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Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020


The experience I had in the internship has been of great value in terms of learning and industrial
experience. I am also grateful for having a chance to meet so many talented professionals who led
me through out that time.

I take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and special thanks to the Daedal Crafters
for the training.

I express my deepest thanks to my internal guide H K Vedamurthy, Assistant Professor, Dept. of

CSE,SIT,Tumakuru for his guidance and giving necessary advice to prepare this report.

I also express my profound thanks to the Dr. Sumathi R., Head of the Department, Dept. of
CSE, SIT, Tumakuru, for allowing me to take industrial training at Daedal Crafters. I express my
special thanks to our Dr. Shivananda P, Principal of SIT,Tumakuru.

I am fortunate for being part of SIT, the institution that stood by my side and assisted me towards
successfully completing the industrial training. I also take this opportunity to thank the Department
of Computer Science and Engineering, SIT,Tumakuru, for their tremendous help and guidance.

I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use
gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their
improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue cooperation with all of
you in the future.


Natesh M Bhat,


Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020

When the sales of a company grows above hundreds and thousands in number on e-commerce sites
, there will be storage factors that significantly affect the profit if not handled well. Considering
Amazon’s storage warehouses , the requirement was to get a good idea as to which specific
products are getting sold more and their quantities present in the storage warehouse corresponding
to different regions in the country . There’s a need to aggregate all those data to derive insights and
generate a clean report to help in the further decision making for the company. This is immensely
help in deciding which products to be sent for warehouse storage and in what quantities. There is
also a need to decide which products go into which warehouses in the country since the geographic
location of the product and the warehouse matters in this scenario.

So the requirements finally boils down to getting the order and sales data from amazon’s
marketplace api and then looking at each of the products in the order and then consider the regions
and the quantities in which they are sold . We also acquire the data from the storage warehouses
that the seller is registered in and get the quantities and each type of product that is currently stored
there. We then use python’s libraries like pandas , numpy to manipulate and clean the data and use
the raw information to correctly organize , classify the data into meaningful information by using
these tools. Then once this information in the form of a region wise report is stored in the database ,
we present these reports in the form of a website which uses the Django web framework along with
some frontend technologies to present the results to the client.

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020




1.1 About the company 5

1.2 Products and services 5
1.3 Company Strategy 5

1.4 Domain 5

1.5 Clients For Monkfox 6

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser
2 7
2.1 Introduction to AWSA 7

2.2 Functionality and Working 8

2.3 AWSA Components 8

2.4 System Architecture 9

2.5 Applications 9

2.6 Future Scope 10

2.7 Tools And Technology 10

2.8 Results 11


3.1 Industrial training outcomes 16

3.2 Non-Technical Outcomes 17
3.3 Time Management 17

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020
Figure no. Title Page no.
2.4.1 System Architecture 9
2.8.1 Login Page 11
2.8.2 Home Page 12
2.8.3 Summary of all regions and their analysis report 12
2.8.4 Region wise product details 13
2.8.5 Admin page to manage products 14
2.8.6 Console logs of the automated logs 15

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020




The company Rekha Creations aka ‘Daedal Crafters’ is a product based company which sells
decorative products on e-commerce sites like amazon and has their products and customer base
located in Asia , Europe , UK , Canada and the US. The decorative products range from home
decors , dream catchers to handmade garlands of hundreds of varieties. Its in collaboration with
Amazon’s MarketPlace services which provide many privileges and support that is related to


The company sells around 500 different types and varieties of products on and off the country and
has continued to innovate with new different types of products through out their time of service.
Their sales have grown to very large scales over the years and it has become an interesting
challenge to manage the large amount of orders. Amazon being its support partner has managed to
boost their service many folds and provide their technical team for any form of support that will
help them grow.


