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Young Moves

The Magazine For GAME CHANGERS

Volume 1, Issue 4


Dealing with
The Indian Way

August 2019 Volume 1

A magazine for Future Leaders,

World Peace, Culture and Development


Shri Guru Pawan Sinha Ji Dr. Kavita Asthana


Palak Aggarwal Aditya Ojha Dinesh Nishad


Mayank Vij Abhishek Sharma Navita Ahuja Kripi Singh

(Cover Page)
Ignited Pens
Dealing with depression:
The Indian Way
Game Changer Interview
Dr.Ravindra Agrawal
Almond Pudding/Porridge

Ignited Pens
Chanting OM (AUM)
YAM Connects
A conversation with the Danish:
Lonliness, Meditation &

Ignited Pens
The Indian Way of Living

Ae mere watan ke logon
Ram, Ramayana & Sound Weapon

An Introduction to Project-
Palak Aggarwal
Editorial coordinator

10th October is celebrated as Mental Health Day every year and it allows us to disrupt
the social stigma around Depression and talk about it. World Health Organisation (WHO)
defines depression as- “Depression is a common illness characterized by persistent
sadness and a loss of interest in activities that one normally enjoys, accompanied by an
inability to carry out daily activities, for at least two weeks. In addition, there may be a loss
of energy; a change in appetite; sleeping more or less; anxiety; reduced concentration;
indecisiveness; restlessness; feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or hopelessness; and
thoughts of self-harm or even committing suicide.”

This becomes especially important in the case of India which is on the verge of becoming
the most depressed country in the world with the highest number of suicide cases in the
age of 15-49 years. In India, the National Mental Health Survey 2015-16 reveals that nearly
15% of Indian adults need active intervention for one or more mental health issues and one
in 20 Indians suffers from depression. It is estimated that in 2012, India had over 2,58,000
suicides, with the age-group of 15-49 years being most affected. For a predominantly
young country, India is highly affected by depression. This is problematic not on the
subjective level of the sufferers, but also for the country as a whole.

Young Moves thus took an initiative to talk about depression and put our solution-
oriented thinking into use. We thus bring to you an edition that not only talks about
depression, but also the solutions to deal with it. This issue begins with the Indian way of
dealing with depression which guides one about all those small changes in lifestyle, food
habits, exercises etc that will bring a major positive change in one's mental health. We then
have an interview with Dr Ravindra Agrawal who enlightened us about the clinical nuance
of depression along with several interesting cases. The next article includes a recipe of
almond porridge/ pudding (Badam Halwa) which is brain food and elevates mental
health. Importance of chanting Om is talked about next which focuses on meditation as an
apt solution for mental problems. We then have a very interesting and enlightening
conversation with our friends from Denmark who talk about the problem of loneliness in
developed societies and how humans have become distanced and fragmented. This was
also done in comparison to the Indian society where the family system and practice of
meditation keep us more connected to our body and the mind. An article on depression
from the perspective of a psychologist explains the clinical terms in the next article. We
move on to the attraction of this month- Ramayana and explain sound technology and
weapon in its context. The magazine also covers an introduction to project Rishikushala.

My experience of working on this issue has taught me extensively and I would like to
conclude with it. I am no expert to define depression or any other form of mental illness.
My first interaction with issues of mental health was through literature (Virginia Woolf's
Mrs Dalloway) and social media. But, what I can say is that human beings need
compassion and humanity to deal with it and help others dealing with it.

Septimus Smith, a character in Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway says, “ One cannot bring
children into a world like this. One cannot perpetuate suffering, or increase the breed of
these lustful animals, who have no lasting emotions, but only whims and vanities, eddying
them now this way, now that… For the truth is that human beings have neither kindness
nor faith, nor charity beyond what serves to increase the pleasure of that moment.” He
adds later, “Once you fall, human nature is on you. Human nature is remorseless.” Thus it
becomes imperative for humans to become compassionate and empathetic.

We feel lonely in depression and feel as if there is no one to reach out to. Though there
are professionals to talk to, we don't feel very comfortable and open with them. But, the
most important to us, no one afflicted with a mental illness should have to believe that it's
something they should feel obliged to hide in the first place. If someone has any physical
illness such as knee injury, they are not discouraged from speaking about it. Depression
does not indicate mental weakness. It is a disorder, often a flaw of biology, not one of

