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Parque Tecnológico de Álava
Albert Einstein 36, Ed. Lantek
01510 Miñano - Álava (ESPAÑA)
Lantek Expert III

The contents of this user manual and graphics are protected by Spanish law
regarding the intellectual and industrial property right of Lantek Sheet Metal
Solutions S.L. The reproduction, distribution, public communication and
transformation of the information in this manual, totally or partially, without the
express authorization of Lantek Sheet Metal Solutions S.L is not permitted.

The information in this manual is subject to change. While every effort has been
taken to provide accurate information, Lantek is not responsible for errors or
damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document.
All product names used in this manual are the property of Lantek Sheet Metal
Solutions S.L.

Lantek Expert III

Table of contents

1  OVERVIEW OF LANTEK EXPERT III .......................................................................................... 6 

1.1  MODULES OF EXPERT III ................................................................................................................. 6 

2  GETTING STARTED.......................................................................................................................... 9 
2.1  HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 9 
2.1.1  Hardware requirements ...........................................................................................................9 
2.1.2  Software requirements .......................................................................................................... 10 
2.2  LOG ON AND LOG OFF ................................................................................................................... 11 
2.2.1  Log on ................................................................................................................................... 11 
2.2.2  Log off .................................................................................................................................. 11 
2.3  LOGIC OF THE SOFTWARE ..............................................................................................................12 
2.3.1  Main menu ............................................................................................................................ 12 
2.3.2  Modules ................................................................................................................................ 13 
2.3.3  Tables ................................................................................................................................... 14 
2.4  MAIN TOOLS OF EXPERT III .......................................................................................................... 18 
2.4.1  Navigating to components .................................................................................................... 18 
2.4.2  Actions list ............................................................................................................................ 19 
2.4.3  Reports .................................................................................................................................. 20 
2.4.4  Filters .................................................................................................................................... 21 
2.5  GETTING HELP .............................................................................................................................. 24 
2.5.1  User help ............................................................................................................................... 24 
2.5.2  Context help ..........................................................................................................................26 

3  ITEMS AND BACKLOGS ................................................................................................................ 28 

3.1  CLASSES AND TYPES OF ITEMS ...................................................................................................... 28 
3.1.1  Classes of items .................................................................................................................... 28 
3.1.2  Types of items ...................................................................................................................... 29 
3.2  CREATING ITEMS ........................................................................................................................... 30 
3.2.1  Creating an element .............................................................................................................. 30 
3.2.2  Creating a sheet part ............................................................................................................. 31 
3.2.3  Creating an assembled item .................................................................................................. 31 
3.3  ITEMS STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................................ 32 
3.4  ITEMS OPERATIONS ASSIGNMENTS ............................................................................................... 33 
3.5  COSTS, PURCHASE AND SALE PRICES OF ITEMS ............................................................................ 34 

Lantek Expert III

3.5.1  Concepts ............................................................................................................................... 34 

3.5.2  Purchase prices ..................................................................................................................... 35 
3.5.3  Types of costs ....................................................................................................................... 36 
3.5.4  Sale prices and profits ...........................................................................................................39 
3.5.5  Update of prices .................................................................................................................... 42 
3.6  ITEMS BACKLOGS .......................................................................................................................... 44 

4  CRM .................................................................................................................................................... 47 

4.1  CREATION AND MANAGEMENT OF ASSOCIATED COMPANIES ........................................................47 
4.1.1  Types of associated companies ............................................................................................. 48 
4.1.2  Creating an associated company ........................................................................................... 49 
4.1.3  Creating invoicing auxiliary data ..........................................................................................49 
4.1.4  Creating more contact addresses........................................................................................... 50 
4.2  CREATION AND MANAGEMENT OF CONTACTS .............................................................................. 52 
4.2.1  Creating a contact ................................................................................................................. 52 
4.2.2  Creating a contact related to a company ............................................................................... 53 
4.3  DUNNING MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................. 54 
4.3.1  Activating Dunning .............................................................................................................. 55 
4.3.2  Data prerequisites to execute Dunning ................................................................................. 57 
4.3.3  How does Dunning work? .................................................................................................... 59 
4.3.4  Checking the pending payments ........................................................................................... 60 

5  SALES MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................. 63 

5.1  QUOTES ......................................................................................................................................... 64 
5.1.1  Creating a quote directly ....................................................................................................... 64 
5.1.2  Creating a quote against a project ......................................................................................... 65 
5.1.3  Creating lines for the quotes ................................................................................................. 65 
5.1.4  Quote tracking ...................................................................................................................... 72 
5.2  SALE ORDERS ................................................................................................................................ 74 
5.2.1  Creating a sale order directly ................................................................................................ 76 
5.2.2  Creating a sale order against quote ....................................................................................... 77 
5.2.3  Copy from existing sale order ...............................................................................................78 
5.2.4  Copy sale order lines ............................................................................................................ 79 
5.3  SENDING A SALE ORDER FOR MANUFACTURING ........................................................................... 79 
5.4  DELIVERY NOTES .......................................................................................................................... 81 
5.4.1  Creating delivery note directly ............................................................................................. 81 
5.4.2  Creating delivery note against order ..................................................................................... 82 
5.5  INVOICES ....................................................................................................................................... 83 

Lantek Expert III

5.5.1  Creating an invoice directly .................................................................................................. 84 

5.5.2  Creating an invoice against a sale order ............................................................................... 84 
5.5.3  Creating an invoice against a delivery note .......................................................................... 85 
5.6  SALES TRACKING ...........................................................................................................................87 

6  PURCHASE MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................... 88 

6.1  PURCHASE ORDERS ........................................................................................................................88 
6.1.1  Creating a purchase order directly ........................................................................................ 89 
6.1.2  Creating a purchase order automatically ...............................................................................89 
6.2  PURCHASES DELIVERY NOTES ....................................................................................................... 90 
6.2.1  Creating purchase delivery note directly .............................................................................. 91 
6.2.2  Creating good receipt against a purchase order .................................................................... 91 
6.2.3  Creating good receipt reception ............................................................................................ 93 
6.3  PURCHASES INVOICES ....................................................................................................................94 
6.3.1  Creating a purchase invoice directly ..................................................................................... 95 
6.3.2  Creating a purchase invoice against a purchase order .......................................................... 95 
6.3.3  Creating a purchase invoice against a good receipt .............................................................. 96 
6.4  RECEIPT OF PURCHASE ORDERS IN WAREHOUSE ............................................................................ 97 

7  MANUFACTURING ......................................................................................................................... 98 

7.1  WORK CENTERS .............................................................................................................................98 
7.1.1  Creating a work center .......................................................................................................... 99 
7.1.2  Assigning operations to a work center .................................................................................. 99 
7.2  MANUFACTURING ORDERS ...........................................................................................................100 
7.2.1  Manufacturing orders against items .....................................................................................101 
7.2.2  Manufacturing orders against sale orders ............................................................................102 
7.3  MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS ....................................................................................................103 
7.3.1  Change work center, material and thickness of manufacturing operation ...........................104 
7.3.2  Manufacturing operations against items or sale order .........................................................105 
7.3.3  Nesting and machining of cutting up operations .................................................................106 
7.4  VALIDATION OF NESTING OR MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS .......................................................107 
7.4.1  Work Operating System (WOS) ..........................................................................................107 
7.4.2  Validating labor tickets ........................................................................................................108 
7.5  MANUFACTURING STATUS ............................................................................................................109 
7.6  GROUPING AND FILTERING MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS ..........................................................110 
7.7  MANUFACTURING COSTS ..............................................................................................................111 

8  OUTSOURCING ...............................................................................................................................112 
8.1  OUTSOURCING ORDERS ................................................................................................................112 

Lantek Expert III

8.2  OUTSOURCING EXIT DELIVERY NOTES ..........................................................................................114 

8.3  OUTSOURCING ENTRY DELIVERY NOTES .......................................................................................117 
8.4  OUTSOURCING INVOICES ..............................................................................................................121 
8.5  WORK IN PROGRESS (WIP) ...........................................................................................................124 

9  WAREHOUSES MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................126 

9.1  WAREHOUSES ..............................................................................................................................126 
9.1.1  Creating a new warehouse ...................................................................................................127 
9.2  STOCK QUANTITIES ......................................................................................................................127 
9.2.1  Assigning an item to a warehouse .......................................................................................128 
9.3  WAREHOUSE MOVEMENTS ...........................................................................................................129 
9.3.1  Creating warehouse movements based on tracking numbers ..............................................131 
9.3.2  Inventory adjustment ...........................................................................................................133 
9.3.3  Transfer items between warehouses ....................................................................................134 
9.3.4  Receipt of purchase orders ...................................................................................................135 

