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Australian International Academy

Holiday Homework Task
Task: Design an experiment to test the reaction speeds of different people. You will need to measure how
quickly someone responds to a stimulus. For example, you could drop a ruler and let the test subject catch it.
The distance it falls would represent the reaction speed of the test subject – the shorter the distance – the faster
the reaction speed. Alternatively, there are a number of online reaction time tests. You could get your test
subjects to complete one of these tests and record/compare their results.

Use the template to complete your investigation and submit this on Managebac.

This should let the reader know what you are investigating – be specific
What question will you be investigating? E.g. do males have faster reaction times than females? Does age impact
on reaction time? Do mothers have faster reaction times than anyone else? Does the time of day affect reaction

Write your aim here

Use the format “If I change ‘x’, then ‘y’ will happen”
List your materials in this space

Risk assessment
Have you identified specific hazards and appropriate precautions for each hazard?

Include a table of your reaction time results and a graph

Include any pictures here too

Discuss what the results mean. Try to explain any patterns or trends that you find in your data.

Discuss whether or not your experiment was fair

Write an answer to your aim

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