Come forward and mail us your pieces at
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Ignited Pens Dealing with Depression:
The Indian Way
Written by: Dinesh Nishad
Visiting faculty, Mumbai
A report in 'The
Hindu' mentioned that by
2020 India is set to
become the world's
youngest country with
64% of its population in
the working-age group.
While we can cherish this
demographic transition
there is something to
worry about. As per WHO
(World Health
Organisation), India is
the most depressed
country in the world
followed by China and the
USA. According to the
2015-16 National Mental
Health Survey (NMHS),
every sixth person in
India needs mental health
help of some sort. Of all
the age groups, adolescents are the ones
who need it the most.
Can we, as a nation, think of becoming a In Western science, the only medication
superpower with our depressed youth? for depression is antidepressants, which has
First, we need to help the youth of our severe side effects on mind and body.
nation to overcome depression then only Modern psychiatrists believe that
we can dream of becoming a superpower. depression can be alleviated or managed but
In youth, depression is caused due to cannot be cured.
family problems, hereditary, improper But India is the land of wisdom.
upbringing by parents, hormonal changes, Thousands of years ago, India gave
complications in a love relationship, sexual mankind the gift of Yog, Ayurveda, Jyotish
orientation, academic stress, social or peer (astrology), Philosophy and Spirituality.
pressure, financial struggles, substance We Indians have done more research on
abuse, stressful work, unemployment, the mind than any other civilization. Thus
traumatic events, lack of goal in life and Indian sciences have very useful remedies
much more. for depression,few remedies are mentioned.

Diet 'Sneha' means love and as well as oil. Thus
In India, we believe that we become what indicating that doing self-massage is falling
we eat. Thus food is one of the most in love with self. By doing self-massage
important factors that affects our mind and daily/regularly a person can overcome
body. Foods are broadly classified into three many physical and mental issues. 'Charaka
categories: Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic. Samhita', one of the oldest and greatest
1. Sattva means pureness. Foods that books on Ayurveda '' says: “The body of one
promote goodness, compassion, who uses oil massage regularly does not
satisfaction and courage are called become affected much even if subjected to
Sattvic foods. Food examples for this accidental injuries, or strenuous work. By
are cereals, cow's milk, coconut using oil massage daily, a person is
water, buttermilk, fresh fruits, salads, endowed with pleasant touch, trimmed
honey, dry fruits, and ghee. body parts and becomes strong, charming
2. Rajas means passion. Foods that and least affected by old age” - Charaka
incite passion, attachment and other Samhita Vol. 1, V: 88-89
materialistic desires are called Thus one should regularly do full-body
Rajasic foods. self-massage with warm oil at home
3. Tamas means darkness or ignorance. followed by steam or hot water bath. Avoid
Foods that increase feelings like having a massage in an air conditioned
jealously, laziness, confusion, room.
excessive desire for sex, addictions,
anxiety and depression are Tamasic Ayurvedic herbs and
foods. Rajasic/Tamasic food list treatments
includes tea, coffee, junk foods, There are various herbs that can help in
chocolates, meat, alcohol, garlic, overcoming depression. Brahmi,
onion, stale foods, cold drinks, Ashwagandha, Shankhpushpi, Vacha,
tobacco, junk foods, maida items, Mandukaparni, Jatamansi are few of them.
canned and preserved foods. Other than these herbs there are various
Today if we look around we see that most ayurvedic treatments for depression like
of our youth regularly consume Basti (herbal enema), Shirodhara (pouring
Rajasic/Tamasic foods. Consuming junk herbal oil/liquid over the forehead), Nasya
food, tobacco, alcohol and drugs are (administering herbs/oil through the nose),
becoming a trend in youngsters. These Virechana (therapeutic purgation) and
wrong food habits are increasing Tamas in Vaman (therapeutic vomiting).
their mind. But in the case of depression, it is always
Youth should realize that for a healthy advisable to consult a good Ayurvedic
mind, a disciplined diet is compulsory. With doctor and avoid self-medication.
proper eating habits, the depression
problem can be solved to a large extent. Lifestyle changes
In any case, self-effort is the best effort.
Importance of Massage By following a proper and disciplined
Ayurveda gives immense importance to lifestyle one can easily overcome depression
massage. The act of anointing the body with or any other mental problem. Few lifestyle
oil is called “snehana.” The Sanskrit word changes are suggested below:

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meditation (Dhyan) we can find answers to
● Wake up early in the morning, all our questions.
preferably before sunrise. Next time when your mind is full of
● Exercise regularly, it can be simply doubts, confusion and depression then
walking also. remember that even mighty Arjun faced
● Spend some time in sunlight the same problem. At the start of
(preferably morning) because Mahabharat war in Kurukshetra, he was
Vitamin D deficiency is a major counselled by Shri Krishna. If one reads
cause of depression Bhagavad Gita carefully then he will realize
● Be in touch with nature, animals, that it is the best counselling book in the
birds and small children. world.
● Listen to soothing music like In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6, Verse 34
classical Indian music. Avoid Arjun compares the mind to the wind and
listening to sad or loud songs. says: “The mind is very restless, turbulent,
● Pursue some hobby strong and obstinate, O Krishna. It appears
● Read good books/literature to me that it is more difficult to control
● Meet with positive people, stay away than the wind."
from negative people And in the next verse, Lord Krishna
● Limit the use of mobile/internet/TV replies: “O mighty-armed son of Kunti,
● Limit use of social media what you say is correct; the mind is indeed
● Instead of normal tea/coffee switch very difficult to restrain. But by sincere
to green tea. practice and detachment, it can be
● Avoid alcohol, tobacco and other controlled."
● Spend more time with family and
loved ones.
● Chant a mantra, mantras have
tremendous healing abilities.
● Get enough sleep.