10  FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................140 

10.1  BANKING ......................................................................................................................................140 
10.1.1  Recording banking transactions of an account ....................................................................141 
10.1.2  Importing banking movements ............................................................................................141 
10.2  BANKING DETAILS ........................................................................................................................142 
10.2.1  Recording a transaction .......................................................................................................143 
10.2.2  Reconciling bank account ....................................................................................................143 
10.2.3  Undo reconciling bank account ...........................................................................................145 
10.2.4  Account a transaction ..........................................................................................................145 
10.2.5  Unaccount a transaction .......................................................................................................146 
10.3  ASSETS .........................................................................................................................................146 
10.3.1  Recording an asset ...............................................................................................................147 
10.3.2  Creating depreciation entries ...............................................................................................147 
10.4  CHARTS OF ACCOUNTS .................................................................................................................148 
10.4.1  Creating a chart of account ..................................................................................................149 
10.4.2  Converting an old chart of accounts to new .........................................................................149 
10.5  ACCOUNT CATEGORIES ................................................................................................................150 
10.5.1  Creating an account category ...............................................................................................151 
10.6  ACCOUNTS ...................................................................................................................................151 
10.6.1  Creating an account .............................................................................................................152 
10.6.2  Calculating budget ...............................................................................................................152 
10.7  BUDGET PERIODS..........................................................................................................................154 

Lantek Expert III

10.7.1  Creating a budget period ......................................................................................................155 

10.8  JOURNALS ....................................................................................................................................155 
10.8.1  Creating a journal directly ...................................................................................................156 
10.8.2  Creating a journal using a predefined entry .........................................................................156 
10.9  JOURNAL ENTRIES ........................................................................................................................157 
10.9.1  Creating a journal entry .......................................................................................................158 
10.10  ACCOUNTING PERIODS .............................................................................................................158 
10.10.1  Creating accounting periods ............................................................................................159 
10.10.2  Closing accounting periods ..............................................................................................160 
10.11  GENERAL LEDGERS ..................................................................................................................163 
10.11.1  Creating a general ledger .................................................................................................164 
10.12  BALANCE SHEET STRUCTURES ..................................................................................................164 
10.12.1  Creating a balance sheet structure directly ......................................................................165 
10.12.2  Creating a balance sheet structure using an existing structure .........................................165 
10.13  BALANCE SHEET ELEMENTS .....................................................................................................166 
10.13.1  Creating a balance sheet element .....................................................................................167 
10.14  PREDEFINED ENTRIES ...............................................................................................................167 
10.14.1  Creating a predefined entry .............................................................................................168 

Lantek Expert III

List of figures

Figure 1: Structure of Expert III ....................................................................................................... 7 

Figure 2: Main Menu ...................................................................................................................... 12 
Figure 3: Modules .......................................................................................................................... 14 
Figure 4: Tables ............................................................................................................................. 14 
Figure 5: List window ..................................................................................................................... 15 
Figure 6: Details window ............................................................................................................... 16 
Figure 7: Browser window ............................................................................................................. 17 
Figure 8: Navigate to components................................................................................................. 19 
Figure 9: Actions list ...................................................................................................................... 19 
Figure 10: Last report .................................................................................................................... 20 
Figure 11: Reports center .............................................................................................................. 21 
Figure 12: Field filter dialog box .................................................................................................... 22 
Figure 13: Advanced filter dialog box ............................................................................................ 23 
Figure 14: Filter dialog box ............................................................................................................ 23 
Figure 15: Help menu .................................................................................................................... 24 
Figure 16: System Help ................................................................................................................. 25 
Figure 17: User Help ..................................................................................................................... 25 
Figure 18: Items (Details) .............................................................................................................. 30 
Figure 19: Items structure (Browser) ............................................................................................. 32 
Figure 20: Example of Item structure ............................................................................................ 33 
Figure 21: Items operations (Details) ............................................................................................ 33 
Figure 22: Purchase prices tab...................................................................................................... 35 
Figure 23: Costs associated with ‘Purchase’ items ....................................................................... 37 
Figure 24: Current cost method field ............................................................................................. 37 
Figure 25: Costs by ranges tab ..................................................................................................... 38 
Figure 26: Sales prices tab ............................................................................................................ 40 
Figure 27: Fixed price .................................................................................................................... 41 
Figure 28: Price method ................................................................................................................ 42 
Figure 29: Prices update dialog box .............................................................................................. 42 
Figure 30: Prices update window .................................................................................................. 43 
Figure 31: Items backlogs (Details) ............................................................................................... 45 
Figure 32: Companies (Details) ..................................................................................................... 48 
Figure 33: Types of associated companies ................................................................................... 49 

Lantek Expert III

Figure 34: Invoicings auxiliary data (Details)................................................................................. 50 

Figure 35: Addresses (Details) ...................................................................................................... 51 
Figure 36: Contacts (Details) ......................................................................................................... 52 
Figure 37: Dunning window ........................................................................................................... 54 
Figure 38: Configure parameters path .......................................................................................... 55 
Figure 39: Modules parameters dialog box ................................................................................... 55 
Figure 40: Modules parameters - General .................................................................................... 56 
Figure 41: Invoicing auxiliary data for Dunning application ........................................................... 57 
Figure 42: Dunning levels setup .................................................................................................... 58 
Figure 43: Dunning level in Companies (List) table....................................................................... 58 
Figure 44: Dunning warning message ........................................................................................... 59 
Figure 45: Dunning warning dialog box ......................................................................................... 59 
Figure 46: Dunning ‘Filters’ section ............................................................................................... 60 
Figure 47: Dunning ‘Companies’ and ‘Invoices’ sections .............................................................. 61 
Figure 48: Flowchart of sales process ........................................................................................... 63 
Figure 49: Quote ............................................................................................................................ 64 
Figure 50: Quote against project ................................................................................................... 65 
Figure 51: Quotation tool ............................................................................................................... 66 
Figure 52: New drop down list ....................................................................................................... 67 
Figure 53: Quote line duplicate...................................................................................................... 68 
Figure 54: Operations-Costs drop down list .................................................................................. 68 
Figure 55: Import sheet parts ........................................................................................................ 70 
Figure 56: Install importers ............................................................................................................ 71 
Figure 57: Quote analysis.............................................................................................................. 73 
Figure 58: Sale orders ................................................................................................................... 74 
Figure 59: Sales order flow............................................................................................................ 75 
Figure 60: Sales order details........................................................................................................ 75 
Figure 61: Items backlogs lines in the Sale orders window .......................................................... 76 
Figure 62: Order against quote...................................................................................................... 77 
Figure 63: Copy sale order ............................................................................................................ 78 
Figure 64: Sale order reference..................................................................................................... 79 
Figure 65: Manufacturing orders against sale orders .................................................................... 80 
Figure 66: Delivery notes............................................................................................................... 81 
Figure 67: Delivery note against order .......................................................................................... 82 
Figure 68: Invoices (Details) .......................................................................................................... 83 
Figure 69: Invoice against order .................................................................................................... 84 
Figure 70: Invoice against delivery note ........................................................................................ 86 

Lantek Expert III

Figure 71: Reports center .............................................................................................................. 87 

