................................. 10 A3 Senen Beach Inn.......................31 B3 ENTERTAINMENT

32 Mandara Spa..........................(see 19) Sinar Indah............................... 32 A2 Apache Reggae Bar................(see 51)

ma Memorial Wall.......................... 11 C4 Suji Bungalow........................... 33 C5 Bounty......................................51 C5

Redz.........................................12 B4 Su’s Cottages II.........................34 B1 Fuel.......................................... 52 C4

distra Site of Sari Club........................ 13 C4 Three Brothers Inn....................35 B2

(Jl Yu


2 dma 39
19 Jl Pa 47 Un’s Hotel.................................36 B4 SHOPPING


Gate SLEEPING Komodo....................................53 B2

Jl L

Alam Kul Kul..........................(see 10) EATING Matahari Department Store......54 B6

Gate 14

Bali Mandira Hotel....................14 A2 Aroma’s Café............................ 37 C3 Uluwatu................................... 55 C5


To Denpasar
Bali Niksoma Beach Resort........15 A2 Bamboo Corner........................ 38 C5
Jl S

Legian Berlian Inn................................ 16 C5 Indo-National............................39 B2 TRANSPORT

Hotel Kumala Pantai..................17 A1 Ketupat.................................... 40 C4 Perama..................................... 56 C5




Legian Beach Jl Melasti ‘secret’ surf spot. Accommodation opened A small lane or alley is known as a gang;
Jl Pu

and by the early 1970s Kuta had a delight- most are unsigned and too small for cars, al-


31 lant
3 atih
fully laid-back atmosphere. Enterprising though this doesn’t stop some drivers trying.
Jl Leb

Jl P

1 8
Indonesians seized opportunities to profit The best known are called Poppies Gang I
ak Be

Jl Imam Bonjol
from the tourist trade, often in partnership and II – use these as landmarks. Most of the
Jl Pan

with foreigners who wanted a pretext for bigger shops, restaurants and nightspots are
staying longer. along Jl Legian and a few of the main streets
tai K

As Kuta expanded, Legian further north that head towards the beach.

became the quiet alternative, but now you Note, too, that many of the English street
ta B

43 18
12 4 can’t tell where one ends and the other be- names such as Jl Double Six (named after

Jl Benesari
gins. Immediately north again, Seminyak the beachside nightclub) are being renamed


4 36 continues north from Legian. All this has with local names (in this case Jl Arjuna).
Jl Maj

taken its toll, and the area is a chaotic mix- Maps in this book show both street names,

Jl Leg

Kuta 41
ture of shops, bars, restaurants and hotels and you’ll find that old or new work

on a confusing maze of streets and alleys, equally well.

(Jl Pant

9 3 42 11
often congested with heavy traffic, thick
ai Ba

50 with fumes and painfully noisy. Information
jar P

Poppies Gang II
You’ll find tourist-information offices and

(Jl Batu Bolong) 51

e Mas)

Kuta Beach tour-booking agencies every few metres

The Kuta region is a disorienting place – it’s along the main tourist streets of Kuta.

24 26 55
Gang So

5 16 56
29 25 Gang flat, with few landmarks or signs, and the
30 Poppies G 38
ang I streets and alleys are crooked and often BOOKSHOPS
46 walled on one or both sides so it feels like a Little used bookstores and exchanges can be
44 Bemo
maze. The busy Jl Legian runs roughly paral- found scattered along the gang and roads,
lel to the beach through Legian to Kuta. It’s especially the Poppies.
a two-way street in Legian, but in most of Periplus Bookshop (Map p278; %763988; Matahari

Jl Pantai Kuta
Jl Buni Sa

Kuta Night Market &


Mads Lange Memorial

Jl Tengal Wangi
Kuta it’s one way going south, except for an department store, Kuta Sq) On the 4th floor of this depart-

To Sanur
(14km) infuriating block near Jl Melasti where it’s ment store there is a good selection of books, magazines
(Jl Singasari)
one way going north. and newspapers. There is also a newsstand near the
Jl Bakung Sari

6 Between Jl Legian and the beach is a tan- grocery section on the ground floor.
h Ra
Jl Raya Ku


gle of narrow side streets, with an amazing

Sar za
wi Pla

Jl N

hodgepodge of tiny hotels, souvenir stalls, EMERGENCY

De ika
(Jl Kart

To Jimbaran (4km);
Ulu Watu (13km); warung, bars, construction sites and even Police station (Map p278; %751598; Jl Raya Kuta;

Nusa Dua (20km)

a few remaining stands of coconut palms. h24hr) Next to the Badung Tourist Office.
280 S O U T H B A L I • • K u t a & Le g i a n Book
w w waccommodation
. l o n e l y p l a n eonline
t . c o mat S O U T H B A L I • • K u t a & Le g i a n 281

Tourist police post (Map p278; %224111; Jl Pantai POST

Kuta; h24hr) Is a branch of the main police station in There are plenty of postal agencies along THE BALI BOMBINGS
Denpasar. Right across from the beach, the officers – who the streets for uncomplicated transactions On Saturday 12 October 2002, two bombs exploded on Kuta’s bustling Jl Legian. The first blew
have a gig that is sort of like a Balinese Baywatch – are of the stamp-and-postcard type. out the front of Paddy’s Bar. A few seconds later a far more powerful bomb obliterated the Sari
friendly and anxious to help. Main post office (Map p278; Jl Selamet; h7am-2pm Club. The blast and fireballs that followed destroyed or damaged neighbouring clubs, pubs,
Mon-Thu, 7-11am Fri, 7am-1pm Sat) Is on a small road shops and houses. More than 300 people from at least 23 countries were injured. The number
INTERNET ACCESS east of Jl Raya Kuta. It’s small, efficient and has an easy, dead, including those unaccounted for, reached over 200, although the exact number will prob-
Slow internet shops abound. The follow- sort-it-yourself poste restante service. This post office is ably never be known.
ing have broadband connections and many well-practised in shipping large packages. Beyond the human toll, the bombings were disastrous to Bali economically. But almost three
services. Expect to pay 3000Rp to 5000Rp years later the economy had largely recovered. Devastatingly, in 2005 more bombs went off at
for 10 minutes. TELEPHONE a Kuta restaurant and seaside restaurants in Jimbaran. Over 20 were killed and tourism took
Bali@Cyber Café & Restaurant (Map p278; Wartels (private telephone offices) are another hit.
%761326; Jl Pura Puseh; h8am-11pm) Has a full concentrated in the main tourist areas, Laying blame for the acts has been mired in controversy. Jemaah Islamiyah, an Islamic terror
range of computer options as well as a good menu of particularly along Jl Legian and along group, was blamed for the 2002 blasts. Dozens were convicted but many sentences were short.

snacks, meals and tasty smoothies. the main gang between Jl Legian and the Much speculation centres on the role of terror groups such as al-Qaeda in all the blasts. What is
Internet Outpost (Map p278; %763392; Poppies Gang beach. certain is that Bali’s innocence is truly over.
II; h8am-2am) Has desks, couches and cold drinks. Meanwhile many people visit the site of the 2002 blasts. A memorial (Map p278) is across
Dangers & Annoyances from the site of the Sari Club and has an emotional effect on many who view it.
MEDICAL SERVICES Although the streets and gang are usually
BIMC and International SOS are major quite safe, beware of a dubious gang link-
clinics aimed at foreigners. ing Poppies Gang I with Jl Pantai Kuta. WATER POLLUTION courtyard. If you’ve ever wanted to be a
BIMC (Map p277; %761263;; Scooter-borne prostitutes (who may hassle The sea water around Kuta is quite com- fruit salad, here’s your chance, as you can
JI Ngurah Rai 100X; h24hr) On the bypass road just single men late at night) consummate their monly contaminated by run off from both have various treatments that involve tropi-
east of Kuta, near the Bali Galleria, and easily accessible business here. built-up areas and surrounding farmland, cal nuts, coconut, papaya and more.
from most of southern Bali. It’s a modern Australian-run especially after heavy rain. There are many Mandara Spas (www.mandara
clinic that can do tests, hotel visits and arrange medical HAWKERS in top-end hotels including Hotel
evacuation. Occasional crackdowns mean that it’s rare Activities Padma Bali (Map p278; %752111; Jl Padma 1; massages
A basic consultation costs 600,000Rp. to find any food or souvenir carts in the From the Kuta region you can easily go from US$35; h10am-8pm), where the divine spa
International SOS (Map p277; %710505; www.sos Kuta tourist area, but street selling is com- surfing, sailing, diving, fishing or rafting is decorated with water features and im-; JI Ngurah Rai 505X; h24hr) Near BIMC; offers mon, especially on hassle street, Jl Legian. anywhere in southern Bali, and be back for pressive stone sculptural reliefs.
similar services at similar prices. The beach is not unbearable, although the the start of the evening happy hour. Many
Legian Medical Clinic (Map p278; %758503; Jl upper part features souvenir sellers and li- of your activities in Kuta will centre on the Kuta for Children
Benesari; hon call 24hr) Has an ambulance and dental censed massage ladies. Closer to the water, superb beach. Hawkers will sell you sodas Minigolf is available at many resort hotels
service. It’s 300,000Rp for a consultation with an English- you can sunbake on the sand in peace – and beer, snacks and other treats. You can and, if it’s too hot to be outside, Timezone
speaking Balinese doctor, or 700,000Rp for an emergency you’ll soon find where the invisible line is. rent lounge chairs and umbrellas (negoti- video arcades are located in the two Mata-
visit to your hotel room. It has a well-stocked pharmacy Most annoying are the touts pelting you able at 10,000Rp to 20,000Rp) or just crash hari department stores.
attached to the clinic. with cries of ‘Transport?’. on the sand. Le Speed Karts (Map p284; %757850; Jl Kartika Plaza,
Tuban; 5-min ride 40,000Rp; h10am-10pm) Fun, small
There are several banks along Jl Legian, at The surf can be very dangerous, with a The sybaritic pleasures of a massage or an Waterbom Park (Map p284; %755676; www.water
Kuta Sq and Jl Pantai Kuta. In addition, strong current on some tides, especially up interlude at a spa are an important part; Jl Kartika Plaza, Tuban; adult/child/family
ATMs abound, including at the ubiqui- north in Legian. Lifeguards patrol swim- of many people’s visit, and the choices US$18.50/9.50/50; h9am-6pm) Popular activities for
tous Circle K and Mini Mart convenience ming areas of the beaches at Kuta and Le- are many. Professional masseurs, with li- kids include waterslides and pools at this park.
stores. gian, indicated by red-and-yellow flags. If cence numbers on their conical hats, offer
The numerous ‘authorised’ money- they say the water is too rough or unsafe to massages on the beach. A realistic price is Tours
changers are efficient, faster, open long swim in, they mean it. about 20,000Rp for a half-hour massage, A vast range of tours all around Bali, from
hours and offer better exchange rates. or 40,000Rp for one hour, but you might half-day to three-day tours, can be booked
Rates can vary considerably, but be cau- THEFT have to bargain hard to get near this price through travel agents or hotels in Kuta.
tious, especially where the rates are mark- This is not a big problem, but visitors do if things are busy. Most spas offer facials, These tours are a quick and easy way to see
edly better than average – they may not lose things from unlocked hotel rooms or waxing and numerous indulgent services. a few sights if your time is limited and you
have mentioned that they charge a com- from the beach. Going into the water and In the typically calm setting at Jamu Spa don’t want to rent or charter a vehicle.
mission or, judging by the number of read- leaving valuables on the beach is simply (Map p278; % 752520;;
ers’ letters we’ve received, there may be a asking for trouble (in any country). Snatch Alam Kul Kul, Jl Pantai Kuta; traditional massage US$35; Sleeping
few that make their profit by adeptly short- thefts are rare. Valuable items can be left at h 9am-9pm) you can enjoy indoor mas- Kuta, Legian and Tuban have hundreds of
changing their customers. your hotel reception. sage rooms that open onto a pretty garden places for you to stay. The top-end hotels
282 S O U T H B A L I • • K u t a & Le g i a n Book accommodation online
w w at
w Book
w w waccommodation
. l o n e l y p l a n eonline
t . c o mat S O U T H B A L I • • K u t a & Le g i a n 283

Legian den setting. It’s popular with a younger

SURFING IN BALI The streets are wider and the pace is less crowd and its azure pool is well-placed
It really is a surfer’s paradise in Bali. Breaks are found right around the south side of the island frenetic than just south in Kuta. Budget facing the ocean.
and there’s a large infrastructure of schools, board rental places, cheap surfer dives and more places tend to be larger as well. Poppies Cottages (Map p278; %751059; www
that cater to the crowds. Senen Beach Inn (Map p278; %755470; Gang Cam-; Poppies Gang I; r US$70-85; ais)
Five famous spots you won’t want to miss: plung Mas 25; s/d 50,000/60,000Rp) In a little gang This Kuta institution has a lush, green
Kuta Beach (Map p277) Where surfing came to Asia. This is a good place for beginners, with long, steady breaks. near Jl Melasti, this low-key place is run by garden setting for its 20 thatch-roofed cot-
Dreamland (Map p277) Up-and-coming spot that of late has been all the rage. See p298. friendly young guys. Rooms have outdoor tages, which have outdoor sunken baths.
Ulu Watu (Map p277) Some of the largest sets in Bali. See p299. bathrooms and are set around a small gar- The peaceful pool is surrounded by stone
Medewi (Map p268) Famous point break with a ride right into a river mouth. See p355. den. It’s an atmospheric, quiet place to stay. sculptures and water fountains, and al-
Nusa Lembongan (Map p347) The island is a mellow scene for surfers and non-surfers. The breaks are right in It has a small café. most makes you forget you are in the heart
front of the places to stay. See p347. Sinar Indah (Map p278; %755905; Jl Padma Utara; r of Kuta.
150,000-200,000Rp; a) This standard, fairly basic
Surfboard rentals start at 30,000Rp per day. One good place is Redz (Map p278; %763980; redzsurf@iol losmen is handy to the beach. It offers 18 Legian

.it; Jl Benesari). plain, clean rooms, which have hot water. Hotel Sayang Maha Mertha (Hotel Sayang Beach
Tubes Surf Bar & Restaurant (Map p278; Poppies Gang II; h10-2am) is the surfers’ hang-out. It Lodging; Map p278; %751249;;
shows surfing videos and publishes a tide chart, which is widely circulated. Also keep an eye MIDRANGE r US$8-45; ais) The 56 rooms here, off
out for free surfing magazines such as Magic Wave. The bulk of accommodation in the Kuta Jl Lebak Bene, range from basic with cold
Quicksilver Boardriding School (Map p288; %751214;; Jl Double Six; half-day area falls into the midrange category. Qual- water to quite comfortable with a range of
lesson US$40) is one of the major surf schools, with classes every day. ity varies widely, with some places offering amenities like satellite TV. It has a bar and
quite a bit in terms of location, amenities billiards, and is popular with surfers.
and service. Three Brothers Inn (Map p278; %751566; www
are along the beachfront, midrange places lers. The showers are cold and the air is; Jl Padma Utara; r US$20-
are mostly on the bigger roads between Jl fan-driven. Kuta 35, with air-con US$30-32; as ) Twisting
Legian and the beach, and the cheapest los- Berlian Inn (Map p278; % 751501; s/d 60,000/ Most of these places are handy to the banyan trees shade scores of brick bun-
men (basic, often family-run, accommoda- 80,000Rp, with hot water 90,000/120,000Rp) Located beach. galows holding 90 rooms in the Broth-
tion) are generally along the smaller lanes off Poppies Gang I, this is a cut above other Suji Bungalow (Map p278; %765804; www.suji ers’ sprawling and garden-like grounds.
in between. budget accommodation. The 24 rooms at; r US$19-29; as) Off Poppies Gang I, The fan rooms are the best option, but
Berlian Inn are quiet and have ikat (cloth this fine, friendly place has a choice of bun- all rooms are spacious, some have lovely
BUDGET where a pattern is produced by dyeing the galows and 47 rooms set in a spacious, quiet outdoor bathrooms, and most have solar
The best budget accommodation is in a los- individual threads before weaving) bed- garden around a pool. It’s not flash, but it’s hot water.
men with rooms facing a central garden. spreads and an unusual open-air bathroom better than many similarly priced options. Hotel Kumala Pantai (Map p278; %755500; www
Look for a place that is far enough off the design. There’s also a shady poolside café.; Jl Werkudara; r US$30-50; as)
main roads to be quiet, but close enough so Mimpi Bungalows (Map p278; %751848; kumim Sari Yasa Samudra Bungalows (Map p278; One of the great deals in Legian. The 88
that getting to the beach, shops and restaur-; r 80,000R-150,000Rp; as) The %751562; fax 752948; Jl Pantai Kuta; s/d US$20/23, with rooms are large, with marble baths that
ants is no problem. Many losmen offer a cheapest of the 10 rooms here, off Gang air-con US$35/40; as) An excellent location have separate shower and tub. The three-
simple breakfast. Sorga, are actually the best value. The gar- directly opposite the beach makes this place storey blocks are set in nicely landscaped
dens boast plenty of shade and privacy and fine value. It has pleasant bungalows set in grounds across from the beach. The break-
Kuta the pool is a good-size. lush gardens and the large pool has been fast buffet is bountiful.
Many of the cheap places are along the tiny Kedin’s II (Map p278; %763554; Gang Sorga; s/d renovated. Breakfast is included. Puri Tantra Beach Bungalows (Map p278;
alleys and lanes between Jl Legian and the 70,000/90,000Rp; s) One of the best budget Un’s Hotel (Map p278; %757409; www.unshotel %753195;; Jl Padma Utara 50X;
beach in central Kuta. This is a good place choices, the 16 cold-water rooms here have .com; Jl Benesari; s/d US$25/28, with air-con US$33/48; s/d/f US$35/40/55) These six charming, tradi-
to base yourself: it’s quiet, but only a short hints of style and are set in some fine gar- as) Un’s is one of those Kuta places tional, fan-only cottages are a step back in
walk from the beach, shops and nightlife. dens that feature a good-sized pool. that somehow feels like a remote resort time and make for a mellow retreat. All
Komala Indah I (Map p278; %753185; Jl Benesari; Hotel Lusa (Map p278; %753714; www.hotellusa even though it is the heart of the action. have outdoor bathrooms and are right by
r 40,000-150,000Rp; a ) The range of rooms .net; Jl Benesari; r US$11-37; as) Older rooms It’s a two-storey place, with bougainvillea the beach, which is reached through a small
here is set around a pleasant garden. The here lack the flash of the rooms in a new spilling over the balconies which face a red door.
cheapest of the 33 rooms have squat toi- block but they are the better value. All pool. The 30 spacious rooms have solar Hotel Puri Raja (Map p278; %755902; www.puri
lets, fans and twin beds only. Breakfast is guests of the 57 rooms can enjoy the pool, hot water, antiques and open-air bath-; Jl Padma Utara; r US$45-65; ais) Right
included. café and leafy grounds. rooms. on a great stretch of beach, the Puri Raja
Rita’s House (Map p278; %751760; s/d 50,000/ Lima Satu Cottages (Map p278; %754944; Gang Kuta Seaview Cottages (Map p278; %751961; offers good value with its two large, circu-
60,000Rp) Since 1971 this cheap, clean, Bedugul; s/d 120,000/170,000Rp; as) On a gang; Jl Pantai Kuta; r US$60-85; lar pools and uncrowded grounds. The 72
cramped and cheerful 23-room inn just of cheapies off Poppies Gang I, the 11 as) The 27 stylishly decorated cottages rooms have balconies or patios and include
north of Poppies Gang I has been renting rooms here are the best of the lot and quite and 45 large rooms come complete with satellite TV. More money gets you up by the
rooms to weary surfers and budget travel- comfortable. fresh flowers on the beds, and a lovely gar- pools or beach.
284 S O U T H B A L I • • K u t a & Le g i a n Book accommodation online
w w at
w S O U T H B A L I • • K u t a & Le g i a n 285

500 m
0.3 miles
Atmosphere Cafe (Map p284; %769501; Discovery coffee. Other times the menu has good ver-
To Kuta
Mall, Jl Kartika Plaza; dishes 20,000-60,000Rp; h11am- sions of Western and Indonesian classics.

To Legian To Sanur
1am; a) This posh, stylish café overlooks Kopi Pot (Map p278; %752614; Jl Legian; dishes
the surf. There’s a large, umbrella-shaded 22,000-40,000Rp) Shaded by trees, Kopi Pot

h Ra
(3km) (12km)
Teluk Kuta

patio and sleek lounge inside. is popular for its coffees, milk shakes and

5 6

Ma Joly (Map p284; %753708; Jl Segara; dishes yummy desserts, as well as seafood and

Jl N
(Jl Dewi Sar
1 Tuban Beach M
Gang Puspa Ayu ati
25,000-80,000Rp; hnoon-11pm) An upscale res- European and Indonesian main dishes. The
Le Speed Karts......................1 B1
taurant right on the beach, Ma Joly has a upstairs dining area offers shelter if rain
Waterbom Park....................2 B1 creative menu of seafood and pasta, and a threatens the street-level outdoor tables.

good wine list. Ketupat (Map p278; %754209; Jl Legian; dishes

Jl Raya Ku

3 Atmosphere Cafe..............(see 5) Plaza Bali
25,000-120,000Rp) Hidden behind the Jonathan
C-Line Restaurant................3 A2
Jl Kartika

KUTA Gallery, Ketupat is a calm, serene oasis. The

Ma Joly................................4 A2

On the Beach dining pavilions all centre on a strikingly
Discovery Mall.....................5 A1 Busy Jl Pantai Kuta keeps beachside busi- blue pool. Dishes originate from across

2 nesses to a minimum in Kuta. Beach ven- Indonesia, including Javanese curries,
Jl Se
Bemo Stop (Airport, dors are pretty much limited to drinks. such as nasi hijau harum (fried rice with
a (Jl Je Jimbaran, Ulu Watu)........6 C1
a) Pelni.....................................7 C1 To Jimbaran (3km);
La Cabana (Map p278; %766156; Jl Benesari at Jl greens, shrimp and herbs). Gelato is sold
To Airport
Nusa Dua (11.5km);
Ulu Watu (18.5km)
Pantai Kuta; dishes 15,000-25,000Rp) A nice place on out front.
an otherwise barren strip, there are little Mama’s (Map p278; %761151; Jl Legian; dishes
fountains to cover the traffic noise and you 30,000-70,000Rp; h24hr) This German classic
TOP END Mandira. Cottages have modern interiors, have a clear view of sunsets. The menu has serves up schnitzel and other meaty dishes
Getting a room on Kuta Beach is one of and the bathrooms are partly open-air. A all the Kuta standards. around the clock. The beer comes by the
Bali’s great pleasures. Note that those in dramatic pool at the peak of a stone zig- litre and the open-air bar is a fine place for
Kuta proper are separated from the beach gurat housing the spa offers uninterrupted Central Kuta enjoying satellite sports.
by a busy main road. ocean views. It also has a pleasant open-air Bamboo Corner (Map p278; Poppies Gang I; dishes 6000-
beachfront café. 9,000Rp) This surfer classic has vegetarian Poppies Gang II
Kuta plus local dishes. It’s very popular and the Kori Restaurant & Bar (Map p278; %758605; Pop-
Alam Kul Kul (Map p278; %752520; www.alamkulkul Eating fast turnover keeps things ultra fresh. The pies Gang II; meals 15,000-80,000Rp) Kori wanders
.com; Jl Pantai Kuta; r/villas US$125/250; as) The There’s a profusion of places to eat around atmosphere can be described as veteran. through a gorgeous assemblage of gardens
Alam has a gorgeous setting among ma- Kuta and Legian. Travellers’ and surfers’ Made’s Warung (Map p278; %755297; Jl Pantai and ponds. Popular with expats, it has a
jestic, gnarled banyan trees. Rooms and cafés with their cheap menus of Indonesian Kuta; dishes 18,000-90,000Rp) Longtime visitors good selection of steaks, pasta, upscale Indo-
villas have contemporary styling with lots standards, sandwiches and pizza are ubiq- debate whether longtime favourite Made’s nesian, burgers and more. You can have a
of attention to detail and elaborate and ro- uitous. Other forms of Asian fare can be still ‘has it’, but service has definitely im- secluded rendezvous in the flower-bedecked
mantic furnishings. There’s a kids’ daycare found as well and numerous places serve proved over recent years. What’s certain nooks out back. The drink list is long and
centre. The Jamu Spa (p281) is on-site. fresh seafood, steaks and pasta. is that the menu of Indonesian classics is includes many non-clichéd tropical drinks.
If you’re looking for the laid-back scene prepared and served with more flair and There’s live jazz some nights.
Legian of a classic travellers’ café, wander the vari- care than the usual warung.
Most of the top-end places in Legian are ous gang and look for the crowds. Often Poppies Restaurant (Map p278; %751059; Poppies LEGIAN
directly opposite the beach on stretches of what’s busy one night will be quiet the next. Gang I; dishes 30,000-80,000Rp) Poppies was one of Legian has some good restaurants with
road closed to traffic. These tend to be re- For quick snacks and other victuals, Circle the first restaurants in Kuta (Poppies Gang good views of the surf in its seaside ho-
laxed places favoured by families. K and Mini Mart convenience stores are I is named after it), and is popular for its tels. Many places on Jl Melasti don’t aspire
Bali Niksoma Beach Resort (Map p278; everywhere and open 24 hours. lush garden setting and romantic atmos- to anything more than luring in jet-lagged
% 751946;; Jl Padma Utara; r phere. Refined Balinese fare joins steaks tourists.
US$88-125, villas US$438; as) The mannered TUBAN and seafood on a menu that features many Wayan & Friends (Map p278; %761024; Jl Padma;
and minimalist style here comes right from The beachfront hotels all have numerous items made with local organic ingredients. dishes 9000-40,000Rp) Wayan and his pals have a
the pages of a design magazine. There are restaurants. In most cases the best fea- You may need to book. relaxed place with vivid tablecloths and low
two multilevel pools, one of which seems ture for nonguests are the beachside cafés, lighting. It has delicious vegetable juices,
to disappear into the ocean and horizon. which are good for a tropical snack or a Along Jalan Legian and gourmet sandwiches, which you can
The 58 rooms are exquisite and the villas sunset drink. The eating choices along Jl Legian seem customise, made with freshly baked ba-
sublime. There is a health club and a note- C-Line Restaurant (Map p284; %751285; Jl Kartika endless, but avoid tables close to the busy guettes. There’s a small kids’ menu.
worthy spa. Plaza 33; dishes 20,000-50,000Rp) Local art lines the street. Indo-National (Map p278; %759883; Jl Padma;
Bali Mandira Hotel (Map p278; %751381; www walls and bougainvillea shades the tables. Aroma’s Café (Map p278; %751003; Jl Legian; dishes dishes 20,000-90,000Rp) Thanks to its popular-; Jl Pantai Kuta; r US$120, cottages from Breakfasts, pasta, Indo standards, seafood 20,000-45,000Rp) A gentle garden setting encir- ity, the Indo-National has moved to larger
US$150; ais) Gardens filled with bird and more are on the menu. The banana cled by water fountains is a perfect place to quarters. Many of the dishes – there are
of paradise flowers set the tone at the Bali smoothies are tops. start the day over great juices, breakfasts and nightly specials – are seafood, and the
286 S O U T H B A L I • • K u t a & Le g i a n S O U T H B A L I • • S e m i n y a k 287

mixed platter (45,000Rp) is a feast. The visitors, many of whom are on the make. BEACHWEAR & SURF SHOPS
welcome is effusive and genuine. The hosts The music is highly variable but the arak A huge range of surf shops sell big-name PERAMA TOURIST SHUTTLE BUSES
and staff remember you after one visit, and (colourless, distilled palm wine) flows very surf gear – including brands such as FROM KUTA
after a week you can feel like a longtime freely (often in huge plastic jugs) and, the Mambo, Rip Curl, Quicksilver and Billa- Destination Fare (Rp)
regular. next day, there’s a good chance you won’t bong – although the quality may not be
Yut’z (Map p278; %765047; Jl Pura Bagus Taruna remember what you heard anyway. as good as you’ll find overseas, and is only Candidasa 40,000
52; 30,000-70,000Rp) An upscale and modern Bounty (Map p278; %752529; Jl Legian; h10pm- marginally cheaper. Local names include Lovina 70,000
version of a Swiss and European restaur- 6am) Set on a faux sailing boat, the Bounty Surfer Girl and Dreamland. Padangbai 40,000
ant, Yut’z overlooks the street and a small is a vast open-air disco that humps, thumps Sanur 15,000
garden. Fruhstuck fanatics can get their and pumps all night. Climb the blue-lit CLOTHING Ubud 30,000
fix here. Later in the day, the menu has staircase and get down on the poop deck The local fashion industry has diversified
a changing selection of specials from the to hip hop, techno, house and anything from beach gear to sportswear to fashion
creative kitchen. else the DJs come up with. Frequent foam clothing. Most of the fashion shops are on to the terminal area in Kuta (on Jl Raya
parties. or near Jl Legian. Kuta just east of Bemo Corner).

Entertainment Dolphin (Map p278; %755376; Jl Sahadewa; h3- From the intersection of Jl Padma and Jl
Around 6pm, the sunset at the beach is 11pm) A popular spot in the heart of Legian, Legian, north to Seminyak, you’ll find some BUS
the big attraction, perhaps while enjoying the Dolphin draws crowds nightly for shows of the more interesting women’s (and men’s) Public Bus
a drink at a café with a sea view. After that include bands playing everything from clothing shops as well as interesting home- Travel agents in Kuta sell tickets to Java and
a good dinner, many visitors are happy pop to country. ware shops (often the two are combined). Lombok for buses that depart from Ubung
with another drink (or two) and a stroll in Fuel (Map p278; %765777; Jl Legian 62; h11am- Uluwatu (Map p278; %751933; Jl Legian) There terminal in Denpasar; you’ll have to get your-
the cooler evening air. But a lot of people 5am) This high-concept café has a stark are numerous branches across South Bali. self to Ubung. The tickets will be slightly more
are on holiday and here to party, and in red-and-black design and such popular ad- This is one of the largest and is an elegant expensive than if you buy them at Ubung, but
Kuta that means lots of drinking, dancing ditions as ‘sexy dancers’. There are lots of shop for browsing through the collections it’s worth it to avoid a trip into Ubung and
and late nights. The more sophisticated shot specials and the motto is ‘eat, drink, of lace-accented linen and cotton cloth- to be sure of a seat when you want to go. For
nightspots are mainly in Seminyak, where groove’. ing. The items are made in villages around public buses to anywhere else in Bali you’ll
the ambience is decidedly hipper, and Tabanan in West Bali. have to go first to the appropriate terminal in
where many clubs don’t get going until Shopping Komodo (Map p278; %761147; Jl Legian 427, Legian) Denpasar, and pay your money there.
after 11pm. Parts of the Kuta region are door-to-door A licensed store for the well-known fun and
shops and over the years these have steadily funky UK label. It carries other lines as well. Tourist Shuttle Bus
BALINESE DANCE & MUSIC become more sophisticated. But there are Shuttle bus tickets are sold at most travel
The Ubud area is really the place to go for still many simple stalls, where T-shirts, sou- DEPARTMENT STORES & MALLS agents – buy them a day ahead, or call the
authentic dance and you’ll see offers in venirs and beachwear are the main lines, and Discovery Mall (Map p284; %755522; www.discovery company and pay when you check in.
many hotels from tour operators. But note where the price depends on your bargain-; Jl Kartika Plaza; h9am-9pm) Your Perama (Map p278; %751551; www.peramatour
that you’ll not get back to Kuta until after ing ability. Many of these stalls are crowded eyes follow the beautiful sweep of sand south .com; Jl Legian 39; h7am-10pm) is the main shut-
10pm with most of these. Expect to pay together in ‘art markets’ like the one near along the Kuta shore until you see…this! tle bus operation, and will sometimes pick
around US$20 each. Otherwise brochures the beach end of Jl Bakung Sari or the one Huge and hulking, this enormous new mall you up from your hotel for free (confirm
touting Kuta-area performances can be on Jl Melasti. is built on the water and is filled with stores this when making arrangements). Perama
found at every hotel reception. The bigger, Western-style stores gener- of every kind – most somewhat upscale. usually has at least one bus a day to its
ally have higher quality goods at higher Matahari department store (Map p278; destinations (see boxed text, above). In
BARS & CLUBS fixed prices. Jl Legian is lined with shops, %757588; Kuta Sq; h9.30am-10pm) This store busy seasons, there will be three or more
Most bars are free to enter, and often have and although there are exceptions, the qual- has fairly staid clothing, a floor full of sou- to popular spots like Ubud.
special drink promotions and ‘happy hours’ ity generally gets better as you head north venirs, jewellery, a supermarket and the
between about 5pm and 8pm. During the to Seminyak. recommended Periplus bookshop. Getting Around
low season, when tourist numbers are down, Bali Galleria (Map p277; %758875; Jl Ngurah Rai) See p275 for details on getting around.
you might have to visit quite a few venues to ARTS & CRAFTS A large open-air Western-style mall that is Besides the frequent taxis, you can rent a
find one with any life. A cover charge is a Kuta shops sell arts and crafts from almost busy with locals and tourists alike. There’s scooter – often with a surfboard rack – or a
rarity. Ambience ranges from the laid-back every part of the island, from Mas wood- numerous large stores and plenty of shops bike. Just ask where you are staying. One of
vibe of the surfer dives to the high-concept carvings to Kamasan paintings to Gianyar with well-known names (Body Shop, Marks the nicest ways to get around the Kuta and
nightclubs with their long drink menus and textiles, and just about everything else in & Spencer etc). Legian area is by foot, along the beach.
hordes of prowling servers. between. There are also many interesting
You’ll find many low-key boozers, amid pieces from other parts of Indonesia, some Getting There & Away SEMINYAK
their flashier brethren, along Jl Legian. of questionable authenticity and value. BEMO Seminyak is the most exciting part of South
Apache Reggae Bar (Map p278; % 761212; Jl There’s a good selection of quality craft Public bemos regularly travel between Kuta Bali. It’s the home of the best restaurants,
Legian 146; h11pm-3am) One of the rowdier shops on Jl Legian, between Poppies Gang and the Tegal terminal in Denpasar – the bars and clubs. In fact, new ones literally
spots in Kuta, Apache jams in locals and II and Jl Padma. fare should be 8000Rp. Most bemos go only open every week.
288 S O U T H B A L I • • S e m i n y a k Book
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. l o n e l y p l a n eonline
t . c o mat S O U T H B A L I • • S e m i n y a k 289

0 500 m
SEMINYAK 0 0.3 miles
INFORMATION Raja Gardens..................................9 B4 Tuesday Night Pizza Club.............23 B2
Bintang Supermarket........... 1 D3 Sofitel Seminyak Bali.....................10 B3 Waroeng Bonita...........................24 A1
A B 33 C To Kerobokan (4km); D Tiger Pharmacy................... 2 D3 Zanzibar....................................... 25 C4

et Umulas Stables (5km);
eng EATING Zula Vegetarian Paradise.............. 26 D3
etit Berewa (10km);
JI P Canggu (11km) SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Bali Deli........................................ 11 D2
AJ Hackett Bungy............(see 29) Café Moka................................... 12 D2 ENTERTAINMENT
NT Health & Beauty Spa...... 3 D3 Gado Gado...................................13 B4 Aina Bar....................................... 27 C2
1 16

Jl Raya
Pura Petitenget....................4 A2 Ku De Ta......................................14 A3 Bali Pub........................................ 28 D3
Quicksilver Boarding La Lucciola...................................15 A2 Double Six Club........................... 29 C4
School...........................(see 5) Living Room.................................16 A1 Q Bar........................................... 30 C3
Petitenget Mykonos......................................17 B2 Woodstock.................................. 31 C2

SLEEPING Pondok Duo................................. 18 D2
Blue Ocean.......................... 5 C4 Rumours...................................... 19 C2 SHOPPING
Hotel Kumala....................... 6 C4 Santa Fe Bar & Grill...................... 20 C3 Blue Glue..................................... 32 D2
Ned's Hideaway.................. 7 D3 Sate Bali....................................... 21 A2 Richard Meyer Culture..................33 B1
21 34
15 Oberoi.................................8 B3 Seminyak Night Market............... 22 D2 Salim Gallery................................ 34 C2
19 27
Jl K

17 18

Jl Oberoi (Jl Laksm an
2 Sights the south and they’re close to the beach. But


North of the string of hotels on Jl Kaya Aya, if you’re looking for the best places to stay
Pura Petitenget is an important temple and in Bali, you’ll find several here.
a scene of many ceremonies. It is one of a
Jl Kunti
string of sea temples that stretches from BUDGET
Pura Luhur Ulu Watu on the Bukit Penin- Ned’s Hide-Away (%731270; nedshide@dps.centrin

Jl Suns
Jl Raya
sula north to Tanah Lot in western Bali. It; Gang Bima 3; r from 80,000Rp) Named after


honours the visit of a 16th-century priest. Aussie icon Ned Kelly, this simple 15-room

place is popular with those hoping to lie

Activities low between bouts of fun. Rooms have hot
(Jl Abi 28 Because of the limited road access, the beach water and there’s a character-filled bar.
3 26 7
20 in Seminyak tends to be less crowded than Look for the sign on Jl Legian, near Bintang
na Pura
hya further south in Kuta. This also means that Supermarket.
Teluk Kuta 10 Jl D 1
it is less patrolled and the water conditions Blue Ocean (%730289; r 120,000-130,000Rp, with

Jl A

are less monitored. The odds of encounter- air-con 150,000Rp; a) Right near the beach, the


ing dangerous riptides and other hazards are Blue Ocean is a clean and basic place with

ever present especially as you head north. hot water and pleasant outdoor bathrooms.
The beach at the end of Jl Double Six is Many of the 24 rooms have kitchens and
4 popular with locals and visitors alike for there’s action nearby day and night.
Jl Double Six (Jl Arjuna
29 sports and general lounging.
Jl Le

5 Legian

To Kuta
SPAS Hotel Kumala (% 732186; Jl Pura Bagus Taruna; r
Look for lavish spas in all of the top hotels US$15-25; as) Great value and convenient
in Seminyak. to both Legian and Seminyak, the Kumala
All this creative energy is yours to enjoy, Seminyak shares many services with Kuta NT Health & Beauty Spa (%732226; Jl Dhyana Pura has large older-style rooms with teak furni-
possibly from the luxury of one of the and Legian immediately to the south. 6B; h9am-10pm) offers a variety of services ture, modern bathrooms, and two pools in
world-class hotels found along the water. from simple haircuts (90,000Rp) to two- a garden filled with bamboo stands, frangi-
Although all this fun comes at a price, Sem- Information hour long treatments featuring exfoliations pani and bougainvillea.
inyak is an exciting place where half the fun Most of the hotels have broadband connec- and other pleasures (200,000Rp). Raja Gardens (%730494;; Jl
is just finding out what’s new. tions for guests. Cheap and slow internet Abimanyu; r 200,000-300,000Rp; as) Look for
shops can be found along the main streets BUNGY JUMPING spacious, lush grounds in this quiet and
Orientation including Jl Dhyana Pura and Jl Oberoi. AJ Hackett Bungy (% 731144; Jl Arjuna; US$50; secluded spot near the beach. The seven
The southern border of Seminyak runs ATMs can be found along all the main h10am-7pm Sun-Thu, 10am-7pm & 2-4am Fri & Sat), rooms are spotless and have touches of
along Jl Double Six. The only road along roads. beside the beach at the Double Six Club tropical style. The open-air bathrooms are
the beach is down here, it passes several For medical services, see the Kuta & Le- (p291), has a great view of the coast that filled with plants.
notable clubs and restaurants. Jl Raya gian section (p280). means you can’t see the hideous tower
Seminyak is the continuation of Jl Legian Bintang Supermarket (%730552; Jl Raya you’re standing on (or bouncing from). TOP END
from Kuta. Jl Oberoi heads west to the re- Seminyak 17) Newspapers, magazines, best-sellers and Sofitel Seminyak Bali (% 730730; www.theroyal
sort of same name and meets Jl Kaya Aya, art books. Sleeping; Jl Dhyana Pura; r from US$150, villas from
which passes most of the resorts on the Tiger Pharmacy (%732621; Jl Raya Seminyak 19; Seminyak isn’t just about top-end hotels. US$500; ais) This hotel’s beachside lo-
land side. h24hr) Has a full range of prescription medications. There’s a good bunch of cheaper places to cation is ideal and you can walk to the clubs
290 S O U T H B A L I • • S e m i n y a k Book accommodation online
w w at
w S O U T H B A L I • • S e m i n y a k 291

and Mediterranean fusion dishes. The bar ponder drinks in the cigar bar and every-
A WALK ON THE BEACH is popular and refined. one ponders the gorgeous sunsets over the
That fabulous stretch of sand that starts in Kuta and runs north right to the west coast can be beach. The menu is a creative fusion mix
the focus for a great day out exploring. Start where Jl Pantai Kuta meets the shore and head JALAN RAYA SEMINYAK and the service is professional.
north. As your mood demands, frolic in and out of the surf while taking breaks on the sand. Time Bali Deli (%738686; Jl Kunti 117X) The deli coun- Sate Bali (%736734; Jl Oberoi 22; meals 195,000Rp;
yourself so that at about noon you’ll be at the patch of beach where Jl Double Six meets the ter at this upscale market is loaded with hlunch & dinner) Some very fine traditional
sand. Here you’ll find a strip of shady outdoor cafés that have ocean views. After lunch you can imported cheeses, meats and baked goods. Balinese meals are served at this small but
join the many locals and visitors in a variety of beach games that give this fine patch of beach This is the place to get food from home. A artful café. Prepare for dozens of small
relentless energy. Continue north along the sand and ponder your massage options: choose from small café has wi-fi. plates of fresh food. Service is sublime.
one of the ladies on the beach or something more elaborate at one of the spas in the beachside Pondok Duo (%738834; Jl Raya Seminyak; dishes
hotels. With the afternoon starting to wind down, take a break on a rental lounger on the sand 6000-9000Rp) Choose from an array of trad- NORTHERN SEMINYAK
and enjoy a beverage from the vendor. Finally as the sun heads down in the west, finish up at itional dishes at this modest Padang-style Seminyak Night Market (Jl Sunset) Gets going
Ku De Ta (opposite), the popular beachside club that’s not just a café but a scene. Eventually you spot. Its popularity ensures fast turnover of around 6pm and plenty of warung sell
can have dinner at one of the many dining options in Seminyak and then grab a cab home. the prepared dishes. delicious bakso (meatball soup) and soto