There are a lot of misconceptions
amongst youth regarding yog. Most people
think of yog as an exercise. But in reality,
yog is a journey of self-realization. The
word 'yog' itself means union of our
consciousness with divine consciousness.
Depression is a big problem, but by
practising yog, great things can be achieved
in life. Start by Surya-namaskar and other
physical postures (asana). Then move
ahead to breathing exercises (pranayama)
and meditation (Dhyan). With regular

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WhatsApp: +91 7428522756 09
Palak: Thank you so much for this enlightening interview! I learned a lot
from you. I think our readers would too!

The Art Of Natural
Healthy Recipe: Almond
Indian Cooking Pudding /Porridge

Priyanka Arora
Busi.Woman & Stu.
Translated by: Dinesh Nishad

●200 grams of almond
●1 bowl of cow milk's ghee
●1-litre cow's milk
●¼ bowl (regular size) sugar
●¼ tea-spoon cardamom powder
●2 teaspoon fresh cream

Method of Cooking:
1. First, soak the almonds in hot water for 2 hours
and then peel off their skin. Now, mix fresh cream
in it and grind it in a grinder. Don't make the
paste too fine.
2. Now heat the ghee (clarified butter) in a pan.
Also, heat the milk till it slightly thickens.
3. After some time, when the ghee becomes warm
add almond paste in it. Stir this mixture on
medium flame till it turns pink. Now add the
heated milk and almonds in it. Cook until the milk
thickens well.
4. Now add sugar and cardamom. Turn off the stove
when the sugar gets completely dissolved.
5. The porridge is ready to serve and eat.

+91 7428522756 11
Benefits of Almond and Cow Milk's Ghee
Almonds are memory booster for children.
Almonds don't contain sodium, thus they are beneficial for blood pressure
Almonds are beneficial in curing diseases like cough, diabetes, anaemia and
kidney stones.
Consumption of ghee, made of cow's milk, not only prevents cancer but also
prevents it from spreading to other places in the body.
Cow milk's ghee relieves acidity and constipation.
Cow milk's ghee improves memory. It also cures migraine.
Cow milk's ghee is good for the heart. Breaking the popular myth, it keeps
cholesterol in control.
Above all, cow milk's ghee enhances mental peace.

Ignited Pens
Chanting OM (AUM)

Today's world belongs to us, the youth. one time that some of us just live our lives for
We, who have pockets full of big dreams those weekends and parties and alcohol so
and desires to reach the sky. The thirst for as to ESCAPE.
success, fame, recognition and peace float
in our eyes day in and day out. However, When people are incapable of controlling
I've noticed many like me who are unable to their mind, they unknowingly step into the
fulfil any dream. Sometimes it is the world of crime in a fit of rage. The gun culture
procrastination stopping us from achieving is rapidly on the rise in the Western
what we can, sometimes it's our laziness countries and so is the criminalisation. If we
and sometimes it simply looks like luck talk about the USA, it has become extremely
which did not favour us. With time and common for students to shoot other
repeated tale of failures, we realise that our students and teachers to kill them. In Florida
bodies and minds are victims of deformities 2018, a student blindly open fired, killing 17
and weaknesses. people. In the age of creating bright futures,
these children are serving their time in dark
Our generation suffers from depression, prisons.
poor concentration, weak memory, high
blood pressure, stress, weak will power, Anger is the root cause of all diseases. It
addiction, have no control over the mind, increases the possibility of high blood
temper issues, lack of energy in the body, pressure and heart diseases in children.
cancer, heart diseases etc. Our generation Now, there must be solutions if there are
is suffering from so many problems, all at problems. Just like every lock has a key, the
same way every problem must have a

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solution. All it needs is to use the right key at into meditation and chanting OM is one of
the right time. them.