Figure 72: Purchase orders ........................................................................................................... 88 
Figure 73: Automatic purchase orders .......................................................................................... 90 
Figure 74: Purchases delivery notes ............................................................................................. 91 
Figure 75: Good receipt against purchase orders ......................................................................... 92 
Figure 76: Good receipt reception ................................................................................................. 93 
Figure 77 Purchases invoices ....................................................................................................... 94 
Figure 78 Purchase invoice against purchase order ..................................................................... 95 
Figure 79: Purchase invoice against good receipt ........................................................................ 96 
Figure 80 Work centers ................................................................................................................. 98 
Figure 81 Manufacturing orders .................................................................................................. 100 
Figure 82 Manufacturing orders against items ............................................................................ 101 
Figure 83 Manufacturing orders against sale orders ................................................................... 102 
Figure 84: Manufacturing operations ........................................................................................... 103 
Figure 85: Change work center, material, thickness ................................................................... 104 
Figure 86: Please select what you want to import ....................................................................... 105 
Figure 87: Nesting and machining ............................................................................................... 106 
Figure 88: Work Operating System ............................................................................................. 107 
Figure 89: Validate labor tickets .................................................................................................. 108 
Figure 90: Manufacturing operations status ................................................................................ 109 
Figure 91: Manufacturing operations ........................................................................................... 110 
Figure 92: Manufacturing costs of operations ............................................................................. 111 
Figure 93: Outsourcing orders (Details) ...................................................................................... 112 
Figure 94: Outsourcing order: Enter the reference...................................................................... 113 
Figure 95: Outsourcing exit delivery notes (Details).................................................................... 114 
Figure 96: Exit delivery note against outsourcing order .............................................................. 115 
Figure 97: Tracking number assignment ..................................................................................... 116 
Figure 98: Outsourcing entry delivery notes (Details) ................................................................. 117 
Figure 99: Entry delivery note against outsourcing order ............................................................ 118 
Figure 100: Entry delivery note against exit delivery note ........................................................... 119 
Figure 101: Entry delivery note reception .................................................................................... 120 
Figure 102: Outsourcing invoices (Details) ................................................................................. 121 
Figure 103: Outsourcing invoice against outsourcing order ........................................................ 122 
Figure 104: Outsourcing invoice against entry delivery note ...................................................... 123 
Figure 105: Warehouses (selection)............................................................................................ 124 
Figure 106: Warehouses (Details) ............................................................................................... 126 
Figure 107: Stock quantities ........................................................................................................ 127 

Lantek Expert III

Figure 108: Warehouse movements (List) .................................................................................. 129 

Figure 109: Detachment warehouse entry movement ................................................................ 131 
Figure 110: Inventory adjust ........................................................................................................ 133 
Figure 111: Transfer between warehouses ................................................................................. 135 
Figure 112: Good receipt against purchase order ....................................................................... 136 
Figure 113: Good receipt: Enter the reference ............................................................................ 137 
Figure 114: Good receipt reception ............................................................................................. 137 
Figure 115: Banking .................................................................................................................... 141 
Figure 116: Banking details ......................................................................................................... 142 
Figure 117: Bank reconciliation ................................................................................................... 144 
Figure 118: Assets details and depreciation entries.................................................................... 147 
Figure 119: Create depreciation entries ...................................................................................... 148 
Figure 120: Charts of accounts ................................................................................................... 149 
Figure 121: New chart of accounts conversion ........................................................................... 150 
Figure 122: Account categories ................................................................................................... 151 
Figure 123: Accounts ................................................................................................................... 152 
Figure 124: Calculate budget ...................................................................................................... 153 
Figure 125: Budget periods ......................................................................................................... 155 
Figure 126: Journals .................................................................................................................... 156 
Figure 127: Predefined entry ....................................................................................................... 157 
Figure 128: Journal entries .......................................................................................................... 158 
Figure 129: Accounting periods ................................................................................................... 159 
Figure 130: Create a new accounting period .............................................................................. 160 
Figure 131: Close an accounting period ...................................................................................... 161 
Figure 132: Close reopened accounting period ......................................................................... 162 
Figure 133: General ledger.......................................................................................................... 163 
Figure 134: Balance sheet structures .......................................................................................... 164 
Figure 135: Copy balance sheet structure .................................................................................. 165 
Figure 136: Balance sheet elements ........................................................................................... 167 
Figure 137: Predefined entries .................................................................................................... 168 

Lantek Expert III

Introduction to version 28.00 of Expert III

Welcome to Lantek Expert III v28. This new version includes the following
improvements and upgrades:
• New applications in the Items and backlogs, Sales management and Warehouses
management modules: prices updates, quotation tool, dunning management,
tracking number management, etc.

• New Outsourcing module: restructuring and improving the entire flow chart.

• New .Net technology: some of the new applications are developed using this
modern technology which provides an innovative and more user-friendly work

Related Documentation
The complementary documentations of this user manual are:

• Online Helps. The Expert III online helps are available through the
software in HTML format). (refer Getting Help, on page 31)This system
and user online helps are updated for each new release of Expert III.

• Installation guide

• Installation and Utilities DVD

If you want to know more techniques and additional information about the
software or other modules of Expert III, the same is available through the
following documents:

• Lantek Expert III Tutorial

• Lantek WOS User manual and Tutorial

• Other user manuals covering specific Expert III modules: HR

management, Financial management, etc.

Documentation Accessibility
The goal of Lantek is to make our products, services and supporting
documentation accessible to all its users; therefore, the documentation is
always available with the product.

Lantek Expert III

Technical Assistance
For technical assistance, please contact your supplier.

Documentation Conventions


Indicates a module name, table name in a path,

tab or button

Indicates table name in sentences, window and

dialog box name

‘Data’ Indicates section name, field name

‘Data’ Indicates the entry of a field

(Data) Indicates cross references

-> Indicates the path to access a table

Indicates the notes

Indicates the warnings

Indicates prerequisites

Table 1: Documentation conventions

Lantek Expert III

Organization of the Manual

The following table lists and gives a brief introduction to the chapters as follows:


Overview of Lantek • Get in touch with Expert III, its features and
Expert III architecture.

• Understand the logic of the software, its applications

Getting started
and basic steps to run the program.

• Register items.
• Assign the cost and purchase prices to the items.
Items and backlogs • Manage the item catalog of the company.
• View the item backlogs and take necessary actions to
procure them.

• Record the data of the associated companies, items

CRM (Customer and contact persons.
• Record the data of the partners and competitors of
each business opportunity.

• Create record and manage the sale orders, delivery

Sales management notes and sales invoices of the company.
• Manage the payment details of the sale order.

• Manage purchase orders, suppliers, and related

Purchases • Register a new item and its purchase price.
• Create purchase orders.
• Execute the receipt of a purchase order.

• Manage the manufacturing process of the company.

• Define the work centers and the operations carried out
Manufacturing by them.
• Create a manufacturing order to fulfill the needs of a
particular sale order.

• Manage the outsourced processes.

Outsourcing • Create record and manage the outsourcing orders,
delivery notes and invoices of the company.

• Keep a record of the various warehouses of the

• Manage the warehouse movements.
• Create an inventory to record the items available in
the warehouse.
Table 2: Organization of the manual

Lantek Expert III Overview of Lantek Expert III


1 Overview of Lantek Expert III
Expert III is an integrated metal fabrication software and management solution for sheet
metal fabricators and profile companies. It provides functionalities that metal fabrication
companies need to streamline their processes. It also integrates ERP (Enterprise resource
planning) with CAD/CAM (Computer-aided design/Computer-aided manufacturing).

Expert III provides applications to design, manufacture, and fabricate sheet metal
components and products. It helps to manage enterprise processes from quotes to invoices
through manufacturing, warehouses and purchase. It enables review of real-time
information, provides facility to respond rapidly to customer demands, and ensure
consistency and accuracy.

Expert III ties together a series of functional modules to work in an integrated manner. It is a
management solution that is easily adaptable to the business processes in a company. The
architecture of Expert III provides users full control of the system. Each user can customize
the software, define an element and add or remove elements as required. Expert III is
powerful, flexible and affordable software.

1.1 Modules of Expert III

Lantek Expert III consists of a series of functional modules that organize the different
ERP applications. Since these modules must fulfill specific requirements depending
on the company’s needs, it is possible to add or leave out some of them if required.

Overview of Lantek Expert III Lantek Expert III

Nevertheless, the major modules are the following:

• Items and backlogs

• CRM (Customer relationship management)

• Sales Management

• Purchases Management

• Manufacturing

• Outsourcing

• Warehouses Management

Figure 1: Structure of Expert III

Getting Started Lantek Expert III


2 Getting Started
This chapter describes the fundamentals of the software and the necessary instructions for
performing basic tasks such as log on and log off. Likewise, it clarifies the main applications
and steps to follow in order to perform standard tasks. Finally, it explains how to access the
context and user helps.

2.1 Hardware and Software Requirements

2.1.1 Hardware requirements

• Minimum Requirements

1. Client

• Intel® Pentium® 4 processor or AMD Athlon®, 2.2 GHz or

greater or Intel® or AMD Dual Core® processor, 1.6 GHz or

• 1 GB RAM.

• 1 GB of hard disk space.

• Screen resolution of 1280x1024 px.

2. Server

• Intel® Pentium® 4 processor or AMD Athlon®, 2.2 GHz or

greater or Intel® or AMD Dual Core® processor, 1.6 GHz or

• 2 GB RAM.

• 4 GB of hard disk space.

