Answer: .: Different Types of Swing Container With Image

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Marvin gregorio valencia

Assignment #3 for this week, Submition will be only on our first meeting this week
1. What is Swing in java?
2. Identify the hierarchy of Java Swing Classes
3. Different types of Swing Components with image
4. Different types of Swing Container with image
5. Sample design of login and registration form.


1. Swing - is a lightweight Java graphical user interface (GUI) widget toolkit that
includes a rich set of widgets. It is Java part of the Java Foundation Classes
(JFC) and includes several packages for developing rich desktop applications in
Java. Swing includes built-in controls such as trees, image buttons, tabbed panes,
sliders, toolbars, color choosers, tables, and text areas to display HTTP or rich
text format (RTF)

2. GUI Component classes, such as Button , TextField , and Label .

GUI Container classes, such as Frame and Panel .
 GUI Component classes, such as Button , TextField , and Label .
 GUI Container classes, such as Frame

3. Different types of Swing Components with image - this Java Tutorial describes
the Swing toolkit at a high level. ... Simple components that are used primarily to get
input from the user; they may ... CheckBox image ... and all the material on pages under

4. Different types of Swing Container with image - These containers do not inherit
JComponent class but inherit the AWT classes' Component and Container. ... Swing -
Show image in JTextPane Java Example ...

5. Sample design of login and registration form - registration form templates are
customizable and simple to edit. ... Login; Sign Up .... Get started by editing a sample
registration template

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