Solutions to most problems of the world It's the speciality of today's youth that
are hidden in the Sanatan culture. Under the they don't accept anything without
garb of modernisation, we are moving away understanding the depth and scientific
from spirituality and hence becoming reasons. Our Sanatan culture, which stands
victims of a whole lot of diseases. on the solid grounds of Science, also has
the same specialty.
The Indian Sanatani culture has such a
unique heritage in which remedies to all So, let's try to understand the depth and
problems are hidden; the solutions of all the the science behind the word, "OM"
problems of the youth are concealed. It's The impulses of the sound of words are
just that the youth need to turn the pages of felt both by the listener and the speaker.
the history of this culture. When we start Astrophysicists have certified that the Earth,
looking for the solutions to the youth's all the other planets and many galaxies are
problems, there's only one remedy to the orbiting in the universe. All these celestial
innumerable problems and that is bodies are moving to infinity at a speed of
meditation. Meditation changes the several thousand miles and hence create a
perception of the problem and provides you sound and a tremor. Thousands of years
an insight. There are many ways to enter ago, the Indian seers and ascetics heard

L to R Dr.Kavita Asthana (Guru Maa) & Shri Guru Pawan Sinha Ji.

this sound, during a trance state and called action produced from the fluctuation of
this sound - "Brahma Naad" or " OM”. "OM" in different waves could restore dead
cells, new cells begin to form and there is
NASA in its research has also called this no blood disorder.
sound as the “sound of the universe.” The
Indian ascetics already knew about the J. Morgan researched on 2700 patients
research thousands of years ago, the with heart and brain diseases. He got a
findings of research, which are becoming professional yoga trainer to chant, “OM” in
available to us now. They were proficient in the morning, daily for an hour. According to
space science. The everlasting sound of the report received after research, there
"OM" continues everywhere- within the was a 90% drop in the diseases of 85% of
body and outside. The sound of it is spread the patients. Professor Morgan explained
throughout the universe from time that the rest 15% of the patients who did not
immemorial to eternity; the sound of "OM" get relief, were in the final stages of their
or “the sound of the universe” is present in illness.
the form of natural energy.
The research found that the sound of
Our body and mind have a lot of benefits OM in different frequencies and sounds is
when we utter the sound of "OM" in a single effective for patients with heart and brain
breath from our mouth, with sound diseases. When a person chants OM
resonance technique of our brain. properly, the sound emerges from the
In the Research and Institute of stomach instead of the mouth and the
Neuroscience, USA, Professor J. Morgan pronunciation creates a vibration in the
with his colleagues researched the effects abdomen, chest and brain, which further
of accentuation of "OM" for 7 years. It was rejuvenates the cells, blood circulation gets
found in the research that the vibrational better and one feels energetic physically

Ashram kids meditating.

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and mentally. self-confidence and also strengthens the will
Professor Herbert Benson of Harvard
University researched the science behind The functioning capability of the lungs
OM. He said that the utterance of OM, improves; the digestion improves as the
meditation and prayers could bring relief in digestive system is strengthened;
the symptoms of HIV. constipation problem ends; hormonal
balance is maintained and there is also relief
Chanting of OM decreases the anxiety from asthma with regular and prolonged
level to make the mind calm and reduce chanting of OM.
A man with a calm and steady mind is able So then youngsters, it is imperative to
to solve his problems effectively. strengthen your body and mind first if you
On chanting OM, the body's energy want to do something big in life; without
remains balanced and the heartbeat and which you cannot achieve anything big in
blood circulation becomes systemic. life.
Within a few months of chanting, you will
On the one hand, it increases see a radical change in your personality.
concentration and on the other, it reduces Your face will reflect a radiance of self-
useless mental strife, stress and negativity. confidence and positivity and you will
Enhanced strength of mind-body increases continue to climb the ladder of success.

Article by:

Neha Unny,

A conversation with the Danish:
Lonliness, Meditation &
The Indian Way of Living
Conversation held by Palak Aggarwal

L to R Ms Birgitte Jacobsen & Simon.

Ms Birgitte Jacobsen has been in the travel industry for more than 30
years. Interaction with different cultures and getting to know them via
travelling is their passion. She has visited around 100 countries so far and
She and her son, Simon visited our ashram and learnt about our culture.
Here are some snippets from the conversation.

Birgitte: The work you are doing in this ashram is great! A single organisation working on
environment, education, health, youth, children, the betterment of the country and so
much more, single-handedly is just wonderful. While travelling to different places in
India, we saw a lot of garbage and the air is polluted too. This is not only in India but
everywhere around the world. As travellers, we have developed a consciousness towards
the environment. We even realise the pollution caused by aeroplanes. Seeing an Ashram
working on the environment is amazing.

Guruji: Ashrams in India were all about developing a consciousness towards better living
and empowerment of humanity. The overall development of a person so that he
contributes to the betterment of the country has always been the major concern of an

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Ashram. This year, we planted 32,000+ trees in 52+ cities in 30 days.

