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1. What are the ways you can enjoy God and be happy with Him.

2. Identify the things that hinder you from trusting God fully.

3. Share an experience where you trusted God in a situation

and an experience where you did not trust Him. How did you
learn from that?

PRAYER   _____________________________________________________
1. Pray for the right heart - to enjoy Him, His timing and His _____________________________________________________
finish work. _____________________________________________________
2. Pray for a heart that will continually delight in Him and have _____________________________________________________
desires that are from Him. _____________________________________________________
3. Pray for people whom you would want to find happiness _____________________________________________________
through the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Pray that God will use _____________________________________________________
you to share the gospel to them. _____________________________________________________


1. Share something that makes you happy and excited.

2. Share something you are patiently waiting for.
3. Share a time when you were asked to plan something. What
2. Enjoy God's timing, not go ahead of it.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity
I said in my heart, “Come now, I will test you with pleasure; into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done
enjoy yourself.” But behold, this also was vanity. from the beginning to the end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11 ESV)
(Ecclesiastes 2:1 ESV)
Have you ever tried eating a mango that's not fully ripe? Does it taste
sour? Going ahead of God's timing is like spoiling a gift that is intended
to be beautiful. What was intended to be sweet can turn sour and
Everyone wants to be happy. Hanging out, watching a movie, unpleasant. God has the best plans and gifts for us, even far more than
getting a good grade, or jamming with friends make us feel food and we can ever imagine but we have to understand that He gives it at His
happy. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word happy is perfect timing. Waiting for His perfect timing allows us to focus on
defined as "feeling pleasure and enjoyment because of your life, Him, taking full pleasure of His presence and having our hearts molded
situation, etc." We pursue happiness through our family, friends, or the by Him. While waiting, we are being prepared to receive His perfect
things we do. Solomon, the son of King David, is known as the wisest and pleasing gift. Do you believe that God wants the best for us? Are
man of his time. He pursued happiness and revealed the way to true you ready to trust God's perfect timing?
1. Enjoy God's blessings, not be consumed by it. _____________________________________________________

There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink
and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, 3. Enjoy God's finished work, not strive for it.
for apart from him who can eat or who can have enjoyment?
(Ecclesiastes 2:24-25 ESV) I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be
added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people
Have you ever received a gift where you forgot to even thank the fear before him. (Ecclesiastes 3:14 ESV)
giver? We tend to do that when we are too focused on the gift. God
loves to give us blessings. He is our Father and He wants us to enjoy Have you ever planned something and it didn't go according to your
the things He gives us. But when we love His gifts more than Him, we plan? It can be frustrating and disappointing. In this verse, Solomon
miss out on what is important: our relationship with Him. To illustrate, understood that God is sovereign. Being sovereign means whatever
sometimes when we study we tend to focus more on getting high God plans, He fulfills it. That is why the Psalmist mentions that we
grades more than enjoying to learn. God doesn't want us to merely should delight ourselves in God and He will give us the desires of our
focus on scores; He wants us to learn well. As we learn, we not only heart (Psalm 37:4). To delight means to be moldable. We allow Him to
honor our parents but also glorify God because we are faithful to the mold us according to His purpose for He works for the good of those
season we are in. Focusing on the Giver more than the blessing makes who love Him (Romans 8:28). As we delight ourselves in Him, He will
us truly enjoy the blessing. Remember to enjoy God's blessings because be the one to give us right desires – desires that are from Him. He has
it is His personal affection to us. proven that He is trustworthy for while we were yet still sinners, Christ
_____________________________________________________ died for us so we may be reconciled to Him. Do you trust His will and
_____________________________________________________ plans for you?

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