Café Moka (%731424; Jl Raya Seminyak; dishes ayam (chicken soup). Loud music plays and
15,000-40,000Rp; a) Enjoy French-style baked there’s a convivial atmosphere.
and restaurants on Jl Dhyana Pura. The rather you’ll be choosing a neighbour- goods at this fine bakery, which is popular Waroeng Bonita (%731918; Jl Petitenget; dishes
rooms are done in a smart contemporary hood first. Note that, where indicated, for breakfast. Fresh deli cuisine like superb 17,000-49,000Rp) Balinese dishes such as ikan
style. What really sets the property apart some restaurants morph into clubs as the salads and tapas is served for lunch and rica-rica (fresh fish in a spicy green chilli
are the private walled units where the feel night wears on. Conversely some of the dinner. The bulletin board is a window into sauce) are the specialities at this cute little
is like an old Balinese village. places listed under Bars & Clubs also do the local expat community. place with tables under the trees.
Oberoi (% 730361;; decent food. Living Room (%735735; Jl Petitenget; mains 80,000-
Jl Oberoi; r US$255-300, villas US$400-850;ais) JALAN OBEROI 100,000Rp; h11am-11pm) At night hundreds of
One of the world’s top hotels, the Oberoi JALAN DOUBLE SIX Otherwise known as ‘Eat St’, the new name candles twinkle on and about the scores
has been a refined beachside retreat since Numerous places here near the beach have Jl Laksmana is slowly catching on. of outdoor tables at the new location of
1971. The low-rise architecture is under- a funky atmosphere and are more hip than Mykonos (%733253; Jl Oberoi 52; dishes 15,000- this lacy fantasy of a restaurant. The menu
stated, as is the service. But every detail similar joints in Kuta. 45,000Rp; h5pm-midnight) The island food of is Asian with good Thai, Vietnamese and
is spot on, right down to the selection of Zanzibar (%733529; Jl Double Six; dishes 20,000- Greece comes to the island of Bali at this Balinese dishes.
fruit that graces your room. All accommo- 45,000Rp) Sunset is prime time, but during wildly popular spot. All the classics are here
dation here have a private lanai (veranda) the day you can enjoy the shade of the large from meze like tzatziki to various grilled Entertainment
each, and as you move up through the trees overhead. The menu features vegetar- souvlakis. Cheap wine fuels the fun. Jl Double Six is named for the legendary club
food chain additional features include pri- ian and pasta dishes with a dash of style. Rumours (%738720; Jl Oberoi 100; mains 20,000- on the beach and this area remains a centre
vate villas, ocean views and private, walled Breakfasts are good too. 50,000Rp; h 6pm-midnight) The menu spans of 3am Kuta-area club culture. Jl Dhyana
pools. From the café overlooking the almost steaks and Italian favourites. Portions are Pura is popular for its ever-changing line-up
private sweep of beach to the numerous JALAN DHYANA PURA large and the quality is good which ensures of high-concept clubs and bars. Note that,
luxuries found in each unit, this is a place Zula Vegetarian Paradise (% 732723; Jl Dhyana its popularity. Be ready to wait. where indicated, some of the places do good
to spoil yourself. Many find it hard to leave Pura 5; dishes 15,000-40,000Rp; h8am-4am) It’s all Tuesday Night Pizza Club (%730614; Jl Oberoi; food in the evening while some of the places
even though the best of Seminyak nightlife vegetarian at this fun little place where pizza 25,000-118,000Rp; h 6pm-midnight) Pizzas listed under Eating also do music.
is nearby. you can get tofu cheese, a tofu spring roll, come in four sizes at this simple joint and
In addition to luxurious hotels, Seminyak tofu cheesecake, not to mention a tofu- have a range of goofy names like Hawaii JALAN DOUBLE SIX
and the coast north is home to many rental chickpea burger. The long list of juices in- Five-O (ham and pineapple) and The Ital- The club of the same name is the big destin-
villas. At the minimum they have a kitchen, cludes the highly appropriate (for Jl Dhyana ian Job (mozzarella and tomato). And guess ation here. There are several other trendy
living room and private garden, and often Pura) ‘Liver Cleanser’ special. what? They deliver. clubs nearby.
two or more bedrooms, so they are suitable Santa Fe Bar & Grill (%731147; Jl Dhyana Pura La Lucciola (%730838; Jl Oberoi; dishes 80,000- Double Six Club (%0812 462 7733; Jl Double Six;
for a family or a group of friends. Rates can 11A; dishes 15,000-45,000Rp; h7am-4am) The pizza 140,000Rp) A sleek beachside restaurant offers h11pm-6am) This veteran club got a mas-
range anywhere from US$500 for a mod- and Southwest food here is popular and good views across a lovely lawn and sand sive remake, which has made it into a play-
est villa to US$4000 per week and beyond deservedly so. People can be found dining to the surf from the 2nd-floor tables. The ground for the beautiful. The swimming
for your own tropical estate. The following here at all hours, especially late when there’s bar downstairs is big with sunset watchers. pool is mostly for show and there are top
agencies are two among many: Bali Villas live music (mostly rock). Not surprisingly, The menu is modern Australian (a tasty international DJs playing hot mixes. An ad-
(%0361-703060; and Elite Ha- tequila is popular. melange of Mediterranean, Asian, seafood joining café seeks to nab sunset watchers.
vens (%0361-731074; Gado Gado (% 736966; Jl Dhyana Pura; mains and more) and Italian (try the risotto).
90,000-190,000Rp; hlunch & dinner) This stylish Ku De Ta (%736969; Jl Oberoi; dishes 140,000- JALAN DHYANA PURA
Eating place has a magical location on the beach. 200,000Rp; h7am-1pm) Restaurant? Bar? Way One of the joys of Jl Dhyana Pura is bounc-
Seminyak is spread out, so you won’t be To the sound of the surf, enjoy the excel- of life? Ku De Ta swarms with Bali’s beauti- ing from place to place all night long. Many
walking among the many dining choices, lent service and the fine menu of Asian ful. Kids play in the stylish pool while adults pure clubs snooze until after midnight.
292 S O U T H B A L I • • N o r t h o f S e m i n y a k S O U T H B A L I • • S a n u r 293

Q-Bar (%762361; Jl Dhyana Pura; h8pm-3am) of major growth. Expats and land specula- name ‘Snore’, although this is also attribut- ling Grand Bali Beach Hotel, located at the
This bright bar caters to gay clubbers but tors are snatching up property here and in able to the area’s status as a haven for expat northern end of the strip, fronts the best
by no means exclusively. Rainbow lovers Canggu along the coast. Getting to most of retirees. Some parents prefer the beach at stretch of beach. West of the beachfront
will rejoice; the music of choice is house. the places listed is really only convenient Sanur because its calmness makes it a good hotels is the noisy main drag, Jl Danau
There are good views of the action – inside with your own transport or by taxi. Think place for small children to play. Tamblingan, with hotel entrances, oodles
and out – from the upper floor. 20,000Rp or more from Kuta. Sanur was one of the places favoured by of tourist shops, restaurants and cafés.
Bali Pub (Jl Dhyana Pura; h6pm-1am) A laid- Westerners during their prewar discovery Jl Ngurah Rai, commonly called Bypass
back place for cool jazz on a street of driv- Kerobokan of Bali. Artists Miguel Covarrubias, Adrien Rd, skirts the western side of the resort
ing techno. Lots of interesting little places can be found Jean Le Mayeur and Walter Spies, anthro- area, and is the main link to Kuta and the

here, a trend sure to continue. To get here pologist Jane Belo and choreographer airport.
JALAN OBEROI from Kuta and other points in the south, Katharane Mershon all spent time here.
Aina Bar (%730182; Jl Oberoi; h6pm-2am) Mellow follow Jl Legian north, through its Jl Raya INFORMATION
Cybergate...............................................................1 B2
rock is the music of choice at this intimate Seminyak phase, until it becomes Jl Raya Orientation Dokter Paktek Umum.............................................2 B2
little open-fronted bar. Pull up a stool and Kerobokan just north of Seminyak. Look Sanur stretches for about 5km along an French Consulate.................................................... 3 A4

chat up the bartender. for an ever-growing range of upscale shops east-facing coastline, with the lush and German Consulate..................................................4 B3


Woodstock (% 730629; Jl Oberoi; h 6pm-3am) and galleries along here. green landscaped grounds of resorts front- Hardy's Supermarket...............................................5 B3
Police Station...........................................................6 B1
Love, peace and music. Hammocks hang Just past the jail off Jl Raya Kerobokan, ing right onto the sandy beach. The appal- Post Office.............................................................7 A2
from the rafters and there’s a large garden Warung Gossip (%0817 970 3209; Jl Pengubengan UK Consulate.........................................................8 A3
out back. Music reflects the name. Kauh; meals 15,000-20,000Rp; hlunch) serves top- SANUR 0
500 m
0.3 miles
notch versions of Balinese warung staples. To Bali Orchid Global Aquatic Diving Center.................................9 B4
Shopping The line-up of food changes daily. There’s A Garden (3km);
Batik Winotosastro
Museum Le Mayeur..............................................10 B1


Batubulan (14km);
In Seminyak, fashion shops are much also a café area for more formal dining. Ubud (33km) Natural Spa...........................................................11 B2
funkier than in Kuta. There are many in- Stone Pillar........................................................... 12 A4
34 42 41 Surya Water Sports...............................................13 B3
teresting clothing stores and boutiques on Canggu 1
To Nusa
this stretch of Jl Raya Seminyak. North of A popular surf spot with right- and left- Jl Hang Tuah
Jl Dhyana Pura there are numerous shops hand breaks, Canggu is literally getting on To Denpasar Bali Hyatt..............................................................14 B3
(7km) Golf Inna Grand Diwangkara Beach Hotel.......................................15 B1
selling artworks, housewares, furniture and the map. You’ll spot quite a few satellite

(Bypass Road)
Course Bali Beach

6 Hotel Hotel Palm Gardens..............................................16 B4

other designer goods aimed at helping you dishes poking above the rice paddies, de-

ὄὄὄ Br
Hotel Paneeda View..............................................17 B3

create your own ‘Bali Style’. noting the locations of lavish expat homes. Hotel Segara Agung..............................................18 B4

Jati Homestay.......................................................19 B3

Blue Glue (%844 5956; Jl Raya Seminyak) Has a Surfers congregate at beaches where various Gate Badung
Keke Homestay.....................................................20 B3
collection of Bali-made bathing suits from local roads hit the sand. There’s usually a Jl Danau Buyan
Jl Segara Ayu
Jl Respati Bali...........................................................21 B2
teensie to trendy. few unnamed warung a few metres from o
Tandjung Sari.......................................................22 B2
2 Jl Danau Tondan 38
Richard Meyer Culture (%744 5179; Jl Petitenget the beach. 11
Yulia 2 Homestay.................................................23 B3
200X) This gallery sells works – mostly To get to Canggu, go west at Kerobokan 2


photos – by renowned contemporary Bali and south at Kayutulang. Bemos leave 24
Alise's Restaurant.................................................24 B2

nau Tamb

Jl Ngurah Rai
artists and is known for its shows and his- from Gunung Agung terminal in Den- Cat & Fiddle......................................................... 25 A4
torical collection. pasar (5000Rp). Taxis from Kuta will run 36 Lumut...................................................................26 B3

Massimo...............................................................27 B4
Salim Gallery (Jl Oberoi) A good-sized space to 30,000Rp or more. 23 4 Jl
Pantai New Banjar Club...................................................28 B3
that frequently has shows by noted local 37 Karang
Palay Restaurant...................................................29 B3
artists, such as the luminous work of Martin Batu Mejan 5
Retro Café & Gallery..........................................(see 37)

Sanur Bay.............................................................30 B4
Agam Sitepu. The next popular bit of beach northwest

29 Sari Laut............................................................... 31 A4

of Canggu Beach is Batu Mejan or Echo 3
26 17 Stiff Chili...............................................................32 B4
Getting There & Around Beach. Besides the surfers’ warung, there’s 19 Telaga Naga.........................................................33 B3

u Ta
Most transport information is the same as the Beach House (%738471; Jl Pura Batu Mejan; dishes 14 Jl Watering Hole I Restaurant...................................34 B1


s Road

for Kuta. Metered taxis are easily hailed. 5000-40,000Rp), which faces the waves. It has a

Jl D
A taxi to the heart of Kuta will be about variety of couches and tables where you can Jl
28 Jazz Bar & Grille....................................................35 A1
Tir 30
10,000Rp. You can beat the traffic and have hang out, watch the waves and enjoy the tan
ad 27
18 Speakezy’s............................................................36 B2
i Kesumasari
a good stroll by walking the beach south – breakfasts, sandwiches and salads. To Mangrove so
Legian is about 20 minutes. Information


Mama & Leon.......................................................37 B3


Centre (5km); 9


Rare Angon...........................................................38 B2

Kuta (15km)
Jl M


%0361 Sanur is a slightly upmarket sea, sun and 3
39 31
Bemo Stop............................................................ 39 A4
As Seminyak grows, the small towns to its sand alternative to Kuta. The white-sand t asar
i Bemo Stop.............................................................40 B1
Jl Mer
north grow as well. Kerobokan is where beach is sheltered by a reef. The resulting Boats to Nusa Lembongan.....................................41 B1
Perama Office.......................................................42 B1
Seminyak was 10 years ago – on the cusp low-key surf contributes to Sanur’s nick-
294 S O U T H B A L I • • S a n u r Book accommodation online
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w Book
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Information variety of settings. It’s 3km north of Sanur In the northern part of Sanur, the Hole TOP END
Moneychangers here have a dubious repu- along Jl Ngurah Rai just past the major is a busy, friendly place, with 25 pleasant, Bali Hyatt (% 281234;;
tation. There are numerous ATMs and intersection with the coast road, Jl Bypass clean rooms over a few storeys. The cheap- Jl Danau Tamblingan; r US$90-350; ais) The
banks along Jl Danau Tamblingan. Tohpati. est rooms have fan cooling and cold water. gardens are an attraction themselves at this
Other than a few used-book exchanges It also has the Watering Hole Restaurant, 390-room beachfront resort. Hibiscus, wild
in hotels that will allow you to complete STONE PILLAR right. ginger, lotus and many more species can
your Danielle Steele collection, Sanur lacks The pillar, behind Pura Belangjong, is Bali’s Keke Homestay (%287282; Jl Danau Tamblingan be found in profusion. Rooms are com-
a good bookshop. oldest dated artefact and has ancient in- 96; s/d 60,000/75,000Rp; with air-con 100,000/150,000Rp; fortable and the resort is regularly updated.
Some other services in town: scriptions recounting military victories of a) Set back a little from the noisy main The two pools are vast; one has a waterfall-
Cybergate (%287274; Jl Danau Tamblingan; per hr more than 1000 years ago. These inscrip- road, Keke welcomes travellers with seven shrouded cave.
15,000Rp; h8am-10pm) Broadband, burns CDs. tions are in Sanskrit and are evidence of quiet, clean rooms. They all have cold water Tandjung Sari (%288441; www.tandjungsarihotel
Dokter Paktek Umum (%282678; Jl Danau Tam- Hindu influence 300 years before the arrival and fans. .com; Jl Danau Tamblingan 29; bungalows US$130-260;
blingan 27; hon call 24hr) Charges 100,000Rp per of the Majapahit court. Yulia 2 Homestay (%287495;; as) The mature trees along the shaded
consultation. Jl Danau Tamblingan; s/d 80,000/90,000Rp) Yulia 2 has driveway set the gracious tone at this Sanur

Hardy’s Supermarket (%281914; Jl Danau Tambling- Activities seven clean, pleasant rooms in a somewhat veteran, which was one of the first Balinese
an 136; h8am-10pm) Sells newspapers and magazines. DIVING & SNORKELLING cramped compound. All have hot water bungalow hotels. Like a good tree it has flour-
Police station (%288597; Jl Ngurah Rai) The diving near Sanur is not great, but the and fans and there’s a fun little café. ished since its start in 1967; the 26 gorgeous
Post office (%754012; Jl Danau Buyan; h8am-7pm reef has a good variety of fish and offers Jati Homestay (% 281730; traditional-style bungalows are superbly
Mon-Sat) Located west of Jl Ngurah Rai. quite good snorkelling. Sanur is the best /hotels/jatihomestay; Jl Danau Tamblingan; r 150,000- decorated with crafts and antiques. The staff
departure point for dive trips to Nusa Lem- 200,000Rp) Situated in pretty grounds, Jati is a delight. Highly recommended.
Sights bongan. A recommended local operator is has 15 pleasant and clean bungalows, with
MUSEUM LE MAYEUR Global Aquatic Diving Center (%282434; small but well-organised kitchen facilities Eating
The Belgian artist Adrien Jean Le Mayeur; Jl Kesumasari No 9; dive tours from €60), and hot water. There’s great eating in Sanur at every
de Merpes (1880–1958) arrived in Bali in which is located right on the beach. Global budget level. Cheap warung and street food
1932. Three years later he met and mar- can arrange trips throughout Bali. MIDRANGE carts can be found around the Pasar Sindhu
ried the beautiful Legong dancer Ni Polok Hotel Segara Agung (%288446; www.segaraagung night market, at the beach end of Jl Segara
when she was 15. They lived in this com- SPAS .com; Jl Duyung 43; r US$20-35, f US$50; as) Down Ayu, and along Jl Danau Poso, at the south-
pound when Sanur was still a quiet fishing Natural Spa (%283677; Jl Danau Tamblingan 23; 2- a quiet, unpaved residential street, this hotel ern end of Sanur, beyond the resort area.
village. The main house must have been hr massage 450,000Rp; h10am-10pm) is a huge is only a two-minute walk to the beach. The
a delightful place then – a peaceful and operation, which offers various massages, 16 rooms are clean and pleasant, staff are NORTHERN SANUR
elegant home filled with art and antiques reflexology and body treatments. friendly and there’s a big swimming pool. There are numerous little cafés and warungs
right by the tranquil beach. After his death, Hotel Palm Gardens (%287041; plmgrd@indosat down by the beach.
Ni Polok lived in the house until she died in WATER SPORTS; Jl Kesumasari 3; r from 250,000Rp; as) Every- Watering Hole Restaurant (%288289; Jl Hang
1985. The house is an interesting example Various water sports are offered at kiosks thing is peaceful here, from the 17 low-key Tuah; dishes 10,000-40,000Rp) Popular for Chi-
of Balinese architecture – notice the beauti- along the beach: close to Museum Le Ma- rooms to the relaxed service. It’s close to nese, Indonesian and Western meals that
fully carved shutters that recount the story yeur; near Sanur Beach Market; and at Surya the beach and there is a nice medium-sized are served at decent prices. This is a good
of Rama and Sita from the Ramayana. Water Sports (%287956; Jl Duyung 10). Prices at pool with a small waterfall. travellers’ hang-out at this end of town.
Some Le Mayeur paintings are displayed all three places are similar, and are based Diwangkara Beach Hotel (%288577; dhvbali@
inside the museum (%286201; adult/child 2000/ on a minimum of two people. You can go; Jl Hang Tuah 54; r from US$40; ais) BEACH
1000Rp; h7.30am-3.30pm Sun-Thu, 7.30am-1pm Fri), parasailing (per go US$15), jet-skiing (15 Facing the beach near the end of Jl Hang The beach path offers restaurants, warung
with information in Indonesian and Eng- minutes US$20), windsurfing (one hour Tuah, this 38-room hotel is a tad old-fash- and bars where you can catch a meal, a
lish. Some of Le Mayer’s early works are US$25) and more. ioned (especially the pool), but the smaller drink or a sea breeze. There are several
interesting, Impressionist-style paintings bungalows are right by the beach. places near the end of each road that ends
from his travels in Africa, India, Italy, Sleeping Respati Bali (% 288427;; Jl at the beach.
France and the South Pacific. Paintings The best places are right on the beach; how- Danau Tamblingan 33; r US$40-60; as) Despite its Stiff Chili (Jl Kesumasari; dishes 8000-20,000Rp) Be-
from his early period on Bali are romantic ever, that doesn’t mean they are any good. narrow site, the Respati’s 32 contemporary sides the evocative name, this beachside
depictions of Balinese daily life and beauti- A few of the properties have been coasting bungalow-style rooms don’t feel cramped. hut features good sandwiches, pizza and
ful Balinese women – often Ni Polok. for decades, while others offer wonder- The beach frontage is a plus and the pool gelato.
ful experiences. Modest budgets will find is a decent-size. New Banjar Club (% 287359; dishes 20,000-
BALI ORCHID GARDEN comfort on the nonbeach side of Jl Danau Hotel Paneeda View (%288425; www.paneeda 40,000Rp) Near Jl Duyung, this is a nice
Given Bali’s weather and volcanic soil, no Tambligan.; Jl Danau Tamblingan 89; r from US$55; as) beachfront restaurant. Look for a typical
one should be surprised that orchids grow Right on the beach, this hotel has three menu of pizza, pasta and Indo classics.
very well. At this garden (Map p277; %466010; BUDGET small pools and 55 rooms. Much attention Sanur Bay (%288153; Jl Duyung; 25,000-40,000Rp)
Jl Bypass Tohpati; adult/child 50,000/25,000Rp; h8am- Watering Hole I (%288289; wateringhole_sanurbali@ to detail is devoted to the attractively re- Tables right on the sand allow for great views
6pm) you can see thousands of orchids in a; Jl Hang Tuah 37; r 60,000-100,000Rp; a) decorated rooms; each has a patio. at this classic beachside seafood grill.
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JALAN DANAU TAMBLINGAN real Sanur experience, have a drink at one Jimbaran
Lumut (%270009; Jl Danau Tamblingan; dishes 15,000- of the many little beachside bars that can be PERAMA TOURIST SHUTTLE BUSES South of Kuta and the airport, Teluk Jim-
55,000Rp; h 10am-10pm) This gracious 2nd- found along the promenade. FROM SANUR baran (Jimbaran Bay) is a superb crescent
floor café is set back from the road. The Jazz Bar & Grille (%285892; Komplek Sanur 15, Jl Destination Fare (Rp) of white sand and blue sea, fronted by a
menu has the usuals but the emphasis is on Ngurah Rai; dishes 35,000-75,000Rp; h10am-2am; a) long string of seafood warung, and ending
fusion Asian cuisine and seafood. It’s also There’s live jazz from Sunday to Thursday Candidasa 40,000 at the southern end in a bushy headland,
good for a coffee or juice during the day. and pop on Friday and Saturday. Kuta 15,000 home to the Four Seasons Resort. The sun-
Alise’s Restaurant (%282510; Tamu Kami Hotel, Jl Speakezy’s (%288825; Jl Danau Tamblingan 94; Lovina 70,000 set towering over the horizon is what brings
Danau Tamblingan 64X; dishes 20,000-60,000Rp; h7.30- h4pm-1am) One of the few true bars on the Padangbai 40,000 travellers to Jimbaran to feast on seafood
10pm Sun, Tue, Thu & Fri) Alise’s has a roman- strip, this place has a cheesy theme, lots of Ubud 30,000 grilled over coconut husks, fresh from the
tic, lantern-lit outdoor dining area by the drink specials and cheap beer. There’s live local fishing fleet.
pool and serves a good range of European acoustic music many nights. It’s pretty sleepy here and facilities are
dishes. Local musicians perform Balinese For details about various other boats to very limited. Jl Raya Uluwatu has a couple
and Western music while the solicitous Shopping Nusa Lembongan, see p349. of small markets for supplies like water but

owners chat you up. Sanur is within easy reach of much of the for most things you will need to head to
Palay Restaurant (%288335; Jl Danau Tamblingan good arts-and-crafts shopping around TOURIST SHUTTLE BUS Kuta or Nusa Dua.
81; dishes 20,000-80,000Rp; hlunch & dinner) Like an Ubud. Locally, there are several painting The Perama office (%285592, Jl Hang Tuah 39;
upscale surfers joint, look for fine versions of studio shops, with a wide selection of paint- h 7am-10pm) is at Warung Pojok at the SLEEPING
pasta, burgers, pizza and local faves here. It’s ings on offer on Jl Danau Tamblingan and northern end of town. It runs shuttles to The Jimbaran area is home to luxurious
all served under a soaring thatched roof. also around Jl Pantai Sindhu. various destinations (see boxed text, above), resorts, as well as more modest accommo-
Retro Café & Gallery (%282472; Jl Danau Tambling- Rare Angon (%288962; Jl Danau Tamblingan 17) most only once daily. dation options.
an 126; dishes 25,000-45,000Rp) There’s a relaxed A gallery with works from over a dozen Villa Batu (Map p277; % 703186; Jl Pemelisan
back section here, well away from the traffic local artists. Many are often working right Getting Around Agung 21A; r 150,000-250,000Rp; a) Behind Café
noise, with walls filled with paintings. The in the shop. Bemos go up and down Jl Danau Tamblingan Layar, this simple place has small rooms
menu has all the classics. Mama + Leon (%288044; Jl Danau Tamblingan 99A) and Jl Danau Poso for 3000Rp. Metered with open-air cold-water bathrooms.
Telaga Naga (%281234; Jl Danau Tamblingan 180; An upmarket women’s fashion shop spe- taxis can be flagged down in the street, or Jimbaran Ocean Cottages (Map p277; %702253;
dishes 25,000-100,000Rp; hdinner) Torches light the cialising in cool, classic cuts and colours, call Bali Taxi (%701111).; Jl Pantai Jimbaran 3; r 150,000Rp,
pathway to this jewel-like restaurant where where many of the locally made works fea- with air-con 200,000-250,000Rp; a ) Things are
red lanterns glow over tables. Offerings on ture embroidery. BENOA HARBOUR pretty tight here but you cannot beat the
the Chinese Szechwan menu are gourmand, Bali’s main port is at the entrance of Teluk site across from the beach. All 15 rooms
such as abalone masak jamur hitam (abalone Getting There & Away Benoa (Benoa Bay), the wide but shallow bay have hot water and there is a nice café, with
with black mushrooms). Fine gardens. BEMO east of the airport runway. Benoa Harbour is good views, on the 2nd floor.
Massimo (% 288942; Jl Danau Tamblingan 206; The public bemo stops are at the southern on the northern side of the bay – a square of Udayana Eco Lodge (Map p277; %261204; www
dishes 30,000-125,000Rp) The interior here is like end of Sanur on Jl Mertasari, and just out- docks and port buildings on reclaimed land,; s/d US$55/60; as) Inland
an open-air Milan café, the outside is like side the main entrance to the Inna Grand linked to mainland Bali by a 2km causeway. near Udayana University, this lodge has
a Balinese garden – a perfect combo. The Bali Beach Hotel on Jl Hang Tuah. You Benoa Harbour is the port for tourist grand views over South Bali from its perch
menu boasts highly authentic pastas, piz- can hail a bemo anywhere along Jl Danau day-trip boats to Nusa Lembongan (see on a knoll in 70 hectares of bushland. The
zas and more. Tamblingan and Jl Danau Poso. p349) and for Pelni ships to other parts of 15 rooms are comfortable and there is an
Green bemos go along Jl Hang Tuah Indonesia. inviting common area with a fine library.
SOUTH SANUR and up Jl Hayam Wuruk to the Kereneng Visitors must pay a toll to go on the cause- Pansea Puri Bali (Map p277; % 701605; www
Sari Laut (%289151; dishes 12,500-25,000Rp) Among terminal in Denpasar (5000Rp). way (1000Rp per vehicle). Public bemos; Jl Yoga Perkanti; cottages US$150-250;
a cluster of warungs offering cheap dining (5000Rp) leave from Sanglah terminal in ais) Set on nice grounds complete
by the bemo stop, Sari Laut is always full BOAT Denpasar. A taxi from Kuta or Sanur should with a figure-eight pool that looks out on
of locals. Public boats to Nusa Lembongan leave cost around 18,000Rp one way, plus the toll. open ocean, the 48 cottages here have pri-
Cat & Fiddle (%282218; Jl Cemara 36; dishes 25,000- from the northern end of Sanur beach at vate gardens, deeply shaded patios and styl-
50,000Rp) Look for Brit standards like fish and 7.45am (40,000Rp, 1½ to two hours). This BUKIT PENINSULA ish room design.
chips on the menu at this open-air place, is the boat used by locals and you may %0361
which is, not surprisingly, popular with have to share space with a chicken. The The southern peninsula is known as Bukit EATING
expats. Trad breakfasts in the morning bal- Perama tourist boat (more reliable) leaves (bukit means ‘hill’ in Indonesian). It’s arid The destination of many Kuta-area tourists,
ance live music many nights. at 10.30am (70,000Rp). by Bali standards. Hotel developments can Jimbaran’s three groups of seafood warung
From Nusa Lembongan to Sanur, public be found at Jimbaran, Tanjung Benoa and (Map p277) do fresh barbecued seafood
Entertainment boats leave Jungutbatu Beach at 7.45am. the tourist enclave of Nusa Dua. The west- every evening (and many are also open for
Many of Sanur’s drinking establishments The Perama boat to Sanur leaves at 8.30am ern and southern coasts are magnificent, lunch). The simple open-sided shacks are
cater to retired expats and are thankfully and connects with a through service to and have some lovely, isolated beaches and right by the beach and perfect for enjoying
air-conditioned. Several serve food. For a Kuta (85,000Rp) and Ubud (90,000Rp). great surf. sea breezes and sunsets. The usual deal is to
298 S O U T H B A L I • • B u k i t Pe n i n s u l a Book
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select your seafood fresh from an ice bucket ning is nonexistent as are pavements (after For the best surfing spots, a paved road it’s best to catch one west of Tuban (on Jl
and pay according to weight. Per 100g, ex- the grand boulevard ends) and it’s not un- goes northwest towards Padang Padang from Raya Kuta, outside the Supernova shopping
pect to pay around 25,000Rp for live lob- common to see a cow wandering past lithe Pecatu village (turn right at the small tem- centre) or Jimbaran (on Jl Ulu Watu).
ster, 13,000Rp to 20,000Rp for prawns, and Versace-clad beauties. ple), passing a small side road branching You may encounter offers to see the
5000Rp for fish, squid and clams. Prices are Dewi’s Warung (% 081 5555 1722; r 150,000- off to Bingin, a popular beach with savage sunset or the Kecak dance at the temple,
open to negotiation and the accuracy of 250,000) is right on the sand. The simple surf and a renowned left break. Impossibles these cost from about 80,000Rp and some-
the scales is a joke among locals. However, rooms have fans and stunning views. is nearby. times include a side trip to a beach or to
the best places can combine garlic and lime Dreamland (locals call it Lemongkak) is Ulu Watu, or Ulu’s, is a legendary surf spot – Jimbaran.
marinade with a chilli and oil dousing dur- 4km off the Ulu Watu road. There’s an en- the stuff of dreams and nightmares. It’s
ing grilling for fabulous results. trance fee of 5000Rp to park on the deeply about 1km south of Padang Padang and its Nusa Dua
The longest row of restaurants is at the rutted terrain. Taxis from the Kuta area legend is nearly matched by nearby Pantai Nusa Dua translates literally as ‘Two Is-
northern end of the beach, south of the cost 30,000Rp to 40,000Rp per hour for the Suluban. lands’ – the islands are actually small
fish market (Map p277). This is the area round trip and waiting time. raised headlands, each with a little temple.
where you will be taken by taxi if you don’t SLEEPING Nusa Dua is better known as Bali’s gated

specify otherwise. The middle area, how- Ulu Watu Area There’s a whole string of cheap and very beach-resort enclave – a gilded ghetto of
ever, is a better choice and is just south of Jl The west coast around Ulu Watu has legend- basic surfing dives on the road from Pa- enormous hotels. There are no independ-
Penelisan Agung. The atmosphere is more ary surf breaks as well as the important dang Padang through Ulu Watu. Expect to ent developments, no hawkers, no warung,
relaxed and the operators less avaricious. Pura Luhur Ulu Watu. pay about 50,000Rp for a room with cold no traffic, no pollution and no noise. The
The surf break at Padang Padang is the water, a fan and a shared bath. Many surfers drawback is the isolation from any sense of
GETTING THERE & AWAY centre of development of late and boasts choose to stay in Kuta and make the drive, Balinese community life; in many ways, you
Public bemos from Tegal terminal in Den- numerous small inns and warung that sell which is less than an hour. could be at any international tropical beach
pasar go via Kuta to Jimbaran (10,000Rp), and rent surfboards, and provide food, Rocky Bungalows (%0817 346 209; r 250,000- resort the world over.
and continue to Nusa Dua. They don’t drink, ding repairs or a massage – whatever 450,000Rp; as ) This low-key place off As a planned resort, Nusa Dua is very
run after about 4pm, but plenty of taxis you need most. It is the only good place to Jl Ulu Watu near Padang Padang has 10 spread out. You enter the enclave through
wait around the beachfront warung in the swim in the area. From its bluff, you get a rooms with great water views from the one of the big gateways, and inside there are
evening to take replete diners back to Kuta good view of all the area surf breaks. balconies. It’s a three-minute walk to the expansive lawns, manicured gardens and
(about 25,000Rp), Seminyak or wherever. Coming from the east you will first en- water. sweeping driveways leading to the lobbies
counter a gated parking area (car/motor- Uluwatu Resort (%7420610; www.uluwaturesort of large hotels.
Central Bukit cycle 2000/1000Rp), which is about a 400m .com; Jl Pantai Suluban; villas US$83-93; ais) On
The centrepiece of Garuda Wisnu Kencana walk from the water. Continuing on over the cliff top across the river from Padang ACTIVITIES
Cultural Park (GWK; %703603; admission 15,000Rp, a bridge, there is an older parking area Padang, this stylish place has impressive One of the nicest features of Nusa Dua is
parking 5000Rp; h8am-10pm) is the yet to be (car/motorcycle 1000/500Rp) that is a hilly ocean views. It’s laid-back and a good place the 5km beach promenade that stretches
completed 66m-high garuda (mythical 200m from the water. Watch out for ‘gate- to chill out. the length of the resort and continues north
man-bird) statue, to be erected on top of keepers’ looking for bonuses. Blue Point Bay Villas & Spa (%7441077; www along much of the beach in Tanjung Benoa
a shopping and gallery complex, for a total; Jl Labuansait; villas from US$230; as well. Not only is it a good stroll at any
height of 146m. Well, that’s the plan. So far SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES as) A swanky 31-villa resort right above time but it also makes it easy to sample the
the only completed part of the statue is the Pura Luhur Ulu Watu (admission incl sarong & sash the Padang Padang break, it has stunning pleasures of the other beachside resorts.
large bronze head. A shopping mall is com- rental 3000Rp; parking 1000Rp; h8am-7pm) is one views. There’s a high level of service and a The reef-protected beach at Nusa Dua is
pleted as are two restaurants, but they are of several important temples to the spirits good restaurant. shallow at low tide, and the wave action is
mostly empty. As it stands – or doesn’t – of the sea along the south coast of Bali. pretty flaccid.
the deserted site is not worth going out of The temple is perched precipitously EATING The Bali Golf & Country Club (%771791; green
your way for except for the views. Optimis- on the southwestern tip of the peninsula, Most of the hotels and inns have restaurants fees US$142) is a top-flight 18-hole course lined
tic predictions for eventual completion of atop sheer cliffs that drop straight into the and any beach where there are surfers will with timeshare condos. Designed by Nelson
the site are regularly issued. pounding surf. You enter through an un- have a few warung selling necessities like & Wright, it features the best links in Bali
usual arched gateway flanked by statues of beer, sandwiches and Indonesian staples. (and almost the only links in Bali).
Dreamland Ganesha. At sunset, walk around the cliff There are several cafés on the road from
Once a remote surf break, Dreamland, as top to the left (south) of the temple. Watch Pecatu. SLEEPING
it’s commonly known, is now a trendy out for monkeys, who – when not repro- The eight Nusa Dua hotels are similar in
scene. Reached by passing through the vast ducing – like to snatch sunglasses and any- GETTING THERE & AWAY several ways: they are all big (although
and mostly moribund development of Bali thing else within reach. The best way to see the west coast is with some are just plain huge) and they have
Pecatu Indah, this perfect cove of a beach is An enchanting Kecak dance (tickets 35,000Rp; your own vehicle or by chartering a taxi. long beachfronts. Each has several restaur-
surrounded by cliffs. On most days, those h6-7pm) is held in the temple grounds at Public bemos to Ulu Watu are infre- ants and bars, as well as various pools and
in the know line the sands watching surfers sunset. Although obviously set up for tour- quent, and stop running by mid-afternoon. other resort amenities. Many of the proper-
and taking comfort at the growing number ists, the gorgeous setting makes it one of the Some of the dark blue bemos from Kuta ties cater primarily to groups and aren’t ter-
of simple cafés. It’s all a little wild: plan- more delightful performances on the island. serve Jimbaran and Ulu Watu (8000Rp) – ribly special, despite their size. But a couple
300 S O U T H B A L I • • B u k i t Pe n i n s u l a Book accommodation online
w w at
w S O U T H B A L I • • Ta n j u n g B e n o a & N u s a D u a 301

of choices are very good if you’re ready for Find out what shuttle-bus services your TANJUNG BENOA & NUSA DUA 0
1 km
0.5 miles
a full-on resort experience. hotel provides. A free shuttle bus (%771662;
Westin Resort (%771906;; r A B C D

h9am-10pm) connects Nusa Dua and Tan-
from US$220; ais) There are 355 rooms jung Benoa resort hotels with the Bali Col-
on offer. Attached to a large convention lection shopping mall.
centre, the Westin has an air-con lobby 1
(one of three in Bali) and vast public spaces. Tanjung Benoa 2
Formerly a Sheraton, it has been compre- The peninsula of Tanjung Benoa extends Benoa
hensively renovated. Its acres of pools are about 4km north from Nusa Dua to the

Police Station
Nusa’s best and feature waterfalls. The Kids fishing village of Benoa. It is not a gated 10
Bali Golf & Country Club....................1 B6
Chinese Buddhist Temple....................2 B1
Club has extensive activities and facilities. community by any means and resorts bump

Gate...................................................3 B5
Grand Hyatt Bali (%771234; up against modest local homes. Hindu Temple..................................(see 2)
Main Gate..........................................4 B5
.com; r from US$220; ais) Sort of a little Like beaches at Sanur and Nusa Dua,

Mosque...........................................(see 2)
North Gate.........................................5 B4
city, the 648-room Hyatt has directional those here are protected from waves by an

Pandawa Marine Adventures..............6 B1

signs scattered across the grounds, which off-shore reef. South Gate.........................................7 B6

have up to 21 arrows. Like any city, some Restaurants and hotels are spread out SLEEPING

neighbourhoods are better than others. along Jl Pratama, which runs the length of Conrad Resort....................................8 B3
Grand Hyatt Bali................................9 C5
Some in the West Village (there are four, the peninsula. It may be one of the most 12 Pondok Agung.................................10 B2

the East and South Villages are best located) perilous streets in South Bali for a stroll. Westin Resort..................................11 C5

face the taxi parking lot. The riverlike pool There are few sidewalks and in many places EATING


Jl Prat
is huge and has a fun slide. The children’s nowhere to walk but on the narrow road. Bumbu Bali.......................................12 B2

club will keep the little buggers busy Fortunately, the delightful beach prom- SHOPPING

for days. enade is just steps away. Bali Collection..................................13 C5
3 8

Bemo Terminal.................................14 A5
Restaurants in the hotels are abundant. Benoa is one of Bali’s multi-denominational

South of the enclave, the various warung at corners, with an interesting Chinese Buddhist
the beach serve some typically fresh local temple, a mosque and a Hindu temple within


standards. 100m of each other. It’s an interesting little

Along Jl Pantai Mengiat, just outside the fishing town that makes for a good stroll.
gate, there are a string of open-air eater- Selat

Sri Lanka Badung
ies offering an unpretentious alternative ACTIVITIES Beach
to Nusa Dua dining. None will win any Quite a few water-sports centres along Jl 4 To Airport (12km);
Kuta (15km);

Denpasar (23km)
culinary awards but they are fun, and if Pratama offer daytime diving, cruises, wind-

Jl N 5
you pause long enough in front of any, the surfing, water-skiing etc. Check equipment gur

staff will offer you escalating inducements and credentials before you sign up. Most

to step inside. have a thatched-roof bar and restaurant

Jl Pra
attached to their premises. Each morning 11
SHOPPING convoys of buses arrive from all over South 14 4
Bali Collection (%771664; Bali bringing day-trippers to enjoy the calm

Built on the bones of the failed Galleria waters and various activities.
5 Bali Golf &
Nusa Dua, this upscale shopping mall is Among the established water-sports Bualu Country Club
operators is Pandawa Marine Adventures

Jl Srik
designed to milk the wallets of those stay- Klinik 13
ing at the huge local resorts. However the (%778585). As if by magic, all operators have