Palak: We know that you've been to a lot of places. In reference to that, what has been your
experience in India?

Birgitte: Since we own a travelling company, the first time we came to India was due to
work purposes. But, we came again and again. India is completely different from any other
country. The culture, people, religions, temples, places, mountains, rivers, beaches, sea… I
mean, India has everything. India has got it all. But, as a traveller, you need to have great
strength to survive here because of the cultural shock. It's a completely different world
which can't be understood in a single visit. The religion here is especially fantastic. As
Christians, we don't have these fantastic teachings, temples, monuments etc.

Simon: Religion is much stronger here. It binds people together. In our culture, the priest
speaks and teaches us and we listen. Here, you are more included in the process because
you are a part of that worship.

Vinay Kakkar: I'll add to this. In Europe, my customers say, “Either you love India or you
hate it. There's no in-between and that's what India is all about.” Also, when she talks
about the cultural shock, sometimes, it is too much to absorb for them and that is why they
keep coming back. India is so welcoming. People here always greet strangers with a smile
and it is difficult for foreigners to understand because it is not a part of their culture. Also,
Simon is being trained in his family business of travelling and is already meditating thrice
a day and I tell him that he is doing “Tri-kaal sandhya” which is the Indian way of
worshipping. He knew about two types of well-being- physical and mental. When I told
him about spiritual well-being, that is where his questions started. How do you connect to
the universal energy? How does meditation connect you? How can I move forward? And so

L to R ShriGuru Pawan Sinha Ji & Mr.Vinay Kakkar.

L to R Palak Aggarwal & Ms Birgitte Jacobsen.
Simon: Yes, I was searching about meditation as a solution to stress and to find peace and
mental stability. Then, I talked to my friends about the same and started meditating using
this online application. I think meditation is something that should be professed more and
more. It should become more common. Though, people are accepting meditation more
and more, now.

Palak: How do you think is India different from Denmark?

Birgitte: Here, your mind and body are more connected as a being. In our world, there's a
big vacuum. There's a lot of stress which is singularly treated through medicines and pills.
In India, you are more capable of knowing before you get sick because you are more
connected to your body and mind. Here is a more holistic approach to a human being as
compared to the western world. The western world is so divided. Thus, we try to meditate
to sustain calm and not panic. The west, in that sense, could learn a lot from the East.

Simon: But, we don't have a Guru. Rather, we have an app that tells us how to meditate.

Vinay: That is what Youth Awakening Mission is all about. We are here to learn and
spread it across the globe. Simon has already agreed to be a part of the international wing
and represent Youth Awakening Mission in Denmark.

Guruji: Meditation is one such practice that changes your whole persona. World at this
moment needs both collective and individual peace. Meditation can help this because it
changes the complete thought process of a person. The world will change with the spread
of meditation. It doesn't mean that the world will be completely free of stress, over-
ambitions or problems, but all of us will become capable of handling these problems.

Simon: I agree with this because meditation has changed me and given me the patience
and power to deal with problems. It has helped me in creating a distanced opinion towards
things which makes my judgement better. There seems to be a curtain that keeps away the
negativity from me.
There are different problems there. Excessive use of social media, portraying yourself as
perfectly well, impersonating a good life, living according to certain standards and the
expectations of society has created a lot of stress. People have to fake a lifestyle to show that
they are well-off.

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Birgitte: The people there suffer from loneliness. Also, they have too many choices in
everything that is not really helpful. Too many possibilities create a lot of confusion. Also,
as Simon said, there is a lot of pressure to show that you're doing well, you have the right
friends, you wear the right clothes etc.

Palak: Who do you go to for guidance? Here, in India, we have our Guruji and parents to
guide us. It is like we have the energy and they have the experience.

Simon: I listen to this one person online who talks about stress, success and guides us to
perform better. We usually listen to people who we look up to. But, it is impossible to
completely trust them because they are just too perfect which seems fake.
As a family, we do talk. But, the family structure in the western world is not as strong as that
in India. People here care a lot about their family. They love and take care of each other.
This is completely absent in the western counterparts which becomes a major reason for
the loneliness felt by youth there. They go to psychiatrists simply because they need
someone to talk to and guide them.

Birgitte: The family structure is actually strong here and it is a shame that India is
following and copying the United States. India should retain its family culture. We've seen
a lot of big families with multiple generations living together.

Vinay: Adding to that, children in India don't leave their parent's house after turning 18.
So, it is generally 3 or 4 generations living together.

Guruji: As a young, new soldier of Youth Awakening Mission, what do you think will you
do in Denmark, Simon?