Lantek Expert III Getting Started

• Recommended Requirements

1. Client

• Intel® Pentium® 4 processor or AMD Athlon®, 3.0 GHz or

Intel or AMD Dual Core® processor, 2.0 GHz or greater.

• 2 GB RAM

• Screen resolution of 1280x1024 px.

• For Flex3D and Flex3D 5X it recommended a 256+ MB DirectX

or OpenGL Capable graphic card.

• Windows® XP Professional SP2 operating system.

2. Server

• Intel® Pentium® 4 processor or AMD Athlon®, 3.0 GHz or

Intel or AMD Dual Core® processor, 2.0 GHz or greater.

• 4 GB RAM.

• 4 GB of hard disk space

• Microsoft Windows® Server 2003 or Microsoft Windows®

Server 2008 operating system.

2.1.2 Software requirements

Supported operating systems:

• Windows NT service Pack 5

• Windows® 2000 Professional SP4

• Windows® XP Professional SP2

• Windows® XP Professional x64 Edition

• Windows® XP Home SP2

• Windows® Vista Ultimate Edition

• Windows® Vista Home Edition

• Windows® Vista Business Edition

Getting Started Lantek Expert III

• Windows® Vista Ultimate Edition x64

• Windows® Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP1

• Windows® Server 2008

2.2 Log on and Log off

2.2.1 Log on

After installing Expert III in your system, you can access the software as

• Click the Expert III icon ( ) on your desktop.

• Otherwise, do the following:

1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button and select

All Programs.

2. From the displayed list, select Lantek and click Lantek

Expert. The system displays the Lantek Expert window.

3. Enter the ‘User name’ and ‘Password’, and then click OK.
The system displays the Lantek Expert main menu window
(refer Figure 2: Main Menu, on page 12).

Expert III requires a user ID and a password to log on and run the

* User names and Passwords are case sensitive. Make sure the
Caps Lock function on your keyboard is not turned on during
log on.

2.2.2 Log off

On the File menu, click Exit.

Lantek Expert III Getting Started

# You can also click the windows close ( ) button on

the upper-right side of the title bar.

2.3 Logic of the Software

After logging on, the workspace is visible. The workspace is the window that the
software uses to display its main menu, modules and tables.

2.3.1 Main menu

The window displayed in the workspace is called Main menu. It displays all
the main components and some subcomponents of Expert III in a tree

Figure 2: Main Menu

Getting Started Lantek Expert III

# The Main menu icon ( ) appears in the standard

toolbar, at the right-top of the workspace. Click this icon to
go back to the Main menu from any of the tables.

2.3.2 Modules

The main structure of Expert III is made up of several modules which are
integrated in a user-friendly and effective design. Each module is designed
to fulfill the different needs of each enterprise process: quotes, sales,
manufacturing, warehouses, purchases management, etc.

Lantek Expert III Getting Started

Figure 3: Modules

2.3.3 Tables

Likely, each module of the software consists of several tables. Tables

contain elements and information* introduced by the user.

Depending on the type of window, it is possible to record, view and modify

the information contained in a table. There are three types of windows:
List, Details and Browser windows.

Figure 4: Tables

* To create a new element and enter the necessary data, refer

Creating an element, on page 30.

You can also change the displayed type of the window at any
point of time.

Getting Started Lantek Expert III

• List window

When you open a table, its elements will be displayed in a List

window. This type of windows displays all the elements in a
table by default. However, you can choose what elements and
which order you want them to be displayed (refer Filters, on
page 21).

Figure 5: List window

To open a table in List window, double click the required table

in the Main menu window.

# You can come back to the List window at anytime by

clicking the List mode icon ( ) in the standard toolbar.

• Details window

This type of window displays all the information related to one

element in a table. It is possible to record, view, and modify all
the information of the element in a table in Details window.

Lantek Expert III Getting Started

Figure 6: Details window

To open the Details window of an element of a particular table,

do the following:

1. In the List window, click an element to select it.

2. Click the Open button ( ) on the standard toolbar.

# You can also double-click the element in the List

window to display the Details window directly.

• Browser window

If an element in a table has assigned subcomponents*, it is

possible to view its configuration in a tree structure displayed by
the Browser window.

Getting Started Lantek Expert III

Figure 7: Browser window

To open a Browser window, do the following:

1. In the List window, click an element to select it.

2. Click the Browser button ( ) on the standard toolbar.

* It is necessary to create all the subcomponents and assign them

to the final item to visualize its structure in a Browser window
(refer Creating an assembled item, on page 31).

# You can also display the Browser window from the Details
window of the selected element.

Lantek Expert III Getting Started

2.4 Main Tools of Expert III

Expert III has a series of important tools which allow you to easily navigate between
linked tables from different modules, execute its applications, view the reports
associated to tables and perform quick search of elements in a table. The following
are the tools:

• Navigate to components

• Actions list

• Reports center

• Filters

2.4.1 Navigating to components

This tool allows you to navigate between linked tables from different

To navigate from one table to another, there are two paths:

• On the menu bar, click View and select Navigation.

• On the standard toolbar, click Navigate to components icon

( ).

In the displayed drop-down menu:

1. Click the required table name to display it.

2. Perform the necessary steps.

Getting Started Lantek Expert III

Figure 8: Navigate to components

2.4.2 Actions list

Expert III tables can have some integrated applications. To execute those
applications from a particular table, there are two paths:

• On the menu bar, click Tools and select Actions.

• On the standard toolbar, click Actions list button ( ).

Figure 9: Actions list

In the displayed drop-down menu:

1. Click the required application to execute it.

2. Perform the necessary steps.

Lantek Expert III Getting Started

2.4.3 Reports

Tables are associated to predefined reports. To view the reports

associated to a particular table, there are two possible paths:

• On the Menu bar of the corresponding table, click File, and then
click Show Reports. Choose the required report in the
displayed dropdown list.

• On the standard toolbar of the corresponding table, click Last

report icon ( ). Choose the required report in the

displayed dropdown list.

Figure 10: Last report

It is also possible to view all the reports of Expert III using the Reports
center. To view the analysis report center, there are two paths:

• On the menu bar of any table, click File and select Reports

• On the standard toolbar of any table, click the Reports center

icon ( ).

The system will display a list of all the existing reports. Double click the
required report to display it.

Getting Started Lantek Expert III

Figure 11: Reports center

# You can perform different actions from the toolbar at

the top of the Reports Center: print a report, send it by e-
mail in different formats, etc.

2.4.4 Filters

Expert III has three types of tools in order to facilitate your searches for
elements in List tables: predefined filter, field filter and advanced filter.

• Predefined Filter: This tool helps you to filter the elements in a

table in order to display only the elements satisfying a
predefined condition. To view the elements that satisfy a
particular condition in a List table, do the following:

1. In the standard toolbar, click Predefined filter

( ).

2. Select the required condition in the drop-down list to filter the


• Field filter: This tool helps you to apply a condition to a

particular field in a List table. Then, only the elements satisfying
the condition will be displayed.

To perform your search using the Field filter, do the following:

Lantek Expert III Getting Started

1. In the corresponding table, click the field column to which you

want to apply the condition.

2. On the standard toolbar, click the Field filter icon ( ) or

click View and select Filters -> Field filter, in the menu bar.

3. The system displays the Field filter dialog box.

Figure 12: Field filter dialog box

4. Select the required values from the dropdown lists of the

‘Condition’ and ‘Value’ fields.

5. Click OK or Apply and Close.

• Advanced filter: This tool helps you to define and apply

different conditions to more than one field in a List table at the
same time. This way, only the elements satisfying all the
conditions will be displayed.

To perform your search using the Advanced filter, do the


1. On the standard toolbar, click the Advanced filter icon ( )

or click View and select Filters -> Advanced filter, in the menu

2. The system displays the Advanced Filter dialog box.

Getting Started Lantek Expert III

Figure 13: Advanced filter dialog box

3. In the ‘Fields’ section, select the field names related to the

table to apply the conditions.

4. To perform this action, click the Add field icon ( ) or

double-click the field name. The selected fields will be
displayed in the ‘Conditions’ section.

5. To apply the required conditions to the fields, double click the

fields in the ‘Criteria’ column of the ‘Conditions’ section.

6. Enter the required conditions and click Apply.

7. If you want to save the filter for further reference, click Save (if
you do not want to save the filter, go directly to step number
9, below). The system displays the Filter dialog box in order to
record a name for the filter.