Darurat Nusa Dua
Pura Bias Tugal
fate of its over 100 shops will rest upon similar prices. To Ulu Watu

whether it can attract a local following, Water sports include the very popular 3
Jl Pa
much like the wildly popular malls in Kuta parasailing (per round US$25) and jet- Men
and Denpasar. skiing (per 15 minutes US$25). You’ll need
at least two people for banana-boat rides (per
GETTING THERE & AROUND 15 minutes US$25), or glass-bottomed boat Golf 7
6 Course Golf
Public bemos travel between Denpasar’s trips (90-minute tour with snack US$35). Course
Tegal terminal and the terminal at Bualu
(8000Rp). From Bualu, it’s at least 1km to SLEEPING
the hotels. But who takes a bemo to a four- Accommodation here is a mixed bag. Sev- To Nikko
Bali Resort (3km)
Boats to Surf Break
star resort? Call a taxi. eral lesser resorts along the beach charge
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top-end prices. Some are time-share prop- lots of shops. Denpasar means ‘next to the good one. It gained prominence in 1932 Taman Wedhi Budaya
erties renting out rooms, while others are market’, and the main market (Pasar Ba- when German artist Walter Spies and This arts centre (%222776; admission free; h8am-
used almost exclusively by people on pack- dung) is the biggest and busiest in Bali. some Dutch officials revived the idea of 5pm Tue-Sun) is a sprawling complex in the
age tours. Denpasar still has some tree-lined streets collecting and preserving Balinese antiqui- eastern part of Denpasar. It was established
Pondok Agung (%771143;; and pleasant gardens, but the traffic, noise ties and cultural objects, and creating an in 1973 as an academy and showplace for
Jl Pratama; r 100,000-260,000Rp; a) The 11 cheery and pollution make it a difficult place to ethnographic museum. Now it’s quite well Balinese culture, and has lavish architec-
rooms in a large houselike building are enjoy. set up, and most displays are labelled in ture and not much else for most of the year
good value here. Higher priced rooms come If you are using public transit in Bali it English. You can climb one of the towers (there are no regular dance performances
with air-con and a kitchen. will be your inescapable hub. Otherwise inside the grounds for a better view of the here). The impressive-looking art gallery
Conrad Resort (% 778788; www.conradhotels. you can fully enjoy its charms on a day whole complex. has a fair collection.
com; Jl Pratama; r from US$140; ais ) This visit from South Bali or Ubud. The main building (Gedung Timur) has a From mid-June to mid-July, the centre
impressive new property from the luxury collection of prehistoric pieces downstairs, hosts the Bali Arts Festival (below), with
branch of the Hilton chain combines Bali ORIENTATION including stone sarcophagi, and stone and dances, music and craft displays from all
modern styling with a refreshing style. The The main road, Jl Gunung Agung, starts at bronze implements. Upstairs are examples over Bali. You may need to book tickets at

314 rooms are large and very comfortable. the western side of town. Further east, it of traditional tools and artefacts, including the centre for more popular events.
Some units have patios with steps down changes to Jl Gajah Mada in the middle of types still in everyday use.
into the enormous pool, easing the way town, then Jl Surapati and finally Jl Hayam The northern pavilion (Gedung Tabanan) FESTIVALS & EVENTS
into a morning dip. Bungalows have their Wuruk. One infuriating aspect of visiting – houses shadow puppets, dance costumes The annual Bali Arts Festival (www.baliartsfestival
own private lagoon and there is a large kids’ and especially driving around – Denpasar and masks, including a sinister rangda, .com) is based at the Taman Wedhi Budaya
club. is that roads regularly change names, often a healthy-looking Barong and a tower- arts centre (above) in Denpasar, and lasts
every time they cross another road. ing barong landung (giant puppet dance) for about one month from mid-June to
EATING Another problem is the proliferation of figure. The central pavilion (Gedung Ka- mid-July. It’s a great time to be visiting
Each hotel has several restaurants. There one-way traffic restrictions – sometimes for rangasem) is like the palace pavilions of Bali, and the festival is an easy way to see
are also several tourist restaurants in or only part of a street’s length – which often Amlapura where rajahs held audiences. an enormous variety of traditional dance,
near Benoa. change and are rarely marked on any maps. The southern pavilion (Gedung Buleleng) music and crafts from all over the island.
Bumbu Bali (%774502; Jl Pratama; dishes 45,000- The traffic jams can be intense and parking has a varied collection of textiles, includ- The productions of the Ramayana and Ma-
60,000Rp; hlunch & dinner) One of the finest res- difficult, so avoid driving if you can; use ing endek (a Balinese method of weaving habharata ballets are grand, and the open-
taurants on the island, Bumbu Bali serves taxis, bemos and your feet. with pre-dyed threads), double ikat (cloth ing ceremony and parade in Denpasar are
the best Balinese food you’ll have during In contrast to the rest of Denpasar, the in which the pattern is produced by dye- particularly colourful.
your visit. Long-time resident and cook- Renon area, southeast of the town centre, is ing individual threads before weaving), The festival is the main event of the year
book author Heinz von Holzen, his wife laid out on a grand scale, with wide streets, songket (silver- and gold-threaded cloth, for the scores of village dance and musi-
Puji and an enthusiastic staff serve exqui- large car parks and huge landscaped tracts. hand-woven using a floating weft tech- cal groups. Competition is fierce, with local
sitely flavoured dishes beautifully. Many This is the area of impressive government nique) and prada (the application of gold pride on the line at each performance. To do
diners opt for one of several set menus offices, built with lavish budgets in modern leaf or gold or silver thread in traditional well here sets a village on a good course for
(170,000Rp). Balinese style. Balinese clothes). the year. Some events are held in a 6000-seat
Von Holzen also runs a cooking school; Museum staff often play music on a bam- amphitheatre, a venue that allows you to re-
see p87. INFORMATION boo gamelan to magical effect. alise the mass appeal of traditional Balinese
All major Indonesian banks have offices in culture. Tickets are usually available right be-
GETTING THERE & AROUND Denpasar, and most have ATMs. Several Pura Jagatnatha fore performances and schedules are widely
You can reach Nusa Dua by public bemo are on Jl Gajah Mada, near the corner of Jl Next to the museum, the state Jagatnatha available throughout South Bali and Ubud.
from Kuta (6000Rp), then take one of the Arjuna, and there are also plenty of ATMs Temple was built in 1953, and is dedicated
infrequent green bemos that shuttle up and in the shopping malls. to the supreme god, Sanghyang Widi. Part SLEEPING
down Jl Pratama (3000Rp) – after about Rumah Sakit Umum Propinsi Sanglah (RSUP of its significance is its statement of mono- Denpasar has several hotels, but it’s hard
3pm bemos become really scarce on both Sanglah; %227911; Sanglah; h24hr) The city’s general theism. The padmasana (shrine) is made to think of a compelling reason to stay here
routes. A taxi (30,000Rp) will be easier and hospital has English-speaking staff and a casualty room. of white coral, and consists of an empty unless you want to be close to the bus ter-
quicker. It’s the best hospital on the island. throne (symbolic of heaven) on top of the minals or have some other business here. At
Tourist office (h8am-2pm Mon-Thu, 8am-noon Fri) cosmic turtle and two naga (mythological times when many Indonesians travel (July,
This helpful office is located at the Ubung Bus and Bemo serpents) that symbolise the foundation August, around Christmas and Idul Fitri –
DENPASAR Terminal. It offers transport advice. of the world. The walls are decorated with
carvings of scenes from the Ramayana and
November/December), it may be wise to
book a room.
%0361 / pop 400,000 SIGHTS Mahabharata. Pura Jagatnatha is more fre- Adi Yasa (%222679; Jl Nakula 23B; s/d 25,000/
The capital of Bali, Denpasar, has been Museum Negeri Propinsi Bali quently used than many Balinese temples, 40,000Rp) Budget travellers have crashed
the focus of much of the island’s growth This museum (%222680; adult/child 2000/1000Rp; with local people coming every afternoon here since the 1970s. It’s centrally located
and wealth over the last 20 years. It has h 8am-12.30pm Mon-Fri, 8am-3pm Sun) is the to pray and make offerings, so it can often and friendly, but the nine rooms are very
an important museum, an arts centre and main attraction of Denpasar, and it’s a be closed to tourists. basic.
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0 0.5 miles
1 km
Nakula Familar Inn (%226446; Jl Nakula 4; s/d
50,000/75,000Rp) Across the road and 100m
A 10 4 B C D E F west from the Adi Yasa, the eight rooms
To Tabanan (23km);
Gilimanuk (131km) INFORMATION are decent (cold-water showers only) and
Australian Consulate...........................1 F5
Japanese Consulate............................2 E6 clean, and all have a small balcony area. The
1 Bypass Gatot Subr
oto Rumah Sakit Umum Propinsi Sanglah..3 B6 1 traffic noise isn’t too bad and there is a nice
Tourist Office.....................................4 A1
US Consulate......................................5 F5 little enclave in the middle. Tegal–Kereneng
bemos go along Jl Nakula.
Hotel Niki Rusdi (%416397; Jl Pidada XIV; r 80,000-

Museum Negeri Propinsi Bali..............6 C4
Pura Jagatnatha ................................7 C3
Taman Wedhi Budaya........................8 E3
Tohpati (8.5km);
Sanur (8.5km);
200,000Rp; a) This simple place is located
right behind the Ubung Bus Terminal and
Adi Yasa ............................................9 C3
is a good choice if you have an early or late
Hotel Niki Rusdi................................10 A1 bus. Rooms are very clean. There are other
Nakula Familar Inn............................11 B3
options nearby if this one is full.


Jl Dahlia Kopi Bali...........................................12 C3

Jl Ratna
Restoran Betty..................................13 B3

Jl Supratman
Most places cater to local people and Indo-
nesian visitors, so they offer a good selection
Jl Nakula

Kampung Arab.................................14 B4
Jl Kartini

Jl Pattimura To
Pasar Badung (Main Produce Batubulan Bemo of authentic food at reasonable prices. The
Jl Seti

Market)........................................15 B3 Terminal (7.5km);


cheapest places are warungs at the bemo/

Jl Kamboja
9 Tohpati (8.5km);
16 Pasar Burung....................................16
Kapas C3 Sanur (8.5km)
Jl Sutomo

Jl Nakula Pasar Kumbasari...............................17 B3 bus terminals and the markets. At the Pasar
Jl Veteran

Jl Plawa

Jl Nusa
Jl G 11
ng A
gun TRANSPORT Malam Kereneng (Kereneng Night Market)

g 18

Gunung Agung Bemo Terminal........18 B3 dozens of vendors dish up food till dawn. A
Jl Arj

Kereneng Bemo Terminal.................19 D3

3 3 number of places along Jl Teuku Umar cater
Jl Melati
Jl Duria Sanglah............................................20 C5
n Tegal Bemo Terminal........................21 B4
Jl Gajah
Mada 12
Ubung Bus & Bemo Terminal...........(see 4)
to more affluent ocals.
17 15 Restoran Betty (Jl Sumatra 56; mains 7000-

Jl Sulawes

13 19
Jl Tham

7 8 12,000Rp) This calm place (compared to the


Jl Surap
Jl Su

Jl Udayan

ati Jl Hayam Wuruk madness of the street outside) has a good


14 6
Jl Hasanudin range of juices and Indonesian dishes.

Don’t be put off by the antique plastic

Jl Kapten Ag

food models.
21 Kedaton Kopi Bali (%224016; Jl Gajah Mada 80; coffee 3000Rp;
4 h9am-4pm Mon-Sat) Home to Bali’s Coffee Co,
this storefront sells locally grown beans and

makes a mean cup of coffee or espresso,
which you can enjoy at the two tiny tables
Jl Dipenegoro

Jl Sudirma

while watching the bustle of Denpasar’s old



main drag.

Jl N

Jl Ki Hajar Dew

Jl I

Jl Tjut
Jl Ki Hajar Dew

Tegal Nyak Dien
Denpasar’s markets are vast and a good
ah Atmaja

5 reason to visit.


Jl Moh Yami
Letda Tantula

ar 1
Um Renon
Pasar Badung is a pungent market, and is
Jl Dr Kusum

ku 5
Jl Panjaitan

the largest and oldest in Bali. It’s very busy
Jl Raya Pupu
in the morning and evening, and a great
To Kuta (13km); place to browse and bargain, except for the

Airport (16km)
2 Jl Raya Pupu
tan unsolicited guides/commission-takers who

i Jl Pu
3 sometimes attach themselves to you. Most
a To Sanur
ng lau Jl Nias
visitors head to the clothing and handicrafts
Su Ta rakan (7.5km)
section on the top floor; the ‘wet market’ –
6 6 the fruit and veg – is downstairs. Pasar
Kumbasari, along the opposite side of the
Jl Diponegoro

Jl Satelit

river from Pasar Badung, has handicrafts,

To Benoa
Harbour (5km); fabrics and gold work. Pasar Burung is a
Pelni Office (5km)
bird market with hundreds of caged birds
306 D E N PA S A R • • G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y U B U D • • O r i e n t a t i o n 307

and small animals for sale. It’s lovely to allow you to become fully immersed in
listen to and very colourful to see, but the FARES FROM BATUBULAN TERMINAL FARES FROM UBUNG TERMINAL Balinese culture.
animals’ conditions are hardly ideal. Kam- Destination Fare (Rp) Destination Fare (Rp) Sensory pursuits are amply catered to
pung Arab, located near Pasar Badung, has with some of the best food on the island.
plenty of gold shops (toko mas). Amlapura 20,000 Gilimanuk (for the ferry to Java) 25,000 From fabled world-class resorts to surpris-
Jl Sulawesi, east of Pasar Badung, has many Kintamani (via Tampaksiring) 15,000 Kediri (for Tanah Lot) 6000 ingly comfortable little family-run inns,
shops with batik, ikat and other fabrics. Nusa Dua (via Sanur) 6000 Mengwi 6000 there is a fine choice of hotels. Many places
Padangbai (for the Lombok ferry) 15,000 Negara 20,000 come complete with their own spas, for
GETTING THERE & AWAY Sanur 6000 Pancasari (for Danau Bratan) 15,000 hours or days of pampering packages.
Denpasar is the hub of road transport in Bali – Semarapura 15,000 Singaraja (via Pupuan or Bedugul) 28,000 Around Ubud are temples, ancient sites
you’ll find buses and minibuses bound for Singaraja (via Kintamani) 25,000 Tabanan 6000 and whole villages producing handicrafts
all corners of the island. See p274 for details Singaraja (via Semarapura & 25,000 (albeit mostly for visitors). Although the
of air transport. Amlapura) growth of Ubud has engulfed several neigh-
Ubud 6000 Surabaya or even Jakarta, you may get on bouring villages, leading to an urban sprawl,

Bemo a bus within an hour of arriving at Ubung, parts of the surrounding countryside re-
The city has several bemo terminals, so if but at busy times you should buy your main unspoiled, with lush rice paddies and
you’re travelling independently from one TEGAL ticket at least one day ahead. towering coconut trees. You’d be remiss if
part of Bali to another, you’ll often have to On the western side of town on Jl Iman There are no tourist shuttle buses to/ you didn’t walk one or more of the dozens
go via Denpasar, and transfer from one ter- Bonjol, Tegal is the terminal for Kuta and from Denpasar. of paths during your stay.
minal to another. The terminals for trans- the Bukit Peninsula (for fares, see the boxed
port around Bali are Ubung, Batubulan and text, below). GETTING AROUND ORIENTATION
Tegal, while the Gunung Agung, Kereneng Bemo The once small village of Ubud has now
and Sanglah terminals serve destinations in UBUNG Bemos take various circuitous routes from expanded to encompass its neighbours –
and around Denpasar. Each terminal has Well north of town, on the road to and between the bus/bemo terminals. They Campuan, Penestanan, Padangtegal, Pelia-
regular bemo connections to the other ter- Gilimanuk, Ubung is the terminal for line up for various destinations at each ter- tan and Pengosekan are all part of what we
minals in Denpasar for 5000Rp. These can northern and western Bali as well as most long- minal, or you can hail them from anywhere see as Ubud today. The centre of town is
be cumbersome. distance bus services. In the complex, there is along the main roads – look for the destin- the junction of Monkey Forest Rd and Jl
Bemos and minibuses cover shorter a very helpful tourist office (h8am-2pm Mon-Thu, ation sign above the driver’s window. The Raya Ubud, where the bustling market and
routes between towns and villages, while 8am-noon Fri), which can provide help with fares Tegal–Nusa Dua bemo (dark blue) is handy crowded bemo stops are found, as well as
full-sized buses are often used on longer, and schedules (see the boxed text, opposite, for Renon; and the Kereneng–Ubung bemo Ubud Palace and the main temple, Pura
more heavily travelled routes. Buses are for fares). Arriving here by taxi guarantees a (turquoise) travels along Jl Gajah Mada, Desa Ubud. Monkey Forest Rd (officially Jl
quicker and more comfortable, but they’re reception by baggage and ticket touts. past the museum. Wanara Wana, but always known by its un-
less frequent. official name) runs south to Sacred Monkey
Bus Taxi Forest Sanctuary and is lined with shops,
BATUBULAN The usual route to Java is a bus from As in South Bali, taxis prowl the streets of hotels and restaurants. The roughly parallel
This terminal, a very inconvenient 6km Denpasar’s Ubung Terminal to Surabaya Denpasar looking for fares. As always, the Jl Hanoman is also lined with shops, cafés
northeast of Denpasar on a road to Ubud, is (120,000Rp, 10 hours), which includes the blue cabs of Bali Taxi (%701111) are the most and more.
for destinations in eastern and central Bali short ferry trip across the Bali Strait. Other reliable choice. Jl Raya Ubud (‘Ubud Main Rd’ – often Jl
(for fares, see the boxed text, above). buses go as far as Yogyakarta (180,000Rp, Raya for short) is the main east–west road.
16 hours) and Jakarta (275,000Rp, 24 West of Ubud, the road drops steeply down
This terminal, at the northwestern corner
hours), usually travelling overnight.
Book directly at offices in the Ubung
UBUD to the ravine at Campuan, where an old sus-
pension bridge, next to the new one, hangs
of town (look for orange bemos), is on Jl terminal, 3km north of the city centre. To %0361 over Sungai Wos. West of Campuan, the
Gunung Agung, and has bemos to Ker- Perched on the gentle slopes leading up to- pretty village of Penestanan is famous for
obokan and Canggu (6000Rp). wards the central mountains, Ubud is the its painters and beadwork. East and south
FARES FROM TEGAL TERMINAL other half of Bali’s tourism duopoly. Unlike of Ubud proper, the ‘villages’ of Peliatan,
KERENENG Destination Fare (Rp) South Bali, however, Ubud’s focus remains Nyuhkuning and Pengosekan are known
East of the town centre, Kereneng has on the remarkable Balinese culture in its variously for painting, woodcarving and
bemos to Sanur (5000Rp). Airport 8000 myriad forms. traditional dance. The latter has been the
Jimbaran 10,000 It’s not surprising that many people focus of recent development, with rice
SANGLAH Kuta 8000 come to Ubud for a day or two and end paddies giving way to new hotels. The area
On Jl Diponegoro, near the general hos- Legian 8000 up staying longer, drawn in by the rich north of Ubud is less densely settled, with
pital in the south of the city, Sanglah has Nusa Dua 10,000 culture and many activities. Besides the picturesque rice paddies interspersed with
bemos to Suwung and Benoa Harbour Ulu Watu 15,000 very popular dance-and-music shows, small villages, many of which specialise in
(5000Rp). there are numerous courses on offer that a local craft.
308 U B U D • • I n f o r m a t i o n U B U D • • S i g h t s 309

INFORMATION following places are a cut above average, address poste restante mail to Kantor Pos, Ubud 80571, Bali, of the ‘Young Artist’ style of painting and
Along the main roads, you’ll find most with fast broadband connections. Indonesia. a good selection of ‘modern traditional’
services you need. There are numerous Bali 3000 (Map pp310-11; %978538; Jl Raya Ubud; works. The pavilion on the right is used for
travel agents and several wartels. per hr 16,000Rp; h8am-11pm; a) Like a fashion- Tourist Information temporary exhibitions, which change every
able internet café in Milan with a full range of computing Ubud Tourist Information (Yayasan Bina Wisata; Map month or so. Paintings are well displayed
Bookshops services. Serves good sandwiches, coffees and juices. p312; %973285; Jl Raya Ubud; h8am-8pm) The one and labelled in English, and some of the
Ubud is the best place for book shopping. Ubud Music (Map p312; %971837; Jl Raya Ubud; really useful tourist office in Bali. It has a good range of artwork is often for sale.
Selections are wide and varied and you can per 10min 5000Rp; h8am-8pm) Sells music and has a information and a notice board listing current happenings You enter the museum by crossing a
get numerous books about Balinese art and photocopier. and activities. The staff can answer most regional ques- river gully beside the road and wander from
culture. Many carry books by small and tions and have up-to-date information on ceremonies building to building through a beautiful
obscure publishers. Shops typically carry Libraries and traditional dances held in the area; dance tickets are garden with pools, statues and fountains.
newspapers such as the International Her- Pondok Pecak Library & Learning Centre (Map p312; sold here.
ald Tribune. %976194; Monkey Forest Rd; h9am-5pm Mon-Sat, NEKA ART MUSEUM
Ary’s Bookshop (Map p312; %978203; Jl Raya Ubud) 1-5pm Sun) A relaxed place, which also has a children’s book SIGHTS Quite distinct from Neka Gallery, the Neka

Good for art books, periodicals and maps. section. It charges a membership fee starting at 40,000Rp. Palaces & Temples Art Museum (Map pp310-11; %975074; Jl Raya Sang-
Cinta Bookshop (Map p312; %973295; Jl Dewi Sita) It has a small café and a pleasant reading area on the roof. Ubud Palace and Puri Saren Agung (Map p312; gingan; adult/child 20,000Rp/free; h9am-5pm) is the
A nice assortment of used novels and vintage books Located on the far side of the football field. See p314 for cnr Jl Raya Ubud & Jl Suweta) share space in the creation of Suteja Neka, a private collector
about Bali. information on cultural courses. heart of Ubud. The compound has many and dealer in Balinese art. It has an excel-
Ganesha Bookshop (Map pp310-11; %970320; ornate corners and was mostly built after lent and diverse collection and is the best; Jl Raya Ubud) Ubud’s best Medical Services the 1917 earthquake. The local royal family place to learn about the development of
bookshop has an amazing amount of books jammed into See p280 for details on international clin- still lives here and you can wander around painting in Bali.
a small space. Excellent selection of titles on Indonesian ics in Bali. most of the large compound exploring the The Balinese Painting Hall provides an
studies, travel, arts and music, fiction (including some used Mua Pharmacy (Map p312; %974674; Monkey Forest many traditional and not excessively ornate overview of local painting, showing influ-
titles) and maps. Rd; h8am-9pm) buildings. If you really like it, you can stay ences from classic wayang kulit puppetry
Periplus (Map p312; %975178; Monkey Forest Rd) A Ubud Clinic (Map pp310-11; %974911; Jl Raya Cam- the night (p318). through to abstract expressionism. The Arie
typically glossy branch of the Bali chain. puan 36; h24hr) Best medical centre in Ubud. Charges Just north, Pura Marajan Agung (Map p312; Jl Smit Pavilion features Smit’s works and exam-
from 200,000Rp for a clinical consultation. Suweta), has one of the finest gates you’ll find ples of the ‘Young Artist’ school, which he
Emergency and is the private temple for Ubud’s royal inspired. The Lempad Pavilion houses Bali’s
Police station (Map pp310-11; %975316; Jl Raya Money family. Pura Desa Ubud (Map p312; Jl Raya Ubud) is largest collection of works by I Gusti Nyo-
Andong; h24hr) Located on the eastern side of town Ubud has numerous banks, ATMs and the main temple for the Ubud community. man Lempad.
at Andong. moneychangers along Jl Raya Ubud and Just a bit west is the very picturesque Pura The Contemporary Indonesian Art Hall has
Monkey Forest Rd. Taman Saraswati (Ubud Water Palace; Map p312; Jl Raya paintings by artists from other parts of
Internet Access Ubud). Waters from the temple at the rear of Indonesia, many of whom have worked
Internet centres are common on the main Post the site feed the pond at the front, which in Bali. Abdul Aziz, Affandi, Dullah and
streets; most have slow connections and Main post office (Map pp310-11; Jl Jembawan; h8am- is a riotous tangle of pink lotus blossoms. Anton Kustia Wijaya, among others, are
charge 200Rp to 300Rp per minute. The 6pm) Has a sort-it-yourself poste restante system – There are carvings that honour Dewi Sar- represented. The upper floor is devoted to
aswati, the goddess of wisdom and the arts, the work of foreign artists, such as Lou-
who has clearly given her blessing to Ubud. ise Koke, Miguel Covarrubias, Rudolph
UBUD IN… There are weekly dance performances. Bonnet, Donald Friend, Han Snel and
One Day Antonio Blanco. It often hosts temporary
Stroll the streets of Ubud, enjoying the galleries and sampling the fine cuisine. Try to get out Art Museums exhibitions.
on one of the short nearby walks through the verdant rice fields. Go to an evening dance per- MUSEUM PURI LUKISAN There is a good bookshop in the lobby.
formance in the centre. This Palace of Fine Arts (Map p312; %975136; www Bemos travelling between Ubud and Kin-; admission 20,000Rp; h9am- tamani stop outside the museum.
5pm), off Jl Raya Ubud, displays excellent
Three Days examples of all schools of Balinese art. The AGUNG RAI MUSEUM OF ART (ARMA)
Take longer walks in the countryside, especially the Campuan Ridge and Satan Valley. Visit the art
modern Balinese art movement started in Founded by Agung Rai as a museum, gal-
museums and attend dance performances not just in Ubud, but in the nearby villages. Indulge
Ubud, where artists first used modern ma- lery and cultural centre, the impressive
at a local spa. Drop by the market in the morning.
terials, were influenced by foreign styles ARMA (Map pp310-11; %976659; Jl Raya Pengosekan;
and began to depict scenes of everyday admission 20,000Rp; h9am-6pm) is the only place
One Week or More Balinese life. in Bali to see works by the influential Ger-
Do everything above but take time to simply chill out. Get in tune with Ubud’s rhythm. Take The pavilion straight ahead as you enter man artist Walter Spies. It also has work by
naps, read books, wander about. Think about a course in Balinese culture. Compare and choose has a collection of early works from Ubud 19th-century Javanese artist Raden Saleh. It
your favourite café. and the surrounding villages. The pavilion exhibits classical Kamasan paintings, Bat-
on the left has some colourful examples uan-style work from the 1930s and 1940s,

310 U B U D • • U b u d A re a U B U D • • U b u d A re a 311

0 500 m
UBUD AREA 0 0.3 miles


To Payangan (4km); To Keliki (2km) To Penelokan (29km) To
Begawan Giri (10km); Tegallalang (7km);
Kintamani (36km) Pujung (10km);
INFORMATION Hotel Tjampuhan Spa....................................................(see 35) Penelokan (29km) SLEEPING Bebek Bengil 1.....................49 D5
Bali 3000.................................1 D4 Museum Purbakala (Archaeological Museum)................. 11 H5 Alam Indah..........................23 C5 Café des Artistes..................50 C4
1 Ganesha Bookshop.................. 2 D4 Museum Rudana.............................................................12 E6 Ala's Hibiscus 2................... 24 C4 Delta Dewata Supermarket..51 E4
Main Post Office..................... 3 D4 Neka Art Museum............................................................
Junjungan 13 B2 Amandari.............................25 A2 Kakiang Bakery..................(see 37)
Police Station............................4 E4 Neka Gallery...................................................................14 D4 Aniniraka.............................26 B3 Kokokan Club......................52 D5
Ubud Clinic..............................5 C4 Pura Kebo Edan...............................................................15 G4 Bali Spirit Hotel & Spa..........27 C6 L'Arbre á Plumes.................53 D5
Pura Penataran Sasih.......................................................16 G4 Petulu Biang's.................................28 E4 Masakan Padang................. 54 D4
SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Pura Pusering Jagat.........................................................17 G4 Eka's Homestay...................29 D4 Mozaic.................................55 B3
Agung Rai MuseumPayogan of Art Pura Samuan Tiga...........................................................18 H5 Heron
Roosting Family Guest House..............30 E5 Murni's Warung..................56 C4
(ARMA)...............................6 D5 Seniwati Gallery of Art by Women.................................. 19 D4 Area Four Seasons Resort.............31 A4 Naughty Nuri's.....................57 B2
Bangkiang Tegallantang
Bali Bird Walks.........................7 C4 Threads of Life Indonesian Textile Arts Center................ 20 D3 Gerebig Bungalows..............32 B4 Roda Restaurant..................58 D3
Blanco Renaissance Museum...8 C4 Ubud Sari Sidem
Health Resort ...............................................(see 47) Gusti's Garden Bungalows...33 C3 Village Café.........................59 E4
Bodyworks...............................9 D4 Yeh Pulu.........................................................................
Sakti 21 H6 Honeymoon Guesthouse.....34 C4 Warung Enak...................... 60 D5
Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave)... 10 G5 Zen................................................................................. 22 D5 Hotel Tjampuhan.................35 B4 Warung Opera.................... 61 D6

Ibah Luxury Villas................36 C4

2 JI Raya Kajeng Bungalows.............(see 33) DRINKING 2
Lung siakan Kakiang Bungalows............. 37 D5 Jazz Café..............................62 E4
Ketut's Place........................38 D3
Jl Ra

Sanggingan Kunang Kunang Guest ENTERTAINMENT

ya K

Tegalkuning House..............................39 D5 ARMA Open Stage............(see 52)

13 Nagi Londo Bungalows II.............40 B4 Oka Kartini..........................63 E4

25 57
Matahari Cottages.............. 41 D4 Padangtegal Dance Stage....64 D4

Exit Point for Melati Cottages...................42 B4 Peliatan Pura Dalem Puri......65 E5

JI Raya Sa

White-water Sama's Cottages..................43 C4 Pura Dalem Puri...................66 E4

ai W

Rafting Santra Putra.........................44 B4


Sayan Terrace......................45 A4 SHOPPING

uan R


Sambahan Suartha Pension.................. 46 D4 Bali Cares............................ 67 D5

55 Andong

JI Raya Ando
Ubud Sari Health Resort.......47 C3 Tegun Galeri....................... 68 D5

47 38

& Sayan W

Sungai Blangsuh

Bali Buddha......................... 48 D4 Perama Terminal................. 69 D5

ai Cerik






Jl Sriw

See Central Ubud


Map (p312)

45 Kutuh
Campuan 4
Jl Sandat

Taman Sala Galiang

Jl Suwet

40 Pura 51
31 44 Lebah 36
JI 1 14
– Sayan

Ra 19 Kelusu
5 bud 66 16
4 ya 7 ya U 63 Tebesaya 4
Cam Jl Ra
Penestanan puan 2 62
Jl Jembawan

Jl Hanoman

Sayan 56 50 54 3


Jl Sugriwa

8 48

17 Pejeng

Jl Sukm

43 Jl D 41
e ew
Jl Raya Pe

ya Pen 24 i
I Ra
Monkey Fo

J 34 15
Jl Bisma


JI Raya Tampaksiring
Ubud 30

Kelod 39 68

Padangtegal Peliatan
rest R

Jl Pelia




65 Samuan
Sacred Monkey 18 Tiga
5 Monkey Forest & Forest Sanctuary
49 5
Penestanan 10
Walk dulu
22 Jl Be
69 Teges
23 ngosekan
6 52 JI Raya Pe


Katik 61
Lantang Football

ai W

uh B

Pengosekan Gianyar


Bedulu (9km)
Jl Ra

6 Dangin Nyuhkuning 6

a Pe



Batubulan (10km); To Denpasar

Denpasar (23km) (23km) To Denpasar (23km)
312 U B U D • • S i g h t s U B U D • • S i g h t s 313

and works by Lempad, Affandi, Sadali, CENTRAL UBUD INFORMATION Gayatari Bungalows 2............... 21 A3 Dewa Warung...........................43 B3
Hofker, Bonnet and Le Mayeur. The collec- 0
200 m
0.1 miles
Ary's Bookshop........................... 1 A2 Jungut Inn ............................... 22 A2 Kafé Batan Waru.......................44 B3
Cinta Bookshop...........................2 B3 Kubu Saren............................... 23 A5 Lamak...................................... 45 A4
tion is well labelled in English. Look for the MUA Pharmacy.......................... 3 A3 Loka House.............................. 24 A4 Terazo...................................... 46 A2
enigmatic Portrait of a Javanese Nobleman A 27 B
Periplus.......................................4 A3 Nirvana Pension & Gallery.........25 B3 Three Monkeys........................ 47 A5

and his Wife by Raden Saleh.

Ubud Kaja Pondok Pecak Library & Oka Wati Hotel........................ 26 A3 Tutmuk Cafe.............................48 B3

Pek rong
Jl Su

It’s interesting to visit ARMA when local 1 Learning Centre......................5 A3 Padma Accommodation............27 A1 Waroeng.................................. 49 A4

34 Ubud Music ...............................6 A2 Pradha Guesthouse & Warung Ibu Oka...................... 50 A2
children practise Balinese dancing (h3-5pm Ubud Tourist Information...........7 A2 Restaurant............................28 A2
Mon-Fri, 10.30am-noon Sun) and during gamelan Puri Muwa Bungalows..............29 A3 DRINKING
practise (hours vary). See p323 for details on 31 SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Puri Saraswati Nomad......................................51 B2
Milano Salon.............................. 8 A4 Bungalows............................30 A2 Putra Bar.................................. 52 A4
regular Legong and Kecak (types of classic 9 13 Museum Puri Lukisan................. 9 A2 Roja's Bungalows......................31 A1

Balinese dance) dance performances. See 30 39 46 Pura Desa Ubud........................10 A2 Sania's House............................32 B3 SHOPPING

Jl Ka
p314 for details on the numerous cultural 12
50 11
Pura Marajan Agung.................11 B2 Sayong House ..........................33 B3 Alamkara..................................53 B3
62 Pura Taman Saraswati...............12 A2 Siti Bungalows...........................34 A1 Alamkara.................................. 54 A4
courses offered here. 40 6 10
15 Puri Saren Agung....................(see 15) Sri Bungalows........................... 35 A4 Kertas Gingsir............................55 B3
You can enter the museum grounds from 60

Rio Helmi Gallery......................13 A2 Ubud Terrace Bungalows.......... 36 A5 Kites Centre..............................56 B6

2 38 1 JI Ra
the southern end of Jl Raya Pengosekan 7 ya U
bud Studio Perak..............................14 B3 Ubud Village Hotel................... 37 A4 Kou...........................................57 B3

Jl An
58 61
(there’s parking near Kafe ARMA) or Pasar
Ubud Palace............................. 15 A2 Pasar Seni (Art Market).............58 B2
22 EATING Thebb.......................................59 B3
around the corner on Jl Pengosekan at the

Jl Arj
u na SLEEPING Ary's Warung........................... 38 A2 Treasures - a Gallery of Gold

ara W
Kafe ARMA. The Ubud–Gianyar bemo will Arjana Accommodation.............16 A1 Bumbu Bali Restaurant............(see 50) Creations.............................. 60 A2
drop you here. Cendana Resort & Spa.............. 17 A4 Café Lotus................................ 39 A2

(Jl Wan
26 32 14
Dewangga Bungalows...............18 B3 Casa Luna................................. 40 A2 TRANSPORT

Jl Gouta ma
29 33 Donald Homestay.....................19 B3 Coffee & Silver......................... 41 A5 Bemo Stop................................61 B2



Jl Karna
4 Gandra House...........................20 B3 Deli Cat.................................... 42 A4 Bemo Stop................................62 A2
This large, imposing museum (Map pp310-11;

Jl Ma
Gang Be y Forest
%975779; admission 20,000Rp; h8am-5pm) is run 21
2 57
25 19
by local politician and art lover Nyoman 3 span all mediums and many are for sale to Artists’ Homes

Rudana. The three floors contain interest- 48 55 44

aid charitable causes. The home of Walter Spies is now part of
ing traditional paintings, including a cal- Football
Field Jl D 53
Hotel Tjampuhan (p319). Dutch-born artist
endar dated to the 1840s, some Lempad 18
ewi Si
ta THREADS OF LIFE INDONESIAN TEXTILE Han Snel lived in Ubud from the 1950s
drawings and more modern pieces. 42
ARTS CENTER until his death in early 1999, and his fam-
17 24 This small, professional textile gallery and ily runs Siti Bungalows on Jl Kajeng (p318),
BLANCO RENAISSANCE MUSEUM 45 educational studio (Map pp310-11; %972187; Jl Ka- where his work is exhibited in a gallery.
Beside the Campuan bridge, a driveway jeng 24; h10am-6pm Mon-Sat) sponsors the pro- Music scholar Colin McPhee is well
leads to the superbly theatrical Blanco Ren- 49
duction of naturally dyed, handmade ritual known thanks to his perennial favourite A
aissance Museum (Map pp310-11; %975502; Jl Raya 4 textiles, helping to recover skills in danger House in Bali. Although the actual 1930s
Campuan; adult/student 20,000/10,000Rp; h9am-5pm) of being lost to modern dyeing and weav- house is long gone, you can visit the river-
and house of Antonio Blanco. He came to ing methods. Commissioned pieces are side site (which shows up in photographs in
Bali from Spain via the Philippines. Blanco 35 displayed in the gallery, which has good the book) at Sayan Terrace (p319).
est Road (Jl Wanara Wana)

Ubud Kelod
specialised in erotic art, illustrated poetry explanatory material. It also runs regular
and playing the role of an eccentric, self- textile appreciation courses (p314) and has Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary
adulatory artist. He died in Bali in 1999, 47
a good shop. This cool and dense swathe of jungle, of-
and his flamboyant home is now a museum ficially called Mandala Wisata Wanara Wana

and a fun place to visit. 23 NEKA GALLERY (Map p312; %971304; Monkey Forest Rd; adult/child
5 36 Operated by Suteja Neka, the Neka Gallery 10,000/5000Rp; h8.30am-6pm), houses three holy
Mon key For