Simon: I need time to think about it, but we certainly do have different problems there.
The youth knows the existing problems and we have several movements for the same. We
are conscious about reducing our beef and non-vegetarian consumption, we focus more on
green travelling like cycling etc. We don't have problems such as high crime rates,
pollution etc like India. We rather have problems like loneliness in youth, stress, career

Palak: That is a great beginning. We need to know the problem to work on the solutions.
That is where Youth Awakening Mission begins.

Editor's Note: It is imperative to understand the importance of meditation

and family system in today's time when work culture, loneliness and social
media has increased our stress to an extreme level. In order to combat these,
we had ashrams which were both our spiritual guides and families. India thus
needs to bring back this ashram culture and take pride in its heritage.

Ignited Pens Depression
Written by: Tanushri Sharma
Psychologist, Goa

“You say you're 'depressed' – all I see is resilience. You are allowed
to feel messed up and inside out. It doesn't mean you're defective – it
just means you're human.” David Mitchell

Depression can intrude anyone; it is these symptoms present but the duration of
one of the most common mental illnesses the symptoms plays a great role when it
worldwide. India is the most depressed comes to diagnosis of depression.
country in the world. About 7% of Indians Psychologists and Psychiatrist use the
suffer from depression. While these are just DSM- 5 criteria for the final diagnosis of the
figures of reported cases of depression, same.
despite there are some from the population
who are depressed but unknown about the Understanding depression can be
fact and its effects. challenging. Depression is the most
common mental illness worldwide; likewise
D e p r e s s i o n c a n a f f e c t e v e r y o n e it is most common treatable illness as well.
differently. It's normal to feel gloomy or Most of the cases of depression need help to
down sometimes. But if, these low
moods continue for more than a week
&hinders your daily life schedule or
keeps recurring, these could be signs of
depression. Depression is simply
different from being sad or gloomy. It is
a serious mental state of mind which can
affect an individual's life drastically.
Some of the most common signs of
Depression are: irritability, changes in
appetite, troubled sleep or excessive
sleeping, lethargic, anxiousness etc. In
extreme cases of depression a person
can compel to self-harming behaviors. A
person with depression may not have all

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get over with that mental state of mind. depression.
From moderate to severe cases require anti- It's okay to talk about depression and
depressants along with regular therapy suicide, let us try to normalize these
sessions, while in other cases of depression, concepts in your minds as well as, help&
CBT (Cognitive behavior therapy) is quite educate others about the same. Be direct,
useful. Thetherapist focuses to change ready to listen, letting them express their
patterns of thinking or behavior that are feelings and accepting by being gentle and
due to the difficulties they are facing, and so non-judgmental without giving any advices
change the way they feel about it. about value of life. While these are some of
Subsequently depression has altered small ways you can help individuals who are
grounds for all, talking to someone and mentally distressed, one small step you can
seeking help for the same should be the first take towards mental health awareness is
thought, rather than thinking “I can encourage self and others to seek
manage it” or “depression… can't happen to professional help.
me.” Accept and seek help for your issues, it
is okay! There may be may situations which may
get you depressed, but accepting that
Suicide is the second leading cause of depressed state of mind and allowing
death, and depression is one of the common yourself to seek help and healing for the
cause of suicide. Feeling helpless and seeing same will do you some bit of good for your
death is sometimes the only way out in that way towards life.
state of overwhelming or unmanageable “It's okay to make mistakes. It's okay to
feelings. Most people who suicide could be do something that you hadn't done, because
helped at some point. As individuals you if we don't do those things we never grow.”
can help your loved ones or self to seek It's okay to not feel okay and seek help for
professional guidance. A sudden lift in the same; your mental health should be your
spirits in a depressed person can be a priority because mental health is as
warning sign that they are planning to kill important as physical health.”
themselves. Any level, suicidal thinking
should be taken seriously. There are many
misconceptions about suicide and