Figure 14: Filter dialog box

8. Enter a name for the filter and click OK. The system saves the
filter and adds it to the dropdown list of the Predefined filter,
in the standard toolbar (refer Predefined Filter, on page 21).

9. In the Advanced Filter dialog box, click OK.

Lantek Expert III Getting Started

# If you want to apply more than one condition to a

particular field, select ‘Enable ‘OR’ conditions’ check box,
in the Advanced Filter dialog box.

2.5 Getting Help

In case of doubts or problems when working with the software, you can access to
the User help (general functionalities of the software) and Context help (specific
functionalities of each module).

Figure 15: Help menu

2.5.1 User help

To display the User help, do the following:

1. In the menu bar of any window, click Help and select User

2. The system displays the System help window.

Getting Started Lantek Expert III

Figure 16: System Help

3. Select the required topic and click Help or double click the topic
directly. The system will display a window with tabs in the left
section. The tabs help you to specify your query and the
information related to it will be displayed in the right section, as

Figure 17: User Help

• In the Contents tab, the topics are displayed in a tree structure.

To display the related information, click the required topic entry.

• In the Index tab, the topics are displayed in alphabetical order.

Type a key word related to your query, select the required topic
entry in the displayed list and click Display. You can also
double click the entry directly to display the related information.

Lantek Expert III Getting Started

• In the Search tab, type a key word related to your query, select
the required topic entry in the displayed list and click Display.
You can also double click the entry directly to display the related

• The Favorites tab allows you to save specific entries for future
queries. To perform this action, select the Favorites tab and
click Add, once you locate the required information.

2.5.2 Context help

To display the Context help, do the following:

1. On the menu bar of the corresponding table, click Help and

select Context help.

2. The system displays the Context help window with the same
tabs as the User help.

3. Perform the same steps followed in the User help (refer User
help, on page 24).

Lantek Expert III Items and Backlogs


3 Items and Backlogs
The Items and backlogs module of Expert III helps you to manage the item catalog of the
company. This chapter explains how to create and manage the various types of items, how
to assign costs and purchase prices to the items, etc.

On the other hand, the system helps you to create backlogs in the Items backlogs table
when the item ordered is not available in the warehouse. You can also view the backlogs in
this table and take necessary actions to procure them.

3.1 Classes and Types of Items

3.1.1 Classes of items

Expert III allows you to manage the following classes of items:

• Common item

• Sheet part

• Duct figure

• Raw material

• Metal sheet

• Abrasive

• Isolate

• Duct frame

• Profile

• Profile part

Items and Backlogs Lantek Expert III

3.1.2 Types of items

Likewise, the software allows you to classify the above mentioned items
into different types, based on their origin, as follows:

• Manufacturing

• Buy

• Outsourcing

• Service

It is also possible to classify the items into ‘Sale’ items or ‘No-Sale’ items,
according to their use. The following table shows these classifications:


Metal sheet Raw material

Commercialization item Metal sheet

Finished item
Metal sheet

Table 3: Types of items

# You can choose the class and type of an item in the

Items (Details) table of the selected item.

# The system classifies the items as ‘Manufacturing’ type

and ‘Sheet part’ class by default.

! All the ‘Manufacturing’ type items which are

created in the Items table must have a
manufacturing order (refer Manufacturing orders,
on page 100) and a manufacturing operation
assigned (refer Items Operations Assignments, on
page 33).

Lantek Expert III Items and Backlogs

3.2 Creating Items

You can create and manage the items of a company using the Items table (Main
menu -> Items and backlogs -> Items).

Figure 18: Items (Details)

To create an item, you have to create a new element in this table.

3.2.1 Creating an element

To create a new element in a table, do the following:

1. On the Menu bar, click File and select New -> Create new
element. You can also click the Create new element button

( ) on the Standard toolbar.

2. The system will display a Details table.

3. Enter the required information in the essential fields.

4. In the Menu bar, click File and select Save. You can also click

Save icon ( ) in the standard toolbar.

Items and Backlogs Lantek Expert III

! Fill all the fields that appear in red color. They are
mandatory fields.

3.2.2 Creating a sheet part

To create a simple sheet part item, do the following:

1. In the Items (List) or (Details) table, create a new element (refer

Creating an element, on page 30).

2. In the Items (Details) table, click the ‘Class’ field and select
‘Sheet part’ from the displayed drop down list.

3. Enter the required information in the essential fields.

4. On the Menu bar, click File and select Save. You can also click

Save icon ( ) in the standard toolbar.

3.2.3 Creating an assembled item

To create an assembled item*, do the following:

1. In the Items (List) or (Details) table, create a new element (refer

Creating an element, on page 30).

2. In the Items (Details) table, select the ‘Assembly’ check box

( ) to assign components to the main item.

3. Click the Components tab at the bottom of the window. This

tab displays the Items structures (Details) table.

4. Create a new element in this tab (refer Creating an element,

on page 30).

5. In the displayed window, select the required components

configuring the main item.

6. In the Menu bar, click File and select Save. You can also click

Save icon ( ) in the standard toolbar.

Lantek Expert III Items and Backlogs

# All the components required for the final item must be

previously created in the Items table (refer Figure 20:
Example of Item structure, on page 33).

3.3 Items Structure

An item structure comprises a main item and its components. It is necessary to
assemble one or more components to the main item to create an assembled item*.
In the Items Browser window, you can also view the operations assigned to the main
item (refer Browser window, on page 16).

It is possible to view the structure of an item in the Items structures window (Main
menu -> Items and backlogs -> Items -> Items (Details) -> Navigate to components -
> Components -> Items structures).

Figure 19: Items structure (Browser)

All the components required for the final item must be previously created
in the Items table (refer Creating an assembled item, on page 31).

Items and Backlogs Lantek Expert III

The following figure shows the structure of an item:

Figure 20: Example of Item structure

3.4 Items Operations Assignments

To perform the manufacturing of an item, it is necessary to assign manufacturing
operations to a ‘Manufacturing’ type item in the corresponding work center*.

To assign an operation to an item, do the following:

1. In the Items (Details) table of the corresponding item, click the

Operations tab at the bottom of the window. This tab displays the
operations assigned to the selected item.

2. To assign a new operation to the item, create a new element in this tab
(refer Creating an element, on page 30).

Figure 21: Items operations (Details)

Lantek Expert III Items and Backlogs

3. Enter the required information in the essential fields.

4. In the Menu bar, click File and select Save. You can also click Save icon

( ) in the standard toolbar.

To assign an operation to the item, the operation must be created and

assigned to a work center previously created in the Work centers table
(refer Work centers, on page 98).
To perform the manufacturing of an Item, it is necessary to send a
manufacturing order to a work center (refer Manufacturing orders, on
page 100).

3.5 Costs, Purchase and Sale Prices of Items

Each company has different strategies to calculate the costs and sale prices of its
products. This section explains how to manage the costs and the sale prices of an
item applying diverse strategies.

# You can manage all the costs from the Items (Details) table of the
corresponding item.

3.5.1 Concepts

In Expert III, the process to calculate the costs and the purchase prices of
an item consists of three main sections. Each section can have various

Items and Backlogs Lantek Expert III


• Standard cost (theoretical

fixed cost for a specific • From the ‘Standard cost’
period of time). (applying ‘Margin’ or
• Various purchase • Current cost (actual cost
prices according kept up-to-date according to • From the ‘Current cost’
to the supplier. the warehouse movements (applying ‘Margin’ or
and the manufacturing ‘Markup’).
• Unique supplier. operations).
• From ‘Cost by ranges’
• Cost by ranges (variable (applying ‘Margin’ or
cost according to the range ‘Markup).
of items).

Table 4: Costs concepts

3.5.2 Purchase prices

A purchased item can have various purchase prices, depending on each

supplier. The standard cost of an item is estimated by calculating the
purchase price. The current cost is automatically calculated according to
the current warehouse movements.

Figure 22: Purchase prices tab

Lantek Expert III Items and Backlogs

To determine the purchase prices of an item, do the following:

1. In the Items (Details) table of the corresponding item, click the

Purchase prices tab at the bottom of the window.

2. Create a new element in this tab (refer Creating an element,

on page 30). The system displays the Companies items
(Details) table.

3. Enter the required information in the essential fields.

4. In the Menu bar, click File and select Save. You can also click

Save icon ( ) in the standard toolbar.

# You can look up the purchase prices of an item in the

Items, Purchases prices or Companies items tables.