● Purpose: Create compelling decorative products and improve upon them and market them on
amazon and other e-commerce sites.
● Vision: To continue to deliver quality products with ever improving quality and aiming for
customer satisfaction in all aspects.
● Mission: To strive continuously in developing innovative products of decorum and selling
them both offline and online on e-commerce sites like Amazon.
● Core values: Hard work , dedication , striving for improvement , quality over quantity.
● Goals: Reach more customers and clients through their products and expand their customer
base, product varieties and consistently strive to keep their product quality top notch.


Amazon’s marketplace , Amazon’s warehouse , Home Decorum , Decorative products , Wall clocks
, Garland products.

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020


The Company has grown from a couple hundreds to thousands of clients across the globe and has
succeeded in making its products continue to shine with the decorum that they’ve always carried.
The clients for the company include many small scale sellers and customers who order in bulk both
online and offline across Asia , Europe , US and UK and its client base is further expanding.

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020

I completed 4 week industrial training in an organized weekly manner.
First week of the industrial training comprised of acquiring basic understanding of python
and Django and its applications in our daily life. In addition, I learnt the underlying
architecture and an overview of various fields that Django has been incorporated.
Second week I opted a particular field and succeeded by picking querying amazon’s
marketplace api as my topic of concern. It was further followed by assembling requisite
software components accordingly. Also, I learnt the functionalities and working of the
individual component.
Third week involved building the necessary wrappers from the API calls in python and
summarizing the data obtained using statistical tools available in python and then building a
full-fledged web site to present the results of the analysis keeping in mind the objective.
Lastly, during the fourth week I could successfully complete the testing and deployment of
the project. Since then the company has been using this software to make many of their
decisions on managing products on e-commerce site.


When the sales of a company grow above hundreds and thousands in number on e-commerce sites,
there will be storage factors that significantly affect the profit if not handled well. Considering
Amazon’s storage warehouses, the requirement was to get a rough idea as to which specific
products are getting sold more and their quantities present in the storage warehouse corresponding
different regions in the country. There’s a need to aggregate all those data to derive insights and
generate a clean report to help in the decision making further.

For this reason, Python comes off as a handy tool for doing the required api calls to amazon’s
marketplace storage api endpoint to get the sales and order data and use python’s data analysis
libraries like Pandas, numpy and seaborn to make a meaningful summary. Then show and present
the report in the form of a website which has an intuitive UI. A good choice for this was Django
framework which handled the authentication quite seamlessly and uses inherent models for data

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020

Whenever the users in the country buy products of the company from amazon, the sellers are
expected to have the products on amazon’s warehouses. There are about 4 regions into which the
country is divided into. The order and sales details of various regions are collected and the data is
filtered to get the relevant data. This is then matched with the details of the products stored in
Amazon's warehouse along with their quantities and how they are related to each other.


● Amazon’s Marketplace Web Service API

● Amazon MWS storage reports API
● Python
● Pandas
● Django
● Bootstrap , HTML , CSS

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020


fig.2.4.1. System Architecture


● Get a summary of all the products the company is dealing with.

● A report of which products were sold in the last month.
● Organized region wise view of products sold in the corresponding regions.
● The quantities and the type of products sold in each region.
● The quantities and type of products that are currently available in amazon warehouse
● The seller has the flexibility to add new types of products in the system.
● If the storage weight goes above a certain limit , a caution mail is sent to the seller.
● This system will also suggest which are the products that should be dispatched to be stored
in a warehouse corresponding to a region and in what quantities.

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020
● Indicates the quantity of products of the storage that were sold and also those that are not
sold but simply wasting the space in the storage and hence costing more money.
● Download report for any specific region in various formats including PDF, CSV , Excel.


The project as of now is consistently used by the company to make decisions about the products
that will be dispatched to the warehouses. I would also mention proudly that the deployment
solution I provided was a free of cost solution and one that analysis the warehouse storage and
orders on a day to day basis also free of cost. In future the project could be made to include more
visualizations of the report that are being presented in the website and doing more predictions
regarding the sales of the products.