Ae Mere Watan
Ke Logon Ram, Ramayana
& Sound Weapon
Written by Ashish Kothari

The weapon has always been potent to five human sense for firing a weapon.
win a war. The type of weapon, right usage of We have known, seen and heard the use
weapon, and how the weapon is being used of eyes to fire weapon, but rarely know
have always been essential components of about the technique of firing a weapon
weapons used in fighting a war. with closed eyes by just concentrating on
In present times, the type and kind of the origin of the sound and hitting the
weapon have changed. Weapons have precise target to the point of origin.
evolved from stone to bow and arrow and Use of Sound as a weapon in
then to the latest technology of sonic Ancient History:
weapon. The second reference to the usage of
Ram, Ramayan, and the use of Sonic sound as a weapon can be seen in the
Weapon: historical period of King Prithviraj
The first use of sound as a tool or as a Chauhan (1166-1192 CE). There were two
weapon can be traced back to the period of epic fights between Prithviraj and
Ramayan. King Dasharatha, while making a Muhammad Ghori, first in 1191 CE and the
dying confession, told about an incident second one in 1192 CE. Prithviraj lost in the
where he committed a mistake. When he second fight and was captured by Ghori.
was young, one night, he went hunting Ghori took Prithviraj as his prisoner,
animals in the deep forest near Sarayu river. tortured and blinded him to accept his
There, he heard a sound across the river. He religion and be his slave for the rest of his
thought that the sound he heard was similar life. Being a Rajput, Prithviraj would never
to the sound of an elephant drinking water. accept that. Ghori knew about Prithviraj's
Assuming a wild elephant across the river, talent of firing Shabd bhedi baan and
he fires an arrow, which in turn hits the encouraged Prithviraj Chauhan to
target, but the target which he assumed to be demonstrate his talent. Prithviraj along
a wild elephant turned out to be a human with his childhood friend Chand Bardai
whose name was Shravan Kumar. (Ayodhya hatched a plan to kill Ghori and avenge his
kand, Chapter 63-64, Valmiki Ramayana). defeat. During the demonstration,
This is the first reference of the use of Prithviraj was given instructions by Chand
sound to fire a weapon, which at that time Bardai in the form of a poem. This poem
was popularly called as “Shabd bhedi baan”. gave acute measurement and length of
“Shabd bhedi” means the use of one of the Ghouri's sitting position and where

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Prithviraj should aim to kill Ghouri. The symptoms were first reported after several
poem went like:- workers complained about hearing strange
noises. The symptoms were caused by a
“चार बांस चौबीस गज, अंगुल अष्ट प्रमाण combination of chemical toxins and a low-
ता उपर सुल्तान है, मत चूको चौहान।।” frequency sound that produces disorders in
the inner ear.
Prithviraj used these phrases to kill “What happened in Cuba doesn't make
Ghouri on the spot. This is the perfect use of any sense," says Toby Heys, leader of the
sound as a tool to fire a weapon and killing future technologies research centre at the
your enemy. Manchester University of Art. Although,
Modern period use of Sonic Heys adds that it could be that some kind of
Weapon: new sonic weapon was at play.
The use of sound as a weapon and tool in
war has been witnessed since the second Use of sound in Tracking
world war. During the period of war Soviet Submarines:
troops used sound to keep German forces The only way of detecting and locating a
awake. submarine is the use of sound. These sounds
U.S navy currently uses a long-range are passive, acoustic or active acoustic
acoustic device (LRAD) and have deployed sound. These sounds can be identified by
both sonic and sound as a form of attack. experienced sonar operators. Each type of
Also in Iraq, Pentagon deployed an actual submarine has a unique sound profile that
sound weapon LRAD which can create a makes up the acoustic “signature” of the
pulse up to 149 decibels which is like vessel.
hearing a jet engine 100 feet away.
The recent news reports from China and The mention of sound technology in
Cuba in 2017 and 2018 have suspected the Ramayana is manifested in different uses
use of sound as a weapon against Americans even now. It thus becomes imperative to
living there. The attack in Cuba has affected understand the importance of texts like
nearly two dozen workers who had Ramayana and their relevance in the
unexplained headaches, dizziness, current times.
cognitive issues, and sleep loss. The

EDITOR'S NOTE: September 2019 witnessed a national level
inauguration of project Rishikulshala by honourable President of
India. Let us look at the ideology behind creating this project through
the eyes of the project coordinator, Ms Era Bhalla.

Not everyone in this world has the necessary means to live a dignified and fulfilling life.
There are numerous children and people who are deprived of essentials like healthcare,
safety, education, shelter, etc. In India, even today, millions of children go without any
access to education. As many as 8.4 crore children in India continue to remain out of
school. It's a major social problem plaguing modern-day India and strong measures are
needed to ensure the benefits of education touch everyone because...“Education is not just
a tool to measure the development of any country; it is the key to freedom…freedom of an
individual from all his fears and obstacles…freedom of society from all the vicious cycles of
poverty, injustice and discrimination and freedom of a nation from all the boundaries and


Shriguru Pawan Sinha ji initiated the Youth Awakening Mission where he invoked the
minds of the youth to join project Rishikulshala – Rebuild India, Educate India.
Shri Guruji undertook this project since 2011 where a group of children were taken and
their education, as well as their all-round development, was taken care of. After a lot of
thinking and pondering on Swami Ji's thoughts, Guruji gave a platform to the youth of the
country to take care of school dropouts. It is a Youth movement for Education where the
youth will carry the torch of education (spiritually, mentally, academically). Rishikulshala
has made it possible for marginalized children to have access to opportunities they could
not have imagined before. It is an initiative where energies of the youth are also
channelized for the betterment of the society leading to a stronger nation.


