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Computer Graphics MCQ 2

Subject:-Computer Graphics
Objective type questions combine
A chain of connected line segments is called a ________.
A. Polyline
B. Polysegments
C. Polygon
D. Polychain
A closed polyline is called a _________.
A. Polychain
B. Polygon
C. Polyclosed
D. Closed chain
A ploygon in which the line segment joining any two points within the polygon lies completely
inside the polygon,
is called ________ polygon.
A. Convex
B. Concave
C. Closed
D. Complete
A Polygoan in which the line segment joining any two points within the polygon may not lie
completely inside the
polygon, is called ________ polygon.
A. Convex
B. Concave
C. Closed
D. Complete
__________ is a method for testing a pixel inside of a polygon.
A. even-odd method
B. winding number method
C. A and B
D. None of theseANSWER:
_________ is a basic approach used to fill the polygon.
A. seed fill
B. scan fill
C. A and B
D. None of these
The seed fill algorithm for filling polygon is classified as ________ fill algorithm and _______
fill algorithm.
A. flood, boundry
B. even, odd
C. edge, flood
D. boundry, scan
Polygoan filling algorithms those fill interior-defined regions are called _______ algorithms.
A. flood fill
B. boundry fill
C. scan line
D. edge fill
Polygoan filling algorithms those fill boundary defined regions are called _________
A. flood fill
B. boundry fill
C. edge line
D. A and B
In a boundary fill algorithm for filling polygon, boundary defined regions may be either
_________ connected or
__________ connected.
A. 2,4
B. 4,8
C. 8,16
D. 8,6
The getpixel function gives the ______ of specified pixel.A. intensity
B. colour
C. Size
D. Shape
The putpixel function draws the pixel specified_______.
A. intensity
B. colour
C. Size
D. Shape
Seed fill algo for filling polygon is ________ algorithm.
A. recursive
B. non-recursive
C. A and B
D. None of these
Scan line algorithm for filling polygon is ______ algorithm.
A. recursive
B. non-recursive
C. A and B
D. None of these
The basic approach to represent polygon is __________.
A. Polygon drawing primitive approach
B. trapezoid primitive approach
C. line and point approach
D. all of above
The process of selecting and viewing the picture with diffrerent views is called_______.
A. Clipping
B. WindowingC. Segmenting
D. all of above
A Process which divides each segment of the picture into its visible and invisible portion,
allowing the invisible
portion to be discarded is called__________.
A. Clipping
B. Windowing
C. Segmenting
D. all of above
A convenient cartesian co-ordinate system used for storing a picture in the computer memory
is called__________.
A. X-Y co-ordinate system
B. World co-ordinate system
C. normalized co-ordinate system
D. viewing co-ordinate system
When a picture is displayed on the display device it is measeured in ________co-ordinate
A. World
B. Physical device
C. Viewing
D. Normalized
Mapping the world co-ordinates into physical device co-ordinates is called__________.
A. translation
B. homogeneous transformation
C. co-ordinate conversion
D. Viewing transformation
A finite world co-ordinate area selected to perform Viewing transformation for display is called
a ____________.
A. Window
B. Segment
C. Clip
D. ViewportANSWER: A
An area on a physical device to which a window is mapped is called a __________.
A. Window
B. Segment
C. Clip
D. Viewport
The region of a picture against which an object is to be clipped is called a
A. Clip Window
B. Segment
C. Clip
D. Viewport
The line is said to be interior to the clipping window if ___________point(s) is/ are interior to
the window.
A. any line
B. one end
C. both end
D. any two
Cohen-sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm uses ________ regions with diffrerent
A. 8
B. 6
C. 4
D. 9
The transformation which maps the viewing co-ordinates to normalized device co-ordinte is
called _______.
A. Viewing transformation
B. translation
C. normalization transformation
D. homogeneous transformation
The transformation of object description from normalized co-ordinates to device co-ordinates
is called ________.A. Workstation transformation
B. viewing transformation
C. normalization transformation
D. homogeneous transformation
If both end points of a line are exterior to the clipping window,__________.
A. the line is interior to the clipping window
B. the line is not necessarily completely exterior to the clipping window
C. the line is completely exterior to the clipping window
D. None of these
If both end points of a line are completely to the right of clipping window,________.
A. the line is interior to the clipping window
B. the line is not necessarily completely exterior to the clipping window
C. the line is completely exterior to the clipping window
D. None of these
If both end points of a line are completely to the left of clipping window,________.
A. the line is interior to the clipping window
B. the line is not necessarily completely exterior to the clipping window
C. the line is completely exterior to the clipping window
D. None of these
If both end points of a line are completely to the above of clipping window,________.
A. the line is interior to the clipping window
B. the line is not necessarily completely exterior to the clipping window
C. the line is completely exterior to the clipping window
D. None of these
If both end points of a line are completely to the below of clipping window,________.
A. the line is interior to the clipping window
B. the line is not necessarily completely exterior to the clipping windowC. the line is
completely exterior to the clipping window
D. none of these
In Cohen-sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, bit 1 in region code is set if _____.
A. end point of line is to the left of the window
B. end point of line is to the right of the window
C. end point of line is to the below of the window
D. end point of line is to the above of the window
In Cohen-sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, bit 2 in region code is set if _____.
A. end point of line is to the left of the window
B. end point of line is to the right of the window
C. end point of line is to the below of the window
D. end point of line is to the above of the window
In Cohen-sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, bit 3 in region code is set if _____.
A. end point of line is to the left of the window
B. end point of line is to the right of the window
C. end point of line is to the below of the window
D. end point of line is to the above of the window
In Cohen-sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, bit 4 in region code is set if _____.
A. end point of line is to the left of the window
B. end point of line is to the right of the window
C. end point of line is to the below of the window
D. end point of line is to the above of the window
In cohen- sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, all bits in region code are zero
A. end point of a line lies within a clipping window
B. end point of a line lies to the left of the clipping window
C. end point of a line lies to the right of the clipping window
D. None of theseANSWER: A
In cohen- sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm,any line that has one in the same bit
position in the region
codes for each end point are _________.
A. Completely inside the clipping rectangle
B. Completely outside the clipping rectangle
C. Completely left to the clipping rectangle
D. Completely right to the clipping rectangle
In cohen- sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, if the result of the logical AND
operation with two end
point region codes is not 0000 __________.
A. the line is Completely inside the clipping region
B. the line is Completely outside the clipping region
C. the line is Completely left to the clipping region
D. the line is Completely right to the clipping region
In sutherland -Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm, if the first vertex of the edge is outside
the window boundry
and the second vertex of the edge is inside then _____ and ____ are added to the output
vertex list.
A. first vertex, second vertex
B. first vertex, the intersection point of the polygon edge with the window boundry
C. Second vertex,the intersection point of the polygon edge with the window boundry
D. None of these
In sutherland -Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm, if both vertices of the edge are inside
the window boundry,
then _______ is addes to the output vertex list.
A. first vertex
B. Second vertex
C. the intersection point of the polygon edge with the window boundry
D. None of these
In sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm, if the first vertex of the edge is inside the
window boundry
and the second vertex of the edge is outside then _____ and ____ are added to the output
vertex list.
A. first vertex
B. Second vertex
C. the intersection point of the polygon edge with the window boundry
D. None of theseANSWER: C
In sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm, if both vertices of the edge are outside
the window boundry,
______is added to the output vertex list.
A. first vertex
B. Second vertex
C. the intersection point of the polygon edge with the window boundry
D. None of these
Which of the following clipping algorithm follows the Divide and Conquer strategy?
A. 4-bit algorithm
B. Midpoint algorithm
C. Cyrus break algorithm
D. Cohen- Sutherland algorithm
The selection and separation of a part of text or image for further operation are
A. Translation
B. Shear
C. Reflection
D. Clipping
The complex graphics operations are_______.
A. Selection
B. Separation
C. Clipping
D. None of these
In computer graphics, a graphical object is known as________.
A. Point
B. Segment
C. Parameter
D. None of these
A many sided figure is termed as_________.A. Square
B. Polygon
C. Rectangle
D. None
The end point of polygon are called as__________.
A. Edges
B. Vertices
C. Line
D. None of these
The line segment of polygon are called as _________.
A. Edges
B. Vertices
C. Line
D. None of these
What are the types of polygon___________.
A. Convex polygon
B. Concave polygon
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
If a line joining any of its two interior points lies completely within it are called____________.
A. Convex polygon
B. Concave polygon
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
If a line joining any two of its interior points lies not completely inside are
A. Convex polygon
B. Concave polygonC. Both a & b
D. None of these
In which polygon object appears only partially________________.
A. Convex polygon
B. Concave polygon
C. Both a & b
D. None
The process of extracting a portion of a database or a picture inside or outside a specified
region are
A. Translation
B. Shear
C. Reflection
D. Clipping
The rectangle portion of the interface window that defines where the image will actually
appear are
A. Transformation viewing
B. View port
C. Clipping window
D. Screen coordinate system
The rectangle space in which the world definition of region is displayed are
A. Screen coordinate system
B. Clipping window or world window
C. World coordinate system
D. None of these
The object space in which the application model is defined____________.
A. Screen coordinate system
B. Clipping window or world window
C. World coordinate systemD. None of these
The process of cutting off the line which are outside the window are called__________.
A. Shear
B. Reflection
C. Clipping
D. Clipping window
Some common form of clipping include_________.
A. curve clipping
B. point clipping
C. polygon clipping
D. All of these
A technique by which the vertical and /or horizontal scan frequency of video signal can be
changed for different
purpose and applications is called__________.
A. Scan conversion
B. Polygon filling
C. Two dimensional graphics
D. Anti aliasing
The process of coloring the area of a polygon is called___________.
A. Polygon filling
B. Polygon flow
C. Aliasing
D. None of these
How many types of polygon filling ____________.
A. Two
B. One
C. Three
D. Four
ANSWER: CThe algorithm used for filling the interior of a polygon is called____________.
A. Flood fill algorithm
B. Boundary fill algorithm
C. Scan line polygon fill algorithm
D. None of these
The function of scan line polygon fill algorithm are_______________.
A. Find intersection point of the boundary of polygon and scan line
B. Find intersection point of the boundary of polygon and point
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
If the pixel is already filled with desired color then leaves it otherwise fills it, this is
A. Flood fill algorithm
B. Boundary fill algorithm
C. Scan line polygon filling algorithm
D. None of these
The side effect of scan conversion are__________.
A. Aliasing
B. Anti aliasing
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
If the visit to the vertices of the polygon in the given order produces an anticlockwise loop are
A. Negatively oriented
B. Positively oriented
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
Which approaches are used for determine whether a particular point is inside or outside of a
polygon____________.A. Even-odd method
B. Winding number method
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
The process of mapping a world window in world coordinate system to viewport are
A. Transformation viewing
B. View Port
C. Clipping window
D. Screen coordinate system
The space in which the image is displayed are called___________.
A. Screen coordinate system
B. Clipping window
C. World coordinate system
D. None of these
Some common form of clipping include__________.
A. Curve clipping
B. Point clipping
C. Polygon clipping
D. All of these
In a clipping algorithm of Cohen & Sutherland using region codes, a line is already clipped if
A. Codes of the end point are same
B. Logical AND of the end point code is not 0000
C. Logical OR of the end points code is 0000
D. Logical AND of the end point code is 0000
E. A and B
The transformation in which an object is moved in a minimum distance path from one position
to another is
A. TranslationB. Scaling
C. Rotation
D. Reflection
The transformation in which the dimension of an object are changed relative to a specified
fixed point is
A. Translation
B. Scaling
C. Rotation
D. Reflection
An object can be viewed as a collection of___________.
A. One segment
B. Two segment
C. Several segments
D. None of these
The graphics method in which one object is transformed into another object are
A. Clipping
B. Morphing
C. Reflection
D. Shear
Scaling of a polygon is done by computing____________.
A. The product of (x, y) of each vertex
B. (x, y) of end points
C. Center coordinates
D. Only a
A chain of connected line segment is called a__________
A. Polyline
B. Polysegment
C. Polygon
.D. Polychain
A ploygon in which the line segment joining any two points within the polygon may not lies
completely inside the
polygon, is called___________polygon .
A. Convex
B. Concave
C. Closed
D. Complete
In the given point (x,y) and we want to access(x-1,y-1) in a single step we need to
A. 4-connected
B. 5-connected
C. 6-connected
D. 8-connected
In scan fill algorithm the scan lines which needs to be considered are from___________.
A. Ymax to ymin of the whole polygon
B. Ymax to ymin of the longest edge of the polygon
C. Ymax to ymin of the shortest edge of the polygon
D. None of these
Sutherland Hodgeman algorithm is used for_____________.
A. Polygon filling
B. Line clipping
C. Polygon clipping
D. Text clipping
Which of the following is not true w.r.t polygon clipping.
A. Line clipping algorithms are not used for polygon clipping
B. The shape of polygon may change after clipping
C. The sequence of clipping w.r.t. window edges is fixed
D. All of these
ANSWER: CFollowing are coordinates of clipping window : Lower Left Corner (20,20) and
Upper Right Corner (80,80).
Whether a point at (10,50) is visible or not?
A. Visible
B. Partially Visible
C. Completely Exterior
D. None of the above
Following are coordinates of clipping window : Lower Left Corner (20,20) and Upper Right
(100,100).What is the outcode of point (150,50)?
A. 0010
B. 1000
C. 0100
D. 0110
Which of the following is true with respect to Suther Hodge algorithm?
A. It clips only concave polygons
B. It is more time consuming and complex
C. It may insert extra edges in resultant polygon
D. None of these
In sutherland-hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm,if both vertices of the edge are outside
the window boundary
then_______is added to the output vertex.
A. First vertex
B. The intersection point of the polygon edge with the window boundary
C. Second vertex
D. None of these
A clipping window has coordinates as A(50,10), B(80,10), C(80,40), D(50,40). A line segment
has end coordinates
(40,15) and (75,45). What will be the end points of clipped line? Use Cohen – Sutherland
Outcode Algorithm.
A. (23.67,50) and (69.06,40)
B. (50,23.67) and (69.06, 40)
C. (50,23.67) and (40,69.06)
D. None of Above
BAdjacent pixels are likely to have same characteristics. This property is referred as_______.
A. Property of coherence
B. Spacial coherence
C. Spatial coherence
D. None of these
Clip a line starting from (-13, 5) and ending at (17, 11) against the window having lower left
corner at (-8, -4) and
upper right corner at ( 12,8). What will be the end points of clipped line? Use Cohen –
Sutherland Outcode
A. (-8,6) and (2,8)
B. (-8,6) and (8,2)
C. (6,-8) and (2,8)
D. (8,-6) and (8,2)
Scale a square ABCD with co-ordinates A(0,0), B(5,0), C(5,5), D(0,5) by 2 units for x-direction
and 3-units for y –
A. A(0,0) , B(10,0) , C(10,15) , D(0,15)
B. A(0,0) , B(0,0) , C(10,15) , D(0,15)
C. A(0,0) , B(10,0) , C(10,10) , D(15,0)
D. None of these
The first viewing parameter in perspective projection we must consider is the?
A. Viewing window
B. Shift vector
C. View reference point
D. View reference plane
In normalization transformation for window to viewport, window is lower left corner (1,1) and
upper right corner at
(3,5) to a view point with lower left corner at (0,0) and upper right corner at(1/2,1/2) .Scaling
factors Sx =___ &
Sy =___.
A. 0.25 & 0.125
B. 0.125 & 0.25
C. 4 & 8
D. 0.5 & 1
AIn the Cohen-Sutherland outcode algorithm, given the clipping window co-ordinates as:
Xmin =10 , Ymin = 30,
Xmax= 50 , Ymax = 70, the line AB with end-points A(30, 55) and B(70, 40) will
A. Completely visible
B. Completely invisible
C. Partially visible
D. Partially invisible
In the Cohen-Sutherland outcode algorithm, given the clipping window co-ordinates as: Xmin
= -10 , Ymin = -30,
Xmax= 50 , Ymax = 70, the line PQ with end-points P(0, 60) and Q(40, 50) will
A. Completely visible
B. Completely invisible
C. Partially visible
D. Partially invisible
In the Cohen-Sutherland outcode algorithm, given the clipping window co-ordinates as: Xmin
= -10 , Ymin = -30,
Xmax= 50 , Ymax = 70, the line PQ with end-points P(0, 60) and Q(40, 50), the outcodes of P
and Q will
be___________ and _________repectively.
A. 1000 and 0001
B. 0000 and 0000
C. 0100 and 0010
D. 1100 and 0011
In the Cohen-Sutherland outcode algorithm, given the clipping window co-ordinates as: Xmin
=10 , Ymin = 30,
Xmax= 50 , Ymax = 70, the line PQ with end-points P(30, 55) and Q(70, 40) will have
__________ number of
intersection points with the clipping window.
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
In the Cohen Sutherland Outcode Algorithm, the four bits in the outcode are set on the basis
of positions of the line
end points to the ________ of clipping window regions in the order.
A. Top, Bottom, Right, Left
B. Right, Top, Bottom, Left
C. Top, Right, Left, BottomD. Bottom, Right, Left, Top
In the Cohen Sutherland Outcode Algorithm, if both the end-points of the line has outcode
1000, then the line lies
in the _________________region of the clipping window.
A. Left
B. Right
C. Top
D. Bottom
In the Cohen Sutherland Outcode Algorithm, if the point outcode is 1001, then the point lies in
_________________regions of the clipping window.
A. Top and Right
B. Bottom and Right
C. Top and Left
D. Bottom and Left
The algorithm used for filling the interior of a polygon is called
A. Flood fill algorithm
B. Boundary fill algorithm
C. Scan line polygon fill algorithm
D. None of these
If the pixel is already filled with desired color then leaves it otherwise fills it. this is called
A. Flood fill algorithm
B. Boundary fill algorithm
C. Scan line polygon filling algorithm
D. None of these
The graphics can be
A. Drawing
B. Photograph, movies
C. Simulation
D. All of theseANSWER: D
If the boundary is specified in a single color, and if the algorithm proceeds pixel by pixel until
the boundary color is
encountered is called
A. Scan-line fill algorithm
B. Boundary-fill algorithm
C. Flood-fill algorithm
D. Parallel curve algorithm
If we want to recolor an area that is not defined within a single color boundary is known
A. Boundary-fill algorithm
B. Parallel curve algorithm
C. Flood-fill algorithm
D. Only b
There are 2 types of polygons. They are?
A. Convex and concave
B. Square and rectangle
C. Hexagon and square
D. Octagon and convex
A many sided figure is termed as_____.
A. Square
B. Polygon
C. Rectangle
D. None
The end point of polygon are called as___________.
A. Edges
B. Vertices
C. Line
D. None of these
The algorithm used for filling the interior of a polygon is called____________.A. Flood fill
B. Boundary fill algorithm
C. Scan line polygon fill algorithm
D. None of these
The function of scan line polygon fill algorithm are________.
A. Find intersection point of the boundary of polygon and scan line
B. Find intersection point of the boundary of polygon and point
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
If the pixel is already filled with desired color then leaves it otherwise fills it. this is
A. Flood fill algorithm
B. Boundary fill algorithm
C. Scan line polygon filling algorithm
D. None of these
If a line joining any two of its interior points lies not completely inside are
A. Convex polygon
B. Concave polygon
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
In which polygon object appears only partially_______.
A. Convex polygon
B. Concave polygon
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
If the visit to the vertices of the polygon in the given order produces an anticlockwise loop are
A. Negatively oriented
B. Positively orientedC. Both a & b
D. None of these
If the visit to the vertices of the polygon in the given order produces an clockwise loop are
cComputer Graphics MCQ 1alled______.
A. Negatively oriented
B. Positively oriented
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
Which things are mainly needed to make a polygon and to enter the polygon into display
A. No of sides of polygon
B. Vertices points
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
Two types of coordinates are_________.
A. Positive and negative coordinates
B. Absolute and relative coordinates
C. Both a & b
D. None
Which approaches are used for determine whether a particular point is inside or outside of a
A. Even-odd method
B. Winding number method
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
For a seed-fill method, If a given point is (x, y) and we want to access (x-1, y-1) in the same
iteration, we use which
of the following?
A. 4-connected method
B. 5-connected method
C. 7-connected method
D. 8-connected methodANSWER: D
In a given triangle, a(10, 10), B(20, 20), C(30, 10), the point P(28, 20) is______.
A. Inside the triangle
B. Outside the triangle
C. On the vertex
D. On the edge

Subject:-Computer Graphics
Objective type questions Unit-I Graphics Primitives and Scan Conversion
1) In computer graphics, pictures or graphics objects are presented as a collection of discrete
element called______.
A. dots
B. pixels
C. co-ordinates
D. points
2). _______is the smallest addressable screen element.
A. dots
B. point
C. pixels
D. spot
3.) ______is the smallest piece of the display screen which we can control.
A. dots
B. point
C. spot
D. pixel
4) We can control ____of the pixels which compose the screen.
A. intensity
B. size
C. shape
D. None
5) We can control ____of the pixels which compose the screen.
A. colour
B. size
C. shape
D. None
6) Each pixel on the graphics display represents______.
A. a single mathematical point
B. 2 mathematical point
C. 4 mathematical point
D. a region which theoretically can contain infinite points
7). A point (42,38) can be displayed on a screen by a pixel.
A. (4,3)
B. (3,4)
C. (5,4)
D. (4,4)
ANSWER: A8) The process of determining the appropriate pixel for representing, picture or
graphics objects is known
A. scan conversion
B. rasterization
C. scanning
D. graphical representation
9) The process representing continuous picture or graphics objects as a collection of descrete
pixels is
A. scan conversion
B. rasterization
C. scanning
D. graphical representation
10) The computer graphics allows____ on pictures before displaying it.
A. rotation
B. translation
C. scaling and projections
D. All of above
11) Graphics devices include_____.
A. input devices
B. output devices
C. a and b
D. None
12) Computer graphics allows_____.
A. user interface
B. plotting of graphics and chart
C. office automation and desktop publishing
D. all of above
13) Computer graphics allows______.
A. copmuter-aided drafting and design
B. simulaion and animation
C. art and commerce
D. all of above
14) Computer graphics allows_____.
A. process control
B. cartography
C. art and commerce
D. all of above
15) The software components of conceptual framework for interactive graphics is/are_____.
A. application modelB. application program
C. graphics system
D. all of above
16) The Hardware components of conceptual framework for interactive graphics
A. input devices
B. output devices
C. a and b
D. none of these
17) The display devices are_____.
A. input
B. output
C. a and b
D. none of these
18) CRT stands for____.
A. Cathode Ray Tube
B. Colour Ray Tube
C. Cathode Radio Tube
D. Colour Radio Tube
19) A CRT is an evacuated _________ tube.
A. plastic
B. glass
C. steel
D. iron
20) An____________ gun at the rear of the CRT produces a beam of electrons.
A. electronic
B. electron
C. element
D. emergency
21) The deflection system of the CRT consistsof___________deflection plates.
A. vertical
B. horizontal
C. a and b
D. none of these
22) The techique(s) used for producing image on the CRT is/are__________ .
A. vector scan
B. raster scan
C. Both a and b
D. none of these
ANSWER: C23) Vector scan technique is also called _________.
A. scalar scan
B. random scan
C. raster scan
D. beam scan
24) In vector scan display, buffer memory used is also called _________.
A. refresh memory
B. refresh buffer
C. buffer display
D. refresh circuit
25) In vector scan display, the phosphor is to be refreshed at least ________ times per
second to avoid
A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40
26) An____________ gun at the rear of the CRT produces a beam of electrons.
A. electronic
B. electron
C. element
D. emergency
27) The deflection system of the CRT consistsof___________deflection plates.
A. vertical
B. horizontal
C. a and b
D. none of these
28) The techique(s) used for producing image on the CRT is/are__________.
A. vector scan
B. raster scan
C. Both a and b
D. none of these
29) Vector scan technique is also called _________.
A. scalar scan
B. random scan
C. raster scan
D. beam scan
30) In vector scan display, buffer memory used is also called _________.
A. refresh memory
B. refresh bufferC. buffer display
D. refresh circuit
31) In vector scan display, the phosphor is to be refreshed at least ________ times per
second to avoid
A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40
32) In raster scan display,the display image is stored in the form of _________ in the refresh
A. 1s
B. 0s
C. 1s and 0s
D. none of these
33) In raster scan CRT, the beam is swept back and forth from _______ across the screen.
A. left to right
B. right to left
C. up to down
D. down to up
34) In raster Scan CRT, when a beam is moved from the left to the right,it s ____ and it is
_____ when it is
moved from the right to the left.
35) In raster scan display, the screen image repeatedly scanned, this process is called
A. buffering of screen
B. refreshig of screen
C. rendering of screen
D. heghlighting screen
36) On a black and white system with one bit per pixel , the frame buffer is called
A. bitmap
B. pixmap
C. bitpixmap
D. pixbitmap
37) The cost of vector scan display is___________ cost of raster scan dispay.
A. equal to
B. less than
C. more than
D. none of theseANSWER: C
38) For ____________ display , scan conversion hardware is required.
A. vector scan
B. random scan
C. raster scan
D. none of these
39)Aspect ratio is the ratio of ________ to prodce equal length lines in both direction on the
A. vertical points to horizontal points
B. horizontal points to vertical points
C. left to riht and right to left diagonal points
D. right to left and left to right diagonal points
40)Display file can be implemented using __________ data structure.
A. array
B. linked list
C. paging
D. all of the above
41)The process of digitizing a picture definition given in an application program into a set of
Values is called ____________.
A. animation
B. sampling
C. rasterization
D. scan-conversion
42)The size of frame buffer(video memory )depends on_____________.
A. resolution only
B. number of different colors only
C. both (B) and(C)
D. computer byte
43)A pixel of black_white image or graphics object takes _________ space in memory.
A. 1 bit
B. 2 bits
C. 1 nibble
D. 1 byte
44)The resolution of an image is __________.
A. number of pixels per unit area
B. number of pixels per unit length inhorizontal
C. number of pixels per unit length in vertical
D. none of these
45)Persistance can be defined as______.
A. intensity of a pixelB. pixels per unit area
C. the duration of phosphorescence exhibited by a phosphor
D. number of pixels in an image
46) The path the electron beam takes at the end of each refresh cycle is called______.
A. horizontal retrace
B. vertical retrace
C. diagonal retrace
D. left to right retrace
47) The path the electron beam takes when returning to the left side of the CRTscreen is
A. horizontal retrace
B. vertical retrace
C. diagonal retrace
D. top to bottom retrace
48) Frame buffer is used to store_____.
A. number if pixels in image
B. intencities of pixels
C. image definition
D. co-ordinate values of image
49) The clearity of a displayed image depends on the______.
A. resolution
B. floating point precision of system
C. associated software
D. aspect ratio
50)Random scan monitor can also referred to as______.
A. vector displays
B. stroke writing displays
C. calligraphic displays
D. none of the above
51) Which facility is provided by computer graphics to change the shape colour or other
properties of
objects begin viewed.
A. Motion dynamics
B. Update dynamics
C. A & B
D. None of these
which factors affect resolution.
A. The type of phosphor
B. The intensity to be displayed
C. The focusing & deflection systems used in CRT
D. all of theseANSWER: D
special area of the memory is dedicated to graphics only in raster scan display
called_________ .
A. Frame buffer
B. video controller
C. display controler
D. Monitor
which is not true statement for raster scan generator.
A. It produces deflection signals
B. It consists of raster scan generator,x&y address register&pixel
C. it receive the intencity information of each pixel from frame buffer
D. it controls the x&y address registers
The disadvantage of raster graphics display system is ______.
A. It require large number of frame buffer memory cycles needed for video scan out
B. The burden of image generation is on the main CPU
C. Insufficient frame buffer memory band width
D. All of these
To store black and white images ,black pixels are represented by________ in the frame
buffer and white
pixels by_______.
A. Zero and one
B. One and Zero
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
The image can be transmitted to the display point by________.
A. Line
B. Segment
C. Point
D. None of these
The center of display screen is computed as
A. X max ,y max
B. Xmax/2,ymax/2
C. Xmax/3,ymax/3
D. None of these
What is true about DDA algorithm for scan conversion of a line
A. General purpose method
B. Incremental
C. current calculation is independent of previous step
D. Is slower than the use of line equation
In DDA algorithm for scan conversion of line
A. if |m|<=1 then dx=1B. if |m|>=1 then dx=1
C. if |m|<=1 then dy=1
D. none of the above
Which of these is true about Bresenham's Line Algorithm?
A. Highly efficient incremental method
B. Uses scan conversion
C. uses integer addition,subtraction and multiplication by 2
D. all of the above
Integer addition,subtraction and multiplication by 2 in Bresenham's Line Algorithm can be
done by
A. Simple arithmetic shift operation
B. circular shift operation
C. XOR Operation
D. none of the above
In Bresenham's algorithm for scan conversion of line
A. d=2dy-dx
B. d=2dx-dy
C. d=4dy-dx
D. d=4dx-dy
What is the basis of scan conversion of a circle?
A. Semi-circle symmetry
B. Quarter symmetry
C. Eight-way symmetry
D. none of the above
What is true about the Bresenhem's Circle algorithm?
A. if d<0 then d=d+4x+6
B. if d>0 then d=d+4x+6
C. if d<0 then d=d+4(x-y)+10 and y--
D. none of the above
which of these is a characteristic of midpoint circle algorithm?
A. Produces pixel points for an semicircle
B. Produces pixel points for an quadrant
C. Produces pixel points for an octant
D. none of the above
What is the initial value for the decision parameter in midpoint circle algorithm.
A. 5/4-r
B. 4/5-r
C. r-5/4
D. r-4/5
ANSWER: AIn Bresenham's line generation algorithm, the initial value of the decision
parameter as p0 = __________,
where slope MOD (m) < 1
A. 2Δy – Δx
B. 2Δy – 2Δx
C. Δx – Δy
D. none of the above
If a line whose end point is (10, 12) and start point is (20, 20), then slope m =?
A. 1.2
B. 0.8
C. -0.4
D. none of the above
The Cartesian slope-intercept equation for a straight line is ________________.
A. y = m(a+b+c)
B. y = m.x + b
C. y = 2∆x-m
D. none of the above
The DDA algorithm is a faster method for calculating pixel positions than the direct use of Eq.
y = m.x + b.
In Bresenham's Mid-point Circle Algorithm, the initial value of the decision parameter is p0 =
5/4 – r.
The method which used either delta x or delta y, whichever is larger, is chosen as one raster
unit to draw
the line .the algorithm is called?
A. Bresenham`s Line Algorithm
B. Generalized Bresenham`s Algorithm
C. DDA Line Algorithm
D. Midpoint Line Algorithm
There are two standard methods of mathematically representing a circle centered at the
origin. They are?
A. Polynomial Method, and Bresenham`s
B. Trigonometric Method and Bresenham`s
C. DDA, and Bresenham`s
D. Polynomial Method, and Trigonometric Method
In Bresenham's algorithm, while generating a circle , it is easy to generate?
A. One octant first and other by successive reflection
B. One octant first and other by successive rotation
C. One octant first and other by successive translation
D. All octants
ANSWER: AWhy a circle drawn on the screen appears to be elliptical ?
A. It is due to the aspect ratio of monitor
B. Screen has rectangular shape
C. Our eyes are not at the same level on screen
D. CRT is completely spherical
Which of the following technique is used in Midpoint Subdivision algorithm ?
A. Linear search
B. Binary Search
C. Heap sort
D. Bubble Sort
A circle, if scaled only in one direction becomes a ?
A. parabola
B. hyperbola
C. Ellipse
D. remains a circle
(2,4) is a point on a circle that has center at the origin. Which of the following points are also
on circle ?
A. (2,-4),(-2,4)
B. (4,-2)
C. (-4,2)
D. All of above
A line can be represented by_________.
A. One point
B. Two points
C. Three points
D. Four points
Bresanham circle algorithm uses the approach of a ______________.
A. Midpoint
B. Point
C. Line
D. None of these
The side effect of scan conversion are________.
A. Aliasing
B. Anti aliasing
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
The process of reducing aliasing is called __________.
A. Resolution
B. Anti aliasing
C. SamplingD. None of these
The problem of aliasing are_____________.
A. Staircase
B. Unequal brightness
C. Picket fence problem
D. All of these
The basic principle of Bresenham`s line algorithm is__?
A. A to select the optimum raster locations to represent a straight line
B. to select either Δx or Δy, whichever is larger, is chosen as one raster unit
C. we find on which side of the line the midpoint lies
D. both a and b
A line connecting the points (1,1) and (5,3) is to be drawn, using DDA algorithm. Find the
value of x and y
A. x-increments = 1; y-increments =1
B. x-increments = 0.5; y-increments =1
C. x-increments = 1; y-increments =0.5
D. None of above
Line produced by moving pen is __ at the end points than the line produced by the pixel
A. Thin
B. Straight
C. Thicker
D. both A and B
A line segment _____________.
A. extends forward
B. extends backward
C. ends at two points
D. extends forever both forward and backward
In DDA line drawing algorithm, dx or dy, whichever is________, is chosen as one raster unit.
A. 1
B. 0
C. smaller
D. larger
Sign function makes the DDA line drawing algorithm work in _____ quadrants.
A. I and II
B. B I and III
C. II and III
D. all
Floating point arithmetic in DDA algorithm is__________.A. time efficient
B. time consuming
C. fast
D. slow
DDA line drawing algorithm for calculating pixel positions is __________ the direct use of
equation y =
mx + b.
A. slower than
B. faster than
C. of equal speed to that of
D. none of these
Expansion of line DDA algorithm is______.
A. Digital difference analyzer
B. Direct differential analyzer
C. Digital differential analyzer
D. Data differential analyzer
Which algorithm is a faster method for calculating pixel positions?
A. Bresenham’s line algorithm
B. Parallel line algorithm
C. Mid-point algorithm
D. DDA line algorithm
In Bresenham’s line algorithm, if the distances d1 < d2 then decision parameter Pk is______
A. Positive
B. Equal
C. Negative
D. Option a or c
A dashed line could be displayed by generating_________.
A. Inter dash spacing
B. Very short dashes
C. Both A or B
D. A or B
Which of the following technique is used in Midpoint Subdivision algorithm ?
A. Linear search
B. Binary search
C. Heap sort
D. Bubble sort
Smallest size object that can be displayed on a monitor is called________.
A. Picture element
B. Point
C. Dot PitchD. Aspect ratio
The maximum number of points that can be displayed without overlap on a CRT
A. Aspect Ratio
B. Resolution
C. Brightness
D. Pixel
Each screen point is referred to as_________________.
A. Resolution
B. Pixel
C. Persistence
D. Dot Pitch
_____________is the number of points per centimeter that can be plotted horizontally and
A. Aspect Ratio
B. Pixel Depth
C. Resolution
D. Dot Pitch
__________is the ratio of horizontal points to vertical points necessary to produce equal
lines in both direction.
A. Dot Pitch
B. Resolution
C. Aspect Ratio
D. Height-Width Ratio
Vector display is well suited for___________.
A. Animation
B. Line drawing applications
C. Cartoons
D. All of the above
Beam penetration method is usually used in______________.
B. Raster Scan display
C. Random scan display
An RGB color system with 24 bits os storage per pixel is known as________________.
A. Color CRT
B. True-color system
C. RGB monitor
D. Color- Depth
Digitizing a picture definition into a set of intensity values is known as .............A. Digitization
B. Scan conversion
C. Refreshing
D. Scanning
Raster graphics are composed of ____________.
A. Pixels
B. Paths
C. Palette
D. None of these
Which of the following allow for 8 mirror images?
A. Parabola
B. Ellipse
C. Hyperbola
D. Circle
The simplest output primitive is__________.
A. Straight line
B. Straight line segment
C. Point
D. Circle
A bitmap is________ bit(s) per pixels.
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 4
The quality of an image depend on_____________.
A. No. of pixel used by image
B. No. of line used by image
C. No. of resolution used by image
D. None
The basic geometric structures that describes a scene on display is called__________-.
A. Attributes
B. Output primitive
C. Lines
D. Curves
An accurate and efficient raster line-generating algorithm is_________.
A. DDA algorithm
B. Mid-point algorithm
C. Parallel line algorithm
D. Bresenham’s line algorithmANSWER: D
In Bresenham’s line algorithm, if the distances d1 < d2 then decision parameter Pk is______.
A. Positive
B. Equal
C. Negative
D. Option a or c

Subject:-Computer Graphics
Objective type questions Unit-II Polygons and Clipping Algorithms
A chain of connected line segments is called a ________.
A. Polyline
B. Polysegments
C. Polygon
D. Polychain
A closed polyline is called a _________.
A. Polychain
B. Polygon
C. Polyclosed
D. Closed chain
A ploygon in which the line segment joining any two points within the polygon lies completely
inside the polygon, is
called ________ polygon.
A. Convex
B. Concave
C. Closed
D. Complete
A Polygoan in which the line segment joining any two points within the polygon may not lie
completely inside the
polygon, is called ________ polygon.
A. Convex
B. Concave
C. Closed
D. Complete
__________ is a method for testing a pixel inside of a polygon.
A. even-odd method
B. winding number method
C. A and B
D. None of these
C_________ is a basic approach used to fill the polygon.
A. seed fill
B. scan fill
C. A and B
D. None of these
The seed fill algorithm for filling polygon is classified as ________ fill algorithm and _______
fill algorithm.
A. flood, boundry
B. even, odd
C. edge, flood
D. boundry, scan
Polygoan filling algorithms those fill interior-defined regions are called _______ algorithms.
A. flood fill
B. boundry fill
C. scan line
D. edge fill
Polygoan filling algorithms those fill boundary defined regions are called _________
A. flood fill
B. boundry fill
C. edge line
D. A and B
In a boundary fill algorithm for filling polygon, boundary defined regions may be either
_________ connected or
__________ connected.
A. 2,4
B. 4,8
C. 8,16
D. 8,6
The getpixel function gives the ______ of specified pixel.
A. intensity
B. colourC. Size
D. Shape
The putpixel function draws the pixel specified_______.
A. intensity
B. colour
C. Size
D. Shape
Seed fill algo for filling polygon is ________ algorithm.
A. recursive
B. non-recursive
C. A and B
D. None of these
Scan line algorithm for filling polygon is ______ algorithm.
A. recursive
B. non-recursive
C. A and B
D. None of these
The basic approach to represent polygon is __________.
A. Polygon drawing primitive approach
B. trapezoid primitive approach
C. line and point approach
D. all of above
The process of selecting and viewing the picture with diffrerent views is called_______.
A. Clipping
B. Windowing
C. Segmenting
D. all of above
BA Process which divides each segment of the picture into its visible and invisible portion,
allowing the invisible portion to
be discarded is called__________.
A. Clipping
B. Windowing
C. Segmenting
D. all of above
A convenient cartesian co-ordinate system used for storing a picture in the computer memory
is called__________.
A. X-Y co-ordinate system
B. World co-ordinate system
C. normalized co-ordinate system
D. viewing co-ordinate system
When a picture is displayed on the display device it is measeured in ________co-ordinate
A. World
B. Physical device
C. Viewing
D. Normalized
Mapping the world co-ordinates into physical device co-ordinates is called__________.
A. translation
B. homogeneous transformation
C. co-ordinate conversion
D. Viewing transformation
A finite world co-ordinate area selected to perform Viewing transformation for display is called
a ____________.
A. Window
B. Segment
C. Clip
D. Viewport
An area on a physical device to which a window is mapped is called a __________.
A. Window
B. SegmentC. Clip
D. Viewport
The region of a picture against which an object is to be clipped is called a
A. Clip Window
B. Segment
C. Clip
D. Viewport
The line is said to be interior to the clipping window if ___________point(s) is/ are interior to
the window.
A. any line
B. one end
C. both end
D. any two
Cohen-sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm uses ________ regions with diffrerent
A. 8
B. 6
C. 4
D. 9
The transformation which maps the viewing co-ordinates to normalized device co-ordinte is
called _______.
A. Viewing transformation
B. translation
C. normalization transformation
D. homogeneous transformation
The transformation of object description from normalized co-ordinates to device co-ordinates
is called ________.
A. Workstation transformation
B. viewing transformation
C. normalization transformation
D. homogeneous transformation
ANSWER: AIf both end points of a line are exterior to the clipping window,__________.
A. the line is interior to the clipping window
B. the line is not necessarily completely exterior to the clipping window
C. the line is completely exterior to the clipping window
D. None of these
If both end points of a line are completely to the right of clipping window,________.
A. the line is interior to the clipping window
B. the line is not necessarily completely exterior to the clipping window
C. the line is completely exterior to the clipping window
D. None of these
If both end points of a line are completely to the left of clipping window,________.
A. the line is interior to the clipping window
B. the line is not necessarily completely exterior to the clipping window
C. the line is completely exterior to the clipping window
D. None of these
If both end points of a line are completely to the above of clipping window,________.
A. the line is interior to the clipping window
B. the line is not necessarily completely exterior to the clipping window
C. the line is completely exterior to the clipping window
D. None of these
If both end points of a line are completely to the below of clipping window,________.
A. the line is interior to the clipping window
B. the line is not necessarily completely exterior to the clipping window
C. the line is completely exterior to the clipping window
D. none of these
In Cohen-sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, bit 1 in region code is set if _____.
A. end point of line is to the left of the window
B. end point of line is to the right of the windowC. end point of line is to the below of the
D. end point of line is to the above of the window
In Cohen-sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, bit 2 in region code is set if _____.
A. end point of line is to the left of the window
B. end point of line is to the right of the window
C. end point of line is to the below of the window
D. end point of line is to the above of the window
In Cohen-sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, bit 3 in region code is set if _____.
A. end point of line is to the left of the window
B. end point of line is to the right of the window
C. end point of line is to the below of the window
D. end point of line is to the above of the window
In Cohen-sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, bit 4 in region code is set if _____.
A. end point of line is to the left of the window
B. end point of line is to the right of the window
C. end point of line is to the below of the window
D. end point of line is to the above of the window
In cohen- sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, all bits in region code are zero
A. end point of a line lies within a clipping window
B. end point of a line lies to the left of the clipping window
C. end point of a line lies to the right of the clipping window
D. None of these
In cohen- sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm,any line that has one in the same bit
position in the region codes
for each end point are _________.
A. Completely inside the clipping rectangle
B. Completely outside the clipping rectangle
C. Completely left to the clipping rectangle
D. Completely right to the clipping rectangle
ANSWER: BIn cohen- sutherland subdivision line clipping algorithm, if the result of the logical
AND operation with two end point
region codes is not 0000 __________.
A. the line is Completely inside the clipping region
B. the line is Completely outside the clipping region
C. the line is Completely left to the clipping region
D. the line is Completely right to the clipping region
In sutherland -Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm, if the first vertex of the edge is outside
the window boundry and the
second vertex of the edge is inside then _____ and ____ are added to the output vertex list.
A. first vertex, second vertex
B. first vertex, the intersection point of the polygon edge with the window boundry
C. Second vertex,the intersection point of the polygon edge with the window boundry
D. None of these
In sutherland -Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm, if both vertices of the edge are inside
the window boundry, then
_______ is addes to the output vertex list.
A. first vertex
B. Second vertex
C. the intersection point of the polygon edge with the window boundry
D. None of these
In sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm, if the first vertex of the edge is inside the
window boundry and the
second vertex of the edge is outside then _____ and ____ are added to the output vertex list.
A. first vertex
B. Second vertex
C. the intersection point of the polygon edge with the window boundry
D. None of these
In sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm, if both vertices of the edge are outside
the window boundry,
______is added to the output vertex list.
A. first vertex
B. Second vertex
C. the intersection point of the polygon edge with the window boundry
D. None of these
Which of the following clipping algorithm follows the Divide and Conquer strategy?A. 4-bit
B. Midpoint algorithm
C. Cyrus break algorithm
D. Cohen- Sutherland algorithm
The selection and separation of a part of text or image for further operation are
A. Translation
B. Shear
C. Reflection
D. Clipping
The complex graphics operations are_______.
A. Selection
B. Separation
C. Clipping
D. None of these
In computer graphics, a graphical object is known as________.
A. Point
B. Segment
C. Parameter
D. None of these
A many sided figure is termed as_________.
A. Square
B. Polygon
C. Rectangle
D. None
The end point of polygon are called as__________.
A. Edges
B. Vertices
C. LineD. None of these
The line segment of polygon are called as _________.
A. Edges
B. Vertices
C. Line
D. None of these
What are the types of polygon___________.
A. Convex polygon
B. Concave polygon
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
If a line joining any of its two interior points lies completely within it are called____________.
A. Convex polygon
B. Concave polygon
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
If a line joining any two of its interior points lies not completely inside are
A. Convex polygon
B. Concave polygon
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
In which polygon object appears only partially________________.
A. Convex polygon
B. Concave polygon
C. Both a & b
D. None
The process of extracting a portion of a database or a picture inside or outside a specified
region are
called_____________.A. Translation
B. Shear
C. Reflection
D. Clipping
The rectangle portion of the interface window that defines where the image will actually
appear are
A. Transformation viewing
B. View port
C. Clipping window
D. Screen coordinate system
The rectangle space in which the world definition of region is displayed are
A. Screen coordinate system
B. Clipping window or world window
C. World coordinate system
D. None of these
The object space in which the application model is defined____________.
A. Screen coordinate system
B. Clipping window or world window
C. World coordinate system
D. None of these
The process of cutting off the line which are outside the window are called__________.
A. Shear
B. Reflection
C. Clipping
D. Clipping window
Some common form of clipping include_________.
A. curve clipping
B. point clipping
C. polygon clippingD. All of these
A technique by which the vertical and /or horizontal scan frequency of video signal can be
changed for different purpose
and applications is called__________.
A. Scan conversion
B. Polygon filling
C. Two dimensional graphics
D. Anti aliasing
The process of coloring the area of a polygon is called___________.
A. Polygon filling
B. Polygon flow
C. Aliasing
D. None of these
How many types of polygon filling ____________.
A. Two
B. One
C. Three
D. Four
The algorithm used for filling the interior of a polygon is called____________.
A. Flood fill algorithm
B. Boundary fill algorithm
C. Scan line polygon fill algorithm
D. None of these
The function of scan line polygon fill algorithm are_______________.
A. Find intersection point of the boundary of polygon and scan line
B. Find intersection point of the boundary of polygon and point
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
If the pixel is already filled with desired color then leaves it otherwise fills it, this is
called___________.A. Flood fill algorithm
B. Boundary fill algorithm
C. Scan line polygon filling algorithm
D. None of these
The side effect of scan conversion are__________.
A. Aliasing
B. Anti aliasing
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
If the visit to the vertices of the polygon in the given order produces an anticlockwise loop are
A. Negatively oriented
B. Positively oriented
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
Which approaches are used for determine whether a particular point is inside or outside of a
A. Even-odd method
B. Winding number method
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
The process of mapping a world window in world coordinate system to viewport are
A. Transformation viewing
B. View Port
C. Clipping window
D. Screen coordinate system
The space in which the image is displayed are called___________.
A. Screen coordinate system
B. Clipping window
C. World coordinate systemD. None of these
Some common form of clipping include__________.
A. Curve clipping
B. Point clipping
C. Polygon clipping
D. All of these
In a clipping algorithm of Cohen & Sutherland using region codes, a line is already clipped if
A. Codes of the end point are same
B. Logical AND of the end point code is not 0000
C. Logical OR of the end points code is 0000
D. Logical AND of the end point code is 0000
E. A and B
The transformation in which an object is moved in a minimum distance path from one position
to another is
A. Translation
B. Scaling
C. Rotation
D. Reflection
The transformation in which the dimension of an object are changed relative to a specified
fixed point is
A. Translation
B. Scaling
C. Rotation
D. Reflection
An object can be viewed as a collection of___________.
A. One segment
B. Two segment
C. Several segments
D. None of theseANSWER: C
The graphics method in which one object is transformed into another object are
A. Clipping
B. Morphing
C. Reflection
D. Shear
Scaling of a polygon is done by computing____________.
A. The product of (x, y) of each vertex
B. (x, y) of end points
C. Center coordinates
D. Only a
A chain of connected line segment is called a__________
A. Polyline
B. Polysegment
C. Polygon
D. Polychain
A ploygon in which the line segment joining any two points within the polygon may not lies
completely inside the
polygon, is called___________polygon .
A. Convex
B. Concave
C. Closed
D. Complete
In the given point (x,y) and we want to access(x-1,y-1) in a single step we need to
A. 4-connected
B. 5-connected
C. 6-connected
D. 8-connected
In scan fill algorithm the scan lines which needs to be considered are from___________.
A. Ymax to ymin of the whole polygonB. Ymax to ymin of the longest edge of the polygon
C. Ymax to ymin of the shortest edge of the polygon
D. None of these
Sutherland Hodgeman algorithm is used for_____________.
A. Polygon filling
B. Line clipping
C. Polygon clipping
D. Text clipping
Which of the following is not true w.r.t polygon clipping.
A. Line clipping algorithms are not used for polygon clipping
B. The shape of polygon may change after clipping
C. The sequence of clipping w.r.t. window edges is fixed
D. All of these
Following are coordinates of clipping window : Lower Left Corner (20,20) and Upper Right
Corner (80,80). Whether a
point at (10,50) is visible or not?
A. Visible
B. Partially Visible
C. Completely Exterior
D. None of the above
Following are coordinates of clipping window : Lower Left Corner (20,20) and Upper Right
Corner (100,100).What is
the outcode of point (150,50)?
A. 0010
B. 1000
C. 0100
D. 0110
Which of the following is true with respect to Suther Hodge algorithm?
A. It clips only concave polygons
B. It is more time consuming and complex
C. It may insert extra edges in resultant polygonD. None of these
In sutherland-hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm,if both vertices of the edge are outside
the window boundary
then_______is added to the output vertex.
A. First vertex
B. The intersection point of the polygon edge with the window boundary
C. Second vertex
D. None of these
A clipping window has coordinates as A(50,10), B(80,10), C(80,40), D(50,40). A line segment
has end coordinates
(40,15) and (75,45). What will be the end points of clipped line? Use Cohen – Sutherland
Outcode Algorithm.
A. (23.67,50) and (69.06,40)
B. (50,23.67) and (69.06, 40)
C. (50,23.67) and (40,69.06)
D. None of Above
Adjacent pixels are likely to have same characteristics. This property is referred as_______.
A. Property of coherence
B. Spacial coherence
C. Spatial coherence
D. None of these
Clip a line starting from (-13, 5) and ending at (17, 11) against the window having lower left
corner at (-8, -4) and upper
right corner at ( 12,8). What will be the end points of clipped line? Use Cohen – Sutherland
Outcode Algorithm.
A. (-8,6) and (2,8)
B. (-8,6) and (8,2)
C. (6,-8) and (2,8)
D. (8,-6) and (8,2)
Scale a square ABCD with co-ordinates A(0,0), B(5,0), C(5,5), D(0,5) by 2 units for x-direction
and 3-units for y –
A. A(0,0) , B(10,0) , C(10,15) , D(0,15)
B. A(0,0) , B(0,0) , C(10,15) , D(0,15)
C. A(0,0) , B(10,0) , C(10,10) , D(15,0)
D. None of theseANSWER:
The first viewing parameter in perspective projection we must consider is the?
A. Viewing window
B. Shift vector
C. View reference point
D. View reference plane
In normalization transformation for window to viewport, window is lower left corner (1,1) and
upper right corner at (3,5)
to a view point with lower left corner at (0,0) and upper right corner at(1/2,1/2) .Scaling factors
Sx =___ & Sy =___.
A. 0.25 & 0.125
B. 0.125 & 0.25
C. 4 & 8
D. 0.5 & 1
In the Cohen-Sutherland outcode algorithm, given the clipping window co-ordinates as: Xmin
=10 , Ymin = 30, Xmax=
50 , Ymax = 70, the line AB with end-points A(30, 55) and B(70, 40) will be___________.
A. Completely visible
B. Completely invisible
C. Partially visible
D. Partially invisible
In the Cohen-Sutherland outcode algorithm, given the clipping window co-ordinates as: Xmin
= -10 , Ymin = -30,
Xmax= 50 , Ymax = 70, the line PQ with end-points P(0, 60) and Q(40, 50) will
A. Completely visible
B. Completely invisible
C. Partially visible
D. Partially invisible
In the Cohen-Sutherland outcode algorithm, given the clipping window co-ordinates as: Xmin
= -10 , Ymin = -30,
Xmax= 50 , Ymax = 70, the line PQ with end-points P(0, 60) and Q(40, 50), the outcodes of P
and Q will
be___________ and _________repectively.
A. 1000 and 0001
B. 0000 and 0000
C. 0100 and 0010
D. 1100 and 0011ANSWER:
In the Cohen-Sutherland outcode algorithm, given the clipping window co-ordinates as: Xmin
=10 , Ymin = 30, Xmax=
50 , Ymax = 70, the line PQ with end-points P(30, 55) and Q(70, 40) will have __________
number of intersection points
with the clipping window.
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
In the Cohen Sutherland Outcode Algorithm, the four bits in the outcode are set on the basis
of positions of the line end
points to the ________ of clipping window regions in the order.
A. Top, Bottom, Right, Left
B. Right, Top, Bottom, Left
C. Top, Right, Left, Bottom
D. Bottom, Right, Left, Top
In the Cohen Sutherland Outcode Algorithm, if both the end-points of the line has outcode
1000, then the line lies in the
_________________region of the clipping window.
A. Left
B. Right
C. Top
D. Bottom
In the Cohen Sutherland Outcode Algorithm, if the point outcode is 1001, then the point lies in
_________________regions of the clipping window.
A. Top and Right
B. Bottom and Right
C. Top and Left
D. Bottom and Left
The algorithm used for filling the interior of a polygon is called
A. Flood fill algorithm
B. Boundary fill algorithm
C. Scan line polygon fill algorithm
D. None of these
ANSWER: AIf the pixel is already filled with desired color then leaves it otherwise fills it. this is
A. Flood fill algorithm
B. Boundary fill algorithm
C. Scan line polygon filling algorithm
D. None of these
The graphics can be
A. Drawing
B. Photograph, movies
C. Simulation
D. All of these
If the boundary is specified in a single color, and if the algorithm proceeds pixel by pixel until
the boundary color is
encountered is called
A. Scan-line fill algorithm
B. Boundary-fill algorithm
C. Flood-fill algorithm
D. Parallel curve algorithm
If we want to recolor an area that is not defined within a single color boundary is known
A. Boundary-fill algorithm
B. Parallel curve algorithm
C. Flood-fill algorithm
D. Only b
There are 2 types of polygons. They are?
A. Convex and concave
B. Square and rectangle
C. Hexagon and square
D. Octagon and convex
A many sided figure is termed as_____.
A. Square
B. PolygonC. Rectangle
D. None
The end point of polygon are called as___________.
A. Edges
B. Vertices
C. Line
D. None of these
The algorithm used for filling the interior of a polygon is called____________.
A. Flood fill algorithm
B. Boundary fill algorithm
C. Scan line polygon fill algorithm
D. None of these
The function of scan line polygon fill algorithm are________.
A. Find intersection point of the boundary of polygon and scan line
B. Find intersection point of the boundary of polygon and point
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
If the pixel is already filled with desired color then leaves it otherwise fills it. this is
A. Flood fill algorithm
B. Boundary fill algorithm
C. Scan line polygon filling algorithm
D. None of these
If a line joining any two of its interior points lies not completely inside are
A. Convex polygon
B. Concave polygon
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
ANSWER: BIn which polygon object appears only partially_______.
A. Convex polygon
B. Concave polygon
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
If the visit to the vertices of the polygon in the given order produces an anticlockwise loop are
A. Negatively oriented
B. Positively oriented
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
If the visit to the vertices of the polygon in the given order produces an clockwise loop are
A. Negatively oriented
B. Positively oriented
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
Which things are mainly needed to make a polygon and to enter the polygon into display
A. No of sides of polygon
B. Vertices points
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
Two types of coordinates are_________.
A. Positive and negative coordinates
B. Absolute and relative coordinates
C. Both a & b
D. None
Which approaches are used for determine whether a particular point is inside or outside of a
A. Even-odd method
B. Winding number methodC. Both a & b
D. None of these
For a seed-fill method, If a given point is (x, y) and we want to access (x-1, y-1) in the same
iteration, we use which of
the following?
A. 4-connected method
B. 5-connected method
C. 7-connected method
D. 8-connected method
In a given triangle, a(10, 10), B(20, 20), C(30, 10), the point P(28, 20) is______.
A. Inside the triangle
B. Outside the triangle
C. On the vertex
D. On the edge



Multiple choice questions


Smallest size object that can be displayed on a monitor is called

.....................a) Picture element b) Point c)Dot Pitch d) aspect ratio
Picture element2.