Galleries (Map pp310-11; %975034; Jl Raya Ubud; h9am-5pm) temples. The sanctuary is inhabited by a
Ubud is dotted with galleries – every street is separate from the Neka Art Museum. band of grey-haired and greedy long-tailed
and lane seems to have a place exhibiting 41
It has an extensive selection from all the Balinese macaques who are nothing like the
artwork for sale. They vary enormously in schools of Balinese art, as well as works by innocent-looking doe-eyed monkeys on the
the choice and quality of items on display. European residents such as the renowned brochures. They are ever vigilant for passing
Arie Smit. tourists who just might have peanuts and
Forest Tickets
ripe bananas available for a quick hand-out.
This gallery (Map pp310-11; h975485; www.seni Parking (for Monkey
RIO HELMI GALLERY Don’t hand food directly to these creatures.; Jl Sriwedari 2B; h9am-5pm Tue-Sun) 6 Forest Sanctuary) 56 The man who has taken photographs for The interesting Pura Dalem Agung (Temple of
exhibits works by over 70 Balinese, Indo- Monkey many of those coffee-table books about Bali the Dead) is in the forest and has a real Indiana
Forest Tickets
nesian and resident foreign women artists. lives in Ubud and has a small gallery (Map p312; Jones feel to it. Look for the Rangda figures
Sacred Monkey
The information on many of the artists Forest Sanctuary %972304; Jl Suweta 5; h10am-6pm) where you devouring children at the entrance to the
makes for fascinating reading. The works can see examples of some of his works. inner temple.
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You can enter through one of the three architecture. Classes cost US$22 to US$50 depending on
gates: at the southern end of Monkey Forest duration and materials used. WALKS AROUND UBUD
Rd; 100m further east, near the car park; or Nirvana Batik Course (%975415; Nirvana Pension & There are lots of awe-inspiring walks to surrounding villages or through the rice paddies.
from the southern side, on the lane from Gallery, Jl Goutama 10; hclasses 10am-3pm Mon, Wed It’s good to start walks at daybreak, before it gets too hot. In the walks below, distances are
Nyuhkuning. & Sat) Nyoman Suradnya teaches the highly regarded batik approximate and are measured with the Ubud Palace as the start and end point.
courses here. One-day courses are $35, two- to three-day
ACTIVITIES courses are $30 per day, and four- to five-day courses are Monkey Forest & Penestanan
Massage, Spas & Salons $25 per day. Courses are conducted at Nirvana Pension & This 8km walk features a good range of rice paddies and rural Ubud scenery.
Ubud has numerous salons and spas where Gallery (Map p312). Take your time strolling through the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary (p313). Continue south
you can seriously pamper yourself. Pondok Pecak Library & Learning Centre (Map on the lane to the village of Nyuhkuning, and turn west along the south end of the football field,
Bodyworks (Map pp310-11; %975720; Jl Hanoman; p312; %976194; Monkey Forest Rd;h9am-5pm Mon- then turn south down the narrow road. At the southern end of the village, turn right and follow
1-hr massage 90,000Rp; h9am-9pm) is set in a Sat, 1-5pm Sun) Painting and mask-carving classes are run the paved road across the bridge over Sungai Wos to Dangin Lebak. Take the track to the right
traditional Balinese compound. Treatment here for tourists. Sessions cost from 50,000Rp for one hour. just after the large Bale Banjar Dangin Lebak (Dangin Lebak Community Hall). From here follow
rooms are light-filled, although traffic noise This is also a good place to find out about other courses

paths due north through the rice paddies, and veer left, westwards through the rice paddies
competes with the gurgling fountains. A being offered in the Ubud area, including language classes. to a paved road to reach Katik Lantang, where you join a paved road that continues north to
facial is 75,000Rp while a spice, salt, milk Santra Putra (Map pp310-11; %977810; Penestan; Penestanan, where many artists live. Follow the paved road through the village, veering east,
or seaweed bath costs from 125,000Rp to classes per hr 100,000Rp) Intensive painting and drawing and go down through a deep cutting and back to Ubud.
150,000Rp. classes are run by abstract artist I Wayan Karja, whose studio
Milano Salon (Map p312; %973448; Monkey Forest is also on-site. Accommodation is also available, see p317.
Rd; 1-hr massage 60,000Rp; h9am-8pm) offers fa- Studio Perak (Map p312; %0812 365 1809; Jl Campuan Ridge
cials and massages in a simple setting. Goutama) This studio has a friendly atmosphere and it This 7km walk passes over the lush river valley of Sungai Wos, offering views of Gunung Agung
Ubud Sari Health Resort (Map pp310-11; specialises in Balinese-style silversmithing courses. A and glimpses of small village communities and rice fields.
The walk leaves Jl Raya Campuan at the Ibah Luxury Villas (p319). Enter the hotel driveway and
%974393; Jl Kajeng; 1-hr massage US$15; h8am-8pm) three-hour lesson, where you’ll make a finished piece,
is a spa and hotel in one. Besides a long list costs 150,000Rp. take the path to the left, where a walkway crosses the river to Pura Gunung Lebah. From there
of one-day spa and salon services, there are Threads of Life Indonesian Textile Arts Center follow the concrete path north, climbing up onto the ridge between the two rivers.
a vast range of packages that include stays (Map pp310-11; %972187;; Continuing north along the Campuan ridge, the road improves as it passes through rice paddies
at the hotel (p318). Jl Kajeng 24) Textile appreciation courses are run in the and the small village of Bangkiang Sidem. On the outskirts of the village, an unsigned road heads
Zen (Map pp310-11; %970976; Jl Hanoman; 1-hr gallery and educational studio. There is a range of classes, west, which winds down to Sungai Cerik (the west branch of Sungai Wos), then climbs steeply up
massage 75,000Rp; h9am-8pm) has a good repu- including ones lasting eight days that involves extensive to Payogan. From here you can walk south to the main road and on to the centre of Ubud.
tation. It offers body scrubs, 90-minute travel around Bali.
mandi lulur and massage treatments Penestanan & Sayan
(90,000Rp). TOURS The wonders of Sungai Ayung are the focus of this 6.5km walk, where you will walk below the
Day tours around Ubud are popular. Many luxury hotels built to take advantage of this lush, tropical river valley.
Rafting nearby attractions are quite difficult to reach Just west of the Campuan bridge, a steep uphill road, Jl Raya Penestanan, bends away to the
The nearby Sungai Ayung is the most popu- by public transport, and finding your way left and winds across the forested gully of Sungai Blangsuh to the artists’ village of Penestanan.
lar river in Bali for white-water rafting. Bali around the back roads isn’t always easy. West of Penestanan, take a small road north that curves around to Sayan and the Sayan Terrace
Adventure Tours (%721480; www.baliadventuretours All travel agencies in Ubud can arrange hotel (p313). The best place to get down to the riverside is just north of Sayan Terrace – follow
.com) offers trips down Sungai Ayung from tours, but it’s worth shopping around the narrow tracks down.
US$42 to US$66, and can combine raft- as some will include entrance fees and Head north along the eastern side of the Ayung, traversing steep slopes and rice paddies.
ing with a big choice of other outdoor some don’t. After about 1.5km you’ll reach the finishing point for many of the white-water rafting trips – a
activities. Bali Bird Walks (Map pp310-11; %975009; US$33; good but steep trail goes from there up to the main road at Kedewatan, where you can walk
Another operator offering rafting hTue, Fri, Sat & Sun 9am-12.30pm) For the keen bird- back to Ubud.
and other adventurous outings is Sobek watcher, this tour is still going strong. A gentle morning’s
(%287059; walk will give you the opportunity to see maybe 30 of the
100 or so local species. FESTIVALS & EVENTS SLEEPING
COURSES Bali Eco and Educational Cycling Tour (Bali Budaya The Ubud area is one of the best places in Ubud has hundreds of places to stay.
Ubud is a very pleasant place to spend a Tours; %975557, 081 833 6580; per person 360,000Rp) Bali to see the many religious and cultural Choices range from simple little losmen to
few weeks developing your artistic skills, For the active. Offers a combination of mountain biking events that are celebrated on the island luxurious retreats that are among the best
or learning about Balinese culture. Most (downhill!) and cultural and culinary activities. each year. in the world. Generally, Ubud accommo-
places ask that you register in advance. Ubud Tourist Information (Yayasan Bina Wisata; The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival (www dation offers good value for money at any
Cooking courses are also offered, see p87. Map p312; %973285; Jl Raya Ubud; h8am-8pm) brings together scores of price level. A simple, clean room within a
ARMA (Map pp310-11; %976659; www.armamuseum Runs interesting and affordable half- and full-day trips writers and authors from around the world family home compound is the least expen-
.com; Jl Raya Pengosekan; h9am-6pm) A cultural (125,000Rp to 200,000Rp) to a huge range of places, in a celebration of writing – especially that sive option. The midrange hotels generally
powerhouse offering classes in painting, woodcarving and including Uluwatu, Mengwi, Alas Kedaton and Tanah Lot, which touches on Bali. It is usually held in offer swimming pools and other amenities,
batik. Other courses include Balinese history, Hinduism and or Goa Gajah, Pejeng, Gunung Kawi and Kintamani. October. while the top-end hotels are often perched
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on the edges of the deep river valleys, with large rooms have hot water and fans. It’s ical garden. Rooms are decorated with local of rice paddies, this good place is about
superb views and service. (Although some a nice jaunt past rice paddies off Monkey crafts and the modern outdoor bathroom 150m down a path off Jl Bisma. The clean
very cheap places also boast amazing views Forest Rd. has hot water. Nyoman Sudiarsa, a painter rooms have exceptional views, hot water
that urge you to curl up with a book and and family member, has a studio on the and mosquito nets and are decorated with
contemplate.) East of Monkey Forest Rd grounds and offers bike tours. local handicrafts.
Addresses in Ubud can be imprecise – Small streets east of Monkey Forest Rd, in- Sama’s Cottages (Map pp310-11; %973481; Jl
but signage at the end of a road will often cluding Jl Karna, have numerous, family- NORTH OF THE CENTRE Bisma; s/d 100,000/150,000Rp; s ) This lovely
list the names of all the places to stay. Away style homestays, which are secluded but still Things get quiet as you head north from Jl little hideaway is terraced down a hill. It
from the main roads there are no street- handy to the centre. Raya Ubud, but note that some places are also has a well-maintained pool, and for
lights and it can be very difficult to find Gandra House (Map p312; %976529; Jl Karna; r almost a kilometre to the north. companionship, you can befriend the cocks
your way after dark. If walking, you will 40,000-70,000Rp) Modern bathrooms and spa- Kajeng Bungalows (Map pp310-11; %975018; Jl pecking about.
definitely want a torch (flashlight). cious gardens are the highlights of this Kajeng; r 60,000-150,000Rp; s) There are two big
cold-water 10-room place. One of several features here: a pool and a stunning set- Campuan & Penestanan
Budget on this street. ting overlooking a lush valley. The most West of Ubud but still within walking dis-

Many inexpensive family lodgings are very Sayong House (Map p312; %973305; Jl Maruti; s/d expensive rooms have hot water, tubs and tance, places in the rice paddies are pitched
small, often with just two, three or four 80,000/100,000Rp; s) At the northern end of the best views. at those seeking low-priced, longer-term
rooms. They tend to operate in clusters, so this deliciously quiet lane, Sayong has seven Gusti’s Garden Bungalows (Map pp310-11; lodgings. These places are a steep climb
you can easily look at a few before making basic hot-water rooms, and there’s a gor- % 973311;; Jl Kajeng 27; s/d up a set of concrete stairs off Jl Raya
your choice. geous pool in a private location across the 140,000/170,000Rp; s) Gusti opens onto a lav- Campuan.
lane from the rooms. ish garden, where the comfortable rooms Londo Bungalows II (Map pp310-11; %976764;
CENTRAL UBUD Sania’s House (Map p312; %975535; sania_house@ are perched overlooking a swimming pool; bungalows 60,000Rp) Off
Monkey Forest Rd; Jl Karna 7; r 150,000-250,000Rp; s) Pets with a café. Excellent valley panorama. Jl Raya Campuan, this is ridiculously cheap.
This was the first place developed for tour- wander about this family-run place, where The three simple hot-water bungalows have
ists in Ubud and there are many good-value the pool with fountains, huge terrace EAST OF THE CENTRE gorgeous rice paddy– and morning-views
places here. and large rooms will have you wagging Eka’s Homestay (Map pp310-11; %970550; Jl Sriwedari of Gunung Batukau.
Jungut Inn (Map p312; %978237; Jl Arjuna; s/d your tail. 8; r 50,000Rp) In a nice little family compound Santra Putra (Map pp310-11; % 977810; karja
30,000/40,000Rp) The torch-bearer for value on Eka’s has six peaceful cold-water rooms.; Penestan; r US$12-15) Run by inter-
budget-friendly Jl Arjuna just off Monkey Jalan Goutama It is the home of Wayan Pasek Sucipta, a nationally exhibited abstract artist I Wayan
Forest Rd, Jungut’s three rooms are bare- This charming street has several cheap, teacher of Balinese music. Karja whose studio/gallery is also on-site,
bones but very cheap. The family is usually quiet and accessible places to stay. Biangs (Map pp310-11; %976520; Jl Sukma 28; r this place has five big, open airy rooms with
sitting in the compound making offerings. Donald Homestay (Map p312; % 977156; Jl 50,000-100,000Rp) In a little garden, Biangs – hot water. Enjoy paddy-field views from
Kubu Saren (Map p312; %975704; Monkey Forest Goutama; r 40,000-70,000Rp) The four rooms – which means ‘mama’ – has six well- all vantage points. Painting and drawing
Rd; s/d 60,000/75,000Rp) This old-style simple some with hot water – are in a nice back maintained rooms, with hot water. The views classes are offered by the artist, see p314.
place has eight bungalow rooms in a dark corner of the family compound. Chickens expand as you rise up the price chart. Located off Jl Raya Campuan.
and shady compound. run about, some shortly to be turned into Suartha Pension (Map pp310-11; %974244; Jl Gerebig Bungalows (Map pp310-11; % /fax
Puri Muwa Bungalows (Map p312; %976441; satay. Hanoman 17; r 50,000-150,000Rp) There’s a charm- 974582; s/d 125,000/150,000Rp) Walking through
Monkey Forest Rd; r 75,000-125,000Rp) Near the top ing, traditional family setting here. Ikat and rice paddies 150m south of Londo Bunga-
of Monkey Forest Rd in a thicket places is North of Jalan Raya Ubud decorative features like fresh flowers strewn lows II rewards with wonderful views and
this basic family-run establishment. It’s rea- Both Jl Kajeng and Jl Suweta, leading north about make for a welcoming setting. More good-value two-storey hot-water bunga-
sonably quiet considering its location, and from Jl Raya, offer an excellent choice of expensive rooms have hot water. lows. South of Jl Raya Campuan.
everything is very mellow. Cheaper rooms budget lodgings, some quite close to the Family Guest House (Map pp310-11; %974054;
are cold-water only. centre of town.; Jl Sukma; r 80,000-350,000Rp) A Midrange
Loka House (Map p312; %973326; s/d 90,000/ Arjana Accommodation (Map p312; %975583; gem, this popular place is set in a pleasant There is no end to the options at this price
100,000Rp) Once through the lush entrance, Jl Kajeng 6; s/d 40,000/50,000Rp) The good-value garden. Healthy breakfasts featuring brown range.
Loka is a peaceful place, where the two- leader. Bathrooms are outdoors in a mini- bread are served. Some of the 12 rooms
storey main building overlooks a small carp jungle, and the simple rooms are clean. have hot water. CENTRAL UBUD
pond in the garden. The three rooms have Roja’s Bungalows (Map p312; %975107; Jl Kajeng Kunang Kunang Guest House (Map pp310-11; Nirvana Pension & Gallery (Map p312; %975415;
hot water and fans. Located off Monkey 1; r 70,000-90,000Rp) One of the first of several %976052; Jl Hanoman; r 90,000-160,000Rp) All nine; Jl Goutama 10;
Forest Rd. places on Jl Kajeng, Roja’s maintains a rooms in this quiet retreat have hot water. r 150,000-300,000Rp) There are alang alang
Ubud Terrace Bungalows (Map p312; %975690; friendly atmosphere. Rooms are clean and More money buys you sublime rice-paddy (grass) roofs, a plethora of paintings, ornate
Monkey Forest Rd; r 100,000Rp; s) Good value, as well kept; some have hot water. views from 2nd-floor rooms. doorways and modern bathrooms with hot
the basic rooms come with a pool and hot Padma Accommodation (Map p312; %977247; water here. Batik courses also take place
water.; Jl Kajeng 13; r 120,000Rp) A WEST OF THE CENTRE here (see p314).
Gayatri Bungalows 2 (Map p312; %979129; meggy very friendly place, Padma has only two Ala’s Hibiscus 2 (Map pp310-11; %/fax 970476; r Dewangga Bungalows (Map p312; % 973302;; r 150,000-200,000Rp; s) The 12 adjoining, very private bungalows in a trop- 80,000-100,000Rp) Smack bang in the middle; Jl Dewi Sita; r 150,000-
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400,000Rp) Close to Jl Goutama, the 10 rooms onto the Ubud Water Palace. Rooms are is attractive and a study in cut stone. There’s CENTRAL UBUD
here – some very large – have a variety of well back from Jl Raya Ubud, so it’s quiet. also the good Kakiang Bakery (p322). Ubud Village Hotel (Map p312; % 975571; www
wood and stone carvings, some playfully Cheaper rooms have fans.; Monkey Forest Rd; r US$70-150;
lurid. The grounds are large and decorated WEST OF THE CENTRE as) Close to Ubud’s urban action – such
with colourful mosaic tiles. NORTH OF THE CENTRE Honeymoon Guesthouse (Map pp310-11; %973282; as it is – the Village features a big pool,
Siti Bungalows (Map p312; %975699; fax 975643; Ketut’s Place (Map pp310-11; %975304; www.indo; Jl Bisma; r 325,000-550,000Rp; lush garden and 28 tasteful, fully equipped
Jl Kajeng 3; bungalows US$30-60; as) Owned .com/hotels/ketut-place; Jl Suweta 40; r US$20-48; as) s) Run by the Casa Luna (p320) clan and rooms. The hotel also has an impressive
by the family of the late Han Snel, a well- The elegant rooms here range from simple set in a family compound, there’s a high two-level restaurant and an open-air spa.
known Ubud painter for many years, this with fans to deluxe with air-con and bath- rate of return visitors, so it’s recommended Open-air bathrooms let you know you’re
quiet compound has eight bungalows and tub. All have stunning views of the pool to book ahead here. The 16 rooms have ter- in the tropics.
a small pool. Some rooms are perched right glittering down the hillside and the river races, fans and tubs. More money gets you
on the edge of the river gorge and have valley. See p321 for details on its popular fridges and better views. The café is suitably SOUTH OF THE CENTRE
sweeping views. Balinese feasts. tasty. See p87 for details about the cooking Bali Spirit Hotel & Spa (Map pp310-11; %974013;
Sri Bungalows (Map p312; % 975394; sribunga Ubud Sari Health Resort (Map pp310-11; classes held here.; Nyuhkuning Village; r US$100-

BALI; Monkey Forest Rd; r US$35; is) %974393;; Jl Kajeng; r US$25-45, 160; ais) Overlooking the Wos Valley,
Some 50m off the busy road, this place has villas US$45-75; as) There’s charming ac- Campuan & Penestanan the Bali Spirit has stylish rooms and stun-
16 bright bungalow-style rooms with hot commodation and colonic irrigation for all Just west of the Campuan bridge, steep Jl ning views. The 19 rooms tumble down the
water. The pool is large and there’s an inter- guests here. See p314 for details on the spa. Raya Penestanan branches off to the left, hillside and feature Balinese art works and
net café. Daily health classes are held and even the and climbs up and around to Penestanan. antiques. The spring-fed pool sits in a tropi-
Oka Wati Hotel (Map p312; %973386; www.oka plants in the gardens are labelled for their Melati Cottages (Map pp310-11; %974650; melati cal bowl down by the rapids. The hotel also; r US$25-60; s) Opened in 1977, medicinal qualities. The 10 rooms feature; r US$30-50; s ) You can boasts a winsome spa and complimentary
the Oki Wati is an unassuming veteran in lots of glass and white linen. quack like a classic Ubud rice-paddy duck car service to area locations.
old-Ubud style. The 19 rooms have large ve- as you stroll out to these traditional-style
randas where the delightful staff will deliver EAST OF THE CENTRE rooms set around a café by the pool. Lo- WEST OF THE CENTRE
your choice of breakfast. The décor features Matahari Cottages (Map pp310-11; %975459; www cated off Jl Raya Penestanan; walk in from Properties generally go from posh to posher
vintage details like four-poster beds. The; Jl Jembawan; r US$25-60; a) This the north or south. as you near the fabled Ayung Valley.
pool is very large and the site, off Monkey wild place has flamboyant themed rooms, Aniniraka (Map pp310-11; % 975213; www.ani Hotel Tjampuhan (Map pp310-11; % 975368;
Forest Rd, is surrounded by rice paddies including the ‘Batavia Princess’ and the ‘In-; Jl Raya Sanggingan; r US$75-125; ais); Jl Raya Campuan; r
and lush tropical foliage. dian Pasha’. The Library is a vision out of On the western side of the road in a paddy US$70, with air-con US$115; as) This venerable
Cendana Resort & Spa (Map p312; %973243; a 1920s fantasy. You can wash those men field, the inn has a soaring public area and place overlooks the confluence of Sungai; Monkey Forest Rd; r US$45- right outa your hair in the South Pacific a wonderfully situated swimming pool with Wos and Sungai Cerik. The influential Ger-
95; as) Rooms have TV and face a lone suite. Jacuzzi. The 11 rooms are attractive, with man artist Walter Spies lived here in the
paddy field. Both higher priced rooms have Alam Indah (Map pp310-11; % 974629; the current trend for dark woods and light 1930s, and his former home, which sleeps
modern bathrooms and face pools. The; Jl Nyuh Bulan; r US$50-95; fabrics well-represented. four people (US$175), is now part of the
landscaping is superb, with the two pools as) Just south of the Monkey Forest in hotel. There are shared modern bungalows
appearing to cascade over the rice paddies. Nyuhkuning, this isolated and spacious 10- Sayan & Ayung Valley in the wonderful garden. The hillside swim-
Pradha Guesthouse & Restaurant (Map p312; room resort has a good riverside location Sayan Terrace (Map pp310-11; %974384; www.sayan ming pool is especially delightful with a
%975122;; Jl Kajeng 1; r from and rooms that are beautifully finished in; Jl Raya Sayan; r US$60-150; ais) verdant view in all directions.
US$50; as) Overlooking a deep, lush pool natural materials to traditional designs. The With a million-dollar view of Sungai Ayung Ibah Luxury Villas (Map pp310-11; % 974466;
and nice café, the Pradha has six stylish Wos river-valley views are tranquil, espe- Valley below and the tops of palm trees; ste from US$250, villas from US$450;
and comfortable rooms; traffic noise from cially from the serene pool area where you stretching west, the Sayan Terrace is a good ais) Off Jl Raya Campuan, and over-
Jl Raya Ubud is minimal. can take your lunch while soaking up the place to relax. The nine rooms are large and looking the lush Wos Valley, the Ibah offers
Puri Saren Agung (Map p312; % 975057; fax sun. In the background a small waterfall open onto terraces and are best value at the an elegant environment and 18 spacious,
975137; Jl Raya Ubud; r US$50-65; a) Part of the burbles away peacefully. At night a trail of lower end of the price range. This is the stylish individual suites scattered across
Ubud royal family’s palace, this place is be- candles leads you down the winding drive site of Colin McPhee’s A House in Bali; see the hillside. The garden is decorated with
hind the courtyard where the regular dance through the trees to the hotel. The ‘com- p313 for details. stone carvings, handcrafted pots and an-
performances are held. Accommodation is mute’ to Ubud through the Monkey Forest tique doors, and the saltwater swimming
in traditional Balinese pavilions, with big is a bonus. Top End pool is set into the hillside beneath an
verandas, four-poster beds, antique fur- At this price range you have your choice of ancient-looking stone wall.
nishings and hot water. There are lots of SOUTH OF THE CENTRE prime properties in the area. The big deci-
over-stuffed chairs about. Kakiang Bungalows (Map pp310-11; % 978984; sion: close to town or not. Look for views, Sayan & Ayung Valley
Puri Saraswati Bungalows (Map p312; %975164;; Jl Raya Pengosekan; r US$50-80; expansive pools, rooms with architectural Two kilometres west of Ubud, the fast flowing; Jl Raya Ubud; r US$50-90; as) This elegant place has 10 bungalows features such as marble and/or outdoor Sungai Ayung has carved out a deep valley,
as) This 18-room place is very central with a rural design but modern conven- bathrooms and a full range of amenities. its sides sculpted into terraced rice paddies or
and pleasant, with lovely gardens that open iences. All have nice verandas. The pool area Excellent service is a given. draped in thick rainforest. Overlooking this
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verdant valley are some of the most stylish, more. Crisp salads, homemade pasta and menu of Asian classics, pasta and steaks. Australian choices. The austere interior is
luxurious and expensive hotels in Bali. simple main courses are not to be missed. Local art decorates the walls. accented by vintage travel posters.
Four Seasons Resort (Map pp310-11; %977577; The owner, Janet de Neefe, runs regular Lamak (Map p312; %974668; Monkey Forest Rd;; ste US$450, villas from US$575; Balinese cooking courses (p87). dishes 40,000-155,000Rp; h11am-midnight) Artful North of the Centre
ais) Set slightly into the valley, the Café Lotus (Map p312; %975357; Jl Raya Ubud; presentations from the eclectic menu set Roda Restaurant (Map pp310-11; Jl Kajeng 24; dishes
curved open-air reception area is looks dishes 26,000-55,000Rp) A leisurely meal at this the mood at this excellent place. The large 6000-15,000Rp) Above Threads of Life Indo-
like a Cinerama screen of virescent Ubud shady Ubud classic overlooking the lotus kitchen is open and each day there are spe- nesian Textile Art Center, Roda is a pleas-
landscape. Many of the villas have private pond is a relaxing option. The menu fea- cials of Indonesian food that are not found ant little restaurant. It has good Indonesian
pools and all units share the same amazing tures Western and Indonesian fare that’s on your average menu. Long wine list. dishes, including hard-to-find Balinese des-
views. If you don’t like green, consider a well-prepared. For 50,000Rp you can book serts, such as the Moorish jaja Bali (sticky
desert holiday. The many services include front-row seats for dance performances at EAST OF MONKEY FOREST RD rice, coconut, palm sugar and fruit steamed
a spa. Pura Taman Saraswati. Dewa Warung (Map p312; Jl Goutama; dishes 4000- in banana leaves). Roda also holds trad-
Amandari (Map p312; %975333; www.amanresorts Ary’s Warung (Map p312; %978359; Jl Raya Ubud; 10,000Rp) You feel like you’re in the country itional meals (30,000Rp per person; mini-
.com; ste from US$600; ais) In Kedewatan mains 30,000-85,000Rp) ‘Warung’ is something of at this place with its tin roof and its shady mum five people); book in advance.

village, the Amandari is unquestionably a misnomer, as crisp table linen, architec- position above the street. Inexpensive of- Ketut’s Place (Map pp310-11; %975304; Jl Suweta
classy with superb views over the paddies tural food presentation, well-trained waiters ferings include local curries. Beers are 40; feast 100,000Rp; hdinner Sun, Wed & Fri) Ketut’s
and down to the river – the main swimming and high prices won’t be found in any other cheap. famous traditional Balinese feast is an ex-
pool seems to drop right over the edge. The warung. Organic ingredients are favoured Tutmak Café (Map p312; %975754; Jl Dewi Sita; cellent introduction to Balinese life and
30 private pavilions have stone gateways on the seasonally changing menu. dishes 15,000-30,000Rp) The location here fac- customs. The range of dishes is amazing
and private gardens. They are spacious and ing both Jl Dewi Sita and the football field and the quality is tops. There’s usually an
exquisitely decorated. The best units have MONKEY FOREST RD makes this a breezy stop on a hot day. It’s interesting group, so it’s very sociable. See
their own private pool. Deli Cat (Map p312; % 971284; dishes 12,000- also a stylish one with several levels of seat- p318 for details on accommodation.
30,000Rp) A character-filled place filled with ing. Break the banana shackles and have
NORTHWEST OF UBUD characters, Deli Cat (off Monkey Forest Rd a blueberry shake or try one of the sand- East of the Centre
Begawan Giri (% 978888;; ste behind the football field) is like a little tropi- wiches, burgers, juices or coffees. Delta Dewata Supermarket (Map pp310-11;
US$500-3000; ais) Secluded in a remote cal bodega. Wine – some delightfully cheap – Kafé Batan Waru (Map p312; %977528; Jl Dewi %973049; Jl Raya Andong) Located on the east-
location 10km northwest of Ubud is the is sold along with snacks and cheese and Sita; dishes 20,000-70,000Rp; h10am-midnight) One ern side of town, this place gives you a Wal-
most fabled hotel in Bali. Set amid 20 acres larger dishes like sandwiches, meatballs and of Bali’s best restaurants, Batan Waru serves Mart–like shopping experience (vast array
of riverside forest and rice paddies, the 22 soups, including an excellent mushroom. consistently excellent Indonesian food. of goods) without the social guilt.
unique suites are grouped into five ‘resi- Try the little grilled sausages outside at the Western dishes include sandwiches and Masakan Padang (Map pp310-11; Jl Hanoman; dishes
dences’, each with its own swimming pool, tables right on the football field. Or you can salads. The care and talent in the kitchen 6000-12,000Rp; hnoon-1am) This Padang-style
library, kitchen and butler. The design by get carried away and have a bottle of French is apparent in the presentations. Most of eatery – where you choose from the plates
Cheong Yew Kuan emphasises the natural champagne for 225,000Rp – not a bad deal, the ingredients are organic. Smoked duck on display – has some of the cheapest, tasti-
surroundings and combines new and old actually. There are shared tables inside and (bebek betutu) and suckling pig (babi gul- est eats in town. Food is fresh and much of
materials from the archipelago. out and a bed if it all becomes too much. ing) can be ordered in advance. it is spicy.
Many people end their Ubud evenings with Village Café (Map pp310-11; %973229; Rona Inn, Jl
EATING a nightcap here. NORTH OF JALAN RAYA UBUD Sukma; dishes 7500-20,000Rp) Friendly staff serve
Ubud’s restaurants offer the most diverse Waroeng (Map p312; %970928; Monkey Forest Rd; Warung Ibu Oka (Map p312; Jl Suweta; dishes 15,000Rp) up the usual suspects as well as extra-tasty
and interesting food on the island. It’s a dishes from 15,000Rp) A small and artful upmar- Noontime crowds of locals opposite Ubud juice concoctions featuring watermelon,
good place to try authentic Balinese dishes, ket warung with music befitting its owners Palace are here for one thing: the Balinese- carrot and apple juice. There’s also inter-
as well as a range of other Asian and inter- (it’s behind the Jazz Café– see p322). Cre- style roast piglet. Line up and find a place at net access.
national cuisine. The quintessential Ubud ate your own nasi campur from an array of the communal tables under the shelter for L’ Arbre á Plumes (Map pp310-11; Jl Hanoman; dishes
restaurant has fresh ingredients, a delight- fresh items. one of the best meals you’ll have in Ubud. 8000-20,000Rp) There’s good northern light for
ful ambience and an eclectic menu, with Coffee & Silver (Map p312; % 975354; Monkey Order a spesial to get the best cut. letter writing at this tiny French café. Ba-
dishes fusing inspiration from around the Forest Rd; dishes 20,000-70,000Rp; h10am-midnight) Bumbu Bali Restaurant (Map p312; %974217; guette sandwiches and crepes lead the small
world. Tapas and more substantial items make up Jl Suweta 1; dishes 18,000-50,000Rp) Indian, Bal- menu. French publications line the walls.
the menu at this comfortable place with inese and vegetarian influences combine at Bali Buddha (Map pp310-11; %976324; Jl Jem-
Central Ubud seating inside and out. Vintage photos of this excellent restaurant where many of its bawan 1; dishes 12,000-35,000Rp) This second-
JALAN RAYA UBUD Ubud line the walls. Good coffee drinks. candlelit tables face Ubud Palace. Dishes storey place offers a full range of vegetarian
There’s plenty to chose from on Ubud’s Three Monkeys (Map p312; %974830; Monkey are inventive and the flavours complex. jamu (health tonics), salads, tofu curries,
main street. Forest Rd; mains 20,000-70,000Rp) A top choice, Terazo (Map p312; % 978941; Jl Suweta; dishes savoury crepes, pizza and bagels, as well as
Casa Luna (Map p312; %977409; Jl Raya Ubud; the dining room opens onto rice fields out 30,000-80,000Rp h lunch & dinner) This stylish gelato. It has a comfy lounging area and is
dishes 9000-35,000Rp) This well-known bakery back. Add in the glow of tiki torches for a place serves brilliantly presented, eclectic candlelit in the evening. The café also dou-
has a creative international menu and a de- magical effect. By day there are sandwiches, Balinese fusion cuisine. The wine list is long bles as an exhibition space for local artists.
licious range of bread, pastries, cakes and salads and gelato. At night there’s a fusion and features numerous French, Italian and On the ground floor, a market sells fresh
322 U B U D • • D r i n k i n g U B U D • • E n t e r t a i n m e n t 323

organic fruit and vegetables, other healthy One quibble: the gift shop gets bigger The cocktail list is long. It provides free nirs include leather goods, batiks, baskets
foods such as muesli and olive oil, and every year. pick-up and drop-off around Ubud. and silverware. More interesting is Ubud’s
home-baked date bars, breads and cookies. Café des Artistes (Map pp310-11; %972706; Jl Putra Bar (Map p312; Monkey Forest Rd; draught beer colourful produce market, which operates
Other items include cosmetics. Bisma 9X; dishes 22,000-86,000Rp; h10am-midnight) 12,000Rp) Ubud’s rasta wannabes hang out to a greater or lesser extent every day and is
Bebek Bengil 1 (Dirty Duck Diner; Map pp310- In a quiet and cultured perch off Jl Raya at this dark place, which features live reg- buried within Pasar Seni. It starts early in the
11; % 975489; Jl Hanoman; dishes 18,000-50,000Rp; Ubud, the popular Café des Artistes brings gae music from 9pm on Sunday, Tuesday, morning and winds up by lunch time.
h10am-10pm) This sprawling place does a Belgian food to Ubud. But the menu strays Wednesday and Friday, and movies or You can spend days in and around Ubud
special line in crispy deep-fried duck dishes. into France and Indonesia as well, with a sports telecasts on Marley-free evenings. shopping. Jl Raya Ubud, Monkey Forest Rd,
Water courses through the delightful din- foray to other places for sandwiches and Jl Hanoman and Jl Dewi Sita should be the
ing area with its low tables and cushions salads at lunch. Dinner mains show the care ENTERTAINMENT focus of your expeditions. The following is
on the floor. in the kitchen from the talented staff. Art by The joy of Ubud – and what makes people just a taste of what’s available.
locals such as Theo Zantman is on display. stay weeks instead of days – is the cultural Tegun Galeri (Map pp310-11; %973361; Jl Hanoman
South of the Centre The wicker chairs are most comfortable. entertainment. This is where you can base 44) Everything the souvenir stores are not;
Kakiang Bakery (Map pp310-11; %978984; Jl Raya yourself not only for the nightly array of beautiful handmade items from around the

Pengosekan; dishes 8000-20,000Rp; a) This mod- SANGGINGAN performances, but also to keep up with island.
ern little café is a good place for a coffee, Naughty Nuri’s (Map pp310-11; %977547; Jl Raya news of scheduled events in surrounding Thebb (Map p312; %975880; Jl Dewi Sita) Smart
a snack or sandwich. You could even share Sanggingan; dishes 15,000-50,000Rp) Huge burgers villages. and hip houseware in distinctive designs
a tart. are the speciality here – you can get them In a week in Ubud, you can see Kecak, made in Bali.
Warung Opera (Map pp310-11; %977564; Jl Raya to go. Or choose from local items or steaks, Legong and Barong dances, Mahabharata Alamkara Monkey Forest Rd (Map p312; %972213);
Pengosekan; dishes 15,000-45,000Rp) This big, open ribs and seafood. Thursday night grilled and Ramayana ballets, wayang kulit puppets Jl Dewi Sita (Map p312; %971004) One of the best
place is popular for its diverse menu of tuna specials are very popular at this rustic and gamelan orchestras. The main venues jewellery galleries in Ubud, if not Bali,
snacks, steaks, sandwiches and local fare. place, as are the martinis. are the Ubud Palace (Map p312; Jl Raya Ubud), Pa- where the craftsmanship is of a high stand-
The chicken salad and crispy duck are two Mozaic (Map pp310-11; %975768; Jl Raya Sanggin- dangtegal Dance Stage (Map pp310-11; Jl Hanoman), ard. On display are unusual, but very wear-
favourites. Many come for the sophisticated gan; menus 295,000-395,000Rp; hlunch & dinner Tue- Pura Dalem Puri (Map pp310-11; Jl Raya Ubud), the able designs in gold and silver, featuring
entertainment that includes live jazz and Sun) Chef Chris Salans has created a fine ARMA Open Stage (Map pp310-11; %976659; Jl Raya black pearls and gems. The work of foreign
blues many nights. restaurant that brings excellent French Pengosekan), and Peliatan Pura Dalem Puri (Map and local jewellers is on display.
Warung Enak (Map pp310-11; %972911; Jl Raya fusion cuisine into a lush garden setting. pp310-11; Jl Peliatan). Other performances are Treasures – a Gallery of Gold Creations (Map
Pengosekan; dishes 15,000-150,000Rp) There are One of Bali’s finest, Mozaic is consistently in nearby towns like Batuan, Mawang and p312; %976697; Jl Raya Ubud) A posh place with
peaceful rice-paddy views from the breezy popular for its high standards, putting it Kutuh. ornate and expensive gold jewellery en-
upper level of this brightly coloured place on par with top international restaurants. You can also find shadow-puppet shows – crusted with gems.
that specialises in Indonesian food. The There are many vegetarian choices. although these are greatly attenuated from Kou (Map p312; %971905; Jl Dewi Sita) Luscious
rijstaffel (selection of Indonesian dishes traditional village performances that often handmade organic soaps made locally.
served with rice) is always a good choice DRINKING last the entire night. Regular performances Breathe deep on the way in.
and you can wash it down with a long list No one comes to Ubud for wild nightlife. are held at Oka Kartini (Map pp310-11; %975193; Bali Cares (Map pp310-11; %981504; www.idep
of imported wines. A few bars do get quite lively around sun- Jl Raya Ubud; tickets 50,000Rp).; Jl Hanoman 44B) This lovely shop
Kokokan Club (Map pp310-11; %973495; Jl Raya set and later into the night, but the venues Ubud’s Tourist Information office (Yayasan Bina sells goods to benefit several local charities.
Pengosekan; mains 35,000-55,000Rp; hlunch & dinner) certainly don’t aspire to the extremes of Wisata; Map p312; %973285; Jl Raya Ubud; h8am- Items range from woodcarvings made from
On the grounds of the ARMA Resort, this beer-swilling debauchery and first-world 8pm) has performance information, and sustainable woods to paintings, handicrafts
elegant restaurant serves superb southern hip clubs found in Kuta and Seminyak. sells tickets (from 50,000Rp). For perform- and other items produced by local people.
Thai and seafood dishes. Hor mok goong Bars close early in Ubud – around 1am – ances outside Ubud, transport is usually There’s an adjoining small café.
(prawns steamed in banana leaf) is as good by local ordinance. Many places listed included in the price. Tickets are also sold Kertas Gingsir (Map p312; %973030; Jl Dewi Sita)
as you’ll find anywhere. The open-sided up- under Eating, such as Deli Cat (p320) or at the venues. Vendors sell drinks at the Specialises in interesting paper handmade
stairs dining area has an air of understated Warung Opera (left), are also good just for performances, which typically last about 90 from banana, pineapple and taro plants. If
elegance. Phone for transport. a drink. minutes. you’re a real fan, ask about factory visits.
Nomad (Map p312; %977169; Jl Raya Ubud; dishes Kites Centre (Map pp310-11; %970924; Monkey
West of the Centre 15,000-45,000Rp) There’s a barbecue here daily SHOPPING Forest Rd) There are colourful wind-born crea-
The restaurants and cafés in this section are and often a gamelan player as well. It’s a Ubud has a huge variety of quality art tions such as dragons and sailing ships. A
all pretty spread out. good central spot for a drink, especially shops, boutiques and galleries. Many places small frog goes for 25,000Rp.
Murni’s Warung (Map pp310-11; % 975233; Jl back in the dark corners. have clever and unique items made in and
Raya Campuan; dishes 16,000-50,000Rp) Since 1977 Jazz Café (Map pp310-11; %976594; Jl Sukma 2; around the area. GETTING THERE & AWAY
Murni’s has been an Ubud favourite. The dishes 35,000-60,000Rp; h5pm-midnight) An expat The euphemistically named Pasar Seni Bemo
setting is beautiful and a four-level din- meeting place, Jazz Café has a relaxed at- (Art Market; Map p312; Jl Raya Ubud) is a busy two- Ubud is on two bemo routes. Orange bemos
ing room overlooks the lush river valley. mosphere in a garden of coconut palms storey place that sells a wide range of clothing, travel from Gianyar to Ubud (7000Rp) and
The diverse menu includes many desserts. and ferns, good Asian fusion food and live sarongs, footwear and souvenirs of variable larger brown bemos from Batubulan ter-
There’s a nice bar on the 2nd level down. music Tuesday to Saturday from 7.30pm. quality at negotiable prices. Decent souve- minal in Denpasar to Ubud (6000Rp), and
324 A R O U N D U B U D • • B e d u l u A R O U N D U B U D • • B e d u l u 325

then head to Kintamani via Payangan. Ubud charge is around 20,000Rp per day. Ask at Java. He was eventually defeated by Gajah peering from behind her doorway), and the
doesn’t have a bemo terminal; bemos stop your accommodation. Mada in 1343. The capital shifted several position and movement of the figures sug-
near the market in the centre of town. times after this, to Gelgel and then later to gests that it could be read from left to right
Car & Motorcycle Semarapura. as a story. One theory is that they are events
Taxi With numerous nearby attractions, many from the life of Krishna, the Hindu god.
There are very few taxis in Ubud – those that of which are difficult to reach by bemo, Sights The Ganesh figures of Yeh Pulu and
honk their horns at you have usually dropped renting a vehicle is sensible. Ask at your GOA GAJAH Goa Gajah are similar, indicating a close
off passengers from southern Bali in Ubud accommodation. About 1km east of Teges is Goa Gajah (Elephant relationship between the two sites. You
and are hoping for a fare back. Instead, use Cave; Map pp310-11; adult/child 4100/2100Rp, car parking can walk between the sites, following small
one of the drivers with private vehicles hang- 1000Rp, motorbike parking 300Rp; h8am-6pm). The paths through the rice fields, but you might
ing around on the street corners. AROUND UBUD origins of the cave are uncertain – one tale
relates that it was created by the fingernail
need to pay a local to guide you. If travel-
ling by car or bicycle, look for the signs to
Tourist Shuttle Bus %0361 of the legendary giant Kebo Iwa. It probably ‘Relief Yeh Pulu’ or ‘Villa Yeh Pulu’ east of
Perama (Map pp310-11; % 973316; Jl Hanoman; The region east and north of Ubud has dates at least to the 11th century, and it was Goa Gajah. The entry fee includes a small

h9am-9pm) is the major tourist shuttle op- many of the most ancient monuments and certainly in existence at the time of the Ma- brochure with an explanation in creative
erator, but its terminal is inconveniently relics in Bali. Many of them predate the japahit takeover of Bali. In modern times English.
located in Padangtegal; to get to your final Majapahit era and raise as yet unanswered the cave was rediscovered by Dutch archae-
destination in Ubud will cost another questions about Bali’s history. Some are ologists in 1923; the fountains and bathing PURA SAMUAN TIGA
5000Rp. See the boxed text (below) for in- more recent, and newer structures have pool were not unearthed until 1954. The majestic Pura Samuan Tiga (Temple of the
formation on fares. also been built on and around the ancient The small cave is carved into a rock face Meeting of the Three; Map pp310-11) is about 200m
remains. They’re interesting to history and and you enter through the cavernous mouth east of the Bedulu junction. The name is
GETTING AROUND archaeology buffs but, with the exception of a demon. The gigantic fingertips pressed possibly a reference to the Hindu trinity,
To/From the Airport of Gunung Kawi and Yeh Pulu, which are beside the face of the demon push back a or it may refer to meetings held here in
Prepaid taxis from the airport to Ubud cost both very impressive and beautiful, may not riotous jungle of surrounding stone carv- the early 11th century. Despite these early
175,000Rp. A taxi or car with driver to the be so interesting to others. Perhaps the best ings. Inside the T-shaped cave you can see associations, all the temple buildings have
airport will cost about half. approach is to plan a whole day walking fragmentary remains of lingam, the phallic been rebuilt since the 1917 earthquake. The
or cycling around the area, stopping at the symbols of the Hindu god Shiva, and their imposing main gate was designed and built
Bemo places that interest you, but not treating any female counterpart the yoni, plus a statue by I Gusti Nyoman Lempad, one of Bali’s
Bemos don’t directly link Ubud with nearby as a destination in itself. of the elephant-headed god Ganesh. In the renowned artists and a native of Bedulu.
villages; you’ll have to catch one going to If you’re travelling by public transport, courtyard in front of the cave are two square
Denpasar, Gianyar, Pujung or Kintamani start early and take a bemo to the Bedulu bathing pools with water gushing into them MUSEUM PURBAKALA
and get off where you need to. Small bemos intersection, and another to Tirta Empul from waterspouts held by six female figures. This archaeological museum (Map pp310-11;
to Gianyar travel along eastern Jl Raya, (about 15km from Ubud). See the temple To the left of the cave entrance, in a small % 942354; Jl Raya Tampaksiring; admission by dona-
down Jl Peliatan and east to Bedulu. To of Tirta Empul, then follow the path beside pavilion, is a statue of Hariti, surrounded tion; h8am-3pm Mon-Thu, 8am-12.30pm Fri) has a
Pujung, bemos head east along Jl Raya and the river down to Gunung Kawi – you may by children. In Buddhist lore, Hariti was reasonable collection of artefacts from all
then north through Andong and past the need to ask directions. From there you can an evil woman who devoured children, but over Bali, and most displays are in English.
turn-off to Petulu. Larger brown bemos to return to the main road and walk downhill under the influence of Buddhism she re- The exhibits in several small buildings in-
Batubulan terminal go east along Jl Raya about 8km to Pejeng, or flag down a bemo formed completely to become a protector clude some of Bali’s first pottery from near
and down Jl Hanoman. going towards Gianyar. The temples and of children and a symbol of fertility. Gilimanuk, and sarcophagi dating from as
museum at Pejeng and the archaeological If you’re travelling independently, arrive early as 300 BC – some originating from
Bicycle sites at Bedulu are all within about 3km of before 10am, when the tour groups start Bangli are carved in the shape of a turtle,
Many shops, agencies and hotels in central each other. to arrive. which has important cosmic associations in
Ubud rent mountain bikes. The standard South of Ubud, the main road connect- Balinese mythology. The museum is about
ing the region to South Bali is lined with lit- YEH PULU 500m north of the Bedulu junction, and
erally hundreds of craft and artisan shops. This 25m-long carved cliff face (Map pp310-11; easy to reach by bemo or by bicycle.
PERAMA TOURIST SHUTTLE BUSES Stone and wood are carved into a myriad adult/child 4100/2100Rp; h8am-6pm) is believed to
FROM UBUD shapes – including custom orders – and you be a hermitage dating from the late 14th Getting There & Away
Destination Fare (Rp) won’t want for jewellery. century. It was rediscovered by a local of- About 3km east of Teges, the road from
ficial in 1925, and excavated by the Dutch Ubud reaches a junction where you can
Candidasa 40,000 BEDULU in 1929. Apart from the figure of elephant- turn south to Gianyar or north to Pejeng,
Kuta 30,000 Bedulu was once the capital of a great headed Ganesh, the son of Shiva, there are Tampaksiring and Penelokan. Any Ubud
Lovina 70,000 kingdom. The legendary Dalem Bedaulu no obviously religious scenes here. The to Gianyar bemo will drop you off at the
Padangbai 40,000 ruled the Pejeng dynasty from here, and energetic frieze includes various scenes Bedulu junction, from where you can walk.
Sanur 20,000 was the last Balinese king to withstand the of everyday life (check out the horse and The road from Ubud is reasonably flat, so
onslaught of the powerful Majapahits from owner struggling uphill and the woman coming by bicycle is a good option.
326 A R O U N D U B U D • • Pe j e n g A R O U N D U B U D • • N o r t h o f U b u d 327