❏ Programming language → python 3.0

❏ Amazon’s MWS API
❏ Pycharm IDE
❏ Web Framework → Django


Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020

The software is deployed on ‘’ cloud service provider for deploying python
applications and automated tasks are run every day that will analyse the sales on a day to day basis
and generate the report and inject into sqlite database which is then queried and handled by the
django web server which serves the web pages. The web app is deployed in this url :

Below is a list of Screenshots of some of the elements of the application.

Fig 2.8.1 : Login Page

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020

Fig 2.8.2 : Home Page

Fig 2.8.3 : Summary of all regions and their analysis report

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020

Fig 2.8.4 : Region wise product details

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020
Fig 2.8.5 : Admin Page to manage products

Fig 2.8.6 : Console logs of the automated tasks

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020



During my internship at Daedal Crafters, I was fortunate enough to get experience and learn
the different sides of the working environment and I am thankful for having got the opportunity to
work with them because I discovered a program that I would like to work with and at the same
time gained fabulous ideas to develop various featured application using web development
technology .The time I spent in Daedal Crafters as an intern from 21st May to 21st July 2018
provided me with a deeper insight into the different roles and responsibilities that I could perform,
as a Computer Science Engineer. The hands-on experience gave me clear understanding and deep
knowledge on various techniques. The Daedal Crafters staff were very friendly and welcomed
all my questions, opinions and ideas which made me feel comfortable and part of the company.
Other academic lessons which I have learned during these 4 weeks were the different types of
work an Engineer has to perform.


Industrial training outcomes are:
● Good hands on experience of solving a real world problem in the industry.
● Cost effective deployment strategy which helped me deploy the software free of cost and
make it self sustainable.
● Get support from Amazon’s technical team on different APIs and services by Amazon.
● Better understanding of python
● Working knowledge on pandas and numpy
● Learnt Django web framework which I can apply for full stack web applications
● Better understanding of web designing and frontend development using bootstrap , css and
● I was able to contribute to python mws library in fixing some bugs and improving its

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020
The non-technical outcomes that an industrial training will teach are:
● Exercising Leadership
● Behaving Professionally.
● Behaving ethically.
● Listening effectively
● Addressing colleagues and superiors appropriately.
● Allocating time effectively.
● Teaching others.
● Adapting effectively to changing conditions.
● Participating as a member of a team.
● Developing appropriate workplace attitudes.
● Understanding and managing personal behavior and attitudes.

Teamwork: Teamwork is such an important aspect of running a successful company and my

industrial training have taught me how to do this on a business level. Teamwork is the ability to
work well with other people and be adaptable in order to deal effectively with the demands placed
on team, which I have achieved to an expected extent. Employers will ask us to demonstrate this
skill in our application by working with other people and cooperating with them to get the best

Verbal communication: - This is the basic requirement in all walks of life and is the heart of every
organization. Interacting with various highly qualified staff made me understand how the
communication plays an important role in clearing my doubts, gaining knowledge and
understanding the various concepts.

Skills: Aim of the industrial training teaches us the skills we need to work in that field. I learned
how to take a company’s value, needs, and voice. I got the opportunity to learn new technologies
like AWSA and I learnt a few languages like embedded c and python. I learnt about my strengths
and weaknesses by creating learning objectives and receiving feedback from our senior’s engineers.

How to behave at the office: I did not know exactly what to expect how office environment will be
there. The environment here at the company is quite relaxed, yet it taught me how to behave in the
workplace. Simple working in the office and getting used to everything her has definitely prepared
me for whatever my next position may be. Art office everyday events has taught me more about
teamwork, and how people can come together to get things done. Although, sometimes I have to
remind myself to use my inside voice, I feel I’ve adapted to the office life relatively well.

Amazon Warehouse Storage Analyser 2019-2020

Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time
when accomplishing specific tasks, projects, and goals complying with a due date. Time
management is usually a necessity in any project development as it determines the project
completion time and scope. So, it is necessary to come up with a technique to manage our time.


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