Each screen point is referred to as

.........................a) Resolution b)Pixel c)Persistence d)Dot Pitch
Pixel3. On a monochromatic monitor, the frame buffer is known as
......................a) Display file b) Pixmap c) Bitmap d) Refresh buffer
Bitmap4. On a color monitor, the refresh buffer is also called
.....................a)Frame buffer b)Pixmap c)Bitmap d)Display file
Pixmap5. .................. refers to pixel spacing.a)Pixmap b)Resolution c)Pix
el depth d)Persistence
Resolution6. The distance from one pixel to the next pixel is called
...........a)Resolution b)Dot Pitch c)Pixmap d)ppi
Resolution7. The maximum number of points that can be displayed
without overlap on a CRTa)Aspect Ratio b)Resolution
c)Brightness d)Pixel
Resolution8. ..................... is the number of points per centimeter that can
be plotted horizontally and
vertically.a)Aspect Ratio b)Pixel Depth c)Resolution d)Dot Pitch
Resolution9. ...................... is the ratio of horizontal points to vertical
points necessary to produce equal lengthlines in both
direction.a)Dot Pitch b)Resolution c)Aspect Ratio d) Height-Width Ratio
Aspect Ratio

10. Identify the odd one out from the

followinga)Frame Buffer b)Pixmap c)Display program d)Refresh Buffer
Pixmap11. The shortest distance between any two dots of the same color
is called ...................a)Resolution b)Dot Pitch c)Pixel Depth d)ppi
Dot Pitch12. The standard aspect ratio for PC
is .................a) 6:5 b) 4:3 c)3:2 d)5:3
4:313. In CRT, the electron intensity is adjusted using
.................a) Accelerating anode b) Control grid c) Electron gun d) Focus
ing anode
Control grid14. Brightness of a display is controlled by varying the
voltage on the
......................a) Focusing anode b)Connection pins c)Control grid d)Pow
er supply
Control grid15. Lower persistence phosphorus is used
ina) Animation b) Simple object c) Complex object d) All of theseAns:
Animation16. Lower persistence phosphorus needs_________ refresh
ratea) Lower b)Higher c)Medium d)None of theseAns: Higher17.. Higher
persistence phosphorus needs _________ refresh
ratea) Lower b)Higher c)Medium d)None of theseAns: Lower18. Higher
persistence phosphorus is used
ina) Animation b) Simple object c) High Complex object d) All of theseA
ns: High Complex object15. Memory area holding the intensity
information of an image is called
..............a)Refresh buffer b)Font cache c)Picture definition d)Video contr
Refresh buffer16. Intensity representation of an image is called
......................a)Frame buffer b)Picture definition c)Display list d)Brightn
Picture definition17. The purpose of refreshing a CRT is ..........................

a)To avoid flickering b)To maintain steady picturec)To avoid fading of

pixels d)All of the above
All of the above18. The fly-back of electron beams from one scanline to
next is known as ....................a)Vertical Retrace
b)Horizontal Retrace c)Raster scanning d)Refreshing
Horizontal Retrace19. The return of electron beam to top left corner of
the screen after one frame is called ............a)Horizontal fly-
back b)Vertical Fly-back c)Scanning d)None of the above
Vertical Fly-back20. In raster scan display, the frame buffer holds
......................a)Line drawing commands b)Scanning instructions c)Image
Resolution d) Intensity information
Intensity information21. In random scan display, the frame buffer holds
......................a)Line drawing commands b)Scanning instructions c)Image
Resolution d) Intensity information
Line drawing commands22. Identify the odd one out from the
followinga)Vector display b)Raster scan display c)Calligraphic display d)
Stroke-writing display
Raster scan display22. Interlaced refresh procedure is allowed in
..................a) LCD b)DVST c)Raster scan display d)Random scan display
Raster scan display23. Vector display is well suited for
.................a) Animation b) Line drawing applications c) Cartoons d) All o
f the above
Line drawing applications24. Beam penetration method is usually used
...............................a)LCD b)Raster Scan display c) Random scan display
Random scan display25. Shadow mask method is usually used in
...............................a)LCD b)Raster Scan display c) Random scan display
: Raster Scan display26. Identify the colors produced in beam penetration
method.a) Red, Green, Blue, White b)Red, Orange, Yellow, Greenc)Red,
Green, Blue d) Green, Red, White, Orange
: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green

A working drawing consists of which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Detailed drawings

b. Assembly drawing

c. Bill of materials

d. All of the above

Allowance is negative in which of the following fits?

Choose one answer.

a. Clearance fit

b. Transition fit

c. Interference fit

d. Both B and C
Allowance is positive in which of the following fits?

Choose one answer.

a. Clearance fit

b. Transition fit

c. Interference fit

d. None of the above

Auxiliary view is used to show what type of shape?

Choose one answer.

a. Oblique shape
b. True shape

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. Section lines should be oriented at _______________ for different

Choose one answer.

a. Same angles

b. Different angles

c. 90 degrees

d. 30 degrees
Clearance is always negative in which of the following fits?

Choose one answer.

a. Clearance fit

b. Transition fit

c. Interference fit

d. Both B and C
Drawing information normally contains which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Part number

b. Part name

c. Revision number

d. All of the above

Fill in the blank. A pictorial view shows __________________ dimensions in a single view.

Choose one answer.

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four
Fill in the blank. An orthographic view shows _________________ dimensions in a single view.
Choose one answer.

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four
Fill in the blank. Cutting plane lines in section view are shown using ________________ lines.

Choose one answer.

a. Thick continuous lines

b. Dashed lines

c. Center lines

d. Phantom Lines
Fill in the blank. Cylindrical parts are generally shown using _______________ principle views.

Choose one answer.

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four
Fill in the blank. Depth is drawn to full size in a ________________ projection.

Choose one answer.

a. Cavalier

b. Cabinet

c. Perspective

d. Trimetric
Fill in the blank. Depth is drawn to half size in a _______________ projection.

Choose one answer.

a. Cavalier

b. Cabinet

c. Perspective
d. Trimetric
Fill in the blank. Hidden features in CAD are shown using ________________ lines.

Choose one answer.

a. Thick continuous

b. Dashed

c. Center

d. Solid
Fill in the blank. Primary auxiliary view is perpendicular to _____________ principle plane.

Choose one answer.

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four
Fill in the blank. Sketching is usually the ______________ step in CAD drawing.

Choose one answer.

a. First

b. Second

c. Third

d. Last
Fill in the blank. The difference between the maximum and minimum size limits on a part is

Choose one answer.

a. Allowance

b. Deviation

c. Clearance

d. Tolerance
Fill in the blank. Visible features in CAD are shown using __________________ lines.

Choose one answer.

a. Thick continuous

b. Dashed

c. Center

d. Dotted
First angle projections are associated with what types of units?

Choose one answer.

a. English units

b. International System of Units (SI)

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

Front view is drawn in true shape in which of the following projections?

Choose one answer.

a. Perspective projections

b. Isometric projections

c. Oblique projections

d. None of the above

Hidden lines are often omitted in which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Detailed drawings

b. Assembly drawing

c. Bill of materials

d. All of the above

How many principle views are there?

Choose one answer.

a. Three

b. Five

c. Six

d. None of the above

Orthographic projections in Asia and many parts of the world EXCEPT the United States are generally placed
in which quadrant?

Choose one answer.

a. First quadrant

b. Second quadrant

c. Third quadrant

d. Fourth quadrant
Orthographic projections in the United States are generally placed in which quadrant?

Choose one answer.

a. First quadrant

b. Second quadrant

c. Third quadrant

d. Fourth quadrant
Preliminary design involves all of the following EXCEPT:

Choose one answer.

a. Combining ideas

b. Refining sketches

c. Testing

d. Developing simple computer models

Section lines are drawn at how many degrees?

Choose one answer.

a. 30 degrees

b. 45 degrees

c. 60 degrees

d. 90 degrees
Section lines are NOT used for which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Thin parts

b. Thick parts
c. Cylindrical parts

d. Adjacent parts
Section views are used to do which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Reveal internal details

b. Reveal external details

c. Show hidden lines

d. Show visible lines

Stamped parts are generally shown using how many principle views?

Choose one answer.

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. None of the above

The cross-section of a feature stays normal to the path in which solid modeling process?

Choose one answer.

a. Extrusion

b. Sweeping

c. Revolving

d. Blending
The general section line represents which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Iron

b. Aluminum

c. Copper

d. Zinc
Third angle projections are associated with what types of units?

Choose one answer.

a. English units

b. International System of Units (SI)

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

What aspect of an engineering design does the designer typically model?

Choose one answer.

a. Function

b. Structure

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

Which of the following dimensions is used for heights, widths, and diameters?

Choose one answer.

a. Size dimensions

b. Location dimensions

c. Mating dimensions

d. None of the above

Which of the following dimensions is used for parts that fit together?

Choose one answer.

a. Size dimensions

b. Location dimensions

c. Mating dimensions

d. None of the above

Which of the following dimensions is used for placing features of components relative to each other?

Choose one answer.

a. Size dimensions

b. Location dimensions

c. Mating dimensions

d. None of the above

Which of the following is generally the central view used in CAD?

Choose one answer.

a. Front view

b. Top view

c. Right view

d. Left view
Which of the following is NOT a pictorial projection?

Choose one answer.

a. Perspective projection

b. Isometric projection

c. Auxiliary projection

d. Oblique projection
Which of the following is omitted in section views?

Choose one answer.

a. Visible lines

b. Hidden lines

c. Center lines

d. Phantom Lines
Which of the following projections is also known as Cabinet projection?

Choose one answer.

a. Perspective projections

b. Isometric projections

c. Oblique projections

d. None of the above

Which of the following projections uses the concept of vanishing point?

Choose one answer.

a. Perspective projections

b. Isometric projections
c. Auxiliary projections

d. Oblique projections
Which of the following projections uses the concept receding lines drawn at 30 degrees?

Choose one answer.

a. Perspective projections

b. Isometric projections

c. Auxiliary projections

d. Oblique projections
Which of the following represents a dimension of .200 plus and minus .004?

Choose one answer.

a. Limit dimension

b. Unilateral tolerance

c. Bilateral tolerance

d. None of the above

Which of the following represents a dimension of .200 plus .002 and minus 0?

Choose one answer.

a. Limit dimension

b. Unilateral tolerance

c. Bilateral tolerance

d. Transition dimension
Which of the following views is used to give a better impression of 3D objects?

Choose one answer.

a. Orthographic projections

b. Pictorial views

c. Auxiliary views

d. None of the above

Which type of axonometric pictorials has no equal angles?

Choose one answer.

a. Trimetric

b. Diametric

c. Isometric

d. Cabinet
Which type of axonometric pictorials has three equal angles?

Choose one answer.

a. Trimetric

b. Diametric

c. Isometric

d. Cabinet
Which type of axonometric pictorials has two equal angles?

Choose one answer.

a. Trimetric

b. Diametric

c. Isometric

d. Cabinet
with which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Product design

b. Product development

c. Product manufacture

d. All of the above

In mechanical engineering, design is the process of bringing together which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Engineering principles

b. Material resources

c. Creativity

d. All of the above

CAD offers which of the following methods to represent edges and surfaces in x, y, and z axes?

Choose one answer.

a. 2D

b. 3D

c. Solid modeling

d. All the above

CAD offers which of the following methods to represent solid geometry, fully defined three dimensional solid
shapes, with free-form curved faces, and material and mass properties?

Choose one answer.

a. 2D

b. 3D

c. Solid modeling

d. All the above

Circles in T-FLEX CAD generally exhibit which of the following modeling properties?

Choose one answer.

a. Placed at a node

b. Tangent to a circle

c. Concentric to other circles

d. All of the above

Ellipses in T-FLEX CAD are generally created from what geometric entities?

Choose one answer.

a. 2D projections

b. 2D fragments

c. Copy commands

d. All of the above

How many types of Splines are in T-FLEX CAD?

Choose one answer.

a. One

b. Two
c. Three

d. Four
In T-FLEX CAD, which of the following entities are variables, databases, and reports?

Choose one answer.

a. Construction entities

b. Graphic entities

c. Auxiliary entities

d. None of the above

In T-FLEX CAD, which of the following entities constitute the actual drawing?

Choose one answer.

a. Construction entities

b. Graphic entities

c. Auxiliary entities

d. None of the above

In T-FLEX CAD, which of the following entities makes the framework of the drawing?

Choose one answer.

a. Construction entities

b. Graphic entities

c. Auxiliary entities

d. None of the above

One of the most typical applications of an offset curve in T-FLEX CAD is for which type of modeling?

Choose one answer.

a. Pipe modeling

b. Shell modeling

c. Plate modeling

d. None of the above

T-FLEX CAD is NOT supported by which of the following operating systems?

Choose one answer.

a. Windows 2000

b. Windows XP


d. All of the above

T-FLEX CAD supports which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. CAD

b. CAE

c. CAM

d. All of the above

The shape of an offset curve in T-FLEX CAD depends on which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Shape of the original curve

b. Amount of offset

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

Which company developed T-FLEX CAD?

Choose one answer.

a. AutoDesk

b. Unigraphics

c. Top Systems

d. None of the above

Which of the following is a characteristic of lines in T-FLEX CAD?

Choose one answer.

a. Lines are infinite.

b. Lines belong to construction entities.

c. Lines serve as the parametric framework.

d. All of the above

Which of the following methods can be used to place Nodes in T-FLEX CAD?

Choose one answer.

a. At the intersection of construction lines

b. A free Node

c. A Node relative to another Node

d. All of the above

Which of the following methods in CAD is used to represent lines and text?

Choose one answer.

a. 2D

b. 3D

c. Solid modeling

d. All the above

Which of the following modeling properties do spline entities in T-FLEX CAD exhibit?

Choose one answer.

a. Allow creating various curves

b. Have finite length

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

Which of the following nodes in T-FLEX CAD is defined by the absolute X and Y axes?

Choose one answer.

a. Nodes at the intersection of construction lines

b. Free Nodes

c. Nodes relative to other Nodes

d. Nodes from fragments

Which of the following nodes in T-FLEX CAD is defined by the position of another node located on a fragment
of an assembly?

Choose one answer.

a. Nodes at the intersection of construction lines

b. Free Nodes
c. Nodes relative to other Nodes

d. Nodes from fragments

Which of the following nodes in T-FLEX CAD is defined by an offset from another node?

Choose one answer.

a. Nodes at the intersection of construction lines

b. Free Nodes

c. Nodes relative to other Nodes

d. Nodes from fragments

Which of the following nodes in T-FLEX CAD is most often used in creation of parametric models?

Choose one answer.

a. Nodes at the intersection of construction lines

b. Free Nodes

c. Nodes relative to other Nodes

d. Nodes from fragments

Which of the following tools is used in T-FLEX CAD for editing lines?

Choose one answer.

a. Expression

b. Construct

c. Edit construction

d. None of the above

Which of the following tools is used in T-FLEX CAD for editing circles?

Choose one answer.

a. Expression

b. Construct

c. Edit construction

d. None of the above

Which of the following tools is used in T-FLEX CAD for editing ellipses?

Choose one answer.

a. Expression

b. Construct

c. Edit construction

d. None of the above

Which of the following tools is used in T-FLEX CAD for editing splines?

Choose one answer.

a. Expression

b. Construct

c. Edit construction

d. None of the above

Which of the following methods in CAD is used to represent design?

Choose one answer.

a. 2D

b. 3D

c. Solid modeling

d. All the above

A leader line in T-FLEX CAD has how many attachment points?

Choose one answer.

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four
A multiple-point section in T-FLEX CAD has how many attachment points?

Choose one answer.

a. One

b. Two

c. Unlimited

d. Zero
Arrays in T-FLEXCAD can be created using which of the following commands?

Choose one answer.

a. Create linear array

b. Create circular array

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

At least how many sequences of match points must be defined passing through the start and end of the first
and last open wire in TFLEX-CAD?

Choose one answer.

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four
Attachment points of the holes can be defined by which of the following 3D elements in T-FLEX CAD?

Choose one answer.

a. Face of a body

b. 3D node

c. Circular edge

d. All of the above

Blending operation in TFLEX-CAD involves which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. Chamfers

b. Rounds

c. Variable-radius rounds

d. All of the above

Extrusion objects in T-FLEX CAD are generally made up of which of the following geometries?

Choose one answer.

a. Solid

b. Wire
c. Shaded

d. None of the above

Fill in the blank. A cosmetics thread is a(n) ________________ geometrical representation of an actual thread
that can be created using the command “3SR: Create Spiral” in T-FLEX CAD.

Choose one answer.

a. Exact

b. Simplified

c. In-exact

d. Complex
Fill in the blank. By default, the axes of the holes are _______________ to the respective base faces in T-

Choose one answer.

a. Parallel

b. Normal

c. Slanted

d. Perpendicular
Fill in the blank. Extrusion operation in T-FLEX CAD creates solids by _____________ shape defining

Choose one answer.

a. Extending

b. Shelling

c. Sweeping

d. Revolving
Fill in the blank. The number of nested levels of subassemblies is ______________ in T-FLEX CAD.

Choose one answer.

a. One

b. Two

c. Zero

d. Unlimited
Fill in the blank. There should always be at least ______________ match(es) between the points in lofted
sections in TFLEX-CAD.

Choose one answer.

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. Four
Fill in the blank. The_______________ taper is usually used for giving a part more aesthetic shape in T-FLEX

Choose one answer.

a. Standard

b. By offset

c. By Surface

d. Unstandard
Hatch area in T-FLEX CAD generally consists of which of the following contours?

Choose one answer.

a. Single contours

b. Multiple contours

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

In T-FLEX CAD, graphic lines can be defined by which of the following?

Choose one answer.

a. A line segment between two nodes

b. A full construction entity

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

In T-FLEX CAD, Hatches are used for what purpose?

Choose one answer.

a. As contours for hidden line removal

b. As profiles

c. As base data for creating three-dimensional models

d. All of the above

In T-FLEX CAD, which of the following texts are available?

Choose one answer.

a. String text

b. Paragraph text

c. Multiline text

d. All of the above

T-FLEX CAD allows creating 2D projections of which of the following types?

Choose one answer.

a. Vector picture

b. Image lines

c. Wireframe

d. All of the above

T-FLEX CAD dimensions are NOT attached to which of the following geometric entities?

Choose one answer.

a. Straight constructions

b. Graphic lines

c. Radius and diameter

d. Nodes
T-FLEX CAD does NOT support which of the following methods of dimensioning?

Choose one answer.

a. ISO

b. DIN


The operation “Shell” allows for the creation of which entity in T-FLEX CAD?
Choose one answer.

a. Offset bodies

b. Blends

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

The operation “Spring” creates a 3D body as which of the following helix-shape spring with round profile in T-

Choose one answer.

a. Cubic

b. Conic

c. Cylindrical

d. Both B and C
Which of the following aspects of a contour can be controlled using the sweep operation in T-FLEX CAD?

Choose one answer.

a. Orientation

b. Twist

c. Scale

d. All of the above

Which of the following can be projected to create 2D drawings in T-FLEX CAD?

Choose one answer.

a. Whole bodies

b. Groups of bodies

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

Which of the following is false in regard to text in T-FLEX CAD?

Choose one answer.

a. Text can be exported.

b. Text can be imported.

c. Text works with pictures.

d. Text supports tables.
Which of the following is true of graphic lines in T-FLEX CAD?

Choose one answer.

a. Graphic lines are the base graphic elements.

b. Graphic lines are created based on construction lines and nodes.

c. Graphic lines constitute the drawing image.

d. All of the above


1 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
Important MCQs
1. Which of the following does not affect the
resolution of a video display image?
(a) Bandwidth
(b) Raster scan rage
(c) Vertical and horizontal lines of resolution
(d) Screen Size
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2. Latency time is
(a) Time to spin the needed data under head
(b) Time to spin the needed data under track
(c) Time to spin data under sector
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
3. DPI stands for
(a) Desktop projection Ink
(b) Dot per inch
(c) Dot-matrix printer ink
(d) Desktop pixel Inch
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
4. Databases software may be divided into
(a) five distinct categories
(b) four distinct categories
(c) three distinct categories
(d) two distinct categories
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
5. File record length
(a) Should always be fixed
(b) Should always be variable
(c) Depends upon the size of file
(d) Should be chosen to match the data
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
6. ………….is the time required by a sector to
reach below read/write heat

(a) Seek Time

(c) Access Time (b) Latency Time
(e) None of these (d) None
Ans : (b)
7. ………….is a technique of improving the
priority of process waiting in Queue for CPU
(a) Starvation
(c) Revocation (b) Ageing
(e) None of these (d) Relocation
Ans : (b)
8. A grammar for a programming language is a
formal description of
(a) Syntax (b) Semantics
(c) Structure (d) Code
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
a technique of temporarily
9. …………is
removing inactive programs from the
of computer system
(a) Swapping (b) Spooling

2 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
(c) Semaphore (d) Scheduler
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
10.The memory allocation scheme subject to
“external” fragmentation is
(a) segmentation
(b) swapping
(c) pure demand paging
(d) multiple fixed contiguous partitions
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
11.Virtual memory is
(a) simple to implement
(b) used in all major commercial operating
(c) less efficient in utilization of memory
(d) useful when fast I/O devices are not
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
12. Before proceeding with its execution, each
process must acquire all the resources it
needs is called
(a) hold and wait
(b) No pre-emption
(c) circular wait
(d) starvation
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
13.The main reason to encrypt a file is to
(a) Reduce its size
(b) Secure it for transmission
(c) Prepare it for backup
(d) Include it in the start-up sequence
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
14.‘LRU’ page replacement policy is
(a) Last Replaced Unit
(b) Last Restored Unit
(c) Least Recently Used
(d) Least Required Unit
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
15.Which of the following is not a
fundamental process state
(a) ready
(b) terminated
(c) executing
(d) blocked
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
16.ODBC stands for
(a) Object Database Connectivity
(b) Oral Database Connectivity
(c) Oracle Database Connectivity
(d) Open Database Connectivity
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
17.Which two files are used during operations of
the DBMS
(a) Query languages and utilities
(b) DML and query language
(c) Data dictionary and transaction log
(d) Data dictionary and query language
3 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
18. A protocol is a set of rules governing a time
sequence of events that must take place
(a) between peers
(b) between an interface
(c) between modems
(d) across an interface
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
19.In communication satellite, multiple repeaters
are known as
(a) detector
(c) stations (b) modulator
(e) None of these (d) transponders
Ans : (d)
20.Which of the following is required to
communicate between two computers?
(a) communications software
(b) protocol
(c) communication hardware
(d) all of above including access to
transmission medium
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
21.Which of the following is an advantage to
using fiber optics data transmission?
(a) resistance to data theft
(b) fast data transmission rate
(c) low noise level
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
22.Which of the following is not a transmission
(a) telephone lines
(b) coaxial cables
(c) modem
(d) microwave systems
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
23.A technique for direct search is
(a) Binary Search
(b) Linear
(c) Tree Search
(e) None of these
(d) Hashing
Ans : (d)
24.Two main measures for the efficiency of an
algorithm are
(a) Processor and memory
(b) Complexity and capacity
(c) Time and Space
(d) Data and Space
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
25.The space factor when determining the
efficiency of algorithm is measured by
(a) Counting the maximum memory needed by
the algorithm
(b) Counting the minimum memory needed by
the algorithm
(c) Counting the average memory needed by
the algorithm
(d) Counting the maximum disk space needed
by the algorithm
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
4 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
26.The memory address of the first element of an
array is called
(a) floor address
(b) foundation address
(c) first address
(d) base address
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
27.The term “push” and “pop” is related to the
(a) array
(c) stacks (b) lists
(e) None of (d) all of
these these
Ans : (c)
28.What does Router do in a network?
(a) Forwards a packet to all outgoing links
(b) Forwards a packet to the next free outgoing
(c) Determines on which outing link a packet
is to be forwarded
(d) Forwards a packet to all outgoing links
except the original link
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
29.Repeater operates in which layer of the OSI
(a) Physical layer
(b) Data link layer
(c) Network layer
(d) Transport layer
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
30.GIF images can have only upto ………….
(a) 128 (b) 256
(c) 512 (d) 1024
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
31. …………is stored on a client and contains
state information of the website visited
(a) Cookies (b) Servelet
(c) History (d) Resident Page
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
small applications that are
accessed on an internet server, transported
over the internet, automatically installed
run as part of a web document.
(a) Applets (b) Java Bean
(c) Sockets (d) Java Component
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
33.Encryption is the conversion of data in some
intelligible format into an unintelligible
format called……….to prevent the data from
being understood if read by an unauthorized
(a) Clear Text
(c) Cipher Text (b) Encrypted Text
(e) None of these (d) Coded Text
Ans : (c)
34.The method for storing data temporarily such
that the input-output of the same job is
overlapped with its own processing, is known
as :
(a) Spooling
(c) I/O wait (b) Contention
(e) None of these (d) Buffering
Ans : (d)

5 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
35.Each cell in Microsoft Office Excel
documents is referred to by its cell address,
which is the…………..
(a) cell’s column label
(b) cell’s column label and worksheet tab
(c) cell’s row and column labels
(d) cell’s row label
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
36.The lowest form of computer language is
(c) Machine (b)
Language FORTRAN
(e) None of these (d) COBOL
Ans : (c)
37. The portion of the application that you work
with in an application software package is the
(a) user interface
(b) utility interface
(c) processing interface
(d) analytical interface
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
38.A……………provides access to features of
the program.
(a) menu bar
(b) browser
(c) Office Assistant
(d) feature presentation
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
39.Menus are a part of the
(a) hardware
(c) Status Bar (b) monitor
(e) None of (d) user
these interface
Ans : (d)
40. Which of the following is the term for a
request for specific data contained in a
(a) question
(c) inquiry (b)
(e) None of query
these (d) quiz
Ans : (b)
41.Windows 7 is an example of a(n)
(a) application software
(b) browser
(c) Operating system
(d) shareware
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
42.The most powerful type of computer.
(a) mainframe computers
(b) microcomputers
(c) minicomputers
(d) supercomputers
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
43.The system component that controls and
manipulates data in order to produce
information is called the
(a) keyboard
(c) monitor (b) microprocessor
(e) None of these (d) mouse
Ans : (b)

6 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
44.Which of the following is not an operating
system for mobile phones?
(a) Android
(c) iOS (d) Bada
(e) All of these are OS for mobile
Ans : (e)
45.This type is created by word
(a) worksheet
(c) database
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
46.Many experts are predicting that this
revolution is expected to
dramatically affect
the way we communicate and use
(a) graphics
(b) input
(c) memory (d) wireless
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
47.The Internet was launched in 1969 when the
United States funded a project that developed
a national computer network called
(a) Web
(c) CERN (b) ISP
(e) None of these (d) ARPANET
Ans : (d)
48.A(n)………..program provides access to Web
(a) Web
(c) browser (b) ISP
(e) None of these (d) URL
Ans : (c)
49.Rules for exchanging data between computers
are called
(a) programs
(c) protocols (b) procedures
(e) None of these (d) hyperlinks
Ans : (c)
50.The last part of the domain name following
the dot(.) is the top……….domain
(a) Level
(c) locator (b) link
(e) None of these (d) language
Ans : (a)
51.Many individuals create their own personal
sites called Web logs, or………….
(a) social networks
(b) blogs
(c) wikis
(d) search engines
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
52.Programs that automatically submit your
search request to several search engines
simultaneously are called…………
(a) metasearch engines
(b) inclusive search engines
(c) spiders
(d) hits
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
53. ………… is the Internet’s equivalent to
traditional cash.
(a) Universal (b) Web
(c) Premium (d) Digital

7 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
54.These programs allow parents as well as
organizations to block out selected sites and
set time limits on Internet access.
(a) plug-ins
(c) FTP (b) filters
(e) None of these (d) DSL
Ans : (b)
55.This type of software works with end users,
application software, and computer hardware
to handle the majority of technical details.
(a) application software
(b) communications software
(c) system software
(d) Web software
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
56. ………….are narrowly focused on specific
disciplines and occupations.
(a) Basic applications
(b) Business suites
(c) Specialized applications
(d) Utility programs
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
57.The primary purpose of this type of software
is to create text-based documents.
(a) spreadsheet
(b) presentation
(c) word processing
(d) web development
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
58.Letters, memos, term papers, reports, and
contracts are all examples of
(a) models (b)
(c) documents spreadsheets
(e) None of (d) menus
Ans : (c)
59.The acronym DBMS stands for what?
(a) double-blind management setup
(b) document binder management system
(c) data binding and marketing structure
(d) database management system
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
60.Database…………..are primarily used to
enter new records and to make changes to
existing records.
(a) reports
(c) forms (b) tables
(e) None of these (d) queries
Ans : (c)
61.A file that includes predefined settings that
can be used to create many common types of
presentations is called a
(a) pattern
(c) template (b) model
(e) None of these (d) blueprint
Ans : (c)
62.A(n)…… a single program that provides
the functionality of a word processor,
spreadsheet, database manager, and more.
(a) specialized application
(b) integrated package
(c) basic application
8 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
(d) software suite
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
63.A Computer that is on the Network is a
(a) Node
(c) Client (b) Terminal
(e) None of these (d) Online
Ans : (a)
64.Network operating systems from Novell is
(a) NOS
(c) NetWare (b) UNIX
(e) None of these (d) Solaris
Ans : (c)
65.NIC Stands for …………
(a) Network Interface Card
(b) Network Internal Card
(c) Network Internet Client
(d) Network Input Card
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
66.Older network often use another type of cable,
(a) Twisted-pair cable
(b) Unshielded twisted-pair cable
(c) Coaxial cable
(d) Optical Fiber
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
67.Magnetic Media is an Example of………layer
(a) Physical Layer (b) Data Link Layer
(c) Network Layer (d) Application Layer
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
68.This power protection device includes a
battery that provides a few minutes of power.
(b) line
(a) surge suppressor
(c) generator (d) UPS
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
layer defines
electrical, the mechanical,
and timing
interfaces to the
(a) Physical Layer
(b) Data Link Layer
(c) Network Layer
(d) Application Layer
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
70.SCSI port (pronounced skuzzy) stands for
(a) System Computer Scanning Interface
(b) Small Computer System Interface
(c) Small Computer System Internet
(d) System Computer, System Interfaced
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
71. LPT stands for
(a) Laser Printer
(c) Line Printer (b) Link Port
(e) None of these (d) Line Port
Ans : (c)
72.Spool stands for________
(a) Serial Printer Object Oriented Language
9 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
(b) Simultaneous Peripheral Output On-Line
(c) System Protocol Optimization Outliner
Single Progra Syste
Operatio m m
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
73.Which of the following field is not a part of
(a) kind
(c) header (b) seq
(e) None of these (d) info
Ans : (c)
74.The technique of temporarily delaying
outgoing acknowledgments so that they can
be hooked onto the next outgoing data
is known as
(a) Correcting
(c) Sliding
(b) Piggybacking
(d) None of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
75.The data link layer is used for_____
(a) Providing a well-defined service interface
to the network layer.
(b) Dealing with transmission errors
(c) Regulating the flow of data so that slow
receivers are not swamped by fast senders
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
76.What does SDLC mean in Networking
(a) Software Data Link Control
(b) Synchronous Data Link Control
(c) Software Development Life Cycle
(d) Synchronous Data Development Cycle
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
77. ADCCP means
(a) Analog Data Code Check Procedure
(b) Active Database Communication Control
(c) Application Data Cache Call Procedure
(d) Advanced Data Communication Control
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
78.According to ISO, HDLC means
(a) High-Level Data Link Control
(b) High-Level Data Language Control
(c) Hardware Data Link Control
(d) High Definition Link Control
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
79. …………..act as a central transmitter and
receiver in wireless local area network
(a) Access Nodes (b) Access Points
(c) Access Hubs (d) Access
(e) None of these Switch
Ans : (b)
80.IP address means
(a) Internet Protocol
(b) Internal Power
(c) Intranet Protocol
(d) Internal Protocol
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
10 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
81.Which technology is used in a CDROM
(a) Mechanical
(b) Electromechanical
(c) Optical
(d) Fiber Optical
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
82.Which of the following device can store large
amounts of data?
(a) Floppy Disk
(b) Hard Disk
(d) Zip Disk
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
83.Which of the following is handy to carry yet
can store large amounts of data?
(a) Floppy Disk
(c) CDROM (b) Hard Disk
(e) None of these (d) Zip Disk
Ans : (d)
84.Data (information) is stored in
computers as?
(a) Files
(c) Floppies (b) Directories
(e) None of these (d) Maer
Ans : (a)
85.IP Addresses has………..bytes
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 8 (d) 16
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
86.Which of the following statements is/are true?
(a) Cache Memories are bigger than RAM
(b) Cache Memories are smaller than RAM
(c) ROM are faster than RAM
(d) Information in ROM can be written by
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
87. A server that can perform to other task
besides network services is called…………
(a) Uno server
(b) Dedicated server
(c) Committed server
(d) Service server
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
88. Name a network operating system that is
specially designed to handle networking
functions efficiently.
(a) Windows Server 2008
(b) Windows NT
(c) NOS
(d) UNIX
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
89.MOS stands for?
(a) Metal Oxide Semiconductor
(b) Most Often Store
(c) Method Organised Stack
(d) Microsoft Office Suite
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
11 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
90.Which of the following is not a logic gate?
(a) AND
(c) NAND (b) NOR
(e) None of these (d) NAT
Ans : (d)
91. Which of the following RAM times have to
be refreshed often in order to retain its
(a) SIMM
(c) SDMM (b) DIMM
(e) None of these (d) Western Digital
Ans : (b)
92. Which of the following companies is a leader
in manufacture of Hard Disk Drives?
(a) Samsung
(c) Fujitsu (b) IBM
(e) None of these (d) Western Digital
Ans : (d)
93.Usually, in MSDOS, the primary hard disk
drives has the drive letter?
(a) A
(c) C (b) B
(e) None of these (d) D
Ans : (c)
94.Which of the memories below is often used in
a typical computer operation?
(a) RAM
(c) FDD (b) ROM
(e) None of these (d) HDD
Ans : (a)
95.Which storage device is mounted on
(a) Floppy Disk (b) Hard Disk
(c) Magnetic Tapes (d) CDROM
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
96.MTBF means
(a) Mean Time Before Failure
(b) Master Time Buffer Feature
(c) Most Treated Buffer Time
(d) Master Test Board Feature
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
97. How many write cycles are allowed to a
(a) 1 (b) 10
(c) 100 (d) 1000
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
98.How many write cycles are allowed to a
(a) 1 (b) 10
(c) 100 (d) 1000
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
99. The Analytical Engine developed during First
Generation of computers used…………as a
memory unit
(a) RAM
(c) Cards (b) Floppies
(e) None of these (d) Counter Wheels
Ans : (d)
100. A…………is anything that can cause
(a) vulnerability (b) phish
(c) threat (d) spoof
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
12 MCQs Papers
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101.In the right setting a thief will steal your
information by simply watching what you
(a) snagging
(b) spying
(c) social engineering
(d) shoulder surfing
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
102.A……… a small program embedded
inside of a GIF image.
(a) web bug
(c) spyware
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
103.A hacker contacts you my phone or email
and attempts to acquire your password
(a) spoofing (b) phishing
(c) spamming (d) bugging
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
104.A hacker that changes or
forges information
in an electronic resource, is engaging
(a) denial of service (b) sniffing
(c) terrorism (d) data diddling
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
105.Hackers often gain entry to a network be
pretending to be at a legitimate computer.
(a) Spoofing
(c) IP spoofing (b) forging
(e) None of these (d) ID theft
Ans : (c)
106.The………..of a threat measures its
potential impact on a system.
(a) vulnerabilities
(b) countermeasures
(c) degree of harm
(d) susceptibility
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
107. The power level drops below 120V.
(a) brownout
(c) blackout (b) spike
(e) None of these (d) surge
Ans : (b)
108.Which of the following is NOT a Microsoft
Internet tool or technology?
(a) Dreamweaver
(c) Internet (b) Silverlight
Explorer (d) Expression
(e) None of these Web
Ans : (a)
109.A protocol used to control the secure sending
of data on the internet is :
(a) SMTP
(c) TCP/IP (b) HTTPS
(e) None of these (d) HTTP
Ans : (b)
110.Programs from the same developer sold
bundled together, that provide better
integration and share common features,
toolbars and menus are known as ………..
(a) software suites
(b) integrated software packages
(c) software processing packages
(d) personal information managers
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(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
111. ……………terminals (formerly known as
cash registers) are often connected to complex
inventory and sales computer systems.
(a) Data
(c) Query (b) Sales
(e) None of (d) Point-of-Sale
these (POS)
Ans : (a)
112.The OSI model is divided into
…………processes called layers.
(a) five
(c) seven (b) six
(e) None of (d)
these eight
Ans : (c)
113.………..are specially designed computer
chips reside inside other devices, such as your
car or your electronic thermostat.
(a) Servers
(b) Embedded computers
(c) Robotic computers
(d) Mainframes
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
114.In a ring topology, the computer in
possession of the………can transmit
(a) packet (b) data
(c) access method
(d) token
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
115. …………Viruses are often transmitted by a
floppy disk left in the floppy drive
(a) Trojan horse (b) Boot sector
(c) Script (d) Logic bomb
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
116.A database management system (DBMS) is
(a) hardware system used to create, maintain
and provide controlled access to a database
(b) hardware system used to create, maintain,
and provide uncontrolled access to a
(c) software system used to create, maintain,
and provide uncontrolled access to a
(d) software system used to create, maintain,
and provide controlled access to a
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
117.A Proxy server is used for which of the
(a) To provide security against unauthorized
(b) To process client requests for web pages
(c) To process client requests for database
(d) To provide TCP/IP
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
118.……….are words that a programming
language has set aside for its own use.
(a) Control words
(b) Reserved words
(c) Control structures
(d) Reserved keys
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
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119.What is the primary difference between a
virus and a worm?
(a) A worm has the ability to self-propagate
from an infected user’s computer to other
(b) A worm is usually written by a cracker :
Script bunnies do not have the skills to
develop worm program
(c) A virus is very harmful to the computers it
infects; a worm is not a serious a problem
(d) Anti-virus software is effective in fighting
viruses but not worms
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
120. ………..describe what is database fields.
(a) Structures
(c) Field (b) Field
definition markers
(e) None of these (d) Field names
Ans : (d)
121. A goal of normalization is to………….
(a) minimize the number of relationships
(b) minimize the number of entities
(c) minimize the number of tables
(d) minimize the number of redundancy
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
122.A(n)………….uses pictures (called icons)
and menus displayed on the screen to send
commands to the computer system.
(a) command-based user interface
(b) GUI
(c) system utility
(d) API
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
123. Communication using a modulated carrier to
apply a data signal to a transmission medium
in analog form is
(a) Local area network
(b) Modem
(c) Base band networking
(d) Broad band networking
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
124. ‘ITS’ stands for
(a) Intelligent Teaching Systems
(b) International Tutoring Systems
(c) Intelligent Tutoring Systems
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
125.Any piece of equipment forming an
interface to a data communication
system is
(a) DTE (b) DTA
(c) CSA (d) DCA
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
126.In the language of the computer profession,
one thousand position of main storage is
represented with the letter
(a) K
(c) M (b) L
(e) None of these (d) C
Ans : (a)
127.The control of the jobs running within a
system is
(a) Job monitoring (b) Job stream
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(c) Job min (d) Job step
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
128.The total number of messages handled by a
computerized telephone system on a daily
basis is an example of :
(a) Frequency
(c) Volume (b) Updating
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (d)
129.A device mounted on a communication
satellite which receives, amplifies and retransmits signals from earth station is
(a) Track
(c) Transistor (b) Transponder
(e) None of these (d) Terminal
Ans : (b)
130.What is the acronym for Single In-Line
Memory Module?
(a) SIMM
(c) SM (b) SILMM
(e) None of these (d) SMM
Ans : (a)
131.Which type of processing that produces
output results immediately after input data are
entered into a computer system
(a) Time-sharing
(b) Interactive
(c) Batch Processing
(d) Real-time processing
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
132.A computer program that instructs other
programs to perform a particular type of
operation is
(a) System software
(b) Application program
(c) Compiler
(d) Interpreter
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
133. The______provides a path between the CPU
and peripheral devices, which are connected
via interface cards
(a) computer
(c) memory (b) expansion bus
(e) None of these (d) CPU
Ans : (b)
134. Programs prepared by an outside supplier &
provided to a user in a machine readable form
is known as
(a) Utility program
(b) Canned program
(c) Application program
(d) Application software
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
135. Pictures or drawings, typically displayed on
a VDU to allow users to select program
options is called
(a) HIPO charts
(c) Graphics (b) Icons
(e) None of these (d) Network
Ans : (b)
136. The pieces of equipment which are attached
to the CPU of a computer and which it can
access are called
16 MCQs Papers
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(a) output devices (b) control
(c) hardware units
(e) peripherals (d) disk drive
Ans : (e)
137.A factor which might cause an individual to
consider using a computer in criminal
activities is :
(a) The computer’s access to large sums of
(b) The speed with which the crime can be
(c) EFTS (Electronic Funds Transfer System)
(d) All the these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
138.The Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)
(a) is a notice, issued and verified by a
certificate authority, that guarantees a user
or Web site is legitimate
(b) provides private-key encryption of all data
that passes between a client and a server
(c) allows users to choose an encryption
scheme for the data that passes between a
client and a server
(d) uses a public-key encryption to secure
credit-card transaction systems
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
139. ‘DOS’ floppy disk does not have________
(a) A Boot Record
(b) A File Allocation Table
(c) A Root Directory
(d) Virtual Memory
(e) BIOS
Ans : (e)
140.All the information collected during
database development is stored in
(b) data
(a) repository
(c) RAD (d) CASE
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
141.The…………component is used by the data
analyst to create the queries that access the
(a) data extraction
(b) end-user query tool
(c) end-user presentation tool
(d) data store
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
142. A polymorphic virus_______
(a) modifies its program code each time it
attaches itself to another program or file
(b) is a malicious-logic program that copies
itself repeatedly in memory or on a disk
drive until no memory or disk space
(c) a malicious-logic program that hides
within or looks like a legitimate program
(d) infects a program file, but still reports the
size and creation date of the original
uninfected program
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
transmission is used in
where installing physical
transmission media is_________
(a) difficult or impossible and where line-ofsight transmission is unavailable
17 MCQs Papers
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(b) easy or promising and where line-of-sight
transmission is unavailable
(c) difficult or impossible and where line-ofsight transmission is available
(d) easy or promising and where line-of-sight
transmission is available
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
a secur
ch is NOT good Web
(a) Restrict access to the Web server; keep a
minimum number of ports open
(b) Limit the users who can load software, edit
or add files.
(c) Add demo programs, so users can test
system without accessing production data.
Remove unnecessa compiler
interpreter ry s
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
145. The word FTP stands for__________
(a) File Translate Protocol
(b) File Transit Protocol
(c) File Typing Protocol
(d) File Transfer Protocol
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
146. This…………tier processes HTTP protocol,
scripting tasks, performs calculations, and
provides access to data.
(a) Client
(b) Applications/Web server
(c) Enterprise Server
(d) DBA
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
147. RSA is__________
(a) Symmetric Cryptosystem
(b) Asymmetric Cryptosystem
(c) Block Cypher
(d) Digital Signature
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
148.A DVD-RAM is similar to a
…………except it has storage capacities upto
5.2 GB.
(a) CD-R
(c) CD-RW (b) floppy disk
(e) None of these (d) hard disk
Ans : (c)
149. How is power supplied to a low-power USB
(a) Through a power cable
(b) From an external power supply
(c) Directly from the computer’s power supply
(d) Through the USB cable
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
150.The………data mining techniques derives
rules from real-world case examples.
(a) Rule discover
(b) Signal processing
(c) Neural nets
(d) Case-based reasoning
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
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151. Which of the following objects is passed to a
JavaBean when one of its properties is set via
a JSP action?
(a) Servlet Request
(b) Http Servlet Request
(c) Servlet Response
(d) Http Servlet Response
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
152.Graphical diagrams used to represent
different multiple perspectives of a system
(a) use-case, class, and state diagrams
(b) state, interaction, derivative diagrams
(c) interaction, relationship, and class
(d) deployment, relationship, and use-case
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
153. Database redesign is not terribly difficult if
(a) database is structured
(b) database is well-designed
(c) database has no data
(d) database is relatively small
(e) database is relatively large
Ans : (e)
154.Which of the following are normally used to
initialize a computer system’s hardware?
(a) Bootstrap memory
(b) Volatile memory
(c) External mass memory
(d) Static memory
(e) Random access memory
Ans : (e)
155. If you wanted to locate the hardware address
of a local device, which protocol would you
(a) ARP
(b) RARP
(c) ICMP
(d) PING
(e) PONG
Ans : (a)
156.What is Internet 2?
(a) A new type of cabling system for Wide
Area Networks
(b) A second local area network that can
connect with another online LAN to share
(c) A new standard for Internet browsers
(d) An association to develop advanced
Internet technology
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
157.While searching a website, you have been
unable to find information that was on the site
several months ago. What might you do to
attempt to locate that information?
(a) Visit Google’s cached page to view the
older copy.
(b) Forget about it, as there is no way to find
this information
(c) Visit a partner site of the organization to
see if it is there.
(d) Use the wayback machine.
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
158.Which kind of lock includes a keypad that
can be used to control access into areas?
(a) Cipher (b) Warded
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(c) Device (d) Tumbler
(e) Typelock
Ans : (d)
159.Which is not a factor when categorizing a
(a) Speed of the output device
(b) Amount of main memory the CPU can use
(c) Cost of the system
(d) Capacity of the hard disk
(e) Where it was purchased
Ans : (e)
160.Which of the following terms is the most
closely related to main memory?
(a) nonvolatile
(c) control unit (b) permanent
(e) None of these (d) temporary
Ans : (d)
161.Which of the following is not a factor
affecting the processing capability or
performance of a PC system?
(a) The clock speed of the microprocessor
(b) The revolutions per minute of the printer
(c) The primary storage capacity of the
(d) The built-in instruction set available to the
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
162. What is the standard code the computer
industry created to represent characters?
(a) DASI (b) ASSH
Ans : (c)
163.Primary storage is……… compared to
secondary storage :
(a) Slow and inexpensive
(b) Fast and inexpensive
(c) Fast and expensive
(d) Slow and expensive
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
164. Offline device is :
(a) a device which is not connected to CPU
(b) a device which is connected to CPU
(c) a direct access storage device
(d) an I/O device
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
165.The most popular language used
computers, is
language : and time-shared
an easy-to-use high level
(b) ADA
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
166.Which of the following is a communication
network that is devoted to carrying computer
information :
(a) Data Point
(c) Data network
(e) None of these (b) Data
Ans : (c) Module
167. A half byte is known (d) Data Pack
as :
(a) Data
(b) Bit

20 MCQs Papers
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(c) Half byte (d) Nibble
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
168. With respect to a network interface card the
term 10/100 refers to:
(a) protocol speed
(b) a fiber speed
(c) megabits per seconds
(d) minimum and maximum server speed
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
169.A hard disk is divided into tracks which are
further subdivided into :
(a) clusters (b) sectors
(c) vectors (d) heads
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
govern parallel
(a) RS232 (b) RS-232a
(d) IEEE
(c) CAT 5
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
peripheral port the
FASTEST throughput to laser printers?
(a) RS-232 (b) SCSI
(c) Parallel (d) Serial
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
172.Resistance is measured in?
(a) Volts (b) Amps

(c) Watts
(d) Ohms
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
173.In Inkjet technology the droplets of ink are
deflected by?
(a) multi directional nozzles
(b) electronically charged plates
(c) high pressure plates
(d) electro static absorbtion
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
174.Which provides the fastest access to large
video files?
(a) Optical drives
(b) IDE hard drives
(c) SCSI hard drives
(d) EIDE hard
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
175. Primary memory stores :
(a) Data alone (b) Programs alone
(c) Results alone (d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
176. You just installed a new IDE hard drive, but
your system BIOS will not recognize the new
drive, what should you check first :
(a) cable sequence
(b) jumpers on the hard drive
(c) drivers that need to be loaded
(d) hard drive manufacturer web site
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
177.What’s the best way to protect your hard
drive data?
(a) regular backups
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(b) periodically defrag it
(c) run chkdsk at least once a week
(d) run scandisk at least once a week
(e) run a regular diagnostic
Ans : (a)
178.Laser Jet printer speeds are measured in
pages per minute (ppm) what do we use to
measure dot-matrix printers?
(a) lines per inch
(b) lines per sheet
(c) characters per inch
(d) characters per second
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
179. A modem could be attached to which port?
(a) Parallel port
(b) ASYNC port
(c) Keyboard connector
(d) Video port
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
180.You get a CMOS checksum error during
bootup. What is most likely the cause?
(a) power supply is bad
(b) BIOS needs updating
(c) CMOS battery is nearing end of life
(d) hard drive types are incorrectly defined
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
181.What are the four key functions of a
computer system?
(a) input, processing, output, and storage
(b) keyboard, display, memory, and disk drive
(c) word processing, spreadsheets, database,
(d) bits, bytes, words, and OSI
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
182. Parity is :
(a) a byte stored in the FAT to indicated
remaining slots
(b) the optimal transmission speed of data over
a CAT 5 cable
(c) an extra bit stored with data in RAM that is
used to check for errors when the data is
read back
(d) the optimal transmission speed of data over
a CAT 5 cable
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
183. What is different between AT and ATX
power supplies?
(a) They are identical except for their shape.
(b) AT supplies use a single P1 power
connector while ATX uses P8 and P9
(c) AT supplies use P8 and P9 power
connectors while ATX uses a single P1
(d) AT power supplies run on 120V AC
current while ATX uses 220V AC
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
184.What type of connector is used to plug a
telephone line into a modem?
(a) COM1
(c) RJ-45 (b) RJ-11
(e) None of these (d) RJ-10
Ans : (b)

22 MCQs Papers
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185.Which of the following is NOT a type of
computer hard drive?
(a) IDE (b) FDD
(c) SCSI (d) EIDE
(e) SATA
Ans : (b)
186. What does FDISK do?
(a) performs low-level formatting of the hard
(b) fixes bad sectors on the hard drive
(c) recovers lost clusters on the hard drive
(d) creates partitions on the hard drive
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
187.Which of the following is NOT a type of
motherboard expansion slot?
(a) ISA
(c) AGP (b) PCI
(e) None of these (d) ATX
Ans : (d)
188. Copying a process from memory to disk to
allow space for other processes is called :
(a) Swapping
(c) Demand (b) Deadlock
Paging (d) Page
(e) None of these Fault
Ans : (a)
189.Which of the following memory unit that
processor can access more rapidly :
(a) Main Memory
(b) Virtual Memory
(c) Cache Memory
(d) Read Only Memory
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
190.Which one of the following is not the
function of Operating System?
(a) Resource Management
(b) File Management
(c) Networking
(d) Processor Management
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
191.What is the meaning of “Hibernate” in
Windows XP/Windows7?
(a) Restart the Computer is safe mode
(b) Restart the Computer in hibernate mode
(c) Shutdown the Computer terminating all the
running applications
(d) Shutdown the Computer without closing
the running applications
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
192. Unix Operating System is an :
(a) Multi User Operating System
(b) Time Sharing Operating System
(c) Multi Tasking Operating System
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
193.What should be the extension to execute
(a) EXE
(c) COM (b) BAT
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (d)

23 MCQs Papers
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194.Which of the following memories need
(a) SRAM
(c) COM (b) DRAM
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
195. RJ45 UTP cable
has………Cable :
(a) 2 pair (b) 3 pair
(c) 4 pair (d) 5 pair
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
196. Basic is……….language :
(a) a procedural
(b) an object oriented
(c) user friendly
(d) both A and B
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
197. The file system “NTFS” stands for :
(a) New Type File System
(b) Never Terminated File System
(c) New Technology File System
(d) Non Terminated File System
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
198.Which Operating System doesn’t support
networking between computers?
(a) Windows 3.1
(b) Windows 95
(c) Windows 2000
(d) Windows NT
(e) Windows XP
Ans : (a)
199.In which type of the following OS, the
response time is very crucial :
(a) Network Operating System
(b) Real Time Operating System
(c) Batch Operating System
(d) Unix Operating System
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
200.Which of the following languages is more
suited to structured program?
(a) PL/1 (b) FORTRAN
(e) None of
Ans : (d)
assisted the
201.A computer method for
analyzing or
recording and of existing
hypothetical systems is
(a) Data transmission
(b) Data flow
(c) Data capture
(d) Data Processing
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
202.What difference does the 5th generation
r hav othe generati
compute e r on
(a) Technological advancement
(b) Scientific code
(c) Object Oriented Programming
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
24 MCQs Papers
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203.Which of the following computer language
is used for artificial intelligence?
(c) C (b) PROLOG
(e) None of these (d) COBOL
Ans : (b)
204.The tracks on a disk which can be accused
without repositioning the R/W heads is
(a) Surface
(c) Cluster (b) Cylinder
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
205.Which part interprets program instructions
and initiate control operations.
(a) Input
(c) Logic Unit (b) Storage Unit
(e) None of these (d) Control Unit
Ans : (d)
206.The binary system uses powers of
(a) 2 (b) 10
(c) 8 (d) 16
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
207.A computer program that converts assembly
language to machine language is
(a) Compiler (b) Interpreter
(c) Assembler (d) Comparator
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
208.The time required for the fetching and
execution of one simple machine instruction is
(a) Delay Time (b) CPU cycle
(c) Real Time (d) Seek time
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
209.The time for which a piece of equipment
operates is called
(a) Seek time
(c) Access time (b) Effective time
(e) None of these (d) Real time
Ans : (b)

210.Binary numbers need more places
counting because
(a) They are always big numbers
(b) Any no. of 0’s can be added in front of
(c) Binary base is small
(d) 0’s and 1’s have to be properly spaced
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
211. Which access method is used for obtaining a
record from a cassette tape?
(a) Direct
(c) Random
(e) None of
(d) All of
Ans : (b)
212.Any type of storage that is used for holding
information between steps in its processing is
(a) CPU
(b) Primary storage
(c) Intermediate storage
(d) Internal storage
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
213.A name applied by Intel corp. to high speed
MOS technology is called
25 MCQs Papers
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(a) HDLC
(c) HMOS (b) LAP
(e) None of (d)
these SDLC
Ans : (c)
214.A program component that allows structuring
of a program in an unusual way is known as
(a) Correlation (b)
(c) Coroutine
Diagonalization (d) Quene
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
215. The radian of a number system
(a) Is variable
(b) Has nothing to do with digit position value
(c) Equals the number of its distinct counting
(d) Is always an even number
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
216.The section CPU that selects,
interprets and sees to the execution of
program instructions
(a) Memory (b) Register Unit
(c) Control Unit (d) ALU
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
217.Which type of system puts the user into
direct conversation with the computer through
a keyboard?
(a) Real time processing
(b) Interactive computer
(c) Batch Processing
(d) Time Sharing
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
218.The term referring to evacuating the content
of some part of the machine is known as
(a) Dump
(c) Down (b) Enhancement
(e) None of these (d) Compiler
Ans : (a)
219.The process of communicating with a file
from a terminal is
(a) Interactive
(c) Heuristic (b) Interrogation
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
220.A common boundary between two systems is
(a) Interdiction
(c) Surface (b) Interface
(e) None of these (d) Median
Ans : (b)
221.Which computer has been designed to be as
compact as possible?
(b) Super
(a) Mini
(c) Micro computer
(d) Mainframe
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
222.A general purpose micro
computer designed to be operated by one
person at a time is
(a) Special-purpose computer
(b) KIPS
(c) M
(d) PC
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
26 MCQs Papers
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223.Which device of computer operation
dispenses with the use of the
(a) Joystick (b) Light pen
(c) Mouse (d) Touch
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
224.A program that is employed in the
development, repair or enhancement of other
programs is known as
(a) System software
(b) Software tool
(c) Applications program
(d) Utility program
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
225. Which output device is used for translating
information from a computer into pictorial
form on paper.
(a) Mouse
(c) Touch Panel (b) Plotter
(e) None of these (d) Card punch
Ans : (b)
226.The list of coded instruction is called
(b) Algorithm
(a) Computer program
(d) Utility
(c) Flow chart
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
227.An optical input device that interprets pencil
marks on paper media is
(a) O.M.R
(b) Punch card reader
(c) Optical scanners
(d) Magnetic tape
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
228.Data divisions the third division of a
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
229.A program that converts computer data into
some code system other than the normal one
is known as
(a) Encoder
(c) Emulator (b) simulation
(e) None of these (d) Decoder
Ans : (a)
230.A hybrid computer uses a……….to convert
digital signals from a computer into analog
(a) Modulator
(c) Modem (b) Demodulator
(e) None of these (d) Decoder
Ans : (c)
231. Any device that performs signal conversion
(a) Modulator
(b) Modem
(c) Keyboard
(d) Plotter
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
232.A type of channel used to connect a
processor and peripherals which uses
multiplying is known as
(a) Modem (b) Network
(c) Multiplexer
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