Swami Vivekananda said- “The secret of life is not enjoyment, but education through
Youth Awakening Mission has implemented this thought by providing a platform to the
youth where they are learning experiences of their lives through educating the
marginalized students. These young members are known as “Vivek Tolis” which opens
and manages a Rishikulshala centre.
1. Children who are deprived are identified through survey keeping in mind their family
background and various other parameters.

2. The children belonging to age group 8-14 years are a part of this Rishikulshala project.
3. These children are enrolled in Rishikulshala and a complete record of all dimensions
of children are maintained.
4. The classes of Rishikulshala are held either in a school, community centre or under a
flyover/bridge. The selection of the place is done by the Rishilkulshala team and Vivek Toli
will take care of the class-venue.
5. The following activities are included in the syllabus of the Rishikulshala i.e. story-
telling, basic science and maths, theatre, environment sensitization, personality grooming
6. These children have a regular medical check-up every third month so that they lead a
healthy and hygienic life.
7. The students are provided with books, bottle, stationery and study material every
month as per their requirement.
8. Arrangements are made for healthy snacks for children after every class.


Rishukilshala provides not only education, but it also inculcates values and develops the
underprivileged children to become decisive intelligent decision-makers, creating a
beneficial value chain that can uplift entire communities. It also enables them to grow up
as a capable adult who can take care of not just themselves but also add something to their
community. It will not just create better citizens but also ensure better employment and
enterprise. If any member of a family is educated, especially children, it can help coming
generations to break the intergenerational cycles of poverty.
They conduct classes on every Sunday and instead of spending time in PUB or in the
virtual world of social media they focus their energies in the upbringing of these children.
Youth herein share a sense of pride and responsibility amongst themselves that they are
also contributing their due share in the upliftment of the society, leading to a stronger

We appeal to the entire youth of the country to be a part of this initiative and join hands
with Rishikulshala as we want to see the children of all classes, even from poor households
to be literate and aware of their basic health, hygiene and grow up as educated citizens. It is
our social responsibility to share our wealth of knowledge and learning with the less
privileged section of the society.
It's time that we realize our social responsibility towards the marginalized children,
come out of our comfort zones and work towards their upliftment with all our heart,
mind and soul.

Contact us- 9412218768/ 9810343984 (call and whatsapp)

WhatsApp: +91 7428522756 27

Satyendra Kumar Singh is a career counselor, trainer,
educationist who has worked extensively in different fields.
Our conversation with him helped us in understanding the
problem of career confusion which leads to mental

Here are the key points from the conversation:

Students tend to get confused in choosing a career. Some of the main reasons for this are
pressure from parents, lack of awareness despite social media.
Students do not get authentic information about career prospects. While, the world is
growing in such a manner that our body singularly has almost a specialist for each
organ/part. This has opened up so many fields.

Unawareness is the single cause. Even if this is called the internet era, awareness is
lacking. This is because we do not search for the right thing. We do have a lot of options to
search from, but our priorities are not right.
We indulge only in social media like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram etc when we can
actually search about a lot of things.

Actually, even the internet is not the most important thing. One can go to libraries,
colleges, educational institutes, professionals etc to get first-hand information about

Also, a lack of awareness leads to quick and impulsive decisions which further lead to
unsatisfactory feeling. This further creates mental distress. Our habit of searching for
quick alternatives has lead to loss of retention power and stable thinking.

If we think a little deeper, going Google is not going to help in longer run. Talks,
discussions, institution, books, teachers and parents are the resort.

WhatsApp: +91 7428522756 28

“You make and mould your own life. You are responsible for yourself.”
-Swami Vivekananda Ji

Swami Vivekananda Ji always believed that it is the youth of a nation who can
bring about a revolution. If you are suffering from a problem, it is you who will take
actions to change it.
The world needs a revolution, everybody knows it and says it but, why don't we
take an action?

We thus carry forward Swami Vivekananda's ideology and urge passionate youth
to come forward and contribute to our magazine with their thoughtful writings
about issues that concern the world and need alterations. If an issue worries you and
you have the thought and the idea to change it or to bring awareness about it, 'Young
Moves; The Magazine For Game Changers' is your way to express it with the tool of

We believe in a solution-oriented approach to any problem and thus request you

to share your analysis of the issues and possible solutions to it. The magazine is open
to all kinds of subjects involving different fields of profession like politics, history,
governance, law, economics, environment, finance, socio-cultural activities etc. Let
us contribute to this movement as much as we can and be Game Changers in our

Come forward and mail us your pieces at
+917428522756 (WhatsApp)

Keep writing to us and share your opinions, suggestions and

Young Moves
Email: +917428522756 (WhatsApp)

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