PEJENG h7am-5pm). From the end of the access road bubble up into a large, crystal-clear tank some quieter back roads where much of the
Further up the road to Tampaksiring is a steep stone stairway leads down to the within the temple and gush out through craft work is done in small workshops and
Pejeng and its famous temples. Like Bedulu, river, at one point making a cutting through waterspouts into a bathing pool. Despite its family compounds; this means the selection
Pejeng was once an important seat of power, an embankment of solid rock. There, in the antiquity, the temple looks glossy and new – is better, and cutting out the retailer means
the capital of the Pejeng kingdom, which bottom of this lush green valley, is one of it was totally restored in the late 1960s – but that prices are cheaper and more money
fell to the Majapahit invaders in 1343. Bali’s oldest, most charming and certainly you still need to wear long pants or a temple stays with the craftsperson.
largest ancient monuments. sarong. The bathing pools can be visited, There are regular bemos along this route,
Pura Kebo Edan Gunung Kawi consists of 10 rock-cut but you probably won’t be able to bathe but if you want to stop at craft workshops
Also called the Crazy Buffalo Temple (Map candi (shrines), memorials cut out of the in them. it’s more convenient to have your own
pp310-11; h7am-6pm), this is not an impos- rock face in imitation of actual statues. They Overlooking Tirta Empul springs is transport so you can explore the back roads
ing structure but is famous for its 3m-high stand in 7m-high sheltered niches cut into Soekarno’s palace, Istana Negara. It’s a sim- and carry your purchases without any has-
statue, known as the Giant of Pejeng and the sheer cliff face. A solitary candi stands ple single-storey structure built on a ridge, sles. If you decide to charter a vehicle, the
thought to be about 700 years old. The tem- about 1km further down the valley to the and was designed by Soekarno himself. It driver may receive a commission from any
ple is a place where prayer and offerings are south; this is reached by a trek through was erected in 1954 on the site of a Dutch place you spend your money – this can add

thought to cure sick animals. It’s on the the rice paddies on the western side of the rest house. It’s sometimes open to the 10% or more to the cost of purchases. Also,
western side of the road. river. Each is believed to be a memorial to public. a driver may steer you to workshops or ar-
a member of 11th-century Balinese royalty, The exit route from the temple is through tisans that he favours, rather than those of
Pura Pusering Jagat but little is known for certain. Legends re- a lengthy warren of souvenir stalls – grit most interest to you.
This large temple (Navel of the World Temple; Map late that the whole group of memorials was your teeth and follow the painted arrows on
pp310-11) is said to be the centre of the old carved out of the rock face in one hard- the ground to find your way out. Mas
Pejeng kingdom. Dating from 1329, it is working night by the mighty fingernails of Mas means ‘gold’, but woodcarving, particu-
visited by young couples who pray at the Kebo Iwa. Getting There & Away larly mask carving, is the craft practised
stone lingam and yoni. Further back is a The five monuments on the eastern bank Tampaksiring is an easy day trip from Ubud, here. The road through Mas is lined with
large stone urn with elaborate but worn are probably dedicated to King Udayana, or a stopover between Ubud and Danau craft shops for the tour-bus loads, but there
carvings of gods and demons searching for Queen Mahendradatta, their son Airlangga Batur. If travelling by bemo, get a connec- are plenty of smaller carving operations in
the elixir of life in a depiction of the Mahab- and his brothers Anak Wungsu and Mar- tion in Bedulu. Tirta Empul and Gunung the back lanes.
harata tale ‘Churning the Sea of Milk’. The akata. While Airlangga ruled eastern Java, Kawi are easy to find along the Penelokan Along the main road in Mas is the Taman
temple is on a small track running west of Anak Wungsu ruled Bali. The four monu- to Ubud road, and are only about 1.5km Harum Cottages (% 975567; www.tamanharum
the main road. ments on the western side are, according apart.; r from US$35, villas US$50-75; as).
to this theory, dedicated to Anak Wungsu’s There are 17 rooms and villas – some are
Pura Penataran Sasih chief concubines. Another theory is that NORTH OF UBUD quite large and excellent value. By all means
This temple (Map pp310-11; Jl Raya Tampaksiring) was the whole complex is dedicated to Anak The usual road from Ubud to Batur is get one overlooking the paddy fields. It has
once the state temple of the Pejeng king- Wungsu, his wives, concubines and, in through Tampaksiring, but there are other a gallery, which is a venue for a range of art
dom. In the inner courtyard, high up in a the case of the remote 10th candi, a royal lesser roads up the gentle mountain slope. and cultural courses.
pavilion and difficult to see in any detail, is minister. One of the most attractive goes north from
the huge bronze drum known as the Moon of The steps require a steep 10-minute hike Peliatan, past Petulu, and through Tegal- Batuan
Pejeng. The hourglass-shaped drum is more up on the way back. The valley is hot and lalang and Pujung, to bring you out on the Batuan is a noted painting centre with a
than 2m long, the largest single-piece cast doesn’t get much breeze, so wear a hat and crater rim between Penelokan and Batur. number of art galleries. It came under the
drum in the world. Estimates of its age vary take water. The hawkers are persistent, but It’s a sealed road all the way. Tegallalang, influence of Bonnet, Spies and the Pita
from 1000 to 2000 years, and it is not cer- there are, thankfully, few within the tem- Jati and Pujung are all noted woodcarving Maha artists’ cooperative at an early stage.
tain whether it was made locally. ple compound itself. You’ll need a temple centres. Traditionally, Batuan painters produced
sarong and sash, and if you’re travelling A good lunch stop about 12km from dynamic black-ink drawings, but the newer
TAMPAKSIRING independently go early or late to avoid the Ubud, with picturesque paddy-field views, ‘Batuan style’ of painting is noted for in-
Tampaksiring is a small town where Gu- tour groups; it’s simply a wonderful place is Blue Yogi Cafe (%901368; dishes 15,000-40,000Rp; cluding a large number of different subjects
nung Kawi, the most impressive ancient when it’s quiet. h8am-5pm). After lunch, walk things off in a single canvas, even the odd windsurfer
monument in Bali, is located. There’s also with a stroll among the rice. or a tourist with a video camera. Batuan
a large and important temple, with bath- TIRTA EMPUL is also noted for the ancient Gambuh
ing pools, nearby at Tirta Empul. There is A well-signposted fork in the road north of SOUTH OF UBUD dance performed in the pura puseh every
nowhere to stay in Tampaksiring. Tampaksiring leads to the holy springs at The road from Ubud to Denpasar, Sanur full moon.
Tirta Empul (adult/child 4100/2100Rp; h8am-6pm). and South Bali, via Mas, Batuan, Sukawati,
Sights Founded in 962, the springs are believed to Celuk and Batubulan is lined with places Taman Burung Bali Bird Park & Rimba
GUNUNG KAWI have magical powers, so the temple is im- making and selling handicrafts. (You may Reptil Park
On the southern outskirts of town a sign portant. The springs are a source of Sungai not have realised there could be so many Just north of Tegaltama, the bird park
points east off the main road to the won- Pakerisan, which rushes by Gunung Kawi stone-carvers on one island.) Many tourists (%299352;; adult/child US$8/4;
drous Gunung Kawi (adult/child 4100/2100Rp; only 1km or so away. The actual springs stop and shop along this route, but there are h8am-6pm) boasts more than 1000 birds
328 E A S T B A L I • • G i a n y a r E A S T B A L I • • B a n g l i 329

from over 250 species, including rare cen- statues beside the road, and you’re welcome EAST BALI 0
5 km
3 miles
drawasih (birds of paradise) from Papua and to watch the workers, many of them young
To Tejakula (28km);
highly endangered Bali starlings – many of boys, chipping away at big blocks of soft Yeh Sanih (42km);
Singaraja (58km)
which are housed in special walk-through volcanic stone.
aviaries. The 2 hectares of landscaped gar- Batubulan also has some well-regarded Danau
dens feature a fine collection of tropical dance troupes. Dances are performed daily at
plants and a couple of non-native Komodo several venues along the road, with Barong Gunung
Penelokan Liberty
dragons. usually at 9.30am and Fire and/or Kecak (2152m) Tulamben
Next door, Rimba Reptil Park (%299344; dances at 6.30pm. The shows last for an SEA
adult/child US$8/4; h8am-6pm) has about 20 spe- hour or so, and cost 50,000Rp. The pura Region

cies of creatures from Indonesia and Africa, puseh, about 200m to the east of the busy Gunung
including turtles, crocodiles, a python and main road, is worth a visit; there may be a (3142m) Jemeluk
more Komodo dragons. morning Barong dance performed there. Dalah Culik
Both places are popular with kids. You Batubulan is the major bemo terminal Pura

Besakih Lebih Pura Pasar Lipah
can buy a combination ticket to both parks for eastern and central Bali – see p306 for Agung Tanah Aron Bangli Selang
(adult/child US$15/7.50). Allow at least two details. Abang
Ngis Gunung
Kemuda Lempuyang Aas

hours for the bird park alone, which also Desi

Pura (1058m)
has a good restaurant.
Menanga Sebudi Bukit Tirta
To Gangga Basangalas Seraya
Many tours stop at the parks, or you can Tampaksiring
(2km) Muncan
Krotok Tauka
take a Batubulan–Ubud bemo, get off at Rendang
the junction at Tegaltamu and follow the The eastern end of Bali is dominated by Selat Duda

signs north for about 600m. There is a large the mighty Gunung Agung, the ‘navel of Demulih
Sibetan Soan


Bangli Iseh Subagan


parking lot. the world’ and Bali’s ‘mother mountain’. Ujung


Tenganan Asak Taman Ujung

The slopes of this and the other peaks at Bukit Jambal Sidemen

ai Pakerisan
Tabola Manggis Jasri


this end of the island hold some of the Perasi

Sengkidu Pura

Sukawati is a centre for the manufacture most verdant rice fields and tropical vistas Gamang


ai Be

of wind chimes, temple umbrellas and lon- you can imagine. It’s a good place to have Pura Mendira Pasir

Dalem Candidasa Putih Gili Biaha
tar (palm leaf) baskets dyed with intricate your own transport, as you can simply ‘get Tihingan Semarapura Teluk Amuk Gili Mimpang
Sidan (Klungkung) Padangbai
patterns. It has a busy craft market in an lost’ wandering side roads and revel in the Gianyar
Peteluan Dawan Pura Goa
Gili Tepekong
obvious, two-storey building on the main exquisite scenery. To Ubud
road – bemos stop right outside. Every type At the coast, there are attractive beaches (10km);
Kusamba To Lombok
of quality craftwork and touristy trinket is galore, especially those south of Semara- (28km) Siyut
Pura Batu

on sale, at cheap prices for those who bar- pura, that are now easily accessible thanks Lebih Kolok
gain hard. Across the road is the colour- to the ever-lengthening coastal road. Add Pura Pantai Pura Klotek Lombok
Segara Beach Beach
ful morning produce-market, with the old in some ancient cultural sites and the popu- Masceti Tegal Basar

royal palace behind; it’s worth a stop. lar areas of Candidasa and Amed and you Beach
To Nusa Penida
Wayang kulit (shadow puppets) and to- have an area that will figure in the itinerary
peng (masks) are also made in the back- of anyone who breaks free from the South
streets of Sukawati and in Puaya, about 1km Bali–Ubud juggernaut. palace architecture, and though foreigners an interesting temple and cultural centre,
northwest of the main road. are not normally allowed inside, you can get though if there’s no ceremony or festival
GIANYAR a good sense of it from the outside. happening, it’s pretty quiet.
Celuk %0361 Gianyar’s warung on the main street and
Celuk is a silver- and gold-smithing centre with Gianyar is the capital of Gianyar district market are noted for their fine babi guling Sights
numerous jewellery specialists and a wide (which includes Ubud). It has some small (roast pig), a local speciality. PURA KEHEN
variety of pieces on sale. Most of the work is textile factories on the west side of town, where Regular bemo travel is between the main Pura Kehen (admission 4100Rp; h9am-5pm), the
done in workshops in the back streets; after you can see ikat being woven and buy fabric terminal in Gianyar and Batubulan terminal state temple of the Bangli kingdom, is one
the main line of showrooms turn left (if and clothes. It’s a place that most tourists will (8000Rp). Gianyar is the junction for Ubud of the finest temples in east Bali; it’s a little
you’re coming from Denpasar) into Jl Jaga- pass through, rather than spend time in. and Tampaksiring. The bemo terminal is like a miniature version of Pura Besakih.
raga and check out the artisans at work. The Gianyar royal family saved its pal- on the west side of town, about 500 metres The temple is terraced up the hillside,
ace, and its position, by capitulating to the from the centre. with a great flight of steps leading to the
Batubulan Dutch. The original 18th-century Puri Gianyar beautifully decorated entrance. The first
Stonecarving is the main craft of Batubu- was destroyed in a conflict with the Klung- BANGLI courtyard has a huge banyan tree with
lan, which means ‘moon stone’, and the kung kingdom in the mid-1880s, was rebuilt %0366 a kulkul (alarm drum) entwined in its
temples around Batubulan are noted for and then severely damaged again in the 1917 Halfway up the slope to Penelokan, Ban- branches. The inner courtyard has a meru
their fine sculptures. You’ll see hundreds of earthquake. It’s a fine example of traditional gli – once the capital of a kingdom – has (multiroofed shrine) with 11 roofs, and
330 E A S T B A L I • • S e m a r a p u r a ( K l u n g k u n g ) Book accommodation online
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thrones for the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Sleeping & Eating Sights Perama shuttle buses between South Bali
Shiva and Vishnu. The carvings are par- A pasar malam (night market), on the SEMARA PURA COMPLEX or Ubud and the east will stop in Semara-
ticularly intricate. street beside the bemo terminal, has some When the Dewa Agung dynasty moved pura on request, although this may change
Tickets are sold at a gate about 100m excellent warung, and you’ll also find some here in 1710, a new palace, the Semara Pura when the coastal road is completed.
to the west, but there may not be anyone in the market area during the day. (adult/child 5000/2000Rp, parking 1000Rp; h7am-6pm),
there. Some sleepy souvenir stalls are in the Artha Sastra Inn (% 91179; Jl Merdeka; s/d was established. Most of the original palace AROUND SEMARAPURA
car park, a few metres to the east of the 35,000/50,000Rp) Still run by descendants of and grounds were destroyed during Dutch Nyoman Gunarsa, one of the most re-
temple gate. the last royal family, Artha Sastra is a bare- attacks in 1908, and the Pemedal Agung, the spected and successful modern artists in
bones former royal residence and is cheap gateway on the southern side of the square, Indonesia, established the Museum Seni
PURA DALEM PENUNGGEKAN and friendly. is all that remains of the palace itself – the Lukis Klasik (% 0366-22255; adult/child 20,000Rp/
Just south of the centre, the exterior wall of carved wooden doors are beautiful. free; h9am-4pm), a museum and arts centre,
this fascinating ‘temple of the dead’ features Getting There & Away near his home village. The huge three-
vivid relief carvings of wrong-doers getting Bangli is located on the main road between Kertha Gosa storey building exhibits an impressive var-
their just desserts in the afterlife. One panel Denpasar’s Batubulan terminal (9000Rp) The ‘Hall of Justice’ was effectively the su- iety of older pieces, including carvings in

addresses the lurid fate of adulterers (men and Gunung Batur, via Penelokan. preme court of the Klungkung kingdom, stone and wood, architectural antiques,
may find the viewing uncomfortable). Other where disputes and cases that could not be masks, ceramics and textiles. Many of the
panels portray sinners as monkeys, while SEMARAPURA (KLUNGKUNG) settled at the village level were brought. This classical paintings are on bark paper and
another is a good representation of evil- %0366 open-sided pavilion is a superb example of are some of the oldest surviving examples
doers begging to be spared the fires of hell. Semarapura was once the centre of Bali’s Klungkung architecture, and its ceiling is of this style. The top floor is devoted to
most important kingdom, and a great artis- covered with fine paintings in the Klung- Gunarsa’s own work of colourful, semi-
BUKIT DEMULIH tic and cultural focal point. But on 28 April kung style. The paintings, done on asbestos abstract depictions of traditional dancers
Approximately 3km west of Bangli is the 1908 it was the site of a terrible puputan, sheeting, were installed in the 1940s, replac- and musicians.
village of Demulih and a hill known as one of the battles when Balinese – armed ing cloth paintings that had deteriorated. The museum is about 6km west from
Bukit Demulih. If you can’t find the sign only with hand-weapons – fought to an Semarapura, near a bend on the road to
pointing to it, ask the local children to di- honourable death rather than surrender to Bale Kambang Denpasar – look for the dummy policemen
rect you. After a short climb up to the top, the bullet-spraying Dutch. Today the re- The ceiling of the beautiful ‘Floating Pavil- at the base of a large statue nearby.
you’ll see a small temple with good views mains of the palace make for a fascinating ion’ is painted in Klungkung style. As in the
back over Bangli and southern Bali. stop on your eastern explorations. Kertha Gosa, the different rows of paintings SIDEMEN ROAD
On the way, a steep side road leads down The town is still commonly called Klung- deal with different subjects. The first row is %0366
to Tirta Buana, a public swimming pool in a kung, but has been officially renamed Se- based on the astrological calendar; the sec- A less-travelled road to Pura Besakih goes
lovely location deep in the valley, visible marapura; the latter appears on most signs ond on the folk tale of Pan and Men Brayut northeast from Semarapura, via Sidemen
through the trees from the road above. You and maps. Even if the coastal road is com- and their 18 children; and the upper rows and Iseh, to the Rendang–Amlapura road.
can take a vehicle most of the way down, pleted and you no longer need to detour on the adventures of the hero Sutasona. The area offers marvellous paddy-field
but the track peters out and you’ll need to through Semarapura, it will remain an im- scenery, a delightful rural character and
walk the last 100m or so. portant stop for visitors. Museum Semarajaya exciting views of Gunung Agung (when the
This recently renovated museum has an clouds permit). The road is in good shape
interesting collection of archaeological and and regular bemos shuttle up and down
BALI’S ‘NEW’ BEACHES other pieces. There are exhibits of song- from Semarapura.
The new road running from Sanur east along the coast has made it easy to get to large stretches ket weaving, salt-making, palm toddy and Sidemen has a spectacular location and
of shore that were until recently pretty inaccessible. palm-sugar extraction, and a moving dis- is a centre for culture and arts, particu-
The coast is striking, with seaside temples, black-sand beaches and pounding waves. Here are play about the 1908 puputan, along with larly endek (ikat) cloth and songket, which
some places worth exploring, starting in the west and heading east. some interesting old photos. is woven with threads of silver and gold.
Pura Masceti One of Bali’s most important temples, is on the beach. Gaudy statuary and a few drink vendors German artist Walter Spies lived in Iseh for
complete the scene. Getting There & Away some time from 1932 in order to escape the
Pura Segara Looks across the strait to Nusa Penida, home of Jero Gede Macaling – the temple helps protect Bali Frequent bemos from Denpasar (Batubu- perpetual party of his own making in Ubud.
from his evil influence. The site is very quiet. lan terminal) pass through Semarapura Later, the Swiss painter, Theo Meier, nearly
Lebih Has a beach made of mica that sparkles with a billion points of light. There are a couple of cafés. (9000Rp) on the way to Padangbai, Am- as famous as Spies for his influence on Bali-
Tegal Basar Beach A turtle sanctuary with a good view of Nusa Lembongan. lapura, Selat and Singaraja. They can be nese art, lived in the same house.
Pantai Beach A must for fans of the tautological (pantai means beach). There’s a tiny café and long row of dunes hailed from near the Puputan Monument. There are many walks throughout the
at this picture-perfect spot. Bemos heading north to Besakih verdant valley.
Pura Klotek Beach Has a small temple and some very fine black sand. (9000Rp) leave from the centre of Sema-
rapura, a block northeast of Kertha Gosa. Sleeping & Eating
Note that swimming in the often pounding surf is dangerous. You’ll need your own transport to Most other bemos leave from the incon- Near the centre of Sidemen, a small road
visit these places and you’ll find services are few, so bring your own water and towels. venient Terminal Kelod, about 2km south heads west, signposted with the names of
of the city centre. several places to stay. Views throughout the
332 E A S T B A L I • • Pu r a B e s a k i h Book accommodation online
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area are often spectacular, from terraced experience due to the avarice of numerous tourists are not allowed inside this temple. complex built for the water-loving rajah of
green hills to Gunung Agung. Places to stay local characters. See the boxed text, below, The other temples – all with individual sig- Karangasem. It’s a good spot for a picnic
always have restaurants. for the details, which may well help you nificance and often closed to visitors – are if you’ve got time and your own transport,
Lihat Sawah (%/fax 24183; r 150,000-250,000Rp) decide whether to skip it. markedly less scenic. but it’s not a place for swimming.
Take the right fork in the road to this very When it’s mist-free, the view down to the The scenic road finishes at Bebandem,
friendly place with great gardens. All nine Orientation coast is superb. where there’s a cattle market every three
rooms (the cheapest have cold water) have The main entrance is 2km south of the days, with plenty of other stuff for sale as
views of the valley and mountain. The complex on the road from Menanga and Getting There & Away well. Bebandem and several nearby villages
surrounding rice fields course with water. the south. The fees are as follows: adult/ The best way to visit is with your own trans- are home to members of the traditional
Lihat Sawah also has food on offer – dishes child 7500/6000Rp, still camera 1000Rp, portation, which allows you to explore the metalworkers caste, which includes silver-
cost 12,500Rp to 25,000Rp. video camera 2500Rp and car park 1000Rp. many gorgeous drives in the area. smiths and blacksmiths.
Patal Kikian (%/fax 23005; villas US$50-70; s) The fact that you may well be charged for a You can visit by bemo from Semarapura
Two kilometres north of Sideman, look for video camera whether you have one or not (9000Rp), but from other parts of Bali this GUNUNG AGUNG
a steep driveway on the eastern side of the gives you a taste of things to come. can make the outing an all-day affair. Be Bali’s highest and most revered mountain,

road. This retreat has four spacious, styl- About 200m past the ticket office, there sure to ask the driver to take you to the tem- Gunung Agung is an imposing peak seen
ishly furnished villas with vast verandas is a fork in the road with a sign indicat- ple entrance, not to the village about 1km from most of South and East Bali, although
overlooking terraced hillsides for one of ing Besakih to the right and Kintamani to from the temple complex. Make certain you it’s often obscured by cloud and mist. Many
the best views in East Bali. Rates include the left. Go left because going to the right leave the temple by 3pm if you want to references give its height as 3142m, but
all meals, which are served as private ban- puts you in a large parking lot at the bot- return to either Semarapura or Denpasar some say it lost its top in the 1963 eruption
quets on your own veranda. Rooms have tom of a hill some 300m from the complex. by bemo. and opinion varies as to the real height.
hot water and there is a soaking pool. Going past the road to Kintamani, where The summit is an oval crater, about 700m
Sacred Mountain Sanctuary (%24330; there is another ticket office, puts you in RENDANG TO AMLAPURA ROAD across, with its highest point on the western; villas US$90-140;is) a parking lot only 20m from the complex. %0366 edge above Besakih.
Close to the river, this remote and rusti- Snack stands and warung are found along A scenic road goes around the southern
cated resort has a New Age vibe and a huge the trash-strewn approaches and at both slopes of Gunung Agung from Rendang to Climbing Gunung Agung
spring-fed swimming pool. The 19 bamboo parking lots. near Amlapura. It runs through some su- It’s possible to climb Agung from vari-
villas have open-air bathrooms and many perb countryside, descending more or less ous directions. The two shortest and most
artistic touches. The resort can arrange treks Sights gradually as it goes further east. popular routes are from Pura Besakih, on
of Gunung Agung (from US$55), as well as The largest and most important temple is Starting in the west, Rendang is an at- the southwest side of the mountain, and
a range of courses. Massage is available, as is Pura Penataran Agung. It is built on six levels, tractive town, easily reached by bemo from from Pura Pasar Agung, on the southern
food (dishes 20,000Rp to 35,000Rp). terraced up the slope, with the entrance ap- Semarapura or via a particularly pretty slopes. The latter route goes to the lower
proached from below, up a flight of steps. minor road from Bangli. About 4km along edge of the crater rim (2900m), but you
PURA BESAKIH This entrance is an imposing candi bentar a winding road is the old-fashioned village can’t make your way from there around
Perched nearly 1000m up the side of Gu- (split gateway) and, beyond it, the even of Muncan with its quaint shingle roofs. to the very highest point. You’ll have great
nung Agung is Bali’s most important tem- more impressive kori agung is the gateway The road then passes through some of views south and east, but you won’t be able
ple, Pura Besakih. In fact, it is an extensive to the second courtyard. It’s most enjoy- the most attractive rice country in Bali be- to see central Bali.
complex of 23 separate-but-related temples, able during one of the frequent festivals, fore reaching Selat, where you turn north To have the best chance of seeing the
with the largest and most important being when hundreds, perhaps thousands, of to get to Pura Pasar Agung, a starting point view before the clouds form, get to the top
Pura Penataran Agung. Unfortunately, gorgeously dressed devotees turn up with for climbing Gunung Agung. Puri Agung Inn before 8am. You’ll have to start at night, so
many people find it a deeply disappointing beautifully arranged offerings. Note that (%23037; r 125,000-175,000Rp) has 10 clean and plan your climb when there will be some
comfortable rooms with rice-field views. moonlight. Take a strong flashlight, extra
Here you can arrange rice-field walks or batteries, plenty of water (2L per person),
AN UNHOLY EXPERIENCE climbs up Gunung Agung (right). snack food, waterproof clothing and a warm
So intrusive are the scams and irritations faced by visitors to Besakih that many wish they had Further on is Duda, where the scenic Side- jumper (sweater). The descent is especially
skipped the complex altogether. What follows are some of the ploys you should be aware of men Road (p331) branches southwest to hard on the feet, so you’ll appreciate strong
before a visit. Semarapura. shoes or boots and pedicured toes.
Continuing east, Sibetan is famous for You should take a guide for either route.
„ Near the main parking area is a building labelled Tourist Information Office. Guides here may
growing salak, the delicious fruit with a Early in the climb the guide will stop at a
emphatically tell you that you need their services. You don’t. You may always walk among the
curious ‘snakeskin’ covering that you can shrine to make an offering and say some
temples. No ‘guide’ can get you into a closed temple.
buy between December and April. Salak prayers. This is a holy mountain and you
„ Other ‘guides’ may foist their services on you throughout your visit. There have been reports are the spiky low palm trees you’ll see, and should show respect.
of people agreeing to a guide’s services only to be hit with a huge fee at the end. the fruit grows in clusters at the base of the It’s best to climb during the dry season
„ Once inside the complex, you may receive offers to ‘come pray with me’. Visitors who seize trunks. Nearby, a poorly signposted road (April to September); July to September are
on this chance to get into a forbidden temple can face demands of 50,000Rp or more. leads north to Jungutan, with its Tirta Te- the most reliable months. At other times,
laga Tista, a pleasant fish pool and garden the paths can be slippery and dangerous
334 E A S T B A L I • • Pa d a n g b a i E A S T B A L I • • Pa d a n g b a i 335

and the views are clouded over. Climbing the police will strongly encourage you to freelance porters can also cause irritation. Bay), both in Teluk Amuk, the bay just east
Gunung Agung is not allowed when major take one. Don’t let anyone touch your luggage with- of Padangbai. There are a good variety of
religious events are being held at Pura Be- It is much better to stay the night near out agreeing to a price first, or better yet soft and hard corals and varied marine life,
sakih, which generally includes most of Muncan or Selat so that you can drive up just don’t let anyone touch it. including sharks, turtles and wrasse, and a
April. No guide will take you up at these early in the morning to Pura Pasar Agung. 40m wall at the Blue Lagoon.
times. This temple has been greatly enlarged and Sights Several good local outfits offer diving
improved, in part as a monument to the With its protected bay, Padangbai has a trips in the area, including to Gili Tepekong
GUIDES 1963 eruption that devastated this area. good beach. Others are nearby; walk south- and Gili Biaha, and on to Tulamben and
Trips with guides on either of the following Start climbing from the temple at west from the ferry terminal and follow Nusa Penida. All dive prices are competi-
routes up Gunung Agung generally include around 3am. There are numerous trails the trail up the hill to idyllic Bias Tugal, also tive, costing US$40 to US$90 for two boat
breakfast and other meals and a place to stay, through the pine forest but after an hour called Pantai Kecil (Little Beach), on the ex- dives, depending on the site. Dive courses
but be sure to confirm all details in advance. or so you’ll climb above the tree line. Then posed coast outside the bay. Be careful in the are available.
They can also arrange transportation. you’re climbing on solidified lava, which water; it is subject to strong currents. There Recommended operators:
Most of the places to stay in the re- can be loose and broken in places, but a are a couple of daytime warung here. Geko Dive (%41516;; Jl Silayukti)

gion, including those around Sidemen good guide will keep you on solid ground. On a headland at the northeast corner of The longest-established operator; nice café across from
and Tirta Gangga, will recommend guides At the top, you can gawk into the crater, the bay, a path uphill leads to three temples. the beach.
for Gunung Agung climbs, but it’s more watch the sun rise over Lombok and see On the other side is the small, light-sand Water Worx (%41220;;
convenient to start from a base nearer the the shadow of Agung in the morning haze Blue Lagoon Beach. Jl Silayukti) Another good dive operator.
mountain, and the local guides from places over southern Bali.
like Selat (p333) and Muncan (p333) are Allow at least two hours to get back down Activities SNORKELLING
more experienced. Expect to pay a negoti- to the temple. If you don’t have a car waiting DIVING One of the best and most accessible walk-in
able 300,000Rp to 600,000Rp per person for you, walk down to Sebudi, from where There’s some pretty good diving on the snorkel sites is off Blue Lagoon Beach. Note
for your climb. there are public bemos down to Selat. coral reefs around Padangbai, but the water that it is subject to strong currents when the
Recommended guides: can be a little cold and visibility is not al- tide is out. Other sites such as Teluk Jepun
Gung Bawa Trekking (%0366-24379; gbtrekk@ PADANGBAI ways ideal. The most popular local dives can be reached by local boat (or check with; Selat) A reliable operation near the %0363 are Blue Lagoon and Teluk Jepun (Jepun the dive operators to see if they have any
market. Located on a perfect little bay, tiny Pa-
Ketut Uriada (%0812 3646 426; Muncan) It’s easiest dangbai is the port for ferries between
὇὇὇ ὇὇὇὇
0 200 m

0 0.1 miles

὇὇὇ ὇὇὇὇
if you have your own car, but this experienced guide can Bali and Lombok, and passenger boats to
arrange transport for an extra fee (look for his small sign Nusa Penida. It is also a popular place to A B C D

὇὇὇ ὇὇὇὇
9 Cemetery Cemetery To Pura Silayukti (1.5km);
on the road east of the village). break a journey and relax while you plan Blue Lagoon Beach (2.5km);


Teluk Jepun (2.5km)
your assault on Bali or Lombok (depend- 7 4 3

8 11


FROM PURA BESAKIH ing on which way you’re heading), and 1
k ti 5 Silayu
yu Jl
This climb is much tougher than from the it’s a smaller, quieter, more beachy option Si

south and is only for the very physically fit. than Candidasa. It takes about 10 min- 15

For the best chance of a clear view before utes to walk from one end of town to the


the clouds close in, you should start at mid- other. Take time to choose one of the many 10

Bank BRI (ATM)...................................1 A2


night. Allow at least six hours for the climb, places to stay and eat; they’re all very close 6

Moneychangers...................................2 A2
To Main Road (3km); 12

and four to five hours for the descent. The together.

Amlapura (20km);

Denpasar (59km) SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES

starting point is Pura Pengubengan, north-

Geko Dive............................................3 D1

Information r Water Worx.........................................4 D1

east of the main temple complex, but it’s ga


easy to get lost on the lower trails, so defi- Moneychangers along Jl Pelabuhan offer 2 SLEEPING

Jl Hotel Puri Rai........................................5 C1
nitely hire a guide. rates lower than in the South Bali tourist

Pe 2

lab 14 Selat Kembar Inn...........................................6 B2
resorts – check the rates at Bank BRI (Bank Lombok
an Padangbai Beach Bungalows................7 D1
Ga 16 To Lombok Padangbai Beach Inn............................8 C1
FROM PURA PASAR AGUNG Raykat Indonesia; Jl Pelabuhan) first. There are 1
(70km) Pantai Ayu Homestay............................9 B1
This route involves the least walking, be- ATMs here. 17 Pondok Wisata Parta...........................10
Topi Inn.............................................11
cause Pura Pasar Agung (Agung Market You can find internet access at numerous
Temple) is high on the southern slopes of places along the main streets such as Gang Pier
Depot Segara......................................12 B2
the mountain (around 1500m) and can be Segara and Jl Pelabuhan. Ozone Café........................................13 B1
reached by a good road north from Selat. TRANSPORT
From the temple you can climb to the top Dangers & Annoyances 3 Bus & Bemo Stop..............................(see 14)
Ferry Car Park....................................14 A2
in three or four hours, but it’s a pretty de- Female travellers will notice a change in Perama Office....................................(see 1)
manding trek. With or without a guide, you attitude towards women around the ferry Ticket Office (Boats to Nusa Penida)...15 C1
Vehicle Ticket Office..........................16 A2
must report to the police station at Selat terminal area. Expect a few snide remarks To Bias
Tugal (1km)
To Nusa Walk-On Ferry Ticket Office..............17 A2
Penida (17km)
before you start; if you don’t have a guide, and unwanted stares. Ferry ticket touts and
336 E A S T B A L I • • Pa d a n g b a i Book accommodation online
w w at
w E A S T B A L I • • A r o u n d Pa d a n g b a i 337

room on their dive boats). Snorkel sets cost the Puri Rai has 30 rooms, some with fans perahu (outriggers) lined up on the beach.
about 20,000Rp per day. in a double-storey stone building, pleasantly PERAMA TOURIST SHUTTLE BUSES Fishing is normally done at night and the
Local jukung (boats) offer snorkel- facing the pool. Others with air-con enjoy FROM PADANGBAI ‘eyes’ on the front of the boats help naviga-
ling trips for two passengers (bring your harbour views or overlook a parking area. Destination Fare (Rp) tion through the darkness. East and west
own snorkelling gear) around Padangbai of Kusamba, the thatched roofs of salt-
(140,000Rp), and as far away as Nusa Lem- Eating & Drinking Candidasa 15,000 making huts can be seen along the beach.
bongan (250,000Rp). Beach fare and backpackers’ staples are on Kuta 40,000
offer in Padangbai – lots of fresh seafood, Lovina 100,000 PADANGBAI TO CANDIDASA
Sleeping Indonesian classics, pizza and, yes, banana Sanur 40,000 Buitan
Accommodation in Padangbai – like the pancakes. Most of the places to stay have a Ubud 40,000 %0363
town – is pretty laid-back. Prices are fairly café. The beachfront restaurants on Jl Se- Balina Beach is the name bestowed on the
cheap and it’s pleasant enough here that gara and Jl Silayukti have similar menus tourist development in the village of Buitan.
there’s no need to hurry to or from Lombok and prices, harbour views during the day Nusa Penida It is pretty and quiet, but beach-lovers may
if you want to hang out in the beach and and cool breezes in the evening. On the beach just east of the car park you’ll be disappointed with the black sand and

cafés with other travellers. Depot Segara (%41443; Jl Segara; dishes 10,000- find the twin-engine fibreglass boats that rocks along the high-tide line.
20,000Rp) Fresh seafood is prepared in a vari- run across the strait to Buyuk on Nusa Pe- One of Bali’s best resorts, the Amankila
VILLAGE ety of ways at this popular café with a touch nida (50,000Rp, one hour). The inconspicu- (% 41333;; villas from US$650;
In the village, there are several tiny places of style. Ponder the murals while you gob- ous ticket office is nearby. Boats leave at ais ), is hidden by jutting cliffs.
in the alleys, some with a choice of small, ble down one of the good breakfasts. infrequent intervals. About 5.6km beyond the Padangbai turn-
cheap downstairs rooms or bigger, brighter Ozone Café (% 41501; dishes 15,000-35,000Rp) off and 500m past the road to Manggis,
upstairs rooms. This popular travellers’ gathering-spot has BUS a discreetly marked side road leads to the
Pondok Wisata Parta (% 41475; r 40,000- been spruced up with a full bar and incom- To connect with Denpasar, catch a bemo hotel. It features an isolated seaside loca-
150,000Rp; a) The pick of the 10 rooms in prehensible slogans on the wall (example: out to the main road and hail a bus to the tion with views to Lombok and understated
this nice place is the ‘honeymoon room’, Acting like a monkey when you see a nice Batubulan terminal (15,000Rp). architecture – classically simple rectangular
which has a harbour view and good breezes. girl is so important for you). structures with thatched roofs and lots of
The most expensive rooms have air-con. Topi Inn (% 41424; Jl Silayukti; mains 18,000- TOURIST SHUTTLE BUS natural wood and stone. The three main
Located off Gang Segara III. 40,000Rp) The renovated café here serves up Perama (%41419; Café Dona, Jl Pelabuhan; h7am- swimming pools step down into the sea,
Kembar Inn (%41364;; r yummy vegetarian fare, as well as seafood 8pm) has a stop here for its services around in matching shades of blue. The Beachclub
50,000-150,000Rp; a) There are six rooms here off the barbie and Balinese buffets. the east coast. See the boxed text (above) for pool (150,000Rp) is on a stretch of sand and
linked by a steep and narrow staircase. The information on fares. is open to nonguests. It has a café and water
best awaits at the top and has a nice private Getting There & Away sports. The restaurants at the Amankila are
terrace. BEMO AROUND PADANGBAI open to nonguests. The superb Terrace
Padangbai is 2km south of the main Pura Goa Lawah (lunch 80,000Rp to 200,000Rp) has crea-
JALAN SILAYUKTI Semarapura–Amlapura road. Bemos leave About 3km west of Padangbai is Pura Goa tive and varied cuisine.
This little strip of simple beach makes for a from the car park in front of the port; or- Lawah (Bat Cave Temple; admission 3000Rp, car park
mellow hangout. ange bemos go east through Candidasa to 1000Rp, sash rental 1000Rp; h8am-6pm). The cave Mendira
Topi Inn (%41424;; Jl Silayukti; Amlapura (7000Rp); blue or white bemos in the cliff face is jam-packed full of bats %0366
r 40,000Rp, f 150,000Rp) Sitting at the end of go to Semarapura (8000Rp). that fly out after dusk, and the complex is Mendira has a few scattered places to stay.
the bay in a serene location, Topi has five equally overcrowded with tour groups later It’s a pretty area and a quieter alternative to
pleasant rooms. The enthusiastic owners BOAT in the day; the hawkers are a hassle. The Padangbai or Candidasa.
plan to offer cultural courses, among other Lombok temple itself is small, although it’s very old Amarta Beach Inn Bungalows (% 41230; r
diversions. Public ferries (adult/child 15,000/9350Rp) and of great significance to the Balinese. 100,000-150,000Rp) has 10 units right on the
Padangbai Beach Inn (%41439; Jl Silayukti; r travel nonstop between Padangbai and The cave is said to lead all the way to sea. They’re in a gorgeous location and
60,000-100,000Rp) Go with the bungalows; avoid Lembar (in Lombok, p499) all day. One- Besakih, but it seems nobody has volun- are great value. The more expensive ones
the rice-barn style two-storey cottages which way trips cost 152,000/322,000Rp for motor- teered to confirm this. The bats provide have hot water and spiffy open-air bath-
have a bathroom downstairs and an oppres- cycles/cars – go through the Vehicle Ticket sustenance for the legendary giant snake rooms. At low tide there is a tiny beach;
sively hot, boxy bedroom upstairs. Office at the west corner of the car park. Naga Basuki, which is also believed to live at other times you can sit and watch the
Padangbai Beach Bungalows (%41417; Jl Si- Depending on conditions, the trip can take in the cave. There has been no evidence bananas grow.
layukti; r 75,000-100,000Rp, with air-con 200,000Rp; a) three to five hours. Boats leave about every found of stately Wayne Manor above the Lotus Bungalows (%41104; www.lotusbungalows
The bungalows here are attractive, with 1½ hours; food and drink is sold on board. bat cave, either. .com; r US$20-45; ais) has 24 rooms (some
open-air bathrooms, and set in a classic Passenger tickets are sold near the pier. with air-con, all with hot water) in bunga-
Balinese garden setting. Perama has a boat (60,000Rp, four hours) Kusamba low-style units. Four (numbers one, two, 13
Hotel Puri Rai (% 41385; purirai_hotel@yahoo that holds 40 passengers – it usually leaves A side road southwest of Padangbai goes and 14) are right on the ocean, with the last
.com; Jl Silayukti 3; r 250,000Rp, with air-con 300,000Rp; at 9am for Senggigi, from where you can get to this fishing and salt-making village, being the top pick. The décor is bright and
as) The most upmarket option in town, another boat to the Gilis (125,000Rp). where you’ll see lines of colourful fishing airy and there is a large pool.
338 E A S T B A L I • • Te n g a n a n Book
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Candi Beach Cottage (% 41234; www.candi of Candidasa. At the turn-off, a posse of Activities rooms have cold water and fan. As you; r US$60-80, bungalows US$110-130; ojeks (motorcycles that take passengers) Diving and snorkelling are popular activi- move up the rate card you add hot water,
ais) is a delightfully low-key resort. offer rides to the village for about 6000Rp. ties in Candidasa. Gili Tepekong, which has air-con, open-air garden bathrooms, kitch-
It has two pools and lovely grounds right at If you’re using public transport, take an ojek a series of coral heads at the top of a sheer ens and delightful views. The Temple Café
the crashing waves. There are 32 rooms and up, and enjoy the gentle walk back downhill drop-off, is perhaps the best dive site. It of- (p340) here is a fun place.
32 bungalows, all with satellite TV. to the main road. fers the chance to see lots of fish, including Puri Oka Cottages (%41092; puri_oka@hotmail
some larger marine life. .com; Jl Pantai Indah; r 100,000-250,000Rp; as )
TENGANAN CANDIDASA A recommended dive operator is Dive Hidden by a banana grove east of town,
Tenganan is occupied by the Bali Aga people, %0363 Lite (%41660;; Jl Raya Candidasa; 2 the cheapest of the 24 rooms here are small,
descendants of the original Balinese who Tourist development ran amok in Candi- dives US$60-95), which offers dives at Tulam- while the better ones have tasteful décor
inhabited Bali prior to the Majapahit ar- dasa and now there’s shoulder-to-shoulder ben, Amed, Nusa Penida/Lembongan and and water views. The pool is medium-sized,
rival. The village is surrounded by a wall, development, an unattractive proposition Menjangan. A four-day PADI open-water and at low tide there’s a small beach out
and basically consists of two rows of iden- for many. The main drawback is the lack course is US$360. Snorkelling tours are the front.
tical houses stretching up the gentle slope of a beach, which, except for the far eastern US$25. Sekar Orchid Beach Bungalows (% 41086;

of the hill. stretch, has eroded away as fast as hotels were Hotels and shops along the main road; Jl Pantai Indah 26; bungalows
Tenganan retains strong and distinct craft built. Most of the coastline has breakwaters, rent snorkel sets for about 20,000Rp per 120,000-150,000Rp) The grounds here live up to
traditions that include basket weaving, lon- so you can’t even walk along it. The main day. For the best snorkelling, take a boat to the name with orchids growing in profu-
tar strips (specially prepared palm leaves drag is noisy and doesn’t get sea breezes. offshore sites or to Gili Mimpang (a one- sion. There’s a small beach and the seven
with hand-drawn stories) and the weaving Despite all this, Candidasa is much less hour boat trip for up to three people should large rooms are very good value with nice
of double and single ikat. A peculiar, old- hectic than South Bali and is often as sleepy cost about 70,000Rp to 100,000Rp). views from the 2nd floor. The site is nicely
fashioned version of the gamelan known as as the lotus blossom–filled lagoon. Many isolated.
the gamelan selunding is still played here, find it a fine base to explore eastern Bali and Sleeping Kelapa Mas (%41369;; Jl Raya
and girls dance an equally ancient dance there are some good restaurants. It’s popu- Candidasa’s main drag is well supplied with Candidasa; r 150,000-250,000Rp; a) This relaxing
known as the Rejang. lar with divers and snorkellers, although seaside accommodation, as well as restaur- hideaway deserves its name – the grounds
As you enter the village you may be beach-lovers will prefer Padangbai. ants and other tourist facilities. More re- are filled with tall coconut palms. Bamboo
greeted by a guide who will take you on a laxed, and only slightly less convenient, are rooms with lounging verandas are set in
tour of the village – and generally lead you Information the places east of the lagoon, hidden among lush gardens, with even a little sand lining
back to his or her family compound to look There are several moneychangers near Foto the palm trees near the original fishing the seashore. Some have views; others have
at various craft items. Delightfully, its all Asri, as is a Bank BPD ATM. There are village. hot water and air-con.
very low-key, but you should offer to pay plenty of not-very-fast internet options
20,000Rp or so for your guide’s time. along Jl Raya Candidasa. BUDGET MIDRANGE
Foto Asri (%41098; Jl Raya Candidasa) Sells groceries Seaside Cottages (% 41629; www.bali-seafront Ida Beach Village (% 41118; fax 41041; Jl Pantai
Getting There & Away and sundries and has a postal agency.; Jl Raya Candidasa; cottages 30,000- Indah; bungalows US$45-60; as) Accommoda-
Tenganan is at the end of a road 4km up- Happy’s Internet (%41052; Jl Raya Candidasa; per 230,000Rp; a) There are lodging options ga- tion ranges from Balinese rice-barn-style
hill from a coast road junction just west 20min 8000Rp) This suitably amiable spot is a good choice. lore at this clean and well-run place. Basic bungalows with private gardens to more
0 300 m
CANDIDASA 0 0.2 miles