27 MCQs Papers
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Ans : (c)
233.The complete picture of data stored in
database is known as
(a) Record
(c) System
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
234.A language which is close to that used within
the computer is
(a) High-level language
(b) Assembly language
(c) Low-level language
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
235.Which is a unit representing the no bits of
(a) Baud
(c) Bit (b) Byte
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (a)
236.The device that can both feed data into and
accept data from a computer is
(a) ALU
(c) Input-Output (b) CPU
device (d) All of
(e) None of these these
Ans : (c)
237. A modern digital computer has
(a) Extremely high speed
(b) Large memory
(c) Almost unlimited array
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
238.Which of the following can store information
in the form of microscopic pits on metal disks.
(a) Laser disks
(b) Tape
(c) RAM
(d) Punched
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
239.A storage system for small amounts of data
(a) Magnetic card
(b) Magnetic tape
(c) Punched card
(d) Optical mark reader
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
240.Compilers and interpreters are themselves
(a) High-level language
(b) Codes
(c) Programs
(d) Mnemonics
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
241.A compiler means
(a) A person who compiles source programs
(b) The same thing as a programmer
(c) Keypunch operator
(d) A program which translates source
program into object program
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
242.Compression of digital data for efficient
storage is
(a) Buffer (b) CPU
28 MCQs Papers
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(c) Packing (d) Field
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
243.Which programming language is based on
Algol 60.
(c) ADA (d) SIMULA
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
244.A path by which communication is achieved
between a central processor and other devices
is called.
(a) Audit trail
(c) Bus (b) Network
(e) None of these (d) Channel
Ans : (c)
245.A stand-alone system which produces one
page of printed output at a time is
(a) Page printer
(c) Laser
(b) Line printer
(d) Dot matrix
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
246.A memory that does not change its contents
without external causes is known as
(a) Dynamic memory
(b) Static memory
(c) RAM
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
247.A memory that holds micro programs is
(a) Core memory (b) ROM
(c) RAM (d) Control memory
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
248.Buffering is
(a) the process of temporarily storing the data
to allow for small variation in device
(b) a method to reduce cross talks
(c) storage of data within transmitting
medium until the receiver is ready to
(d) a method to reduce routing overhead
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
249. Memory allocation of variables declared in a
program is
(a) allocated in RAM.
(b) allocated in ROM
(c) allocated on stack
(d) assigned to registers
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
250. A software that allows a personal computer
to pretend as a computer terminal is
(a) terminal (b) bulletin board
adapter (d) terminal
(c) modem emulation
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
251.What is part of a database that holds only one
type of information?
(a) Report
(c) Record (b)
(e) None of Field
these (d) File
Ans : (b)

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252.Most modern TV’s draw power even if
turned off. The circuit the power is used in
does what function?
(a) Sound
(c) Color
(b) Remote
(e) None of
(d) High voltage
Ans : (b)
253. ‘MPG’ extension refers usually to what kind
of file?
(a) WordPerfect Document File
(b) MS Office document
(c) Animation/movie file
(d) Image file
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
254.The most common format for a home video
recorder is VHS. VHS stands for….?
(a) Video Home System
(b) Very high speed
(c) Video horizontal standard
(d) Voltage house standard
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
255.What do we call a network whose elements
may be separated by some distance? It
usually involves two or more small networks
and dedicated high-speed telephone lines.
(a) URL (Universal Resource Locator)
(b) LAN (Local Area Network)
(c) WAN (Wide Area Network)
(d) World Wide Web
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
256.If you want to secure a message, use a(n) :
(a) cryptology source
(b) encryption key
(c) encryption software package
(d) cryptosystem
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
257.Circuits that provide a communication path
between two or more devices of a digital
computer system is :
(a) Car
(c) Track (b) Bus
(e) None of these (d) Cable
Ans : (b)
258.A coding structure in which characters are
represented by means of series of parallel bars
is :
(a) Bar code
(c) Numeric Bar (b) Menu Bar
(e) None of these (d) Bar Graph
Ans : (a)
259.Which of the following best describes a
computer-based information system?
(a) Data input for processing
(b) Output in produced in the form of Hard
(c) Processing data
(d) System where computer is used to turn
data into information
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
260.Voice recognition is :
(a) Ability to input data directly into a
computer system by speaking to it
30 MCQs Papers
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(b) Ability to output data directly from a
computer system by speaking
(c) Processing of voice in computer system
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
261.Which one of the following is the right
shortcut for closing document in MS Office?
(a) Shift + W
(c) Shift + Ctrl + (b) Ctrl + W
W (d) Shift + Alt +
(e) None of these W
Ans : (b)
262.The cell reference for cell range of G2 to
M12 is……….
(a) G2.M12
(c) G2:M12 (b) G2;M12
(e) None of these (d) G2-M12
Ans : (c)
263.Which of the following is not an option of
the spelling dialog box?
(a) Ignore
(c) Edit (b) Ignore all
(e) None of these (d) Change
Ans : (c)
264.Which language is used to create macros in
(a) Visual Basic
(c) Visual C + + (b) C
(e) None of these (d) Java
Ans : (a)
265.Which key do you press to check
(a) F3 (b) F5
(c) F7 (d) F9
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
266.What does COUNTA ( ) function do?
(a) counts cells having alphabets
(b) counts empty cells
(c) counts cells having number
(d) counts non-empty cells
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
267.Which area in an Excel window allows
entering values and formulas?
(a) Title Bar
(c) Formula Bar (b) Menu Bar
(e) None of (d) Standard Tool
these Bar
Ans : (c)
268.Which of the following helps to reduce
spelling error in the document?
(a) Auto
(b) Auto
(c) Smart Tags
(e) None of
(d) Auto Text
Ans : (b)
269.Which of the following enables you to paste
data multiple times?
(a) window clipboard
(b) office clipboard
(c) Memory
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
270.Which of the following enables you to paste
data multiple times?
(a) windows clipboard
(b) office clipboard
31 MCQs Papers
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(c) Memory
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
271.Which of the following is valid IP address?
(a) 984.12.787.76
(b) 192.168.321.10
(c) 1.888.234.3456
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
272.What is FTP program used for?
(a) Transfer files to and from an Internet
(b) Designing a website
(c) Connecting to the Internet
(d) Sending mails in bulk
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
273.Which of the following are commonly found
on web pages?
(a) internet
(c) intranet
(e) None of
(d) all of
Ans : (b)
274.The ability to combine name and addresses
with a standard document is called…….
(a) document formatting
(b) database management
(c) mail merge
(d) form letters
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
275. What is the full form of TCP/IP?
(a) Transmission control protocol/internet
(b) telephone call protocol/international
(c) transport control protocol/internet protocol
(d) Tele caller protocol institutional protocol
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
276.HTML document start and end with which
tag pairs?
(a) <HEAD<….</HEAD>
(b) <BODY>…..</BODY>
(c) <HTML>…..</HTML>
(d) <WEB>…….</WEB>
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
277.In Satellite based communication, VSAT
stands for?
(a) Very Small Aperture Terminal
(b) Varying Size Aperture Terminal
(c) Very Small Analog Terminal
(d)Very Small Analog Transmitter
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
278.Internet uses
(a) Packet switching
(b) Circuit switching
(c) Telephone switching
(d) Telex switching
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
32 MCQs Papers
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279.The Internet banking facility provide by
banks is known as
(a) online banking
(b) net banking
(c) e-connect
(d) epay
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
280.The code for a web page is written using
(a) machine language
(c) perl
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
281.A collection fields in data
organization is called
(a) group
(b) file
(c) information
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
282.The worksheet
(a) 65536 (b) 256
(c) 536 (d) 400
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
283. A menu contains a list of :
(a) commands
(b) data
(c) objects
(d) reports
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
284. To create a formulae, you can use :
(a) values but not cell references
(b) cell references but not values
(c) values or cell references although not both
at the same time
(d) value and cell references
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
285.The cell labeled F5 refers to :
(a) row 5 column F
(b) column 5 row F
(c) function available in cells
(d) function key F5
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
286.In a worksheet you can select
(a) rows
(b) coloumns
(c) entire worksheet
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
287. ………..view shows hot the contents on
printed page will appear with margin, header
and footer.
(a) draft
(c) outline (b) full screen
(e) None of reading
these (d) page layout
Ans : (d)
288.A commonly used graphic format for the
web is :
(a) GIF (b) cmp
(c) text (d) TIF

33 MCQs Papers
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(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
289.Which of the following is a disadvantage of
machine language?
(a) Machine Dependent
(b) Slower Execution
(c) Machine Independent
(d) It requires Translation
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
290.Android Operating System is an example of
which kind of Source Model?
(a) Open Source
(b) Vertical Market Software
(c) Horizontal Market Software
(d) Shareware
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
291.Which of the following is true about
Operating System?
(a) It is an interface between user and the
(b) It manages all resources
(c) It does all Memory management and
Process management tasks
(d) All are true
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
292.A software that is not protected by copyright
or trademark is………
(a) Vertical Market Software
(b) Public Domain Software
(c) Shareware Software
(d) Trialware
(e) Adware
Ans : (b)
293.Which of the following programming
languages is associated with Artificial
(a) C
(b) B
(c) C++
(d) JAVA
Ans : (e)
294.Expand RDBMS
(a) Relative Database Management System
(b) Rational Database Minimize System
(c) Relational Database Management System
(d) Relational Database Maximize System
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
295. ……… the storage area for e-mails.
(a) Folder
(c) Directory (b) Mail box
(e) None of these (d) Hard Disk
Ans : (b)
296.Display bar that lists all the open folders and
active application is………
(a) Menubar (b) Toolbar
(c) Task bar (d) Window list
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
297.Which of the following is the
short-cut for permanent deletion of a
file/folder in windows?
(a) Del (b) Shift + Del
(c) Ctrl + Del (d) Alt + Enter

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(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
298.Which of the following operating systems
does not exist?
(a) Windows 7 (b) Mac OS X
(c) Windows CE (d) Windows 12
(e) Ubuntu
Ans : (d)
299.To protect the computer from hacker
intrusions, ……..must be installed.
(a) Firewall (b) Mailer
(c) Script (d) Yahoo Messenger
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
300.Which of the following is known as non
volatile memory?
(a) Hard Disk
(b) Floppy
(c) CD-ROM
(e) All of these
Ans : (e)
301.To see the document before the printout is
taken, use……….
(a) Insert Table
(c) Format
(e) Print
(d) Cut
Ans : (e)
302.The CPU of a computer?
(a) understands only assembly language
(b) understands machine language and highlevel languages
(c) understands only machine language
(d) understands only high-level language
(e) does not understand machine language
Ans : (c)
303.Which of the following is not a term related
to the World Wide Web?
(a) Hyperlink
(c) Website (b) Hypertext
(e) Keyboard (d) Homepage
Ans : (e)
304.Which of the following is another name for
pre-programmed formula in Excel?
(a) Range
(c) Function (b) Graph
(e) None of these (d) Cell
Ans : (c)
305.ALU works on the instructions held in
(a) Notebook
(c) Notepad (b) Registers
(e) I/O Devices (d) Clipboard
Ans : (b)
306. ……… a computer software designated
to help people involved in a common task to
achieve goals.
(a) Shareware
(c) Freeware (b) Software
(e) None of (d) Collaborative
these Software
Ans : (d)
307. …….is the process of getting access to the
(a) Switch on
(c) Logoff
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
35 MCQs Papers
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308.A collection of programmes which
determines and controls how your computer
system works and process information is
(a) Interpreter
(c) Office
(d) Compiler
(e) Operating system
Ans : (c)
309.The Title and Page number of a document
can be displayed using which of the following
(a) Insert table
(b) Spelling and Grammar
(c) Header and Footer
(d) Thesaurus
(e) File
Ans : (c)
310.Data redundancy can be eliminated by using:
(a) Networking
(b) DBMS
(c) Operating System
(d) Processing the data manually
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
311.Which of the following uses computers and
data communication to transmit data
electronically between computers?
(a) EDI
(c) Printing a
(b) Physical
(e) None of
(d) DTE
Ans : (a)
312. …………is a combination of text, audio,
still images, animation, video.
(a) Multiplexer (b) Multiplier
(c) Multimedia
(e) None of these (d) Multiuser
Ans : (c)
313. MICR is exclusively used in :
(b) Super Markets
(a) Libraries
(d) Banking
(c) Stock markets
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
314.In order to change page margins in a word
(a) Drag the scroll box on the scroll bars.
(b) Delete the margin boundaries on the ruler
(c) Right Click on the ruler
(d) Drag the margin boundaries on the ruler
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
315.Pop-ups are a form of…..on the World Wide
(a) Instant Messaging
(b) Search Engines
(c) Browsers
(d) Mark-up Languages
(e) Online Advertising
Ans : (e)
(a) Page
layout option is available in
(c) Review
(e) Layout
Ans : (c)
(b) References
(d) View
317.Which of the following refers to the process
of trading goods over the internet?
(a) E-seva (b) E-trading
36 MCQs Papers
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(c) E-Finance (d) E-Sales
(e) E-Commerce
Ans : (e)
318.Which of the following is not used to align
text in a document?
(a) Left
(c) Center (b) Right
(e) Justify (d) Diagonal
Ans : (d)
319.Which of the following generation computers
is referred to an expert system?
(a) 2nd
(c) 4th (b) 1st
(e) 5th (d) 3rd
Ans : (e)
320. ………is a setoff instructions.
(a) Hardware (b) Code
(c) Language (d) Program
(e) All of these
Ans : (d)
321.Which printer is very commonly used for
desktop publishing?
(a) Laser Printer
(b) Inkjet Printer
(c) Daisywheel printer
(d) Dot matrix printer
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
322.An output device that uses words or
messages recorded on a magnetic medium to
produce audio response is
(a) Magnetic tape
(b) Voice response unit
(c) Voice recognition unit
(d) Voice band
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
323. VPN means
(a) Vital Private Network
(b) Virtual Private Network
(c) Visual Projection Node
(d) Very Private Network
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
324.The technique and process of searching,
recovering, and interpreting information from
large amounts of stored data is called
(a) Browsing (b) Chatting
(c) Retrieval (d) Desktop publishing
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
the internal network of an
(a) Internet (b) Intranet
(c) Extranet (d) Organet
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
326.In network terminology, MAN stands for
(a) Multi-Area Network
(b) Main Area Network
(c) Multi Application Network
(d) Metropolitan Area Network
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
327.A character that is raised and smaller above
the baseline is known as
37 MCQs Papers
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(a) Outlined
(c) Superscript (b) Raised
(e) None of these (d) Subscript
Ans : (c)
328. A………….is a series of commands that is
recorded so it can be played back, or
executed, later
(a) Mail merge
(c) Goal seek (b) Merge printing
(e) None of these (d) Macro
Ans : (d)
329.Long text can be broken down into many
lines within a cell. You can do this through
(a) Wrap Text in Format > Cells
(b) Justify in Edit > Cells
(c) Text Wrapping in Format > Cells, Layout
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
330.By default there are……..worksheets in an
Excel file
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4
(e) None of these (d) 5
Ans : (b)
331.Total number of rows in Excel
(b) 256
(a) 65536
(d) None of
(c) 1024
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
332.Database management systems are intended
(a) Eliminate data redundancy
(b) Manage file access
(c) Maintain data integrity
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
333.A top-to-bottom relationship among the
items in a database is established by a
(a) Hierarchical schema
(b) Network schema
(c) Relational schema
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
334.Which of the following is not a database
(a) Tables
(c) (b)
Relationships Queries
(e) None of (d)
these Reports
Ans : (c)
335.What are the columns in a Microsoft access
table called?
(a) Rows
(c) Fields
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
336.In……….there is no direct contact with the
end users
(a) B2B
(c) C2C (b) B2C
(e) None of (d) All
these these
Ans : (a)
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337.The spacing between character pairs is
called :
(a) Kerning
(c) intercap (b) x-
(e) None of height
these (d) serif
Ans : (a)
338.We cannot delete the……….icon but we can
made it invisible.
(a) Recycle (b) My Computer
(d) My Network
(c) Internet Explorer
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
339.In case of Bus/Tree topology signal
balancing issue is overcome by
(a) Modulation (b) Polling
(d) Strong
(c) Segmentation
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
340.BCC in the internet refers to
(a) Black carbon copy
(b) Blind carbon copy
(c) Blank carbon copy
(d) Beautiful carbon copy
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
341.Education combined with entertainment is
(a) Simulation
(b) CAI
(c) Edutainment
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
342.Which of the following transport layer
protocols is used to support electronic mail?
(a) SMTP
(c) TCP (b) IP
(e) None of these (d) UDP
Ans : (c)
343.The process of converting analog signals into
digital signals so they can be processed by a
receiving computer is referred to as :
(a) modulation
(c) synchronizing (b) demodulation
(e) None of these (d) digitizing
Ans : (d)
344.Which of the following is considered a broad
band communication channel?
(a) coaxial cable (b) fiber optics
(c) microwave cable
circuits (d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
345.In a synchronous modem, the digital-toanalog converter transmits signal to the
(a) equalizer
(c) demodulator (b) modulator
(e) None of these (d) terminal
Ans : (a)
346.The loss in signal power as light travels
down the fiber is called
(a) attenuation
(c) scattering
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
347.Number of bits per symbol used in Baudot
code is
(a) 7 (b) 5
(c) 8 (d) 9
39 MCQs Papers
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(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
348.To get the ‘Symbol’ dialog box, click on the
………… menu and choose ‘Symbol’.
(a) Insert
(c) Tools (b)
(e) None of Format
these (d) Table
Ans : (a)
349.What is the short cut key to open Font dialog
(a) Ctrl + F
(c) Ctrl + D (b) Alt + Ctrl + F
(e) None of (d) Ctrl + Shift +
these D
Ans : (c)
350.Which of the following line spacing is
(a) Single
(c) Triple (b) Double
(e) None of (d)
these Multiple
Ans : (c)
351.Which of the following option in File pull
down menu is used to close a MS Word
(a) Quit
(c) Exit (b)
(e) None of Close
these (d) New
Ans : (b)
352.CLASS is the acronym for
(a) Computer, Language and School Studies
(b) Computer, Literacy and Studies in Schools
Languag Seconda
Computer, and
e ry
(d) Computer, Learning and School Studies
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
353.SITE stands for
(a) Satellite Instructional Technology and
(b) State Institute of Teacher Education
(c) Satellite Televisio
Experiment n
(d) State Institute of Technology and
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
354.Cloud computing means
(a) Computing using the satellite
Computing using cloud
(c) Computing which results in errors
(d) Shifting computing power from offline
PCs and Laptops onto the Web
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
355.The ‘C’ language is
(a) Context free language
(b) Context sensitive language
(c) Regular language
(d) Assembly language
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
356.What is the size of the Unicode character in
Windows Operating System?
(a) 8-bits
(b) 16-
(c) 32-bits
(e) None of
(d) 64-
Ans : (c)

40 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
357. Data Encryption Techniques are particularly
used for_________
(a) protecting data in Data Communication
(b) reduce Storage Space Requirement
(c) enhances Data Integrity.
(d) decreases Data Integrity
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
358. ________is an “umbrella” activity that is
applied throughout the software engineering
(a) Debugging
(b) Testing
(c) Designing
(d) Software Quality Assurance
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
359.Use of icons and windows are characteristic
of a________interface
(a) command-driven
(b) windows-oriented
(c) graphical-user
(d) menu-driven
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
360.The essential difference between an
operating system like Linux and one like
Windows is that
(a) Windows can run with an Intel processor,
whereas Linux cannot
(b) Linux is proprietary, whereas Windows is
(c) Any programmer can modify Linux code,
which is not permitted with Windows
(d) there are multiple versions of Linux, but
only one version of Windows
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
361.The category of operating system that you
most likely have running on your PDA
computer is a ………..operating system
(a) real-time
(b) single-user, single-task
(c) single-user, multi-task
(d) multi-user, multi-task
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
362.The barcode which is used on all types of
items, is ready by a scanning device directly
into the computer. What is the name of this
scanning device?
(a) Laser Scanner (b) Wand
(c) OCR (d) MICR
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
363.Which of the following is not a
method to
preserve the security and integrity of
(a) Antivirus software (b) Firewall
(d) Disk
(c) Phishing
(e) Backup
Ans : (c)
364.In computer science, by information we
(a) Any output coming out from computer
(b) Processed data put in an intelligent form
(c) A report printed by the computer
(d) Plural of data
41 MCQs Papers
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(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
365.Which of the following features distinguishes
a database file from a mere collection of data
(a) Database enables data to be organized for
effective use much faster
(b) It organizes data in rows and columns
(c) It gives reference name to each file created
(d) It provides search facility
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
366.Who coordinates the sequencing of events
within the central processor of a computer?
(a) Logic unit
(c) Register (b) Arithmetic
(e) None of unit
these (d) Control Unit
Ans : (d)
367.The microprocessor of a computer cannot
operate on any information if that information
is not in its
(a) secondary storage (b) main storage
(c) ALU (d) Logic unit
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
368.Where have the program and data to be
located before the ALU and control unit of a
computer can operate on it?
(a) Internal
(b) Secondary
(d) Magnetic tapes
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
369.The only things moving around inside a
computer are
(a) Is and Os (b) electrons
(c) bytes (d) proton
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
370.The data between the computer and
peripherals always passes via in
(a) port (b) A/D
(d) buffer
(c) D/A converter
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
371.Preparing a magnetic disk for data storage is
(a) booting
(c) debugging (b) formatting
(e) None of (d)
these commissioning
Ans : (b)
372.How many full adders are needed to add two
4-bit numbers with a parallel adder?
(a) 8
(c) 2 (b) 4
(e) None of (d)
these 16
Ans : (b)
373.If you see a diskette with a piece of foil
covering its notch, it is said to be
(a) write-
protected (b) copy-
(c) write-enabled protected
(e) None of these (d) foil-covered
Ans : (a)
374.What is the name of the screen symbol that
shows the placement of the next character?
(a) Mouse
(c) Track ball (b) Cursor
(e) None of these (d) Graphic tablet
Ans : (b)

42 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
375.Point out the odd item amongst the following
(a) computer mouse
(b) touchpad
(c) light pen
(d) printer
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
376.The very small and cheap computer built
into many home devices is called computer.
(a) Main frame
(c) Micro (b) Mini
(e) None of these (d) Super
Ans : (c)
t th interna (mai
377.In comparison
o e l n)
memory, tape or disk memory is
(a) slower and more expensive
(b) slower and less expensive
(c) faster and more expensive
(d) faster and less expensive
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
378.What is the main advantage of magnetic
core memory over semiconductor RAM
(a) More compact and smaller
(b) More economical
(c) A bit does not have to write after reading
(d) Non-volatile
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
379.Which of the following memories contains a
thin film of magnetic material sandwitched
between two permanent bias magnets?
(a) ROM
(c) Core
(b) Magnetic disk
(d) Bubble
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
380.The minimum time delay required between
the initiation of two successive memory
operations is known as
(a) memory cycle time
(b) memory access time
(c) transmission time
(d) waiting time
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
381.When the time to establish link is large and
the size of data is small, the preferred mode of
data transfer is
(a) circuit switching
(b) packet switching
(c) time division multiplexing
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
382.In circuit switching
(a) data is stored at intermediate nodes
(b) transmission path is set before data transfer
(c) dedicated communication link is not
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
383.A device used in some magnetic tape data
entry system is
(a) key-to-disk station (b) light pen
43 MCQs Papers
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(c) touch Panel (d) card punch
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
384.Which of the following PC user must have a
special hardware device that is to linkup with
a bulletin board system?
(a) ALU
(c) Modem (b) Control Unit
(e) None of these (d) Light Pen
Ans : (c)
385.A single primary storage location in the
processor unit
(a) can hold several different data items at the
same time
(b) can hold data items but not program
(c) is identified by a built-in and unique
number called an address
(d) is identified by a number that varies with
the contents in the location.
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
386.A large computer designed to handle
complex scientific calculations
(a) may use only a firmed word-length storage
(b) will likely require a character addressable
storage unit
(c) must use fixed length words of four
character each
(d) will not use numbered address locations
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
387.Methods used to organize and physically
store disk data are cylinder and
(a) sector
(c) track (b)
(e) None of surface
these (d) hib
Ans : (a)
388.Magnetic storage chips have no moving
parts, and they provide nonvolatile directaccess storage of data.
(a) Tape
(c) Ink character (b) Disk
(e) None of these (d) Bus
Ans : (a)
389.A class of random access memory that
requires periodic servicing in order for, the
contents to remain valid is
(a) Static RAM
(c) PROM (b) Dynamic RAM
(e) None of these (d) EPROM
Ans : (b)
390.A sequence of microinstruction is
(a) machine code (b) microcode
(c) mnemonics (d) gray code
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
391.A specific part of an arithmetic and logic unit
that is used to perform the operation of
multiplication is
(a) multiplier
(c) multivibrator (b) multiplener
(e) None of these (d) quantization
Ans : (a)
392.Which of the following belongs to the first
generation of computer?
(a) HNIAC (b) IBM 1401
(c) IBM 8090 (d) UNI VAC
44 MCQs Papers
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(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
393. A typical modern computer uses
(a) LSI chips (b) vacuum tubes
(c) valves (d) All these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
394.Which kind of hardware is used the
most in
the input phase of a
information system?
(a) Keyboard (b) Printer
(c) Monitor (d) Hard disk
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
395.Which kind of device allows the user to add
components and capabilities to a computer
(a) System
(b) Storage
(c) Input
(d) Expansion
(e) None of
Ans : (d)
396.Which of the following persons probably has
the least amount of technical knowledge?
(a) User
(c) System
(b) Computer
(e) None of
(d) Programmer
Ans : (a)
397.Which of the following is not true for
primary storage?
(a) Information must be transferred to primary
(b) It is relatively more expensive
(c) It allows very fast access to data
(d) It is less expensive
(e) None of these
Ans : (e)
398.In a generic microprocessor, instruction
cycle time is
(a) shorter than machine cycle time
(b) larger than machine cycle time
(c) exactly double the machine cycle time
(d) exactly the same as the machine cycle time
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
399.The cyclic codes are used in
(a) arithmetic and logical computations
(b) data transfer
(c) continuously varying signal representation
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
400.The operation of a digital computer is based
(a) Counting
(c) Electronic (b) Measuring
(e) None of these (d) Logical
Ans : (a)
401.The personal computers are also called
(a) desk top computers
(b) palmtop computers
(c) advanced computers
(d) portable computers
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
402.Which of the following is a group of related
characters that are treated as a single unit?
45 MCQs Papers
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(a) Array
(c) Field (b) File
(e) None of (d)
these Block
Ans : (c)
403.The person who writes instruction that tell
the computer how to handle input information
(a) data entry operator
(b) computer programmer
(c) computer operator
(d) keypunch operator
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
404.A system which allows interaction between
man and machine via some terminal device is
(a) batch mode
(b) interactive
(c) real time
(d) time sharing
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
405.A computer midway between a micro and a
main frame in size is
(a) super
computer (b) micro
(c) mini computer computer
(e) None of these (d) KIPS
Ans : (c)
406.The capacity of a machine to perform tasks,
normally requiring human intelligence, is
(a) KIPS
(c) super computer (b) artificial
(e) None of these (d) micro computer
Ans : (b)
407.A Group of integrated parts is called
(a) system (b) swapping

(c) circuits (d) system analysis

(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
408.A third and last component of
CPU is
(b) supervisory-
(a) ALU
control unit
(c) input device
(e) None of these (d) register unit
Ans : (b)
409.The digital computer was developed
primarily in
(b) Japan
(a) USSR
(d) UK
(c) USA
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
410.Who is credited with the idea of using punch
cards to control patterns in a weaving
(a) Pascal
(c) Babbage
(e) None of
Ans : (d)
411.Most of the inexpensive personal computers
do not have any disk or diskette drive. What
is the name of such computers?
(a) Home computers
(b) Diskless computers
(c) Dedicated computers
(d) General-purpose computers
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
412.Which of the following require large
(a) Imaging (b) Graphics
46 MCQs Papers
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(c) Voice (d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
413.The process of starting or restarting a
computer system by loading instructions from
a secondary storage device into the computer
memory is called
(a) duping
(c) padding (b) booting
(e) None of (d) All of
these these
Ans : (b)
414.Who invented the microprocessor?
(a) Mercian E Huff
(b) Herman H Goldstein
(c) Joseph Jucquard
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
415.The accuracy of the floating point numbers
representable in two 16 bit words of a
computer is approximately
(a) 16 digits
(c) 4 digits (b) 6 digits
(e) None of (d) All of
these these
Ans : (b)
416.A characteristic of card system is
(a) slowness in processing data
(b) using cards as records of transactions
(c) needing a larger DP staff
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
417.A digital computer did not score over an
analog computer in terms of
(a) speed
(c) cost
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
418.In analog computer
(a) Input is first converted to digital form
(b) Input is never converted to digital form
(c) output is displayed in digital form
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
419.In latest generation computers, the
instructions are executed
(a) parallel only
(b) sequentially only
(c) both sequentially and parallel
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
420.Personnel who design, program, operate and
maintain computer equipment refers to
(a) console-operator
(b) programmer
(c) peopleware
(d) System Analyst
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
421.An error in software or hardware is called a
bug. What is the alternative computer jargon
for it?
(a) Leech (b) Squid
47 MCQs Papers
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(c) Slug (d) Glitch
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
422.Modern computers are very reliable but they
are not
(a) fast
(c) infallible (b) powerful
(e) None of these (d) cheap
Ans : (c)
423.What is the name of the display feature that
highlights areas of the screen which require
operator attention?
(a) Pixel
(c) Touch screen (b) Reverse video
(e) None of these (d) Cursor
Ans : (b)
424.Which printer is very commonly used for
desk-top publishing?
(a) Laser printer
(b) Inkjet Printer
(c) Daisywheel Printer
(d) Dot-matrix Printer
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
425.Which of the following is classified as an
impact printer?
(a) Jet Printer
(c) Thermal
(b) Daisywheel
(e) None of
(d) Laser Printer
Ans : (b)
426.What is the general name of the device
which produces hardcopy graphics?
(a) COM (b) Plotter
(c) Printer (d) Microfilm
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
427.In a computer system, which device is
functionally opposite of a Key-board?
(a) Mouse
(c) Printer (b)
(e) None of Trackball
these (d) Joystick
Ans : (c)
428.The equipment with which the computer
talks to its users is called a
(a) word
(c) software
(e) None of
(d) diskette
Ans : (b)
429.Touchpads are particularly popular with
microcomputer users who cannot
(a) read
(c) see (b) type
(e) None of these (d) hear
Ans : (b)
430.A trackball is
manipulated by
(b) foot
(a) palm
(c) fingers
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
431.The function of CPU is
(a) to provide a hard copy
(b) to read, interpret and process the
information and instruction
(c) to communicate with the operator
(d) to provide external storage of text
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
48 MCQs Papers
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432.Which one of the following is termed a
combination input-output device?
(a) VDT
(c) Printer
(e) None of
(d) Laser
Ans : (a)
433.The barcode which is used on all types of
items, is read by a scanning device directly
into the computer. What is the name of this
scanning device?
(a) Laser
(c) OCR
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
434.The optical technique that uses lasers is
(a) photodigital storage
(b) EBAM storage
(c) CCD storage
(d) cryogenic storage
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
435.The disadvantages of a direct access file is
(a) the delay in computing the storage address
(b) duplication of address locations
(c) unused, hut available, storage locations
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
436.A complete set of programs for one specific
data processing application is called
(a) utility application
(b) canned program
(c) program package
(d) both (b) and (c)
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
437.A computer-controlled device for training
exercises that duplicates the work
environment is a
(a) simulator
(c) trainer (b) duplicator
(e) None of these (d) COM device
Ans : (a)
438.An advantage of overlapped processing
activities is
(a) more effective use of the CPU
(b) increased processing activities for the
entire system
(c) better coordination of I/O activities
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
439.The terminal device often used in checking
charge cards that offers both a limited
keyboard input and visual output is the
(a) intelligent terminal
(b) POS terminal
(c) video display terminal
(d) audio response unit
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
440.The mechanical diskette drive in which you
insert your diskette is connected to the
computer’s bus
(a) Data (b)
(c) Address Communication
(e) None of (d) Parallel
Ans : (b)

49 MCQs Papers
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441.The number of tracks on a 1/2 inch wide
magnetic tape is
(a) 1
(c) 18 (b) 9
(e) None of (d) either
these bare
Ans : (d)
442.What is the most common speed in rpm at
which the hard disks usually rotate?
(a) 2400
(c) 4700
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
443.Disk units that use unremovable platters are
(a) unremovable disks
(b) hard disks
(c) sealed disks
(d) high-density disks
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
444.Before you stored anything on a disk, it has
to be
(a) cleansed
(c) initialized (b) formatted
(e) None of these (d) either (a) or (b)
Ans : (b)
445.What is the name of the screen pointing
device that rolls on bearings and has one or
more buttons on its top?
(a) Track ball
(c) Light pen (b) Mouse
(e) None of these (d) Joy-stick
Ans : (b)
446.Character readers are those devices which
read the characters printed on the source
documents and then convert them directly into
computer-usable input.
(a) OCR
(c) OMR (b) MICR
(e) None of these (d) LCD
Ans : (d)
447.All calculations are performed
and all
comparisons are made in unit
(a) control unit
(b) arithmetic-logic unit
(c) central processing unit
(d) primary storage unit
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
448.A certain computer hardware component
does not process the data itself but acts as a
central nervous system for other data
manipulating components. What is it called?
(a) ALU
(c) Control Unit (b) RAM
(e) None of (d) Secondary
these storage
Ans : (c)
449.A logic is an electronic circuit which
(a) makes logic decisions
(b) allows electron flow only in one direction
(c) works on binary algebra
(d) works on float numbers
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
450.A code used for standardizing the storage
and transfer of information amongst various
computing devices is called
50 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
(a) CRT
(c) ASCII (b) CPU
(e) None of (d)
these Dvorak
Ans : (c)
451.As compared to a magnetic tape, the main
advantage of magnetic disk is its
(a) rigidity
(c) low cost (b) direct access
(e) None of (d) high packing
these density
Ans : (b)
452.What is the size of the optical compact disk
which is used for recording high quality
(b) 3.5
(a) 4.7 inch inch
(c) 5.5 inch (d) 8.7
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
453.Why do magnetic tape drives for
minicomputers use vacuum columns?
(a) For quick acceleration and deacceleration
of the tape
(b) For immediate starting and stopping of the
(c) To avoid stress in the tape
(d) To provide extra tape length
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
454.What is the name of the visible silver
rectangle which separates the take-up portion
of the magnetic tape from the data recording
(a) Load maker (b) Load
(c) Tape marker
separator (d) Tape
(e) None of these marker
Ans : (a)
455.The data on the tracks on a magnetic disk are
written as
(a) up or down
(b) tiny magnetic spots
(c) 0 or 1
(d) high or low voltage
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
456.Which memory is nonvolatile and may be
written only once?
(a) RAM
(c) RAM (b) EE-ROM
(e) None of these (d) PROM
Ans : (d)
457.Which of the following statements is wrong?
(a) An EPROM can be programmed, erased
and reprogrammed by the user with an
EPROM programming instrument
(b) Magnetic tape is non volatile
Magnetic core and
(d) RAM is a type of volatile memory
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
458.For a memory system, the cycle time is
(a) same as the access time
(b) longer than the access time
(c) shorter than the access time
(d) submultiple of the access time
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
51 MCQs Papers
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459.The process of fetching and executing
instructions, one at a time, in the order of
increasing addresses is known as
(a) instruction execution
(b) straight line sequencing
(c) instruction fetch
(d) random sequencing
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
460.Non-volatility is an important advantage of
(a) CCD’s
(b) magnetic tapes and disks
(c) magnetic bubbles
(d) both (b) and (c)
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
461.The general range of speed in revolutions per
minute (rpm) at which floppy disks rotate is
(a) 2400-4700
(c) 150-250 (b) 390-600
(e) None of these (d) 300-600
Ans : (c)
462.Main memory contains
(b) instructions
(a) data
(d) either (a) and
(c) both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
463.Which access method is used for obtaining a
record from a cassette tape?
(a) Direct
(c) Random
(e) None of
(d) All of
Ans : (b)
464.Two new types of semiconductor memories
(a) magnetic disks
(b) charge-coupled devices
(c) magnetic bubble memory
(d) both (b) and (c)
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
465.The word ‘serial’ describes
(a) an inexpensive card reader that reads one
column at a time
(b) a character-by-character transfer of data
between an input/output or auxiliary
storage unit and a channel
(c) is a serial communication physical
interface through which information
transfers in or out one bit at a time
(d) both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
466.The largest of the four conceptual areas of
storage is likely to be the
(a) program area
(c) working area (b) output area
(e) None of these (d) input area
Ans : (a)
467. In half-duplex data transmission
(a) data can be transmitted in one direction
(b) data can be transmitted in both directions
(c) data can be transmitted in both directions
(d) data cannot be transmitted
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
52 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
468.A lever used to control the movement of a
cursor on a video screen is
(a) keyboard
(c) light pen (b) Joy stick
(e) None of these (d) plotter
Ans : (b)
transmissio dat fro
469.In synchronous
n a m
various users
(a) require header
(b) do not require header
(c) sometimes require header
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
470.To set a register or counter to the all-zerostate is
(a) rerun
(c) remote (b) reset
(e) None of these (d) release
Ans : (b)
471.A device for entering X-Y co-ordinates is
known as
(a) card reader
(c) multiplexer (b) cassette tape
(e) None of these (d) joystick
Ans : (d)
472.Which of the following is still useful for
adding numbers?
(c) Abacus (b) ENIAC
(e) None of these (d) UNIVAC
Ans : (c)
473.Which unit decodes information and present
to the user?
(a) ALU
(c) Output unit (b) Storage unit
(e) None of these (d) Control unit
Ans : (c)
474.Main storage is also called
(a) accumulator (b) control unit
(c) register unit (d) memory
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
475.Most important advantage of an IC is its
(a) easy replacement in case of circuit failure
(b) extremely high reliability
(c) reduced cost
(d) low power consumption
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
476.The most popular language for interactive
use is
(e) None of these (d) FORTRAN
Ans : (c)
477.In which mode, each user has a local
input/output device?
(a) Interactive
(b) Time sharing mode
(c) Batch processing mode
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
53 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
478.A standard tape recorder used to save or load
computer information is known as
(a) magnetic tape
(c) punched paper (b) cassette
tape drive
(e) None of these (d) card punch
Ans : (b)
479.Programs designed to perform specific tasks
is known as
(a) system software
(b) application software
(c) utility programs
(d) operating system
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
480.Perforated paper used as input or output
media is known as
(a) paper tape
(c) punched paper (b) magnetic
tape tape
(e) None of these (d) card punch
Ans : (a)
481.A computer with CPU speed around 100
million instructions per second and with the
word length of around 64 bits is known as
(a) super computer (b) mini computer
(c) mainframe computer (d) micro computer
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
482.An approach that permits the computer to
work on several programs instead of one is
(a) on-line thesaurus
(b) multiprogramming
(c) overlapped processing
(d) outline processor
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
483.A directly accessible appointment calendar is
a feature of a resident package.
(a) CPU
(c) Buffer (b) Memory
(e) None of these (d) ALU
Ans : (b)
484.The term gigabyte refers to
(b) 1024
(a) 1024 bytes
(c) 1024 megabytes
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
485.CAD stands for
(a) Computer Aided Design
(b) Computer Algorithm for Design
(c) Computer Application in Design
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
486.In which language is a source program
(a) English
(c) High-level (b) Symbolic
(e) None of these (d) Machine
Ans : (c)
487.Which of the following terms is the most
closely related to main memory?
(a) Non-volatile
(c) Control unit (b) Permanent
(e) None of these (d) Temporary
Ans : (d)

54 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
488.Which of the following is used for
manufacturing chips?
(a) Control bus (b) Control unit
(c) Parity unit (d) Semiconductor
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
489.Which of the following is required when
more than one person uses a central computer
at the same time?
(a) Terminal
(c) Digitizer (b) Light
(e) None of pen
these (d) Mouse
Ans : (a)
490.Who is considered the ‘father’ of the
minicomputer and one of the founder fathers
of the modem computer industry world-wide?
(a) George Tate (b) Kenneth H. Olsen
(c) Seymour Cray (d) Basic Pascal
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
491.Multiprogramming was made possible
(a) input/output units that operate
independently of the CPU
(b) operating system
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
492.Network topology, consisting
attached in a ring, without a host computer,
known as
(b) ring
(a) star

(c) bus
(d) tree
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
493.Which of the following terms does not
describe a database structure used by a DBMS
to link data from several files?
(a) Relational
(c) Network (b) Structural
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
494.A communication protocol that converts
noisy data links into communication channels
free of transmission errors is known as
(a) data link
protocol (b) data link
(c) data medium (d) data
(e) None of these model
Ans : (a)
495.Control of computer system or subsystem
operation by an operator who may intervene at
arbitrary times is
(a) manual
control (b)
(c) shift register mapping
(e) None of these (d) ALU
Ans : (a)
496.A plastic card similar to a credit card but
having some memory and a microprocessor
embedded within it is
(a) punched paper
tape (b) chip card
(c) card punch (d) magnetic
(e) None of these tape
Ans : (b)
497.A repository for data, usually covering
specific topic is
(a) database (b) data requisition
(c) databank (d) data collection
(e) None of these

55 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
Ans : (c)
498.An on-line backing storage system capable
of storing larger quantities of data is
(a) CPU
(c) mass
(b) memory
(d) secondary
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
499.Which is an item of storage medium in the
form of a circular plate?
(a) Disk
(c) Printer
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
500.The progressing of two or more programs in
parallel is
(a) concatenation
(b) data
(c) concurrency
(e) None of these
(d) colossus
Ans : (c)
501.Properly arranged data is called
(a) field (b) words
(c) information (d) file
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
502.Which of the following is a list-processing
high-level language?
(a) APL
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
503.The use of a computer to get information
from a data bank is known as
(a) Information withdrawal
(b) Computer simulation
(c) information retrieval
(d) fall-tent searching
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
504.Which of the following is a storage medium
to copy stored data onto another?
(a) Drum (b) Dump
(c) Critical path (d) Cybernetics
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
505.Another word for a daisy when printer
(a) petal printer (b) golf-ball printer
(c) lesser printer (d) line printer
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
506.The collection of utility programs,
subroutines or application programs used on a
particular computer is
(a) package
(b) system software
(c) application programs
(d) program library
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
507.All the instructions and procedures needed to
start Up a computer, to the point it can load an
operating system are stored in ROM chips. In
IBM compatible PCs this is called the
(e) None of these (d) POST
Ans : (b)

56 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
508.In serial, asynchronous transmissions, the bit
is used to signal the end of the character
within the data frame.
(a) Start
(c) Parity (b) Stop
(e) None of these (d) Data
Ans : (b)
509.The term MIPS refers to
(a) millions of instructions per second
(b) multiple instructions per second
(c) megabytes of instructions per second
(d) millions input processor set
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
510.Which of the following best describes the
term data processing?
(a) The collection of information or data
(b) The distribution of information or data
(c) The manipulation of information or data
(d) The storage of information or data
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
511.The original ASCII code used./. bits of each
byte, reserving that last bit for error checking.
(a) 5
(c) 7
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
512.Communication ports are found on the back
of microcomputers. They are used to connect
the computer to
(a) printers (b) modems
(c) other (d) All of
hardware these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
513.What is a portion of memory that serves as a
temporary repository for data as it waits for a
given action?
(a) Memory
(b) Cache
(c) Processor
(d) Processor
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
514.What process prepares the magnetic surface
of a disk by creating concentric circles, called
tracks, around the disk? (Each track is further
divided into pic-shaped sections called
(a) Tracking
(c) Copying
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
515.A six-digit card field used for postal ZIP
codes is defined as
(a) a letter field
(b) an alphabetic field
(c) a numeric field
(d) an alphanumeric field
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
516.What are the three
operations performed by the ALU of a
(a) Greater than
(c) Equal to
(b) Less than
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
517.Which part of the computer is used for
calculating and comparing?
57 MCQs Papers
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(a) Disk unit
(c) ALU (b) Control unit
(e) None of these (d) Modem
Ans : (c)
518.Can you tell what passes into and out from
the computer via its ports?
(a) Data
(c) Graphics (b) Bytes
(e) None of these (d) Pictures
Ans : (b)
519.Which type of computers use the 8 bit code
called EBCDIC?
(a) Minicomputers (b) Microcomputers
(c) Mainframe computers (d) Supercomputers
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
520.Whereas a computer mouse moves over the
table surface, the trackball is
(a) stationary
(c) dragged (b) difficult to move
(e) None of (d) moved in small
these steps
Ans : (a)
521.Which one of the following input device is
(a) Dumb terminal
(b) Smart terminal
(c) VDT
(d) Intelligent
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
522.The computer-memory holds data and
(a) bytes (b) program
(c) registers (d) bits
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
523.The checking operation performed on input
data is called the
(a) validation of data
(b) verification of data
(c) cross check
(d) control of data
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
524.The larger the RAM of a computer, the faster
its processing speed is, since it eliminates
(a) need for external memory
(b) need of ROM
(c) frequent disk I/Os
(d) need for wider data path
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
525.The temporary or volatile memory of a
computer is erased when the computer is
turned off. Accordingly, the computer user
before turning off the machine must transfer
anything in the memory which is important to
(a) control unit (b) ALU
(c) CPU (d) permanent
(e) None of memory
Ans : (d)
526.Which of the following tasks is not suited for
sequential processing by a computer?
(a) Preparing of mailing labels
(b) Processing payroll cheques
(c) Accounting for credit card purchases
(d) Inventory control
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
58 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
527.The most expensive component in a
computer system is its
(a) hardware peripherals
(c) software (d) All of
(e) None of these
Ans : (e)
528.What is the name of the meftiory card which
is conceptually related to the smart card but is
similar to the video disk?
(a) Laser card
(b) Master
(c) Visa
(e) None of
(d) Optical
Ans : (a)
529.The time taken for the read/write head to
move to the correct track on the magnetic disk
is called
(a) epoch delay
(b) latency
(c) seek time
(e) None of
(d) approach
Ans : (c)
530.A flat-bed plotter uses a pen which moves in
two directions across a piece of paper fixed on
a flat-bed. Can you tell who controls the
movements of this pen?
(a) Microfilm
(c) Film card (b)
(e) None of Microfiche
these (d) COM
Ans : (c)
531.Which of the following printer can be
classified as a page-at-a-time printer?
(a) Laser printer
(c) Thermal
(b) Dot-matrix
(e) None of
(d) Inkjet printer
Ans : (a)
532.What is the function of the ‘home key1in a
microcomputer qwerty keyboard?
(a) To capitalize letters
(b) To reposition the cursor
(c) To interrupt executions
(d) To cancel the entry
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
533.Most of the errors blamed on computers are
actually due to
(a) programming errors
(b) hardware fatigue
(c) defects in floppy disks
(d) data entry errors
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
534.File specification books are created primarily
for the use of
(a) systems analysts
(b) programmers
(c) operators
(d) managers
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
535.The storage within the addressing scheme of
the computer but exceeding the physical
capacity is called
(a) address space
(b) overlay storage
(c) secondary storage
(d) scratchpad memory
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
59 MCQs Papers
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536.Plotters print
(a) with ball point pens
(b) with ink pens
(c) electrostatically
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
537.Which generation of computers used
(b) Second
(a) First generation
(c) Fourth generation (d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
(a) several digital signals are multiplexed
(b) a digital signal changes some characteristic
of a carrier wave
(c) digital signal is amplified
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
539.In digital data transmission
(a) baud rate is equal to bit rate
(b) baud rate is always smaller than the bit are
(c) baud rate is always higher than the bit rate
(d) baud rate is not constant
(e) None of these
Ans : (e)
540.Information retrieval is fastest from
(a) floppy disk
(b) magnetic tape
(c) hard disc
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
541.The process of entering data into a storage
(a) adds to the contents of the location
(b) cause variation in its address number
(c) is known as a readout operation
(d) is destructive of previous contents
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
542.Which of the following topologies is highly
(a) Star
(c) Fully connected (b) bus
mesh (d) All of
(e) None of these these
Ans : (c)
543.Which of the following topologies is not
broadcast type?
(a) Star
(c) Ring (b) bus
(e) None of these (d) Tree
Ans : (c)
544.A magnetic tape volume that is used on a
data processing operation without any change
to its contents is
(a) magnetic
(b) punched paper
(c) master tape
(e) None of
(d) card reader
Ans : (c)
545.A device that both transmits and receives
data, is
(a) transducer
(b) trapdoor
(c) translator
(d) transceiver
(e) None of these

60 MCQs Papers
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Ans : (d)
546.Which of the following is an abbreviation for
a hardware programming language?
(a) AHPL
(c) ACM (b) AFL
(e) None of these (d) APL
Ans : (a)
547.Which of the following is a mechanism for
separating continuous fan folded paper used in
fine printers?
(a) Buffering
(c) Bug (b) Burster
(e) None of these (d) Card reader
Ans : (b)
548.A group of signal lines used to transmit data
in parallel from one element of a computer to
another is
(a) control bus
(c) databus (b) address bus
(e) None of these (d) network
Ans : (c)
549.Allocator and manager of memory in an
operating system is
(a) keyboard
(c) kernel (b) key punch
(e) None of these (d) kludge
Ans : (c)
550.A used defined block of pixels that can be
placed anywhere on the screen is
(a) sprite
(c) spooling (b) stack
(e) None of these (d) station
Ans : (a)
551.In acquiring new mainframe hardware, an
(a) may choose to rent a machine since this is
the least expensive acquisition method
(b) may buy the equipment to reduce the risk
of technological obsolescence
(c) may lease a machine in order to avoid a
large purchase price
(d) may choose to build its own system from
bins of integrated circuits
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
552.Which of the following is not a factor
affecting the processing capability or
performance of a PC system?
(a) The clock speed of the microprocessor
(b) The revolution per minute of the printer
(c) The primary storage capacity of the
(d) The built-in instruction set available to the
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
(a) are found at thousands of sites around the
(b) can now fit on a single silicon chip
(c) are usually designed to process accounting
(d) are not fast enough for some applications
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
554.Which hole is used to mark the location of
the first sector in a soft-sectored disk?
(a) Address (b) Location
61 MCQs Papers
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(c) Index (d) Label
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
555.A data item which is not broken down into
smaller units is
(a) data element
(b) elementary data item
(c) data entry
(d) database management
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
556.A language based on graphics for use in
education is
(c) COBOL (b) LOGO
(e) None of these (d) expansibility
Ans : (b)
557.Codes which do not require to be frequently
updated also promote user efficiency due to
(a) simplicity
(c) stability (b) sortability
(e) None of these (d) expansibility
Ans : (c)
558.Which of the following is a data
communication link that connects more than
two stations, nodes, etc.?
(a) Multipoint connection
(b) Multipoint line
(c) Multiple chain
(d) Multilinked
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
559.Which of the following is a particular form
of magnetic tape cartridge?
(a) Card punch
(c) Digital (b) Optical mark
cassette reader
(e) None of (d) Punched paper
these tape
Ans : (c)
560.The ability of a subsystem to be substituted
for the originally designated equipment is
(a) versatility
(c) reliability
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
561.A machine associated with card-based data
processing is
(a) Codomain
(c) Cartridge (b) Collator
(e) None of these (d) Digitizer
Ans : (b)
562.Which is computer input
(a) CIM (b) CIR
(c) BCS (d) CAM
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
563.A framework in which circuit boards can be
mounted is
(a) card cage
(c) cache (b) motherboard
(e) None of these (d) RAM
Ans : (a)
564.Which memory is used in high-performance
systems, inserted between the processor and
(a) ROM (b) SAM
62 MCQs Papers
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(c) Cache
(e) None of
(d) RAM
Ans : (c)
565.A hardware used for virtual memory
allocation is
(b) base-bound
(a) CPU
(c) controller (d) register unit
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
566.A type of memory chip whose contents
cannot be altered by writing data is
(a) RAM
(c) ROM (b) PROM
(e) None of (d)
these EPROM
Ans : (c)
567.The shifting of a program from one of the
memory addresses to another is
(a) data transmission
(b) data collection
(c) relocation
(d) database
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
568.The amount of time that is taken up in
getting data from a disk is
(a) delay time
(c) real time (b) access time
(e) None of these (d) latency
Ans : (d)
569.Most computers understand programs written
(a) natural English language
(c) any high-level programming language
(d) specific programming language
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
570.A subset of characters within a data field is
known as
(a) record
(c) data string (b) file
(e) None of these (d) bytes
Ans : (c)
571.The process used to set up a program once
the system is operational is
(a) operating system
(b) black bon
(c) boot strap
(d) utility
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
572.Which is special register which holds
machine instructions?
(a) Control unit
(b) RAM
(c) Control instruction register
(d) ALU
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
573.Which is a programming language for
military applications?
(c) C (b) CORAL
(e) None of these (d) FORTRAN
Ans : (b)
574.A way of checking the data have been moved
or stored correctly is
(a) password (b) prestel
63 MCQs Papers
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(c) parity
(e) None of these (d) modem
Ans : (c)
575.An input device with a joystick is
(a) punched card (b) paddle
(c) magnetic tape (d) magnetic disk
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
576._________is a large computer of which
peripherals are mounted in a frame.
(a) Micro
computer (b) Main frame
(c) Mini computer (d) Super
(e) None of these computer
Ans : (b)
577.Translator of a high-level language into the
object code is called
(a) interpreter
(c) compiler (b) application
(e) None of program
these (d) assembler
Ans : (c)
578.An assembly language is a division of
(a) Binary language
(b) low-level language
(c) high-level language
(d) machine-language
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
579.A built-in number that identifies a location in
storage is known as
(a) location
(b) register
(c) address
(d) accumulator
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
580.A sequence of one or more characters is
(a) group
(c) block
(b) string
(e) None of
(d) field
Ans : (b)
geographic wit
581.A sizeable area
al h
communication based on the telephone system
is through a
(a) local area network
(b) wide area network
(c) modulator-demodulator
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
582.The methods used by COBOL to define that
structure of a data item in terms of characters,
digits, etc. is
(a) password (b) pointer
(c) picture (d) overlay
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
583.The instruction code in machine
language or
assembled which specifies the basic
operations of the CPU is
(a) machine come (b) instruction code
(c) opcode (d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
584.One megabyte is
(a) 1048576 bytes
(c) 102756 bytes
(b) 211000 bytes
(d) 81100 bytes
(e) None of these
64 MCQs Papers
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Ans : (a)
585.A secondary storage device with immediate
access to any part of the stored data is
(a) direct access device
(b) printer
(c) keyboard
(d) punched card
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
586.A computer in which data is represented by a
continuously variable physical quantity is
(a) digital computer
(b) analog computer
(c) hybrid computer
(d) machine-in-build computer
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
587.The basic unit within a computer store
capable of holding a single unit of data is
(a) register
(c) control unit (b) ALU
(e) None of these (d) store location
Ans : (b)
588.A group of characters used to identify a
given low-level instruction is
(a) file
(c) key field (b) record
(e) None of these (d) label
Ans : (d)
589.A location which is sometimes protected,
used for specific purposes only is
(a) control unit (b) CPU
(c) register (d) memory
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
590.The working principles of today’s computers
were provided by an English mathematician
(a) Charles (b) Dr.
Babbage Hollerith
(c) Donald Reach (d) Ken Reidcr
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
591.A group of characters treated as an entity
within some computer is a
(a) block
(c) word (b) pack
(e) None of (d) All of
these these
Ans : (c)
592.A device used to bring information into a
computer is
(a) ALU
(b) input
(c) control unit
(e) None of
(d) output
Ans : (b)
593.The part of a computer system that enables
human operators to communicate with the
computer is
(a) control unit
(c) console
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
594.A digital device that processes data is known
(a) data
processor (b) data
(c) DBMS entry
(e) None of (d)
these database
Ans : (a)

65 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
595.The part of the total storage of a computer
from which instructions are executed is
(a) secondary storage
(b) main storage
(c) RAM
(d) CPU
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
596.An optical input device that interprets pencil
marks on paper media is
(a) O.M.R
(c) optical
(b) punch card
(e) None of
(d) magnetic tape
Ans : (a)
597.A pen shaped device which can sense light,
and is used to point at spots on a video screen
is a
(a) mouse
(c) joystick
(b) light pen
(e) None of
(d) plotter
Ans : (b)
598.Which of the following is a non volatile
(a) PROM
(b) magnetic tape
(c) magnetic bubble memory
(d) RAM
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
599.Which of the following can be used to
control the movement of a cursor on a video
(a) Mouse (b) OCR
(c) Card punch (d) joystick
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
600.In digital computer, all the expressions are
coded into
(a) Octal digits
(b) Binary digits
(c) Hexadecimal digits
(d) decimal digits
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
601.The display size of the typical visual display
screen is
(a) 80 columns wide by 24
(b) 40 columns wide by 20
(c) 15 columns wide by 10
(d) 60 columns wide by 30
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
602.The only language understood by a digital
computer is called
(a) assembly language
(b) high level language
(c) low level
(d) Binary language
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
603.Which operating system was produced by C
(a) UDI/OS
(b) PC-
(c) UNIX
(e) None of
(d) CP/M-
Ans : (c)