3.5.3 Types of costs

As previously mentioned, Expert III allows you to manage the costs of your
items by following various strategies. This section explains all the related
concepts and the various strategies to follow, both for purchase and
manufacturing items.

Lantek Expert III classifies the costs associated with an item depending on
the type: ‘Purchase’ items or ‘Manufacturing’ items.

Items and Backlogs Lantek Expert III

Figure 23: Costs associated with ‘Purchase’ items

In the Costs associated with ‘Purchase’ items, you have to specify the
cost of the item.:

• ‘Standard cost’. This is a fixed cost based on the purchase

prices of the item.

• ‘Current Cost’. This cost is automatically updated depending on

the warehouse movements of the item. Expert III helps you to
define this cost in the ‘Current Cost Method’ field, presenting
three different calculation methods:

Figure 24: Current cost method field

• ‘Average’: Average of the items in the warehouse.

• ‘FIFO’: First In, First Out.

• ‘LIFO’: Last In, First Out.

Lantek Expert III Items and Backlogs

• ‘Cost by ranges’. This cost varies depending on the quantity of

purchased items. To define different costs for each range,
select the ‘Cost by ranges’ check box, click the Cost by ranges
tab and set the corresponding cost for each quantity.

Figure 25: Costs by ranges tab

In the Costs associated with ‘Manufacturing’ items, the system

automatically calculates the cost according to the manufacturing expenses
of the item.:

• ‘Standard cost’. This cost is based on the sum all the estimated
costs related to the manufacture of an item: raw materials,
components, labor, work centers, etc.

When you define an item as a ‘Manufacturing’ item, the

‘Standard cost’ and the ‘Manufacturing cost’ fields are
deactivated because the system automatically calculates both
costs according to the parameters provided in the Operations
and Items operations tables.

• ‘Current cost’. When the manufacturing process of an item is

completed and the Labor tickets have been validated, the
system calculates the actual manufacturing cost of the item
according to the resources used in the manufacturing process.

Items and Backlogs Lantek Expert III

Those resources include the machinery, work centers, material

and labor costs*, etc.

If the item has been manufactured using the Lantek Work

Operation System (WOS), the cost is updated based on the
WOS manufacturing operations (refer Work Operating
System (WOS), on page 107).

• ‘Cost by ranges’. This cost varies depending on the production

volume during the manufacturing process of an item. To
calculate the cost using this method, select the ‘Cost by ranges’
check box, click the Cost by ranges tab and define the ranges
for which you want to calculate the ‘Standard Cost’ and ‘Current
cost’ of the item.

# When you select the ‘Cost by ranges’ method, the

system disables the ‘Standard cost’ and ‘Current cost’
fields because they are also calculated automatically
depending on the quantity produced.

* These costs must be previously validated in the Labor tickets

table (refer Validation of nesting or manufacturing operations,
on page 107).

3.5.4 Sale prices and profits

To define the sale prices of items, Expert III gives you the possibility of
fixing a fixed price independently of the cost of the products. Similarly, you
can also define prices based on the incurred cost or preferred profit.

The sale price of an item can be defined in two ways: based on the cost or
profit or based in a fixed price.

• Sale price based on the Cost or Profit.

The system calculates the sale price according to the cost or profit that
you define in the Sales prices tab.

To calculate the sale price based on the cost, do the following:

Lantek Expert III Items and Backlogs

1. In the Items (Details) table of the selected item, click the Sales
prices tab at the bottom of the window.

Figure 26: Sales prices tab

2. Create a new element in this tab (refer Creating an element,

on page 30). Assign the corresponding tariffs*, currency,
quantities, etc.

3. Enter either a percentage in the ‘Percent’ field or a profit value

in the ‘Profit’ field. The system calculates the other value
automatically. Likewise, the system calculates the final price
based on the cost of the item and the profit value entered.

4. In the Menu bar, click File and select Save. You can also click

Save icon ( ) in the standard toolbar.

• Fixed sale price:

You can fix the sale price for a particular item. The system will use the
fixed price to calculate the resulting profit based on the
manufacturing/purchase costs of the item and the ‘Price Method’ selected.

To define a fixed sale price for an item, do the following:

Items and Backlogs Lantek Expert III

1. In the Items (Details) table of the selected item, select the ‘Fixed
price’ check box.

Figure 27: Fixed price

2. Click the Sales prices tab at the bottom of the window (refer
Figure 26: Sales prices tab, on page 40).

3. Create a new element in this tab (refer Creating an element,

on page 30). Assign the corresponding tariffs*, currency,
quantities, etc. and set the fixed price.

4. The system automatically calculates the profit and the percent.

5. In the Menu bar, click File and select Save. You can also click

Save icon ( ) in the standard toolbar.

* Before assigning any tariff, you have to create and define it in

the Tariffs table (Main menu -> Sales management ->
Configuration parameters -> Tariffs).

# The percent varies according to the price method


• Types of profits:

The profit of an item can be calculated in two ways: ‘Margin’ and ‘Markup’.

• Profit based on ‘Margin’: A percentage of the sales price is

applied to calculate the profit.

• Profit based on ‘Markup’: A percentage of the item cost is

applied to calculate the profit.

Lantek Expert III Items and Backlogs

Figure 28: Price method

3.5.5 Update of prices

It is possible to update the prices and tariffs of a group of products,

defining their specific price or applying the corresponding percentage
increase or decrease.

If you need to update the price of an item*, do the following:

1. In the Items (Details) table of the selected item, click Actions

list and select Prices update.

2. The system displays Prices update dialog box.

Figure 29: Prices update dialog box

3. In the ‘Update’ section, you can select one of the following


• ‘Tariff’: It updates the price of the selected tariff.

• ‘All the tariffs’: It updates the price for all the tariffs.

• ‘Selected item’: It updates the price only for the selected item.

Items and Backlogs Lantek Expert III

4. In the ‘Update mode’ section, you can select one of the

following options:

• ‘New price’: Enter a new price for the item.

• ‘Fixed update’: Enter a fixed price which will be added to the

existing price.

• ‘Update percentage’: Enter a percentage based on which the

existing price will be updated.

5. Click Next. The system opens Prices update window displaying

the previous and new prices. You can also enter the ‘New price’
in this window manually.

Figure 30: Prices update window

6. Click OK. The prices are updated in the Items prices table.

* Before updating any tariff, you have to create and define it in the
Tariffs table (Main menu -> Sales management ->
Configuration parameters -> Tariffs).

Lantek Expert III Items and Backlogs

3.6 Items Backlogs

The Items backlogs table helps you to identify the item backlogs that arise because
of the unavailability or insufficiency of the required items in the warehouse.

You can view the backlogs in the Items backlogs table (Main menu -> Items and
backlogs -> Items backlogs).

Items backlogs occur at the time of fulfilling the requirements of the sale orders,
purchase orders, manufacturing orders, etc.

Likely, you can manage the reserve items by fixing them as pending and leaving the
quantities as stock to use up other reserves. It is possible to reserve quantities from
any warehouse where the stock exists.

The Items backlogs (Details) table also provides you information about the ‘Type’,
‘Class’, ‘Material’, ‘Thickness’, ‘Length’ and ‘Width’ of the item.

The four main types of backlogs are described below:

• Sale order: The backlogs are generated when a sale order is accepted or

• Work center: The backlogs are generated when the manufacturing order
is exploited.

• Job: The backlogs are generated when a nested job is kept in the
CAD/CAM module.

• Warehouse: The backlogs are generated when an item reaches the

minimum quantity defined for a specific warehouse.

# You can also view the backlogs of a particular item in the Items table
or in the Warehouses table.

To open the backlogs of a particular item, do the following:

1. In the Items (Details) table of the selected item, click the Items backlogs
tab at the bottom of the window.

Items and Backlogs Lantek Expert III

2. Double click the line of the required backlog and the system will display
the Items backlogs (Details) table.

Figure 31: Items backlogs (Details)

The main fields in the Items backlogs table are briefly described as follows:

• ‘Required quantity’: Quantity of the item required to execute a sale order

or a manufacturing order.

• ‘Allocated quantity’: Quantity of the item available in the warehouse

allocated to fulfill a sale order or a manufacturing order. These quantities
can be assigned against the ‘Required quantity’.

• ‘Ordered quantity’: Quantity of the item ordered to fulfill a sale order or a

manufacturing order. This quantity is the difference between the
‘Required quantity’ and the ‘Allocated quantity’.

• ‘Pending quantity’: Quantity of the item required to fulfill the corresponding

sale or manufacturing order. This quantity is difference between the
‘Required quantity’, ‘Allocated quantity’ and the ‘Ordered quantity’.