A To Tenganan
To Pura Gamang
(4km) Pass (1.5km); Pasir
Putih (5km); Amlapura (12km); EATING
INFORMATION Kelapa Mas.......................................6 E2
Tirta Gangga (17km) Kubu Bali Restaurant..................12 D2
Foto Asri......................................1 D2 Kubu Bali Bungalows........................7 D1
Legend Rock Café......................13 F2
Happy's Internet..........................2 D2 Puri Oka Cottages............................8 G2
1 Temple Café..............................(see 9) 1
Seaside Cottages..............................9 C2
Toke Cafe..................................14 C2
SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Sekar Orchid Beach Bungalows......10 G2
To Buitan (Balina Beach) (4km); Vincent's....................................15 E2
Dive Lite......................................3 D2 Watergarden..................................11 C2
Gianyar (72km); Denpasar (72km) Watergarden Café.....................16 C2
17 Grand Natia.................................4 D2 7 Pura Candidasa
Ojek to Tenganan.......................17 B1
Ida Beach Village.........................5 G2
11 15 Perama......................................18 C2
1 12 13
Jl R
16 Jl Raya Candida Jl Pantai Indah
Ca 14 2
nd 9 3 6
id 4
as 18 Lagoon

2 8 5 10

Teluk Amuk Teluk Amuk

340 E A S T B A L I • • A r o u n d C a n d i d a s a Book accommodation online
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modest cottages for 17 units in all. The Watergarden Café (%41540; Jl Raya Candidasa; with ‘Virgin Beach Club’, turn off the main The Rangki (a sort of pavilion) has been
seaside swimming pool is a highlight; the dishes 15,000-40,000Rp) Overlooking a carp road and follow a paved track for about returned to its glory and is surrounded by
location is very quiet. pond, this stylish café somehow manages 1km to a bridge where locals will collect fish ponds. Look for the stern portrait of the
Kubu Bali Bungalows (%41532; www.kububali to maintain a peaceful atmosphere amid a fee (5000Rp). Another 1km brings you late king AA Gede Putu; his wife still lives
.com; s/d US$50/55, ste US$60-65; as) Behind the zooming trucks. The food is excellent, to a small temple that has good parking. in one of the buildings.
Kubu Bali restaurant and up a lane, there including Asian specialities. Breakfast here You can drive a further 600m directly to The other royal palace building, Puri Ker-
are 20 beautifully finished individual bun- comes with oodles of fresh fruit. the beach but the road is a disaster and the tasura, is not open to visitors.
galows. Streams, ponds and a swimming Kubu Bali Restaurant (% 41532; Jl Raya Can- walk is quite pretty.
pool are landscaped into the steep hillside, didasa; dishes 18,000-50,000Rp) This big stylish The beach is almost a cliché: a long cres- Getting There & Away
with views over palm trees, the coast and place has an open kitchen out the front, cent of white sand backed by coconut trees. Amlapura is a major transport hub. Buses
the sea. You’ll have to climb a bit to get to where Indonesian and Chinese dishes are At one end cliffs provide shade; at the other and bemo regularly ply the main road to
your room. There’s also a café by the pool turned out with great energy and panache. is a little line of fishing boats. At times a Denpasar’s Batubulan terminal (20,000Rp),
with wonderful views. The seafood is excellent. stand sells drinks. via Candidasa and Padangbai. Plenty of
Grand Natia (%42007;; Jl Toke Café (% 41991; Jl Raya Candidasa; dishes buses also go around the north coast to Sin-

Raya Candidasa; r US$50-85; as) This hotel re- 20,000-35,000Rp) The open kitchen on the AMLAPURA garaja (about 15,000Rp), via Tirta Gangga,
sembles a modern water palace – elegant street serves up some top seafood. It’s got %0363 Amed and Tulamben.
pathways are lined with waterways teem- a nice old bar and is a good place for a drink Amlapura is the main town and transport If you are driving to Amed and beyond,
ing with carp. Each of the 12 rooms has an or something for the munchies. junction in eastern Bali, and the capital of fill up at the petrol station on the road to
open-air bathroom. The small pool drops Vincent’s (%41368; Jl Raya Candidasa; dishes 25,000- the Karangasem district. It’s known for the Tirta Gangga. It’s the last one until Yeh
away to a gorgeous ocean view, although 80,000Rp) A long and open place with several frayed grandeur of its palaces (although Sanih in the north.
the two ‘ocean-view’ rooms are not worth distinct rooms and a lovely rear garden with that’s changing), and is on the way to or
the extra swag. rattan lounge furniture. There’s a plethora from Tirta Gangga. It has a confusing array AROUND AMLAPURA
of artfully prepared Thai and veggie options of one-way streets; persevere, and keep ask- Five kilometres south of Amlapura, Taman
TOP END but the real stars are the local dishes. ing your way to a palace. Like many regional Ujung is a major complex that may leave you
Watergarden (% 41540; www.watergardenhotel towns it’s short on places to stay or eat. slack-jawed – and not with wonder. The last
.com; Jl Raya Candidasa; r US$70-85, 2-bedroom ste Getting There & Away Banks and ATMs can be found on Jl king of Karangasem completed the con-
US$160; as) The best choice in town, the Candidasa is on the main road between Gajah Mada. They are the last going around struction of a grand water palace here in
Watergarden lives up to its name with a Amlapura and South Bali, but there’s no the island until Singaraja. 1921, which was extensively damaged by an
swimming pool and fish-filled ponds that terminal, so hail down bemos (buses prob- earthquake in 1979. A tiny vestige of the old
wind around the buildings and through the ably won’t stop). You’ll need to change in Sights palace is surrounded by vast new ponds and
lovely garden. The design has a Japanese either Padangbai or Semarapura. Amlapura’s three palaces, on Jl Teuk Umar, terraces built for untold billions of rupiah.
influence, and each of the 14 rooms has a Perama (%41114; Jl Raya Candidasa; h7am-7pm) is are stolid reminders of Karangasem’s pe- Today it is backed by a failed hotel and the
veranda projecting over the lily ponds. See at the western end of the strip. See the boxed riod as a kingdom at its most important wind-swept grounds are seldom trod by visi-
right for details on its Watergarden Café. text (below) for information on bus fares. when supported by Dutch colonial power tors. A better bet is the neighbouring fishing
Two or more people can charter a ride to in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. village of Ujung. It has authentic colour and
Eating & Drinking Amed in the far east for about 60,000Rp Outside the Puri Agung Karangasem (Jl Teuku the surf in these parts can be dramatic.
There’s a good range of eating options each. Ask at the place you’re staying at Umar; admission 5000Rp; h 8am-6pm), there is
in Candidasa. Most restaurants are dot- about vehicle rental. an impressive three-tiered entry gate and TIRTA GANGGA
ted along Jl Raya Candidasa and the traf- beautiful sculpted panels. After you pass %0363
fic noise can be particularly unpleasant, AROUND CANDIDASA through the entry courtyard, a left turn The tiny village of Tirta Gangga (Water of
although it improves after dark. Many of Although Candidasa lacks good beaches, takes you to the main building, known as the Ganges), high on a ridge with sublime
these places are also good for a drink. about 5km east is Pasir Putih, an idyllic the Maskerdam (Amsterdam), because it views of rice paddies sprawling over the
Legend Rock Café (Jl Raya Candidasa; dishes white-sand beach. When you see a sign was the Karangasem kingdom’s acquies- hills down to the sea, is a relaxing place to
9000-24,000Rp) A bar that also serves West- cence to Dutch rule that allowed it to hang stop. The main attraction is the old water
ern and Indonesian meals, this has live on long after the demise of the other Bali- palace and guided treks through the gor-
music many nights each week. It’s a well- PERAMA TOURIST SHUTTLE BUSES nese kingdoms. Inside you can see several geous landscape. Facilities are limited.
mannered place, but as wild as things get FROM CANDIDASA rooms, including the royal bedroom and a
in Candidasa. Destination Fare (Rp) living room with furniture that was a gift Sights
Temple Café (%41629; Jl Raya Candidasa; dishes from the Dutch royal family. Amlapura’s water-loving rajah, after com-
15,000-30,000Rp) Travellers from around the Kuta 40,000 Across the street, Puri Gede (Jl Teuku Umar; pleting his lost masterpiece at Ujung, had
world can get a taste of home at this café Lovina 100,000 admission free; h8am-6pm) is being extensively another go at Taman Tirta Gangga (adult/child
attached to the Seaside Cottages. The menu Padangbai 15,000 renovated. The rambling palace grounds 5100/3100Rp, parking 1000Rp; hsite 24hr, ticket office
has wraps, Vegemite, cabbage rolls, meat Sanur 40,000 feature many brick buildings dating from 6am-6pm). Originally built in 1948, the water
pies and other mundane treats. The popular Ubud 40,000 the Dutch colonial period. Look for stone palace was damaged in the 1963 eruption
bar has a long drink list. and wood carvings from the 19th century. of Gunung Agung. The palace has several
342 E A S T B A L I • • A m e d & t h e Fa r E a s t C o a s t Book accommodation online
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swimming pools and ornamental ponds, ganise trekking to Gunung Agung (two Gunung Agung. Hotels, restaurants, dive well defined, so you won’t need a guide for
which serve as a fascinating reminder of people 600,000Rp). operators and other facilities serve visitors shorter walks. Allow a good three hours to
the old days of the Balinese rajahs. ‘Pool A’ Good Karma (%22445; s/d 70,000/90,000Rp) In who come to enjoy the fine scenery, the get to the top of Seraya, starting from the
(adult/child 6000/4000Rp) is the cleanest the middle of a picturesque rice paddy, relaxed atmosphere and the excellent diving rocky ridge just east of Jemeluk Bay.
and is in the top part of the complex. It’s a Good Karma has good vibes thanks to and snorkelling.
good place for a break and a stroll. four very clean and simple bungalows. The Amed itself has no standard tourist cen- Sleeping
restaurant serves excellent food (dishes tre but is instead a series of small villages in For accommodation, you’ll have to make
Activities 10,000Rp to 16,000Rp) in a comfortable scalloped inlets. It’s the perfect hideaway if the choice between places in the little beach-
HIKING AROUND TIRTA GANGGA setting; there are many vegetarian options. you want to simply stay put and never leave side villages or places on the sunny and dry
The rice terraces around Tirta Gangga are It’s right off the main parking lot. your village. headlands connecting the inlets. The former
some of the most beautiful in Bali. They Puri Sawah Bungalows (%21847; fax 21939; bun- put you right on the sand and offer a small
sweep out from Tirta Gangga, almost like a galows 100,000-200,000Rp) Just up the road from Orientation & Information amount of life while the latter give you
sea surrounding an island. Back roads and the palace, Puri Sawah has four comfort- In the rest of Bali, and to identify itself as a broad, sweeping vistas and isolation.
walking paths take you through a world able and spacious rooms with great views. destination, this whole strip of coast is com- Accommodation can be found in every

of green to many picturesque traditional It also has larger, two-bedroom bungalows, monly called ‘Amed’ but, strictly speaking, price category, and rates are often nego-
villages. Going to smaller, more remote vil- which sleep six (with hot water). The res- Amed is just the first of several dusun tiable. Almost every place has a modestly
lages, it’s sensible and inexpensive to en- taurant (dishes 16,000Rp to 22,000Rp) has (small villages) set in a dramatic landscape priced restaurant or café.
gage a guide – ask at your accommodation rice-paddy views and serves sandwiches of black-sand beaches spread over 10km.
or at the Good Karma café (right). Guide and local food. Visitors may be charged a tourist tax. EAST OF AMED VILLAGE
prices are negotiable at around 15,000Rp Tirta Ayu Homestay (% 22697; fax 21383; r Enforcement of a 5000Rp per person fee Three Brothers Bungalows (% 23472; r 80,000-
per person per hour for local treks, plus 150,000-250,000Rp, villas US$50-150; s) Right in at a tollbooth on the outskirts of Amed is 120,000Rp) The boys have popular and basic
transport and food. the palace compound, this has four pleas- sporadic. Phone lines only extend as far beachfront accommodation, plus an ad-
Some of the more interesting hikes in- ant bungalows (cold water only) and three as Lipah; after that it’s cell phones only. joining café with a few tables right on the
clude Pura Lempuyang (768m), one of spacious villas with nice outdoor bath- Internet service is limited to a couple of sand. You can’t get closer to the water.
Bali’s nine directional temples (five hours rooms. Free use of the palace swimming places between Amed and Lipah. There are
return from Ngis); Bukit Kusambi, a small pool is included. A café (dishes 10,000Rp no ATMs or banks. JEMELUK
hill with a big view (five hours return); and to 25,000Rp) overlooks the palace grounds. Galang Kangin Bungalows (s/d from 50,000/80,000Rp)
Budakeling village, home to several Bud- One of the villas is huge and has its own Activities One of several budget places, it has clean,
dhist communities (about six hours return plunge pool. DIVING & SNORKELLING basic cold-water rooms.
from Tirta Gangga). Ryoshi (%081 2368 2791; dishes 10,000-35,000Rp; Snorkelling is excellent at several places Waeni’s Sunset View Bungalows & Restaurant
h10am-10pm) This last outpost heading east along the coast. Jemeluk is a protected area (%23515;; r 80,000-100,000Rp)
Sleeping & Eating of the Bali Japanese restaurant chain, is where you can admire live coral and plenti- Waeni’s has unusual rustic stone cottages
Most places to stay have cafés and there’s about 500m past central Tirta Gangga and ful fish within 100m of the beach. There’s with gorgeous views of the mountains be-
another cluster by the sedate shops around enjoys fabulous views of the region. The a wreck of a Japanese fishing boat near Aas, hind and the bay below. The café with its
the parking area. grilled seafood is good and you can dine offshore from Eka Purnama bungalows, and views is a good place for a sunset drink.
Dhangin Taman (%22059; r 40,000-80,000Rp) Ad- under a canopy of frangipani. coral gardens and colourful marine life at Hotel Prema Liong (%23486; www.bali-amed
jacent to the water palace, this fascinating Selang. Almost every hotel rents snorkelling .com; r 150,000-400,000Rp) Javanese-style two-
place features elaborate tiled artworks in a Getting There & Away equipment for about 20,000Rp per day. storey bungalows are terraced up the hillside
garden. It has a range of 14 simple rooms – Bemo and minibuses making the haul be- Scuba diving is good and the Liberty and have a New Age ethos. The cold-water,
the cheapest ones facing the rice paddies are tween Amlapura and Singaraja stop at Tirta wreck at Tulamben (p344) is only a 20- open-air bathrooms are lush and almost
the best – and a restaurant (dishes 5000Rp Gangga right outside the water palace or minute drive away. Two good operators double as a garden, while the balconies have
to 8000Rp) with tables overlooking the pal- any hotel further north. The fare to Am- with similar prices (local dives from about comfy cushions and day beds.
ace. You leave your breakfast order hanging lapura should be 3000Rp. US$45, open-water dive course about Santai (% 23487;; r US$50-
on the door, just like the Hilton. US$300): 95; as) This stylish top-end option is
Pondok Lembah Dukah (r 50,000-100,000Rp) AMED & THE FAR EAST COAST Eco-dive (%081 658 1935;; a great little retreat. The six rooms have
Down the path to the right of Good Karma %0363 Jemeluk; dives from US$45) Full-service shop with simple four-poster beds, timber floors, open-air
and past Dua Homestay, this basic place This once-remote stretch of coast, from accommodation for clients. bathrooms and big comfy balcony sofas. A
is a 300m walk, but worth it. It has three Amed to Bali’s far eastern tip, has reached Euro Dive (%23469;; dives from snaking swimming pool, fringed by purple
bungalows; rooms are clean, have fans and that nefarious critical mass where it be- US$45) Located east of Amed. Has a long list of services. bougainvillea, adds to the atmosphere.
cold water and incredible views. comes a destination just because of its size. Apa Kabar (%23492;; bun-
Puri Prima (% /fax 21316; r 50,000-100,000Rp) Yet unlike some other places on the Bali TREKKING galows US$75-95, villas US$110-150; as) Right in
About 1km north of Tirta Gangga, this of- coast, it is holding onto the charms that Quite a few trails go inland from the coast, front of fishing boats on the beach, Apa Kabar
fers outstanding views and nine pleasant drove the development in the first place. up the slopes of Gunung Seraya (1175m) and has stylish and spacious villas overlooking
rooms. It has a small restaurant (dishes The mostly arid coastline has superb to some little-visited villages. The country- a swimming pool that gurgles with a small
10,000Rp to 16,000Rp). Staff can also or- views across to Lombok and behind to side is sparsely vegetated and most trails are waterfall. Some units have ocean views.
344 E A S T B A L I • • K u b u R e g i o n Book
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LIPAH and bemos from Singaraja and Amlapura front pool, beach bar and restaurant with a
Bayu Cottages (%23495;; r pass through Culik, the turn-off for Amed. THE WRECK OF THE LIBERTY menu spanning Europe and Asia.
US$22-28; as) The good-value Bayu has Infrequent public bemos go from Culik In January 1942 the US Navy cargo ship Mimpi Resort (% 21642;; r
rooms with balconies overlooking the coast to Amed (3.5km), and some continue to USAT Liberty was torpedoed by a Japanese US$80-150; as) Overlooking a picturesque
from the knoll. There’s a pool and amenities Seraya until 1pm. A public bemo should submarine near Lombok. Taken in tow, it stretch of waterfront, Mimpi has a range of
including open-air marble bathrooms. cost around 7000Rp from Culik to Lipah. was beached at Tulamben so that its cargo 30 stylish bungalows with outdoor bath-
You can also charter transport from of rubber and railway parts could be saved. rooms, and an ocean-front pool, dive centre
SELANG Culik for a negotiable 40,000Rp (by ojek it The Japanese invasion prevented this and and spa.
Eka Purnama (%0868 1212 1685; www.eka-purnama costs less than half this price). Be careful to the ship sat on the beach until the 1963
.com; r 100,000-180,000Rp) This gorgeous, cold specify which hotel you wish to go to – if eruption of Gunung Agung broke it in two Getting There & Away
water–only place is set high on a hill. The you agree on a price to ‘Amed’, you may and left it just off the shoreline, much to Plenty of buses and bemos travel between
balconies, complete with hammocks, have be taken only to Amed village, far short of the delight of divers. Amlapura and Singaraja and will stop any-
pure ocean views. your destination. where along the Tulamben road, but they’re
Blue Moon Villas (%0817 4738 100; Perama offers charter tourist-bus services infrequent after 2pm. Expect to pay 6000Rp

BALI; r from US$55, villas US$120-185; as) from Candidasa (p340) and Lovina (p373), Most hotels have their own diving centre, to 8000Rp to either town.
On a knoll across the road from the cliffs, but you can do usually do better by hiring and some will give a discount on accom- Perama offers charter tourist-bus services
Blue Moon is a small and upmarket place, a car and driver. modation if you dive with their centre, but from Candidasa (p340) and Lovina (p373),
complete with a little pool. The five rooms not all of them can be recommended to but you can probably match their rates by
set in three villas have open-air stone bath- KUBU REGION inexperienced divers. hiring a car and driver.
rooms. The café takes usual fare and gives Driving along the main road you will pass Expect to pay as little as US$25/40 for
it a dash of panache. through vast old lava flows from Gunung one/two dives at Tulamben, and a little more TULAMBEN TO YEH SANIH
Agung down to the sea. The landscape is for a night dive or dives around Amed. North of Tulamben, the road continues to
AAS strewn with lava, boulders and is nothing Most hotels and dive centres rent out skirt the slopes of Gunung Agung, with fre-
Meditasi (fax 22166; r 150,000-200,000Rp) Rooms are like the lush rice paddies elsewhere. snorkelling gear for a negotiable 20,000Rp. quent evidence of lava flows from the 1963
close to good swimming and snorkelling Among the many dive operators, Tauch eruption. Further around, the outer crater
at this chilled out yet tidy place where the TULAMBEN Terminal (%0361-730200; of Gunung Batur slopes steeply down to the
bamboo bungalows have balconies over- %0363 is one of the longest-established, and runs sea. The rainfall is low and you can gener-
looking the beach. The big attraction here is the wreck of the the Tauch Terminal Hotel (below). A four- ally count on sunny weather. The scenery is
US cargo ship Liberty – among the best day PADI open-water certificate course very stark in the dry season and it’s thinly
Eating and most popular dive sites in Bali. Other costs about US$400. populated. The route has regular public
Most of the hotels listed have places for a great dive sites are nearby, and even snor- transport, but it’s easier to make stops and
meal or a sunset drink. kellers can easily swim out and enjoy the Sleeping & Eating detours with your own vehicle.
Cafe Senang (dishes 6000-15,000Rp) Located east wreck and the coral. Tulamben’s beach- At high tide, none of the places situated At Les, a road goes inland to lovely Air
of Amed at Euro Dive, this small bar/café is front is quite different from other beach on the water have much rocky beach at all, Terjun Yeh Mampeh (Yeh Mampeh Waterfall),
popular with travellers. resorts – heavy, black, round boulders and but the waves are dramatic. Look for signs said to be one of Bali’s highest. Look for
Sama Sama Cafe (Jemeluk; dishes 15,000-30,000Rp) pebbles make it unappealing for sunbathers along the main road for the following places; a large sign on the main road and then
Prawns, barracuda, and other seafood al- or casual swimmers. Services beyond the most have their own dive operations. Every turn inland for 2km. Walk the last 2.5km
most jump from the boats onto the grill at hotels are few. place to stay has at least a café. or so on an obvious path by the stream. A
this four-table beachside joint. Puri Madha Bungalows (%22921; r 60,000Rp) 2000Rp donation is requested; there’s no
Café Garam (% 23462; dishes 15,000-40,000Rp) Activities This is the first hotel you approach from need for a guide.
East of Amed, this place has ambience and DIVING & SNORKELLING the northwest; it faces the wreck and the The next main town is Tejakula, famous
a good Asian menu that goes beyond the The wreck of the Liberty is about 50m di- day-use parking area. There are nine small, for its stream-fed public bathing area, said
norm. The café has a small exhibition on rectly offshore from Puri Madha Bungalows clean cold-water rooms on the water. to have been built for washing horses,
local salt-making, and local salt is on sale. (there’s also a shady car park here; 1000Rp). Bali Coral Bungalows (%/fax 22909; r 100,000Rp, and often called the horse bath. The reno-
Swim straight out and you’ll see the stern with air-con 200,000Rp; as ) Ten pleasant, vated bathing areas (separate for men and
Getting There & Around rearing up from the depths, heavily en- clean bungalows with modern bathrooms women) are behind walls topped by rows
Most people drive here via the main high- crusted with coral, and swarming with doz- huddle here, some with sea views. Food of elaborately decorated arches, and are
way from Amlapura and Culik. The spec- ens of species of colourful fish – and with is also available (dishes 10,000Rp to regarded as a sacred area. The baths are
tacular road going all the way around the scuba divers most of the day. Many divers 25,000Rp). 100m inland on a narrow road with lots of
headlands has been improved; it’s possible commute to Tulamben from Candidasa or Tauch Terminal Resort (%0361-730200, 22911; small shops – it’s a quaint village, with some
to do the journey as a circle, with the fore- Lovina, and in busy times it can get quite; r US$40-80; as) Down finely carved kulkul towers. Take a stroll
knowledge that conditions between Ujung crowded between 11am and 4pm, with up a side road, this is the pick of Tulamben ac- above the baths, past irrigation channels
and Aas are twisting and narrow. to 50 divers around the wreck at a time. commodation. Rooms have large terraces; flowing in all directions.
All the places east of Culik are difficult Stay the night in Tulamben or – better – the cheaper ones in bungalows are actually At Pacung, about 10km before Yeh Sanih,
to reach by public transport. Minibuses in nearby Amed and get an early start. more atmospheric. There is an idyllic water- you can turn inland to Sembiran, which is
346 N U S A L E M B O N G A N & I S L A N D S • • N u s a Le m b o n g a n N U S A L E M B O N G A N & I S L A N D S • • N u s a Le m b o n g a n 347

believed to be a Bali Aga village, although crescent of coast to Mushroom Bay, where SURFING on Jungutbatu Beach, has full PADI Resort
it doesn’t promote itself as such. The most many of the day-trip cruise boats stop. Surfing here is best in the dry season (April to status. It offers a range of courses, includ-
striking thing about the place is its hillside About 4km southwest along the sealed September), when the winds come from the ing five-day PADI open-water courses for
location and brilliant coastal views. road from Jungutbatu is Lembongan vil- southeast. It’s definitely not for beginners, US$345, and dive trips from US$60 to sites
lage, the island’s other town. You can go and can be dangerous even for experts. There around all three islands. Other operators
right around the island, following the rough are three main breaks on the reef, all aptly can be found in various hotels. See Diving
NUSA LEMBONGAN & track that eventually comes back to Jun-
gutbatu, but the roads are steep for cyclists
named. From north to south are Shipwreck,
Lacerations and Playground. Depending on
the Islands, p349 for details on the area’s
dive sites.
ISLANDS and walkers.
There’s no jetty at Jungutbatu – the boats
where you’re staying, you can paddle directly
out to whichever of the three is closest; for SNORKELLING
One of three islands just off the southern usually beach in the shallows by the village. others it’s better to hire a boat. Prices are ne- There’s good snorkelling just off the day-
coast of East Bali, Nusa Lembongan is over- Local businesses do a good job of keeping gotiable – from 20,000Rp for a one-way trip, cruise pontoons off Jungutbatu Beach,
shadowed by its much larger sibling Nusa the beach clean. and around 100,000Rp waiting time. as well as in areas off the north coast of
Penida, but it is first and foremost in terms the island. You can charter a boat from

of traveller popularity thanks to its enjoy- Information DIVING 40,000Rp to 50,000Rp per hour, depend-
able beach scene, great diving and surf- It’s advisable to bring sufficient cash with The excellent World Diving (%081 2390 0686; ing on demand, distance and the number
ing and an ever-expanding visitor-based you, as rates are poor; there is no ATM, based at Pondok Baruna of passengers; for more information ask at
economy. or post office. Small markets can be found
Nusa Lembongan is easily reached from on the main street with the bank. Pondok NUSA LEMBONGAN 0
1 km
0.5 miles
Bali. The island of Nusa Penida has several Baruna has internet access, and any of the
villages, but is right off the tourist track and hotels can refer you to a small medical A B C D
has few facilities for visitors, while Nusa clinic in Jungutbatu village. INFORMATION SLEEPING EATING
Ceningan is sparsely populated. The waters Bank BPD (h8am-3pm Mon-Thu, 8am-1pm Fri) Can Bank BPD.....................................1 B3
Clinic............................................2 B3
Agung's Lembongan Lodge................9 B3
Coconuts Beach Resort.....................10 B3
Scooby Doo Bar & Cafe....................21
around the three islands have some of the exchange traveller’s cheques and cash. 1 Ketut's Bungalows............................11 B3 Two Thousand Cafe.........................22 B3
best dive spots in Indonesia. Mainsky Inn (%0361-283065) Operates a wartel SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES
Blue Corner..................................3 B2
Linda Bungalows............................(see 20)
Mainsky Inn & Restaurant................12 B3
Winda Sari Warung..........................23 A3

Lembongan is a delightful place, where (private telephone office). Bounty & Bali Hai Pontoons.........4 A3 Mandara Beach Bungalows...............13 B3 TRANSPORT
Ceningan Point............................5 C4 Nusa Lembongan Resort..................14 A4 Perama Office................................(see 13)
surfers and nonsurfers alike can get away Island Explorer Cruises Oka Bungalow 7...............................15 B3 Public Boats......................................24 B3
from the relative chaos of southern Bali. Sights Drop-off................................6 B3 Playgrounds......................................16 B3
Jackfish Point...............................7 C2 Pondok Baruna.................................17 B3
For a short visit, take a comfortable cruise JUNGUTBATU Pura Segara..................................8 B3 Waka Nusa Resort........................... 18 A4
boat, stopping to snorkel or bask on a The beach here, a lovely arc of white sand World Diving...........................(see 17) Ware Ware.......................................19 B3
beach, or do a more specialised diving or with clear blue water, has superb views
surfing trip. across to Gunung Agung in Bali. The vil- 3
It’s been a poor region for many years. lage itself is pleasant, with quiet lanes, no 2
To Toyapakeh

Income from tourists is padded with sea- cars and a couple of temples, including Pura (7km)

weed cultivation. You’ll see plots of cul- Segara and its enormous banyan tree. Selat Shipwreck Pura Sakenan

Surf Break 7
tivation in the waters off Jungutbatu and Badung
smell the stuff drying on land. Extracts are MUSHROOM BAY

used as food additives in products like ice This gorgeous little bay, unofficially named 12
cream. Yum. for the mushroom corals offshore, has a per-

fect crescent of white-sand beach. During Surf Break
NUSA LEMBONGAN the day, the tranquillity may be disturbed

Playground 1
3 24
%0366 by banana-boat rides or parasailing. In the Surf Break
The most developed island for tourism is morning and the evening, it’s delightful.

To Sanur 6 8
the delightfully laid-back Nusa Lembon- The most pleasant way to get here (18km) 4 Selegimpak

gan, which is free of cars, motorcycle noise from Jungutbatu is to walk along the trail Mushroom
10 16 15
Pura Dalem
and hassles. It has a local population of that starts from the southern end of the 23

about 7000 people, mostly living in two main beach and follows the coastline for 14
small villages, Jungutbatu and Lembongan. a kilometre or so past a couple of little

Tourism money means that the power now beaches. 5
stays on around the clock.

Activities 4
Orientation Most places will rent bicycles for 25,000Rp Dream Nusa Penida
Most surfers, divers and budget travellers per day, surfboards for 50,000Rp, snorkel- Beach Nusa
stay at Jungutbatu beach or one of the ling gear for 20,000Rp to 30,000Rp per day,
ever-growing number of places along the and motorbikes for 30,000Rp per hour.
348 N U S A L E M B O N G A N & I S L A N D S • • N u s a Le m b o n g a n Book accommodation online
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your hotel. World Diving (%081 2390 0686; www The restaurant serves good meals (dishes ing a gorgeous sweep of ocean are the draw comfort are the Island Explorer boats used; Pondok Baruna, Jungutbatu Beach) al- 10,000Rp to 18,000Rp). here. The resort has a creative restaurant by day-trippers, the Perama boat and the
lows snorkellers to join dive trips. Mandara Beach Bungalows (% 24470; www with patio views over the bay. public boats. Getting between the boats and; r 100,000-160,000Rp, with air- shore and getting around once on land is
CRUISES con 250,000Rp; a) Eight large rooms are set Eating not especially easy, so this is the time to
A number of cruise boats offer day trips to around a popular café. There’s a nascent JUNGUTBATU travel very light.
Nusa Lembongan from Benoa Harbour in garden away from the water. Many of the places listed under Sleeping
South Bali. Trips include hotel transfer from Ware-Ware (%0812 3970 572; r 120,000-200,000Rp) also have cafés and restaurants. The usual BENOA HARBOUR
South Bali, basic water sports, snorkelling, The eight units at this hillside place are a menu of Indonesian and Western dishes Island Explorer Cruises (%0361-728088; www.bali
banana-boat rides and a buffet lunch. Note mix of traditional square and groovy cir- is omnipresent. There are some delightful; return US$35) offers passage on its
that with hotel transfers, the following day cular numbers with thatched roofs. Rooms warung on the path to Pura Sakenan. boats to the island. Drop-off is at either
trips can make for a very long day. are large, with rattan couches and big bath- Scooby Doo Bar & Cafe (dishes 7500-15,000Rp) Coconuts Beach Resort or on the beach.
Bounty Cruises (%0361-726666; www.balibounty rooms. The café has good, breezy views. Although probably not licensed to use the This is the best way to make a day trip. See; adult/child US$85/42.50) has a huge off- Ketut’s Bungalows (%24487; r 150,000-350,000Rp; name of the popular pooch, Scooby’s serves opposite for more info.

shore pontoon with slides and other tools a) The 12 rooms run the gamut from up a long list of snacks and drinks right on
of frolic; and does day trips. humble to modest. More expensive ones the sand to a big crowd every night. There SANUR & SOUTH BALI
Island Explorer Cruises (%0361-728088; www come with hot water, fridges, air-con and are sofas for lounging. Public boats to Nusa Lembongan leave from; adult/child US$55/27.50) has three big beds. Upstairs rooms get good breezes Kainalu (dishes 12,000-30,000) Spread over two the northern end of Sanur beach at roughly
ways to get to Lembongan, which all get and views of the ocean from the balconies. levels right on the sand, it has a pool table, 7.45am (50,000Rp, 1½ to two hours). This
you back to Bali around 5pm: relaxing and The small sandy area out the front fills with serves up surfer classics and has chairs for is the boat used by locals and you may have
slow-sailing catamaran (8.30am), party lounging travellers by day. sunbathing. to share space with a chicken. The Perama
boat (8.30am) and fast boat (10.30am). The Oka Bungalow Number 7 (%24497; r 250,000Rp) Two Thousand Cafe (%0812 394 1273; dishes tourist boat (which is more reliable) leaves
latter two maximise your time in the water This good, clean and friendly place has 15,000-30,000Rp) This pleasant café-bar is right at 8.30am (70,000Rp, 1½ hours); the Lem-
at Lembongan, although the buffet lunch at three rooms, each with a good veranda and on the sand and is a good sunset spot. bongan office is in the Mandara Beach Bun-
the outfit’s Coconuts Beach Resort (right) views down to the water. Units are clean galows (opposite). The ride is often rough
can keep you from swimming for hours. and spacious. MUSHROOM BAY and you’re likely to get wet. You can charter
Winda Sari Warung (dishes 10,000-30,000Rp) Near a boat for 600,000Rp.
Sleeping Midrange the Bali Hai Beach Club, this fun warung
JUNGUTBATU Playgrounds (%24524; www.playgroundslembongan has a good spot overlooking the fishing Getting Around
Most places to stay in Jungutbatu are basic. .com; r 400,000-500,000Rp; as) On the hillside, boats at Mushroom Bay. The island is fairly small and you can easily
Most of the following places have beach- Playgrounds’ six rooms have good views, walk around it in a few hours; however, the
front restaurants serving typical travellers’ satellite TV and fridges. The cheaper rooms Getting There & Away roads across the middle of the island are
fare. The strip of beachfront joints is going don’t have air-con but do have better views Getting to or from Nusa Lembongan offers quite steep. Bicycles and scooters are widely
through the classic Bali development cycle: from their long porch. There’s also an numerous choices. In descending order of available for rent.
each year more rooms are added and old adjoining private house for 700,000Rp a
ones are spruced up. Unless noted other- night.
wise, amenities are limited to cold water Coconuts Beach Resort (%0361-728088; www.bali DIVING THE ISLANDS
and fans.; d US$70, with air-con US$90; ais) There are great diving possibilities around the islands, from shallow and sheltered reefs, mainly
South of the village, Coconuts has unusual, on the northern side of Lembongan and Penida, to very demanding drift dives in the channel
Budget spacious, circular bungalows staggered up between Penida and the other two islands. Vigilant locals have protected their waters from
Agung’s Lembongan Lodge (% 24483; r 50,000- the hillside overlooking a lovely pool and dynamite bombing by renegade fishing boats, so the reefs are mostly still intact.
150,000Rp) The simple rooms are mostly in the sea. It’s part of Island Explorer Cruises If you arrange a dive trip from Candidasa or South Bali, stick with the most reputable opera-
colourful bungalows. The restaurant has (left); look for package deals. tors, as conditions here can be tricky and local knowledge is essential. A particular attraction are
hanging bird cages, ocean views, a pool the large marine animals, including turtles, sharks and manta rays. The large (3m fin-to-fin) and
table and a much nicer atmosphere than MUSHROOM BAY unusual mola mola (sunfish) is sometimes seen around the islands between July and September,
many others. Waka Nusa Resort (%0361-723629; www.wakaexperi while manta rays are often seen south of Nusa Penida.
Linda Bungalows (%24495; r 70,000-90,000Rp); bungalows from US$100) This pretty little The best dive sites include Blue Corner and Jackfish Point off Nusa Lembongan and Cenin-
Of the 12 very clean cold-water rooms, one place has 10 thatch-roofed bungalows set gan Point at the tip of Nusa Ceningan. The channel between Ceningan and Penida is renowned
offers an ocean view. The beach out front in sandy grounds. The beachside restaurant for drift diving but it is essential that you have a good operator who can judge fast-changing
is especially fine. and bar is delightfully located under coco- currents and other conditions. Upswells can bring cold water from the open ocean to sites such
Pondok Baruna (%0812 3900 686; nut palms. Transfers from Bali are aboard as Ceningan Wall. This is one of the world’s deepest natural channels and attracts all manner; r 75,000-100,000Rp; i) Run by World a sailing boat. and sizes of fish.
Diving, this is one of the best places to Nusa Lembongan Resort (% 0361-725864; Sites close to Nusa Penida include Big Rock, Crystal Bay, SD, Pura Ped and Manta Point. Of
stay. Staff are friendly, the seven rooms; villas from US$175; as) these, Crystal Bay, SD and Pura Ped are suitable for novice divers and are good for snorkelling.
are pleasant and porches face the ocean. Twelve secluded and stylish villas overlook-
350 N U S A L E M B O N G A N & I S L A N D S • • N u s a C e n i n g a n Book accommodation online
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t . c o mat W E S T B A L I • • Ta n a h L o t 351