66 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
604.A memory that does not change its contents
without external causes is known as
(a) dynamic memory (b) static memory
(c) RAM
(e) None of these (d) EEPROM
Ans : (b)
605.IBM-PC is an example of
(b) machine-in-
(a) a main frame built
(c) micro computer (d) special
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
606.The personnel which deal with the computer
and its management put together is known as
(a) firm ware
(c) software (b) human
(e) None of ware
these (d) hardware
Ans : (b)
607.What is the maximum number that can be
represented with 8 bits?
(a) 256
(c) 128 (b)
(e) None of 254
these (d) 64
Ans : (a)
608.Which of the following computer language is
used for artificial intelligence?
(c) C (b)
(e) None of PROLOG
these (d) COBOL
Ans : (b)
609.A magnetic storage device in which data is
stored on a cylindrical drum, subdivided into
tracks is known as
(a) punched card (b) magnetic disk
(c) magnetic card (d) drum
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
610.Temporary storage used to compensate for a
difference in the speed of data flow is
(a) main memory
(c) protocol (b) buffer
(e) None of these (d) RAM
Ans : (b)
611.Which is a unit representing the number bits
of discrete?
(a) Baud
(c) bit (b) byte
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (a)
612.Any storage device added to a computer
beyond the immediately usable main storage
is known as
(a) floppy disk
(c) backing store (b) hard disk
(e) None of these (d) punched card
Ans : (c)
613.The way a computer is designed is
known as
(a) assembler (b) application
(c) architecture (d) utility
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
614.A device in which information is stored by
means of small electrical charges is
(a) charge coupled device
(b) light pen
(c) plotter
(d) joystick
67 MCQs Papers
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(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
615.A computer peripheral that prints one line of
output at a time is known as
(a) dot matrix printer
(b) daisy wheel printer
(c) line printer
(d) serial printer
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
616.Data processing computer built to
conventional architectural is known as
(a) super computer
(b) mainframe computer
(c) micro computer
(d) mini computer
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
617.Which is an electronic device that can store
temporarily a single bit of data?
(a) Accumulator
(c) Memory (b) Buffer
(e) None of these (d) Latch
Ans : (d)
618.Which of the following languages is usually
implemented with an interpreter?
(e) None of these (d) COBOL
Ans : (a)
619.Which method is used to connect a remote
(a) Device (b) Dialup
(c) Diagnostic (d) Logic circuit
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
620.Which circular transparent disk has a pattern
of a radial bars printed on it?
(a) Milk disk
(c) Hard disk (b) Optical disk
(e) None of these (d) Mini disk
Ans : (a)
621.A device that converts one type of signal into
another is called
(a) modem
(c) punched paper (b) transducer
tape (d) punched
(e) None of these card
Ans : (b)
622.An operating system intended for use on
microprocessor based systems that support a
single user is
(a) PC-DOS
(c) UNIX (b) MS-DOS
(e) None of these (d) CP/M
Ans : (d)
623.A common boundary between two systems is
(a) interdiction
(c) intradiction (b) interface
(e) None of these (d) surface
Ans : (b)
624.An index register that is automatically
incremented or decremented with each use is
(a) auto index
(b) asynchronous
(c) assembler
(d) compiler
(e) None of these

68 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
Ans : (a)
625.Which is standard interface made up of 100
parallel common communication lines?
(a) RS 232
(c) RS 256 (b) S-100 bus
(e) None of these (d) CP/100
Ans : (b)
626.A set of commands used to extract data from
a database meeting certain specified criteria is
(a) assembly language
(b) query language
(c) machine language
(d) high-level language
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
627.The report card and merit list forms the
(a) output data
(b) data processing
(c) central processing
(d) input data
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
628.Which is an input device?
(a) Tape puhcher
(b) Teleprocessing terminal
(c) Card puncher
(d) Optical printer
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
629.A device converting handwritten
impressions coded characters and
positional co-ordinates for input to a computer
(a) touch panel
(c) wand (b) mouse
(e) None of these (d) writing tablet
Ans : (d)
630.Programmed instructions to the computer is
known as
(a) data
(b) code
(d) database
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
631.A local storage register which contains the
address of the next instruction to be executed
(a) accumulator
(c) buffer (b) address register
(e) None of these (d) memory
Ans : (b)
632.The organization and interconnection of the
various components of a computer system is
(a) architecture
(c) graphics
(b) networks
(e) None of
(d) designing
Ans : (a)
633.An output medium that produces verbal
responses from the computer system is known
(a) audit trail
(c) monitor (b) printer
(e) None of (d) audit
these response
Ans : (d)
634.Which printer uses a combination of laserbeam and electro photographic techniques?
69 MCQs Papers
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(a) Laser (b) Dot-
printers Matrix
(c) Line printer (d) Daisy
(e) None of wheel
Ans : (a)
635.The part of a machine level instruction which
tells the central processor what has to be done
is known as
(a) opcode
(c) CPU
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
636.A system program which helps the execution
of user programs is known as
(a) system software
(b) application program
(c) batch operating system
(d) utilities
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
637.A metal disk coated with ferromagnetic
substance for storing data is
(a) hard disk
(c) floppy disk (b) magnetic
(e) None of tape
these (d) card punch
Ans : (a)
638.A memory device in which a location is
identified by its contents rather than by name
is known as
(a) buffer
(b) magnetic tape
(c) associative storage
(d) punched card
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
639.Off-line operation is the operation of devices
without the control of
(a) memory
(c) ALU (b) CPU
(e) None of (d) control
these unit
Ans : (b)
640.A storage device which is used to store data
and information external to the main storage is
known as
(a) buffer
(c) PROM (b) backing
(e) None of storage
these (d) accumulator
Ans : (b)
641.Software that is loaded into a computer
primary storage area is known as
(a) memory-resident package
(b) file management system
(c) electronic spread sheet program
(d) utilities
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
642.A memory space used for the temporary
storage of data is
(a) PROM
(c) scratchpad
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
643.A prewritten program that is said to perform
a common task is called an application
(a) system (b)
software package
(c) utilities (d)
(e) None of these program

70 MCQs Papers
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Ans : (b)
644.Which function of a computer is responsible
for permanent storage of data?
(a) storage
(c) CPU (b) output
(e) None of these (d) memory
Ans : (a)
645.Which of the following is a displayed listing
of program option that users can select?
(a) Menu
(c) Data item (b) Block
(e) None of these (d) File
Ans : (a)
646.What digits are representative of all binary
(a) 0
(c) Both (a) and
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
647.Which type device is a piece of equipment
that receives information from a CPU?
(a) Input
(c) CPU (b) Output
(e) None of these (d) Memory
Ans : (b)
648.The 0 and 1 in the binary numbering system
are called binary digits or
(a) bytes
(c) decimal bytes (b) kilobytes
(e) None of these (d) bits
Ans : (d)
649.Hard disks are formatted in the same manner
as floppy disks. However, before a hard disk
can be formatted, it must first be
(a) partitioned
(c) deleted (b) sectioned
(e) None of these (d) inter-sectioned
Ans : (a)
650.Which type of RAM works like a series of
small switches? (Once a switch is set to ON, it
says on until the computer changes it)
(a) Dynamic
(c) Video (b)
(e) None of Static
these (d) RW
Ans : (b)
651.Which type of memory is for information
that DOES CHANGE on your computer?
(a) RAM
(c) ERAM (b) ROM
(e) None of (d)
these RW/RAM
Ans : (a)
652.A computer that is capable of parallel
processing is computer
(a) host
(c) mainframe (b)
(e) None of parallel
these (d) micro
Ans : (b)
653.The various states in which a computer
system may be operating is called
(a) execution (b) execution states
(c) execution phase
(d) execution step
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
654.The time interval between successive
elements of a discrete time signal
(a) access time (b) seek time
(c) real time (d) epoch

71 MCQs Papers
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(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
655.Any system that uses a computer as a
component but whose prime function is not
that of a computer is
(a) distributed system
(b) KPS
(c) embedded computer system
(d) AL
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
656.Which of the following time will normally be
determined by the requirements of the device
to which the transfer is being made?
(a) Access
(c) Hold
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
657.A method used to refer to data that is located
in an address field of an instruction in
(a) indirect
(c) immediate (b) implied
(e) None of (d) register
these indexed
Ans : (c)
658.A mechanism for arranging controlled access
to a shared resource is
(a) retrieving
(c) balleting (b) sorting
(e) None of (d) lock-
these out
Ans : (d)
659.The most widely used logic programming
language is
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
660.How much megabyte of data is typically
stores in bubble device?
(a) 6
(c) 10
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
661.Which of the following is another name for
tape transport?
(a) Core memory
(b) Card punch
(c) Tape drive unit
(d) Magnetic disk
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
662.A data structure consisting of several fields,
some or all of which are instances of the same
data structure, is called
(a) field
(c) database (b) bead
(e) None of (d) data
these collection
Ans : (b)
663.A mass storage device on which information
is stored and read by a laser is
(a) ROM
(c) EROM (b) PROM
(e) None of (d) laser
these memory
Ans : (c)
664.Which of the following is a device to
combine into a single module a set of program
instructions that have been independently
72 MCQs Papers
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(a) Mouse
(c) Linkage
(b) Modem
(d) Light
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
665.During the data gathering phase of the
system analysis step
(a) program flow-charts are often prepared
(b) the system design specifications are outline
(c) a number of specialized forms may be
(d) a standards manual is of little use
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
666.Most computers have secondary storage
devices that are connected to the processor
and are thus able to accept data directly from
and return data directly to the processor.
(a) special
(c) off-line (b) online
(e) None of these (d) multi
Ans : (b)
667.Which of the following is a term meaning
that if a particular program is given bad data
for input it will produce bad results for
(a) FIFO (b) LOGO
(c) ADA (d) GIGO
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
668.A device which uses magnetic tape
cartridges to read or record information
340,000 alphanumeric characters per
(b) hypertape
(a) magnetic tape
(c) card punch (d) magnetic disk
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
669.A multiuser super micro system
(a) uses 6-bit data buses
(b)can not use the same type of
microprocessor chips found in single user
(c) can handle a number of processing tasks
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
670.An 8-bit unit used to code data is called a
(a) word
(c) K (b) data set
(e) None of these (d) byte
Ans : (d)
671.A parity bit
(a) is a check bit added to each 7 to 8-bit
characters represented in-storage
(b) is what farmers use to get grain prices
(c) always produces an odd number of 1 bits
in a stored character
(d) is used to detect human keying errors
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
672.Which of the following high speed nonimpact printers are fast enough to print the
entire book in about 1 minute?
(a) Laser
(c) Page (b) Dot-
(e) None of matrix
these (d) Line
Ans : (c)

73 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
673.Which of the following parts is of an
operator console?
(a) Keyboard
(b) Control panel
(c) Printer
(d) CPU
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
674.A software package that controls the timing
and operation of control devices is
(a) application software
(b) device driver
(c) system software
(d) utilities
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
675.A random-access data storage device which
give rapid access to data is
(a) magnetic tape
(b) punched
(c) disk storage
(d) buffer
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
676.The updating of master files to reflect the
effects of current transactions is
(a) file processing
(c) front-end- (b) database
processor (d) direct
(e) None of these processing
Ans : (a)
677.A main control computer in a network of
(a) PC (b) mini computer
(c) host computer (d) micro
(e) None of these computer
Ans : (c)
678.Pick out the correct definition of buffer
(a) buffer is a hardware device that stores data
outside the CPU
(b) the buffer is the portion of the CPU
memory which stores the program
(c) buffer is a temporary storage between the
CPU memory and a peripheral device
(d) buffer is a device to convert input data into
a computer readable from
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
679.A network designed for data transmission
and capable of carrying all types of traffic is
(a) ISDN
(c) LAN (b) MAN
(e) None of these (d) WAN
Ans : (a)
680.How many bits of microprocessor are used in
personal computer?
(a) 8 (b) 6
(c) 16
(e) None of these (d) 64
Ans : (c)
681.The CPU speed of a mini computer is
approximately………..kilo instructions per
(a) 2500
(c) 6400
(b) 500
(d) 1024
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
682.A device that is moved by hand to indicate a
precise position on a digital data tablet is
(a) light pen (b) mouse
74 MCQs Papers
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(c) joystick (d) plotter
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
683.A copy of the contents of all the work space
associated with a process is
(a) dump
(b) dyadic
(c) dual processor
(d) dump
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
684.An allocation that is made dynamically is
(a) dynamic data structure
(b) echo check
(c) dynamic allocation
(d) dynamic programming
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
685.A computer based system for the storage,
cataloging and retrieval of documents is
(a) electronic filling
(b) polynomial
(c) effective enumeration
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
686.An operating system that is intended to
support large numbers of interactive terminals
(a) MS-DOS
(c) EM AS (b) XENIC
(e) None of these (d) CP/M
Ans : (c)
bui t
687.Data processing computer
lt o
conventional architecture is known as
(a) super
(c) micro (b) mainframe
computer computer
(e) None of (d) mini computer
Ans : (d)
688.The 3 functional elements of a digital
computer are input device, output device and
(a) ALU
(c) CPU (b) register unit
(e) None of these (d) control unit
Ans : (c)
689.A file needed for updating a master
file is
(a) sequential (b) transaction
(c) random (d) serial
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
690.Which of the following is a computer
hardware description language?
(a) ADA (b) APL
(c) CHDL (d)
(e) None of these LOGO
Ans : (c)
691.The system that is used for serial
transmission of data
(a) RS 232
(b) MS-
(c) PC-DOS
(e) None of these
(d) CP/M
Ans : (a)
692.A system that is designed to make a tape or
disk sense from copying is
(a) protocol
(c) queue (b) protection
(e) None of (d) All of
these these
Ans : (b)

75 MCQs Papers
Shakthii Academy
693.The first high level language used for the
IBM PC compatible is
(c) PILOT (b)
(e) None of COBOL
these (d) BASIC
Ans : (d)
694.Which of the following is the largest and
most powerful computer manufacturer in the
(a) IBM
(c) Novel (b) Intel
(e) None of (d)
these Microsoft
Ans : (a)
695.A method of coding BINARY numbers as a
set of thick and thin lines on paper is
(a) encoder
(b) bar
(c) mnemonics
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
696.The cassette that is primarily intended for
recording sound which will note be ideal for
the recording of digital data is
(a) card
(c) audio (b) tape puncher
cassette (d) optical mark
(e) None of reader
Ans : (c)
697.Any set of data that must be preserved over a
long period is known as
(a) memory
(c) buffer (b) archive
(e) None of (d)
these accumulator
Ans : (b)
698.The central processor of a modern digital
consists of
(a) control unit
(c) register unit (b) primary
(e) None of memory
these (d) All of these
Ans : (c)
699.A typical modern computer uses
(a) magnetic cores
(b) LSI chips
(c) magnetic tapes
(d) more than 1000 vacuum tubes
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
700.The basic components of a modern digital
computer are
(a) CPU
(c) output (b) input
device device
(e) None of (d) All of
these these
Ans : (d)
701.A break in the normal flow of processing is
(a) hung
(c) interrupt (b)
(e) None of crash
these (d) hit
Ans : (c)
702.Which of the following is used to translate
data into a coded representation?
(a) Compiler
(c) Modem (b)
(e) None of Interpreter
these (d) Encode
Ans : (d)
703.A vertically aligned set of tracks on a disk
pack is known as
(a) cluster (b) surface
(c) cylinder (d) panel

76 MCQs Papers
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(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
704.A computer assisted method for the
recording and analyzing of existing
hypothetical systems is known as
(a) distributed processing
(b) data transmission
(c) data ink
(d) data flow
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
705.Which of the following is used on domestic
tape recorders, designed for use in
(a) punched card
(b) cassette tape
(c) Magnetic disk
(d) Punched paper tape
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
706.Which of the following is a self learning
(a) CAI (Computer-Aided Instruction)
(b) CAD (Computer-Aided Design)
(c) CAL (Computer-Aided Learning)
(d) DTP(Desk Top Publishing)
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
707.The process of combining strings are known
(a) compiler
(b) concatenation
(c) interpreter
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
708.Which is a term used to express the condition
that if program is not properly fed then no
results would be obtained?
(a) CIR (b) CAL
(c) CAD (d) GIGO
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
709.Which of the following is a device for
collecting data recorded as holes in
prepunched cards?
(a) Mouse (b) Plotter
(c) Badge reader (d) Light pen
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
710.A device used to measure the circuit density
of a chip is
(a) light pen
(c) LSI (b) mouse
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (c)
711.Which of the following is the smallest
(a) Mini computer
(b) Super computer
(c) Micro computer
(d) Mainframe computer
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
712.A device used with a computer to display or
store data is called
(a) instruction
(b) operand
(c) peripheral
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

77 MCQs Papers
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Ans : (c)
713.A device attached by the operator to a spool
of magnetic tape when writing is to take place
(a) light pen
(c) write ring (b) plotter
(e) None of these (d) magnetic disk
Ans : (c)
714.A family of languages specially developed
for children is
(a) LISP
(c) LOGO (b) APL
(e) None of these (d) ADA
Ans : (c)
715.The mechanical, magnetic, electronic and
electrical devices from which a computer is
fabricated is called
(a) magnetic core
(c) hardware (b) firm ware
(e) None of these (d) software
Ans : (a)
716.A file of records used to update the master
file is known as
(a) transaction file
(b) random access file
(c) sequential file
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
717.A unit of data contained in the field of a
record is
(a) item
(b) documentation
(c) field
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
718.Which of the following s an odd word?
(a) Printer
(c) Magnetic tape (b) Floppy disc
(e) None of these (d) Loader
Ans : (d)
719.A compact, enclosed package of magnetic
tape that uses V inch tape and records 1600
bits per inch is a
(a) cassette (b) drum
(c) cartridge (d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
720.A software package to implement a data base
(a) system analysis
(c) database (b) DBMS
(e) None of these (d) DASD
Ans : (a)
721.The place where the data or information is
stored for a short time is
(a) buffer
(c) control unit (b) memory
(e) None of these (d) ALU
Ans : (a)
722.The item required to position a head over the
proper track is known as
(a) real time
(c) seek time (b) access time
(e) None of these (d) time sharing
Ans : (c)
723.A subdivision of a track on a magnetic disk
or drum is
78 MCQs Papers
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(a) surface
(c) tape deck (b) sector
(e) None of these (d) scratch tape
Ans : (b)
724.Which part of computer performs functions
similar to the cerebrums of the cardiac and
nervous system of a human body?
(a) ALU
(c) CPU (b) Input device
(e) None of these (d) Control unit
Ans : (c)
725.The memory capacity of a computer is
represented in
(a) memory chips
(c) kilo bit (b) kilobyte
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
726.The connection where wires are attached to a
modem, serial printer in
(a) serial
(b) serial port
(c) stake
(e) None of these (d) network
Ans : (b)
727.Which of the following is the most important
part of a computer?
(a) Keyboard (b) Memory
(c) Register unit
unit (d) CPU
(e) None of
Ans : (d)
728.Which of the following of is an impact
(a) Daisy wheel (b) Ink-jet
(c) Plotter printer
(e) None of (d) Laser
these printer
Ans : (a)
729.A binary digit, which can have a value of 0
to 1 is
(a) byte
(c) decimal (b) bit
(e) None of (d)
these octal
Ans : (b)
730.COBOL is a
(a) assembly language
(b) machine language
(c) high level
(d) low level language
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
731.The symbols used in an assembly language
(a) codes
(c) assembler (b) mnemonics
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
732.The most important output device in a
computer system is
(a) CPU (b) magnetic disk
(c) hard-copy device
(d) card punch
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
733.Which of the following programs give
about operations inside the
(a) system
(c) Utility
(b) Application
(d) Compiler
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
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734.Which of the following is (are) secondary
(a) Magnetic
(b) Floppy
(c) Cassette
(d) All of
(e) None of
Ans : (d)
735.Most of the computers available today are
known as
(a) 3rd generation computers
(b) 4th generation computers
(c) 5th generation computers
(d) 6th generation computers
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
736.Which of the following is used as “Input
device” for the computer?
(a) Printer (b) VDU
(c) TV (d) Light pen
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
737.What differences does the 5th
computers have from other generation
(a) Technological advancement
(b) Scientific code
(c) Object Oriented Programming
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
738.A path linking 2 hardware or tele
communication units down which data
control signals can be transmitted is
(a) modulation
(c) channel (d) signaling
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
739.The first generation of computers available
was based on the bit micro processors are
(a) 4
(c) 16 (b) 8
(e) None of (d)
these 64
Ans : (b)
740.A generalised software package produced to
meet the bugs of a variety of data processing
users is known as
(a) utility programs
(b) system software
(c) operating system
(d) application package
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
741.Codes consisting of light and dark marks
which may be optically read is known as
(a) mnemonics (b) bar code
(c) decoder (d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
742.The main computer in a network is called
(a) host processor
(b) front-end processor
(c) commentator
(d) KIPS
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
743.A compiler means
(a) a person who compiles source programs
(b) the same thing as a programmer
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(c) keypunch operator
(d) a program which translates source program
into object program
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
744.Which of the following language is more
suited to a structured program?
(a) PU1
(c) BASIC (b)
(e) None of FORTRAN
these (d) PASCAL
Ans : (d)
745.Which of the following language is not well
suited for computation?
(c) Machine (b)
(e) None of FORTRAN
these (d) C
Ans : (c)
746.Which of the following languages is not well
suited for business applications?
(a) PL/1
(c) COBOL (b)
(e) None of Assembly
these (d) APL
Ans : (b)
747.A disk with usable recording surfaces on
each side is known as
(a) hard disk (b) single-sided disk
(c) double-sided disk (d) high capacity
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
748.The time for which a process has been
receiving service from the processor is
(a) access time
(c) down time (b) CPU time
(e) None of (d) CPU
these Cycle
Ans : (b)
749.Which programming language is much in
vogue among users of microcomputers?
(c) LOGO (b) APL
(e) None of (d)
these FORTH
Ans : (d)
750.A table within a computer that contains a
mapping between logical page addresses and
physical page addresses is
(a) truth table
(c) page table (b) paging
(e) None of (d)
these padding
Ans : (c)
751.Which is a swapping device used to hold the
images of pages in main memory?
(a) Plex
(c) Card punch (b) Paging drum
(e) None of (d) Optical mark
these reader
Ans : (b)
752.The examination and changing of single bits
or small groups of these within a word is
(a) bit
(c) bit (b) byte
manipulation (d) bit
(e) None of these slice
Ans : (c)
753.A language used for expressing program
designs is known as
(a) APL
(c) PL/1 (b) PDL
(e) None of (d)
these SNOBOL
Ans : (b)

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754.An input device that transfers information
from the punched card to the computer’s
memory is
(a) cassette tape (b) card
(c) card reader (d) magnetic disk
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
755.One million bytes of information is
abbreviated as
(a) Bit (b) MB
(c) KB (d) GB
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
756.Which is the part of a computer system that
enables human operators to communicate with
the computer?
(a) Console
(c) Printer (b)
(e) None of Keyboard
these (d) CPU
Ans : (a)
757.High-level languages are not concerned with
computer but with
(a) assembler
(c) compiler (b) machine
(e) None of code
these (d) All of these
Ans : (a)
758.An instruction that transfers program control
to one or more possible paths is known as
(a) utility program
(b) system software
(c) broadband channel
(d) application program
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
759.The process of writing computer instructions
in a programming language is known as
(a) coding
(e) None of
(d) file
Ans : (a)
760.Which input device is able to scan and
interpret an entire page that is typed in a
special font?
(a) Floppy disk
(c) Paper tape (b) Page reader
punch (d) Optical card
(e) None of these readers
Ans : (b)
761.An input device that is able to interpret
combinations of marks that represent data is
known as
(a) optical mark reader
(b) mouse
(c) card punch
(d) punch bar-code reader
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
762.A memory in which the information is stored
last is on top and is retrieved first is known as
(a) PROM
(c) Stack (b) Buffer
(e) None of these (d) RAM
Ans : (c)
763.The memory stees in mainframe computers
and advanced technology micro computers are
expressed as
(a) bytes
(b) kilo-bytes
(c) bits
(d) megabytes
(e) None of these

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Ans : (d)
764.The invention of the slide rule is attributed to
(a) Babbage
(c) Pascal (b) Oughtred
(e) None of these (d) Napier
Ans : (b)
765.Pick out the wrong statement
(a) information stored in RAM can be changed
by over writing it
(b) information stored in ROM cannot be
changed by over-writing
(c) information can be stored in any location
of RAM
(d) computer main memory can be accessed
only sequentially
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
766.The purpose of an application program is to
(a) convert program written in high level
language to machine language
(b) meet specific user needs
(c) allow the operating system to control
resources better
(d) make off-line equipment run better
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
767.A medium for transferring data between two
locations is called
(a) network
(b) communication channel
(c) modem
(d) bus
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
768.A place in a computer memory which stores
a unit of information is
(a) buffer
(c) memory (b)
(e) None of accumulator
these (d) location
Ans : (d)
769.A by-bits word length computer with very
high speed CPU and 64 MB main memory is
(a) minicomputer
(b) super computer
(c) mainframe computer
(d) micro computer
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
770.A two-or-three character code used in
teletypewriter systems to activate a particular
machine is known as
(a) gray code
(c) call-directing (b) bar code
code (d)
(e) None of these mnemonics
Ans : (c)
771.Which is a high level computer language that
is often used by children?
(c) LOGO (b) A PL
(e) None of these (d) PL/1
Ans : (c)
772.Which of the following methods is of reading
the characters and providing input to a
(a) Optical character reader
(b) Punched paper tape
(c) Card punch
(d) Magnetic ink character
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(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
773.When you enter text in a cell in Excel, it also
appears in the………..
(a) status bar
(c) row heading (b) formula bar
(e) None of these (d) name box
Ans : (b)
774.Which elements of a Word document can be
displayed in colour?
(a) Only graphics
(b) Only text
(c) Only the first word of each line
(d) All elements, but only if you have a colour
(e) All elements
Ans : (e)
775.Workbook is a collection of………
(a) Page Setup
(c) Diagrams (b) Buttons
(e) Worksheets (d) Charts
Ans : (e)
776. ………appear at the bottom of the Excel
(a) Sheet tabs
(c) Formula bar (b) Name box
(e) None of these (d) Title bar
Ans : (e)
777.EPROM stands for………..
Erasable Programmable
(b) Electronic Programmable Read-Only
(c) Enterprise Programmable Read-Only
(d) Extended Programmable Read-Only
(e) Electrical Programmable Read-Only
Ans : (a)
778.The technology that stores only the essential
instructions on a microprocessor chip and thus
enhances its speed is referred to as………..
(a) CISC
(c) CD-ROM (b) RISC
(e) MISC (d) Wi-Fi
Ans : (e)
779.Which is not a basic function of a
(a) Store data (b) Accept data
(c) Process data (d) Copy text
(e) Accept and Process data
Ans : (d)
780.ASCII is a coding system that provides…….
(a) 256 different characters
(b) 512 different characters
(c) 1024 different characters
(d) 128 different characters
(e) 1000 different characters
Ans : (d)
781.Which part of the computer is directly
involved in executing the instructions of the
computer program?
(a) The scanner
(b) The main storage
(c) The secondary storage
(d) The printer
(e) The processor
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Ans : (e)
782.When the computer is switched on, the
booting process performs the………..
(a) Integrity Test
(b) Power-On Self-Test
(c) Correct Functioning Test
(d) Reliability Test
(e) Shut-down
Ans : (b)
783.InWord, the feature that automatically
detects common errors is called…………
(a) Autocorrect
(b) Autograph
(c) Spelling and Grammar
(d) Goto
(e) Thesaurus
Ans : (a)
784.A computer system that is old and perhaps
not satisfactory is referred to as a(n)_____
(a) Ancient
(b) Historical
(c) Age-old
(d) Legacy system
(e) Legal system
Ans : (d)
785.Which of the following is not a binary
(a) 001 (b) 101
(c) 202 (d) 110
(e) 011
Ans : (c)
786.Which of the following does not store data
(a) ROM (b) RAM
(c) Floppy (d) Hard
Disk Disk
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
787.Which of the following is the smallest
(a) Megabyte
(c) Kilobyte
(e) Nano
Ans : (c)
788.Which menu enables the user to choose
(a) View
(c) Insert (b) Format
(e) Help (d) Edit
Ans : (a)
789.By viewing the properties of the local hard
disk of a computer, the user can find out…….
(a) the amount of space that has been used up
and the remaining free space on the disk
(b) the name of the user viewing the properties
of the disk
(c) Nothing useful to the user
(d) The number of programs available in the
(e)None of these
Ans : (a)
790.Pre-defined and built-in formulas in Excel
are known as……….
(a) Autosheets
(b) Diagrams
(c) Charts
(d) Tables
(e) Functions
Ans : (e)
791.Which of the following contains permanent
data and gets updated during the processing of
85 MCQs Papers
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(a) Operating System File
(b) Transaction File
(c) Software File
(d) Master File
(e) Any File
Ans : (b)
792.The keyboard shortcut to center selected text
in Word is
(a) Ctrl + Esc
(b) Ctrl + C
(c) Alt + C
(d) There is no keyboard shortcut for this
(e) Ctrl + E
Ans : (e)
793.Which of the following helps to protect
floppy disks from data getting accidentally
(a) access notch
(b) Write-protect
(c) entry notch
(e) None of these
(d) input notch
Ans : (b)
794.A modem is connected to……….
(a) a telephone line (b) a keyboard
(c) a printer (d) a monitor
(e) a scanner
Ans : (a)
795.Large transaction processing systems in
automated organizations use………….
(a) Online Processing
(b) Batch Processing
(c) Once-a-Day Processing
(d) End-of-a Day Processing
(e) Once-a-week Processing
Ans : (b)
796.Which Excel feature enables predefined
layouts to selected tables in the worksheet?
(a) Autoformat
(b) Header and Footers
(c) Undo and Redo
(d) Spelling and Grammar
(e) Autograph
Ans : (a)
797.Which of the following is hardware and not
(a) Power Point
(b) Printer
(c) ALU
(e) Operating
(d) Excel
Ans : (c)
798.What is the default file extension for all word
(a) TXT
(c) FIL (b) WRD
(e) None of these (d) DOC
Ans : (d)
799.The octal system…………
(a) needs less digits to represent a number than
in the binary-system
(b) needs more digits to represent a number
than in the binary system
(c) needs the same number of digits to
represent a number as in the binary system
(d) needs the same number of digits to
represent a number as in the decimal
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
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800.When you scroll through a document, the
………….does not move.
(a) I-beam
(c) page (b) scroll bar
(e) None of these (d) insertion point
Ans : (a)
801.Which of the following is not a term
pertaining to the Internet?
(a) Link
(c) Browser (b) Hyperlink
(e) Mouse (d) Search Engine
Ans : (e)
802.A set of formats that has a name and can be
quickly applied to selected text is called
(a) font (b) style
(c) feature (d) finish
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
803.You can show an entire page or
pages at the same time
(b) Draft
(a) Word
(c) Zoom
(e) Hide page
Ans : (c)
804.When browsing the World Wide Web, the
browser is a………….
(a) feeder (b) server
(c) application program program
(e) client program (d) system
Ans : (c) program
805.Where is newly received email
(a) your website (b) Address-box
(c) Inbox (d) your personal laptop
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
806. …………implies a combination of audio,
video, text, animation and graphics.
(a) Special media
(b) Multiplexer
(c) Multiple
(d) Message-
(e) Multimedia
Ans : (e)
807.CD stands for…………
(a) Computer Disk (b) Contact Disk
(c) Circular Disk (d) Cold Disk
(e) Compact Disk
Ans : (e)
808.In Excel, a……….is identified by the cell in
the upper-left corner and the cell in the lowerright corner, separated by a colon.
(a) worksheet
(c) cell (b)
reference value
(e) None of (d)
these range
Ans : (d)
809.A document in a portrait prints……..
(a) The same characters per line with the same
document in landscape
(b) More characters per line than the same
document in landscape
(c) Less characters per line than the same
document in landscape.
(d) Smaller fonts in order to fit the same
amount of characters per line with
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
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810.When the mouse is moved, it causes a picture
to move on the screen which is referred to as
(a) menu
(c) pointer (b)
(e) None of icon
these (d) tab
Ans : (c)
811.Press the………key to move the insertion
point to the first cell in a row in Excel.
(a) Page Up
(b) Page
(c) Home
(e) None of
(d) Tab
Ans : (c)
812.Small programs that act on data received by
the user’s computer as part of a Web page are
(a) search engines
(c) browsers (b) servelets
(e) feedback (d) applets
Ans : (d)
813.CD and DVD drives are examples
(b) solid stage
(a) coding media
(c) zip drives
(d) printers
(e) storage devices
Ans : (c)
814.Language used in a computer that is similar
to the languages of humans and is easy to
understand is referred to as………….
(a) Source code
(b) Machine Language
(c) High level Language
(d) Object Code
(e) Assembly language
Ans : (a)
815.Which of the following is not true about
computer files?
(a) They are collections of data saved to a
storage medium.
(b) Every file has a file name
(c) A file extension is established by the user
to indicate the computer on which it was
(d) All files contain data
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
816.Which of the following is not an example of
(a) WORD
(c) Monitor (b) Printer
(e) Scanner (d) Mouse
Ans : (a)
817.The result of a formula in a cell is the
(a) label (b) value
(c) range (d) displayed value
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
818.Which of the following is not a storage
(a) hard disk
(c) DVD (b) flash drive
(e) monitor (d) CD
Ans : (e)
819.Choose the odd one out……….
(a) Micro Computer
(b) Mini Computer
(c) Super Computer
(d) Notebook Computer
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(e) Digital Computer
Ans : (c)
820.The ALU performs………operations.
(a) logic
(c) algorithm-
(d) logarithm-
(e) final
Ans : (a)
821.In a sequence of events that takes place in an
instruction cycle, the first cycle is……….
(b) Execute
(a) Store Cycle
(c) Fetch Cycle
(d) Decode
(e) Code Cycle
Ans : (c)
of the following Excel charts
represents only one value for each
(a) function (b) line
(c) pile (d) bar
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
823.To move data from one part of the document
to another, following is used……..
(a) Cut and
(b) Copy and
(c) Cut and
(d) Copy and
(e) Cut and
Ans : (a)
824.To save a document for the first time,
……..option is used.
(a) Save as
(c) Save on (b) Save
(e) None of first
these (d) Copy
Ans : (a)
825.What is a device that can change images into
codes for the computer?
(a) mouse
(c) joystick (b) printer
(e) scanner (d) keyboard
Ans : (e)
826.Two basic types of graphics used in word
2000 are :
(a) Autoshapes and ClipArt
(b) Header and Footer
(c) Drawing Objects and Pictures
(d) Spelling and Grammar
(e) Word Count
Ans : (c)
827.User can use………..commands to search for
and correct words in a document.
(a) Print and Print Preview
(b) Header and Footer
(c) Find and Replace
(d) Spelling and Grammar
(e) Copy and Paste
Ans : (c)
828.What is the advantage of using basic HTML
to create a document?
(a) HTML is very easy to use
(b) The document can displayed by all word
(c) The document can be displayed by all
(d) The document can be displayed by all
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
829.Which of the following functions is not
performed by the CPU?
(a) Graphical Display of Data
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(b) Arithmetic Calculations
(c) Managing Memory
(d) Managing Input and Output
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
830.The feature that keeps track of the right
margin is
(a) find and replace
(c) right justified (b) wordwrap
(e) ragged right (d) left justified
Ans : (d)
831.Keyboard shortcuts are used to
move the
(b) insertion
(a) I-beam
(c) scrollbar
(d) mouse
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
832.To specify margins in Word, the user has to
select Page Setup option from the………..
(a) Edit
(c) Autocorrect (b) Table
(e) Format (d) File
Ans : (e)
833.What is the name of the package which helps
to create, manipulate and analyse data
arranged in rows and columns?
(a) Application package
(b) Word processing package
(c) Outlining package
(d) Outline processors
(e) Spreadsheet package
Ans : (e)
834.What does an electronic spreadsheet consist
of?(Choose the best answer)
(a) Rows
(c) Cells (b) Columns
(e) None of (d) All of
these these
Ans : (d)
835.ROM is an example of which of the
(a) volatile memory
(b) cache
(c) nonvolatile
(d) virtual
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
836.Which part of the computer can display the
user’s work?
(a) Mouse
(c) Disk Drive (b) Keyboard
(e) None of these (d) Monitor
Ans : (d)
837.When a computer prints a report, this output
is called………….
(a) Program
(c) Hard copy (b) Soft copy
(e) None of these (d) Execution
Ans : (c)
838.The processor is a ……………chip plugged
onto the motherboard in a computer system.
(a) LSI
(c) ULSI (b) VLSI
(e) WLSI (d) XLSI
Ans : (b)
839.A register that keeps track of the
to be executed is called a
(b) Instruction
(a) Data Register

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(c) Action Register (d) Program Counter
(e) Accumulator
Ans : (b)
840.The microprocessor of a computer………..
(a) does not understand machine language
(b) understands machine language and high
level languages
(c) understands only machine language
(d) understands only high level languages
(e) understands only assembly language
Ans : (c)
841.A set of choices on the screen is called a(n) :
(a) menu
(b) reverse
(c) action plan
(e) template
(d) editor
Ans : (a)
842.Extended form of PROM is :
(a) Programmable read-Only Memory
(b) Progressive Read-Only Memory
(c) Periodic Read-Only Memory
(d) Perfect Read-Only Memory
(e) Program Read-Only Memory
Ans : (a)
843.Which of the following words is not related
with internet?
(a) Link
(c) Browser (b) Function Key
(e) Hyperlink (d) Search Engine
Ans : (b)
844.In order to make the text align with both the
left and right margins, use the ………..
(a) right (b) justify
(c) both sides (d) balanced
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
845.Full form of LSI is :
(a) Low-Scale Internet
(b) Large-Scale Internet
(c) Low-Scale Integration
(d) Large-Scale Integration
(e) Local-Scale Integration
Ans : (d)
846.Which of the following is also an active cell
in MS-Excel?
(a) current cell
(c) range (b) formulae
(e) None of these (d) cell address
Ans : (a)
847.Web cam is an :
(a) Input device
(b) Output device
(c) Processing device
(d) Input/Ouput device
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
848.Motherboard is also known as :
(a) Mouse
(b) Computer board
(c) System device
(d) Central board
(e) System board
Ans : (e)
849.To view a part of a document on screen we
use the facility of :
91 MCQs Papers
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(a) searching
(c) scrolling (b) pasting
(e) copying (d) editing
Ans : (d)
850.With the help of this feature Excel calculate
dynamically the results of data :
(a) Go to
(c) Chart (b) Table
(e) Farmula and Function (d) Diagram
Ans : (e)
851.Which type of storage is hard
(b) Volatile
(a) Non-permanent
(d) Non-
(c) Temporary
(d) None of these
Ans : (d)
852.Which of the following is a hardware not a
(a) Excel
(b) Printer
(c) Operating
(d) Power
(e) Mouse
Ans : (e)
853.Assembly language is………………
(a) Machine language
(b) High-level programming language
(c) A low-level programming language
(d) Language for assembling computers
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
854.Which of the following is not one of the
syntax rules?
(a) The order in which you list the function’s
(b) The precedence of the arguments
(c) Whether or not the function has arguments
(d) Properly spelling the function’s name
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
855.The binary system is a number system to the
base ………..
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 8 (d) 10
(e) 16
Ans : (a)
856.Which of the following is not an example of
(a) Scanner
(c) Monitor (b) Printer
(e) Interpreter (d) Mouse
Ans : (e)
857.Which contents are lost when the computer
turns off?
(a) storage
(c) output (b) input
(e) None of (d)
these memory
Ans : (d)
858.On a CD-RW you can
(a) read and write information
(b) only read information
(c) only write information
(d) read, write and rewrite information
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
859.To be able to ‘boot’, the computer must have
(a) Compiler (b) Loader
(c) Operating System (d) Assembler
92 MCQs Papers
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(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
860.This is not a function category in Excel.
(a) Logical
(c) Financial (b) Data
(e) None of Series
these (d) Text
Ans : (a)
861.In Excel, this is a prerecorded formula that
provides a shortcut for complex calculations
(a) Value (b) Data Series
(c) Function
(e) None of these (d) Field
Ans : (c)
862.The following computer’s memory is
characterized by low cost per bit
(a) Primary
(c) Hard Disk (b) Secondary
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
863.What happens when we try to delete the fries
on the floppy?
(a) The files get moved to the Recycle Bin
(b) Files on a floppy cannot be deleted
(c) The files get deleted and can be restored
again from Recycle Bin
(d) The files get deleted and cannot be restored
(e) The file gets copied on the Hard disk
Ans : (d)
864.In word, replace option is available on ……..
(a) File Menu (b) View Menu
(c) Edit Menu (d) Format Menu
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
865.What type of keys are ‘ctrl and shift’?
(a) adjustment
(c) three times (b) twice
(e) None of these (d) alphanumeric
Ans : (c)
866.A word gets selected by clicking it to select a
word, in word………….
(a) once
(c) three times (b) twice
(e) None of these (d) four times
Ans : (b)
867.To reverse the effect of your last action in
(a) Use the cut command
(b) Use the Undo command
(c) Press the delete key
(d) Use the Redo command
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
868.Your position in the text is shown by a……..
(a) Blinker
(c) Causer (b) Cursor
(e) None of these (d) Pointer
Ans : (b)
869.The time for the actual data transfer after
receiving the request for data from secondary
storage is referred to as the disk’s…………
(a) transfer time
(c) access time (b) movement-time
(e) None of these (d) data input time
Ans : (c)

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870.Which of the following categories would
include a keyboard?
(a) Printing Device
(c) Pointing Device (b) Output Device
(e) Input Device (d) Storage Device
Ans : (e)
871.Using output devices one can……….
(b) store data
(a) Input data
(d) view or print
(c) scan data
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
872.Using Print Preview is useful when you want
(a) Colour the document
(b) Save the document
(c) Delete the document
(d) Copy the document
(e) View how the document will appear when
Ans : (e)
873.Which of the following can input graphical
images and pictures for a computer?
(a) Plotter
(c) Mouse (b)
(e) Scanner
Keyboard (d) Printer
Ans : (b)
874.When a chart is placed on this, it is much
larger and there is no other data on it……..
(a) Chart
(b) Exclusive
(c) Primary
(d) Reference
(e) None of
Ans : (d)
875.Information that comes from an external
source and fed into compute software is
(a) Output
(b) Input
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
876.This dialog box specifies or modifies the
worksheet cell range containing data to be
(a) Chart Location
(b) Chart Style
(c) Chart Options
(d) Chart Source Data
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
877.If you change Windows 98 to Windows XP,
you are actually performing………..
(a) upstart
(c) update (b)
(e) None of upgrade
these (d) patch
Ans : (b)
878.The operating system that is self-contained in
a device and resident in the ROM is…………
(a) Batch Operating System
(b) Real-time Opearting System
(c) Embedded Operating System
(d) Multi Operating System
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
879.To make a copy of the current document to
(a) Use the ‘Save’ command
(b) This cannot be done
94 MCQs Papers
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(c) Use the ‘duplicate’ command
(d) Copy the document
(e) Use the ‘save as’ command
Ans : (d)
880.In the formula, B1/B2 + B3, which of the
following is the correct precedence?
(a) Addition higher precedence than division
(b) Equal precedence among the two
operators; proceed right to left
(c) Equal precedence among the two
operators; proceed left to right
(d) Division higher precedence than addition
(e) None of these
Ans : (*)
881.POST stands for………..
(a) Power on Self Test
(b) Program on Self Test
(c) Power on System Test
(d) Program on System Test
(e) Power Off System Test
Ans : (a)
882.In word, you can use Styles to…………
(a) Make copies of documents
(b) Save changes to documents
(c) Delete text in-documents
(d) Format your documents
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
883.How many megabytes make a gigabyte?
(a) 1024 (b) 128
(c) 256 (d) 512
(e) 64
Ans : (a)
884.Which of the following is not a term
pertaining to the Internet?
(a) Keyboard
(c) Browser (b) Link
(e) Hyperlink (d) Search Engine
Ans : (a)
885.Which of the following is used by the
browser to connect to the location of the
Internet resources?
(a) Linkers (b) Protocol
(c) Cable (d) URL
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
would evaluate the formula,
=20*10/4*8, and return the
(a) 400 (b) 40
(c) 6.25
(e) 600 (d) 232
Ans : (c)
887.Which of the following is the fastest type of
(a) Laptop
(c) Personal (b) Notebook
Computer (d)
(e) Supercomputer Workstation
Ans : (e)
888.Which key is used to delete one character to
the left of the current position of the cursor?
(a) Backspace
(c) Insert (b) Delete
(e) Ctrl (d) Esc
Ans : (a)
889.Which part of the computer helps to store
95 MCQs Papers
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(a) Monitor
(c) Disk-drive (b) Keyboard
(e) Plotter (d) Printer
Ans : (c)
890.In word, when you indent a paragraph,
(a) push the text in with respect to the margin
(b) change the margins on the page
(c) move the text up by one line
(d) move the text down by one line
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
891.Which keys enable the input of numbers
(a) ctrl, shift and alt
(b) function keys
(c) the numeric keypad
(d) arrow keys
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
892.The operation of combining two cells into a
single cell in Excel is referred to as……….
(a) Join Cells
(c) Merge Table (b) Merge Cells
(e) None of these (d) Join Table
Ans : (b)
893.Which of the following can be used to store a
large number of files in a small amount of
storage space?
(a) File (b) File copying
adjustment (d) File
(c) File reading compatibility
(e) File
Ans : (e)
894.Data is organized in a worksheet as………..
(a) charts and diagrams
(b) rows and columns
(c) tables and boxes
(d) graphs
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
895.Which of the following is an example of a
binary number?
(a) 6AH1
(c) 005 (b) 100101
(e) 23456 (d) ABCD
Ans : (b)
896.Spell Check will find errors in which of the
(a) Today is a rainy day
(b) Today is a rainy a day
(c) is a rainy
(d) Rainy today a day
(e) None of these
Ans : (e)
897.Which of the following is not a storage
(a) hard disk
(c) DVD (b) flash drive
(e) Keyboard (d) CD
Ans : (e)
898.In Excel, when the contents and attributes of
a cell or range of cells have to be erased using
the menu, the user must…………
(a) Select the cells, choose Edit, and select
Clear, then All
(b) Select the cells, and click delete on the
96 MCQs Papers
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(c) Select the cells, choose Tools, and select
Clear, then Formats
(d) Select the cells, choose Tools, and select
Formula Audit, then Delete
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
899.If an Excel Worksheet is to be linked for use
in a Power Point presentation, the following
should be clicked…………
(a) Edit, Paste
(b) Edit,
(c) Edit, Copy
(d) File,
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
900.In Word, which menu would the user select
to print a document?
(a) Tools (b) File
(c) View (d) Window
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
901.The common name for a modulator
demodulator is……………..
(a) modem (b) joiner
(c) networker (d) connector
(e) demod
Ans : (a)
902.What do you see when you click the right
mouse button?
(a) The same effects as the left click
(b) A special menu
(c) No effect
(d) A mouse cannot be right clicked
(e) Computer goes to sleep mode
Ans : (b)
903.In order to choose the font for a sentence in a
WORD document…………
(a) select Font in the Format menu
(b) select Font in the Edit menu
(c) select Font in the Tools menu
(d) select Font in the Insert menu
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
904.Excel is a program that is used to prepare
(a) Database
(c) Spreadsheet (b) Text Document
(e) None of (d) Slide
these Presentation
Ans : (c)
905. …………consists of volatile chips that
temporarily store data or instructions.
(a) CPU
(c) RMA
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
906.In order to delete a sentence from a
document you would use…………
(a) highlight and copy
(b) cut and paste
(c) copy and paste
(d) highlight and delete
(e) select and paste
Ans : (d)
907.In a computer, how many bits does a nibble
(a) 4 (b) 8
(c) 16 (d) 32
(e) 64
Ans : (a)
97 MCQs Papers
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908.Which of the following is not true about a
(a) Translates instruction of a high level
language into machine language
(b) Translates entire source program into
machine language program
(c) It is involved in program’s execution
(d) Is a translating program
(e) Is useful to run program
Ans : (e)
909.In Excel, the contents of the active cell are
displayed in the ………….
(a) footer bar
(c) task bar (b) tool bar
(e) formula bar (d) menu bar
Ans : (e)
910.When machine instructions are being
executed by a computer, the instruction phase
followed by the execution phase is referred to
(a) program cycle
(b) machine
(c) execution cycle
(e) machine cycle
(d) task cycle
Ans : (e)
911.In Windows ME, what does ME stand
(a) Millennium (b) Micro-Expert
(c) Macro-Expert (d) Multi-Expert
(e) My-Expert
Ans : (a)
912.Which of the following refers to the fastest,
biggest and most expensive computers?
(a) Note books (b) Personal Computers
(c) Laptops (d) Super computers
(e) PDAs
Ans : (d)
913.Which is not a basic function of a computer?
(a) Accept and process data
(b) Accept input
(c) Process data
(d) Store data
(e) Scan text
Ans : (e)
914.Which of the following is not a term
pertaining to Email?
(a) powerpoint
(c) sender (b) inbox
(e) None of these (d) receiver
Ans : (a)
915.Which of the following is required to create
an HTML document?
(a) browser
(c) text editor (b) internet
(e) None of these (d) search engine
Ans : (c)
916.Which language is directly understood by the
computer without translation program?
(a) BASIC language
(b) Assembly language
(c) High level language
(d) C language
(e) Machine language
Ans : (e)
insert a
a page break in
document, WORD
the following options r

98 MCQs Papers
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(a) Insert and Copy
(b) Insert and Enter
(c) Insert and Page Layout
(d) Insert and Page Layout
(e) Insert and Break
Ans : (e)
918.Which of the following identifies a cell in
(a) formula
(c) label (b) name
(e) None of these (d) address
Ans : (b)
919.This is the part of the computer system that
one cannot touch?
(a) Hardware
(b) Printer
(c) Mouse
(d) Scanner
(e) None of these
Ans : (e)
920.A computer’s ROM is………..
(a) ALU (b) computer software
(c) operating system (d) computer hardware
(e) CPU
Ans : (d)
921.Which selecting multiple worksheets in
Excel, the following key must also be used
when clicking the sheet tab…………..
(a) Shift (b) Alt
(c) Ctrl (d) Insert
(e) Esc
Ans : (c)
922.A word processor would be used best
(a) Paint a picture
(b) draw a diagram
(c) type a story
(d) work out income and expenses
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
923.The file that is linked with an e-mail and sent
to the receiver of the e-mail is referred to
(a) annexure
(c) add-on (b) appendage
(e) article (d) attachment
Ans : (d)
924.Which of the following refers to the process
of a computer receiving information from a
server on the Internet?
(a) gathering
(c) inputting (b) uploading
(e) downloading (d) outputting
Ans : (e)
925.The term “host” with respect to the internet,
(a) A computer that is a stand alone computer
(b) A computer that is connected to the
(c) A computer reserved for use by the host
(d) A large collection of computers
(e) Hyperlink
Ans : (b)
926.A set of instructions telling the computer
what to do is called………….
(a) mentor
(c) compiler (b) instructor
(e) None of these (d) program
Ans : (d)

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927.The smallest unit of information a computer
can understand and process is known as a :
(a) digit
(c) megabyte (b) byte
(e) bit (d) kilobyte
Ans : (e)
928.A…………uses pressure as a user presses it
with a stylus to send signals.
(a) touchpad
(c) graphics (b)
tablet TrackPoint
(e) keyboard (d) trackpad
Ans : (a)
929.The justification that aligns text on both
margins of a document in Word is :
(a) Justify (b) Bold
(c) Center (d) Right
(e) Balanced
Ans : (a)
930.A partially completed workbook that
contains formulas and formatting, but
no data,
is called a :
(a) prototype
(c) model
(b) template
(d) function
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
931.A byte can represent any number between 0
and :
(a) 2 (b) 255
(c) 256 (d) 1024
(e) 1025
Ans : (b)
932.Connectivity for a new computer means :
(a) allowing a printer to be connected to it
(b) having a modern and/or network
connection to communicate with other
(c) connecting the software to the hardware of
the system
(d) connecting a mouse, a keyboard and a
printer – all essential hardware pieces for
the average user
(e) software permanently available to the
Ans : (b)
933.A……… used to read handwritten or
printed text to make a digital image that is
stored in memory.
(a) printer
(c) scanner (b) laser beam
(e) keyboard (d) touchpad
Ans : (c)
934.The shortcut key Ctr+F in Word is used
(a) To view document in full view
(b) To open the Formula dialog box
(c) To save the file
(d) To open the Find and Replace dialog box
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
935.The most widely used code that represents
each character as a unique 8-bit code is :
(b) Unicode
(c) binary numbering system
(e) ANSI
Ans : (a)
936.Operating systems and utility programs are
in a class of software known as :
100 MCQs Papers
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(a) application software
(b) sequential software
(c) software suites
(d) BIOS software
(e) system software
Ans : (e)
937.OCR stands for :
(a) Optical Coding Recogniser
(b) Ostensibly Characterised Reader
(c) Original Code Reader
(d) Original Character Reader
(e) Optical Character Recognition
Ans : (e)
938.The Open, Print, and Save buttons are all
located on the :
(a) Status bar
(b) Formatting toolbar
(c) Standard toolbar
(d) Title bar
(e) Status and title bars
Ans : (c)
939.To copy a cell, you would drag the cell
border while simultaneously holding down the
Ctrl key when :
(a) You have one or more cells to copy
(b) Only some of the cells are visible in the
(c) You don’t want to refer to absolute
(d) The distance between cells is short and
they are both visible in the window.
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
940.The permanently etched program in ROM
that automatically begins executing the
computer’s instructions is the :
(a) BIOS
(c) CMOS (b) ROM
(e) None of these (d) RAM
Ans : (a)
941.Information stored in RAM is considered
volatile, which means it is :
(a) stored there permanently.
(b) not held permanently, only temporarily.
(c) stored when the electricity is shut off.
(d) stored when the electricity is shut off.
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
942.The display size of a monitor is measured
(a) Zig-zag
(b) horizontally
(c) vertically
(d) from centre to the furthest corner
(e) diagonally
Ans : (b)
943.The name of a Microsoft Office Word
document is displayed in Both the……….and
the taskbar.
(a) Menu bar
(c) Formatting (b) Taskbar
toolbar (d) Standard
(e) Title bar toolbar
Ans : (e)
944.Excel is designed to provide visual cues to
the relationships between the cells that
provide values to the formulas or the cell that
depend on the formulas by :
101 MCQs Papers
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(a) Bolding the cell references to match the
colour coding of the borders around the
referenced worksheets cells
(b) Highlighting the cell references
(c) Colour coding the cell references in the
formula to match the borders around the
referenced worksheet cells
(d) Bolding the cell references
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
945.A limitation of software that digitizes voice
data is that it :
(a) is prohibitively expensive
(b) must be trained to recognize individual
(c) can only be used on high-end computers
(d) cannot be used on laptop computers
(e) cannot be used on desktop computers
Ans : (b)
946.External devices such as printers, keyboards
and modems are known as :
(a) add-on devices
(b) peripherals
(c) extra hardware devices
(d) closer together the pixels
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
947.The higher the resolution of a monitor, the ;
(a) larger the pixels
(b) less clear the screen is
(c) further apart the pixels
(d) closer together the pixels
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
948.The Excel feature includes functions to
calculate an Average, Minimum, Maximum
and Count.
(a) Format
(c) Auto Sum (b) Number
(e) MIN (d) Calculate
Ans : (d)
949.For a computer to recognize and understand
analog data, it must first be:
(a) sent to a mainframe for interpretation
(b) analyzed by the ALU of the CPU
(c) decoded
(d) analysed for viruses
(e) digitized
Ans : (a)
950.Expansion cards are inserted into :
(a) slots
(b) peripheral devices
(c) the CPU
(d) the back of the computer
(e) pegs
Ans : (a)
951.Which type of software is distributed free but
requires the users to pay some amount for
further use?
(a) freeware
(b) shareware
(c) rentalware
(d) public-domain
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
952.A pixel is a :
(a) picture element or dot on a screen
(b) point of ink on a laser printed page
(c) point of ink on an ink jet-printed page
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(d) light beam used as an input device
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
953.The most common pointing input device is
the :
(a) trackball
(c) touchscreen (b) touchpad
(e) scanner (d) mouse
Ans : (d)
954.The file that is created through word
processing is a :
(a) database file
(c) worksheet file (b) storage file
(e) graphical file (d) document file
Ans : (d)
955.Web pages are saved in
(a) http.// (b) HTML
(c) DOC (d) URL
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
956.If employees reside in different parts of the
country and need to meet monthly, useful
computer technology would be :
(a) video-display software
(b) video digitzing
(c) video conferencing
(d) video scanning
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
957.The wheel located between the two standard
buttons on a mouse is used to :
(a) click on Web pages
(b) shutdown
(c) click and select items
(d) jump to different Web pages
(e) scroll
Ans : (d)
958.Which type of software is used in the design
of products, structures, civil, engineering,
drawings and maps?
(a) CAD programs
(b) desktop programs
(c) drawing programs
(d) painting programs
(e) video/audio programs
Ans : (a)
959.Advanced word processing features include
all except creation of :
(a) alternate headers and footers
(b) columns
(c) detailed architectural drawings
(d) stylesheets
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
960.The computer that hosts your e-mail account
is known as a(n):
(a) Host
(c) E-mail
(b) E-mail
(e) None of
(d) Listserv
Ans : (b)
961. ………..can interpret voice data into words
that can be understood by the computer:
(a) Speech input hardware
(b) Talking software
(c) Word recognition software
(d) Speed recognition software
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(e) Adobe reader
Ans : (d)
962.A touchpad responds to :
(a) light
(b) pressure
(c) clicking
(d) the sense of heat from fingertips
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
963.What is the term for calculations used within
(a) analysis
(c) formulas (b) ranges
(e) values (d) recalculations
Ans : (c)
964.This is a set of values that you want to chart
in Excel.
(a) Object
(c) Date Mart (b) Numbers
(e) Data series (d) Formulas
Ans : (e)
965.Before you can begin using e-mail, you must
have a(n) :
(a) Browser
(c) Server (b) Modem
(e) Account (d) Scanner
Ans : (e)
966.Until a computer can recognize handwriting,
an input device must :
(a) store the information in secondary storage
(b) optimise the information
(c) digitise the information
(d) show the information on a screen
(e) become an output device also
Ans : (b)
967.The pointing device that comes built into a
laptop computer can be any except a :
(a) mouse
(c) touchpad (b) trackball
(e) None of these (d) pointing stick
Ans : (a)
968.The button that displays the window over the
entire screen is :
(a) Scroll box
(c) Restore Down (b) Downsize
(e) Maximize (d) Minimize
Ans : (e)
969.The .xls extension is used
(a) Windows (b) Access
(c) Power Point (d) Word
(e) Excel
Ans : (e)
970.Which of the following are tasks that may be
completed when configuring your e-mail
(a) Provide the IP address of your ISP’s mail
(b) Provide the name of your e-mail account
(c) Specify that mail is to be deleted from the
host computer after it is downloaded to
your computer.
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
971.Which of the following is a transaction?
(a) A group of SQL statements consisting of
one read and one write operation
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(b) A group of SQL statements consisting only
of ready operations.
(c) A group of SQL statements defining a
user-oriented task
(d) A group of SQL statements consisting only
of write operations
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
972.In order for computers to communicate
across a network, they must be connected
through a(n)………
(a) TCP/IP
(b) Topology
(c) Ethernet
(d) Thin client
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
973.“Buy Now – Pay Now” is commonly used
for :
(a) Debit cards
(c) Credit Cards (b) Vault Cards
(e) None of these (d) E-purse
Ans : (a)
974.The………….,stored on a ROM chip, is
responsible for loading the operating system
from its permanent location on the hard drive
into RAM.
(a) BIOS
(b) API
(c) device driver
(d) Supervisor
(e) display
Ans : (a)
975.Choices in computers are referred to
as :
(a) options (b) exit
(c) boot (d) folder
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
976.What are the four basis connecting hardware
(a) Repeater, bridge, router and gateway
(b) Repeater, bridge, router and dell
(c) Repeater, connector, router and gateway
(d) Amplifier, bridge, router and gateway
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
977.The………..lists the location of files on the
(a) FAT
(c) root folder (b) boot sector
(e) None of these (d) data area
Ans : (a)
978.A device operating at the physical layer is
called a :
(a) Bridge
(c) Repeater (b) Router
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (c)
979.Numbers of bits per symbol used in Baudot
code is
(a) 5 (b) 6
(c) 7 (d) 8
(e) 9
Ans : (a)
980.To get to the ‘Symbol’ dialog box, click on
the……….menu and choose ‘Symbol’.
(a) Insert
(b) Format
(c) Tools
(d) Table
(e) Help

