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NPM :18210084

School Allow Students to Bring Smartphone

Smartphone is one of very important tools to communicate with other people and build a
close relationship each other in social activities. As a communication tool, of course
Smartphone is needed very much for students especially because they always keep in contact
with their parents, teachers, and friends by calling or sending messages. Although, some people
think bringing Smartphone to school has bad effects and ineffective for students, others argue
that it can support their activities in learning at school. In my opinion, allowing students to bring
Smartphone at school has some advantages for students.

First of all, Smartphone is a communication tool that is needed very much for students
especially because they always keep in contact with their parents, teachers, and friends by
calling or sending messages. When in school students can get things that suddenly like, school
ends early, gets an accident, or something important. In these circumstances, the existence of a
smartphone is very important for students because when these things happen it can make it easier
for students to notify their parents. For example, if students have an accident such as falling
while exercising or fainting during a ceremony because of illness. So, if students bring
smartphone they can easly notify their parent when things happen.

Second of all, the state of the smartphone for students in schools can be used as an
learning resource and know new knowledge. When the teacher gives a difficult task and must be
searched on the internet, at that time students use their smartphone to find the answers to their
assignments. Sometimes, using a smartphone, students can get more knowledge than what is
taught from the teacher.

Finally, students can study online only by using a smartphone to facilitate learning
methods. This is a new method of teacher that requires students to access learning applications
using a smartphone. By using a smartphone, the teacher only needs to show how the learning
application works. So, in this case it is very easy for students and teachers to learn and teach.
In conclusion, students must be allowed to bring their smartphone to the school because
of any reasons. Smartphone is a technology that very needed in this era, students can search any
information or knowledge just with smartphone, smartphone can be a rescues for student to
notify their parents, so school should allow their students to bring smartphone to the school.

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