NUSA CENINGAN beach and you’re at the road head, where Getting There & Away and especially crowded at sunset. It has all
There is a narrow suspension bridge cross- bemos can take you to Ped or Sampalan The strait between Nusa Penida and south- the authenticity of a stage set – even the
ing the lagoon between Nusa Lembongan (2000Rp). ern Bali is very deep and subject to heavy tower of rock the temple sits upon was art-
and Nusa Ceningan, which makes it quite swells – if there is a strong tide, boats often fully reconstructed with Japanese money,
easy to explore the network of tracks on Around the Island have to wait. You may also have to wait as the entire structure was crumbling. Over
foot or by bicycle – not that there is much A trip around the island, following the a while for the public boat to fill up with one-third of the rock you see is artificial.
to see. The lagoon is filled with frames for north and east coasts, and crossing the hilly passengers. Boats to and from Kusamba are For the Balinese, Pura Tanah Lot is one
seaweed farming and there’s also a fishing interior, can be completed in a few hours by not recommended. of the most important and venerated sea
village and several small agricultural plots. motorcycle. The following description goes temples. Like Pura Luhur Ulu Watu (p298),
The island is quite hilly, and if you’re up for clockwise from Sampalan. NUSA LEMBONGAN at the tip of the southern Bukit Peninsula,
it, you’ll get glimpses of great scenery as you The coastal road from Sampalan curves There is a public boat connection (5000Rp, it is closely associated with the Majapahit
wander or cycle around the rough tracks. and dips past bays with rows of fishing 20 minutes) between Toyapakeh and Jun- priest, Nirartha.
boats and offshore seaweed gardens. After gutbatu (Nusa Lembongan) between 5am Tanah Lot, however, is a well-organised
NUSA PENIDA about 6km, just before the village of Ka- and 6am. Ask at your hotel or on the tourist trap. To reach the temple, a walkway

%0366 rangsari, steps go up on the right side of beach. Alternatively, charter a whole boat runs through a sort of sideshow alley with
The arid island of Nusa Penida is a lime- the road to the narrow entrance of Goa between the two islands for a negotiable dozens of souvenir shops down to the sea.
stone plateau with white-sand beaches on Karangsari caves. There are usually people 200,000Rp. To ease the task of making purchases, there
its north coast, and views over the water to who can provide a lantern and guide you is an ATM.
the volcanoes in Bali. The beaches are not through the cave for a small negotiable fee PADANGBAI To visit the temple you should pick the
good for swimming as most of the shal- of around 20,000Rp each. The limestone On the beach just east of the car park you’ll correct time – everybody shows up for sun-
lows are filled with bamboo frames used cave is over 15m tall in some sections. It find the twin-engine fibreglass boats that set and the mobs obliterate any spiritual
for seaweed farming. The south coast has extends more than 200m through the hill run across the strait to Buyuk, just west feel the place has. If you visit before noon,
limestone cliffs dropping straight down to and emerges on the other side to overlook of Sampalan on Nusa Penida (50,000Rp, crowds are few and the vendors are all but
the sea and a row of offshore islets – it’s a verdant valley. one hour). The inconspicuous ticket of- asleep.
rugged and spectacular scenery. The in- Continue south past a naval station and fice is nearby. Boats leave at infrequent You can walk over to the temple itself at
terior is hilly, with sparse-looking crops several temples to Suana. Here the main intervals. low tide (but non-Balinese are not allowed
and old-fashioned villages. Nusa Penida road swings inland and climbs up into the to enter), or if you need a pricey drink, walk
can make for an adventurous daytrip from hills, while a very rough side track goes Getting Around up the slope to the left and sit at one of the
Nusa Lembongan. southeast, past more interesting temples to To see the island you should charter your many tables along the cliff top.
Semaya, a fishing village with a sheltered own bemo or private vehicle with driver for
Sampalan beach and one of Bali’s best dive sites off- about 60,000Rp to 100,000Rp. Sleeping & Eating
Sampalan, the main town on thinly popu- shore. If you want to enjoy the sunset spectacle
lated Penida, is quiet and pleasant, with a About 9km southwest of Suana, Tanglad and also avoid traffic afterwards, there are
market, schools and shops strung out along
the curving coast road. The market area,
is an old-fashioned village and a centre for
traditional weaving. Rough roads south and
WEST BALI lodging options near Tanah Lot. There are
cheap warungs around the car park, and
where the bemos congregate, is in the mid- east lead to isolated parts of the coast. Most places regularly visited in West Bali, more expensive restaurants inside the
dle of town. A scenic ridge-top road goes northwest like Sangeh or Tanah Lot, are easy day trips grounds and on the cliff tops facing the
from Tanglad. At Batukandik, a rough road from Ubud or the Kuta region. The rest of temple.
SLEEPING & EATING leads to a spectacular air terjun (waterfall). the west tends to be a region travellers zip Dewi Sinta Restaurant & Villa (% 812933;
Bungalow Pemda (% 21448, 23580; r 25,000- Limestone cliffs drop hundreds of feet into through on their way to or from Java, but it; dishes 20,000-
100,000Rp) Opposite the police station, a the sea, with offshore rock pinnacles sur- does offer a few secluded places to stay, the 60,000Rp, buffet lunches 50,000Rp; as ) Off a
few hundred metres east of the market, rounded by crashing surf. West Bali National Park (Taman Nasional souvenir-shop gang, not far from the ticket
is the government rest-house, which has Back on the main road, continue to Ba- Bali Barat) and long stretches of black-sand office, lies this midrange hotel. There’s a
four good-value renovated rooms with hot tumadeg, past Bukit Mundi (the highest point beach and rolling surf. Countless tracks run range of rooms (US$16 to US$55), and
water. The older rooms are basic. on the island at 529m), through Klumpu to south of the main road, usually to fishing some look across the pool and beyond to
There are a few warungs along the main Sakti, which has traditional stone buildings. villages, which rarely see a tourist despite rural views. The restaurant offers standard
road and around the market. Return to the north coast at Toyapakeh. being so close to a main transport route. buffet lunches and Balinese dance perform-
The important temple of Pura Dalem Pene- ances some nights.
Toyapakeh taran Ped is near the beach at Ped, a few TANAH LOT
If you come by boat from Lembongan, kilometres east of Toyapakeh. It houses a %0361 Getting There & Away
you’ll probably be dropped at the beach at shrine for the demon Jero Gede Macaling. The brilliantly located Pura Tanah Lot (adult/ Coming from South Bali with your own
Toyapakeh, a pretty town with lots of shady The temple structure is crude, which gives child 3300/1800Rp, car park 1500Rp) is possibly the transport, take the coastal road west from
trees. The beach has clean white sand, clear it an appropriately sinister ambience. From best-known and most photographed tem- Kerobokan, which is north of the Kuta
blue water, a neat line of boats, and Gunung there, the road is straight and flat back to ple in Bali. It’s an obligatory stop on many region, and follow the signs or the traf-
Agung as a backdrop. Step up from the Sampalan. tours from South Bali, very commercialised, fic. From other parts of Bali, turn off the

352 W E S T B A L I • • Pu r a Ta m a n A y u n W E S T B A L I • • S a n g e h 353

0 10 km
WEST BALI 0 6 miles

To Seririt (6km); Pacung Nungnung



Seririt (6km); Lovina (12km)
Lovina (12km); To Bedugul
Pulaki Grokgak Singaraja (17km)

Pemuteran Gondoi
Pulau Air Panas Pupuan Jatiluwih
Menjangan Banyuwedang Pujungan Payangan
Pura Luhur
Pura Gili Kencana Pujungan Batukau
Taman Nasional Teluk Batungsei Waterfall
Gunung Dukuh
Bali Barat Terima Labuhan Wangayagede
Waka Shorea Lalang (1224m)

Prapat Penatahan Penebel
Gunung Sanda
Lampu Agung Bali Starling Hot

Visitor Centre Mesehe Springs

Merah Pre-Release (1344m) Margarana Sembung


Centre Sangeh
Gunung Ubud

b ul
Gunung Prapat Gunung Blimbing

i Pulu
Agung (310m) Banyuwedang Merbuk Marga Bukit Sari

(430m) (1388m) West Bali (Monkey Forest)

ngai Balian


National Park

Sungai Melay


Sungai Daya

Gunung Kangetan

To Kelatakan
(698m) Belayu
(Java) Cekik Bunut Pura Taman Ayun
Bolong Sibang
Belimbingsari Alas Mengwi
Taman Nasional Tabanan Kedaton
Bali Barat Ambyasari Palasari
Headquarters Antosari Muncan
Kelatakan Air Satang Bajera Badung
Pulukan Gubug Kediri Lukluk
Yeh Embang Kutuh Lalang- Kerambitan
Melaya Mendoyo Penarukan Pejaten Kapal Sempidi
Jembrana Pura Medewi
Candikesuma Rambut Tibubiyu
Negara Siwi
Selat Bali Surf Break Beraban
Delod Berawan Kelating Denpasar
Yeh Gangga Kerobokan

Pengambengan Pura Perancak Pura Tanah

Gede Lot

Denpasar–Gilimanuk road near Kediri and raja can drop you off at the roundabout westward about 2km through Marga. It’s TABANAN
follow the signs. in Mengwi, where signs indicate the road easy to get lost, so ask for directions. %0361
By bemo, go from Denpasar’s Ubung (250m) to the temple. Pura Taman Ayun Tabanan is the capital of the district of the
terminal to Tanah Lot (7000Rp) via Kediri. is a stop-off on many organised tours from SANGEH same name. Like many such towns in Bali,
Alternatively, take an organised tour from Ubud or southern Bali. About 20km north of Denpasar, near the vil- it’s a large, well-organised place. It is also a
Ubud or South Bali, which may include other lage of Sangeh, stands the monkey forest of renowned centre for dancing and gamelan
sites such as Bedugul, Mengwi and Sangeh. MARGA Bukit Sari. There’s a rare grove of nutmeg trees playing, although public performances are
Northwest of the village, Margarana memorial in the monkey forest and a temple, Pura Bukit essentially nil. Mario, the renowned dancer
PURA TAMAN AYUN (admission by donation of around 5000Rp; h8am-4pm) Sari, with an interesting old garuda statue. of the prewar period, hailed from Tabanan.
The huge state temple of Pura Taman Ayun commemorates the battle of Marga. On 20 Take note: the monkeys are all about business His greatest achievement was to perfect the
(adult/child 3300/1800Rp; h8am-6pm), surrounded November 1946, a force of 96 independence and will jump on you if you have a pocket- Kebyar dance, and he is also featured in
by a wide, elegant moat, was the main tem- fighters was surrounded by a much larger ful of peanuts and don’t dispense them fast Miguel Covarrubias’ classic book, Island
ple of the Mengwi kingdom, which survived and better-armed Dutch force fighting to enough. The cheeky monkeys have also been of Bali.
until 1891, when it was conquered by the regain Bali as a colony after the departure known to steal hats, sunglasses and even san- A subak is the village association that deals
neighbouring kingdoms of Tabanan and of the Japanese. The outcome was similar dals, from fleeing tourists. This place is defi- with water, water rights and irrigation. The
Badung. The large, spacious temple was to the puputan of 40 years before. There nitely touristy, but the forest is cool, green Mandala Mathika Subak (%810315; Jl Raya Kediri) is
built in 1634 and extensively renovated in was, however, one important difference: and shady. The souvenir sellers are restricted quite a large complex devoted to Tabanan’s
1937. It’s a lovely place to wander around, this time the Dutch suffered heavy casual- to certain areas and are easy to avoid. subak organisations and incorporates the
especially before the tour buses arrive. The ties too, and this may have helped weaken rather forlorn Subak Museum, which has
first courtyard is a large, open, grassy ex- their resolve to hang on to this rebellious Getting There & Away displays about the irrigation and cultivation
panse and the inner courtyard has a multi- colony. You can reach Sangeh and Bukit Sari on of rice, and the intricate social systems that
tude of meru. On the site is a small museum, with a few any bemo heading to Pelaga from Wangaya govern it. The exhibits are poorly labelled
photos, homemade weapons and other arte- terminal in Denpasar (6000Rp). There is and it’s really only for rice-growing enthu-
Getting There & Away facts from the conflict. Get off any bemo also road access from Mengwi and Ubud, siasts; this is a shame as there’s a good story
Any bemo running between Denpasar between Denpasar and Bedugul or Singa- but no public transport. Most people visit to tell here and the local waterways are some
(Ubung terminal) and Bedugul or Singa- raja, about 6km north of Mengwi, and walk on an organised tour or drive themselves. the most impressive in Bali.
354 W E S T B A L I • • S o u t h o f Ta b a n a n Book accommodation online
w w at
w Book
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SOUTH OF TABANAN tropical experience. Here you will see some Batukau road, Prana Dewi Mountain Resort SLEEPING & EATING
There are not a lot of tourist attractions of the finest rice terraces in Bali. (%732032;; bungalows from For a casual meal, some of the finest fare
in the southern part of Tabanan district, About 9km north of Tabanan the road US$40) is set among rice paddies and cours- is served up freshly stir-fried at a cart right
but it’s easy to access with your own trans- reaches a fork. The left road goes to Pura ing waterways. The eight rustic, beautifully by the beach.
port. You can reach the main villages by Luhur Batukau via the hot springs at Pe- furnished bungalows have thick slab timber Mai Malu Restaurant & Guesthouse (%43897;
local bemo from Tabanan, especially in the natahan. A few kilometres north of the hot floors and hot water. The restaurant, sur- s/d 60,000/80,000Rp) Near the highway on the
mornings. Kediri has Pasar Hewan, one of springs, take a right turn at Wangayagede rounded by low, terraced red-rice fields and Medewi side road, Mai Malu is popular
Bali’s busiest cattle markets, and is the ter- village and follow the road as it winds and a bamboo forest, has a lush vista. Most of with surfers, serving crowd-pleasing pizza,
minal for bemos to Pura Tanah Lot. About soars through some beautiful country. At the vegetables used in the creative dishes burgers and Indonesian meals (10,000Rp
10km south of Tabanan is Pejaten, a centre Jatiluwih you will be rewarded with vistas (15,000Rp to 35,000Rp) are grown organi- to 35,000Rp) in its modern, breezy up-
for the production of traditional pottery, that exhaust your ability to describe green. cally in the surrounding fields. stairs eating area. The three rooms have
including elaborate ornamental roof tiles. The locals will also be rewarded with your cold water and fans. Other cheapies huddle
Porcelain clay objects, which are made green, as there’s a road toll (per person LALANG-LINGGAH nearby.
purely for decorative use, can be seen in a 3300Rp, plus 1500Rp per car). This is a %0361 Medewi Beach Cottages (%40029; r US$15-60;

few workshops in the village. good place for a rice-field hike. Any road A little to the west of Lalang-Linggah, a as) These cottages have an ordinary
A little west of Tabanan, a road goes 8km heading south will eventually take you back road leads to the surf breaks near the mouth two-storey building on the western side of
south via Gubug to the secluded coast at Yeh to the main Tabanan–Denpasar road. of Sungai Balian (Balian River). The main the road with seven second-rate standard
Gangga. The next road west from Tabanan break, at the river mouth, is sometimes cold-water rooms aimed at surfers, and a
turns down to the coast via Kerambitan, a Sights & Activities called Soka. more stylish wing on the other side with 22
village noted for its beautiful old buildings PURA LUHUR BATUKAU Among the smattering of places to stay well-furnished rooms around a pool. The
(including two 17th-century palaces); a On the slopes of Gunung Batukau, Pura Luhur hidden away on this quiet coast, Gajah posh side features satellite TV and lush
tradition of wayang-style painting; and its Batukau (donation 5000Rp) was the state temple Mina (%0812 3811 630;; grounds, but security measures have ob-
own styles of music and dance, especially when Tabanan was an independent king- villas from US$80; as) is one of the nicer structed what should be a good view.
Tektekan, a ceremonial procession. dom. It has a seven-roofed meru dedicated to ones. There are eight private, exquisitely Puri Dajuma Cottages (%43955; www.dajuma
South of Kerambitan, you will pass Maha Dewa, the mountain’s guardian spirit, furnished bungalow-style villas. All have .com; r US$70-90; ais) Coming from the
through Penarukan, known for its stone- as well as shrines for Bratan, Buyan and Tam- an outdoor and indoor bathroom, and in- east, you won’t be able to miss this seaside
and wood-carvers, and also its dancers. blingan lakes. It’s surrounded by forest and is viting day lounges on the balcony. From resort, thanks to its prolific signage. Hap-
Continue to the coast, where you’ll find often damp and misty. Sarongs can be rented the pool, there are views of the ocean in pily, the 18 large rooms actually live up to
the beach at Kelating wide, black and usu- and a donation to the temple is requested. the near distance. The restaurant features the billing. Bathrooms are both inside and
ally deserted. The main pagoda-like structures have lit- an international Asian menu. The turn- out, and its location on a pounding body-
About 4km from southern Kerambitan tle doors shielding small ceremonial items. off from the main road is near the village surfing break is dramatic. Medewi Beach
is Tibubiyu. For a gorgeous drive through This is certainly the most spiritual temple market and there is a gate where 1000Rp is is a 2km walk west. Ask for a deal on the
huge bamboo, fruit trees, rice paddies and you can easily visit in Bali. There’s a general collected before you make the very pretty listed rates.
more, take the scenic road northwest from lack of touts and other characters – includ- 1km drive.
Kerambitan to the main road. ing hordes of tourists. Facing the temple NEGARA
To stay the night, consider Puri Dewa take a short walk around to the left to see a JEMBRANA COAST %0365
(% 081 2360 4517; Tibubiyu; bungalows 150,000- small white-water stream. The air vibrates About 34km west of Tabanan you cross Negara, the district capital, is a prosper-
200,000Rp, dishes 12,000-25,000Rp). To find Puri with the coursing of water. into Bali’s most sparsely populated district, ous little town and is useful for a pit stop,
Dewa, head straight south from Puri Jembrana. The main road follows the south though there’s not much to see. The town
Anyar and turn right at the T-intersec- GUNUNG BATUKAU coast most of the way to Negara. There’s springs to life when the famous bull races
tion. At the huge banyan tree, turn right At Pura Luhur Batukau you are fairly well some beautiful scenery but little tourist de- (p356) are held nearby in July, August, Sep-
and follow the road through to Tibubiyu. up the side of Gunung Batukau, and you may velopment along the way, with the excep- tember and/or October. Most banks change
Bibi’s is signposted on the left. It’s won- wish to go for a climb. To reach the top of tion of the surf action at Medewi. money and have ATMs.
derfully isolated, perfectly tranquil and the 2276m peak, you’ll need a guide. This
has five rather nice bungalows. There are can be arranged at the temple ticket booth. Medewi Sleeping & Eating
amazing rice-paddy views with the ocean Expect to pay at least 800,000Rp for a muddy %0365 The main road bypasses the town to the
beyond. There’s a small, breezy restaurant trek that will take at least seven hours in one Along the main road, a large sign points north – you’ll need to turn in to the main
for guests only. direction. The rewards are amazing views, down the paved road (200m) to the surf- drag, Jl Ngurah Rai. There are assorted
verdant scenery and the knowledge that ing mecca of Pantai Medewi. The beach warung in the market area.
NORTH OF TABANAN you’ve taken the trail that is much less trav- is a stretch of huge, smooth grey rocks Hotel Wira Pada (%41161; Jl Ngurah Rai 107; r
The area north of Tabanan is good to travel elled compared to the peaks in the east. interspersed among round black pebbles. with fan/air-con 90,000/130,000Rp; a) The cheap
around with your own transport. There are It’s a placid place where cattle graze by the rooms are dark and dreary, while the more
some strictly B-level attractions; the real Sleeping & Eating beach. Medewi is noted not for its beach but expensive ones have air-con. The setting is
appeal here is just driving the back roads Past the village of Wangayagede and sign- for its long left-hand wave – there is little reasonably pleasant, however, and you can
with trees canopying the road for a full-on posted to the left off the main Pura Luhur else here. make friends with the talking mynah bird.
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Rumah Makan Puas (Jl Ngurah Rai; dishes 6000- ances often feature a number of gamelan Sights & Activities hours). You may be able to get permission
12,000Rp) A nice shady spot with good Pa- groups engaging in musical contest. To see WILDLIFE from park headquarters to stay overnight
dang-style food. and hear them in action, time your arrival Most of the natural vegetation in the park is in the forest – if you don’t have a tent, your
Hardy’s Supermarket (%40709; Jl Ngurah Rai) with a local festival, or ask in Negara where not tropical rainforest, which requires rain guide can make a shelter from branches and
Hardy’s has the best selection of goods in you might find a group practising. year-round, but coastal savannah, with de- leaves, which will be an adventure in itself.
western Bali. ciduous trees that become bare in the dry Clear streams abound in the dense woods.
TAMAN NASIONAL BALI BARAT season. The southern slopes receive more
Getting There & Away %0365 regular rainfall, and hence have more tropi- BOAT TRIPS
Most bemos and minibuses from Denpasar The Taman Nasional Bali Barat (West Bali cal vegetation, while the coastal lowlands The best way to explore the mangroves of
(Ubung terminal) to Gilimanuk drop you National Park) covers 19,003 hectares of the have extensive mangroves. Teluk Gilimanuk or the west side of Prapat
in Negara (12,000Rp). western tip of Bali. An additional 50,000 There are more than 200 species of plants Agung is by chartering a boat (maximum of
hectares are protected in the national park in the park. Local fauna includes black mon- two people) for about 120,000Rp per boat
AROUND NEGARA extension, as well as almost 7000 hectares keys, leaf monkeys and macaques (seen in per hour. You can arrange this at either of
At the southern fringe of Negara, Loloan of coral reef and coastal waters. On an the afternoon along the main road near the park offices. A guide will cost another

Timur is largely a Bugis community (origin- island as small and densely populated as Sumber Kelompok); rusa, barking, sambar, 100,000Rp. This is the ideal way to see bird
ally from Sulawesi) that retains 300-year- Bali, this represents a major commitment to Java and mouse deer (muncak); and some life, including the kingfisher and the Java-
old traditions. Look for the distinctive nature conservation. Unfortunately, you’ll wild pigs, squirrels, buffalo, iguanas, pythons nese heron.
houses on stilts, some decorated with soon see a lot of firewood vendors along and green snakes. There were once tigers, but
wooden fretwork. the road, who cut down trees and replace the last confirmed sighting was in 1937 – and DIVING
To reach Delod Berawan, turn off the main them with coffee plants. that one was shot. The bird life is prolific, Teluk Gilimanuk is a shallow bay with marine
Gilimanuk–Denpasar road at Mendoyo and The park headquarters (%61060; h7am-5pm) with many of Bali’s 300 species found here, life quite different from that in other parts
go south to the coast, which has a black- at Cekik displays a topographic model of including the extremely rare Bali starling. of Bali – it’s especially interesting for divers
sand beach and irregular surf. You can see the park area, and has a little information with a strong interest in marine biology.
bull-race practices Sunday mornings at the about plants and wildlife. You can arrange TREKKING The closest and most convenient dive op-
nearby football field. trekking guides and permits here. There is All trekkers must be accompanied by an erators are found at Pemuteran (p373) and
Perancak is the site of Nirartha’s arrival also a small visitors centre at Labuhan La- authorised guide. It’s best to arrive the day Lovina (p370).
in Bali in 1546, commemorated by a small lang (p358) on the northern coast, where before you want to trek, and make inquir- Pulau Menjangan is one of Bali’s best-
temple, Pura Gede Perancak. Bull races are run boats leave for Pulau Menjangan. ies at the park headquarters at Cekik, the known dive areas, with a dozen distinct
at Taman Wisata Perancak (%0365-42173), and The main roads to Gilimanuk go through visitors’ centre at Labuhan Lalang or any dive sites. The diving is excellent – lots of
Balinese buffets are sometimes staged for the national park, but you don’t have to pay hotel in Gilimanuk. Guides may miracu- tropical fish (including clown fish, parrot
organised tours from South Bali. If you’re an entrance fee just to drive through. If you lously appear at your hotel within minutes fish, sharks and barracuda), soft corals,
travelling independently, give the park a want to stop and visit any of the sites within of your arrival, but first make sure they are great visibility (usually), caves and a spec-
ring before you go out there. In Perancak the park, you must buy a ticket (2500Rp). authorised. tacular drop-off.
go for a walk along the picturesque fishing What most strikes many visitors who The set rates for guides in the park depend
harbour. venture into the park is the symphony from on the size of the group and the length of the Sleeping
Once capital of the region, Jembrana is the the birds and the rustling trees. Just getting trek – with one or two people it’s 150,000Rp There’s rough – and free – camping at the
centre of the gamelan jegog, a gamelan using off the road a bit on one of the many trails for one or two hours, 200,000Rp for three park headquarters in Cekik, although one
huge bamboo instruments that produce a (see opposite) transports you into the heart or four hours, and 400,000Rp for five to of the guides hanging around may ask for
very low-pitched, resonant sound. Perform- of nature. seven hours; with three to five people it’s a 10,000Rp donation. Besides the somewhat
250,000Rp, 300,000Rp or 500,000Rp. Trans- dire choices in Gilimanuk, there are nice
port and food are extra and all the prices are options in the northwest, east of Labuhan
BULL RACES very negotiable. Early morning, say 6am, is Lalang. Your best bet is to go for Pemuteran
This part of Bali is famous for the bull races, known as mekepung, which culminate in the Bupati the best time to start – it’s cooler and you’re (p373).
Cup in Negara in early August. The racing animals are actually the normally docile water buffalo, more likely to see some wildlife. The follow- Waka Shorea (% 0362-94666; www.wakaexperi
which charge down a 2km-long stretch of road or beach pulling tiny chariots. Gaily clad riders ing are two of the more popular treks.; units from US$165; as) Located in
stand or kneel on top of the chariots forcing the bullocks on, sometimes by twisting their tails to From a trail west of Labuhan Lalang, hike splendid isolation in the park, Waka Sho-
make them follow the curve of the makeshift racetrack. The winner, however, is not necessarily around the mangroves at Teluk Terima. Then rea is a 10-minute boat ride from the hotel’s
first past the post. Style also plays a part and points are awarded to the most elegant runner. partially follow Sungai Terima into the hills reception area just east of Labuhan Lalang.
Gambling is not legal in Bali, but… and walk back down to the road along the It’s a luxurious boutique resort and the em-
Important races are held during the dry season, from July to October. Occasional races are steps at Makam Jayaprana. You might see phasis is on nature, whether through div-
set up for tourist groups at a park in Perancak on the coast, and minor races and practices are grey macaques, deer and black monkeys ing, trekking or bird-watching.
held at several Perancak and other sites on Sunday mornings, including Delod Berawan (see (allow two to three hours).
above) and Yeh Embang. Check with your hotel or the Jembrana Government Tourist Office From Sumber Kelompok, go up Gunung Getting There & Away
(%41210, ext 224) for details. Kelatakan (698m), then down to the main The national park is too far away for a
road near Kelatakan village (six to seven comfortable day trip from Ubud or South
358 C E N T R A L M O U N TA I N S • • G u n u n g B a t u r C E N T R A L M O U N TA I N S • • G u n u n g B a t u r 359

Bali, though many dive operators do it. It FERRY or Kubupenelokan; to save any hassle, volcano trail. Don’t even leave a helmet with
is much more accessible from Lovina or Boats to and from Ketapang on Java you should stop and buy a ticket. Entry is a motorcycle.
Pemuteran – just get any Gilimanuk-bound (adult/child 4300/2900Rp, car and driver 4000/2000Rp per adult/child. Bicycles are
bus or bemo to drop you at either the Labu- 81,500Rp) run every 30 minutes round free (and should be, given the climb needed Trekking
han Lalang visitors centre or the park head- the clock, and are the main reason for to get here). This ticket is for the whole Gu- The setting for Gunung Batur is other-
quarters at Cekik. Alternatively, you can coming here. nung Batur area; you shouldn’t be charged worldly: it’s like a giant dish, with the bot-
take an organised tour or rent a vehicle. any more down at the lakeside. tom half covered with water and a set of
volcanic cones growing in the middle. Visit
The jetty at this small harbour is the place
CENTRAL MOUNTAINS Dangers & Annoyances
Gunung Batur has developed a well-deserved
the area on a clear day and you’ll under-
stand what all the fuss is about. Soaring up
to catch a boat to Pulau Menjangan (p357) Most of Bali’s mountains are volcanoes; reputation as a money-grubbing place where in the centre of the huge outer crater is the
in the national park. There’s a visitors centre some are dormant, but some are definitely visitors (mainly around Penelokan) are has- cone of Gunung Batur (1717m), formed by
(h7.30am-3pm) here, where you can pay the active. The mountains divide the gentle sled by touts and wannabe mountain guides a 1917 eruption. A cluster of smaller cones
park entrance fee (2500Rp), as well as sev- sweep of fertile land to the south from (mainly around the lake area). Of course lies beside, created variously by eruptions

eral warungs and a pleasant beach 200m to the narrow, more arid strip to the north. the guides themselves can be a problem, see in 1926, 1963, 1974 and 1994.
the east. Some of the warung rent snorkel- Northwest of Gunung Agung is the stark p360). Don’t leave valuables in your car, But is it worthwhile to go through the
ling gear (50,000Rp for four hours) and can and spectacular caldera that contains the especially at any car park at the start of a hassle and the expense of making the
point out where the best sites are. volcanic cone of Gunung Batur (1717m),
Local boat owners have a strict cartel the waters of Danau Batur and numerous GUNUNG BATUR AREA 0
3 km
2 miles
and fixed prices: it costs 250,000Rp for a smaller craters. In central Bali, around
four-hour trip to Menjangan, and 20,000Rp Bedugul, is another complex of volcanic A B C D
for every subsequent hour in a boat hold- craters and lakes, with much lusher vege- INFORMATION SLEEPING TRANSPORT
ing 10 people (or five scuba divers with tation. A string of smaller mountains HPPGB Guides Office.........................1 C3
HPPGB Guides Office.........................2 C3
Arlina's Bungalows.............................6 C3
Hotel Astra Dana................................7 B4
Ticket Office....................................10 B4
Ticket Office.................................... 11 A4
equipment). A guide costs an additional stretches off into the sparsely inhabited 1 Hotel Surya.........................................8 B4
SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Lakeside Cottages..............................9 C3
60,000Rp. western region. Pura Puncak Penulisan.......................3 A2 Under the Volcano III.......................(see 9)
It’s all a big change from the coastal Pura Ulun Danu.................................4 A3 Volcano Breeze................................(see 9)

GILIMANUK areas. Temperatures fall and you may need Tirta Sanjiwani Hot Springs Complex..5 C3

%0365 something more than shorts! There are two

Gilimanuk is the terminus for ferries that main routes through the mountains to the
shuttle back and forth across the narrow north coast (via Gunung Batur and via Be-
strait to Java. dugul), which allow you to make a circuit. Gunung
Most travellers to or from Java can get There are treks to be had, clear lake waters (1745m)
an onward ferry or bus straight away, and to enjoy, plus a few other natural and sacred 2 To
Kubutambahan Blandingan
won’t need to stop in Gilimanuk. The mu- sites of note. (34km) 3

seum is the only attraction – the town is

really a place one passes through quickly. GUNUNG BATUR To

Services are few; there are no ATMs. %0366 (19km)

Toya Mampeh
This part of Bali has been occupied Most day-visitors come on organised tours Songan
for thousands of years. The Museum Situs and stop at the crater rim at Penelokan for Gunung
Purbakala Gilimanuk (%61328; donation 5000Rp; views and lunch; most overnight visitors (1717m)

h8am-4pm Mon-Fri) is centred on a family stay in the villages around the lake. The
of skeletons thought to be 4000 years old, views both from above and from lake level 3 4

which were found locally in 2004. It’s 500m are truly wonderful – if you hit the area on 9 Kuban (Cemetery)
east from the ferry port. a clear day. Batur 6
Toya Bungkah
Hotel Sari (% 61264; r 100,000Rp, with air-con Trunyan
175,000Rp; a) is the best of a dubious lot of Orientation & Information Kubupenelokan 2
Pura Jati
hotels. On the ocean side of Jl Raya, it has There are two main roads in the Gunung 11
Danau Batur
basic rooms and a karaoke bar next door. Batur area. The outer caldera-rim road
links Penulisan and Penelokan, and from 7 Abang
Getting There & Away Penelokan you drop down onto the inner- 8
Frequent buses hurtle along the main road rim road. The latter is rough in parts, es- 4 Terminal Abang
Penelokan Kedisan (2152m)
between Gilimanuk’s huge bus depot and pecially the western side of the circuit, but Peludu
Denpasar’s Ubung terminal (25,000Rp), drivable for all vehicles. Beyunggede To To
or along the north coast road to Singaraja If you arrive by private vehicle, you will To Sekardadi (1km);
Payangan (17km); Tampaksiring (17km); Bangklet (7km);
Suter (1km);
Pempatan (11km);
Bangli (18km)
(20,000Rp). be stopped at ticket offices at Penelokan Ubud (29km) Ubud (32km) Rendang (16km)
360 C E N T R A L M O U N TA I N S • • G u n u n g B a t u r Book
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climb? You’ll get some amazing pictures The Outer-Rim Road TOYA BUNGKAH
and come close to volcanic action not eas- HPPGB GUIDED CLIMBS PENELOKAN The main tourist centre is Toya Bungkah,
ily seen anywhere. But the flip side is that Trek Duration Cost (Rp) On a clear day, Penelokan has superb views which is scruffy but has a cute charm and a
it’s costly, you have to deal with various across to Gunung Batur and down to the serene lakeside setting.
characters and at some point you may just Batur Sunrise 4am-8am 200,000-300,000 lake at the bottom of the crater. It has nu- Hot springs bubble out in a couple of
say, ‘I could have enjoyed all this from the Gunung Batur 4am-10am 200,000-300,000 merous huge places catering to busloads of spots, and have long been used for bath-
parking lot viewpoint in Penelokan.’ main crater tourists. Enjoy the view and leave. ing pools. Beside the lake, with a wonder-
Even reputable and highly competent ful mountain backdrop, Tirta Sanjiwani Hot
adventure tour operators from elsewhere KINTAMANI Springs Complex (%51204; adult/child US$5/2.50;
in Bali cannot take their customers up Gu- Pinning these guys down on rates can be The village of Batur used to be down in h8am-8pm) has lovely gardens near the lake.
nung Batur without paying the HPPGB (see enough to send you back to South Bali, but the crater. A violent eruption in 1917 Entry includes use of the big cold-water
below) and using one of their guides, so see the boxed text (above) for what you can killed thousands of people and destroyed pool (20°C) and hot spa (40°C).
these tours are relatively expensive. expect to pay. more than 60,000 homes and 2000 tem-
Pretty much all the accommodation in ples. The village was rebuilt, but Gunung Sleeping & Eating

the area can help you put a trek together. EQUIPMENT Batur erupted again in 1926. This time the Unless noted, hotels only have cold water,
They can recommend alternatives to the If you’re climbing before sunrise, take a lava flow covered all but the loftiest temple which can be a boon for waking up for a
classic Batur climb such as the outer rim of torch (flashlight) or be absolutely sure that shrine. The village was relocated up on the sunset climb. Most have restaurants, some
the crater, or to other mountains such as your guide provides you with one. You’ll crater rim, and the surviving shrine was of which serve ikan mujair, a delicious small
Gunung Agung (p333). need good strong footwear, a hat, a jumper also moved up and placed in the temple, lake fish, which is barbecued to a crisp with
and drinking water. Pura Ulun Danu. onion, garlic and bamboo shoots.
HPPGB Under the Volcano III (% 0813 3860 081; r
The notorious HPPGB (%52362; Toya Bungkah ROUTES PENULISAN 60,000Rp) With a lovely, quiet lakeside loca-
office h5am-9pm; Pura Jati office h3am-noon) has Most travellers use one of two trails that At a bend in the road, at the junction to Sin- tion opposite vegetable plots, this inn has
a monopoly on guided climbs up Gunung start near Toya Bungkah. garaja, several steep flights of steps lead to six clean and pretty rooms; go for room
Batur. HPPGB requires that all trekking The shorter one is straight up (three to Bali’s highest temple, Pura Puncak Penulisan one right on the water. There are two other
agencies hire at least one of its guides four hours return), while a longer trek (five (admission 4100Rp) at 1745m. The views from nearby inns in the Volcano empire, all run
for trips up the mountain. In addition to six hours return) links the summit climb the temple are superb: facing north you by the same cheery family.
the HPPGB has developed an unsavoury with the other craters. can see over the rice terraces clear to the Arlina’s Bungalows (%51165; s/d 50,000/80,000Rp,
reputation for intimidation in requiring The route from Toya Bungkah is pretty Singaraja coast. with hot water 70,000/100,000Rp) Clean, comfort-
climbers to use its guides. Reported tac- straightforward. Climbers have reported that able, friendly and above the average stand-
tics have ranged from dire warnings given they have easily made this journey without a The Inner-Rim Road ard. Breakfast is included.
to people who inquired at its offices to HPPGB guide, although it shouldn’t be tried The farming villages down on the lakeside Lakeside Cottages (%51249; jero_wijaya@hotmail
outright physical threats against people at- while dark. The major obstacle is actually grow onions and other aromatic crops. It’s .com; r US$10-35; s) At the end of the track on
tempting to climb without a guide. There avoiding any hassle from the guides them- a crisp setting with often superb lake and the water’s edge, this is definitely one of the
have also been reports of guides station- selves. There are a few separate paths at first, mountain views. better places. The top-end rooms feature
ing themselves outside hotels to intercept but they all rejoin sooner or later and after hot water and satellite TV.
climbers. about 30 minutes you’ll be on a ridge with KEDISAN Volcano Breeze (%51824; dishes 10,000-21,000Rp)
quite a well-defined track. It gets pretty steep A hairpin-bend road winds its way down A delightful and sociable travellers’ café.
towards the top and it can be hard walk- from Penelokan to Kedisan on the shore of Fresh lake fish in many forms is the spe-
WHEN TO TREK ing over the loose volcanic sand – climbing the lake. There are a few good places to stay ciality here.
The volcanically active area west of the up three steps and sliding back two. Allow here if you are trekking.
main peak can be deadly, with explosions about two hours to get to the top. Getting There & Away
of steam and hot lava, unstable ground and There is another route from the north- Sleeping & Eating From Batubulan terminal in Denpasar,
sulphurous gases. To find out about current east, where a track enables you to use private Hotel Surya (%51139;; r bemos travel regularly to Kintamani
conditions, ask at your accommodation or transport to within about 45 minutes’ walk of 40,000-100,000Rp) Right at the bottom of the (15,000Rp). You can also get a bus on the
in Toya Bungkah. Alternatively look at the the top. From Toya Bungkah, take the road road from Penelokan, the Surya has a range busy Denpasar (Batabulan) to Singaraja
website of the Directorate of Volcanol- northeast towards Songan and take the left of 22 decent rooms – the more expensive route, which will stop in Penelokan and
ogy and Geographical Hazard Mitigation fork after about 3.5km at Serongga, just be- have views, hot water and bathtubs. Its res- Kintamani (about 15,000Rp).
( fore Songan. Follow this inner-rim road for taurant has a fine view. Pick-up is offered Alternatively, you can just hire a car or
The active areas are sometimes closed another 1.7km to a well-signposted track on from Ubud. use a driver. From South Bali expect to pay
to visitors for safety reasons – if this is the the left, which climbs another 1km or so to a Hotel Astra Dana (%52091; r 50,000-80,000Rp) The at least 400,000Rp.
case, don’t try it alone, and don’t pay extra car park. From here, the walking track is easy more expensive of the 12 rooms have hot
for an extended main crater trek that you to follow to the top. If you do this without an water and views to the lake across onion and Getting Around
won’t be able to complete. HPPGB guide, you can be sure that guides on cabbage fields. This is the home of the always Orange bemos regularly shuttle back and
motorbikes will appear to hassle you. delightful Dizzy, local guide extraordinaire. forth around the crater rim, between
362 C E N T R A L M O U N TA I N S • • D a n a u B r a t a n Book
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Penelokan and Kintamani (7000Rp for tour- The neighbouring towns of Candikun- reach at the top of the hill when coming up It is truly beautiful, with classical Hindu
ists). Public bemos from Penelokan down to ing and Bedugul have a picturesque temple, from South Bali. thatch-roofed meru reflected in the water and
the lakeside villages go mostly in the morn- botanical gardens and a colourful market Spread out along the western side of the silhouetted against the often cloudy mountain
ing (tourist price is about 5000Rp to Toya where you can buy the local fruit that lake, Candikuning is the horticultural focus backdrop – one of the most common photo-
Bungkah). Later in the day, you may have to grows in profusion. Thankfully, the area of central Bali. Its daily market was once graphic images of Bali. A large banyan tree
charter transport (40,000Rp or more). lacks the tourists and touts found around the main supplier of vegetables, fruit and shades the entrance, and you walk through
Gunung Batur, though Sunday and public flowers for the southern hotels, but now its manicured gardens and past an impressive
DANAU BRATAN holidays are usually very busy with local patrons are mostly tourists with a smatter- Buddhist stupa to reach the lakeside.
%0368 visitors. ing of locals shopping for herbs, spices and An unfortunate aspect is the small ani-
Driving inland from the humidity of south- In the west, the area around Munduk is potted plants. There’s a wartel beside the mal zoo, left of the main entrance, where
ern Bali, you gradually leave the rice ter- great for trekking and you can enjoy views market, and several moneychangers. tourists are encouraged to be photographed
races behind and ascend into the cool, all the way down to the north coast. alongside snakes, bats and iguanas, all of
damp mountain country around Danau SIGHTS which appear to be kept in less than hu-
Bratan. This lovely area is an excellent place Bedugul & Candikuning There’s a number of good sights up here. mane conditions.

to relax and use as a base for hiking around The name Bedugul is sometimes used to Note that Taman Rekreasi Bedugal, which is If you are feeling hungry, Perama Ulun-
the lakes and surrounding hills mentioned refer to the whole lakeside area, but strictly on the lake at Bedugal, is a pretty charm- danu (%21191; dishes 15,000-30,000Rp; h9am-5pm)
later in this section. speaking, Bedugul is just the first place you less amusement park aimed at day-tripping in the grounds has a pleasant outdoor ter-
Balinese. race and the usual Indonesian and Western
0 2 miles
4 km
Bali Botanical Gardens


Established in 1959 as a branch of the na- ACTIVITIES


To Gitgit (9km);

tional botanical gardens at Bogor, near Trekking
ai B

(1087m) Singaraja (14km)

Su Jakarta, the Bali Botanical Gardens (Kebun Raya From the water sports area, a trail around
1 Eka Karya Bali; %21273; admission 3500Rp, car parking the south side of the lake goes to the mun-
1500Rp; h7am-6pm) are a showplace. They dane Goa Jepang (Japanese Cave), which was
cover over 154 hectares on the lower slopes dug during WWII. From there, a difficult
To Gobleg (1km);
Mayong (12km) Danau Buyan G Catur
of Gunung Pohen. The gardens boast an path ascends to the top of Gunung Catur
Pancasari (2096m) 3
extensive collection of trees and flowers, (2096m), where the old Pura Puncak Mangu

14 (1341m) Golf
16 Course including wild orchids. Some plants are la- temple is popular with monkeys. Allow
11 To
9 Tamblingan belled with their botanical names, and the about four hours to go up and back from
booklet Six Self Guided Walks in the Bali Taman Rekreasi Bedugul.
Botanical Gardens, sold at the ticket office
2 Munduk (1905m) Danau
Bratan for 20,000Rp, is helpful. The gorgeous or- Water Sports
G Lesong
2 chid area is often locked to foil flower filch- At the temple gardens, you can hire a four-
Candikuning ers; ask that it be unlocked. passenger speedboat with a driver (per 30
Coming north from Bedugul, at a junction minutes 125,000Rp), a five-person boat
See Enlargement conspicuously marked with a large, phallic with boatman (per 30 minutes 80,000Rp),
G Pohen
corncob sculpture, a small side road goes or a two-person pedal boat (per 30 minutes
Danau 600m west to the gardens. Although nor- 35,000Rp).