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Ans : (a)
981.Which is not a data source component?
(a) mail merge toolbar
(b) header row
(c) data fields
(d) data records
(e) All of these
Ans : (a)
982.Use this when you want to make all letters
capital without having to use the shift key for
each character………..
(a) shifter
(c) caps lock key (b) upper case
(e) None of these (d) icon
Ans : (c)
983.Which of the following is not a type
of hub?
(a) Passive hub
(c) Switching hub (b) Inactive hub
(e) None of these (d) Intelligent hub
Ans : (b)
984. ………allows you to print.
(a) ribbon (b) monitor
(c) go now (d) Ctrl + P
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
985.In a synchronous modem, the receive
equalizer is known as
(a) adaptive equilizer
(b) impairment equilizer
(c) statistical equalizer
(d) compromise equilizer
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
986.Which of the following is not the part of
standard office suite?
(a) Word
Processor (b) Database
(c) Image Editor (d) File
(e) None of these manager
Ans : (d)
987.In a document what is the maximum number
of columns that can be inserted in MS Word
(a) 35 (b) 15
(c) 63 (d) 65
(e) 70
Ans : (c)
988.Machine language sometimes also referred
(a) Binary language
(b) High level language
(c) Middle level language
(d) Low level language
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
989.Which is an another name for functional
(a) Machine
(b) Application
(c) Low-level language
(d) High-level language
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
990. ……….translates the semantic instructions
developed by programmers into the machine
106 MCQs Papers
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(a) Assembler
(c) Loader (b) Interpreter
(e) None of these (d) Compiler
Ans : (a)
991. ………is an artificial language designed to
communicate instructions to a computer :
(a) Programming language
(b) Machine Language
(c) Software Language
(d) Assembly Language
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
992.This is a standard way for a Web server to
pass a Web user’s request to an application
program and to receive data back to forward
to the user –
(a) Interrupt request
(b) Forward DNS lookup
(c) Data-Link layer
(d) File Transfer Protocol
(e) Common gateway interface
Ans : (e)
993.This type of software is designed for users
who want to customize the programs they use.
(a) Shareware
(c) Freeware (b) Open-source
(e) None of software
these (d) Macros
Ans : (a)
994.The effect of the ROLLBACK command in a
transaction is the following_________
(a) Undo all changes to the data-base resulting
from the execution of the transaction
(b) Undo the effects of the last UPDATE
(c) Restore the content of the database to its
state at the end of the previous day
(d) Make sure that all changes to the database
are in effect
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
995.All of the following are TRUE of Safe Mode
(a) Safe Mode is a special diagnostic mode
(b) Safe Mode loads all nonessential icons
(c) Safe Mode allows users to troubleshoot
(d) Safe Mode loads only the most essential
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
996.Changing the appearance of a document is
(a) Proofing
(c) Formatting (b) Editing
(e) All of the (d)
above Correcting
Ans : (c)
997.You can detect spelling and grammar errors
by :
(b) Press Ctrl +
(a) Press Shit + F7
(c) Press Alt + F7
(e) None of these (d) Press F7
Ans : (d)
998.A(n) -----system is a small, wireless
handheld computer that scans an item’s tag
and pulls up the current price (and any
offers) as you shop.
(a) PSS (b) POS
(c) Inventory (d) data mining
(e) None of these
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Ans : (a)
999.Single party disk relying on the disk
controller for finding out which disk has failed
is used by :
(b) RAID
(a) RAID level 5 level 2
(c) RAID level 4 (d) RAID
level 3
(e) RAID level 1
Ans : (d)
1000.What happens when you click on
insert>Picture>Clip Art
(a) It inserts a clipart picture into document
(b) It lets you choose clipart to insert into
(c) It opens Clip Art taskbar
(d) It insets symbols
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1001.Which of the following does NOT occur
during the power-on self-test (POST)?
(a) The ScanDisk utility begins to run
(b) The video card and video memory are
(c) The BIOS identification process occurs
(d) Memory chips are checked to ensure they
are working properly
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1002.OLE stands for :
(a) Online Link Embedding
(b) Object Link Export
(c) Object Linking and Embedding
(d) Onlink Link Emulation
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1003.The purpose of a swap (or page) file is to :
(a) maintain pages of documents that are being
spooled to the printer
(b) hold a program’s data or instructions in
virtual memory when it can’t fit in RAM.
(c) prevent thrashing in a multitasking
(d) allow multiple print jobs to print their
pages out simultaneously
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1004.Software programs that allow you to legally
copy files and give them away at no cost are
called which of the following :
(a) Time sharing
(c) Sharware (b) Public domain
(e) None of these (d) Freeware
Ans : (c)
1005.Which of the following is NOT a goal of
Transaction processing system?
(a) Capture, process and store transactions
(b) Produce a variety of documents related to
Routine business activities
(c) Reduce manual effort associated with
Processing business transactions
(d) Produce standard reports used for
management decision making
(e) None of the above
Ans : (b)
1006.The degree of detail that should be
incorporated into a database depends on what?
(a) Data integrity
(b) The type of database
(c) The user’s perspective
(d) The business practices and policies
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(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1007.Superscript refers to_______
(a) Characters displayed below the line of the
normal text
(b) Characters displayed above the line of the
normal text
(c) Characters displayed vertically centre
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1008.How will you remove all formatting added
to your documents (such as bold, italics, and
underline etc.)
(a) Save
(c) Save as (b) Save as plain text
(e) None of file
these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
1009.With the object-oriented (OO) approach, an
object encapsulates, or_______a programmer.
(a) carries out, the details of an object for
(b) hides, the details of an object from
(c) reveals, the details of an object to
(d) extends, the details of an object beyond
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1010.Granting an outside organization access to
Internet web pages is often implemented using
a(an) :
(a) Extranet
(c) Internet (b) Intranet
(e) None of these (d) Hacker
Ans : (a)
1011.The code that relational database
management systems use to perform their
database task is referred to as :
(a) QBE
(c) OLAP (b) SQL
(e) None of these (d) Sequel Server
Ans : (b)
1012. …………is the language that enable user
to access or manipulate data as organized by
appropriate data model :
(a) DML
(c) DDL (b) SDL
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (a)
1013.The user commands that are used to interact
with a database is called as :
(a) Query
(c) Command (b) Interaction
(e) None of these (d) Instruction
Ans : (c)
1014.An assembler is used to translate a program
written in………..
(a) a low level language
(b) machine language
(c) a high level language
(d) assembly language
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1015.The operating system controls access to the
processor by assigning a(n) ………….to each
task requiring the processor’s attention.
(a) CPU
(b) slice of
(c) stack
(e) None of
(d) event

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Ans : (b)
1016.Which of the following is the correct
sequence of actions that takes place during the
boot-up process?
(a) Load operating system-Activate BIOS
(b) Activate POST-Check configuration
Perform configuration
(c) Perform POST – Load operating system -
Activate BIOS – Check configuration
(d) Activate BIOS-Check configuration
settings – Perform POST – Load operating
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1017.Which of the following position is not
available for fonts on MS Word?
(a) Normal
(c) Lowered (b) Raised
(e) All are available (d) Centered
Ans : (d)
1018.Before a package can be used in a java
program it must be ………..
(a) executed
(c) imported (b) referenced
(e) None of these (d) declared
Ans : (c)
1019.The different styles of lettering in a word
processing program………..
(a) font
(c) writing
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
1020.To move down a page in a document……
(a) jump
(c) wriggle (b) fly
(e) None of (d)
these scroll
Ans : (d)
1021.Which was the first Scientific Computer
Programming Language?
(c) ADA (b) USP
Ans : (d)
1022.Flow control in TCP/IP is handled using :
(a) Urgent pointer
(b) Checksum
(c) Acknowledgement number
(d) Variable-size sliding window
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1023.This component is required to process data
into information and consists of integrated
(a) Hard disk
(b) RAM
(c) CPU
(d) ROM
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1024.From which menu you can insert Header
and Footer?
(a) Insert Menu
(c) Format Menu (b) View Menu
(e) Edit Menu (d) Tools Menu
Ans : (b)
1025.Moves the cursor one space to the right to
puts spaces in between words………..
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(a) control key
(b) space bar
(c) printer
(d) mouse
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1026.The horizontal and vertical lines on a
worksheet are called :
(a) cells
(c) block lines (b) sheets
(e) None of (d)
these gridlines
Ans : (d)
1027.Which of the following features usually
applies to data in data warehouse?
(a) Data are often deleted
(b) Most applications consists of transactions
(c) Data are rarely deleted
(d) Relatively few records are processed by
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1028.What type of program controls the various
computer parts and allows the user interact
with the computer?
(a) Utility software
(b) Operating System
(c) Word processing software
(d) Database program
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1029.The command used to remove text or
graphics from a document. The information is
then stored on a clipboard so you can paste it.
(a) chop (b) cut
(c) clip (d) cart away
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1030.People, procedures, software, hardware, and
data are the five parts of a(n) :
(a) competency system
(b) computer system
(c) information system
(d) software system
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1031.The feature of Word that automatically
adjusts the amount of space between certain
combination of characters so that an entire
word looks more evenly spaced. What is that
feature called?
(a) Spacing
(c) Kerning (b) Scaling
(e) None of these (d) Positioning
Ans : (c)
1032.Which of the following statement is wrong?
(a) Windows XP is an operating system
(b) Linux is owned and sold by Microsoft
(c) Photoshop is a graphical design tool by
(d) Linux is free and open source software
(e) None of the above
Ans : (b)
1033.A phenomenon in virtual memory schemes
in which the processor spends most of the
time swapping pages rather than executing
instructions is :
(a) loading (b) swapping
(c) thrashing (d) aging

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(e) digging
Ans : (c)
1034.Give the name of the Linear list in which
elements can be added at ends but not in the
middle :
(a) Array
(c) Tree (b) Queue
(e) None of these (d) Circular Queue
Ans : (b)
1035.Flip-flop is the basic structure of the
(a) Hard disk (b) Memory
(c) Cells (d) Speakers
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1036.What is a specialized software program that
allows input and output devices to
communicate with the rest of the computer
(a) Utility driver
(b) Utility program
(c) Data compression utility
(d) Device driver
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1037.A dumb terminal has :
(a) An embedded microprocessor
(b) Extensive memory
(c) Independent processing
(d) A keyboard and screen
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1038.Which of the following is a software
selection criteria?
(a) Appropriateness
(b) Efficiency
(c) Compatibility
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1039.Which of the following memories needs
(a) SRAM
(c) ROM (b) DRAM
(e) None of these (d) All of above
Ans : (b)
1040. …………is paperless document transfer
between companies.
(a) EFT
(c) ETS (b) EDI
(e) None of these (d) RTGS
Ans : (b)
1041.The switching devices used in First
Generation computer’s were
(a) Transistors (b) SSI chips
(c) VLSI chips (d) Vacuum Tubes
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1042.A software used to convert source program
instructions to object instruction is known as :
(a) Compiler
(b) Assembler
(c) Interpreter
(d) Language
(e) None of
Ans : (d)
1043.WAIS stands for :
(a) Wide Area Intellectual Service
(b) Web Access Information System
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(c) World wide Application of Intelligent
(d) Wide Area Information Service
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
of processing speed
1044.Which type
used primarily with
measurement is
(a) Flops (b) Fractions of
(c) Gigahertz (d) MIPS
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1045.What is the term associated with the second
part of an e-mail address?
(a) Local address
(b) Eight characters long
(c) User name
(d) Domain name
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1046.This is a group of servers that share work
and may be able to back each other up if one
server fails.
(a) Channel
bank (b) Cluster
(c) Tiger team (d) Serverless
(e) Logical unit backup
Ans : (b)
1047.Smart Card is
(a) Special purpose Cards
(b) Microprocessor Cards
(c) Processing unit contains memory for
storing data
(d) Processing unit for software handling
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1048.A screen element of MS Word that is
usually located below the title bar that
provides categorized options is :
(a) Menu bar
(c) Status bar (b) Tool bar
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (a)
1049.Which keys can be used together with other
keys for special tasks?
(a) Insert, Delete
(b) Ctrl, Shift
(c) Left Arrow,
(d) Page up, Page Down
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1050.Data related crime does not incorporate :
(a) Data Didling
(c) Data Leakage (b) Data Spying
(e) None of these (d) Data Mining
Ans : (d)
1051. ‘DOS’ floppy disk does not have :
(a) A Boot Record
(b) A File Allocation Table
(c) A Root Directory
(d) Virtual Memory
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1052.A disk on which you store information…..
(a) plate
(b) data disk
(c) paper disk
(d) TV disk
(e) None of these

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Ans : (b)
1053.Lets you leave a screen or program……..
(a) boot
(c) exit (b) programs
(e) None of these (d) text
Ans : (c)
1054.Procedures are typically documented in
manuals written by :
(a) computer specialists
(b) end users
(c) Microsoft
(d) service providers
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1055.What deletes the entire file except the file
(c) ZAP (b) DELETE
(e) None of these (d) PACK
Ans : (c)
1056. ………takes one line, checks it for errors
and then executes it.
(a) Assembler
(c) Loader (b) Interpreter
(e) None of these (d) Compiler
Ans : (b)
1057.Which of the following is not an input
(a) OCR
(b) Optical scanners
(c) Voice recognition device
(d) COM (Computer Output to Microfilm)
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1058.A technique used by codes to convert an
analog signal into a digital bit stream is
known as :
(a) Pulse code modulation
(b) Pulse stretcher
(c) Query processing
(d) Queue management
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1059.The number of bits that can be transmitted
over a network in a certain period of time :
(a) Latency (b) Delay
(c) Bandwidth (d) Baud
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1060.Linux partitions are created using the file
system :
(a) FAT
(c) EXT3 (b) FAT32
(e) None of these (d) NTFS
Ans : (c)
1061.Which of the following data structure is
widely used in a network model RDBMS?
(a) Arrays
(c) graphs (b) trees
(e) None of these (d) stacks
Ans : (c)
1062.The scientist who developed the idea of the
WWW is :
(a) James Gosling
(b) Tim Berns Lee
(c) Andrew Tannenbaum
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(d) Linus Torvalds
(e) Bill Gates
Ans : (b)
1063.What was the data transmission method in
which bi-directional data flow is allowed?
(a) Simplex
(b) Duplex
(c) Analog
(d) Single side
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1064.To check the presence of a computer in the
network, use the command :
(a) ping
(c) check (b) cmd
(e) connect (d) ipconfig
Ans : (a)
1065.The word processing task associated with
changing the appearance of a document is :
(a) Editing
(c) Formatting
(e) None of these
Ans : (c) (b) Writing
1066.Easy to use………. (d) All of
(a) user friendly these
(c) helpful
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
(b) select
(d) ever-ready
1067.Anything written on the
(a) cursor (b) text
(c) folder (d) boot
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1068.A method of executing two or more
programs concurrently using the same
computer describe :
(a) multi processing
(b) multi programming
(c) virtual processing
(d) time sharing
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1069.A one-time password is :
(a) one that changes every time it is used
(b) one that is assigned once and not changed
at all.
(c) one that can be used only at a particular
time of the day
(d) one that is assigned for all session that
starts at a particular time
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1070.A hardware interface that allows for the
connection of several peripheral devices to a
single PCI board.
(a) SCSI
(c) ATA (b) SATA
(e) None of these (d) PCI
Ans : (a)
1071. ……….is a language, instead of using
numbers, programmers began using English
like abbreviations (Mnemonics) to represent
the elementary operations.
(a) Machine language
(b) Mnemonics language
(c) Assembly level language
(d) High level language
(e) None of these
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Ans : (c)
1072.Encryption decryption are functions of :
(a) Transport layer
(b) Session layer
(c) Presentation layer
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1073.The process of building a model that
demonstrate the features of a proposed
product, service or system is called a :
(a) JAD (b) RAD
(c) templating (d) prototyping
(e) TAD
Ans : (d) also random access
memory, or RAM………
(a) contains the electronic circuits that cause
processing to occur
(b) makes the information resulting from
processing available for use
(c) allows data, programs, commands, and
user responses to be entered into a
(d) consists of electronic components that
store data
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1075. A……….represent approximately one
billion memory
(a) kilobyte (b) megabyte
(c) gigabyte (d) terabyte
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1076.An interrupt handler is a(n) :
(a) location in memory that keeps track of
recently generated interrupts.
(b) peripheral device
(c) utility program
(d) special numeric code that indicates the
priority of a request
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1077.All of the following are steps involved in
the boot process EXCEPT :
(a) load the operating system to RAM
(b) the power-on self-test
(c) activate the basic input/output system
(d) load application programs
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1078.A port that allows 8 bits at a time to be
transmitted simultaneously is a(n)………..
(a) dedicated port
(c) SCSI port (b) parallel port
(e) None of these (d) USB port
Ans : (b)
1079.Which of these terms refer to the feature of
an OS that allows a single computer to
process the tasks of several users at different
stations, in round-robin fashion?
(a) Multiprocessing
(b) Multiprogramming
(c) Multitasking
(d) Time processing
(e) Time-sharing
Ans : (e)
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1080.A program which helps create written
documents and lets you go back and make
corrections as necessary………..
(a) spreadsheet
(b) personal writer
(c) word printer
(d) word
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1081.Screen that comes on when you turn on
your computer that shows all the icons……..
(a) desktop
(c) viewer (b) face to face
(e) None of these (d) view space
Ans : (a)
1082.A place that a user can create to store
(a) cursor
(c) folder (b) text
(e) None of these (d) boot
Ans : (c)
1083.Electronic pens are used with the mouse to
write on a slide in which view?
(a) Master
(c) Slide Show (b) Slide Sorter
(e) Print Preview (d) Normal
Ans : (c)
1084.When you insert a picture and
adjust the
height, Word automatically adjusts the
…….to maintain the correct proportion.
(a) pixel size (b) resolution
(c) screen size (d) width
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1085.Which of the following is NOT one of the
steps in the machine cycle?
(a) Execute (b) Store
(c) Decode (d) Pipelining
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1086.How many peripheral devices can be
connected to a single SCSI port?
(a) 1 (b) 8
(c) 16 (d) 32
(e) 64
Ans : (b)
1087.The four-step process of fetch, decode,
execute, and store is called a(n) :
(a) machine cycle
(b) instruction cycle
(c) arithmetic operation
(d) logical operation
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1088.The operating system is the most common
type of…………software.
communication (b) application
(c) system (d) word-
(e) None of these processing
Ans : (c)
1089.The human-readable version of a program
is called………..
(a) source code
(b) program code
(c) human code
(d) system code
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1090.Data client/server
(a) never sent to the client machine
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(b) sent in very large sections to save
processing time
(c) sent only upon the client’s request
(d) sent in complete copies for the client to
filter and sort
(e) sent from the client to the server for
Ans : (c)
1091.The total set of interlinked hypertext
documents worldwide is :
(a) HTT (b) Browser
(c) WWW (d) B2B
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1092.Which of the following is not one of the
three ‘Mail Merge Helper’ steps?
(a) Merge the two files
(b) Create the main document
(c) Set the mailing list parameters
(d) Create the data source
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1093.Which is the part of a computer that one can
touch and feel?
(a) Programs
(c) Hardware (b) Software
(e) None of these (d) Output
Ans : (c)
1094.A command to get a file you worked on
from the memory where it was stored……….
(a) close
(c) open (b) delete
(e) None of these (d) get it
Ans : (c)
1095.There are several security devices used to
stop individuals from exploiting your system.
Which of the following is used in conjunction
with a firewall?
(a) Proxy server
(b) Intrusion-detection system
(c) Terminal Server
(d) Web server
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1096.Which of the following is the latest version
of MS Word?
(a) Word 2000 (b) Word 2007
(c) Word 2010 (d) Word 2011
(e) Word 2012
Ans : (c)
1097.In the online world of electronic commerce,
what do the initials CEM stands for?
(a) Costly E-Commerce Marketing
(b) Customer Experience Management
(c) Customer Experience Misleading
(d) Cost Estimates are Mind Boggling
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1098.What type of program controls the variouscomputer parts and allows the user interact
with the computer?
(a) Utility Software
(b) Operating System
(c) Word Processing Software
(d) Database Program
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
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1099.Which of the following transmission
systems provide the highest data rate to in
individual device?
(a) computer bus
(c) voice and (b) telephone
mode lines
(e) None of these (d) lease lines
Ans : (a)
1100.The combination of the operating system
and the processor is referred to as the
(a) CPU
(c) BIOS (b) platform
(e) None of these (d) CMOS
Ans : (b)
1101.Leaves of which of the following trees are
at the same level?
(a) Binary tree
(c) AVL-tree (b) B-tree
(d) None of these (d) Expression tree
Ans : (b)
1102.The transformation of a message into an
encoded form is known as :
(a) Mnemonics
(c) Encryption (b) Encoding
(e) None of these (d) Decoding
Ans : (b)
1103.The unique signal, generated by a device,
that tells the operating system that it is in need
of immediate attention is called an :
(a) action
(c) interrupt (b) event
(e) None of these (d) activity
Ans : (c)
1104.Before a disk can be used to store data. It
must be………
(a) Formatted
(c) Addressed (b) Reformatted
(e) None of these (d) Partitioned
Ans : (a)
1105. ………….software allows users to perform
calculations on rows and columns of data.
(a) Word processing
(b) Presentation graphics
(c) Database Management Systems
(d) Electronic Spreadsheet
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1106.When you quickly press and release that left
mouse button twice, you are……….
(a) Primary – clicking
(b) Pointing
(c) Double-clicking
(d) Secondary-clicking
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1107.All of the following statements concerning
windows are true EXCEPT :
(a) windows are an example of a commanddriven environment
(b) windows can be resized and repositioned
on the desktop
(c) more than one window can be open at a
(d) toolbars and scrollbars are features of
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
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1108.The only language understood by a digital
computer is called :
(a) Assembly language
(b) High level language
(c) English language
(d) Binary language
(e) None of above
Ans : (d)
1109.The computers can be on different local
networks in a………..
(a) Workgroup
(c) Network (b) Domain
(e) None of these (d) Transmission
Ans : (b)
1110.What does the Ctrl + I shortcut key
accomplish in MS-Word?
(a) It makes the selected text bold
(b) It adds a line break to the document
(c) It applies italic formatting to the selected
(d) It converts selected text into the next larger
size of the same font
(e) None of the above
Ans : (c)
1111.To access and display documents on the
web, you must have a communication
standard called………
(a) DNS
(c) HTTP (b) URL
(e) None of these (d) HTML
Ans : (b)
1112.In concern of databases, what does OLTP
stands for?
(a) On-Line Transfer Process
(b) On-Line Transfer Protocol
(c) On-Line Transaction Protocol
(d) On-Line Transaction Processing
(e) None of the above
Ans : (d)
1113.The toolbar in which you can type a web
address is the………..Bar?
(a) Address
(c) Status (b) Format
(e) None (d) Navigation
Ans : (a)
1114.You are entering a paragraph in a word
processing program. When the cursor gets to
the end of the line, what is the best way to get
the cursor to the next line?
(a) Press the ENTER key
(b) Press the TAB key
(c) Press the ESCAPE key
(d) Just keep typing
(e) None of the above
Ans : (d)
1115. ……… the process of sending same email message to a selected group of recipients.
(a) Multicasting
(c) Webcasting (b) Spamming
(e) None of these (d) Broadcasting
Ans : (a)
1116.The default opening/beginning webpage of
a website is called………..
(a) Index page
(c) Homepage (b) Search page
(e) None of these (d) Feedback
Ans : (c)

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1117.In which type of network, all computers
must be on the same local network or subnet?
(a) Peer to Peer (b) MAN
(c) WAN (d) Internet
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
data such as names in
alphabetical order in a table is called :
(a) Numbering (b) Searching
(c) Listing (d) Sorting
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1119.Hotmail, a free web-based email service
operated by which company?
(a) Apple
(c) Microsoft (b) Rediff
(e) Google (d) Yahoo
Ans : (c)
1120.When a user turns on a Windows XP
system, which program will activate first?
(a) Exhaust fan of SMPS will start rotating
(b) Windows XP logo screen appear with
progress bar
(c) Operating System start to load its file in
(d) Desktop screen appear with mouse pointer
(e) BIOS the in-charge of system start
Ans : (e)
1121.Adobe Acrobat files are stored in what
(a) Portable Document Format (PDF)
(b) Adobe Acrobat File (AAF)
(c) Document (DOC)
(d) Text (TXT)
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1122.The………directory is mandatory for every
(a) Root
(c) Sub (b) Base
(e) None of these (d) Case
Ans : (c)
1123.The term, “Hypertext”, means…………
(a) Non-sequential writing
(b) Hypermedia
(c) Text with heavy formatting
(d) Blinking text
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1124.After a picture has been taken with a digital
camera and processed appropriately, the
actual print of the picture is considered :
(a) Data (b) output
(c) input (d) the process
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
illegal copies of copyrighted
software is called…………
(a) software piracy
(b) browsing
(c) collaboration
(d) electronic distribution
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1126.The action of moving a page up or down on
the screen is called…………
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(a) scrolling
(c) lurking (b) linking
(e) None of these (d) framing
Ans : (a)
1127.Provides a fast, economical and convenient
way to send messages to another computer
using a modem.
(a) e-mail
(c) chating (b) sms
(e) None of these (d) internet
Ans : (a)
1128.Use the mouse, put the pointer on an object,
hold down the button, move the mouse, and
release. Moves an object to a new location.
(a) copy
(b) cut (c)
(d) drop
(e) hold drag
Ans : (c)
1129.An input device used to read text and bar
codes or a device to input pictures into a
(a) printer
(c) reader (b) scanner
(e) None of these (d) hardware
Ans : (b)
1130.The bar that is usually located immediately
below the menu bar in a window is called
(a) tool bar
(b) task bar
(c) catalog bar
(d) window bar
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1131.The word, “modem” stands for :
(a) modern equipment
(b) modulate-demodulate
(c) medium emphasis
(d) modular emphasis
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1132.Bug means
(a) A logical error in a program
(b) Documenting programs using an efficient
Documentation too
(c) A difficult syntax error in a program
(d) A virus
(e) None of the above
Ans : (a)
1133. C, BASIC, COBOL, and Java are examples
(a) low-level
(b) computer
(c) system programming
(d) high-level
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1134.Networks are monitored by security
personnel and supervised by………..who
set(s) up accounts and passwords for
authorized network users.
(a) IT managers
(b) the government
(c) network administrators
(d) password administrators
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1135.Computer follows a simple principle called
GIGO which means :
(a) garbage input good output
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(b) garbage in garbage out
(c) great instructions great output
(d) good input good output
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1136.Multiple choice examination answer sheets
can be evaluated automatically by :
(a) Optical Mark Reader
(b) Optical Character Reader
(c) Magnetic tape reader
(d) Magnetic ink character reader
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1137.Magnetic tapes are good storage media for :
(a) backup and low volume data
(b) backup and high volume data
(c) storing original but low volume data
(d) storing original but high volume data
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1138. ………is a signaling method that handles a
relatively wide range of frequencies.
(a) Broadband (b) DSL
(d) Both (a) &
(c) Dial-up
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
you connect to the……..your
computer is communicating with a server at
your Internet service provider (ISP).
(a) Modem (b) Internet
(c) Phoneline
(d) Mobile
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1140.The components that process data are
located in the :
(a) input devices
(b) output devices
(c) system unit
(d) storage component
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1141.When you save to……..your data will
remain intact even when the computer is
turned off.
(a) RAM
(b) motherboard
(c) secondary storage device
(d) primary storage device
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1142.The motherboard is the………..
(a) circuit board that houses peripheral devices
(b) same as the CPU chip
(c) the first dup that is accessed when the
computer is turned on
(d) circuit board that contains a CPU and other
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1143.Which of the following commands is used
for deleting a file permanently from
(a) Shift + del
(c) Ctrl + shift (b) Ctrl + del
(e) None of these (d) Alt + del
Ans : (a)

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1144.You would use ……….software to create
spreadsheets, type documents, and edit
(a) application (b) system
(c) windows (d) designing
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
computer systems rely solely
on……..for authentication.
(a) logins (b) passwords
(c) encryption (d) lock and key
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1146.The basic memory in which random access
in not possible is called :
(a) ROM
(c) Cache (b) RAM
(e) None of these (d) Flash
Ans : (a)
1147.What type of virus uses computer hosts to
reproduce itself?
(a) Time bomb
(c) Melissa virus (b) Worm
(e) None of these (d) Macro virus
Ans : (b)
1148.Macintosh computers use the Macintosh
operating system (Mac OS), whereas PCs
generally run……… an operating system.
(a) MS Office
(b) Microsoft Windows
(c) Software
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1149.The………..button on the quick access
Toolbar allows you to cancel your recent
commands or actions.
(a) Search
(c) Document (b) Cut
(e) None of these (d) Undo
Ans : (d)
1150.Which of the following holds the ROM,
CPU, RAM and expansion cards?
(a) Hard disk
(c) Mother board (b) Cache
(e) None of the memory
above (d) CPU
Ans : (c)
1151.The communication line between the CPU,
memory and peripherals is called a :
(a) Bus
(c) media (b) line
(e) None of these (d) cable
Ans : (a)
1152. ……… a tool to browse all disks
connected to the computer.
(a) Internet Explorer
(b) Windows Explorer
(c) My Computer
(d) Control Panel
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1153.Central Processing Unit consists of 3 main
components :
(a) Control Unit, Arithmetic Logic Unit,
Memory Unit
(b) Input Unit, Memory Unit, Output Unit
(c) Control Unit, Input Unit, Memory Unit
(d) Control Unit, Disk Drive, Memory Unit
124 MCQs Papers
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(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1154.In the URL, .com signifies
that it is a commercial site. Which of the
following extension specifies that the site is an
educational site.
(a) .org
(c) .com (b) .edu
(e) None of these (d) .net
Ans : (b)
1155.The Third Generation Computer was made
(a) Vacuum Tube
(b) Discrete Components
(c) IC
(d) Bio Chips
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1156.The resolution of the screen is indicated by:
(a) pixels
(c) lines (b) dots
(e) None of these (d) colors
Ans : (a)
1157.Which of the following is not computer
(a) High level language
(b) Medium level language
(c) Low level language
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1158.Which of the following package is best
suited for preparing ‘Presentation’?
(a) Excel
(c) Windows (b) Unix
(e) None of these (d) Power point
Ans : (d)
1159.What is System Analysis?
(a) The design of the screen the user will see
and use to enter or display data
(b) System analysis defines the format and
type of data the program will use
(c) System Analysis involves creating formal
model of the problem to be solved
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1160.When a network is confined to a single
location, it is called :
(a) Local Area Network
(b) Wide area Network
(c) Internet
(d) Intranet
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1161.These chips are specifically designed to
handle the processing requirements related to
displaying and manipulating 3-D images.
(a) Graphics coprocessors
(b) Arithmetic-logic unit processors
(c) Control unit processors
(d) CISC chips
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1162. ………is a process of creating a duplicate
set of programs or data files for safekeeping.
(a) booting (b) initializing
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(c) backing up (d) restoring
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1163.For web navigation following software
is/are used :
(a) Google Chrome
(b) Mozila Firefox
(c) Internet Explorer
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1164.Which of the following types of printers can
be classified as a non-impact printer?
(a) Dot Matrix Printers
(b) Daisy Wheel Printers
(c) Drum Printers
(d) Ink Jet Printers
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1165.The devices are connected in motherboard
via :
(a) ports (b) hubs
(c) switches (d) bus
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1166.Loading Operating System onto RAM is
called :
(a) Printing
(c) Booting (b) Saving
(e) None of these (d) Starting
Ans : (c)
1167.A file name has two parts ie; Primary name
and Extension name, which are separated by
(a) space
(c) dot (b) comma
(e) None of these (d) colon
Ans : (c)
1168.Basic purpose of the testing of the program
is :
(a) to detect software failures so that defects
may be discovered and corrected
(b) to remove the bugs and also to reduce the
labour cost
(c) to ensure that program is meeting the
specified requirements
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1169.The hierarchy of data, arranged in
ascending order is :
(a) Database – Bit – Byte – Record – File
(b) Bit–Byte–Field – Record – File – Database
(c) Bit – Byte – Record – File
(d) Byte – Record – File
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1170.Which feature moves the text automatically
to the next line while typing in notepad?
(a) Word Wrap
(c) Compress (b) Justify
(e) None of these (d) Alignment
Ans : (a)
1171.Which of the following terms is associated
with high-speed connection?
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(a) TCP/IP
(c) Ethernet (b) Dial-up access
(e) None of these (d) Broadband
Ans : (d)
1172.ISDN which is a set of standard for digital
transmission over ordinary telephone, stands
for :
(a) International Standard Digital Network
(b) Integrated Standard Data Network
(c) Integrated Services Digital Network
(d) International Service Data Network
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1173.Linux is an example of
(a) Operating System
(b) Input Device
(c) Output Device
(d) Terminal
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1174.Through which device the main
components of the computer communicate
with each other?
(a) Keyboard
(c) Monitor (b) System
(e) None of Bus
these (d) Memory
Ans : (b)
1175.Memory unit is one part of :
(a) Input device
(b) Control unit
(c) Output device
(d) Central Processing Unit
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1176.Group of computers connected to share
resources within Local Area environment
constitute a :
(a) Workstation
(c) Network (b) Workgroup
(e) None of these (d) Server
Ans : (c)
1177.Which of the following e-mail address is
(b) abc(4)
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1178.We can save our favourite websites in a
browser as :
(a) favourites
(c) bookmark (b) save
(e) None of these (d) Both (a) and (c)
Ans : (d)
1179.The purpose of using computers in an
organization is………..
(a) To be able to get on the internet
(b) To process data into information
(c) To produce reports, text, images, etc.
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1180.Documentation while developing a software
for a bank is required for :
(a) Editing (b) Auditing
(c) Correction (d) All of these

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(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1181.A computer checks the………..of user
names and passwords for a match before
granting access.
(a) website
(c) backup file (b) database
(e) None of these (d) network
Ans : (b)
1182.Which of the following phases are present
in a software development life cycle?
(a) Coding
(c) Design (b) Analysis
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (d)
1183.Which of the following is not a correct
(a) Oracle – Larry Ellison
(b) Microsoft – Bill Gates
(c) Wipro – Azim Premji
(d) Infosys – Nandan Nilekani
(e) HCL – Shiv Nadar
Ans : (d)
1184.Which of the following is to be done by the
auditor while internet banking services audit?
(a) Tour the server room
(b) The user is not allowed to log – in after
defined repeated failed attempts
(c) Contract clearly states the services that will
be provided by the vendor
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1185.The facility to reduce the Taskbar to thin
line when the taskbar or Start button is not
in use is called as :
(a) Hide
(c) Auto Hide
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
1186.A CD-ROM disk :
(a) cannot be erased and rewritten
(b) has more storage capacity than a CD-RW
(c) holds less data than a floppy disk
(d) can be written to only once
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1187.What is the main folder on a storage device
(a) Platform
(c) Root (b) Interface
Directory (d) Home
(e) None of these Page
Ans : (c)
1188.If you are going to a site you use often,
instead of having to type in the address every
time, you should :
(a) save it as a
file (b) make a copy of
(c) book mark it it
(e) None of these (d) delete it
Ans : (c)
1189.RAM is…………and………..
(a) volatile, temporary
(b) non-volatile, permanent
(c) non-volatile, temporary
(d) volatile, permanent
(e) None of these
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Ans : (a)
1190.The box that contains the central electronic
components of the computer is the :
(a) motherboard
(c) peripheral (b) system unit
(e) None of these (d) input device
Ans : (a)
1191.What menu is selected to cut, copy, and
(a) File
(c) Tools (b) Edit
(e) None of (d)
these Table
Ans : (b)
1192.A program that converts a high-level
language source file into a machine-language
file is called a :
(a) translator
(c) compiler (b)
(e) None of assembler
these (d) linker
Ans : (b)
1193.The……….indicates how much data a
particular storage medium can hold.
(a) access
(c) memory (b) capacity
(e) None of these (d) storage
Ans : (c)
1194.A(n)……….is created by an
(a) executable file (b) software
(c) document program
(d) operating
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1195.The………….key and the………key can
be used in combination with other keys to
perform shortcuts and special tasks.
(a) Control, Alt
(b) Function, toggle
(c) Delete, insert
(d) Caps Lock, Num lock
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1196.What is a file?
(a) A file is a section of main storage used to
store data
(b) A file is a collection of information that
given a name and is stored in secondary
(c) A file is the part of a program used to what
the program should do
(d) A file is another name for floppy disk
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1197.Applications are often referred to as :
(a) data files
(b) executable files
(c) system software
(d) the operating system
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1198.The primary output device for computers is
(a) video monitor
(c) keyboard (b) printer
(e) None of these (d) mouse
Ans : (b)
1199.Compartibility in regard to computers refers
to :
(a) the software doing the right job for the user
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(b) it being versatile enough to handle the job
(c) the software being able to run on the
(d) software running with other previously
installed software
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1200.Output which is made up of pictures,
sounds, and video is called :
(a) COM (b) hard copy
(c) graphics (d)
(e) None of multimedia
Ans : (d)
1201.A device that provides emergency power to
your computer, conditions the voltage, and
protects against powers out is called a :
(a) PSU = Power Supply Unit
(b) USP = Universal Surge Protector
(c) UPPS = Universal Power Protection and
(d) UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1202.Documentation of computer programs is
important so that :
(a) users can learn how to use the program
(b) other programmers can know how to
maintain the program
(c) the programmer can see why the code is
written that way while hunting for sources
of error
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1203.Two different files can have the same name
if :
(a) they are in different folders
(b) they are on different drives
(c) never!
(d) the names are capitalized differently
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1204.Secondary storage :
(a) does not require constant power
(b) does not use magnetic media
(c) consists of four main types of devices
(d) does not store information for later
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1205.Deleted data remains on a disk until :
(a) the data is overwritten
(b) the recycle bin is emptied
(c) a file compression utility is used
(d) the disk is scanned
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1206.When you cut or copy information it gets
place in the :
(a) Clipart
(c) Internet (b) Clipboard
(e) None of (d)
these Motherboard
Ans : (b)
1207.Provides the means to move the pointer on
the screen and give information its buttons :
(a) scanner
(b) mouse
(c) keyboard
(e) None of

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Ans : (b)
1208.The name of the location of a particular
piece of data is its:
(a) address
(b) memory name
(c) storage site
(d) data location
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1209.A device that is connected to the
motherboard is :
(a) called an external device
(b) called an adjunct device
(c) called a peripheral device
(d) must connect using ribbon cable
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1210.Which is a graphical representation of an
(a) Windows 95
(b) Windows Explorer
(c) Icon
(d) Taskbar
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1211.A Field is a related group of :
(a) Records
(c) Characters (b) Files
(e) None of (d)
these Cables
Ans : (a)
1212.To restart the computer………..key is used.
(a) Del + Ctrl
(b) Backspace + Ctrl
(c) Ctrl + Alt + Home
(d) Reset
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1213.The process of preparing a floppy diskette
for use is called :
(a) assembling
(c) parsing (b) translating
(e) None of these (d) formatting
Ans : (d)
1214.A prescribed set of
instructions for solving mathematical
is called………..
(a) a compiler
(c) a description
(b) a code
(d) an algorithm
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1215.A record is related to a file, as a statement is
related to a :
(a) procedure
(c) program (b) file
(e) None of these (d) data
Ans : (c)
1216.Housing all hardware, software, storage,
and processing in one site location is called :
(a) time-sharing
(b) a distributed system
(c) centralized processing
(d) a host computer
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
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1217.Several computers linked to a server to
share programs and storage space
(a) Network
(c) library (b) Grouping
(e) None of (d) integrated
these system
Ans : (a)
1218.Sofy copy refers to :
(a) printed output
(b) music sounds
(c) screen output
(d) digitizing
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1219.Meaningful file name helps in easy file :
(a) Storing
(c) Identification (b) Accessing
(e) None of these (d) Printing
Ans : (c)
1220.LAN stands for :
(a) Local Access Network
(b) Local Area Network
(c) Logical Access Network
(d) Logical Area Network
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1221.MS-DOS is a……..operating system.
(a) point-and-click
(b) user-friendly
(c) command-driven
(d) Mac
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1222.All of the following are TRUE regarding
virtual memory EXCEPT :
(a) any amount of RAM can be allocated to
virtual memory
(b) the setting for the amount of hard drive
space to allocate to virtual memory can be
manually changed
(c) this temporary storage is called the swap
file (or page file)
(d) virtual memory is physical space on the
hard drive
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1223. ……….controls the way in which the
computer system functions and provides a
means by which users can interact with the
(a) The platform
(b) Application software
(c) Operating System
(d) The motherboard
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1224.What top-
is domain name of
following level
URL http.//
(a) http
(c) yahoo (b) www
(e) asp (d) .com
Ans : (d)
1225.Which of the following devices typically
attaches to a parallel port?
(a) Keyboard (b) Mouse
(c) Monitor (d) Printer

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(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1226.The geometric arrangement of devices on
the network is called………..
(a) Topology (b) Media
(c) URL (d) Protocol
(e) Pipelining
Ans : (a)
1227.The vast network of computers that
connects millions of people all over the
is called………..
(a) Web (b) LAN
(c) Internet
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1228.Which one of the following is true?
(a) A blog is an online diary or journal posted
on the Web
(b) The term blog is a shortened version of
Web log
(c) A blog reflects the personal and unique
viewpoint of its creator
(d) Each blog post can be three screens deep
or three lines long
(e) All of these
Ans : (e)
1229.What is other name of LAN Card?
(b) Network Connector
(c) Internet Card
(d) NIC
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1230.A process known as……….is used by large
retailers to study trends.
(a) data mining
(b) data selection
(c) POS
(d) data conversion
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1231.The storage subsystem in a microcomputer
consists mainly of…………or…………media
with varying capacities.
(a) Memory or video
(b) Magnetic or optical
(c) Video or magnetic
(d) None of these
Ans : (b)
1232.The metal or plastic case that holds all the
physical parts of the computer is the :
(a) system unit
(c) mainframe (b) CPU
(e) None of these (d) platform
Ans : (a)
1233.A goal of data mining includes which of the
(a) to explain some observed event or
(b) to confirm that data exists
(c) to analyze data for expected relationships
(d) to create a new data warehouse
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1234.Which of the following produces the best
quality graphics reproduction?
(a) Laser printer (b) Ink jet printer
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(c) Plotter (d) Dot matrix printer
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1235.Which of the following memories has the
shortest access times?
(a) Cache memory
(b) Magnetic bubble memory
(c) Magnetic core memory
(d) RAM
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1236.Which of the following memories allows
simultaneous read and write operations?
(a) ROM
(c) EPROM (b) RAM
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
1237.You can not link excel worksheet data to a
word document :
(a) With the right drag method
(b) With a hyperlink
(c) With the copy and paste special commands
(d) With the copy and paste buttons on the
standard toolbar
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1238.Block arrows, stars and banners,
callouts are all examples of
(a) Different types of children’s building
(b) Auto Shape categories
(c) Clip art categories located in the Microsoft
Clip Gallery
(d) More technical terms that I don’t
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1239.The altering of data so that it is not usable
unless the changes are undone is……….
(a) Biometrics
(c) Encryption (b) Compression
(e) None of these (d) Ergonomics
Ans : (c)
1240.A spooler is a(n) :
(a) location in memory that maintains the
contents of a document until it prints out.
(b) print job
(c) program that coordinates the print jobs that
are waiting to print
(d) message sent from the printer to the
operating system when a print job is
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1241.The memory resident portion of the
operating system is called the :
(a) registry
(c) CMOS (b) API
(e) None of these (d) kernel
Ans : (d)
1242.In Windows XP, if you want to see the file
size and modified dates of all files in a folder,
the best viewing option is the ………….view.
(a) List
(c) Details (b) Thumbnails
(e) None of these (d) Icon
Ans : (c)

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1243.Multimedia System involves :
(a) Only Audio and Video
(b) Animation Video Movies
(c) Animation movie with Text also
(d) All type of movie with Animation
Graphics and Text
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1244.The PC (personal computer) and the Apple
Macintosh are examples of two different :
(a) platforms
(b) applications
(c) programs
(d) storage
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1245.The definition of thrashing is :
(a) swapping data between virtual memory
and RAM too frequently
(b) insufficient hard disk space
(c) too many processors being managed by the
operating system
(d) inaccurate information stored in the
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1246.Excel files have a default extension of
(a) Xls (b) Xlw
(c) Wk1 (d) 123
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1247.Any method for controlling access to or use
of memory is known :
(a) Memory map
(b) Memory protection
(c) Memory management
(d) Memory instruction
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1248.CAD stands for :
(a) Computer aided design
(b) Computer algorithm for design
(c) Computer application in design
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1249.A storage area used to store data to a
compensate for the difference in speed at
which the different units can handle data is :
(a) Memory
(c) Accumulator (b) Buffer
(e) None of these (d) Address
Ans : (b)
1250.Which of the following is not a web
scripting language?
(a) ASP
(c) JSP (b) DSP
(e) HTML (d) PHP
Ans : (b)
1251.What is the full form of a computer
language ‘Basic’?
(a) Beginners purpose Symbolic Information
(b) Beginners all purpose Symbolic Instruction
(c) Beginners all purpose Symbolic Interchange code
(d) Beginners all purpose Symbolic IT code
(e) None of these
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Ans : (a)
1252.The kind of the memory that comes from
the CPU that is erased when you shut the
computer off or exit the program that you
were in.
(a) ROM (b) RAM
(c) CACHE (d) Flash Drive
(e) Hard Drive
Ans : (b)
1253.Electronic telecommunications
many thousands of
(a) e-mail (b) chatting
(c) internet (d) WAN
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1254.A computer…………is a set of program
instructions that can attach itself to a file,
reproduce itself, and spread to other files.
(a) worm
(b) virus
(c) trojan horse
(d) phishing scam
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1255.A(n)……… is a peripheral device
used to capture still images in a digital format
that can be easily transferred into a computer
and manipulated using graphics software.
(a) digital
(c) classic (b) analog
(e) None of these (d) film
Ans : (a)
1256.A telephone number, a birth date, and a
customer name are all examples of :
(a) a record (b) data
(c) a file (d) a database
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1257.Which of the following would cause
quickest access?
(a) direct access from a magnetic tape
(b) direct access from a hard disk
(c) direct access from a floppy disk
(d) direct access from a cassette tape
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1258.Laptop PCs are also known as……….
(a) Mainframe
(c) Notebook
(b) Super
(e) None of these a that is
(d) Personal
Ans : (c)
special device
installed in your computer that allows it to
communicate with other devices on a
(a) Web browser (b) network adapter
(c) Bluetooth
(d) LAN
(e) WiFi
Ans : (b)
1260.Machine language is :
(a) Machine dependent
(b) Difficult to program
(c) Error prone
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1261.Which one of the following is unlikely to be
the number of keys in the standard keyboard?
(a) 101 (b) 104
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(c) 107 (d) 109
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1262.A file with extension “jpeg” stores which
type of files?
(a) Data document
(c) Movies (d) Music
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1263.A real time communication session
involving video and audio data for the
participants over a network spanning long
(a) Broadcasting
(c) Video conferencing
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1264.Which of the following utilities used to
monitor and restrict all the file transfer
between two networks?
(a) Web server
(c) Internet (b)
Explorer Firewall
(e) None of these (d) LAN
Ans : (b)
1265.Name the branch of science which tries to
make computer work like human beings?
(a) Forensic Science
(b) Encryptology
(c) Virtual reality
(d) Artificial Intelligence
(e) Biometrics
Ans : (d)
1266.The bar at the top of a window that bears
the name of the window is known as :
(a) control panel
(c) menu bar (b) task bar
(e) title bar (d) status bar
Ans : (e)
1267.We can get…………menu by pressing
Alt+F in mostly softwares.
(a) file (b) format
(c) Joystick
(d) Track ball
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1268.Which device is used as the standard
pointing device in a Graphical User
(b) Mouse
(a) Keyboard
(c) Joystick (d) Track ball
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1269. ………..devices store instructions or data
that the CPU processes.
(a) Output (b) Memory
(c) Input (d) Storage
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1270.What is the first stage in software
(a) System Analysis
(b) Specification and design
(c) Testing
(d) Maintenance
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1271.Which is not the function of the Operating
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(a) Memory management
(b) Disk management
(c) Application management
(d) Virus Protection
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1272.To close a program, you would :
(a) shut down the computer
(b) click the…… the top right hand corner
(c) click the middle box in the top right hand
(d) click the X in the top right hand corner
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1273.A device that operates under the control of
another device is called :
(a) Stem
(c) Simulator (b) Slave
(e) None of these (d) Emulator
Ans : (b)
1274.To publish a magazine a………application
would be best.
(a) word processing
(b) desktop publishing
(c) spreadsheet
(d) presentation graphics
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1275.A computer fails into the_______category
if it is, at the time of construction, one of the
fastest computers in the world.
(a) minicomputer (b)
(c) supercomputer
microcomputer (d) mainframe
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1276.The speed of super computers is measured
in :
(a) kilo bytes
(b) Instruction per Second
(c) Floating Point Operations per Second
(d) Dots per Inch
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1277.Which element is used for making the
connecting leads in an IC chip?
(a) silicon
(c) lead (b) germanium
(e) None of these (d) aluminum
Ans : (a)
1278.How was the generation of computer
(a) by the device used in memory & processor
(b) by the speed of computer
(c) by the model of the computer
(d) by the accuracy of computer
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1279.Which of the following is the earliest
calculating device?
(a) Abacus
(c) Difference (b) Clock
Engine (d)
(e) None of these Calculator
Ans : (a)
1280.Which file keeps commands to execute
automatically when OS is started?
(a) (b) any batch file
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(c) autoexec.bat (d) config.sys
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1281.What is the shortcut key to “Undo” the last
action in a document?
(a) Ctrl + X
(b) Ctrl +
(c) Ctrl + Z
(e) None of
(d) Ctrl +
Ans : (c)
1282.What is meaning of the term DEBUG?
(a) To remove virus
(b) To remove errors from program
(c) To improve the system performance
(d) To improve the language
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1283.Which device can not be used for
(a) Flatbed Scanner
(b) Fingerprint sensor
(c) Voice recognition system
(d) Retina Scanner
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1284.This device allow you to transfer pictures
from the paper onto the computer.
(a) Printer
(c) Keyboard (b) Mouse
(e) None of these (d) Scanner
Ans : (d)
1285.When a computer is first turned on or
restarted, a special type of absolute loader
called……… executed.
(a) Compile and Go loader
(b) Boot loader
(c) Bootstrap loader
(d) Relating loader
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1286.Algorithm and Flow chart help us to :
(a) Know the memory capacity
(b) Identify the base of a number system
(c) Direct the output to a printer
(d) a
th proble completel
Specify n
e m y
clearly d
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1287.CD-ROM stands for :
(a) Compactable Read Only Memory
(b) Compact Data Read Only Memory
(c) Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
(d) Compact Disk Read Only Memory
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1288.ASCII stands for :
(a) American Stable Code for International
(b) American Standard Case for Institutional
(c) American Standard Code for Information
(d) American Standard Code for Interchange
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
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1289.Artificial Intelligence is associated with
which generation?
(a) First
Generation (b) Second
(c) Fifth Generation
Generation (d) Sixth
(e) None of these Generation
Ans : (b)
1290.Which statement is valid about magnetic
(a) It is a plastic ribbon
(b) It is coated on both sides with iron oxide
(c) It can be erased and reused
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1291.The arranging of data in a logical sequence
is called :
(a) Sorting
(c) Reproducing (d)
(e) None of these Summarizing
Ans : (a)
beings are referred to as
Homosapiens, which device is called Sillico
(a) Monitor
(c) Robot
(b) Hardware
(d) Computer
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1293.Personal computers use a number of chips
mounted on a main circuit board. What is the
common name for such boards?
(a) Daughter
board (b) Mother
(c) Father board board
(e) None of these (d) Breadboard
Ans : (b)
1294.Kind of serial dot-matrix printer that forms
characters with magnetically-charged ink
sprayed dots is called:
(a) Laser Printer
(c) Drum Printer (b) Ink-Jet Printer
(e) None of these (d) Chan Printer
Ans : (b)
1295.Time during which a job is processed by the
computer is :
(a) Delay times
(c) Execution (b) Real time
time (d) Down
(e) None of these time
Ans : (c)
1296.As compared to the secondary memory, the
primary memory of a computer is :
(a) Large
(c) Fast (b) Cheap
(e) None of these (d) Slow
Ans : (c)
1297. ……….is the process of translating a task
into a series of commands that a computer
will use to perform that task.
(a) Project design (b) Installation
(c) Systems (d)
analysis Programming
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1298.Which of the following data structure is
linear data structure?
(a) Trees
(c) Arrays (b) Graphs
(e) None of these (d) Both (a) & (b)
Ans : (c)
1299.Fastest component of a computer
system is :
(a) Flash ROM (b) Cache memory