CRM Lantek Expert III


The CRM (Customer Relationship Management) module of Expert III enables you to
manage the business relations in an organized way. Using the CRM module, you can save
the time spent on transactions and the cost involved in dealing with the management of a big
amount of data.

The CRM module helps you to perform the following tasks:

• Store information about your contacts and opportunities and export all the data to
other tables of the software such as quotes, invoices, delivery notes, etc.

• Manage the different types of customers and classify them in diverse categories.

4.1 Creation and Management of Associated

You can create, view and modify the details of the companies having any kind of
business relationship (customers, competitors, etc.) with yours using the Companies
table (Main menu -> CRM -> Companies).

Lantek Expert III CRM

Figure 32: Companies (Details)

The Contacts tab, at the bottom of the Companies (Details) window, provides the
personal information of all the contacts of the selected company.

The Addresses tab, at the bottom of the Companies (Details) window, provides
various contact addresses of the associated company.

# These details are later generated to the Sales, Purchase or Quotes

tables to enter the supplier or customer details.

4.1.1 Types of associated companies

In the Companies (Details) table, you can select the required check box to
identify the type of relationship you have with the selected company. The
associated companies can be classified as follows:

• Customer

• Supplier

• Competitor

• Partner

• Dealer

• Carrier

CRM Lantek Expert III

Figure 33: Types of associated companies

4.1.2 Creating an associated company

To create an associated company directly, do the following:

1. In the Companies (Details) or (List) table, create a new element

(refer Creating an element, on page 30).

2. Enter the required information in the essential fields.

3. In the Menu bar, click File and select Save. You can also click

Save icon ( ) in the standard toolbar.

4.1.3 Creating invoicing auxiliary data

You can enter additional information about the associated company in the
Invoicings auxiliary data table.

To enter this additional information, do the following:

1. In the Companies (Details) table of the selected company, click

Navigate to components.

2. Select Invoicings auxiliary data. The system displays the

Invoicings auxiliary data (Details) table.

Lantek Expert III CRM

Figure 34: Invoicings auxiliary data (Details)

3. Create a new element in this table (refer Creating an element,

on page 30). Enter the additional data about the company in
the Details table displayed: method of payment, tariff, account,

4. In the Menu bar, click File and select Save. You can also click

Save icon ( ) in the standard toolbar.

4.1.4 Creating more contact addresses

In case the associated company has more than one contact addresses,
you can enter other addresses in the company record.

CRM Lantek Expert III

To enter this information, do the following:

1. In the Companies (Details) or (List) table of the selected

company, click Navigate to components.

2. Click Addresses.

3. The system displays the Addresses (Details) table.

Figure 35: Addresses (Details)

4. Enter the other addresses and all the required information in the
essential fields.

5. In the Menu bar, click File and select Save. You can also click

Save icon ( ) in the standard toolbar.

# You can also introduce other addresses from the

Addresses tab at the bottom of the Companies (Details)

Lantek Expert III CRM

4.2 Creation and Management of Contacts

You can manage the contacts of the associated company using the Contacts table
(Main menu -> CRM -> Contacts).

Figure 36: Contacts (Details)

The Contacts (Details) table provides details such as the name of the contact
address and contact numbers of the person.

4.2.1 Creating a contact

To create a contact directly, do the following:

1. In the Contacts (Details) or (List) table, create a new element

(refer Creating an element, on page 30).

2. Enter the required information in the essential fields.

CRM Lantek Expert III

3. In the Menu bar, click File and select Save. You can also click

Save icon ( ) in the standard toolbar.

4.2.2 Creating a contact related to a company

To register a new contact related to a particular associated company, do

the following:

1. In the Companies (Details) table of the selected company, click

Navigate to components.

2. Select Contacts (refer Figure 36: Contacts (Details), on page


3. Enter the required information in the essential fields.

4. In the Menu bar, click File and select Save. You can also click

Save icon ( ) in the standard toolbar.

The system records the new contact in the Contacts table.

Lantek Expert III CRM

4.3 Dunning Management

You can manage and track all the customers with pending payments using the
Dunning application (Main menu -> CRM -> Dunning).

This application allows you perform several actions: to lock, send reminders or
increase the limit of the customers who have exceeded the set credit limit.

In the Dunning window, you can view and modify the customers with pending
payments, the limit dates, filter the dunning levels, view the details of the companies
with their expired balance, etc.

Figure 37: Dunning window

CRM Lantek Expert III

4.3.1 Activating Dunning

Before executing this application, you have to activate it in the system as


1. Go to Main menu -> Sales management -> Configurations

elements -> Configure parameters. The system displays the
Modules parameters dialog box.

Figure 38: Configure parameters path

Figure 39: Modules parameters dialog box

2. Select General and click Configure. The system displays the

General dialog box.

Lantek Expert III CRM

Figure 40: Modules parameters - General

3. Select the ‘Dunning management’ check box and click OK. The
system activates the Dunning application.

CRM Lantek Expert III

4.3.2 Data prerequisites to execute Dunning

To execute the Dunning application properly, you must enter the following
data previously:

• In the Invoicings auxiliary data (Details) table of the selected

company, enter the data related to dunning in the Default risk
management tab: ‘Approval date’, ‘Approved credit’, ‘Risk
threshold’ (refer Creating invoicing auxiliary data, on page
49). Save the record and close the window.

Figure 41: Invoicing auxiliary data for Dunning application

• In the ‘Filters’ section of the Dunning window, you must define

the ‘Dunning level’ for each customer. To set these levels, do
the following:

1. Click Setup (refer Figure 37: Dunning window, on page 54).

The system displays the Setup dialog box.

2. Enter the required information in the corresponding fields. In the

‘Documents’ fields, you can upload reminder documents to
Expert III to be sent to the debtors.

3. Click Save and Close.

Lantek Expert III CRM

Figure 42: Dunning levels setup

Once the user has defined the dunning levels, the status of the customer
will change according to the eventual default payments. However, you can
also change the dunning level of a particular company as follows:

• In the Companies (List) or (Details) table, assign a level for

each company in the ‘Dunning level’ field, if required.

Figure 43: Dunning level in Companies (List) table

CRM Lantek Expert III

# You can also change the dunning level of a particular

company in the Dunning window (refer Checking the
pending payments, on page 60).

4.3.3 How does Dunning work?

The Dunning application is displayed automatically when a sale order is

accepted from a customer with pending payments (refer Sale orders, on
page 74).

When the sale order is saved as ‘Accepted’, the system displays a warning
message indicating that the customer has exceeded the risk threshold.

Figure 44: Dunning warning message

When that message is displayed, do the following:

1. Click the Close icon ( ) to close the warning message. The

system displays the Warning dialog box.

Figure 45: Dunning warning dialog box

2. Select the required option as follows:

Lantek Expert III CRM

• ‘Postpone sale order’: Select this option to postpone the sale

order creation for later. You can also select the ‘Lock customer’
check box if you want to block the customer.

• ‘Increase the limit’: Select this option to increase the credit limit
of the customer. You must enter the new credit limit in the ‘New’

• ‘Allow sale order’: Select this option to continue with the process
despite the pending payments of the customer. You can also
select the ‘Lock customer’ check box if you want to lock the
customer after completing this transaction.

3. Click OK.

4.3.4 Checking the pending payments

To view the customers with pending payments, you have to open the
Dunning window (Main menu -> CRM -> Dunning (refer Figure 37:
Dunning window, on page 54).

To choose the information you want to be displayed, do the following:

1. In the ‘Filter’ section, select the corresponding options. You can

perform a search based on the ‘Dunning level’, ‘Invoices’,
‘Update level’ or ‘Companies’.

2. Click Apply. The Dunning window displays the corresponding

information in the ‘Companies’ section.

Figure 46: Dunning ‘Filters’ section

CRM Lantek Expert III

In the ‘Companies’ section, you can change the dunning level of a

particular customer or block the commercial transactions with it in the ‘New
level’ and ‘Locked’ fields respectively.

In the ‘Invoices’ section, you can view the pending invoices of a particular
customer. To display these invoices, you have to click the corresponding
customer in the ‘Companies’ section.

Figure 47: Dunning ‘Companies’ and ‘Invoices’ sections

! When you lock a customer, the same will not

appear in the Companies (List) table anymore
when creating a sale order.

Sales management Lantek Expert III


5 Sales management
The Sales management module of Expert III supports the entire sales process of your
enterprise from creating quotes to generating invoices.

