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Australian International Academy


Assessment Task
Cover Sheet
Year Level: Date:
Subject: Science Word Count:
Task Name: Growing Crystals
Unit Name: Chemical dilemma!

Student Checklist and Declaration:

 Every student must complete and tick each section before submitting their work.
 This process is in accordance with the School’s Academic Honesty and Assessment Policies.

I confirm that this is my own work and is the final version.

I have acknowledged each use of the words or ideas of another person, whether written,
oral or visual.
I have completed and submitted all work requirements for this tasks.
All work has been submitted online via Managebac.

Teacher Declaration:
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the individual oral commentary submitted is
the authentic work of the candidate.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet 19/11/2019 V2

Complete all the sections in this template and submit this document (including the completed cover sheet) via
Managebac on or before the due date.
This should let the reader know what you are investigating – be specific
Background Information
Include your research about how crystals grow in this section.
Make sure you do not plagiarise this section. Any research you do should be written in your own words and your
sources should be included in a reference list.
Questions to consider:
 What is a crystal?
 Are there different types and, if so, what makes them different?
 How do they form?
 What variables effect the way crystals grow and how?
 Which variable will you be investigating and why have you selected it?

State exactly what you will be investigating
Be specific and start with the word “To…”

Make an educated guess about the effect that that you think changing your variable will have on the size of
crystals that you will grow.
Use the format “If I change ‘x’, then ‘y’ will happen”
Make sure your hypothesis is supported by your background research

List your materials in this space

Write the method that you followed to compare the growth of your crystals under different conditions
Use a numbered list
Start each step with a verb (e.g. “1. Pour the solution…” NOT “I poured the solution” or “The solution was

This section needs:
 Clearly labelled photographic evidence of the crystals growing over time with brief descriptions of your
observations. You should not try to explain your results in this section – just make observations.
 A table of results and accompanying graph comparing the trends in crystal growth over time
Make sure all photos, graphs and tables are labelled


Answer the following questions to form your discussion:

1. Was there a significant difference in the growth of your crystals when you changed one variable? Refer to
your observations and graph to support your answer.
2. Do your results support your hypothesis? Explain whether your hypothesis is supported by the results or

Assessment Task Cover Sheet 19/11/2019 V2

3. Use your knowledge of crystal formation to explain your results
4. Was the test accurate? Assess whether you encountered any issues that may have affected how accurate
your measurements were.
5. Was the test reliable? If someone was to follow your method, do you think they would get the same
results as you? How can you be sure? Assess whether your method and results are reliable
6. Was the test fair and valid? Did the design of your experiment test what you wanted to be testing? Did
you control all necessary variables?
7. Suggest future research directions and/or improvements to your current method for anyone wishing to
follow on from your work.
Write a 1-2 sentence conclusion that specifically answers your aim.

Make a list of every refence that you used. Include URL, author/website names and the date that you accessed
the information

Assessment Task Cover Sheet 19/11/2019 V2

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