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(c) DDR RAM (d) CPU
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1300.‘MICR’ technology used for clearance of
cheques by banks refers to :
(a) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
(b) Magnetic Intelligence Character
(c) Magnetic Information Cable Recognition
(d) Magnetic Insurance Cases Recognition
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1301.Surgeons can perform delicate operations
by manipulating devices through computers
instead of manually. This technology is
known as :
(a) robotics
(c) simulation (b) computer
(e) None of forensics
these (d) forecasting
Ans : (a)
1302.The type of operating system software you
use depends on your computer’s…………
(a) hardware
(c) operating (b) platform
system (d)
(e) None of these workstation
Ans : (b)
1303.The common name for the crime of stealing
passwords is :
(a) spooling (b) identify theft
(c) phishing (d) hacking
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1304.DSL is an example of a(n)……….
(a) network (b) wireless
(c) slow (d) broadband
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1305.Servers store and manages files for network
(a) Authentication
(c) Web (b) Main
(e) None of these (d) File
Ans : (d)
1306.Without using the mouse or the arrow keys,
what is the fastest way of getting to cell A1 in
a spreadsheet?
(a) Press Ctrl + Home
(b) Press Home
(c) Press Shift + Home
(d) Press Alt + Home
(e) Press Ctrl + Up arrow
Ans : (a)
1307.Which symbols must all formula begin with
in Excel?
(a) =
(c) ( (b) +
(e) None of these (d) @
Ans : (a)
1308.Which of the following is graphics solution
for Word Processors?
(a) Clip Art
(c) Drop Cap (b) Word Art
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (a)
1309.Ping is a command used for :
(a) Checking MAC address
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(b) Checking Networking functionality and
validity of IP address
(c) Checking cabling performance
(d) Checking cable connectivity only
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1310.Multi user systems provided cost savings
for small business because they use a single
processing unit to link several
(a) Personal computers
(b) Workstations
(c) Dumb terminals
(d) Mainframes
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1311.Word processing, spreadsheet, and photoediting are examples of :
(a) application software
(b) system software
(c) operating system software
(d) platform software
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1312.A Compact Disk is an :
(a) Optical Disk (b) Magnetic Disk
(c) Digital Disk
(d) Laser Disk
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1313.In latest generation computers, the
instructions are executed :
(a) Parallel only
(b) Sequentially only
(c) Both sequentially and parallel
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1314.Before a disk drive can access any sector
record, a computer program has to provide the
record’s disk address. What information does
this address specify?
(a) Track number
(c) Surface (b) Sector
number number
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (d)
1315.A computer which CPU speed around 100
million instruction per second and with the
word length of around 64 bits is known as :
(a) Super computer
(b) Mini computer
(c) Micro computer
(d) Macro computer
(e) Mainframe computer
Ans : (a)
1316.The metal disks, which are permanently
housed in, sealed and contamination free
containers are called :
(a) Hard disks
(c) Winchester (b) Floppy disk
disk (d) Flexible
(e) None of these disk
Ans : (c)
1317.A factor which would strongly influence a
business person to adopt a computer is its :
(a) Accuracy
(b) Reliability
(c) Speed
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1318.FAT stands for :
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(a) File Accommodation Table
(b) File Access Tape
(c) File Allocation Table
(d) File Activity Table
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1319.Which of the following is not true for a
magnetic disk?
(a) It is expensive relative to magnetic tape
(b) It provides only sequential access to stored
(c) Users can easily update records by writing
over the old data
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1320.If a word is typed that is not in Word’s
dictionary, a…………color underline appears
below the word.
(a) red
(c) blue
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
1321. ……….cells involves creating a single cell
by combining two or more selected cells.
(a) Formatting
(c) Embedding
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
1322.The operating system does all of the
following EXCEPT :
(a) provide a way for the user to interact with
the computer
(b) manage the central processing unit (CPU)
(c) manage memory and storage
(d) enable users to perform a specific task such
as document editing
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1323.During the boot process, the _______looks
for the system files.
(a) CD
(c) CPU (b) BIOS
(e) HDD (d) DVD
Ans : (b)
1324. ……….is the ability of an operating
system to control the activities of multiple
programs at the same time.
(a) Multitasking
(c) Multiuser (b) Streamlining
(e) None of these (d) Simulcasting
Ans : (a)
1325.Virtual memory is typically located :
(b) in the CPU
(a) on a floppy disk
(d) on the hard
(c) in a flash card
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1326.All of the following are TRUE of Safe
(a) Safe Mode is a special diagnostic mode
(b) Safe Mode loads all nonessential icons
(c) Safe Mode allows users to troubleshoot
(d) Safe Mode loads only the most essential
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
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1327.Ensuring that the essential peripheral
devices are attached and operational is
(a) Configuration (b) CMOS
(c) POST (d) ROM
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1328.Verification of a login name and password
is known as :
(a) configuration
(c) authentication (b) accessibility
(e) None of these (d) logging in
Ans : (c)
1329.The basic input/output system (BIOS) is
stored in :
(a) RAM (b) ROM
(d) Hard
(c) CPU
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1330.The operating system allows users to
organize the computer’s in a
hierarchical structure of that
include all of the following EXCEPT :
(a) files (b) folders
(c) drives (d) systems
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1331.Using Windows Explorer, a plus (+) sign in
front of a folder indicates :
(a) an open folder
(b) the folder contains subfolders
(c) a text file
(d) a graphics file
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1332.An application program that helps the user
to change any number and immediately see
the result of that change is :
(a) Desktop publishing program
(b) Database
(c) Spreadsheet
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1333.What is the responsibility of the logical unit
in the CPU of a computer?
(a) To produce result
(b) To compare numbers
(c) To control flow of information
(d) To do math’s works
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1334.The number of characters that can be stored
in given physical space is :
(a) Word length
(c) Data density (b) Byte
(e) None of these (d) Field
Ans : (c)
1335. ………..are used to identify a user who
returns to a Website.
(a) Cookies
(c) Scripts (b) Plug-ins
(e) None of these (d) ASPs
Ans : (a)
1336.When you are selecting a mouse for a
particular computer system, what is the most
important consideration?
(a) The type of drivers that come with the
144 MCQs Papers
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(b) The length of the mouse cord
(c) The type of connector the mouse is
equipped with
(d) The number of buttons the mouse has
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1337.If text was highlighted and ‘Edit’ ‘Copy’
was clicked, what would happen?
(a) Text would be copied from the document
and placed in the clipboard
(b) Text would be removed from the document
and placed in the clipboard
(c) Text from the clipboard would be placed in
the document at the place where the cursor
is blinking
(d) Only (b) and (c)
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1338.Which of the following are advantages of
CD-ROM as a storage media?
(a) CD-ROM is an inexpensive way to store
large amount of data and information
(b) CD-ROM disks retrieve data and
information more quickly than magnetic
disks do
(c) CD-ROMs make less errors than magnetic
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1339. A……… the term used when a search
engine returns a Web page that matches the
search criteria.
(a) blog
(b) hit
(c) link
(d) view
(e) success
Ans : (c)
1340.The…………is the term used to describe
the window that is currently, being used.
(a) Web Window
(b) Display area
(c) WordPad Window
(d) Active Window
(e) Monitor
Ans : (d)
1341.A microprocessor is the brain of the
computer and is also called a(n)…………
(a) microchip
(c) (b)
macroprocessor macrochip
(e) software (d) calculator
Ans : (a)
1342.Storage and memory differ with respect to
which of the following characteristics?
(a) Price
(c) Speed (b) Reliability
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (d)
1343.What are two examples of freeware?
(a) WinZip and Linux
(b) Shareware and File sharing
(c) Microsoft Word and the Google toolbar
(d) Instant Messaging and the Google toolbar
(e) Microsoft Power Point and Microsoft
Ans : (b)
1344.If a disk drive falls but the computer
application running and using it can continue
processing, this application is said to have
been designed with this feature………..
(a) 100 percent uptime
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(b) fault tolerance
(c) high reliability
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1345.What is e-commerce?
(a) Buying and selling international goods
(b) Buying and selling products and services
over the Internet
(c) Buying and selling products and services
not found in stores
(d) Buying and selling products having to do
with computers
(e) Buying and selling of electronic goods
Ans : (b)
1346.What are the four things needed to connect
to the Internet?
(a) telephone line, modem, computer and an
(b) modem, computer, PDA, and ISP
(c) telephone line, PDA, modem and computer
(d) computer, ISP, modem and communication
(e) monitor, keyboard, mouse, modem
Ans : (d)
1347.Which of the following functions are not
performed by servers?
(a) Email processing
(b) Database sharing
(c) Processing Web sites
(d) Storage
(e) Word Processing
Ans : (d)
1348.Which media have the ability to have
data/information stored (written) on them by
users more than once?
(a) CD-R disks
(b) CD-RW disks
(c) Zip disks
(d) OptiDisks
(e) Both CD-RW disks and Zip disks
Ans : (b)
1349.The process of transferring files from a
computer on the internet to your computer is
(a) downloading
(c) upgrading (b) uploading
(e) downsizing (d) noting
Ans : (b)
1350.The………..controls a client computer’s
(a) application program
(b) instruction set
(c) operating system
(d) server application
(e) compiler
Ans : (d)
1351.Which of the following could be digit input
devices for computers?
(a) Digital (b)
camcorder Microphone
(c) Scanner (d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1352. The……..enables you to simultaneously
keep multiple Web pages open in one browser
(a) tab box (b) pop-up-helper
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(c) tab row (d) address bar
(e) Esc key
Ans : (c)
1353.You can use the……… to type a URL
and display a Web page, or type a keyword to
display a list of related Web pages.
(a) Menu
(c) Search (b) Title
(e) Address (d) Web
Ans : (e)
1354.Storage media such as CD read and write
information using………
(a) a laser beam of red light
(b) magnetic dots
(c) magnetic strips
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1355.The collection of links throughout the
Internal creates an interconnected network
called the…………
(a) Wide Area Web
(b) Web
(c) World Wide Web
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1356.Every computer has a(n)………..; many
also have……….
(a) operating system, a client system
(b) operating system, instruction sets
(c) application programs, an operating system
(d) application programs, a client system
(e) operating system, application programs
Ans : (c)
1357.Main memory works in conjunction with
(a) special function cards
(b) RAM
(c) CPU
(d) Intel
(e) All of these
Ans : (c)
1358.A sales clerk at a checkout counter scanning
a tag on an item rather than keying it into the
system, is using__________
(a) input automation
(b) item data automation
(c) scanning automation
(d) source data automation
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1359.A(n) several
…………composed of to
computers share
connected together
resources and data.
(a) internet (b) network
(c) backbone (d) hyperlink
(e) protocol
Ans : (b)
1360.Which of the following is a storage device
that uses rigid, permanently installed magnetic
disks to store data/information………….
(a) floppy diskette
(b) hard disk
(c) permanent disk
(d) optical disk
(e) None of these
147 MCQs Papers
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Ans : (b)
1361.Microsoft Office is an example of a
(a) closed-source software
(b) open-source software
(c) horizontal-market software
(d) vertical-market software
(e) compiler
Ans : (b)
1362.A popular way to learn about computers
without ever going to a classroom is
(a) i-learning
(c) e-learning (b) isolated
(e) Distance learning
learning (d) close learning
Ans : (c)
1363.A person who used his or her expertise to
gain access to other people’s computers to get
information illegally or do damage is
(a) spammer
(c) instant (b) hacker
messenger (d)
(e) analyst programmer
Ans : (b)
1364.Computer software can be defined as
(a) the computer and its associated equipment
(b) the instructions that tell the computer what
to do
(c) computer components that act to
accomplish a goal
(d) an interface between the computer and the
(e) the interaction between the computer and
its database
Ans : (b)
1365.When speaking of computer input and
output, input refers to……….
(a) any data processing that occurs from new
data input into the computer
(b) retrieval of data or information that has
been input into the computer
(c) data or information that has been entered
into the computer
(d) the transmission of data that has been input
into the computer
(e) Both (c) and (d)
Ans : (c)
1366.There are several primary categories of
procedures. Which of the following is not a
primary category of procedures?
(a) Testing
(b) Backup and recovery
(c) Firewall development
(d) Design
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1367.The operating system called UNIX is
typically used for……….
(a) desktop computers
(b) laptop computers
(c) supercomputers
(d) Web servers
(e) All of these
Ans : (d)
1368.The………..file format is a method of
encoding pictures on a computer.
(a) HTML (b) JPEG
(c) FTP (d) URL

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(e) DOC
Ans : (b)
1369.Press…………to move the insertion point
to the Address box, or highlight the URL in
the Address box.
(a) ALT + D
(c) SHIFT + (b) ALT + A
TAB (d) TAB +
Ans : (c)
1370.Computer systems are comprised of………
(a) hardware, programs, information, people
and networks
(b) hardware, software, procedures, networks,
and people
(c) hardware, programs, information, people
and procedures
(d) hardware, programs, processors, procedures, and people
Ans : (d)
1371.Which of the following procedures can be
done through net banking?
(a) Fund transfer
(b) Viewing recent transactions
(c) Payment of utility bills
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
us the………..langua t
e ge o
process data.

(a) processing
(c) binary (b) code
(e) None of these (d) representational
Ans : (c)
1373.Input devices are used to provide the steps
and tasks the computer needs to process data,
and these steps and tasks are called………
(a) instructions
(c) commands (b) programs
(e) None of these (d) application
Ans : (a)
1374.Malicious software is known as :
(a) badware (b) malware
(c) malicious ware (d) illegal ware
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1375. …………is the measurement of things
such as fingerprints and retinal scans used for
security access.
(a) Biometrics
(b) Biomeasurement
(c) Computer Security
(d) Smart weapon machinery
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1376.System software is the set of programs that
enables your computer hardware devices and
………… to work together.
(a) management
(c) utility (b) processing
(e) None of these (d) application
Ans : (d)
1377.Which of the following is the correct order
of the four major functions of a computer?
(a) Process – Output – Input – Storage
(b) Input – Output – Process – Storage
(c) Process – Storage – Input – Output
(d) Input – Process – Output – Storage
149 MCQs Papers
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(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1378.Which generation of computer is still under
development :
(a) Fourth Generation
(b) Fifth Generation
(c) Sixth Generation
(d) Seventh Generation
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1379.ISP stands for :
(a) International Serial Port
(b) Internet Switching Protocol
(c) Internet Service Provider
(d) Internet Security Provider
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1380.Which American computer company is
called Big Blue?
(a) Microsoft
(b) Compaq Corp
(c) IBM
(d) Tandy Svenson
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1381.What is the full form of TFT?
(a) Thin Film Transistor
(b) Thick Film Tube
(c) Thin Film Tube
(d) Thick Film Transistor
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1382.A bar code reader is an example of a(n) :
(a) processing device (b) input
(c) storage device device
(e) None of these (d) output
Ans : (b) device
1383.Laser beam technology is used for
(b) keyboards
(a) terminals
(d) magnetic
(c) optical disks
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1384.The processor speed for top-end personal
computers is measured in :
(a) kilohertz (b) megahertz
(kHz) (MHz)
(c) gigahertz (d) terahertz
(GHz) (THz)
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
1385.BIOS stands for :
(a) Basic Input Output system
(b) Binary Input Output system
(c) Basic Input Off system
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1386. ……….is a set of computer programs used
on a computer to help perform tasks.
(a) An instruction
(b) Software
(c) Memory
(d) A
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1387. ………..programs search for and eliminate
(a) Antivirus (b) Security
(c) Malware (d) System

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(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1388. …………is the science that attempts to
create machines that will emulate the human
thought process.
(a) Artificial intelligence (b) Biometrics
(c) Robotics (d) Nano-technology
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1389.The following are all computing devices,
(a) notebook computers
(b) cellular telephones
(c) digital scanners
(d) personal digital assistants
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1390.Magnetic characters representing the check
amount are entered into your bank checks by :
(a) bar-code
readers (b)
(c) MICR mice
inscribers (d)
(e) None of these OCR
Ans : (c)
1391.The RAID method of duplicating data is
called :
(a) zoning (b) the sector
(c) data method
mirroring (d) data striping
(e) None of
Ans : (d)
1392.Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends
on :
(a) tracks per inch of surface
(b) bits per inch of tracks
(c) disk pack in disk surface
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1393.Access time is :
(a) seek time + latency time
(b) seek time
(c) seek time – latency time
(d) latency time
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1394.PDA stands for :
(a) protocol disk administrator
(b) primary digital assistant
(c) processor digital add-on
(d) personal digital assistant
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1395.What happens when you press the Ctrl + V
(a) A Capital V letter is typed into your
document at the cursor point
(b) The selected item is pasted from the
(c) The selected item is pasted to the
(d) The selected drawing objects are
distributed vertically on the page
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1396.Which do you press to enter the current date
in a cell?
(a) CTRL + ; (semicolon)
151 MCQs Papers
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(b) CTRL + SHIFT + : (colon)
(c) CTRL + F10
(d) CTRL + F11
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1397.Which of the following describes a
relational database?
(a) It provides a relationship between integers
(b) It consists of separate tables of related data
(c) It retrieves data related to its queries
(d) It provides a relationship between floats
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1398.How do you print your slides in a handout
that includes lines for notes?
(a) In the Print dialog box, select Handouts
and set the number of slides per page to 3
(b) In the Print dialog box, select Handouts
and a number of slides per page, then
select the include comment page option
(c) In the Print dialog box, select Notes Pages
instead of Handouts
(d) It cannot be done
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1399.Suppose you have columns of data that span
more than one printed page. How can you
automatically print the column headings on
each page?
(a) Click Page Setup on the File menu, click
the Sheet tab, and enter the row that
contains these column headings under Print
(b) Click Page Setup on the File menu, click
the Page tab, click the Options button, then
enter your choices
(c) Click Page Setup on the File menu, click
the Sheet tab, and make a selection under
the Print heading
(d) Click Page Preview on the File menu, click
the Sheet tab, and enter the row that
contains these column headings under Print
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1400.The Assistant is_________
(a) an application that allows you to take notes
and save them in a file
(b) an animated character that provides help
and suggestions
(c) a button on the standard Toolbar that
executes the Print command
(d) a collection of frequently misspelled words
in a dictionary file
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1401.Which of these is a quick way to copy
formatting from a selected cell to two other
cells on the same worksheet?
(a) Use CTRL to selected all three cells, then
click the Paste Button image button on the
Standard toolbar
(b) Copy the selected cell, the select the other
two cells, click Style on the Format menu,
the click Modify
(c) Click Format Painter Button image on the
Formatting toolbar twice, then click in
each cell you want to copy the
formatting toolbar twice, then click in
each cell you want to copy the formatting
(d) Use Alt to select all three cells, then click
the Paste Button image button on the
Standard toolbar
(e) None of these
152 MCQs Papers
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Ans : (c)
1402.How do you emailed word
documents from opening in
Reading Layout? the
(a) From the Tools Menu > Options > General
Tab > uncheck the Allow starting in
Reading Layout’
(b) From the View Menu > Reading Layout >
General Tab > uncheck the ‘Allow starting
in Reading Layout’
(c) From the Format Menu > Autoformat >
Edit Tab > uncheck the ‘Use with emailed
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1403.To search and load the saved file________
(a) select the close command
(b) select the new command
(c) select the same command
(d) select open command
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1404.A personal computer is designed to meet
the computing needs of a(n) :
(a) Individual
(c) company (b) department
(e) None of these (d) city
Ans : (a)
1405.Ctrl, shift and Alt are
(a) adjustment (b) function
(c) modifier (d) alphanumeric
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1406.File………..Shrinks the size of a file so it
requires less storage space.
(a) scanning
(c) defragmenting (b) synthesizing
(e) None of these (d) compression
Ans : (d)
1407.In addition to the basic typing keys, desktop
and notebook computer keyboards include
a(n)…………keypad to efficiently move the
screen-based insertion point.
(a) editing
(c) locked (b) number
(e) None of these (d) docked
Ans : (b)
1408.Which type of memory gets lost when you
switch off?
(a) ROM
(c) Cache (b) RAM
(e) Static (d) Dynamic
Ans : (b)
1409.What is the name of the program that
controls the computer?
(a) The Operating System
(b) An Application Program
(c) A Browser
(d) The File Manager
(e) The Compiler
Ans : (a)
1410.Which type of network would use phone
(a) WAN
(c) WWAN (b) LAN
(e) None of these (d) Wireless
Ans : (a)

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1411.What type of devices are computer speakers
or headphones?
(a) Input
(c) Software (b) Input/Output
(e) Output (d) Storage
Ans : (e)
1412.Which type of memory holds the program
to start up the computer?
(a) ROM
(c) Cache (b) RAM
(e) None of these (d) Static
Ans : (a)
1413.The term used to describe the intangible
instructions that tell the computer what to do
(a) hardware
(c) storage (b) software
(e) None of these (d) input/output
Ans : (b)
1414.A computer tower is not………..
(a) A CPU
(b) Hardware
(c) the “Heart” of the computer
(d) A peripheral
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1415.A computer cannot perform which of the
following functions?
(a) Addition
(c) Bake a cake (b) Subtraction
(e) None of these (d) Division
Ans : (c)
1416.Which of the following has the smallest
storage capacity?
(a) Zip Disk
(c) Software (b) Output
(e) Input/Output (d) Storage
Ans : (c)
1417.What type of devices are CDs or
(a) Input (b) Output
(c) Software (d) Storage
(e) Input/Output
Ans : (d)
1418.Why it is called as RAM?
(a) Because it is a Read and Write memory
(b) Because it is a volatile memory
(c) Because it can directly retrieve the location
of the selected data and instructions stored
on the chip
(d) Because it is a non-volatile memory
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1419.Which of the following describes the
feature of SRAM?
(a) Cheap but slow
(b) Power consumption is high and costlier
(c) Based on transistor-capacitor combination
(d) Power consumption is low
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1420.Which of the following disks in Read only?
(a) DVD-R
(c) DVD-RW (b) DVD-ROM
(e) Bytes (d) CD-R
Ans : (b)
1421.Speed of Clock frequency or Microprocessor is measured in?
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(a) Hertz
(c) CPS (b) Baud Rate
(e) Bytes (d) Bits
Ans : (a)
1422.Which of the following devices is generally
(a) Server
(b) Notebook computer
(c) Personal computer
(d) Laptop computer
(e) Mainframe
Ans : (a)
1423.The advantage of a LAN is……….
(a) Sharing peripherals
(b) Backing up your data
(c) Saving all your data
(d) Accessing the Web
(e) Automatic printing of data
Ans : (a)
1424.Of the 5 words listed below, which one is
the odd one out?
(a) Applications
(c) Programs (b) Peripherals
(e) Operating System (d) Software
Ans : (b)
1425.What type of device is a computer
(a) Input
(c) Software
(d) Storage
(e) Output
Ans : (e)
1426.What is the biggest number you can get
with 8 bits?
(a) 256 (b) 128
(c) 1000
(e) 1024 (d) 255
Ans : (e)
1427.What type of device is a digital
(a) Input (b) Output
(c) Software (d) Storage
(d) Input/Output
Ans : (a)
1428.What is mailing-list?
(a) Collection of e-mail addresses
(b) Collection of files
(c) Collection of folders
(d) Collection of dates
(e) Collection of events
Ans : (a)
1429.Hardware attached to a tower is known as :
(a) CPU
(c) Peripheral (b) Software
(e) .xls (d) Storage
Ans : (c)
1430.What is a standard file format for text
(a) JPEG.(jpg) (b) Bitmap (.bmp)
(c) Word (.doc) (d) Text (.txt)
(e) .xls
Ans : (c)
1431.Which devices were used in first generation
of computers :
(a) Integrated (b) Processor
circuit (d) Vaccum
(c) Microprocessor tubes
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)

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1432.Which part of the hardware compensate the
difference between the speed of CPU and
(a) Scanner
(c) Video card (b) Printer
(e) Interface (d) Motherboard
Ans : (d)
1433.Computers designed for specialized work
and specific instructions?
(a) Mainframe computer
(b) Special purpose computer
(c) Portable computer
(d) Super computer
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1434.Who manages for computer resources?
(a) ALU
(c) Control unit (b) BUS
(e) Secondary (d) I/O
memory unit
Ans : (c)
1435.Which of the following statements is true
about RAM?
(a) It retains data when the PC is turned-off
(b) It is a type of read and write memory
(c) It contains start-up instructions
(d) It is a peripheral
(e) It stands for Read Access Memory
Ans : (c)
1436.MB stands for :
(a) Micro Bytes
(c) Mini Bytes (b) Mega Bytes
(e) Midi Bytes (d) Milli Bytes
Ans : (b)
1437.Identify the fastest memory :
(a) Hard disk
(c) Cache Memory (b) DVD ROMs
(e) None of these (d) Static RAM
Ans : (c)
1438.To start a computer system, which memory
is optional?
(a) RAM
(c) Cache (b) ROM
(e) RAM and (d) Secondary
ROM memory
Ans : (b)
1439.Which high speed memory co-ordinate with
the speed gap between processor and main
(a) Cache (b) PROM
(c) EPROM (d) SRAM
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1440.A data warehouse is which of the
(a) Can be updated by end users
(b) Contains numerous naming conventions
and formats
(c) Organized around important subject areas
(d) Contains only current data
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1441.Which of the following is largest unit of
(a) GB
(c) MB (b) KB
(e) None of these (d) TB
Ans : (d)

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1442.This part of the operating system manages
the essential peripherals, such as the
keyboard, screen, disk drives, and parallel and
serial posts………
(a) Basic input/output system
(b) Secondary input/output system
(c) Peripheral input/output system
(d) Marginal input/output system
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1443.Making a field……….means that it cannot
be left bank.
(a) Numeric
(c) Calculated (b) Required
(e) None of these (d) Validated
Ans : (b)
1444.Disk can be used to
(b) Random
(a) Sequential files
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Automatic
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1445.Which of the following is NOT the part of
(a) Monitoring the data input
(b) Monitoring the data base usage
(c) Reviewing the DBMS log
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1446.Firewall acts as________
(a) Modem
(b) Browser
(c) Router
(d) Both (a) and
(d) None of
Ans : (c)
1447.Which of the following is not a part of
(a) CU
(c) Memory (b) Hard Disk
(e) None of (d) Both (a) and
these (b)
Ans : (b)
1448.Which of the following is NOT the function
of Clock in CPU?
(a) Timing pulses
(b) Interrupt
(c) Flow of operation
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1449.LOOP in a computer______
(a) calls another function
(b) repetivilly executes given data
(c) ends the execution
(d) makes system calls
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1450.Which of the following memories can be
(a) RAM
(c) EIROH (b) DRAM
(e) None of these (d) ROM
Ans : (a)
1451.How many keys were in keyboard used in
early days………..
(a) 90 (b) 95
(c) 80 (d) 85
(e) 84
157 MCQs Papers
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Ans : (a)
1452.How much data can be stored in one CD
(a) 100t mb
(c) 700 mb (b) 2.5 mb
(e) None of these (d) 500 mb
Ans : (c)
1453.Who is the father of
(a) Blaise Pascal (b) Charles Babbage
(c) Adam Smith (d) Connard Zuse
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1454.We can connect two or more than two
personal computers to create a………..
(a) Server
(c) Enterprise (b)
(e) None of Supercomputer
these (d) Network
Ans : (d)
1455.Bit is a short form of :
(a) megabyte
(b) binary language
(c) binary information unit
(d) binary number
(e) binary digit
Ans : (e)
1456.CD-ROM is a
(a) Semiconductor memory
(b) Memory register
(c) Magnetic memory
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (e)
1457.The octal equivalent of 111010 is :
(a) 81
(c) 71 (b) 72
(e) None of (d) All of
these these
Ans : (c)
1458.Which type of memory holds only the
program and data that the CPU is presently
(a) CMOS
(c) RAM
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
1459.A button that makes character either upper
or lower case and numbers to symbol.
(a) monitor
(c) icon
(e) None of these
Ans : (b) (b) shift key
1460.Pick the Odd (d) mouse
(a) Mouse
(c) Printer
(b) Scanner
(d) Keyboard
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1461.Programs designed specifically to address
general-purpose applications and specialpurpose applications are called………..
(a) operating system
(b) system software
(c) application software
(d) management information system
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
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1462.A series of instruction that tells a computer
what to do and how to do it called a………..
(a) operating system
(b) system software
(c) application software
(d) management information system
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1463.A series of instruction that tells a computer
what to do and how to do it called a………..
(a) program
(c) user (b)
response command
(e) None of (d)
these processor
Ans : (d)
1464.A screen list of options in a program that
tells you what is in that program………..
(a) screen
(c) menu (b) icon
(e) None of (d)
these backup
Ans : (c)
1465. ……….is a data that has been organized or
presented in a meaningful fashion.
(a) A process
(c) Software (b) Storage
(e) None of (d)
these Information
Ans : (d)
1466. A……….contains buttons and menus that
provide quick access to commonly used
(a) menu bar
(c) wind (b) toolbar
(e) None of these (d) find
Ans : (b)
1467.Letters, numbers and symbols found on a
keyboards are……….
(a) Icon
(c) Keys (b) Screen
(e) None of these (d) Menu
Ans : (c)
1468.What menu is selected to
(a) File (b) Tools
(c) Special (d) Edit
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1469.Programs or a set of electronic instructions
that tell a computer what to do………..
(a) Menu
(c) Hardware (b) Monitor
(e) None of these (d) Software
Ans : (d)
1470. A(n)…………contains commands that can
be selected.
(a) pointer
(c) icon (b) menu
(d) None of these (d) button
Ans : (c)
1471.Microcomputer hardware consists of three
basic categories of physical equipments……..
(a) keyboards, monitor, hard drive
(b) system unit, input/output, memory
(c) system unit, input/output, secondary
(d) system unit, primary storage, secondary
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
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1472.A piece of hardware that is used to enter
information into the computer by using
(a) keyboard
(c) hard disk (b) monitor
(e) None of these (d) icon
Ans : (a)
1473.Date and Time are available on the desktop
at :
(a) Keyboard
(c) My Computer (b) Recycle Bin
(e) None of these (d) Task Bar
Ans : (d)
1474.Periodically adding, changing and deleting
file records is called file………..
(a) updating
(c) restructing (b) upgrading
(e) None of these (d) renewing
Ans : (b)
1475.Capital letters on a keyboard are referred to
as ………
(a) caps lock key
(c) big guys (b) grownups
(e) None of these (d) upper case letters
Ans : (d)
1476.Devices that make up a computer system
that you can see or touch………..
(a) menu (b) print
(c) software (d) hardware
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1477.An output device that lets you see what the
computer is doing………
(a) a disk drive (b) monitor-screen
(c) shift key
(e) None of these (d) printer
Ans : (b)
1478.Bit is short for…………
(a) binary system (b) digital byte
(c) binary digit (d) binary unit
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1479.A symbol on the screen that represents a
disk, document or programs that you can
(a) keys
(c) icon (b) caps
(e) None of these (d) monitor
Ans : (c)
1480.A…………is an example of an input
(a) Keyboard
(c) Mouse (b) Monitor
(e) Both (a) & (c) (d) CPU
Ans : (e)
1481.A computer cannot ‘boot’ if it does not
have the…………
(a) Compiler
(c) Operating (b) Loader
system (d)
(e) None of these Assembler
Ans : (c)
1482.A command that takes what has been typed
into the computer and can be seen on the
screen and sends it to the printer for output on
(a) print
(b) return
(c) jump
(d) attention
(e) None of these

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Ans : (a)
1483.A CPU contains………..
(a) a card reader and a printing device
(b) an analytical engine and a control unit
(c) a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit
(d) an arithmetic logic unit and a card reader
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1484.Powerful key that lets you exit a program
when pushed………..
(a) arrow keys
(c) escape key
(b) space bar
(e) None of
(d) return key
Ans : (c)
1485.The ability of an OS to run more than one
application at a time is called ………..
(a) multitasking
(b) object-oriented programming
(c) multi-user computing
(d) time-sharing
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1486.Which of the following statements best
describes the batch method of input?
(a) Data is processed as soon as it is input
(b) Data is input at the time it is collected
(c) Data is collected in the form of source
documents, placed into groups, and then
input to the computer
(d) Source documents are not used
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1487.The term used to define all input and output
devices in a computer system is
(a) Monitor
(c) Shared
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1488.Coded entries which are used to gain access
to a computer system are called…………
(a) Entry codes
(c) Security
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1489.The part of a computer that coordinates all
its function is called its………..
(a) ROM program
(b) system
(c) arithmetic logic
(d) control
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1490. …………represents raw facts, whereas
…… data made meaningful.
(a) Information, reporting
(b) Data, information
(c) Information, bits
(d) Records, bytes
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1491.What is the name of the process that is used
to convert a series of instructions, a program,
written in a high-level language into
instructions (or a program) that can be run on
a computer?
(a) Assembling
(b) Compiling
(c) Translating
(d) Uploading
(e) None of these

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Ans : (b)
1492.The benefits of using computers is that
(a) Computers are very fast and can store huge
amounts of data
(b) Computers provide accurate output even
when input is incorrect
(c) Computers are designed to be inflexible
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1493.The function of CPU is……….
(a) to provide external storage of text
(b) to communicate with the operator
(c) to read, interpret and process the
information and instruction
(d) to provide a hard copy
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1494.What characteristic of read only memory
(ROM) makes it useful?
(a) ROM information can be easily updated
(b) Data in ROM is nonvolatile, that is, it
remain there even without electrical power
(c) ROM provides very large amounts of
inexpensive data storage
(d) ROM chips are easily swapped between
different brands of computers
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1495. ……… the process of carrying out
(a) Fetching (b) Storing
(c) Decoding (d) Executing
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1496.Which of the following peripheral devices
displays information to a user?
(a) Monitor
(b) Keyboard
(c) Secondary storage device
(d) Secondary storage media
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1497.The ‘desktop’ of computer referes to………
(a) the visible screen
(b) the area around the monitor
(c) the top of the mouse pad
(d) the inside of a folder
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1498.What type of resources is most likely to be
a shared common resource in a computer
(a) keyboards
(c) floppy disk
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1499.To ‘maximize’ a window means to……….
(a) fill it to capacity
(b) expand it to fit the desktop
(c) put only like files inside
(d) drag it to the Recycle bin
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
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1500.The ‘home page’ of a web site is………
(a) the largest page
(b) the last page
(c) the first page
(d) the most colorful page
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1501.A personal computer is called………..
(a) MC
(c) YC
(e) None of
Ans : (d)
1502.To put information in a file on a magnetic
disk, or in a computer’s memory, so it can be
used later :
(a) store
(c) shift (b) ship
(e) None of (d)
these center
Ans : (a)
1503.Saving is the process of :
(a) copying a document from memory to a
storage medium
(b) making changes to a document’s existing
(c) changing the appearance or overall look, of
a document
(d) developing a document by entering text
using a keyboard
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1504.Printed information called………….exists
physically and is a more permanent form of
output than that presented on display device.
(a) soft copy (b) carbon copy
(c) hard copy (d) desk copy
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1505.To find a saved document in the computer’s
memory and bring it up on the screen to
(a) reverse
(c) retrieve (b) rerun
(e) None of these (d) return
Ans : (c)
1506.The internet is a system of………..
(a) Software bundles
(b) Web page
(c) Web site
(d) Interconnected Networks
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1507.The first computers were programmed
(a) assembly language
(b) machine language
(c) source code
(d) object code
(e) spaghetti code
Ans : (a)
1508.You organize files by storing them in
(a) archives
(c) indexes (b) folders
(e) None of these (d) lists
Ans : (b)
1509.In order to create columnar data in Word
you need to………..
163 MCQs Papers
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(a) Tab consecutively until your cursor
reaches the desired place
(b) Set tabs or use the Table menu
(c) You need to use Excel
(d) Press the space bar until cursor reaches the
desired place
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1510.How many different documents can you
have open at any one time?
(a) No more than three
(b) Only one
(c) As many as your computers memory will
(d) No more than you Taskbar can display
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
(a) all have the same motive
(b) break into other people’s computers
(c) may legally break into computers as long
as they do not do any damage
(d) are people who are allergic to computers
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1512.In page preview mode………
(a) You can see all pages of your document
(b) You can only see the pages you are
currently working
(c) You can only see pages that do not contain
(d) You can only see the title page of your
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1513.What type of computers are client
computers (most of the time) in a client-server
(a) Mainframe
(c) (b) Mini-
Microcomputer computer
(e) None of these (d) PDA
Ans : (b)
1514.What is the full form of ‘GUI’?
(a) Gnutella Universal Interface
(b) Graphical User Interface
(c) Graphic Uninstall/Install
(d) General Utility Interface
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1515.Junk e-mail is also called……..
(a) spam
(c) sniff script
(b) spoof
(e) None of
(d) spool
Ans : (a)
1516.A word in a web page that, when clicked,
opens another document………..
(a) anchor
(c) hyperlink (b) URL
(e) None of these (d) reference
Ans : (c)
1517.Which of the following referes to a small,
single-site network?
(a) LAN
(c) RAM (b) DSL
(e) CPU (d) USB
Ans : (a)

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1518.Which keystroke will take you at the
beginning or the end of a long document?
(a) Ctrl + Page UP and Ctrl + PageDown
(b) Shift + Home and Shift + End
(c) Ctrl + Home and Ctrl + End
(d) The only way is by using the right scroll
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1519.In Word you can force a page break
(a) By positioning your cursor or at he
appropriate place and pressing the F1 Key
(b) By using the Insert/Section Break
(c) By positioning your cursor at the
appropriate place and pressing Ctrl +
(d) By changing the font size
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1520.When you want to move some text from
one page to a different page, the best method
(a) drag and drop
(c) delete and (b) cut and paste
replace (d) find and
(e) None of these replace
Ans : (b)
1521.To view information on the web you must
have a…………
(a) cable modem (b) web browser
(c) Domain Name Server (d) hypertext viewer
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1522.How many margins are on a page?
(a) Two (header and footer)
(b) Four (top, bottom, right, left)
(c) Two (landscape and Portrait)
(d) Two (top and bottom)
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1523.Which key is used in combination with
another key to perform a specific task?
(a) function
(c) space bar (b) arrow
(e) None of these (d) control
Ans : (d)
1524.What is an embedded system?
(a) A program that comes wrapped in a box
(b) A program that is permanently part of
(c) A computer that is part of a larger
(d) A computer and software system that
controls a machine or appliance
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1525.Text in a column is generally aligned……...
(a) justified
(c) center (b) right
(e) None of these (d) left
Ans : (d)
1526.A directory within a directory is
(a) Mini Directory (b) Junior Directory
(c) Part Directory (d) Sub Directory
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
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1527.Why should you delete unknown e-mail
(a) You could go to jail
(b) the person cold track you down and hurt
(c) it is bad manners
(d) it mights contains a virus that could hurt
your computer
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1528.Selecting the Zoon command…………..
(a) opens a copy of the document in a different
(b) prints a copy of the dislayed document
(c) changes the magnification of the displayed
(d) saves a copy of the displayed document
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1529.Name the hardware equipment that a
computer is made up of……..
(a) monitor, the central processing unit (CPU),
the keyboard, mouse, software and
(b) monitor, the central processing unit (CPU),
the keyboard, mouse, programs and
(c) monitor, the central processing unit (CPU),
the keyboard, mouse, printer and modem
(d) monitor, the central processing unit (CPU),
the keyboard, mouse, applications and
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1530.Where are programs and data kept while the
processor is using them?
(a) Main Memory (b) Secondary
(c) Disk memory Memory
(e) None of these (d) Program memory
Ans : (a)
1531.The name of the computer’s brain
(a) monitor (b) hardware
(c) CPU (d) byte
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1532.A(n)……….is a device that electronically
processes data, converting it to information.
(a) algorithm
(c) software
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
1533.Which of the following are computers that
can be carried around easily?
(c) PCs
(e) None of
(d) Laptops
Ans : (d)
1534.The secret code that restricts entry to some
(a) password
(c) entry-code (b) passport
(e) None of (d) access-
these code
Ans : (a)
1535.The basic goal of computer process is to
convert data into……….
(a) files
(c) information
(e) None of
Ans : (c)

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1536.Where is the disk put in a computer?
(a) In the modem
(b) In the hard drive
(c) Into the CPU
(d) In the disk drive
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1537.A hard copy of a document is………..
(a) printed on the paper
(b) stored on a floppy
(c) stored on a CD
(d) stored in the hard disk
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1538.The name that the user gives to a document
is referred to as………..
(a) document-
(b) filename
(c) name-given
(d) document-
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
1539.Restarting a computer that is already on is
referred to as……….
(a) shutdown
(c) warm
(b) cold
(e) None of
(d) logging off
Ans : (c)
1540.E-mail (electronic mail) is………..
(a) an Internet standard that allows users to
upload and download files
(b) a real-time typed conversation that takes
place on a computer
(c) an online area in which users conduct
written discussions about a particular
(d) the transmission of messages and files via
a computer network
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1541.The person who writes and tests computer
programs is called a…………
(a) programmer (b) computer scientist
(c) software engineer (d) project developer
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1542.The information you put into the computer
is called………..
(a) facts
(c) files (b) data
(e) None of (d)
these directory
Ans : (b)
1543.The output devices make it possible to
(a) view or print
(b) store
(c) scan data
(d) input
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1544.A chat is……….
(a) an internet standard that allows users to
upload and download files
(b) a typed conversation that takes place on a
(c) an online area in which users conducts
written discussions about a particular
(d) the transmission of messages and files via
a computer network
167 MCQs Papers
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(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1545.The most common method of entering text
and numerical data into a computer system is
through the use of a……….
(a) keyboard
(c) printer (b) scanner
(e) None of these (d) plotter
Ans : (a)
1546.Which of the following groups consists of
only input devices?
(a) Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor
(b) Mouse, Keyboard, Printer
(c) Mouse, Keyboard, Plotter
(d) Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1547.An example of a telecommunication device
is a :
(a) Keyboard
(c) Modem (b) Mouse
(e) Scanner (d) Printer
Ans : (c)
1548.Every component of your computer is
(a) software or CPU/RAM
(b) hardware or software
(c) application software or system software
(d) input devices or output devices
(e) usable or unusable
Ans : (b)
1549.A……… a unique name that you give to
a file of information.
(a) folder
(c) filename (b) filename
extension (d) device
(e) username letter
Ans : (b)
1550.A………….contains specific rules and
words that express the logical steps of an
(a) programming language
(b) syntax
(c) programming structure
(d) logic chart
(e) Graphs
Ans : (a)
1551…………is the process of finding errors in
software code.
(a) Hacking
(c) Testing (b) Compiling
(e) Debugging (d) Running
Ans : (c)
1552. A……….is a small hand-held computer
that helps you surf the Web and perform
simple tasks.
(a) desktop
computer (b) mobile
(c) notebook phone
computer (d)
(e) PDA minicomputer
Ans : (e)
1553.Most application software today comes with
an interface called a(n)………..
(a) graphical user interface
(b) character user interface
(c) icon user interface
(d) button user interface
(e) voice instruction system
Ans : (a)
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1554.A website address is a unique name that
identifies a specific……….
(a) Web browser
(c) Website (b) PDA
(e) user (d) link
Ans : (c)
1555.Which of the following is considered an
input device?
(a) Keyboard
(c) Floppy disk (b) Monitor
(e) CD (d) Printer
Ans : (a)
1556. ……………are bundles of related software
packages that are sold together.
(a) Personal productivity tools
(b) Word and Power Point
(c) Screen savers
(d) Excel and Word Perfect
(e) Software suites
Ans : (e)
1557.The………..manual tells you how to use a
software program.
documentation (b)
(c) technical programming
(e) Directory (d) user
Ans : (d)
1558.Processors contain a control unit and a(n)
(a) adapter card
(b) arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
(c) expansion slot
(d) port
(e) CD drive
Ans : (b)
1559.You may be required to insert the program
disc into the drive while you use, or………..,
the software.
(a) install
(c) activate (b) run
(e) buy (d) register
Ans : (a)
1560.Which of the following is an example of
(a) CD
(c) power cord (b) floppy disk
(e) Internet (d) data
Ans : (e)
1561.How many bits are there in a byte?
(a) 20 (b) 4
(c) 16 (d) 24
(e) 8
Ans : (e)
1562.Which of the following is another name for
a chip?
(a) Silicon chip
(c) Semi (b) Integrated
conductor circuit
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
1563.Decreasing the amount of space required to
store data and programs is accomplished by
(a) pressing
(c) RAID (b) disk caching
(e) file compression (d) Crashing
Ans : (e)
1564.Data on a floppy disk is recorded in rings
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(a) sectors
(c) roundels (b) ringers
(e) segments (d) tracks
Ans : (d)
1565.Documents on the Web are
(a) Web pages (b) Web sites
(c) Web communities (d) Web tags
(e) Homepages
Ans : (a)
1566.The……… an information system must
be reliable and capable of handling the
expected workload.
(a) hardware
(b) software
(c) data input
(d) people
(e) Mobiles
Ans : (a)
1567.Which of the following is part of the system
(a) Keyboard
(c) Monitor (b) Floppy disks
(e) CD (d) Memory
Ans : (d)
1568.Specialized programs that allow particular
input or output devices to communicate with
the rest of the computer system are
(a) operating systems
(b) utilities
(c) device drivers
(d) language translators
(e) Connectors
Ans : (c)
1569.Storage that retains its data after the power
is turned off is referred to as…………
(b) sequential storage
(a) volatile storage
(d) nonvolatile
(c) direct storage
(e) Mobile storage
Ans : (d)
1570.An essential ingredient for effective
multimedia presentations incorporates
participation or………..
(a) links (b) buttons
(c) interactivity (d) integration
(e) Speed
Ans : (c)
1571.A device that copies or reproduces text and
images is also called a(n) :
(a) optical
scanner (b) bar code
(c) character reader
device (d) digital
(e) Printer camera
Ans : (a)
1572.A CD-RW disk…………..
(a) has a faster access than an internal disk
(b) can be erased and rewritten
(c) is a form of optical disk, so it can only be
written once
(d) holds less data than a floppy disk
(e) is not easily available
Ans : (b)
1573.Which of the following are secondary
storage devices?
(a) Optical disks
(b) RAM
(d) All of
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1574.A website containing stories and articles
relating to current events, life, money, sports,
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and the weather is considered a(n)
(a) (b) portal
business/marketing (d) news
(c) informational
(e) retailing
Ans : (d)
1575.You can have a live conversation with
another connected user with………..
(a) e-mail
(b) instant
(c) e-commerce
(e) Word
(d) distance
Ans : (b)
1576.The rectangular area of the screen that
displays a program, data, and/or information
is a.
(a) title bar
(c) dialog box (b) button
(e) interaction (d)
box window
Ans : (d)
1577.Video conferencing requires a microphone,
speakers, and a………….attached to your
(a) mouse
(c) video camera
(b) keyboard
(e) mobile phone
(d) scanner
Ans : (c)
1578.The process of a
computer receiving
information from a server on the internet is
known as…………
(b) pulling
(a) acquisition
(d) pushing
(c) transferring
(e) downloading
Ans : (e)
1579.Any hardware component that allows you
to enter data or instructions into a computer is
called a(n)…………..
(a) printer
(c) output device (b) storage device
(e) input device (d) system unit
Ans : (e)
1580.With………….the computer’s modem uses
a standard telephone line to connect to the
(a) DSL (b) dial-up access
(c) ISDN (d) cable television
(e) satellite
Ans : (b)
1581.You must instruct the………… start the
application software.
(a) utility program
(c) operating (b) memory
system (d)
(e) user processor
Ans : (c)
1582.Incorrect information is generated by……...
in the information system.
(a) unreliable hardware
(b) incorrect data
(c) untested software
(d) unskilled people
(e) inconvenient timing of work
Ans : (b)
1583.A portable, personal computer small
enough to fit on your lap is called a…………
(a) notebook computer
(b) handheld computer
(c) mainframe computer
(d) desktop computer
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(e) supercomputer
Ans : (a)
1584.The new……….processor integrates the
functions of a processor, memory and video
card on a single chip.
(a) microprocessor
(b) power processor
(c) system on a chip
(d) multimedia processor
(e) chip-processor
Ans : (c)
1585.A collection of computers and devices
connected together via communications
devices and transmission media is called
(a) workgroup
(b) server
(c) mainframe
(d) network
(e) computer lab
Ans : (d)
are available free at
portals on the Web.
(a) E-mail (b) FTP
(c) Video conferencing (d) Telephone
(e) All of these
Ans : (a)
1587.Professional designers can create
sophisticated documents that contain text,
graphics, colors
and many
software. using……….
(a) computer-aided design (CAD)
(b) illustration
(c) image-editing
(d) desktop publishing (DTP)
(e) PowerPoint
Ans : (d)
1588.Oracle is an example of…….application
(a) database
(b) word processing
(c) project management
(d) presentation graphics
(e) desktop
Ans : (a)
1589.A key that will erase information from the
computer’s memory and characters on the
(a) edit
(b) delete
(c) dummy out
(e) esc key
(d) trust key
Ans : (b)
1590.A disk’s content that is recorded at the time
of manufacture and that cannot be changed or
erased by the user is…………
(a) memory only
(b) write
(c) read only
(e) non
(d) run
Ans : (c)
1591.Arithmetic operations……….
(a) involve matching one data item to another
to determine if the first item is greater than,
equal to, or less than the other item.
(b) sort data items according to standard,
predefined criteria in ascending order or
descending order
(c) use conditions with operators such as
(d) include addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
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1592.Restarting a computer which is already
running is referred to as…………
(a) booting
(b) starting
(c) rebooting
(d) second-
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
1593.Terminal is………….
(a) a device to give power supply to the
(b) a point which data enters or leaves the
(c) the last instruction in a program
(d) any input/output device
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1594.………….is the process of dividing the
disk into tracks and sectors.
(a) Tracking
(c) Crashing (b) Formatting
(e) Dicing (d) Allotting
Ans : (b)
1595.Computers that are portable and convenient
for users who travel are known as………..
supercomputers (b) laptops
(c) minicomputers (d) file
(e) None of these servers
Ans : (b)
1596.A computer’s type, processor, and operating
system define its………..
(a) brand
(c) platform (b) size
(e) format (d) speed
Ans : (d)
1597.A series of statements explaining how the
data is to be processed is called……….
(a) Instruction
(c) program (b) compiler
(e) None of these (d) interpreter
Ans : (d)
1598. ………..provides process and memory
management services that allow two or more
tasks, jobs, or programs to run simultaneously.
(a) Multitasking (b) Multithreading
(c) Multiprocessing (d) Multicomputing
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1599.Which of the following is not true?
(a) Chatting is like e-mail
(b) Chatting can only be done with a single
(c) Chatting can involve multiple persons
(d) Chatting is an electronic dialogue
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1600. To make the numeric pad act as directional
arrows, you press the……….key.
(a) num lock
(c) arrow lock (b) caps lock
(e) None of these (d) shift
Ans : (a)
1601.The computer abbreviation KB usually
(a) Key Block (b) Kernel Boot
(c) Kilo Byte (d) Kit Bit
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)

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1602.If you open a menu and then decide you
don’t want to select an option after all, click
the many title again or press the………key to
close the menu.
(a) Shift
(c) F1 (b) Tab
(e) None of these (d) Esc
Ans : (d)
1603. ……….is a type of high-speed memory
that a processor can access more rapidly than
(a) Cache memory
(b) Magnetic storage
(c) Read-only memory (ROM)
(d) Solid state storage
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1604.To contact people using the Internet, you
most often use their……..
(a) domain names
(b) e-mail
(c) usernames
(e) None of these
(d) passwords
Ans : (b)
1605.The trend of digital electronic devices
becoming smaller and increasingly powerful
has fully supported the move to an
(a) desktop
(c) server (b) intelligent
(e) None of these (d) mobile
Ans : (d)
1606. ………….hard drives are permanently
located inside the system unit and are not
designed to be removed, unless they need to
be repaired or replaced.
(a) Static (b) Internal
(c) External (d) Remove
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1607.A barcode is a/an ………..code that
represents data with bars of varying widths
(b) magnetic
(a) read/write
(d) laser
(c) optical
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1608.The Internet allows you to………….
(a) send electronic mail
(b) view Web pages
(c) connect to servers all around the world
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1609.Editing a document consists of reading
through the document you’ve created,
(a) correcting your
(b) printing
(c) saving it
(d) deleting
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1610.Which of the following controls the manner
of interaction between the user and the
operating system?
(a) User
(b) Language
(c) Platform
(e) None of
(d) Screen saver
Ans : (a)

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1611.What type of software is most useful for the
creation of brochures, posters, and
(a) Spreadsheet software
(b) Web authoring software
(c) Multimedia authoring software
(d) Desktop publishing software
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1612.The quickest and easiest way in MS-Word,
to locate a particular word or phrase in a
document is to use the …………..command.
(a) Replace (b) Find
(c) Lookup (d) Search
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1613.One or more defects or problems that
prevent the software from working as
intended or working at all is a(n)…………
(a) bug (b) bot
(c) programming language (d) fuzzy logic
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1614. ……….shows the files, folders, and drives
on your computer, making it easy to navigate
from one location to another within the file
(a) Microsoft Internet Explorer
(b) Windows Explorer
(c) My Computer
(d) Folders Manager
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1615.A(n)……….provides commands for
writing software that is translated to the
detailed step-by-step instructions executed by
the processor to achieve an objective or solve
a problem.
(a) programming language
(b) software patch
(c) presentation language
(d) Al language
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1616.A program written in a high level language
is referred to as……….
(a) source code
(c) machine code (b) object code
(e) none of these (d) assembly code
Ans : (a)
1617.In order to save an existing document with
a different name you need to………..
(a) Retype the document and give it a different
(b) Use the Save As Command
(c) Copy and paste the original document to a
new document and then save
(d) Use Windows Explorer to copy the
document to a different location and then
rename it.
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1618.The piece of hardware that converts your
computer’s digital signal to an analog signal
that can travel over telephone lines is called a
(a) red wire
(c) tower (b) blue cord
(e) None of these (d) modem
Ans : (d)

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1619. ……… the part of the computer that
does the arithmetical calculations.
(a) Memory
(c) CPU (b) OS
(e) None of these (d) ALU
Ans : (d)
1620. A………..can make it easier to play
(a) mouse (b) joystick
(c) keyboard (d) pen
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1621.File extensions are used in order to……….
(a) name the file
(b) ensure the filename is not lost
(c) identify the file
(d) identify the file type
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1622.Passwords enable users to…………
(a) get into the system quickly
(b) make efficient use of time
(c) retain confidentiality of files
(d) simplify file structures
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1623.Which of the following is an example of
storage devices?
(a) Magnetic
disks (b) Tapes
(c) DVDs (d) All of
(e) None of these these
Ans : (d)
1624.The……….folder retains copies of
messages that you have started but are not yet
ready to send.
(a) Inbox
(c) Drafts (b) Outbox
(e) Address Book (d) Sent Items
Ans : (c)
1625.Which of the following is an example of an
optical disk?
(a) Digital versatile disks
(b) Magnetic disks
(c) Memory disks
(d) Data but disks
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1626.The main job of a CPU is to…………
(a) carry out program instructions
(b) store data/information for future use
(c) process data and information
(d) both (a) and (c)
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1627.……….are attempts by individuals to
obtain confidential information from you to
falsifying their indentity.
(a) Phishing trips
(c) Spyware
(b) Computer
(e) Phishing
(d) Viruses
Ans : (a)
1628.An example of processing device would be
(a) a magnetic ink
(b) a tablet
(c) special function
(d) scanners

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(e) keyboards
Ans : (d)
1629.Which of the following is not a type of
computer software which can be bought?
(a) Off-the-shelf
(b) Tailor-made
(c) Custom-developed
(d) Off-the-shelf with alterations
(e) All of these can be purchased
Ans : (e)
1630.You can use………….to copy selected text,
and………….to paste it in a document.
(a) CTRL + C, CTRL + V
(b) CTRL + C, CTRL + P
(c) CTRL + S, CTRL + S
(d) SHIFT + C, ALT + P
(e) CTRL + D, CTRL + A
Ans : (a)
1631.Video processors consists of………and
………..which store and process images.
(a) CPU and VGA
(b) CPU and memory
(c) VGA and memory
(d) VGI and DVI
(e) VGA and VGI
Ans : (d)
1632.Hard disk drives are considered………
(a) flash
(c) temporary (b) nonvolatile
(e) None of (d)
these nonpermanent
Ans : (b)
1633.A(n)……….uses laser technology to store
large amounts of information
(a) floppy disk
(b) compact disk read-only memory (CDROM)
(c) hard disk
(d) extended disc read-only memory (EDROM)
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
(a) esc will launch the Start
(c) window
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
(b) shift
(d) shortcut
1635.A(n)………is a combination of hardware
and software that facilitates the sharing of
information between computing devices.
(a) network
(b) peripheral
(c) expansion board
(d) digital device
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1636.When sending an e-mail the………the
describes the contents of the message.
(a) to
(c) contents (b) subject
(e) None of these (d) CC
Ans : (b)
1367.What is an E-mail attachment?
(a) A receipt sent by the recipient
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(b) A separate document from another
program sent along with an E-mail
(c) A malicious parasite that feeds off of your
messages and destroyed the contents
(d) A list of CC : or BCC : recipients
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1638.A program designed to destroy data on your
computer which can travel to ‘infect’ other
computers is called a…………
(a) disease
(c) hurricane (b) torpedo
(e) None of these (d) virus
Ans : (d)
1639.What are bas, xis, and htm
examples of?
(a) Databases (b) Domains
(c) Extensions (d) Protocols
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1640.The side bar in a window or word processor
that has an arrow on both ends and a box in
the middle that you use your mouse to move
the pages up or down……….
(a) scroll bar
(c) page bar
(b) roll bar
(e) None of
(d) box bar
Ans : (a)
1641.A(n)………is a device that electronically
processes data, converting it to information.
(a) algorithm
(c) software
(e) None of
Ans : (b)

1642.The place where the computer

programs and data is called…………
(a) Memory
(c) Storage unit (b) Storehouse
(e) None of these (d) Backup
Ans : (a)
1643.Why is the Caps Lock key refered to as a
toggle key?
(a) Because its function goes back and forth
every time it is pressed
(b) Because it cannot be used for entering
(c) Because it cannot be used to delete
(d) Because it cannot be used to insert
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1644.One puts information into the computer by
pressing this key……….
(a) caps lock
(c) enter (b) tab
(e) None of these (d) esc
Ans : (c)
1645.To add or put into your document such as a
picture or text use………..
(a) TV
(c) push in (b) insert
(e) None of these (d) squeeze in
Ans : (b)
1646.A key that must be pressed each time a new
command or information is entered………..
(a) esc
(c) delete (b) enter
(e) None of these (d) home
Ans : (b)