Bratan G Sangiyang mally cool, shady, scenic and uncrowded, For an almost surreal experience, take a

on Sunday and public holidays they’re very quiet paddle across the lake and see Pura
3 Candikuning 5
popular with Balinese families. Ulun Danu Bratan at sunrise – arrange it
Sun gai

10 13
(1812m) Baturiti with a boatman the night before.
Bedugul 8 Pura Ulun Danu Bratan
About a kilometre north of the market, SLEEPING
1 km
0.5 miles this very important Hindu-Buddhist tem- The Bedugul and Candikuning area can
Pacung ple (adult/child 3300/1800Rp, parking 2000Rp; htickets make a good place for a break in explor-
Mengwi (33km);
7am-5pm, site 24hr) was founded in the 17th ing the highlands. Upmarket hotels on the
Candikuning Market........................1 A3
Goa Jepang (Japanese Cave)............2 D2
Bangah Denpasar (49km) century. It is dedicated to Dewi Danu, the slope south of Bedugul offer outstanding
Pura Puncak Mangu.........................3 D1 Mekel Ragi...................................(see 7) EATING goddess of the waters, and is actually built views to the east and west.
4 Pura Ulun Danu Bratan....................4 A3 Meme Surung..............................(see 7) Ngiring Ngewedang...................14 A2
Taman Rekreasi Bedugul..................5 A3 Pacung Mountain Resort................8 D3
Gunungsari Perama Ulundanu......................(see 4) on small islands, which means it is com- Pondok Wisata Dahlia Indah (% 21233; r
Pondok Kesuma Wisata..................9 A2
Pondok Wisata Dahlia Indah........10 A3
Strawberry Stop.........................15 C2 pletely surrounded by the lake. Both pil- 50,000Rp, with hot water 80,000-125,000Rp) In Can-
Enjung Beji Resort............................6 A2 Puri Lumbung Senganankaninan
Jatiluwih 11 A2 TRANSPORT Apuan
grimages and ceremonies are held here to dikuning, along a lane near the road to the
Guru Ratna......................................7 A2
Lumbung Bali Cottages................(see 11)
Sari Artha Inn...............................12 A3
Strawberry Hill.............................13 A3
Bemo Stop.................................(see 1)
Pancasari Bemo Terminal...........16 C2
ensure that there is a supply of water for botanical gardens, this is a decent budget
farmers all over Bali. option with 17 comfortable, clean rooms.
364 C E N T R A L M O U N TA I N S • • D a n a u B r a t a n Book accommodation online
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Sari Artha Inn (%21011; r 50,000Rp) Close to Pancasari volcanic crater. It’s worth stopping to enjoy Like all local places, there are a wide range
the market and lacking views, this place has The broad, green valley northwest of Danau the views back over the valley and lakes – of hikes on offer here.
five basic hot-water rooms. Bratan is actually the crater of an extinct watch out for the typically ill-behaved mon- Puri Lumbung Cottages (%92810; www.purilum
Strawberry Hill (Bukit Stroberi; %21265; r from volcano. In the middle of the valley, on keys on the road. Turning right at the top; s/d cottages US$67/75, f cottages US$95-149;
60,000Rp) Opposite the Taman Rekreasi the main road, Pancasari is a nontourist will take you on a scenic descent to the i) This great hotel has bright two-storey
turn-off, this cosy place has 10 basic rooms town with a bustling market and the main coastal town of Singaraja, via the Gitgit cottages that have stunning views (units
with hot water – a fine budget choice. The terminal for public bemos. waterfalls (p369). Taking a sharp left turn, three, eight, 10 and 11 have the best views)
excellent restaurant (dishes 10,000Rp to you follow a ridge-top road with Danau all the way down to the coast from their
18,000Rp) has polished floorboards and on Danau Buyan & Danau Tamblingan Buyan on one side and a slope to the sea on upstairs balconies. Rice grows right out-
a clear day you can see Kuta. It has a good Also northwest of Danau Bratan are two the other; coffee is a big crop in the area. side each unit. Fifteen trekking options
bar and tasty burgers. more lakes, Danau Buyan and Danau Tam- The road winds beautifully through the and a range of courses, including dance
Enjung Beji Resort (%21490; fax 21022; cottages blingan – neither has been heavily developed lush scenery to the main village of Munduk. and cooking, are offered. The hotel’s res-
250,000-500,000Rp) Just north of Pura Ulun for tourism, which is an advantage. There Watch for superb panoramas of North Bali taurant, Warung Kopi Bali, has a great out-
Danu Bratan and overlooking the lake, are several tiny villages and abandoned and the ocean. About 2km west of Munduk look onto the lush valleys and also serves

this 23-room place is a peaceful, pleasant temples along the shores of both lakes, and look for signs indicating parking for a 15m great food (dishes 15,000Rp to 24,000Rp),
option. The superior cottages are excel- although the frequently swampy ground waterfall near the road. including the local dish timbungan bi siap
lent quality and have outdoor showers and makes it unpleasant in parts to explore, this There’s archaeological evidence of a de- (clear chicken soup with sliced cassava and
sunken baths. All have hot water, good on is still a good place for taking a walk. veloped community in the Munduk region fried shallots). The hotel is on the right-
cool misty days. between the 10th and 14th centuries, and hand side of the road 700m before Munduk
Pacung Mountain Resort (%21038; r US$90-200; SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES accounts of the first Majapahit emissaries from Bedugul.
s) Well down the road to the south from Danau Buyan (admission 2000Rp, parking 1000Rp) has visiting the area. When the Dutch took Ngiring Ngewedang (% 082 836 5146; dishes
the ridge, this resort is built on a steep ter- parking right on the lake, a delightful 1.5km control of North Bali in the 1890s, they ex- 15,000-40,000Rp; h10am-4pm) This coffee house
raced slope overlooking an exquisite valley drive off the main road. The entire area is perimented with commercial crops, estab- 5km east of Munduk has views of the ocean
carved with rice fields and early morning home to market gardens growing produce lishing plantations for coffee, vanilla, cloves when it’s not clouded over. The café sells
views of Gunung Batukau. such as strawberries. and cocoa. Quite a few Dutch buildings are its own brand of coffee and staff will also
A 4km hiking trail goes around the south- still intact along the road in Munduk and take you through the coffee-production
EATING ern side of Danau Buyan from the park- further west, and the mountain scenery is process.
Food stalls at Candikuning market offer ing lot, then over the saddle to Danau sublime.
cheap eats, and there are food carts further Tamblingan and on to Asan Munduk. It Almost everything is at an elevation of at GETTING THERE & AWAY
north at the car park overlooking the lake. combines forest and lake views. least 1000m. Numerous trails are suitable Bemos leave Ubung terminal in Denpasar
At the entrance to Pura Ulun Danu Bratan Danau Tamblingan (adult/child 3000/1500Rp, for two-hour or much longer treks to coffee for Munduk frequently (20,000Rp). Morn-
are several Padang warungs, and there’s a parking 1000Rp) also has a parking lot at the plantations, rice fields, four waterfalls, vil- ing bemos from Candikuning also stop in
restaurant on the grounds. end of the road from the village of Asan lages, and around both Danau Tamblingan Munduk (12,000Rp). If you’re driving to or
Strawberry Stop (%21060; dishes 6000-15,000Rp, Munduk. The lake is a 400m walk and this and Danau Buyan. You will be able to ar- from the north coast, a decent road west of
strawberry wine 65,000Rp; h8am-6pm) North of is where you can catch the trail to Danau range a guide through your lodgings. Many Munduk goes through a number of pictur-
Candikuning, Strawberry Stop makes good Buyan. If you have a driver, you could walk people come here to trek for a day and stay esque villages to Mayong, then down to the
use of locally grown strawberries in milk this path in one direction and be met at a week. sea at Seririt.
shakes, juices and pancakes. Jaffles and the other end. There’s usually a couple of
other simple snacks and dishes are also guides hanging around the parking lot (you SLEEPING & EATING ROUTES THROUGH PUPUAN
available. The wine will remind you of your don’t need them for the lake path) who will Guru Ratna (%92182; r 100,000-200,000Rp) The The two most popular routes between the
misspent teenage years drinking plonk be- take you up and around Gunung Lesong (six cheapest place right in town has five com- southern and northern coasts are the roads
hind a fence. hours, 300,000Rp). fortable cold-water rooms in an old Dutch via Kintamani and Bedugul, but there are
house. The best rooms have some style and two other routes over the mountains. Both
GETTING THERE & AWAY SLEEPING & EATING nice porches. The restaurant does good branch north from the Denpasar to Gili-
Danau Bratan is beside a main north–south Pondok Kesuma Wisata (% 0817 472 8826; r meals (dishes 12,500Rp). manuk road, one from Pulukan and the
road, so it’s easy to reach from South Bali 200,000Rp) This cute little guesthouse with hot- Meme Surung and Mekel Ragi (%92811; r other from Antasari, and meet at Pupuan
or Singaraja. water rooms and a nice café (dishes 8000Rp 200,000Rp) are atmospheric old Dutch houses before dropping down to Seririt, west of
Most minibuses and bemos will stop to 20,000Rp) just up from the Danau Tam- right next to each other right in town and Lovina.
along the main road in Bedugul and blingan parking lot has a surprise or two: run by the same owner. The former has The Pulukan to Pupuan road climbs steeply
Candikuning. There are frequent connec- you may be greeted by a monkey. excellent views down the valleys. up from the coast, providing fine views back
tions from Denpasar’s Ubung terminal Lumbung Bali Cottages (%92818; r from US$40) down to the sea. The route runs through
(15,000Rp) and Singaraja’s Sukasada ter- Munduk & Around About 800m west of Munduk, this place has spice-growing country. At one point, the nar-
minal (15,000Rp). For Gunung Batur, you %0362 nine two-level villas overlooking the lush row and winding road runs right through
have to connect through Singaraja or hire Heading north from Pancasari, the main local terrain. The open-air bathrooms are an enormous bunut tree, which bridges the
transport. road climbs steeply up the rim of the old refreshing just as the porches are relaxing. road. This road was built by the Dutch using
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forced local labour – many Balinese died dur- North Bali. Although in recent decades it black-sand beachfront (albeit with a re- modation is in stylish lumbungs (rice barns
ing its construction and this, together with has been eclipsed by the south, the region taining wall). It’s named for its fresh-water with round roofs) set in a delightful garden
the sacrilege of chopping into the living tree, retains its fierce pride. springs, Air Sanih (adult/child 2000/1000Rp; h8am- facing the ocean. Meals (dishes 20,000Rp to
makes the Bunut Bolong a sacred place. The There is a strong and distinct artistic and 6pm), which are channelled into large swim- 40,000Rp) are served in a pavilion.
views beyond the tree into the rainforest are cultural tradition here. Dance troupes are ming pools before flowing into the sea. The
gorgeous and the birdsong can be deafening. highly regarded and a number of dance pools are particularly picturesque at sunset, Getting There & Away
Further on, the road spirals down to Pupuan styles originated here, including Joged and when throngs of locals bathe under heavily Yeh Sanih is on the main road along the
through some of Bali’s most beautiful rice Janger. Work in gold and silver, weaving, blooming frangipani trees. north coast. Frequent bemos and buses
terraces. pottery, musical-instrument making and Pura Ponjok Batu has a commanding loca- from Singaraja stop outside the springs
The road from Antasari initially travels temple design all feature distinctive local tion between the sea and the road, some (7000Rp).
through rice fields, then climbs into the styles. Distinctive too is the terrain: it’s 7km east of Yeh Sanih. It has some very If you are driving the coast road to Amed
spice-growing country and finally descends much drier here than in the lush south. fine limestone carvings in the central tem- and beyond, be sure to fill up at the petrol
through the coffee plantations to Pupuan. If And in recent years Buleleng has devel- ple area. station just east of Yeh Sanih as there is not
you continue another 12km or so towards oped its own resort area, Lovina, to draw A surprise in the area is Art Zoo (h8am- another until almost Amlapura.

the north coast you reach Mayong, where people away from the hectic south. Each 6pm), 5.7km east of Yeh Sanih on the Singa-
you can turn east to Munduk and on to year this strip adds just enough polish to raja road. The American artist Symon has SINGARAJA
Danau Tamblingan and Danau Buyan. increase its allure to visitors. Many come a gallery bursting with vibrant, exotic and %0362
here for the relaxing part of their holiday, often homoerotic paintings and sculpture. Singaraja (Lion King) is Bali’s second larg-
and, for active sorts, Pemuteran at the west You can chat up his models. est city, and it’s downright tidy compared
NORTH BALI end of the coast has excellent diving.
Sleeping & Eating
to Denpasar. Singaraja was the centre of
Dutch power in Bali and remained the ad-
Before people arrived by plane in South YEH SANIH Cilik’s Beach Garden (% 26561; www.ciliksbeach ministrative centre for the Lesser Sunda Is-
Bali, most people arrived at the island by %0362; s/d €40/60, villas €75-110; i) Coming lands (Bali through to Timor) until 1953. It
steamship at the old port in Singaraja. It About 15km east of Singaraja, Yeh Sanih here is like visiting your rich friends. These is one of the few places in Bali where there
was a time of great prominence for the (also called Air Sanih) is a hassle-free villas, 1km east of Yeh Sanih, are large and are visible reminders of the Dutch period in
Buleleng area, which comprises most of seaside spot with a few guesthouses on a have vast private gardens. Other accom- the many colonial houses.

0 10 km
NORTH BALI 0 6 miles

A B C D E F G H To Pura Ponjok
Batu (7km)
2 5
Sangsit Yeh
1 Air Panas Banjar..................................1 E3 Krabokan 1
BALI SEA Pura Beji.............................................2 G1

Pura Dalem (Jagaraga).......................3 H1 Singaraja Jagaraga
Pura Dalem (Sangsit)..........................4 H1 Sinabun Balian
Pura Maduwe Karang.........................5 H1 Sinengdalem
See Lovina Beaches
Map (p370) Tamblang
Tukad Mungga Sukasada Sawan
Pemuteran Pura Batu To Kintamani
Banyupoh Panci Bolong (26km)
Su Pakisan
To Pulaki ng Sudaji
Kalibukbuk ai

Gilimanuk (26km); Pura Pulaki;
Tejakula (20km) Pura Melanting Gondoi

2 2

Selat Silangayang

Grokgak Dencarik
Celukanbawang Kalisada Seririt Air Terjun Gitgit
Air Terjun Gitgit
Banjar Tega
Gunung 1
Sanglang Brahma
(1004m) Vihara Arama
Gunung Gunung

Merbuk Musi Rangdu Pedewa Gunung


(1388m) (1224m) Catur


Danau Pancasari (2096m)


Gunung Buyan

3 Mesehe 3

(1344m) Danau

(1305m) Kayu
West Bali Gunung Putih Munduk
National Park Patas Bratan
(1412m) Gunung To
To Antosari Lesong Candikuning Denpasar
(31km) (1860m) Bedugul (51km)
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Sparkling gutters aside, it’s not a place the best selection of goods this side of the erotic. Turn left about 50m south of Pura LOVINA
where travellers linger. It has few real attrac- volcanoes. Beji, and left again after about 100m. It’s %0362
tions other than services and roads you’re another 100m down the road. Lovina manages to exude a sedate charm
bound to travel whether by bus, bemo or Getting There & Away All forms of public transport between even as the number of hotels and other
car. However, a couple of royal museums BEMO & BUS Singaraja’s Penarukan terminal and Am- tourist places grows. Almost merging into
are worth a pause. Singaraja is the transport hub for the north- lapura will stop at Sangsit and Berdikari Singaraja to the west, the town is really a
ern coast, with three main bemo/bus ter- Cottages. string of coastal villages – Pemaron, Tukad
Information minals. From the main Sukasada terminal, Mungga, Anturan, Kalibukbuk, Kaliasem
Facilities include the following: about 3km south of town, minibuses go to Jagaraga & Sawan and Temukus – that have taken on this col-
Diparda (%25141; cnr Jl Veteran & Jl Gajah Mada; Denpasar (Ubung terminal, 28,000Rp) via Jagaraga has an interesting pura dalem, with lective name.
h7.30am-3.30pm Mon-Fri) The regional tourist office Bedugul/Pancasari (13,000Rp) about every delightful sculpted panels along its front Lovina is a convenient base for trips
loves visitors. Ask about dance and other cultural events. 30 minutes from 6am to 4pm. wall, both inside and out. On the outer wall around the north coast or the central
RSUP Hospital (%22046; Jl Ngurah Rai; h24hr) The Banyuasri terminal, on the west- look for a vintage car sedately driving past, mountains. The beaches are made up of
Singaraja’s hospital is the largest in northern Bali. ern side of town, has buses heading to a steamer at sea and an aerial dogfight. washed-out grey and black volcanic sand,

Gilimanuk (15,000Rp, two hours) and Several kilometres inland from Jagaraga, and they are mostly clean near the hotel
Sights Java, and plenty of blue bemos to Lovina Sawan is a centre for the manufacture of areas, but generally unspectacular. Reefs
OLD HARBOUR & WATERFRONT (6000Rp). gamelan gongs. Around Sawan are cold protect the shore, so the water is usually
The conspicuous Yudha Mandala Tama monu- The Penarukan terminal, 2km east of water springs believed to cure all sorts of calm and clear.
ment commemorates a freedom fighter town, has bemos to Yeh Sanih (7000Rp) illnesses.
killed by gunfire from a Dutch warship early and Amlapura (15,000Rp, three hours) via Regular bemos from Penarukan terminal Orientation & Information
in the struggle for independence. Close by, the coastal road; and also minibuses to in Singaraja stop at Jagaraga on the way to The Lovina tourist area stretches over 8km,
there’s the colourful Chinese temple Ling Denpasar (Batubulan terminal; 25,000Rp) Sawan. but the main focus is Kalibukbuk, 10.5km
Gwan Kiong. There are a few old canals here via Kintamani. west of Singaraja.
as well and you can still get a little feel of Kubutambahan If you are planning a reading holiday in
the old colonial port. To Java About 1km east of the turn-off to Kinta- Lovina, come prepared. There’s no decent
From Singaraja, several bus companies have mani is Pura Maduwe Karang (Temple of the place to buy a new book (there’s lots of
GEDONG KIRTYA LIBRARY & MUSEUM overnight services to Surabaya (110,000Rp, Landowner). Like Pura Beji at Sangsit, the places for well-thumbed old bestsellers) and
This small historical library (%22645; admission 13 hours), which include the short ferry temple is dedicated to agricultural spirits, you can’t buy a newspaper. The main post
5000Rp; h8am-4pm Mon-Thu, 8am-1pm Fri, 8am-noon trip across the Bali Strait. Other buses go but this one looks after unirrigated land. office is 1km west of central Kalibukbuk.
Sat & Sun) was established in 1928 by Dutch as far as Yogyakarta (170,000Rp, 16 hours) This is one of the best temples in north- There are plenty of moneychangers
colonialists and named after the Sanskrit and Jakarta (250,000Rp, 24 hours), usually ern Bali, and is particularly noted for its around Lovina, especially in Kalibukbuk.
word ‘to try’. It has a collection of lontar travelling overnight. Book at Banyuasri ter- sculpted panels, including the famous bi- There are ATMs on Jl Bina Ria and at the
(dried palm leaves) books as well as some minal a day before. cycle panel depicting a gentleman riding Jl Raya Lovina intersection.
even older written works. a bicycle with flower petals for wheels. Other facilities:
The nearby museum (donation 5000Rp; h7am- AROUND SINGARAJA Kubutambahan is on the Singaraja to Am- Police station (Jl Raya Lovina)
3pm) recalls the life of the last Radja (rajah) %0362 lapura road, and there are regular bemos Spice Cyber (%41305; Jl Bina Ria; per min 300Rp;
of Buleleng, Pandji Tisna, who is credited Sights around Singaraja include some of and buses. h8am-midnight; a) The best place for internet ac-
with developing tourism in Lovina. Bali’s best-known temples. The north-coast cess, and it’s air-conditioned.
sandstone is soft and easily carved, allow- Gitgit
Festivals & Events ing local sculptors to give free rein to their About 11km south of Singaraja are the Sights & Activities
Every May or June, Singaraja is host to the imaginations. You’ll find some delightfully pretty – and pretty touristy – waterfalls of BEACHES
Bali Art Festival of Buleleng. Over one week whimsical scenes carved into a number of Air Terjun Gitgit (adult/child 3300/1600Rp) The well- A paved beach path runs along the sand in
dancers and musicians from some of the re- the temples here. signposted path (800m) from the main road Kalibukbuk. It greatly eases a beach stroll –
gion’s most renowned village troupes, such in the village is lined with souvenir stalls even if it is popular with scooters.
as those of Jagaraga, perform. Consult the Sangsit and warung. The 40m falls are a good place Otherwise, the best beach areas include
Diparda tourist office (%25141; cnr Jl Veteran & Jl A few kilometres east of Singaraja, there are for a picnic when it’s not too busy, but lit- the main beach east of the Dolphin Monu-
Gajah Mada; h7.30am-3.30pm Mon-Fri) for details. two good examples of the colourful archi- ter can be an issue. There is another small ment as well as the curving stretch a bit
tectural style of northern Bali. Sangsit’s Pura waterfall, sometimes called Gitgit Multi-Tier west. The cluster of cheap hotels in Anturan
Sleeping & Eating Beji is a subak (irrigated rice system) tem- Waterfall (donation 5000Rp) about 2km further also enjoy a good beach.
There is no good reason to bed down in ple, dedicated to the goddess Dewi Sri, who up the hill from the main falls and about
Singaraja, especially with dozens of atmos- looks after irrigated rice fields. It’s about 600m off the main road. DOLPHIN WATCHING
pheric places just a few kilometres west in 500m off the main road towards the coast. Regular buses and minibuses travel be- Sunrise boat trips to see dolphins are Lovi-
Lovina. Close to Pura Beji is a pura dalem that shows tween the main Sukasada terminal in Sin- na’s much-hyped tourist attraction – so
Hardy’s Supermarket (Jl Pramuka; h8am-8pm) scenes of punishment in the afterlife, and garaja and Denpasar (Ubung terminal), via much so that a large concrete crowned
is a large grocery and variety store that has other pictures that are humorous and/or Bedugul, and stop at Gitgit. monument has been erected in honour of
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500 m
0.3 miles MASSAGE & SPAS Hotel Angsoka (%41841;; Gang
Lovina Wellness Spa (%0812 377 2046; Jl Ketapang; Binaria; r 40,000-200,000Rp; as) There’s a large
A B C D massage from 70,000Rp; h10am-7pm) offers Bali- range of rooms here, from cold-water basic
nese, Ayurveda, and foot massage, as well to large with air-con and hot water. All
27 as ‘rebirthing’ (for those who missed the enjoy the benefits of the good-sized pool
1 fun the first time?). and quiet gardens.
Kalibukbuk 17
14 Gang
a pa
ng 25
Pondok Elsa (%41186; Gang Binaria; r 65,000Rp,
Sleeping with air-con 90,000Rp; a) This two-storey heav-
4 Bi J
na l
24 5 Hotels are spread out along Jl Raya Lovina, ily ornate building has seven clean, pleasant
21 Ria 29
and on the side roads going off to the beach. rooms.
2 There are decent places to stay in every Pulestis Hotel (% 41035; jokoartawan@hotmail
32 9
To Singaraja price range. .com; Jl Bina Ria; r 70,000-100,000Rp; as) The 14
31 (5km)
7 rooms here have funky exteriors, clean in-
18 BUDGET teriors and pebbled open-air bathrooms –


30 0 200 m
2 Mungga
0 0.1 miles
Jl Kubu 33 Singaraja to Anturan some with hot water. The café overlooks an
Gembong Kubu Lalang (% 42207; http://kubu.balihotelguide indigo pool.
.com; r 75,000-170,000Rp) The five bungalows Puri Bali Hotel (%41485;;
here are designed in traditional rice-barn Jl Ketapang; r 80,000-180,000Rp; as) The pool
Anturan style. Edged in between rice fields, each one area is very attractive and has lush plant-
Jl Pnyu

an alit

ov is different and exotically decorated, and ings. The better rooms, with hot water and

23 aL Pondok Elsa......................................15 A1
Jl R Pulestis Hotel...................................16 A2 has a modern open-air bathroom, some air-con, are plain but comfortable.
13 Puri Bali Hotel...................................17 B1
To Singaraja Puspa Rama.....................................18 C2 with hot water and tubs. Rini Hotel (%/fax 41386;; Jl
Jl K

(Back Rd) (8km) Rambutan Beach Cottages................19 B1

Ketapang; r 80,000-300,000Rp; as) A super-clean
e ta

pan Rini Hotel..........................................20 B1

3 g
Sea Breeze Cabins.............................21 A1 Anturan 30-room place with a large saltwater pool.
ng a Jl Da Suma................................................22 B2
Gainari A few tiny side tracks and one proper sealed Cheaper rooms are basic but more expensive
Jl a Ri

B Sunari...............................................23 B3
road, Jl Kubu Gembong, lead to this lively ones are huge, with air-con and hot water.

To Gilimanuk
(79km) Barakuda...........................................24 B1 little fishing village, busy with swimming
See Enlargement
6 Barcelona Bar & Restaurant...............25 B1 locals and moored fishing boats. It’s a real West of Kalibukbuk
Jasmine Kitchen...............................26 A2
8 Sea Breeze Café.............................(see 21) travellers’ hang-out. Lovina Beach Hotel (% 41005; www.lovinabeach
1 Kaliasem Tropis Club.......................................27 A1 Gede Home Stay Bungalows (%41526; Jl Kubu; Jl Raya Lovina; r 75,000-250,000Rp, bungalows
Warung Bamboo............................. 28 D2
INFORMATION SLEEPING Warung Minang...............................29 B1 Gembong; r 50,000-120,000Rp; a) The friendly 250,000Rp; as) Clean rooms in heavily de-
Main Post Office................................1 A4
Police Station.....................................2 A2
Bali Taman Beach Resort....................7
Billibo Beach Cottages........................8
staff here win praise. Cheap rooms have tailed Balinese bungalows are set in pleas-
4 cold water while better ones have hot water ant grounds right on the beach. Better ones
Spice Cyber........................................3 A2 Gede Home Stay Bungalows..............9 C2 Kantin..............................................30 A2


Hotel Angsoka..................................10
Kubu Lalang.....................................11
Poco Evolution Bar...........................31 A2
Zigiz.................................................32 A2
and air-con. come with hot water; private bungalows
Dolphin Monument............................4 A1 Lovina Beach Hotel..........................12 A3 Puspa Rama (% 42070; Jl Kubu Gembong; s/d have air-con and views.
Lovina Wellness Spa............................5 B1 Melka Hotel......................................13 B3 TRANSPORT
Spice Dive..........................................6 A3 Nirwana Seaside Cottages.................14 A1 Perama Office..................................33 D2
60,000/70,000Rp) This is one of several cheap Billibo Beach Cottages (%41355; Jl Raya Lovina; r
places on this street. The six rooms have hot 125,000-200,000Rp; a) Located near one of the
water and are set in very lush grounds. best spots for snorkelling, the cottages here
the over-touted cetaceans. Some days, no ticularly recommended. Many people stay are clean and comfortable and come with
dolphins are sighted, but most of the time here to dive off Pulau Menjangan (p357), Anturan to Kalibukbuk hot water and good access to the beach.
at least a few surface. a two- to three-hour drive west. Jl Pantai Banyualit has a good selection of
Expect constant hassle from your hotel Spice Dive (%41509; has hotels, although the beachfront area is not MIDRANGE
and touts selling dolphin trips – and if you the best reputation locally. It runs four- very inspiring. Anturan
want to go, it’s best to buy a ticket the day dive PADI open-water certificate courses Suma (%41566; Jl Pantai Banyualit; r US$10-30; Bali Taman Beach Resort (%41126;
before. The price is fixed at 40,000Rp per for US$250. Spice Dive is based at the as) In a mannered stone building, Suma /hotels/bali_taman; Jl Raya Lovina; r US$35-85; as)
person by the boat owners’ cartel. Trips pleasant Café Spice, found at the end of has views of the sea from its upstairs rooms. Facing the busy road but extending down
start at 6am and last two hours. Note that the beach path. The pool is large and there’s also a pleas- to the beach, the Bali Taman has 30 rooms
the ocean can get pretty crowded with loud ant café. that vary greatly. The best ones are bunga-
and belching power boats and there’s great SNORKELLING lows with ocean views. The pool faces the
debate about what all this means to the Generally, the water is clear and some Kalibukbuk ocean and is surrounded by leafy gardens.
dolphins. parts of the reef are quite good for snorkel- A little over 10km from Singaraja, the ‘cen- There’s a spa.
ling. The best place is to the west, a few- tre’ of Lovina is the village of Kalibukbuk.
DIVING hundred metres offshore from Billibo Jl Ketapang is marginally quieter and more Anturan to Kalibukbuk
Scuba diving on the local reef is better Beach Cottages. Snorkelling gear costs pleasant than Jl Bina Ria. There are small Melka Hotel (%41552;; Jl Pantai
at lower depths, and night diving is par- about 20,000Rp per day. gang off both. Banyualit; r US$30-45; as) Complete with its
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own animal menagerie (deer, snakes, birds a lively section of beach. It serves typical pool underneath is good for swimming. The
etc), the Melka defines idiosyncratic. There travellers’ fare and cheapish beer and has a PERAMA TOURIST SHUTTLE BUSES water isn’t crystal clear, though it’s cooler
is a range of rooms, from those with cold relaxed feel. To find it, walk east along the FROM LOVINA than the sea and very refreshing. You can
water and fan to those in a flash new addi- beach from the end of Jl Kubu Gembong. Destination Fare (Rp) clamber further up the hill to another water-
tion with air-con, hot water, balconies with fall (Singsing Dua), which is slightly bigger
views and satellite TV. Plans to have dol- KALIBUKBUK Candidasa 100,000 and has a mud bath that is supposedly good
phins in a tank may horrify some. Warung Minang (%0812 393 0792; Jl Raya Lovina; Kuta 70,000 for the skin. This waterfall also cascades into
dishes 6000-8000Rp) This stylish Padang-style Padangbai 100,000 a deep pool in which you can swim. Come in
Kalibukbuk café is a great find. Choose from numer- Sanur 70,000 the wet season (October to March).
Nirwana Seaside Cottages (%41288; www.nirwa ous fresh dishes on display, then savour the Ubud 30,000; bungalows 100,000-125,000Rp, deluxe r local art on the walls. Air Panas Banjar
210,000-300,000Rp; as) On large and lovely Barcelona Bar & Restaurant (%41894; Jl Ketepang; %0362
beachfront grounds off Jl Bina Ria, the 58- dishes 10,000-30,000Rp) This restaurant has a at this popular place. There is an internet area Not far from Brahma Vihara Arama mon-
unit Nirwana has a vast beachfront site. All lovely, open-air, shady area out the back. off the bar. Classic travellers’ fare is served. astery, these hot springs (adult/child 4100/2000Rp,

bungalows have some character and hot The food is excellent, and includes sate pel- Zigiz (Jl Bina Ria; small/large Bintang 6000/11,000Rp; parking 1000Rp; h8am-6pm) are beautifully land-
water. Those with beach views are a great ecing (fish satay with Balinese spices). h6pm-1am) This small place has walls cov- scaped with lush tropical plants. You can
deal. A newer wing has hotel-style air-con Barakuda (Jl Ketepang; dishes 13,000-25,000Rp) ered in artwork and live music some nights. relax here for a few hours and have lunch at
rooms. Seafood is the speciality here. The prawns in Other times you just keep hearing ‘Play that the restaurant, or even stay the night.
Sea Breeze Cabins (%41138; r US$15, bungalows many forms are excellent. On many nights funky music white boy.’ Eight fierce-faced carved stone naga
US$35-40; as) An excellent choice in the you can get giant lobster for 135,000Rp. pour water from a natural hot spring into
heart of Kalibukbuk, off Jl Bina Ria, the Sea Balinese specialities can be ordered the day Getting There & Away the first bath, which then overflows (via the
Breeze has lovely bungalows right on the before. BUS & BEMO mouths of five more naga), into a second,
beach, some with sensational views from Sea Breeze Cafe (% 41138; dishes 13,000- To reach Lovina from South Bali by public larger pool. In a third pool, water pours
their verandas. 38,000Rp) Right by the beach off Jl Bina Ria, transport, you’ll need to change in Singa- from 3m-high spouts to give you a pum-
Rambutan Beach Cottages (% 41388; www with an uninterrupted outlook. There’s a raja (see p368). Regular blue bemos go from melling massage.; Jl Ketepang; r 300,000-500,000Rp; as) range of Indonesian and Western dishes Singaraja’s Banyuasri terminal to Kalibuk- It’s only about 3km from the monastery
The hotel, on a large area of land, features and good breakfasts. It’s another spot for buk (about 6000Rp) – you can flag them to the hot springs if you take the short cut –
two swimming pools and charming gar- sunset drinks. The Sea Breeze Cabins here down anywhere on the main road. go down to Banjar Tega, turn left in the cen-
dens. The 48 rooms and villas are tasteful, are good too (left). If you are coming by long-distance bus tre of the village and follow the small road
with lashings of Balinese style. There are a Jasmine Kitchen (%41565; Gang Binaria; dishes from the west, you can ask to be dropped west, then south to Banjar village. From
few cold-water economy rooms for about 15,000-30,000Rp) Enjoy excellent Thai fare in off anywhere along the main road. there it’s a short distance uphill before you
120,000Rp. The owner is a real Lovina this elegant two-level restaurant. The menu see the ‘Air Panas 1km’ sign on the left (on
booster. is long and authentic; the staff gracious. Try TOURIST SHUTTLE BUS the corner by the police station).
the homemade ice cream for dessert amid Perama buses stop at its office in front of
TOP END the stylish surroundings. Hotel Perama (%41161; Jl Raya Lovina) in Anturan. Celukanbawang
Anturan to Kalibukbuk Tropis Club (%42090; Jl Ketepang; dishes 15,000- Passengers are then ferried to other points Celukanbawang is the main cargo port for
Sunari (%41775;; r US$85-130, villas 30,000Rp) The long menu at this beachside on the Lovina strip (5000Rp). See the boxed North Bali, and has a large wharf. Bugis
US$240-360; ais) Off Jl Raya Lovina, the place includes wood-fired pizza, which may text (above) for information on fares. schooners – the magnificent sailing ships
imposing entrance to this place leads to a not transport you to Italy but may get you that take their name from the seafaring
large beachfront resort with redecorated as far as Oman. It’s an attractive place with Getting Around Bugis people of Sulawesi – can sometimes
rooms and good services. Villas come vari- a soaring roof. The Lovina strip is very spread out, but you be seen anchoring here.
ously with private plunge pools, whirlpools can easily travel back and forth on bemos West of Celukanbawang the road is
and ocean views. Grounds are verdant with Drinking (2000Rp). sparsely populated.
banana trees and a profusion of posies. Lovina’s social scene centres on Jl Bina Ria,
which is happy-hour HQ and has several AROUND LOVINA PEMUTERAN
Eating bar-restaurants. %0362 %0362
Just about every hotel has a café or res- Kantin (%0812 460 7791; Jl Raya Lovina; dishes There are some interesting sites in the This wonderfully isolated area, with limited
taurant. In addition, Kalibukbuk has food 6000-12,000Rp; h 11am-2am) Funky open-air slopes of the mountains behind the north facilities, has extensive, untouched coral
carts, warung, cafés and some fine restaur- place where you can watch traffic by day coast. reefs about 3km offshore, good snorkel-
ants. Many of the places listed here are also and groove to acoustic guitar by night. It ling, and is handy for dive sites on Pulau
good for an end-of-the-day drink. offers a long drinks list, fresh juices and Air Terjun Singsing Menjangan (p357) to the west.
coffees and a few local snacks. About 5km west of Kalibukbuk, turn left op- The area is home to the Reef Seen Turtle
ANTURAN Poco Evolution Bar (%41535; Jl Bina Ria; dishes posite Puri Singsing Hotel in Temukus vil- Project, run by the Australian-owned Reef
Warung Bamboo (dishes 7000-30,000Rp; h4am-10pm) 12,000-18,000Rp; h11am-1am) At various times lage to reach this waterfall. It’s about a 300m Seen Aquatics (%93001; Tur-
A small, open-fronted place, Bamboo faces movies are shown and cover bands perform walk in, and the waterfall is not huge, but the tle eggs and small turtles purchased from
© Lonely Planet Publications
374 N O R T H B A L I • • Pe m u t e r a n Book accommodation online
w w at
w 375

locals are looked after here until they’re as) Thirty-one rooms are set in gor-
ready for ocean release. More than 6000 geous bungalows that feature intricate
turtles have been released since 1994. You carvings and other traditional artwork. It’s
can visit the small hatchery, see Boomer, the located on a long stretch of quiet beach.
turtle who wouldn’t leave, and make a dona- The resort is also involved in an off-shore
tion to sponsor and release a tiny turtle. reef restoration project – look for the wires
Reef Seen also offers diving, boat cruises snaking through the sand and water that
and horse riding. A PADI introductory dive provide low amounts of energy that stimu-
costs US$55, and dives at Pemuteran/Pulau late growth.
Menjangan are US$55/65 for two dives. Pondok Sari (% 92337;; r
Horse-riding treks pass through the local US$38-45; a) There are pleasant bungalows
villages and beaches (250,000Rp for one here with traditional rooms and lovely
hour). Simple accommodation (per room flower-filled open-air bathrooms. Snorkel-
150,000Rp) is available to dive guests and ling is possible off the beach. The restaur-

horse riders. ant (dishes 14,000Rp to 30,000Rp) features

Pemuteran’s hotels all have their own Western and Indonesian classics.
dive operations. Matahari Beach Resort & Spa (%92312; www; r US$169-440; ais)
SLEEPING & EATING One of Bali’s best hotels, the Matahari is
Pemuteran is a delightful place to stay, with an elegant place in an isolated location on
many midrange and top-end choices. There the eastern outskirts of Pemuteran. Beauti-
are several small warung along the main ful and traditionally furnished bungalows
drag, otherwise all the hotels have good are set in attractive gardens, and the pool
restaurants. overlooks the black-sand beach. The most
Jubawa Home Stay (%94745; r 150,000-200,000Rp; intriguing part of the resort, however, is the
ai) Not far from the Matahari, this spa, which is like a grand water palace and
cheery place is a good budget choice. The is open to nonguests.
best rooms have hot water and air-con and
guests have free internet access. The café GETTING THERE & AWAY
serves Balinese and Thai food and there is Buses making the journey from Singaraja
a long list of cocktails. It’s on the mountain (12,000Rp) to the ferry port in Gilimanuk
side of the road. (8000Rp) pass Pemuteran. To reach South
Taman Sari Bali Cottages (% 288096; www Bali, get a bus west and change in Cekik or; bungalows US$35-65, ste US$80-150; Gilimanuk (p358).

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