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process data. use the………….system to
(a) processing
(b) kilobyte
(c) binary (d) representational
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1648.These provide expansion capability for a
computer system.
(a) sockets (b) slots
(c) bytes (d) bays
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1649.A(n)………..allows sharing of a broadband
internet connection.
(a) hub
(c) router (b) adapter
(e) plug (d) switch
Ans : (c)
1650.The clock rate of a processor is measured
(a) milliseconds
(c) megabytes or (b)
gigabytes microhertz
(e) megahertz or (d)
gigahertz nanoseconds
Ans : (e)
1651.A computer virus normally attaches itself to
another computer program known as a…….
(a) backdoor program
(b) target program
(c) trojan horse
(d) host program
(e) Bluetooth
Ans : (c)
1652.These devices translate data and programs
that humans can understand into a form that
the computer can process.
(a) display
(c) output (b) input
(e) None of these (d) pointer
Ans : (b)
1653.The amount of time required by a storage
device to retrieve data and programs is its……
(a) retrieval
(b) capacity
(c) memory
(d) storage
(e) access speed
Ans : (e)
1654.A 32-bit word computer can access bytes at
a time.
(a) 4 (b) 8
(c) 16 (d) 32
(e) 30
Ans : (a)
1655.A megabyte is actually equal to……….
(a) 100 (b) 1000
(c) 1024 (d) 1024 x 1024
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1656.The main memory of a computer must be
large enough to contain the active parts
(a) the operating system
(b) the applications
(c) input/output storage & working storage
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
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1657.This type of memory improves processing
by acting as a temporary high-speed holding
area between the memory and the CPU.
(a) RAM
(c) cache (b) ROM
memory (d) flash
(e) EPROM memory
Ans : (c)
1658.The smallest unit in a digital system is
(a) Byte
(c) Word
(b) Kilobyte
(e) bit connect of
(d) Character
Ans : (c)
special types
music instruments to sound cards.
(a) BUS
(c) USB (b) CPU
(e) MINI (d) MIDI
Ans : (d)
1660.Software you can use to create a budget is
(a) word processing software
(b) graphics software
(c) utility software
(d) spreadsheet software
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1661.The mouse …………usually appears in the
shape of an arrow.
(a) indicator
(c) meter (b) marker
(e) None of these (d) pointer
Ans : (d)
1662.If a processor has a word size of 32 bits,
compared to a processor with a word size of
16 bits, it can process……….at a time.
(a) thrice as much
(c) a fourth as (b) half as much
much (d) the same
(e) twice as much amount
Ans : (e)
1663.The most common storage device for the
personal computer is the………
(a) floppy disk (b) USB thumb drive
(c) zip disk (d) hard disk drive
(e) Pen drive
Ans : (d)
1664.Numbers and formulae entered in a cell are
(a) labels
(b) numeric entries
(c) intersection
(d) text
(e) fillers
Ans : (b)
1665.What is software?
(a) A type of computer code
(b) A computer language
(c) A set of instructions for your computer
(d) A cover for the computer
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1666.Thick, rigid metal platters that are capable
of storing and retrieving information at a high
rate of speed are known as……….
(a) hard disks
(c) flash memory (b) soft disks
(e) None of these (d) SAN
Ans : (a)

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1667.What is windows explorer?
(a) A drive
(c) A Web browser (b) A PC
(e) A file manager (d) A network
Ans : (e)
1668. ………is the most popular internet
(a) Art (b) Shopping
(c) Searching (d) Entertainment
(e) Communicator
Ans : (c)
1669.Computers process binary numbers, which
are composed of…………
(a) 1s and 2s
(c) 1s and 10s (b) 2s and 4s
(e) 0s and 1s (d) 2s and 3s
Ans : (c)
1670.A DVD is an example of a(n)…………
(a) hard disk
(b) optical disc
(c) output device
(d) solid-state storage device
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1671.URL stands for…………
(a) Universal Research List
(b) Universal Resource List
(c) Uniform Research List
(d) Uniform Research Locator
(e) Uniform Resource Locator
Ans : (e)
1672.When data changes in multiple lists and all
lists are not updated, this causes……….
(a) data redundancy
(b) information overload
(c) duplicate data
(d) data inconsistency
(e) data repetition
Ans : (d)
1673.What is a backup?
(a) Restoring the information backup
(b) An exact copy of a system’s information
(c) The ability to get a system up and running
in the event of a system crash or failure
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1674.The Internet is…………
(a) a large network of networks
(b) an internal communication system for a
(c) a communication system for the Indian
(d) a communication system for some states of
(e) a communication system for some cities of
Ans : (a)
1675.What is the storage area for email messages
(a) A folder
(c) A directory (b) A mailbox
(e) None of these (d) The hard disk
Ans : (b)
1676.One advantage of dial-up Internet access
(a) it utilizes broadband technology
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(b) it is Indian
(c) it uses a router for security
(d) modem speeds are very fast
(e) it utilizes existing telephone service
Ans : (e)
1677.An error in a computer program……….
(a) Crash (b) Power Failure
(c) bug (d) Virus
(e) Fatal error
Ans : (c)
control based on a person’s
fingerprints is an example of………..
(a) biometric identification
(b) characteristic identification
(c) characteristic security
(d) fingerprint security
(e) logistics
Ans : (a)
1679.The patterns of printed lines on most
products are called…………
(a) prices
(c) scanners (b) striping
(e) barcodes (d) OCR
Ans : (e)
1680.Most mail programs automatically complete
the following two parts in an e-mail…………
(a) From : and Body :
(b) From : and Date :
(c) From : and To :
(d) From : and Subject :
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1681.The computer’s capability of distinguishing
spoken words is called………….
(a) voice analysis
(b) speech acknowledgement
(c) voice recognition
(d) speech interpretation
(e) vocalization
Ans : (e)
1682.Which of the following is an advantage of
mounting an application on the Web?
(a) the possibility of 24-hour access for users
(b) creating a system that can extend globally
(c) standardizing the design of the interface
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1683.ERP is an acronym for…………..
(a) Enterprise Retirement Planning
(b) Enterprise Relationship Planning
(c) Enterprise Resource Planning
(d) Enterprise Reorder Planning
(e) Enterprise Retention Planning
Ans : (c)
1684.The software that allows users to surf the
Internet is called a/an………..
(a) Search engine
(b) Internet Service Provider (ISP)
(c) Multimedia application
(d) Browser
(e) Internet Surfing Provider
Ans : (d)
1685.The issues that deal with the collection and
use of data about individuals is………….
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(a) access
(b) publicity
(c) accuracy
(d) property
(e) privacy
Ans : (e)
1686.A term relating to sending data to a satellite
(a) downlink
(c) demodulate (b) modulate
(e) interrelate (d) uplink
Ans : (d)
1687.Online documents containing underlined
phrases or icons that a user can click in order
to move immediately to related parts of the
current documents or to other documents with
related information are called………….
(a) hypermedia
(c) HTML (b) hypertext
(e) FTP (d) URL
Ans : (b)
1688.Physical security is concerned with
protecting computer hardware from human
tampering and natural disasters and………
security is concerned with protecting software
from unauthorized tampering or damage.
(a) data
(c) Internet (b) cyber
(e) publicity (d) metaphysical
Ans : (b)
1689.Unauthorized copying, of software to be
used for personal gain instead of for personal
backups is called……….
(a) program thievery
(b) data snatching
(c) software piracy
(d) program looting
(e) data looting
Ans : (c)
1690.What is usually used for displaying
information at public places?
(a) Monitors
(b) Overhead Projections
(c) Monitors and Overhead Projections
(d) Touch Screen Kiosks
(e) Loud Speakers
Ans : (d)
1691.What is MP3?
(a) A mouse
(c) A Sound
(b) A Printer
(d) A
(e) A Mobile
Ans : (c)
1692.What is the most popular hardware for
multimedia creations?
(a) PCs
(b) Minicomputers
(c) Mainframe Computers
(d) WANs
(e) Supercomputers
Ans : (a)
1693.For sound recording, what is necessary?
(a) Speaker
(c) Talker (b) Microphone
(e) Telephone (d) Mouse
Ans : (b)
1694.The…………..settings are automatic and
(a) default (b) CPU
(c) peripheral (d) user friendly

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(e) defaulter
Ans : (a)
1695.What are the two parts of an E-mail
(a) User name and street address
(b) Legal name and phone number
(c) User name and domain name
(d) Initials and password
(e) User Name and Recipient Name
Ans : (c)
1696.Participants can see and hear each other in
(a) electronic mail system
(b) message system
(c) teleconference
(d) bulletin board
(e) Video
Ans : (e)
1697.Magnetic tape is not practical for
applications where data must be quickly
recalled because tape is………..
(a) A random-access medium
(b) Expensive
(c) A read-only medium
(d) Fragile and easily damaged
(e) A sequential-access medium
Ans : (b)
1698.How is it possible that both programs and
data can be stored on the same floppy disk?
(a) A floppy disk has two sides, one for data
and one for programs.
(b) A floppy disk has to be formatted for one
or for the other
(c) Programs and data are both software, and
both can be stored on any memory device
(d) Floppy disks can only store data, not
(e) Floppy disks are better than CDs
Ans : (c)
1699.Which of the following will you require to
hear music on your computer?
(a) Video Card
(c) Mouse (b) Tape Recorder
(e) Sound Card (d) Joystick
Ans : (e)
1700.The signal that a computer is waiting for a
command from the user………….
(a) prompt
(c) time slice (b) event
(e) None of these (d) interrupt
Ans : (a)
1701.This software allows the user to move from
page to page on the Web by clicking on or
selecting a hyperlink, or by typing in the
address of the destination page……….
(a) Web browser
(c) Web home (b) Web search
page engine
(e) None of these (d) Web service
Ans : (a)
1702.For viewing video CDs, you would use
(a) CD Player
(b) Windows Media Player
(c) Windows Video Player
(d) Windows Movie Player
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
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1703.Executing more than one program
concurrently by one user on one computer is
known as…………..
(a) multiprogramming
(b) multiprocessing
(c) time-sharing
(d) multitasking
(e) multiaction
Ans : (b)
1704.You can keep your personal files/folders in
(a) My Folder
(b) My
(c) My Files
(e) My Collection
(d) My Text
Ans : (b)
1705.Three types of compact disks include CDROM, CD-R, and …………..
(a) CD-W
(c) CD-DVD (b) CD-RAM
(e) None of these (d) CD-RW
Ans : (d)
1706.All computers must have…………
(a) Word processing software
(b) An operating system
(c) A printer attached
(d) A virus checking program
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1707.Collecting personal information and
effectively posing as another individual is
known as the crime of …………
(b) spoofing
(a) spooling
(d) identify
(c) backing
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1708.Computers manipulate data in many ways,
and this manipulation is called…………
(a) upgrading (b) processing
(c) batching (d) utilizing
(e) downloading
Ans : (b)
making a
duplicate copy of important files so that
a problem occurs, you can restore those
using the copy.
(a) mirror (b) hot file
(c) print out (d) hotspot
(e) backup
Ans : (e)
1710.The main system board of a computer is
called the………….
(a) integrated circuit
(c) processor (b) motherboard
(e) drive board (d) microchip
Ans : (b)
1711.Peripheral devices such as printers and
monitors are considered to be…………
(a) hardware
(c) data (b) software
(e) source code (d) information
Ans : (a)
1712.In a computer most processing takes place
(a) Memory
(c) CPU (b) RAM
(e) ALU (d) Motherboard
Ans : (c)

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1713.Tangible parts of computer are called :
(a) Hardware
(c) Modem (b) Software
(e) Cable (d) Memory
Ans : (d)
1714.Collection of programs that control the
computer system and process the information
is called :
(a) Interpreter
(c) Office
(e) Operating
Ans : (e)
1715. ………….is an unit of measurement that is
equal to 1,048,576 bytes or one million byte :
(a) byte
(c) memory (b) gigabyte
(e) kilobyte (d) megabyte
Ans : (d)
1716.Which of the following is permanent
(a) RAM
(c) CPU (b) ROM
(e) ALU (d) LCD
Ans : (b)
1717.A round, shiny and portable disk that can
store software and information in large
quantity is………….
(a) CD-ROM
(c) Scanner (b) Floppy disk
(e) Laptop (d) Monitor
Ans : (a)
1718.Tape drive offer…………..access to
data :
(a) timely (b) sporadic
(c) random (d) sequential
(e) disastrous
Ans : (d)
1719.How many values can be represented by a
single byte?
(a) 4 (b) 16
(c) 64 (d) 256
(e) 512
Ans : (d)
1720.A………device can connect to a network
without cable.
(a) distributed
(c) open source (b) centralized
(e) without cable (d) wireless
Ans : (d)
1721.You can………..with the help of
(a) read (b) write
(c) read and write (d) read or write
(e) carry
Ans : (c)
1722.In the binary language each letter of the
alphabet, each number and each special
character is made up of a unique combination
(a) 8 bytes
(c) 8 characters (b) 8 kilobytes
(e) 8 megabytes (d) 8 bits
Ans : (d)
1723.The result of the computer processing your
input is referred to as :
(a) output
(c) multitasking (b) data
(e) intake (d) tracking
Ans : (a)

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1724.An equipment that holds the screen is
(a) video
(c) modem (b) desktop
(e) scanner (d) monitor
Ans : (d)
1725.A…….is a device attached to a host
computer through cable.
(a) icon
(c) database (b) virus
(e) peripheral (d) pixel
Ans : (e)
1726.To keep files organized, related
are often stored in……….(also called
directories) located on the storage
(a) indexes (b) labels
(c) folders (d) programs
(e) cabinets
Ans : (c)
1727.Keyboards, scanners, and microphones are
examples of………….
(a) software programs
(b) input devices
(c) output devices
(d) utilities
(e) code
Ans : (b)
1728.You use a(n)………such as keyboard or
mouse, to input information.
(a) output
device (b) download
(c) storage device
device (d) processing
(e) input device device
Ans : (e)
1729.A………is a collection of information
saved as a unit.
(a) folder
(c) path (b) print-out
(e) file (d) file extension
Ans : (e)
1730.An electronic component that can be
programmed to perform tasks is a………….
(a) CPU
(c) Transistor (b) microprocessor
(e) scanner (d) printer
Ans : (b)
1731.A……….is a long, rubber-coated bundle of
wires, with plugs on either end, that connects
computer parts.
(a) Disk drive
(c) Computer (b) Cable
(e) Software (d) Hardware
Ans : (b)
1732.The……….performs simple math for
(a) DIMM (b) ALU
(c) BUS (d) Register
(e) ROM
Ans : (b)
1733.The numbering system that uses only 0 and
1 for counting is called the………..system.
(a) Network
(c) Decimal (b) Mouse
(e) Binary (d) HTML
Ans : (e)
1734. …………is the general term for a piece of
hardware attached to a computer externally
that is not an essential for computer’s basic
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(a) Peripheral (b) Icon
(c) Bit (d) Keyboard
(e) Printer
Ans : (a)
1735.All of the following media has the
capability of read and write, except :
(a) Flash memory cards
(b) Floppy disk
(c) Hard disk drive
(d) CD-ROMs
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1736.What is the full-form of ROM?
(a) Random Opaque Modulator
(b) Relative Overlay Module
(c) Real Optical Media
(d) Read Only Memory
(e) Red Orange Magenta
Ans : (d)
1737.A round, floppy piece of plastic that you put
into a computer to store information. It is in a
hard square cover for protection, is called :
(a) Pixel
(c) Floppy disk (b) Hard
(e) None of disk
these (d) Icon
Ans : (c)
1738.To highlight a word you should put the
cursor in the side of the word and :
(a) hold down the left mouse button, and then
drag the pointer
(b) click the mouse once
(c) roll the mouse over the word
(d) roll the mouse and click
(e) click the mouse
Ans : (b)
1739.Transformation of input into output is
performed by :
(a) Peripherals
(c) Storage (b) Memory
(e) CPU (d) Input-Output unit
Ans : (e)
1740.Non-volatile memory :
(a) catches fire easily
(b) cannot be used to store program
(c) can retain the stored information even
when not powered
(d) loses its contents when the computer loses
(e) dissolves in water
Ans : (c)
1741.Device that take a picture of an object and
convert it into a computerized image :
(a) hard drive
(c) printer (b) scanner
(e) cable (d) modem
Ans : (b)
1742.Full form of PC :
(a) Personal Computer
(b) Process Control
(c) Production Computer
(d) Painful Creation
(e) Permanent Computer
Ans : (a)
1743.Computers gather data, which means that
means that they allow users to……….data.
(a) present (b) transmit
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(c) output (d) store
(e) input
Ans : (e)
1744.An……….is a tiny picture on the screen
that represents a program, file or folder.
(a) icon
(c) chip (b) memory
(e) pixel (d) virus
Ans : (a)
1745.Mnemonic a memory trick is used in which
of the following language?
(a) Machine language
(b) Assembly language
(c) High level language
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1746.The translator program used in assembly
language is called :
(a) Compiler
(c) Assembler (b) Interpreter
(e) None of these (d) Translator
Ans : (c)
1747.Easily relocatable language is :
(a) Machine language
(b) Assembly language
(c) High level language
(d) Medium level language
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1748.Which of the following is called low level
(a) Machine language
(b) Assembly language
(c) Java language
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1749.Which of the following is problem oriented
(a) High level language
(b) Machine language
(c) Assembly language
(d) Low level language
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1750.A compiler is a translating program which
(a) Translates instruction of a high level
language into machine language
(b) Translates entire source program into
machine language program
(c) It is not involved in program’s execution
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1751.Which of the following is machine
independence program?
(a) High level language
(b) Low level language
(c) Assembly language
(d) Machine language
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1752.Which of the following is not a primary
storage device?
(a) Magnetic tape (b) Magnetic disk
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(c) Optical disk (d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (e)
1753.A name or number used to identify a
storage location devices?
(a) A byte
(c) An address (b) A record
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (c)
1754.Which of the following is a secondary
memory device?
(a) Keyboard
(c) ALU (b) Disk
(e) None of these (d) Scanner
Ans : (b)
betwee memor
1755.The difference n
n y
storage is that memory is and storage is
(a) Temporary, permanent
(b) Permanent, temporary
(c) Slow, fast
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1756.A floppy disk contains :
(a) Circular tracks only
(b) Sectors only
(c) Both circular tracks and sectors
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1757.The first electronic computer in the world
was :
(c) ENIAC (d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1758.The most commonly used standard data
code to represent alphabetical, numerical and
punctuation characters used in electronic data
processing system is called :
(c) BCD (b) EBCDIC
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (a)
1759.BM 7000 digital computer :
(a) Belongs to second generation
(b) Uses VLSI
(c) Employs semiconductor memory
(d) Has modular constructions
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1760.The proper definition of a modern digital
computer is :
(a) An electronic automated machine that can
solve problems involving words and
(b) A more sophistic and modified electronic
pocket calculator
(c) Any machine that can perform
mathematical operations
(d) A machine that works on binary code
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1761.A modern electronic computer is a machine
that is meant for :
(a) Doing quick mathematical calculations
(b) Input, storage, manipulation and outputting
of data
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(c) Electronic data processing
(d) Performing repetitive tasks accurately
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1762.An integrated circuit is :
(a) A complicated circuit
(b) An integrating device
(c) Much costlier than a single transistor
(d) Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1763.Most important advantage of an IC is its :
(a) Easy replacement in case of circuit failure
(b) Extremely high reliability
(c) Reduced cost
(d) Lower power consumption
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1764.In a punched card system, data is processed
by a :
(a) Keypunch machine, sorter and posting
(b) Accounting machine, posting machine, and
billing machine
(c) Sorter, posting machine, and billing
(d) Accounting machine, keypunch machine
and sorter
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1765.The first machine to successfully perform a
long series of arithmetic and logical operation
(a) ENIAC (b) Mark I
(c) Analytic engine (d) UNIVAC – I
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1766.In the third generation of computers :
(a) Distributed data processing first became
(b) An operating system was first developed
(c) High-level procedural languages were first
(d) On-line, real time systems first became
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1767.A characteristic of card system is :
(a) Slowness in processing data
(b) Using cards as records of transactions
(c) Needing a larger DP staff
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1768.An IBM system/8 represents the computer
class of :
(a) Small-scale computer
(b) Medium-scale computer
(c) Large-scale computer
(d) Super computer
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1769.The first firm to mass-market a
microcomputer as a 1personal computer was :
(a) IBM
(b) Sperry Univac
(c) Data General corporation
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(d) Radio Shack
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1770.A digital computer did not score over an
analog computer in terms of :
(a) Speed
(c) Cost (b) Accuracy
(e) None of these (d) Memory
Ans : (b)
1771.In 1830, Charles Babbage designed a
machine called the Analytical Engine which
he showed at the Paris Exhibition. In which
year was it exhibition?
(b) 1860
(a) 1820
(d) 1870
(c) 1855
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1772.Which was the world’s first mini-computer
and when was it introduced?
(a) PDP-I, 1958
(b) IBM System/36, 1960
(c) PDP-II, 1961
(d) VAX 11/780, 1962
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1773.Where was India’s first computer installed
and when?
(a) Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 1977
(b) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
(c) Indian Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., 1968
(d) Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, 1955
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1774.Which of the following is true?
(a) Fields are composed of bytes
(b) Records are composed of fields
(c) Fields are composed of characters
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1775.Which of the following file organization is
most efficient for a file with a high degree of
file activity?
(a) Sequential
(c) VSAM (b) ISAM
(e) None of these (d) B-Tree Index
Ans : (a)
1776.The two basic types of record-access
methods are :
(a) Sequential and random
(b) Sequential and indexed
(c) Direct and Immediate
(d) On-line and real time
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1777.The memory which is programmed at the
time it is manufactured :
(a) ROM
(c) PROM (b) RAM
(e) None of these (d) EPROM
Ans : (a)
1778.Which of the following memory medium is
not used as main memory system?
(a) Magnetic core
(c) Magnetic tape
(e) None of these
(d) Both a and b
Ans : (c)

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1779.Registers, which are partially visible to
users and used to hold conditional, are known
as :
(a) PC
(b) Memory address registers
(c) General purpose register
(d) Flags
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1780.One of the main feature that distinguish
microprocessors from micro-computers is :
(a) Words are usually larger in
(b) Words are shorter in microprocessors
(c) Microprocessor does not contain I/O
(d) Exactly the same as the machine cycle time
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1781.The least significant bit of the binary
number, which is equivalent to any odd
decimal number, is :
(a) 0 (b) 1
(c) 1 or 0 (d) 3
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1782.What type of control pins are needed in a
microprocessor to regulate traffic on the bus,
in order to prevent two devices from trying to
use it at the same time?
(a) Bus control
(c) Bus (b)
arbitration Interrupts
(e) None of these (d) Status
Ans : (c)
1783.When was the world’s first laptop computer
introduced in the market and by whom?
(a) Hewlett-Packard
(b) Epson, 1981
(c) Laplink traveling software Inc. 1982
(d) Tandy model-2000, 1985
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1784.The first microprocessor built by the Intel
Corporation was called :
(a) 8008 (b) 8080
(c) 4004 (d) 8800
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1785.Who built the world’s first electronic
calculator using telephone relays, light bulbs
and batteries?
(a) Claude Shannon
(b) Konrard Zues
(c) George Stibits
(d) Howard H. Aiken
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1786.Who developed a mechanical device in the
17th century that could add, subtract, multiple,
divide and find square roots?
(a) Napier
(c) Pascal (b) Babbage
(e) None of these (d) Leibniz
Ans : (d)
1787.IBM 7000 digital computer :
(a) Belongs to second generation
(b) Uses VLSI
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(c) Employs semi conductor memory
(d) Has modular constructions
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1788. ……….runs on computer hardware and
serve as platform for other software to run on:
(a) Operating system
(b) Application software
(c) System software
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1789.Is the layer of a computer system between
the hardware and the user program :
(a) Operating environment
(b) Operating system
(c) System environment
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1790.The primary purpose of an operating system
is :
(a) To make the most efficient use of the
computer hardware
(b) To allow people to use the computer
(c) To keep systems programmers employed
(d) To make computers easier to use
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
another interface :
one interface into
(a) Program
(c) Data
(b) Software
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1792.………system is built directly on the
(a) Environment
(b) System
(c) Operating
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1793.Multiprogramming system :
(a) Are easier to develop than single
programming system
(b) Execute each job faster
(c) Execute more jobs in the same time period
(d) Are used only one large mainframe
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1794.…………is the first program run on a
computer when the computer boots up :
(a) System software
(b) Operating system
(c) System operations
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1795.………..interface consists of things like
program counter, registers, interrupts and
terminals :
(a) Hardware
(c) Data (b) Software
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (a)

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1796. ………..share characteristics with both
hardware and software :
(a) Operating
system (b) Software
(c) Data (d) All of
(e) None of these these
Ans : (a)
1797. ……… used in operating system to
separate mechanism from policy :
(a) Single level implementation
(b) Two level implementation
(c) Multi level implementation
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1798.The operating system creates from the
physical computer :
(a) Virtual
space (b) Virtual
(c) Virtual computers
device (d) All of these
(e) None of
Ans : (b)
1799.Swapping :
(a) Works best with many small partitions
(b) Allows many programs to use memory
(c) Allows each program in turn to use the
(d) Does not work with overlaying
(e) Works best with few big partitions
Ans : (c)
1800.Which of the following operating does not
implement multitasking truly?
(a) Windows 98 (b) Windows NT
(c) Windows XP (d) MS DOS
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1801.What is the name of the latest server
operating system developed by Microsoft?
(a) Windows NT
(b) Windows 2000
(c) Windows XP
(d) Windows 2003
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1802.Where do you find user.dat?
(a) C:\windows
(b) C:\windows\system32
(c) C:\windows\system
(d) C:\
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1803.Which of the following is not valid version
of MS Office?
(a) Office XP
(c) Office 2007 (b) Office Vista
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
1804.You cannot close MS Word application by :
(a) Choosing File menu then Exit submenu
(b) Press Alt + F4
(c) Click X button on title bar
(d) From file menu choose Close submenu
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1805.The key F12 opens a :
(a) Save As dialog box
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(b) Open dialog box
(c) Save dialog box
(d) Close dialog box
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1806.What is the short cut key to open the Open
dialog box?
(a) F12
(b) Shift
(c) Alt + F12
(e) None of
(d) Ctrl +
Ans : (d)
1807.A feature of MS Word that saves the
document automatically after certain interval
is available on :
(a) Save tab on Options dialog box
(b) Save as dialog box
(c) Save as open box
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1808.Where can you find the horizontal split bar
on MS Word screen?
(a) On the left of horizontal scroll bar
(b) on the right of horizontal scroll bar
(c) On the top of vertical scroll bar
(d) On the bottom of vertical scroll bar
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1809.Which of the following is not available on
the Ruler of MS Word screen?
(a) Tab stop box
(b) Left Indent
(c) Right Indent
(d) Center Indent
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1810.What is place to the left of horizontal scroll
(a) Tab stop buttons
(c) Split buttons (b) View buttons
(e) None of these (d) Indicators
Ans : (b)
1811.Which file starts MS Word?
(a) Winword.exe
(c) Msword.exe (b) Word.exe
(e) None of these (d) Word2003.exe
Ans : (a)
1812.How many ways you can save a
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 6
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1813.If you want to keep track of different
editions of a document which features will
you use?
(a) Editions
(c) Track Change (b) Versions
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
1814.Background color or effects applied on a
document is not visible in :
(a) Web Layout View (b) Print Layout View
(c) Reading View (d) Print Preview
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1815.What is a portion of a document in which
you set certain page formatting options?
(a) Page (b) Document
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(c) Section
(d) Page set
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1816.Borders can be applied to :
(b) Paragraph
(a) Cells
(d) All of
(c) Text
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1817.Which of the following is not a type of page
(a) Left
(c) Center (b)
(e) None of Right
these (d) Top
Ans : (c)
1818.What is the default left margin in Word
2003 document?
(a) 1″
(c) 1.5″ (b) 1.25″
(e) None of these (d) 2″
Ans : (b)
1819.What is gutter margin?
(a) Margin that is added to the left margin
when printing
(b) Margin that is added to right margin when
(c) Margin that is added to the binding side of
page when printing
(d) Margin that is added to the outside of the
page when printing
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1820.Portrait and Landscape are :
(a) Page Orientation (b) Paper Size
(c) Page Layout (d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1821.If you need to change the typeface of a
document, which menu will you choose?
(a) Edit
(c) Format (b) View
(e) None of these (d) Tools
Ans : (c)
1822.Which of the following is not a font
(a) Bold (b) Italics
(c) Normal (d) Superscript
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1823.When assigning a shortcut key to a symbol,
you should always try to select a key or key
combination that is :
(a) Unassigned
(b) Located on the ten-key pad section of your
(c) Assigned to another task
(d) From the same font family as the symbol.
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1824.Suppose you wanted to create an
AutoCorrect entry that would type the words
‘We regret to inform you that your submission
has been declined’ Of the following choices,
which would be the best name you could
assign to this entry?
(a) Regret
(b) Subdual
(c) We regret to inform you that your
submission has been declined
(d) 11
197 MCQs Papers
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(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1825.AutoCorrect was originally designed to
replace………..words as you type.
(a) Short, repetitive
(b) Grammatically incorrect
(c) Misspelled
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1826.Which of the following is the second step in
creating a macro?
(a) Start recording
(b) Using your mouse or keyboard, perform
the task you want to automate
(c) Assign a keyboard shortcut to the macro
(d) Give the macro a name
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1827.The spelling tool is placed on………….
(a) Standard
(c) Drawing
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
1828.If you need a text to show vertically in a
cell. How will you achieve this?
(a) Choose Vertical on Text alignment in
Format Cells dialog box
(b) Choose 90 Degrees in Orientation of
Format Cells dialog box
(c) Choose Distributed from the Vertical drop
down list of Format Cells dialog box
(d) Choose Center across Selection from
Horizontal combo box in Format Cells
dialog box
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1829.Can you set 0.5 inch left indentation for a
cell in Excel?
(a) Excel does not have indentation feature
(b) You can specify indentation only if you
turn the rulers on
(c) Indentation can be set from Format Cells
dialog box
(d) The indentation can be specified only
when printing
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1830.You can automatically adjust the size of
text in a cell if they do not fit in width by :
(a) Double clicking on the right border of
column header
(b) From Format choose Columns and then
Auto fit selection
(c) From Format Cells dialog box mark shrink
to fit check box
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1831.Formatting a cell in Currency, you can
(a) Decimal
(b) Currency
(c) Country
(d) Both (a) and
(e) None of
Ans : (d)
1832.Formatting a cell in Number format you
can’t set
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(a) Decimal Places (b) Use 1000 separator
(c) Negative numbers (d) Currency Symbol
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1833.What is entered by the function = today ( ) ?
(a) The date value for the day according to
system clock
(b) The time value according to system clock
(c) Today’s date as Text format
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1834.Which function will you use to enter current
time in a worksheet cell?
(a) = today( )
(c) = time ( ) (b) = now ( )
(e) None of (d) = current Time
these ()
Ans : (b)
1835.Special category of Number tab in Format
cells dialog box can be used to apply formats
like :
(a) Zip Code
(c) Postal (b) Phone
Address Number
(e) None of (d) Both (a) and
these (b)
Ans : (d)
1836.Merge cells option can be applied from :
(a) Format Cells dialog box Alignment Tab
(b) Formatting toolbar
(c) Formatting Cells
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1837.Pre-mde sheet formats like Simple, Classic,
Accounting, Colorful etc. can be applied
(a) from Format > Cells
(b) from Format > Auto format
(c) from Table > Auto format
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1838.Which of the following format you can
decide to apply or not in AutoFormat dialog
(a) Number
format (b) Border
(c) Font format format
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (d)
1839.How can you remove borders applied in
(a) Choose None on Border tab of Format
(b) Open the list on Border tool in Formatting
toolbar then choose first tool (no border)
(c) Choose remove on Border tab of Format
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1840.Where can you set the shedding color for a
range of cells in Excel?
(a) Choose required color form Patterns tab of
Format Cells dialog box
(b) Choose required color on Fill color tool in
Formatting toolbar
(c) Choose required color on Fill Color tool in
Drawing toolbar
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(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1841.You can set Page Border in Excel from:
(a) From Border tab in Format Cells dialog
(b) From Border tool in Formatting toolbar
(c) From Line Style tool in Drawing toolbar
(d) You cannot set page border in Excel
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1842.When all the numbers between 0 and 100 in
a range should be displayed in Red Color,
apply :
(a) use = if ( ) function to format the required
numbers red
(b) Apply Conditional Formatting Command
on Format Menu
(c) Select the cells that contain number
between 0 and 100 then click Red color on
Text Color tool
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1843.You can check the conditions against……..
when applying conditional formatting :
(a) Cell value
(c) Alignment (b) Formula
(e) None of these (d) Both (a) and (b)
Ans : (d)
1844.Which of the following is not true regarding
Conditional Formatting?
(a) You can add more than one condition to
(b) You can set condition to look for Bold and
apply Italics on them.
(c) You can apply Font, border and pattern
formats that meets the specified conditions
(d) You can delete any condition from
Conditional Formatting dialog box if it is
not required
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
of the following is invalid
(a) Sheet tabs can be
(b) Some picture can be applied as a
background of a sheet
(c) You can set the column width
automatically fit the amount of text
(d) The width of a row and be specified
manually or fit automatically
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1846.What function displays row data in a
column or column data in a row?
(a) Hyperlink
(c) Transpose
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
1847.When you insert an Excel file into a word
document, the data are :
(b) Placed in a word
(c) Linked
(e) None of
(d) Embedded
Ans : (d)
1848.Except for the……….function, a formula
with a logical function shows the word
“TRUE” or “FALSE” as a result :
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(a) IF
(c) OR
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
1849.Macros are “run” or executed from the
(a) Insert
(c) Tools (b)
(e) None of Format
these (d) Data
Ans : (c)
1850.You can open the consolidate dialog box
byt choosing consolidate from the…….menu.
(a) Insert
(c) Tools (b)
(e) None of Format
these (d) Data
Ans : (d)
1851.Each excel file is called a workbook
because :
(a) It can contain text and data
(b) It can be modified
(c) It can contain many sheets including
worksheets and chart sheets
(d) You have to work hard to create it
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1852.Which types of charts can excel produce?
(a) Line graphs and pie charts only
(b) Only line graphs
(c) Bar charts, line graphs and pie charts
(d) Bar charts and line graphs only
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1853.How are data organized in a spreadsheet?
(a) Lines and spaces
(b) Layers and planes
(c) Rows and Columns
(d) Height and width
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1854.What does the VLOOKUP function do?
(a) Looks up text that contain ‘v’
(b) Checks whether text is the same in one cell
as in the next
(c) Finds related records
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1855.Gridlines :
(a) May be turned off for display but turned on
for printing
(b) May be turned on or off or printing
(c) The be turned off for display and printing
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1856.You can print only an embedded chart by
(a) Moving the chart to a chart sheet before
you print.
(b) Formatting the chart before you print
(c) Selecting the chart before you print
(d) Both (a) and (c)
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1857.Which of the following is a correct order of
precedence in a formula calculation?
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(a) Multiplication and division, exponential
positive and negative value
(b) Multiplication and division, positive and
negative values, addition and subtraction
(c) Addition and subtraction, positive and
negative values, exponentiation
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (e)
1858.A function inside another function is called
a function
(a) Nested
(c) Sum (b) Round
(e) None of these (d) Text
Ans : (a)
1859.How should you print a selected area of a
worksheet, if you’ll want to print a different
area next time?
(a) On the file menu, point to print area, and
then click set print area.
(b) On the file menu, click print, and then
click selection under print what
(c) On the view menu, click custom views,
then click add
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1860.Your German supplier still invoices for
parts in deutsche marks.
(a) On the Insert menu, click Symbol and from
the currency symbols subset, select the
Euro sign.
(b) On the tools menu, click Add-Ins, and
select the Euro Currency Tools check box
(c) Apply a selected background color
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1861.Which function calculates your monthly
mortgage payment?
(a) PMT (payments)
(b) NPER (number of periods)
(c) PV (present value)
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1862.If you are working in English (US), Chinese
or Japanese, Excel 2002 can speak data as you
enter it, to help you verify accuracy. How do
you activate this feature?
(a) Point to speech on the tools menu, and then
click show text to speech toolbar.
(b) Click validation on the data menu
(c) Point to speech on the tools menu, and then
click speech recognition
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1863.Which of the following methods cannot be
used to enter data in a cell?
(a) Pressing an arrow key
(b) Pressing the tab key
(c) Pressing the Esc key
(d) Clicking the enter button to the formula bar
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1864.Which of the following will not set text in
selected cells to italics?
(a) Pressing Ctrl + I on the keyboard
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(b) Using the Tools – Wizard – Web Form
menu item
(c) Using the Format – Cells – Font menu item
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1865.Which of the following methods cannot be
used to edit the content of cell?
(a) Pressing the Alt key
(b) Clicking the formula bar
(c) Pressing F2
(d) Double clicking the cell
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1866.To insert three columns between columns D
and E you would :
(a) Select column D
(b) Select column E
(c) Select columns E, F and G
(d) Select columns D, E, and F
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1867.To enter worksheet titles across a range of
cell, you must :
(a) Select the cells containing the title text and
use the fill handle to center the text across
a range of cells
(b) Widen the columns
(c) Select the cells containing the title text and
use the fill handle to center the text across
a range of cells
(d) Widen the column
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1868.When integrating MS-Word and Excel,
Word is usually the :
(a) Server
(b) Source
(c) Client
(d) All of
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
1869.Charts tips can :
(a) Show the formatting of a data label
(b) Show the name of a data series
(c) Show the value of data point
(d) Both (b) and (c)
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1870.The Name box :
(a) Shows the location of the previously active
(b) Appears the left of the formula bar
(c) Appears below the status bar
(d) Appears below the menu bar
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1871.How do you change column width to fit the
(a) Single-click the boundary to the left to the
column heading
(b) Double click the boundary to the right of
the column heading
(c) Press Alt and single click anywhere in the
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1872.When you work with large worksheets, you
may need to :
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(a) size the worksheet to fit on the specific
number of pages
(b) add and remove page breaks
(c) specify only certain print areas
(d) all of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1873.Hyperlinks cannot be :
(a) Special shapes like stars and banners
(b) Drawing objects like rectangles ovals
(c) Pictures
(d) All can be hyperlinks
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1874.You can use the horizontal and vertical
scroll bars to :
(a) Split a worksheet into two panes
(b) View different rows and columns
(c) Edit the contents of a cell
(d) View different worksheets
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1875.What do we call a computer program that
organizes data in rows and columns of cells?
You might use this type of program to keep a
record of the money you earned moving lawns
over the summer.
(a) Spreadsheet program
(b) Database program
(c) Word processor program
(d) Desktop publisher program
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1876.Which operation is not performed by
(a) Inputting
(c) Controlling (b) Processing
(e) Thinking (d) Understanding
Ans : (d)
1877.The computer that process both analog and
digital is called
(a) Analog computer
(b) Digital computer
(c) Hybrid computer
(d) Mainframe computer
(e) Super computer
Ans : (c)
1878.A right click on the desktop itself will
(a) open the Display Properties dialog box
(b) show a context-sensitive menu
(c) open the Control Panel
(d) minimize all open applications
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1879.The window which shows icons for things
like the mouse, sound, and display is…….
(a) My Computer or computer
(b) Explorer
(c) Control Panel
(d) Taskbar
(e) programs
Ans : (c)
1880. ……….refers to a computer’s ability to
configure and use a device without human
204 MCQs Papers
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(a) CPU
(c) Cache (b) Plug and Play
(e) Format (d) ALU
Ans : (b)
1881.When was the first windows operating
system launched?
(a) 1984 (b) 1985
(c) 1988 (d) 1989
(e) 1990
Ans : (b)
1882.Today’s computer giant IBM was earlier
known by different name which was changes
in 1924. What was that name?
(a) Tabulator Machine Co.
(b) Computing Tabulating Recording Co.
(c) The Tabulator Ltd.
(d) International Computer Ltd.
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1883.The process of starting a or restarting a
computer system by loading instructions from
a secondary storage device into the computer
memory is called
(a) Duping
(c) Padding (b) Booting
(e) None of these (d) CPS
Ans : (b)
1884.What does the disk drive of a computer do?
(a) Rotate the disk
(b) Read the disk
(c) Load a program from the disk into the
(d) Both (b) and (c)
(e) All (a), (b) & (c)
Ans : (d)
1885. IMB launched its first personal computer
called IBM-PC in 1981. It had chips from
Intel, disk drives from Tandon, operating
system from Microsoft, the printer from
Epson and the application software from
everywhere. Can you name the country which
contributed the video display?
(a) India
(c) Germany (b) China
(e) Japan (d) Taiwan
Ans : (d)
1886.In H2O the figure 2 is appeared lowered.
Which effect has been applied?
(a) Superscript
(c) Subscript (b) Lowered
(e) None (d) Laid down
Ans : (c)
1887.A Laptop or Notebook marked 802.11n in
its feature, it means device support
(a) Bluetooth
(c) USB (b) WiMAX
(e) 3G (d) Wi-Fi LAN
Ans : (d)
1888.You Tube service of streaming videos
online in provided by
(a) Google
(c) IBM (b) Microsoft
(e) Sony (d) Apple
Ans : (a)
1889.When using characters in Windows, what
code does Windows use?
Ans : (b)
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1890.Which is the latest type of printer interface?
(a) Serial
(c) Parallel (b) DVI
(e) none (d) USB
Ans : (d)
1891. To produce a graphics
(hardcopy) in color, you would want to
use a
(a) Virtual Printer (b) Laser Printer
(c) Ink-Jet Printer
(e) RGB Monitor (d) Plotter
Ans : (d)
1892.What is Mail-Merge?
(a) a web based e-mail service with no spam
(b) a name of Yahoo! MINDSET search
(c) a new virus-hoax which can delete data
from mail-inbox
(d) a feature of MS-Word used to create
multiple documents like letters, mailing
labels, name tags etc.
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1893.The process of checking the validity of
information held in a transaction file is
(a) Verification
(c) Validation (b) Test data
(e) None of these (d) Updating
Ans : (c)
1894. A………….shares hardware, software, and
data among authorized users.
(a) network
(c) hyperlink (b) protocol
(e) None of (d)
these transmitter
Ans : (a)
1895.Which of the following is not a function of
the control unit?
(a) Read instructions
(b) Execute instructions
(c) Interpret instructions
(d) Direct operations
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1896.Software for organizing storage and
retrieval of information is a(n)………
(a) operating system
(b) database
(c) database program
(d) data warehouse
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1897.Which of the following is not true about
(a) RAM is a temporary storage area
(b) RAM is the same as hard disk storage
(c) RAM is volatile
(d) Information stored in RAM is gone when
you turn the computer off
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1898.The main directory of a disk is called
(a) root
(c) folder (b) sub
(e) None of these (d) network
Ans : (a)
1899.SUM (B1:B8) is an example of
(a) function (b) formula

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(c) cell address (d) value
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1900.The most common input devices include
(a) Monitor and keyboard
(b) Monitor and mouse
(c) Mouse and keyboard
(d) Printer and mouse
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1901.What is the difference between a CD-ROM
and CD-RW?
(a) They are the same; just two different terms
used by different manufacturers
(b) A CD-ROM can be written to and a CDRW cannot
(c) A CD-RW can be written to, but a CDROM can only be read from
(d) A CD-ROM holds more information than a
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1902.Holding the mouse button down while
moving an object or text is known as :
(a) Moving
(c) Dropping
(b) Dragging
(e) None of these
(d) Highlighting
Ans : (b)
a professionally designed
document that can be adapted to the user’s
needs. (b) guide
(a) file (d) user guide file
(c) template
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1904.What is the intersection of a column and a
row on a worksheet called?
(a) Column
(c) Address (b) Value
(e) None of these (d) Cell
Ans : (d)
1905. …………are often delivered to a PC
through an e-mail attachment and are often
designed to do harm.
(a) Viruses
(b) Spam
(c) Portals
(d) E-mail
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1906.Documents converted to………..can be
published to the Web.
(a) .doc file
(c) machine (b) http
language (d)
(e) None of these HTML
Ans : (d)
1907.All are included in removable media except
the following.
(a) CD-ROMs (b) Diskette
(c) DVDs (d) High disk drive
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1908.Straight and Uniform margins on
both the
sides indicate that there is…… the
(a) full justification (b) full alignment
(d) right
(c) left justification
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
207 MCQs Papers
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1909.Which of the following terms is used for the
form in which the word will appear on the
(a) Text formatting
(b) Character formatting
(c) Point size
(d) Type face
(e) Layout
Ans : (a)
1910. …………Key combination that lets you
toggle between open windows.
(b) ALT + CTRL + TAB
(c) ALT + CTRL
(d) ALT + TAB
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1911.The secondary storage memory is also
called as
(a) Auxiliary Memory
(b) Attractive Memory
(c) Chip Memory
(d) Read Only Memory
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1912. …………is known as unauthorized access
into others system.
(a) Hacking
(c) Decryption (b) Encryption
(e) None of these (d) Trafficking
Ans : (a)
1913.VIRUS stands for
(a) Vital Information Recourse Under Siege
(b) Vital Information Reason Under Siege
(c) Vital Information Recourse Under System
(d) Virus Information Recourse Under Siege
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1914.Which of the following mode we use to
deliver e-mail
(a) Postal
(c) Computer (b) Courier
(e) None of these (d) Fax
Ans : (c)
1915.A person needs to design invitation card.
What type of computer program is suitable?
(a) MS-Word
(c) Simulation (b) Desktop
(e) None of Publishing
these (d) Accounting
Ans : (b)
1916.The term that we use to describe physical
components of the system.
(a) Hardware
(c) Software (b) Input
(e) None of these (d) Output
Ans : (a)
1917.Which of the following is different from
(a) Internet
(c) Unix (b) Windows
(e) None of these (d) Linux
Ans : (a)
1918.QWERTY is used with
reference to :
(a) Monitor (b) Printer
(c) Keyboard (d) Mouse
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
208 MCQs Papers
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1919.What is object of UPS?
(a) Using for storage
(b) To increase the speed of a computer
(c) Provides backup power
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1920.CPU capacity can be measured in
(a) BPS (b) MIPS
(c) MHz
(e) KHz (d) MPI
Ans : (c)
cheques which
1921.In processing of the
techniques have
following I/O banks
traditionally followed?
(a) OCR (b) MICR
(c) Barcode (d) +VRT
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1922. “Zipping” a file means
(a) Encrypting the message
(b) Compressing the message
(c) Transfer the message
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1923.The instructions that tell a computer how to
carry out the processing tasks are referred to
as computer…………
(a) programs
(b) processors
(c) input devices
(d) memory
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1924.An area of a computer that temporarily
holds data waiting to be processed is……….
(a) CPU
(c) Storage (b) Memory
(e) None of these (d) File
Ans : (b)
1925.To select or unselect one word to the right.
(b) CTRL + SHIFT + Up Arrow
(c) CTRL + SHIFT + Down Arrow
(d) CTRL + SHIFT + Right Arrow
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1926.To maximize or restore a selected window.
(a) CTRL + F7 (b) CTRL + F10
(c) CTRL + F8 (d) CTRL + F9
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1927.To Copy a picture of the selected window
to the clipboard.
(a) ALT + TAB
(c) ALT + Print (b) Ctrl + TAB
Screen (d) Both (a) and
(e) None of these (b)
Ans : (c)
1928. ……….is the key to close a selected dropdown list; cancel a command and close a
dialog box.
(a) TAB
(c) ESC (b) SHIFT
(e) None of these (d) F10
Ans : (c)
1929. …………is the key we use to run the
selected command.
209 MCQs Papers
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(c) ENTER (b) TAB
(e) None of these (d) CTRL
Ans : (c)
1930. …………is the functional key to display
save-as box.
(a) F5
(c) F9 (b) F6
(e) None of (d)
these F12
Ans : (d)
1931. ……… the combination of keys to
switch between the last four places that you
have edited.
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
1932. ……….is the keyboard shortcut key to
insert auto sum
(a) ALT
(b) ALT
(c) ALT +
(e) ALT +
(d) ALT

Ans : (b)
1933.Data becomes………when it is presented in
a formats that people can understand and use.
(a) processed
(c) information (b) graphs
(e) None of (d)
these presentation
Ans : (c)
1934.The term………..designates equipment that
might be added to a computer system to
enhance its functionality.
(a) digital (b) system add-on
device (d) peripheral
(c) disk pack device
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1935.A……… a microprocessor-based computing device.
(a) personal
computer (b)
(c) workstation mainframe
(e) None of these (d) server
Ans : (a)
1936.RAM can be thought of as the……..for the
computer’s processor.
(a) factory
(c) waiting (b) operating
room room
(e) None of (d) planning
these room
Ans : (c)
1937.Which of the following are the functions of
a operating system
(a) Allocates resources
(b) Monitor Activities
(c) Manages disks and files
(d) All of these
(e) Only (a) and (b)
Ans : (d)
1938. To move a copy of file from one computer
to another over a communication channel is
(a) File transfer
(c) File (b) File
modification encryption
(e) None of these (d) File copying
Ans : (a)
1939.The primary function of the…… to set
up the hardware and load and start an
operating system.
(a) System (b) BIOS
Programs (d)
(c) CP Memory

210 MCQs Papers

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(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1940.What kind of memory is both static and
(a) RAM
(b) ROM
(c) BIOS
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1941. …………is computer software designed to
operate the computer hardware and to provide
platform for running application software
(a) Application software
(b) System software
(c) Software
(d) Operating system
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1942.The…………is the amount of data that a
storage device can move from the storage
medium to the Computer per second.
(a) data migration rate
(b) data digitizing rate
(c) data transfer rate
(d) data access rate
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1943.A device, which is not connected to CPU, is
called as……….
(a) land-line
device (b) On-line
(c) Off-line device device
(e) None of these (d) Device
Ans : (c)
1944.What is the other name for programmed
(a) RAM
(c) LSIC (b) ROM
(e) None of these (d) PROM
Ans : (b)
1945.On-line real time systems become popular
(a) First Generation
(b) Second Generation
(c) Third Generation
(d) Fourth Generation
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1946. ……… the ability of a device to “jump”
directly to the requested data.
(a) Sequential
access (b) Random
(c) Quick access access
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
1947.The task of performing operations like
arithmetic and logical operations is called
(a) Processing
(c) Editing (b) Storing
(e) None of these (d) Sorting
Ans : (a)
1948.The ALU and Control Unit jointly known
(a) RAM
(c) CPU (b) ROM
(e) None of these (d) PC
Ans : (c)
1949. RAM is an example of
(a) Secondary memory
211 MCQs Papers
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(b) Primary memory
(c) Main memory
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1950.Magnetic disk is an example of
(a) Secondary memory
(b) Primary memory
(c) Main memory
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1951.Which one of the following is NOT a
computer language?
(a) MS-Excel
(e) None of these (d) C + +
Ans : (a)
1952. Each memory cell has a unique number,
assigned to it is called as the……….of the cell
(a) Address
(c) Number (b) Register
(e) None of these (d) Path
Ans : (a)
1953.The server on the internet is also
known as :
(a) Repeater (b) Host
(c) Gateway (d) AND Gate
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1954.Website is a collection of :
(a) HTML documents
(b) Graphic files
(c) Audio and video files
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1955. ……….is a method in which multiple
communication devices are connected to one
another efficiently.
(a) Switching
(c) Capacity (b) Redundancy
(e) None of these (d) Detecting
Ans : (a)
1956.One computer that is not considered a
portable computer is………..
(a) Mini computer
(c) Micro (b) A Laptop
computer (d) All of
(e) None of these these
Ans : (a)
1957.The sharing of a medium and its path by 2
or more devices is called……….
(a) Modulation
(c) Line (b) Encoding
discipline (d)
(e) None of these Multiplexing
Ans : (d)
1958. Device drivers are :
(a) tine power cords for external storage
(b) experts who know to maximise the
performance of device
(c) small, special purpose programs
(d) the innermost part of the operating system
(e) substitutes for operating systems
Ans : (c)
1959. Array is………….
212 MCQs Papers
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(a) linear data structure
(b) non-linear data structure
(c) complex data structure
(d) simple data structure
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1960.A stored link to a webpage, in order to have
a quick and easy access to it later, is called :
(a) Bookmark
(c) Favourites (b) WP-link
(e) None of these (d) Both (a) and (c)
Ans : (d)
1961.Which input device cannot be used to work
in MS Office?
(a) Scanner
(c) Keyboard (b) Mouse
(e) Lightpen (d) Joy stick
Ans : (d)
1962. ………….is an animated character that
gives help in MS Office?
(a) Office worker
(c) Office (b) Comic
assistant assistant
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (c)
1963.RAM is also called as
(a) Read/Write Memory
(b) Long Memory
(c) Permanent Memory
(d) Primary Memory
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1964.……….Store data or information
temporarily and pass it on as directed by the
control unit
(a) Address
(c) Number
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
(b) Register
(d) Memory
1965.Select the Odd one
(a) Operating System
(b) Interpreter
(c) Compiler (d) Assembler
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1966. A……… an additional set of commands
that the computer displays after you make a
selection from the main menu.
(a) dialog box
(c) menu selection (b) submenu
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (a)
1967. COBOL is an acronym for…………
(a) Common Business Oriented Language
(b) Computer Business Oriented Language
(c) Common Business Operated Language
(d) Common Business Organized Language
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1968.All of the following are examples of real
security and privacy risks EXCEPT :
(a) hackers
(c) viruses (b) spam
(e) None of these (d) identify theft
Ans : (b)

213 MCQs Papers

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1969. Which of the following is NOT one of the
four major data processing functions of a
(a) gathering data
(b) processing data into information
(c) analyzing the data or information
(d) storing the data or information
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1970.All of the following are examples of storage
devices EXCEPT :
(a) hard disk drives (b) printers
(c) floppy disk drives (d) CD drives
(e) Pen drives
Ans : (b)
1971.The CPU and memory are located
on the :
(a) expansion board (b) motherboard
(c) storage device (d) output device
(e) display board
Ans : (b)
1972.……….is the science that attempts to
produce machines that display the same type
of intelligence that humans do.
(a) Nanoscience
(b) Nanotechnology
(c) Simulation
(d) Artificial intelligence (AI)
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1973.Servers are computers that provide
resources to other computers connected
to a :
(a) network (b) mainframe
(c) supercomputer (d) client
(e) internet
Ans : (a)
1974. When creating a computer program, the
…………designs the structure of the program
(a) End user
(c) Programmer (b) System Analyst
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
1975.A computer program that converts an entire
program into machine language at one time is
called a/an
(a) interpreter
(c) compiler (b) simulator
(e) None of these (d) commander
Ans : (c)
1976.Computers process data into information by
working exclusively with :
(a) multimedia
(c) characters (b) words
(e) None of these (d) numbers
Ans : (d)
1977.The difference between people with access
to computers and the Internet and those
without this access is known as the :
(b) Internet
(a) digital divide divide
(c) Web divide (d) broadband
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1978.The ability to recover and read
deleted or
damaged files from a criminal deleted
computer is an example of a law
specialty called :
(a) robotics (b) simulation
(c) computer forensics (d) animation

214 MCQs Papers

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(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
1979.Where does most data go first with in a
computer memory hierarchy?
(a) RAM
(c) BIOS (b) ROM
(e) None of these (d) CACHE
Ans : (a)
1980.Which command divides the surface of the
blank disk into sectors and assign a unique
address to each one
(a) Ver
(c) Fat (b) Format
(e) None of these (d) Chkdsk
Ans : (b)
1981.If you need to duplicate the entire disk,
which command will you use?
(a) Copy
(c) Chkdsk (b) Diskcopy
(e) None of these (d) Format
Ans : (b)
1982. A………..sometimes called a boot sector
virus, executes when a computer boots up
because it resides in the boot sector of a
floppy disk or the master boot record of a hard
(a) system virus
(c) file virus (b) Trojan horse
(e) None of virus
these (d) macro virus
Ans : (e)
1983.A result of a computer virus can not lead
(a) Disk Crash
(b) Mother Board Crash
(c) Corruption of program
(d) Deletion of files
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
1984.Every computer connected to an intranet or
extranet must have a distinct………..
(a) firewall (b) proxy
(c) IP address server
(e) None of (d) domain
these name
Ans : (b)
1985.Programming language built into user
programs such as Word and Excel are known
(a) 4GLs
(b) macro languages
(c) object-oriented languages
(d) visual programming languages
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
ar use t prote agai
e d o ct nst
(a) Unauthorized Attacks
(b) Virus Attacks
(c) Data Driven Attacks
(d) Fire Attacks
(e) All of these
Ans : (a)
1987.Which of the following extensions suggest
that the file is a backup copy
(a) Bak
(c) Com (b) Bas
(e) None of these (d) Txt
Ans : (a)

215 MCQs Papers

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1988.Computer programs are written in a highlevel programming language; however, the
human-readable version of a program is
(a) cache
(c) source code (b) instruction set
(e) None of these (d) word size
Ans : (c)
1989.The software tools that enable a user to
interact with a computer for specific purposes
are known as………….
(a) Hardware
(c) Shareware (b) Networked
(e) None of Software
these (d) Applications
Ans : (d)
1990. ……….processing is used when a large
mail-order company accumulates orders and
processes them together in one large set.
(a) Batch
(c) Real-time
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
1991.When a file contains instructions that can be
carried out by the computer, it is often called
(a) data
(c) executable
(e) None of
Ans : (c)
1992.A compiler translates a program written in a
high-level language into…………
(a) Machine language
(b) An algorithm
(c) A debugged program
(d) Java
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1993.A set of procedures for
accomplishing a task is known
as a(n)……….
(b) hardware
(a) algorithm
(d) firmware
(c) software bug
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
1994.A complete electronic circuit with
transistors and other electronic
components on
a small silicon chip is called
(a) Workstation (b) CPU
(d) Integrated
(c) Magnetic disk
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1995. A saved document is referred to as a
(a) file
(b) word
(c) folde
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
1996.What is output?
(a) What the processor takes from the user
(b) What the user gives to the processor
(c) What the processor gets from the user
(d) What the processor gives to the user
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
1997.When you turn on the computer, the boot
routine will perform this test…………
(a) RAM test
(c) Memory (b) Disk drive test
test (d) Power-on self-
(e) None of test
216 MCQs Papers
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Ans : (b)
1998.Which of the following storage media
provides sequential access only?
(a) Floppy disk
(c) Magnetic
(b) Magnetic
(e) None of
(d) Optical disk
Ans : (a)
1999.In word processing, an efficient way to
move the 3rd paragraph to place it after the 5th
paragraph is
(a) copy and paste
(b) copy, cut and paste
(c) cut, copy and paste
(d) cut and paste
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
2000.The term ‘user interface’ refers to………..
(a) What the user sees on the screen and how
they can interact with it
(b) How the operating system responds to user
(c) the means by which the user interacts with
the peripheral devices on the computer
(d) The monitor that is available for the
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2001.For creating a document, you use……..
command at File Menu.
(a) Open
(c) New (b) Close
(e) None of these (d) Save
Ans : (c)

2002.The………..becomes different shapes

depending on the task you are performing.
(b) Insertion
(a) Active tab
(c) Mouse pointer
(e) None of these (d) Ribbon
Ans : (c)
2003.Specialized programs that assist users in
locating information on the Web are
(a) Information engines
(b) Search engines
(c) Web browsers
(d) Resource locators
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2004.The background of any Word document
(a) Is always white colour
(b) Is the colour you preset under the Options
(c) Is always the same for the entire document
(d) Can have any colour you choose
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
2005.Any letter, number, or symbol found on the
keyboard that you can type into the computer
(a) output
(c) type (b) character
(e) font (d) print
Ans : (b)
2006.A symbol or question on the screen that
prompts you to take action and tell the
computer what to do next …………..
217 MCQs Papers
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(a) scanner
(b) questionnaire
(c) prompt and dialog box
(d) information seeker
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2007.Commands at the top of a screen such as :
FILE-EDIT-FONT-TOOL to operate and
change things within programs………..
(a) menu bar
(b) tool bar
(c) user friendly
(d) word
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2008.The primary device that a computer uses to
store information…………
(a) monitor
(c) disk (b) memory
(e) None of these (d) hard drive
Ans : (d)
2009.A file extension is separated from the main
file name with a(n)……….but no spaces.
(b) exclamation
(a) question mark
(c) underscore (d) period
(e) None of these
Ans : (e)
is designed to
(a) real-world tasks
(b) computer-centric tasks
(c) gaming tasks
(d) operating system tasks
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
2011. A……… a device that not only provides
surge protection, but also furnishes your
computer with battery backup power during a
power outage.
(a) surge strip
(c) UPS (b) USB
(e) None of (d) battery
these strip
Ans : (c)
2012. ……….this is the act of copying or
downloading a program from a network and
making multiple copies of it.
(a) Network
(c) Software (b) Plagiarism
piracy (d) Site-license
(e) None of piracy
Ans : (c)
2013.When installing………the user must copy
and usually decompress program files from a
CDROM or other medium to the hard disk.
(a) programming software
(b) system hardware
(c) applications hardware
(d) applications software
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2014.Which one of the following would be
considered as a way that a computer virus can
enter a computer system?
(a) Opening an application previously
installed on the computer
(b) Borrowed an illegal copy of software
(c) Viewing a website without causing any
additional transactions
(d) Running antivirus programs
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
218 MCQs Papers
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2015.Programs such as Mozila Firefox that serve
as navigable windows into the web are
(a) Hypertext
(c) Internet (b) Networks
(e) None of these (d) Web browsers
Ans : (d)
2016.What is the main difference between a
mainframe and a super computer?
(a) Super computer is much larger than
mainframe computers
(b) Super computers are much smaller than
mainframe computers
(c) Super computers are focused to execute
few programs as fast as possible while
mainframe uses its power to execute as
many programs concurrently
(d) Supercomputers are focused to execute as
many programs as possible while
mainframe uses its power to execute few
programs as fast as possible.
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2017.What is the function of Recycle Bin?
(a) Store deleted file
(b) Store temporary file
(c) Store corrupted file
(d) Store Document file
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2018.Which is the latest version of MS Office?
(a) Office XP (b) Windows XP
(c) Office 2007 (d) Office 2010
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
2019.Which device cannot be shared in network?
(a) Floppy
(c) Computer (b) Keyboard
(e) Hard disk (d) Printer
Ans : (b)
2020.What is the purpose of query?
(a) Input data
(c) Sort & filter (b) Output data
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (d)
2021.Which port doesn’t exist in
(a) USB
(c) Com1/Com2 (b) Parallel
(e) None of these (d) RAW
Ans : (a)
2022.What is the name of excel files?
(a) Workbook (b) Worksheet
(c) Spreadsheet (d) Spread book
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2023.Workgroup means
(a) Computers in network
(b) Individual user
(c) Individual computer
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2024.Synonym can be reviewed with
(a) Spelling and grammar
(b) Thesaurus
(c) Both
219 MCQs Papers
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(d) Synonym viewer
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2025.Which command allows you to reduce
fragments of file and optimize the
performance of disk?
(a) Scandisk
(c) Chkdsk
(b) Diskcomp
(e) None of
(d) Defrag
Ans : (d)
2026.A normal CD-ROM usually can store up to
(a) 680 KB
(b) 680 Bytes
(c) 680 MB
(d) 680 GB
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
languages are
classified as low level languages?
(b) Prolog 2, Expert Systems
(c) Knowledge based systems
(d) Assembly Languages
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
2028.Which of the following devices have a
limitation that we can only store information
to it but cannot erase or modify it?
(a) Floppy Disk
(c) Tape Drive (b) Hard Disk
(e) None of these (d) CDROM
Ans : (d)
2029.Which of the following is the largest
manufacturer of Hard Disk Drives?
(a) IBM (b) Seagate
(c) Microsoft (d) 3M
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2030.The programs which are as permanent as
hardware and stored in ROM is known as
(a) Hardware
(c) Firmware (b) Software
(e) None of these (d) ROM ware
Ans : (c)
2031.To save a document in different location
use :
(a) Save (b) Save as
(c) Save as web page (d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
of the following is not an
manufacturer of Hard Disk drives?
(a) Samsung (b) Intel
(c) Seagate (d) Western Digital
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2033.A disadvantage of the laser printer is :
(a) It is quieter than an impact printer
(b) It is very slow
(c) The output is of a lower quality
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (e)
2034.Different components, on the motherboard
of a PC processor unit are linked together by
sets or parallel electrical conducting lines.
What are these lines called?
(a) Conductors (b) Buses
220 MCQs Papers
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(c) Connectors (d) Connectively
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2035.Which of the following professions has
been affected by personal computers?
(a) Medical
(c) Accounting (b) Clerical and law
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (d)
2036.What is meant by a dedicated computer?
(a) Which is used by one person only
(b) Which is assigned one and only one task
(c) Which uses one kind of software
(d) Which is meant for application software
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2037.A computer program that translates one
program instructions at a time into machine
language is called a/an
(a) Interpreter (b) CPU
(c) Compiler (d) Simulator
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2038.Instructions and memory address are
represented by
(a) Character code (b) Binary codes
(c) Binary word (d) Parity bit
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2039.As compared to diskettes, the hard
disks are
(b) More
(a) More expensive
(c) Less rigid
(d) Slowly
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
2040.The secondary storage devices can only
store data but they cannot perform
(a) Arithmetic Operation
(b) Logic operation
(c) Fetch operations
(d) Either of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
2041.A physical connection between the
microprocessor memory and other parts of the
microcomputer is known as :
(a) Path
(c) Route (b) Address bus
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (b)
2042.A group of magnetic tapes, videos or
terminals usually under the control of one
master is :
(a) Cylinder
(c) Track (b) Surface
(e) None of these (d) Cluster
Ans : (d)
2043.Each model of a computer has a unique :
(a) Assembly of a computer
(b) Machine language
(c) High level language
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2044.Which company is the biggest player in the
microprocessor industry?
(a) Motorola (b) IBM
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(c) Intel (d) AMD
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2045.Which computer memory is used for storing
programs and data currently being processed
by the CPU?
(a) Mass memory (b) Internal memory
(c) Non-volatile memory (d) PROM
(e) Flash memory
Ans : (b)
2046.Microprocessors can be used to make
(a) Computer
(c) Calculators (b) Digital systems
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (d)
2047.The subject of cybernetics deals with the
science of
(a) Genetics
(b) Control and communications
(c) Molecular biology
(d) Biochemistry
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2048.A term associated with the comparison of
processing speeds of different computer
system is :
(a) EFTS
(c) MIPS (b) MPG
(e) None of these (d) CFPS
Ans : (c)
2049.Which command is used to set a name to a
disk in DOS?
(a) VOLUME (b) VOL
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2050.To get to the ‘Symbol’ dialog box, click on
the……….menu and choose ‘Symbol’.
(a) Insert (b) Format
(c) Tools (d) Table
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
outline, emboss,
engrave are known as
(b) font
(a) font styles effects
(c) word art (d) text
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
text, Blinking
Background etc. are known as
(b) font
(a) font styles effects
(c) word art (d) text
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
2053.Which of the following is not available in
Font Spacing?
(a) Normal
(c) Condensed (b) Loosely
(e) None of these (d) Expanded
Ans : (b)
2054.Bold, Italic, Regular are
known as
(a) font styles (b) font
(c) word art effects
(d) text
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
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2055.If you begin typing an entry into a cell and
then realize that you don’t want your entry
placed into a cell, you :
(a) Press the Erase key
(b) Press Esc
(c) Press the Enter button
(d) Press the Edit Formula button
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2056.Which of the following will not cut
(a) Pressing Ctrl + C
(b) Selecting Edit > Cut from the menu
(c) Clicking the Cut button on the standard
(d) Pressing Ctrl + X
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2057.Computer connected to a LAN (Local Area
Network) can
(a) run faster
(b) go on line
(c) share information and /or share peripheral
(d) E-mail
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2058.A self replicating program, similar to a
virus which was taken from a 1970s science
fiction novel by John Bruner entitled the
Shockwave Rider is………….
(a) Bug
(c) Lice (b) Vice
(e) None of these (d) Worm
Ans : (d)
2059.Unwanted repetitious messages, such as
unsolicited bulk e-mail is known as
(a) Spam (b) Trash
(c) Calibri (d) Courier
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2060.COBOL is widely used in……….
(a) Commercial (b) Scientific
(c) Space
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2061.VDU is also called
(a) Screen (b) Monitor
(c) Both (a) & (b) (d) Printer
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2062.What kind of software would you most
likely use to keep track of billing account?
(a) Word Processing
(b) Electronic Publishing
(c) Spreadsheet
(d) Web authoring
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2063.Test the validity of the statements?
(a) 1 KB = 1024 BYTES
(b) 1 MB = 2048 BYTES
(c) 1 MB = 1000 KILOBYTES
(d) 1 KB = 1000 BYTES
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
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2064.Which of the following is not a computer
(c) C# (b) C++
(e) Microsoft (d) Java
Ans : (e)
2065.Which among the following is a correct
definition of “Digital Divide”?
(a) gap between people having access to
mobile and internet access
(b) gap between people having access to
internet/IT and no internet/IT
(c) gap between people having access to
broadband and narrowband internet
(d) gap between people having access to
internet banking and normal banking
(e) Gap between the people having an email
account and no email account
Ans : (b)
2066.Now a days Vishing has become a criminal
practice of using social engineering over
which of the following?
(a) Social networking sites
(b) Mobile Phones
(c) E-mails
(d) Cyber cafes
(e) All of these
Ans : (b)
2067.What is the fullform of W3C?
(a) World Wide Web Consortium
(b) World Wide Web Company
(c) World Wide Web Center
(d) World Wide Web Command
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2068.In the MICR Code Line Structure what do
represent the first three digits of Sort field
number consisting of nine digits?
(a) City
(c) Branch (b) Bank
(e) None of (d) Account
these Type
Ans : (a)
2069.Most of the internet banking sites provide
which of the following feature to reduce the
risk of keystroke logging for the password
(a) Virtual
keyboard (b) Finger
(c) Touchscreen Touching
(e) Dasher (d) ShapeWriter
Ans : (a)
2070.ADSL data communications technology
uses which of the following for faster data
(a) Voiceband modem
(b) Wireless Modem
(c) Copper telephone Lines
(d) Sockets
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2071.What is the purpose of keeping electronic
devices such as computers, televisions, and
remote controlled devices on Sleep mode?
(a) Reduce Power consumption
(b) Back up
(c) To write contents of RAM to hard disc
(d) To improve download speed
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
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2072.What is the ultimate purpose of
(a) Make the PC faster
(b) Create More Free Space
(c) Delete temporary files
(d) Reduce Power consumption
(e) All of these
Ans : (b)
2073.The purpose of the primary key in a
database is to :
(a) unlock the database
(b) provide a map of the data
(c) uniquely identify a record
(d) establish constraints on database
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2074.The design of the network is called the
network :
(a) architecture
(c) transmission (b) server
(e) None of these (d) type
Ans : (a)
2075.The most frequently used instructions of a
computer program are likely to be fetched
from :
(a) the hard disk
(c) RAM (b) cache memory
(e) None of these (d) registers
Ans : (b)
2076.Personal logs or journal entries posted on
the Web are known as :
(a) listservs (b) Webcasts
(c) blogs (d) subject directories
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2077.Linux is a(n)………..operating system.
(a) open-source
(c) Windows (b)
(e) None of Microsoft
these (d) Mac
Ans : (a)
2078.Which of the following places the common
data elements in order from smallest to largest
(a) character, file, record, field, database
(b) character, record, field, database, file
(c) character, field, record, file, database
(d) Bit, byte, character, record, field, file,
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2079.Which of the following statements is
FALSE concerning file names?
(a) Files may share the same name or the same
extension but not both
(b) Every file in the same folder must have a
unique name
(c) File extension is another name for file type
(d) The file extension comes before the dot (.)
followed by the name
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
2080.Which of the following would most likely
NOT be a symptom of a virus?
(a) Existing program files and icons disappear.
(b) The CD-ROM stops functioning.
(c) The Web browser opens to an unusual
home page.
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(d) Odd messages or images are displayed on
the screen.
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2081. ………..are lists of commands that appear
on the screen.
(a) GUIs
(c) Menus (b) Icons
(e) None of these (d) Windows
Ans : (c)
2082.What is the correct association between a
hardware component and a computer
(a) Monitor > input
(b) Mouse > input
(c) CPU > storage
(d) Hard disk > processing
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2083.What is the function of Drop Cap?
(a) It does not allow capital letters to be used
in the documents.
(b) It makes first letter of each word capital
letter in the documents.
(c) It lets you begin a paragraph with a large
dropped initial capital letter.
(d) It automatically starts all paragraphs and
sentences with capital letters.
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2084.The errors that can be pointed out by the
compiler are :
(a) Syntax error (b) Symantic error
(c) Logical error (d) Internal error
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2085.To move to the bottom of a document,
(a) Auto summarize
(b) Home key
(c) Ctrl + Home key
(d) End key
(e) Ctrl + End key
Ans : (e)
2086.By default, your documents print in
(b) Portrait
(a) Landscape
(c) Page setup
(d) Print
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2087.What’s the name for the program or service
that lets you view e-mail messages?
(a) Web browser
(c) E-mail ID (b) E-mail clients
(e) None of these (d) Internet
Ans : (b)
2088.What does the SMTP in an SMTP server
stand for?
(a) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(b) Server Message Test Phase
(c) Short Messaging Text Process
(d) Short Messaging Transfer Protocol
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2089.What’s considered the “backbone” of the
World Wide Web?
(a) Uniform resource locator (URL)
(b) Hypertext mark-up language (HTML)
(c) Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
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(d) File transfer protocol (FTP)
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2090.We access the World Wide Web using :
(a) Browsers
(b) Instant messaging applications
(c) High bandwidth
(d) Search engine
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2091.The internet began with the development
(c) Ethernet (b)
(e) None of ARPANET
these (d) Intranet
Ans : (b)
2092.A wireless network uses……….waves to
transmit signals.
(a) mechanical
(c) sound (b) radio
(e) None of (d)
these magnetic
Ans : (b)
2093.What device includes an adapter that
decodes data sent in radio signals?
(a) modem
(c) router (b) digital
(e) None of translator
these (d) switch
Ans : (c)
2094.Network components are connected to the
same cable in the …………topology.
(a) star
(b) ring
(c) bu
(d) mesh
(e) mixed
Ans : (a)
2095.Small application programs that run on a
Web page and may ensure a form is
completed properly or provide animation are
known as………..
(a) flash (b) spiders
(c) cookies (d) applets
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
of the following is Not a
characteristic of a computer?
(a) Intelligence (b) Speed
(c) Versatility
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2097.The WWW standard allows programs on
many different computer platforms to show
the information on a server. Such programs
are called :
(a) ISP
(c) Web Servers (b) Web Browsers
(e) None of these (d) Web Modular
Ans : (b)
2098.Outlook Express is a
(a) E-mail client (b) Scheduler
(c) Address book (d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
2099.Which of the following is not a network?
(a) Local Area Network
(b) Wide Area Network
(c) Optical Fibre
(d) All are networks
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
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2100.Which of the following is Not a
characteristic of E-mail?
(a) Low cost
(b) Record maintenance in database
(c) High speed
(d) Waste reduction
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2101.Who designed the first electronics
(a) Van Neuman
(b) Joseph M Jacquard
(c) J presper Eckert and John W Mauchly
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2102. …………is a collection of web-pages and
…………is the very first page that we see on
opening of a website.
(a) Home page, Web page
(b) Website, Home page
(c) Web page, Home page
(d) Web page, Website
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2103.When we run program in HTML coding,
…… used as backend and……….works as
(a) Notepad, Internet Explorer
(b) Notepad, MSN messenger
(c) MS Word, Internet Explorer
(d) Both (a) and (c)
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2104.The main memory of a computer can also
be called………….
(a) primary
(b) internal
(c) primary
(d) all of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2105.A GUI is
(a) hardware
(b) language interpreter
(c) software interface
(d) an operating system
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2106. A…………’s main purpose is to prohibit
unauthorized access to your computer via the
(a) popup blocker
(c) spyware blocker (b) firewall
(e) None of these (d) spam assassin
Ans : (b)
2107.If configured correctly, the……….will
prevent interaction with your computer
after a
specified time period.
(a) firewall (b) filter
(c) screen saver (d) popup blocker
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2108.What is the name of the series of Laptop
computers manufactured by IBM called?
(a) LapPad
(c) Aptiva (b) Vaio
(e) Notepad (d) Thinkpad
Ans : (b)

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2109.The hard disk drive capacity is defined by
its formatting pattern. We call the hard disk
drive formatting pattern as :
(a) FAT
(c) Cluster (b) VFAT
(e) None of (d)
these Geometery
Ans : (a)
2110.What is access time?
(a) It is the time taken by the memory to store
or retrieve a piece of data.
(b) It is the number marked on all memory
(c) It is the memory clock.
(d) It is the transaction period between the
CPU and the memory
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2111.What is the function of a router?
(a) To connect your computer to another
(b) To connect two servers to increase
transmission speed.
(c) To connect two different networks.
(d) To connect very distant segments from the
same network.
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2112.The facilities available in the internet are
(i) electronic mail (ii) remote login
(iii) file transfer (iv) word
(a) i, ii processing
(c) i, ii, iv (b) i, ii, iii
Ans : (b) (d) ii, iii and iv
2113.A message with replies on a newsgroup is
often called a…………
(a) post
(c) thread (b) list
(e) None of (d)
these comment
Ans : (c)
2114.A large number of computers in a wide
geographical area can be efficiently connected
(a) Twisted pair lines
(b) Coaxial cables
(c) Communications satellites
(d) Fiber Cables
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2115.What displays the content of the active cell
in Excel?
(a) Name Box (b) Row Headings
(c) Formula Bar (d) Taskpane
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2116.Each computer connected to the internet
(a) be an IBM PC
(b) have a unique IP address
(c) be internet compatible
(d) have a modem connection
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2117. ……… the protocol that supports
linking from one web page to another page.
(a) HTML (b) IP
(c) HTTP (d) FTP

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(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2118.The phrase………….describes viruses,
worms, Trojan horse attack applets, and attack
(a) malware
(c) phish (b) spam
(e) None of these (d) virus
Ans : (a)
2119.Indicate which of the following is not true
about an interpreter
(a) Interpreter generates an object program
from the source program
(b) Interpreter is a kind of translator
(c) Interpreter analyses each source statement
every time it is to be executed
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2120.The term ‘baud’ is a measure of the :
(a) speed at which data travels over the
communication line
(b) memory capacity
(c) instruction execution time
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2121.Digital computer consumes electric power
as compare to analog computer.
(a) Equal
(c) Less
(e) None of
Ans : (a)
2122.Computers observe some limitations as they
have no
(a) intelligence and feeling
(b) flexibility and emotions
(c) easy portability and ethics
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
2123.Computers can provide
(a) logical decision and latest information
(b) solutions of problems and quality control
(c) industrial and educational development
(d) all of these
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2124.Pressing and quickly releasing the left
button of the mouse is called
(b) Right
(a) Double Click
(c) Up Click (d) Left Click
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
2125.Soft copy of a document has the
characteristics that it can be :
(a) touched only
(b) viewed only
(c) touched and viewed
(d) either touched or viewed
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2126.CRT stands for
(a) Cathode Ray tube
(b) Cathodic ray tube
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(c) Cathode ray tub
(d) Cathodic ray tub
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2127.What is the meaning of ‘justified text’?
(a) the text headings are all in the same style
(b) all four margins on the page are the same
(c) the text aligns with both the right and left
(d) the text is the maximum size that will fit on
a page
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2128.To identify a document, it is helpful to
include the file name on each page as a
(a) header/footer
(c) find/search (b) bibliography
(e) None of these (d) macro
Ans : (a)
2129.What is the purpose of providing a Drafts
folder in an email system?
(a) to store spam email
(b) to save unsent emails
(c) to store deleted emails
(d) to save a copy of sent emails
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2130.Which of the following is an acceptable
way to shut down the computer?
(a) press the reset button
(b) turn the computer off at the power point
(c) select the ‘Shut down’ option from a menu
(d) pull the power card from the back of the
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2131.By an intranet we mean
(a) a LAN of an organization
(b) a Wide Area Network connecting all
branches of an organization
(c) a corporate computer network
(d) a network connecting all computers of an
organization and using the internet
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
2132.Computer which are made of integrated
(a) Digital
(c) Mechanical (b) Analog
(e) None of these (d) All of these
Ans : (a)
2133.An error in software or hardware is called a
bug. What is the alternative computer jargon
for it?
(a) Leech
(c) Slug (b) Squid
(e) None of these (d) Glitch
Ans : (d)
2134.Bold, italics and underline are features used
in many programs. To which of the following
items can these features be applied?
(a) files
(c) pictures (b) text
(e) None of (d)
these windows
Ans : (b)

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2135.All of the following are basic principles of
net works, except
(a) each computer must have a network card
(b) there must be communications media
connecting the network hardware devices
(c) there must be at least one connecting
(d) each computer must have software that
supports the movement of information
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2136.A passive threat to computer security is
(a) Malicious
(b) Sabotage
(c) Accident
(d) Espionage
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2137.Voice mail
(a) is the exchange of text messages and
computer files transmitted via a
communications network such as a local
area network or the Internet
(b) permits users to converse in real time with
each other via the computer while
connected to the Internet
(c) functions much like an answering machine,
allowing callers to leave a voice message
for the called party
(d) involves using video and computer
technology to conduct a meeting between
participants at geographically separate
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2138.A(n)………..allows network users to share
a single copy of software, which resides on
the network server.
(a) single-user license agreement
(b) network site license
(c) end-user license agreement
(d) business software license
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2139.Which of the following is a general purpose
programming language, designed by Sun
(a) VB Script (b) Java Script
(c) CSS (d) Linux
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2140.A communication processor that
dissimilar networks by providing the
translation from one set of protocol to
(a) Bridge
(c) Router
(b) Gateway
(d) Modem
(e) None of these
Ans : (b)
2141. …………allows wireless mobile devices to
access the Internet and its services such as the
Web and e-mail
(a) TCP/IP
(c) WAP (b) Ethernet
(e) None of these (d) WiFi
Ans : (c)
2142.Which device cannot be shared in network?
(a) Floppy
(c) Computer (b) Keyword
(e) None of these (d) Printer
Ans : (b)
2143.Which port doesn’t exist in
(a) UBS port (b) Parallel port

232 MCQs Papers

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(c) Printer port (d) Computer port
(e) None of these
Ans : (d)
2144.The browser’s………..keeps a list of web
pages you have visited during the current
(a) history
(c) favorites (b) cache
(e) None of these (d) trail
Ans : (a)
2145.Which of the following identifies a specific
web page and its computer on the Web?
(a) Web site
(b) Web site
(c) URL
(e) None of these
(d) Domain Name
Ans : (d)
2146.The type of software that can store, update,
manipulate, and retrieve data is called
(a) desktop publishing
(b) spreadsheet
(c) database management
(d) graphics
(e) None of these
Ans : (c)
2147.Which application is not typically included
in an MS Office suite?
(a) word
processor (b)
(c) antivirus spreadsheet
(e) None of these (d) database
Ans : (c)
2148. ……… the time needed by the CPU to
recognize (not service) an interrupt request
(a) Interrupt Latency
(b) Response Deadline
(c) Timer delay
(d) Throughput
(e) None of these
Ans : (a)
2149.What is the transfer rate of a standard USB
2.0 Device?
(a) 100 Mbit/s
(c) 1 Gbit/s (b) 480 Mbit/s
(e) None of these (d) 250 Mbit/s
Ans : (b)
2150.An interface that can be used to connect the
microcomputer bus to………… called an
I/O Port.
(a) Flip Flops
(c) Peripheral (b) Memory
devices (d)
(e) None of these Multiplexers
Ans : (d)
2151.Your computer suddenly shuts off and
doesn’t turn on after repeated attempts. What
is the most likely cause?
(a) CPU fried
(b) Hard Drive crashed
(c) CD-ROM fried
(d) Power Supply blown
(e) Motherboard crashed
Ans : (b)

COMPUTER GRAPHICS BCA III Sem Multiple choice questions 1. Smallest size object that can
be displayed on a monitor is called ..................... a) Picture element b) Point c)Dot Pitch d)
aspect ratio Ans: Picture element 2. Each screen point is referred to as ......................... a)
Resolution b)Pixel c)Persistence d)Dot Pitch Ans: Pixel 3. On a monochromatic monitor, the
frame buffer is known as ...................... a) Display file b) Pixmap c) Bitmap d) Refresh buffer
Ans: Bitmap 4. On a color monitor, the refresh buffer is also called ..................... a)Frame
buffer b)Pixmap c)Bitmap d)Display file Ans: Pixmap 5. .................. refers to pixel spacing.
a)Pixmap b)Resolution c)Pixel depth d)Persistence Ans: Resolution 6. The distance from one
pixel to the next pixel is called ........... a)Resolution b)Dot Pitch c)Pixmap d)ppi Ans:
Resolution 7. The maximum number of points that can be displayed without overlap on a
CRT a)Aspect Ratio b)Resolution c)Brightness d)Pixel Ans: Resolution 8. ..................... is the
number of points per centimeter that can be plotted horizontally and vertically. a)Aspect
Ratio b)Pixel Depth c)Resolution d)Dot Pitch Ans: Resolution 9. ...................... is the ratio of
horizontal points to vertical points necessary to produce equal length lines in both direction.
a)Dot Pitch b)Resolution c)Aspect Ratio d) Height-Width Ratio Ans: Aspect Ratio 10. Identify
the odd one out from the following a)Frame Buffer b)Pixmap c)Display program d)Refresh
Buffer Ans: Pixmap 11. The shortest distance between any two dots of the same color is
called ................... a)Resolution b)Dot Pitch c)Pixel Depth d)ppi Ans: Dot Pitch 12. The
standard aspect ratio for PC is ................. a) 6:5 b) 4:3 c)3:2 d)5:3 Ans: 4:3 13. In CRT, the
electron intensity is adjusted using ................. a) Accelerating anode b) Control grid c)
Electron gun d) Focusing anode Ans: Control grid 14. Brightness of a display is controlled by
varying the voltage on the ...................... a) Focusing anode b)Connection pins c)Control grid
d)Power supply Ans: Control grid 15. Lower persistence phosphorus is used in a) Animation
b) Simple object c) Complex object d) All of these Ans: Animation 16. Lower persistence
phosphorus needs_________ refresh rate a) Lower b)Higher c)Medium d)None of these Ans:
Higher 17.. Higher persistence phosphorus needs _________ refresh rate a) Lower b)Higher
c)Medium d)None of these Ans: Lower 18. Higher persistence phosphorus is used in a)
Animation b) Simple object c) High Complex object d) All of these Ans: High Complex object
15. Memory area holding the intensity information of an image is called .............. a)Refresh
buffer b)Font cache c)Picture definition d)Video controller Ans: Refresh buffer 16. Intensity
representation of an image is called ...................... a)Frame buffer b)Picture definition
c)Display list d)Brightness Ans: Picture definition 17. The purpose of refreshing a CRT is
.......................... a)To avoid flickering b)To maintain steady picture c)To avoid fading of pixels
d)All of the above Ans: All of the above 18. The fly-back of electron beams from one scanline
to next is known as .................... a)Vertical Retrace b)Horizontal Retrace c)Raster scanning
d)Refreshing Ans: Horizontal Retrace 19. The return of electron beam to top left corner of
the screen after one frame is called ............ a)Horizontal fly-back b)Vertical Fly-back
c)Scanning d)None of the above Ans: Vertical Fly-back 20. In raster scan display, the frame
buffer holds ...................... a)Line drawing commands b)Scanning instructions c)Image
Resolution d) Intensity information Ans: Intensity information 21. In random scan display,
the frame buffer holds ...................... a)Line drawing commands b)Scanning instructions
c)Image Resolution d) Intensity information Ans: Line drawing commands 22. Identify the
odd one out from the following a)Vector display b)Raster scan display c)Calligraphic display
d)Stroke-writing display Ans: Raster scan display 22. Interlaced refresh procedure is allowed
in .................. a) LCD b)DVST c)Raster scan display d)Random scan display Ans: Raster scan
display 23. Vector display is well suited for ................. a) Animation b) Line drawing
applications c) Cartoons d) All of the above Ans: Line drawing applications 24. Beam
penetration method is usually used in ............................... a)LCD b)Raster Scan display c)
Random scan display d)DVST Ans: Random scan display 25. Shadow mask method is usually
used in ............................... a)LCD b)Raster Scan display c) Random scan display d)DVST Ans :
Raster Scan display 26. Identify the colors produced in beam penetration method. a) Red,
Green, Blue, White b)Red, Orange, Yellow, Green c)Red, Green, Blue d) Green, Red, White,
Orange Ans : Red, Orange, Yellow, Green 27. An RGB color system with 24 bits os storage per
pixel is known as ........................ a) Color CRT b)True-color system c)RGB monitor d)Color-
Depth Ans: True-color system 28. Identify the features of Vector display a)High resolution,
Jagged lines, Lack in color depth b)Smooth lines, Poor resolution, Black & White c)High
resolution, Lack in color depth, Smooth lines d)Inexpensive, monochromatic, smooth lines
Ans: High resolution, Jagged lines, Lack in color depth 29. Identify different type of computer
graphics a) Monochrome and Color b)CRT and Flat panel c)Vector an Raster d)Monitors and
Hardcopy devices Ans: Vector an Raster 30. DVST stands for .......................... a)Digital View
Storing Table b)Direct Visual Storage Tube c)Direct View Storage Tube c)Digital View Storage
Tube Ans: Direct View Storage Tube 31. Refreshing is not needed in DVST because of the
presence of ................. a) Primary gun b) Flood gun c) Focusing anode d)Control grid Ans:
Flood gun 32. In DVST, the electron beam from primary electron gun strikes on .............. a)
Phosphor screen b) Collector mesh c)Storage mesh d) Flood gun Ans: Storage mesh 33. The
purpose of flood gun in DVST is ........................... a) To store the picture pattern b) To slow
down the flood electrons c) To enable color pixels d) To focus the electron beam Ans: To
slow down the flood electrons 34. Identify the features of DVST from the following. a)
Monochromatic, Flicker free, Low resolution b)Monochromatic, Flicker free c) Color screens,
Refresh monitors, High resolution d)Expensive, Low resolution Ans: Monochromatic, Flicker
free 35. Video devices with reduced volume, weight and power consumption are collectively
known as ......... a) Light weight monitors b)Flat-panel displays c)CRT d) Portable display Ans:
Flat panel displays 36. Pick out the odd one out a) LED b)LCD c) Gas Discharge tube d) Plasma
Panel Ans: LCD 37. Match the following Part A Part B A. Plasma panel i) Polarizer B. DVST ii)
Zinc sulfide C. LCD iii) Dielectric mesh D. Thin film electroluminescent iv)Neon gas a) A-ii, B-
iv, C-i, D-iii b) A-ii, B-iii, C-iv, D-i c) A-iv, B-iii, C-i, D-ii d) A-i ,B-iv, C-ii, D-iii Ans: A-iv, B-iii, C-i, D-
ii 38. ................... is responsible for accessing the frame buffer to refresh the screen. a)
Graphics package b) Video controller c) CPU d) Monitor Ans: Video controller 39. Digitizing a
picture definition into a set of intensity values is known as ............. a) Digitization b) Scan
conversion c)Refreshing d) Scanning Ans: Scan conversion 40. ....................... will free the
CPU from graphics chores. a) Display processor b) Monitor c) ALU d)Video controller Ans:
Display processor 41. Write an example for non-emissive displays a) LED b)LCD c) Gas
Discharge tube d) Plasma Panel Ans: LCD 42. Identify impact printer from the following a)
Drum Plotter b)Inkjet printer c)Electrostatic printer d) Dot-matrix printer Ans: Dot-matrix
printer 45. Write an example for non-impact printer a) Drum plotter b) Electrostatic printer
c) Laser printer d) All of the above Ans: All of the above 46. Identify the odd one out. a)
Mouse b) Keyboard c) Trackball d) Space ball Ans: Keyboard 47. GIF stands for ......................
a) Global Image Format b) Graphics Interchange Format c) Graphics Image Format d) None
of the above Ans: Graphics Interchange Format 48. The ................ simply reads each
successive byte of data from the frame buffer. a) Digital Controller b) Data Controller c)
Display Controller d) All of above Ans: Display Controller 49. The refresh rate below which a
picture flicker is ................ a) 25 b) 30 c)35 d)60 Ans: 25 50. ........ used to regulate the flow
of elections in CRT ? a) Electron gun b) Focusing anode c) Control grid d) All of the above
Ans: Control grid 51. The technique used to summarize the financial, statistical,
mathematical,scientific and economic data is ? a) Computer Art b) Image processing c)
Presentation Graphics d)None of the above Ans: Presentation Graphics 52. Graphics and
image processing technique used to produce a transformation of one object into another is
called a) Animation b) Morphing c) Half toning d) None of the above Ans: Animation 53. The
amount of light emitted by the phosphor coating depends on the? a) Number of electrons
striking the screen b) Speed of electrons striking the screen c) Distance from the cathode to
the screen d)None of above Ans: Number of electrons striking the screen 54. Gray scale is
used in ............................ a) A Monitor that have color capability b) A Monitor that have no
color capability c) Random scan display d) Raster scan display Ans: A Monitor that have no
color capability 55. A wireless mouse works on a) Infra blue radiation b) Infra Red radiation
c) X-rays d) UV rays Ans: Infrared radiation 56. Vector graphics is composed of a. Pixels b.
Paths c. Palette` d. None of these Ans: Paths 57. Raster graphics are composed of a. Pixels b.
Paths c. Palette d. None of these Ans: Pixels 58. EPS image file format is used for a) Vector
graphics b) Bitmap c) Both a & b d) None of these Ans: Both a & b 59. TIFF (tagged image file
format )are used for a. Vector graphics b. Bitmap c. Both a & b d. None of these Ans: Bitmap
60. Two dimensional color model are a. RGB and CMKY b. RBG and CYMK c. RGB and CMYK
d. None Ans: RGB and CMYK 61. RGB model are used for a. Computer display b. Printing c.
Painting d. None of these Ans: Computer display 62. CMYK model are used for a. Computer
display b. Printing c. Painting d. None of these Ans: Printing 63. The intersection of three
primary RGB color produces a. White color b. Black color c. Magenta color d. Blue color Ans:
White color 64. The intersection of primary CMYK color produces a. White color b. Black
color c. Cyan color d. Magenta color Ans: Black color 65. Random scan systems are designed
for a. Line drawing application b. Pixel drawing application c. Color drawing application d.
None of these Ans: Line drawing application 66. A major disadvantage of DVST in interactive
computer graphics is a) Ability to selectively erase part of an image b) Inability to selectively
erase part of image from screen c) Inability to produce bright picture d) None Ans: Inability
to selectively erase part of image from screen 67. Which of the following allow for 8 mirror
images? a) Parabola b)Ellipse c)Hyperbola d) Circle Ans: Circle 68. The simplest output
primitive is ............. a) Straight line b) Straight line segment c) Point d)Circle Ans: Point 69. A
bitmap is .............. bit(s) per pixels. a) 0 b)1 c)2 d)4 Ans: 1 70. The intensity of a grayscale
pixel is expressed within a given range between a minimum and a maximum a) 1 and 2 b) 2
and 1 c) 0 and 1 d)0 and 2 Ans: 0 and 1 71. Each pixel has ________basic color components
a. Two or three b. One or two c. Three or four d. None of these Ans: Three or four 72. The
quality of an image depend on a. No. of pixel used by image b. No. of line used by image c.
No. of resolution used by image d. None Ans: No. of pixel used by image 73. The basic
geometric structures that describes a scene on display is called ................. a) Attributes b)
Output primitive c) Lines d) Curves Ans: Output primitive 74. ..................... controls the basic
display properties of output primitives. a) Attribute parameter b) setpixel c) getpixel d) None
of the above Ans: Attribute parameter 75. To set line width attributes in a PHIGS package,
................... function is used. a) setLineThickness(lw) b)setLineWidth(lw) c)
setLineWidthScaleFactor(lw) d)setPolylineWidth(lw) Ans: setLineWidthScaleFactor(lw) 76.
Identify the values for fill-style parameter from the following a) Hollow b)Hatch c) Pattern
d)All of the above Ans: All of the above 77. ...................... function is used to set the basic fill
style. a) setFillStyle(fs) b) setFillStyleIndex(fs) c) setInteriorStyle(fs) d)FillType(ft) Ans:
setInteriorStyle(fs) 78. ..................... is defined as the distance between the baseline and cap
line of the character body. a) Character Size b) Character Height c) Character Width
d)Character Length Ans: Character Height 80. ............... function is used to change the size of
a character without changing the height:width ratio. a)setTextSize(ts)
b)setCharacterHeight(ch) c)setCharacterSize(cs) d)setTextHeight(th) Ans:
setCharacterHeight(ch) 81. .................. will define a group of attribute values of each
primitive to be used on a monitor a) Primitive table b)Bundle table c) Attribute table d) None
of the above Ans: None of the above 82. ............. function is used to set how text is to be
positioned with respect to the start coordinates a) setTextAlignment(h,v)
b)setTextPrecision(tp) c)setTextPosition(h,v) d)setText(ts) Ans: setTextAlignment(h,v) 83.
................ is used to check the current status of each attributes a) setpixel b)getpixel
c)inquiry function d)status function Ans: Inquiry function 84. The basic transformations
include a) Translation b)Rotation c)Scaling d) All of the above Ans: All of the above 85. The
transformation in which an object is moved in a minimum distance path from one position
to another is called a) Rotation b) Replacement c) Translation d) Scaling Ans: Translation 86.
The translation distances (dx, dy) is called as a) Translation vector b) Shift vector c) Both a
and b d) Neither a nor b Ans: Both a and b 87. The two-dimensional translation equation in
the matrix form is a) P’=P+T b) P’=P-T c) P’=P*T d) P’=p 88. The transformation in which an
object is moved from one position to another in circular path around a specified pivot point
is called a) Rotation b) Shearing c) Translation d) Scaling Ans: Rotation 89. The
transformation in which the dimension of an object are changed relative to a specified fixed
point is called a) Rotation b) Reflection c) Translation d) Scaling Ans: Scaling 90. The
transformation that produces a parallel mirror image of an object are called a) Rotation b)
Reflection c) Translation d) Scaling Ans: Reflection 91. If an object is rotated through an
angle A in clockwise direction, the rotation matrix R= ............... a) cos A sin A b) cos A -sin A
c) sin A cos A d) None -sin A cos A sin A cos A cos A sin A Ans: cos A sin A -sin A cos A 92. If a
point (x,y) is reflected about an axis which is normal to the XY plane and passing through the
origin, the reflected point (X,Y) is:- a) (x,-y) b) (-x,y) c) (-x,-y) d) (y,x) Ans: (-x,-y) 93. Reflection
of a point about x-axis, followed by a counter-clockwise rotation of 900 , is equivalent to
reflection about the line ? a) x= -y b) x=0 c)x=y d) x+y=1 Ans: x=y 94. A circle, if scaled only in
one direction becomes a ? a) Hyperbola b)Ellipse c) Parabola d)remains a circle Ans: Ellipse
95. (2,4) is a point on a circle that has center at the origin. Which of the following points are
also on circle ? a) (2,-4) b) (-2,4) c) (-4,-2) d) All of above Ans: All of above 96. Which
technique of color CRT is used for production of realistic image a) Beam penetration b)
Shadow mask c) both a&b d)None of above Ans: Shadow mask 97. A composite
transformation matrix can be made by determining the ________of matrix of the individual
transformation a) Sum b) Product c) Difference d) None of the above Ans: Product 98. Each
successive transformation matrix _________ the product of the preceding transformation a)
pre-multiplies b) post-multiplies c) adds d)subtracts Ans: pre-multiplies 99. Which of the
following is not a rigid body transformation? a) Translation b) Rotation c) Shearing d)
Reflection Ans: Shearing 100. Forming products of transformation matrices is often referred
as a) Concatenation b) Composition c) both a&b d) None of above Ans: both a&b 101. Two
consecutive translation transformation t1 and t2 are a) Additive b) Multiplicative c)
Subtractive d) none of above Ans: Additive 102. Two consecutive rotation transformation r1
and r2 are a) Additive b) Multiplicative c) Subtractive d) none of above Ans: Additive 103.
Two consecutive scaling transformation s1 and s2 are a) Additive b) Multiplicative c)
Subtractive d) none of above Ans: Multiplicative 104. The process of mapping a world
window in world coordinate system to viewport are called a) Transformation viewing b)
Viewport c) Clipping window d) Screen coordinate system Ans: Transformation viewing 105.
The process of extracting a portion of a database or a picture inside or outside a specified
region are called a) Transformation b) Projection c) Clipping d) Mapping Ans: Clipping 106.
The rectangle portion of the interface window that defines where the image will actually
appear are called a) Transformation viewing b) View port c) Clipping window d) Screen
coordinate system Ans: View port 107. The phenomenon of having a continuous glow of a
beam on the screen even after it is removed is called as ? a) Fluorescence b) Persistence c)
Phosphorescence d) Incandescence Ans: Phosphorescence 108. Coordinates of window are
knows as .............. a) Screen coordinates b) World coordinates c) Device coordinates d)
Cartesian coordinates Ans: World coordinates 109. Coordinates of viewport are known as
............ a) World coordinates b)Polar coordinates c) Screen coordinates d)Cartesian
coordinates Ans: Screen coordinates 110. The region against which an object is clipped is
called a .............. a) Clip window b) Boundary c) Enclosing rectangle d) Clip square Ans: Clip
window 111. ............. identifies the picture portions that are exterior to the clip window a)
Interior clipping b) Exterior clipping c)Extraction d) None of the above Ans: Exterior clipping
112. Identify line clipping algorithms from the following a) Cohen- Sutherland algorithm b)
Liang-Barsky clipping c) Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl clipping d)All of the above Ans: All of the above
113. The region code of a point within the window is ............ a) 1111 b)0000 c)1000 d)0001
Ans: 0000 114. According to Cohen-Sutherland algorithm, a line is completely outside the
window if ............ a) The region codes of line endpoints have a '1' in same bit position. b)
The endpoints region code are nonzero values c) If L bit and R bit are nonzero. d) The region
codes of line endpoints have a '0' in same bit position. Ans: The region codes of line
endpoints have a '1' in same bit position. 115. The region code of a point is 1001. The point
is in the ................. region of window. a) Top right b) Top left c) Bottom left d) Botton right
Ans: Top left 116. The result of logical AND operation with endpoint region codes is a
nonzero value. Which of the following statement is true? a) The line is completely inside the
window b) The line is completely outside the window c) The line is partially inside the
window d) The line is already clipped Ans: The line is completely outside the window 117.
The left (L bit ) bit of the region code of a point (X,Y) is '1' if ...................... a) X > XWMIN b)
X< XWMIN c) X< XWMAX d) X>XWMAX Ans: X< XWMIN 118. The right bit (R bit)of the region
code of a point (X,Y) is '1' if ...................... a) X > XWMIN b) X< XWMIN c) X< XWMAX d)
X>XWMAX Ans: X>XWMAX 119 . The Most Significant Bit of the region code of a point (X,Y)
is '1' if ...................... a) Y > YWMIN b) Y< YWMIN c) Y< YWMAX d) Y>YWMAX Ans: Y>YWMAX
120. The bottom bit of the region code of a point is '0' if ....................... a) Y > YWMIN b) Y<
YWMIN c) Y< YWMAX d) Y>YWMAX Ans: Y< YWMIN 121. The ...................... algorithm
divides a 2D space into 9 regions, of which only the middle part (viewport) is visible. a)
Cohen-Sutherland b)Liang Barsky c) Sutherland Hodegeman d)N-L-N Ans: Cohen-Sutherland
122. A method used to test lines for total clipping is equivalent to the ............. a) logical XOR
b) logical OR c)logical AND d) both a & b Ans: logical AND 123. Sutherland Hodgeman
algorithm works well for........... a) Concave polygon b) Convex polygon d)Smooth curves d)
Line segment Ans: Convex polygon 124. A transformation that slants the shape of an object
is called .................... a) Reflection b) Shear c) Distortion d) Scaling Ans: Shear 125. The text
clipping strategy to reject an entire character string that overlaps a clip window is
called................ a) All-or-none character clipping b) All-or-none string clipping c) Curve
clipping d) both a & b Ans: All-or-none string clipping 126. . The object refers to the 3D
representation through linear, circular or some other representation are called a) Quadric
surface b) Sweep representation c) Torus d) None of these Ans: Sweep representation 127. A
quad-tree is a data structure which is used for graphical representation of ..................... a)
2D digital picture or object b)3D picture or object c) Both a & b d)None of these Ans: 2D
digital picture or object 128. A octree is a data structure which is used for alternative
representation of .................... a) 2D digital picture or object c) 3D picture or object c) Both a
& b d) None of these Ans: 3D picture or object 129. How many data elements for each
region in quad-tree data structure a) 2 b) 4 c) 8 d)6 Ans: 4 130. How many data elements for
each region in octree data structure a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8 Ans: 8 131. ............... refer to the
shapes created by union, intersection and difference of given shapes a) . Wire frame model
b) Composite transformation c) Constructive solid geometry methods d) None Ans:
Constructive solid geometry methods 132. The center of display screen is computed as a) X
max ,y max b) Xmax/2,ymax/2 c) Xmax/3,ymax/3 d) None of these Ans: Xmax/2,ymax/2 133.
The operation that is used for repositioning the object is called a) Rubber band method b)
Gravity method c) Dragging d) None Ans: Dragging 134. Which method are used to construct
and position the straight lines, arcs and circles etc. a) Rubber band method b) Gravity
method c) Dragging d)None of these Ans: Rubber band method 135. Which are used to
connect a line to already drawn line a) Rubber band method b) Gravity method c) Dragging
d)None of these Ans: Gravity field 136. The rubber band method is also applicable to
.................... objects. a) Scale b) Scalar c) Vector d) Rotate Ans: Scale 137. ............. is known
as standard graphics objects a) Octree b) Quadtree c) Polygon surfaces d) Ellipsoid Ans:
Polygon surfaces 138. ................. includes vertex coordinates and parameters to identify the
spatial orientation of polygon surfaces a) Attribute table b) Geometric table c) Orientation
table d) Position table Ans: Geometric table 139. Identify the data structures used to store
the data about polygon surfaces a) Vertex table b) Polygon table c) Edge table d) All of the
above Ans: All of the above 140. Coordinate values for each vertex is stored in ......................
a) Coordinate table b) Vertex table c) Edge table d) Location table Ans: Vertex table 141.
...................... data structure is used to identify the vertices for each polygon edge. a) Vertex
table b) Polygon table c) Edge table d)Surface table Ans: Edge table 142. ...................... data
structure is used to identify the edges for each polygon . a) Vertex table b) Polygon table c)
Edge table d)None of the above Ans: Polygon table 143. A triangular strip connected with 50
triangles connects .................. vertices. a) 52 b) 48 c) 50 d) 49 Ans: 52 144. When a circle is
subjected to translational sweep, a ................. is formed. a) Ellipse b) Cone c) Sphere d)
Cylinder Ans: Cylinder 145. A surface of revolution is generated by a .................. of a 2D
curve. a) Translational sweep b) Rotational sweep c) union d) intersection Ans: Rotational
sweep 146. A prism is generated by translational sweep of a .................. a) Circle b) Square c)
Polygon d) Triangle Ans: Polygon 147. The .............. combines the volumes occupied by
overlapping 3D objects using set operations a)Beam penetration b) CSG Method c)Sweep
representation d)None of the above Ans: CSG Method 148. A .................. is a data structure
that recursively subdivides a plane into 4 quadrants a)Octree b)4-way tree c) quadtree d) 4-
way mesh Ans: quadtree 149. Identify the methods for Constructive Solid Geometry
operations a) Ray casting b) Ray tracing c) Beam penetraion d) Ray sorting Ans: Ray casting
150. ........................... solid representation take advantage of spatial coherence to reduce
the storage representations. a) Sweep representation b)Octree c) Polygon surfaces d) CSG
Ans: Octree 151. ................... is a data element to store the pixels within an octant having
same color a) Voxel b) Void c) Tex d) Flag Ans: Voxel 152. Empty regions of the space are
represented by type .................... a) int b) void c) null d) empty Ans: void 153. If all the pixels
within an octant have the same color, it is referred to as ..................... a) Heterogeneous
octant b) Homogeneous octant c) Simultaneous octant d) Similar octant Ans: Homogeneous
octant 154. ................... is a label set of output primitives and its associated attributes. a)
Structure b) Function c) Table d) List Ans: Structure 155. ................... enables easy
modification to each picture element a) Structure b) Function c) Table d) List Ans: Structure
156. A structure is created using the function ........................ a) initstructure( ) b)
startstructure( ) c) openstructure( ) d) none Ans: openstructure( ) 157. ................... is the
reference portion value of each structure element. a) element pointer b) index c)attribute
d)attribute index Ans: element pointer 158. Identify the following data structure. " If a
region is uniform, store its properties. If a region is non-uniform, subdivide it and repeat the
process" a) Octree b) List c) Table d) Polygon surface Ans: Octree 159. Identify the data
structures that works on divide and conquer strategy. a) List b) Table c) Octree d) Pointer
Ans: Octree 160. ............... can be produced by interpolating shading patterns across the
polygon surfaces to eliminate or reduce the presence of polygon edge boundaries. a)
Rasterizing b) Rendering c) Smoothing d)None Ans: Rendering 161. .......................... function
is used to display a structure on the screen. a) poststructure( ) b) displaystructure( ) c)
enablestructure( ) d) structurepost( ) Ans: poststructure( ) 162. All structures can be
removed from the screen using the function ..................... a) deletestructure( ) b)
unpoststructure( ) c) removestructure( ) d) unposalltstructures( ) Ans: unpostallstructures( )
163. In .............representation, an octree is decomposed into identical cells arranged in a
fixed regular grid. a)cell b) voxel c) pixel d) array Ans: voxel 164. Identify the odd one out a)
Input mode b) Accept mode c) Sample mode d) Event mode Ans: Accept mode 165. The
typical input operation in a general programming language will be in ........ mode a) Sample
b) request c) Event d) Read Ans: request 166. Identify the input mode in which the
application program initiates data entry. a) Sample b) request c) Event d) Read Ans: request
167. In ............... input mode, the input devices initiates data input to the application
program. a) Sample b) request c) Event d) Read Ans: Event 168. The maximum number of
devices that can provide input in request mode is .............. a) 2 b)4 c) Any number of devices
d) 1 Ans: 1 169. When an input device is placed in event mode, data input from the device is
accumulated in .................. a)Event queue b)Read queue c)Device list d) None Ans: Event
queue 170. The device for specifying a coordinate position (x,y) is known as .............. a)
String device b) Stroke device c) Valuator device d) Locator device Ans: Locator device 171.
Which device is suitable to input a series of coordinate positions. a) Locator b) Stroke c)
Valuator d) String Ans: Stroke 172. .................. device is used to specify scalar values. a)
Locator b) Stroke c) Valuator d) String Ans: Valuator 173. ..................... enables selection of
picture components. a) PICK b) LOCATOR c) STROKE d) CHOICE Ans: PICK 174. Choice devices
are suitable to select .................... a) Scalar values b) Menu options c) Text input d) Pictute
components Ans: Menu options 175. Identify the string device from the following a) Mouse
b) Webcam c) Keyboard d) Joystick Ans: Keyboard 176. In ................... picture construction,
the entity shape and size is dynamically changed with every mouse movement a) Gravity b)
Rubber band c) Constraint d) Painting Ans: Rubber band 177. ............. technique is employed
for drawing entities using mouse only. a) ) Gravity b) Rubber band c) Constraint d) Painting
Ans: Rubber band 178. ...................... constraint forces the input point to the nearest
intersection on a grid. a) Directional b) Homogeneous c) Modular d)Gravity Ans: Modular
179. .............. is a type of window which is involked by an application when mutiple inputs
are required to specify the desired action. a) Dialog box b) Panel c) Icon d)Menu Ans: Dialog
box 180. Symbolic representation of some object or process is called ................ a) Icons b)
Menu c) List d) Label Ans: Icon 181. .................... is used to connect a new line to a
previously drawn line. a) Gravity field b) Rubberband method c) Paiting d) None Ans: Gravity
field 182. Give an example for absolute locator device a) Mouse b) Touch panel c) Light pen
d) None Ans: Touch panel 183. Identify an relative locator device from the following a)
Mouse b) Touch panel c) Light pen d) Keyboard Ans: Mouse 184. Identify the odd one out a)
Icon b) Slider c) Spin box d) Locator Ans: Locator 185. Which of the following is a 3D graphics
package? a) Paint b) AC3D c) Dreamweaver d) Lightroom Ans: AC3D 186. ...................
displays a list of commands a) Menu b) List c) Icon d) Checkbox Ans: Menu 187. ................ is
used to set a value by viewing dynamically the entire data range a) Menu b) Slider c) Spin
boxes d) Text fields Ans: Slider 188. ............... is used to select limited choices of predictable
values a) Menu b) Slider c) Spin boxes d) Text field Ans: Spin boxes 189. The process of
calculating the product of matrices of a number of transformations in sequence is called
....................... a) Concatenation b) Continuation c) Mixing d) None Ans: Concatenation 190.
The point about which an object is rotated is called ................... a) Fixed point b) Central
point c) Pivot point d) None Ans: Pivot point 191. In ........................ mode the program
requests input and suspends processing until input is received. a) Request b) Event c) Sample
d) Constraint Ans: Request 192. Identify odd one out a) Vector based b) Hardware based c)
Bitmap based d) Scanline based Ans: Scanline based 193. When the polygon surfaces are to
be tiled, ............. is used a) Polygon net b) Polygon mesh c) Polygon block d) Polygon cell
Ans: Polygon mesh 194. ................... is the practice by which an object is drawn by fixing one
(or more) points, and then stretching the remain points out, connected by a line or lines that
grow and shrink according to various properties. a) Rubber banding b) Gravity c) Dragging d)
grid Ans: Rubber banding 195. ................... is created by revolution of a circle about an axis
lying in its plane. a) Sphere b) Ellipsoid c) Torus d) Cylinder Ans: Torus 196. A region quad
tree with depth of 'n' may be used to represent an image having resolution ............... a) 2n
b) 2 x 2n c) 2n x 2n d) 2n Ans: 2n x 2n 197. ........................... is a true tree because the centre
of a subdivision always lies on a point. a) Region quad tree b) Edge quad tree c) Point quad
tree d) Child quad tree Ans: Point quad tree 198. ........................ is an adaptation of binary
tree representing the 2-D point data a) Region quad tree b) Edge quad tree c) Point quad
tree d) Child quad tree Ans: Point quad tree 199. .................... quad tree stores line rather
than point. a) Region quad tree b) Edge quad tree c) Point quad tree d) Child quad tree Ans:
Edge quad tree 200. .................... is commonly used to store sparse data a) quad tree b)
Table c) Binary tree d) Octant Ans: quad tree

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