In sales, enterprises have to deal with complex processes. To simplify these processes,
Sales management module provides various features for the following:

• Creating quotations

• Creating sales orders

• Creating delivery notes

• Invoicing

• Sales tracking

The following flowchart explains the processes in Sales management module.

Figure 48: Flowchart of sales process

Lantek Expert III Sales management

A quote is created by a supplier in response to a request from a customer to supply
the goods or services required by the customer at specified prices and within a
specified period. It may also contain terms of sales and payment.

You can create and manage the quotes using the Quotes table (Main menu -> Sales
management -> Quotes).

Figure 49: Quote

The Quotes table details all the costs involved in a sales transaction. It also provides
details such as address of the customer, status of the quote and method of

5.1.1 Creating a quote directly

To create a quote directly, do the following:

1. In the Quotes table, create a new element (refer Creating an

element, on page 30).

2. Enter the required information in the fields of General and

Auxiliary tabs.

3. On the menu bar, click File, and then click Save. You can also

click the Save button ( ) on the Standard toolbar.

Sales management Lantek Expert III

5.1.2 Creating a quote against a project

To create a quote against a project, do the following:

1. In the Quotes table, click Actions list.

2. Click Quote against project. The system displays the Projects


3. Select the required project from the table. The system displays
Quote against project dialog box.

Figure 50: Quote against project

4. Enter a reference value and the validity date for the quote.

5. Click OK. The system imports the data automatically from the
selected project and creates the quote.

The details of the items in a quote are represented as quote lines in the
Quote lines table. The quote lines are divided into sub lines.

5.1.3 Creating lines for the quotes

The lines for the quotes can be created in the following ways:

• From the Quotes window

• Using Quotation tool

• Importing sheet parts

To create lines for the quotes through the Quotes window, do the

1. In the Quotes table, select the quote for which you want to add

Lantek Expert III Sales management

2. Click Navigate to components, and then click Lines. The

system displays the Quotes lines table.

3. Create a new element (refer Creating an element, on page


4. Enter the required information in the essential fields.

5. On the menu bar, click File, and then click Save. You can also

click the Save button ( ) on the Standard toolbar.

To create lines for the quotes using Quotation tool, do the following

1. In the Quotes table, select the quote for which you want to add
lines and click Actions list.

2. Click Quotation tool. The system displays Quote window which

provides all the necessary data required to create a quote line.

Figure 51: Quotation tool

3. Click either the New button ( ) or Duplicate ( )

button. When you click the New button, the system displays a
drop-down list with the following options:

Sales management Lantek Expert III

Figure 52: New drop down list

• From database: This option helps you to select an item

and its operations from the database to include it to the
quotation line.

• Import sheet parts: This option helps you to import the

details of a sheet part from a file type to a quotation
line. The details are imported by using the
corresponding importer of the file type.

• Quick draw: This option helps you to draw an image of

the sheet part for the item of the quotation line using the
Quick draw window.

• Draw: This option helps you to draw an image of a sheet

part for the item of the quotation line through the
Expert- Drawing window.

4. When you click the Duplicate button, the system displays the
Quote line: [Duplicate] dialog box to duplicate the selected

Lantek Expert III Sales management

Figure 53: Quote line duplicate

5. Select ‘Duplicate’ check box, and then click OK to duplicate the


6. In the ‘Item’ section, enter the ‘Quantity’, ‘Delivery date’,

‘Material’ and ‘Thickness’ of the item and, then click Save

button ( ).

7. In the ‘Operations/Costs’ section, click New button ( ) to

select operations and enter the additional costs incurred by the

item. You can click Delete ( ) to delete an operation or cost.

When you click the New button, you will get a drop-down list
with the following options:

Figure 54: Operations-Costs drop down list

• Operation: This option helps you to select an operation

for the item from the Operations table.

Sales management Lantek Expert III

• Cost: This option helps you to include any additional

costs incurred by the operation.

8. Enter the required details for the selected option, and then click

Save button ( ).

9. Close the Quote window. The system creates a new line for the

# The products created with the quotation tool are

saved as draft products. They will not be available as
real products until the sale order is created.

# Using Quotation tool, you can only create lines for

items of type ‘Sheet part’.

# Using Quotation tool, you can quote more than one

line in the same window and all the necessary data is
available in the same window.

To create lines for the quotes by importing sheet parts, do the following:

1. In the Quotes table, select the quote to which you want to add
the sheet part, and then click Actions list.

2. Click Import sheet parts. The system displays the Import

dialog box with the different file importers.

Lantek Expert III Sales management

Figure 55: Import sheet parts

3. Click Install, if the required importer is not present. The system

displays Install: Importers dialog box with the list of importers in
the Available box.

Sales management Lantek Expert III

Figure 56: Install importers

4. Select a group from the 'Group' drop-down list to select a

particular importer from a group. The system displays the list of
importers of that group in the ‘Available’ box.

5. Double-click the required importers. The system moves the

selected importers to the ‘Installed’ box.

6. Click OK. The system adds the selected importers to the Import
dialog box (refer Figure 55: Import sheet parts, on page 70).

7. Select the required importer, and then click OK. The system
displays a dialog box with the importer name and displays all
the image files that can be imported with it.

8. Select the required file, and then select 'Drawing simulation'

check box to view a pictorial representation of the sheet part in
the blank box above the check box.

9. Click Parameters, and the system displays the Part saving

dialog box. You can enter the required parameters of the sheet
part, and then click OK.

10. Click Configure, and the system displays the Configure dialog
box. You can modify the required file attributes, and then click

Lantek Expert III Sales management

11. Click Others, and the system displays the Configure dialog box.
You can modify the drawing of the sheet part, and then click

12. Click View to view the geometry of the sheet part in a separate

13. Select 'Criteria' check box to filter the required files.

14. Click OK in the importer name dialog box, and the new sheet
part will be added to the quote.

# While importing sheet parts, you can import the details

of a sheet part from a file type to a sale order. The details
are imported by using the corresponding importer of the
file type.

5.1.4 Quote tracking

You can keep track of the quotes using the Quote analysis report in the
Reports center. The Quote analysis keeps a record of all the created
quotes. It groups the quotes based on the status and displays the total
amount of each group for a particular month.

Click Reports center ( ) to view Quote analysis report (Sales

management -> Sales -> Quote analysis).

Sales management Lantek Expert III

Figure 57: Quote analysis

Lantek Expert III Sales management

5.2 Sale orders

You can create and manage the sale orders of your enterprise using the Sale orders
table (Main menu -> Sales management -> Sale orders).

Figure 58: Sale orders

A sale order can be for a product or for a service. A sale order is issued by a
supplier after the receipt of a customer’s purchase order. A sale order includes the
description, price, and discount of the item; method of payment and the customer
name and address.

The Sale orders table allows you to do the following:

• Create an order.

• Add new items to an order.

• View the availability of the ordered items in the Items backlogs lines tab.

• Generate manufacturing order to fulfill the requirement of an order.

The Sale orders table provides an option for sales tracking and provides information
of status of the order as follows:

• ‘To invoice’: The invoice has to be sent to the customer.

• ‘Invoiced’: The invoice is sent to the customer.

Sales management Lantek Expert III

• ‘Delivery note’: A delivery note is sent to the customer along with the

• ‘Shipped’: The items are transported to the customer.

Figure 59: Sales order flow

The Lines tab in the Sale orders (Details) window displays the details of the sale
order. It displays the details of items, the manufacturing status, delivery note status
and invoice status of the sale order.

Figure 60: Sales order details

The Items backlogs lines tab in the Sale orders (Details) window gives information
about the unavailable or insufficient items in the warehouse.

Lantek Expert III Sales management

Item backlogs occur at the time of fulfilling the requirements of a sale order. If an
item is in pending the line appears in red.

Figure 61: Items backlogs lines in the Sale orders window

Sale orders can be created as follows:

• Directly

• Against a quote

• Copying from existing sale order

5.2.1 Creating a sale order directly

You can create a sale order directly from the Sale orders table (refer
Creating an element, on page 30 ).

# When you try to change the status of a sale order to ‘Accept’, if the
credit limit of a customer has exceeded the approved credit, the system
displays a warning message(refer How does Dunning work?, on page 59).

Sales management Lantek Expert III

5.2.2 Creating a sale order against quote

To create a sale order against quote, do the following*:

1. In the Sale orders table, click Actions list.

2. Click Order against quote. The system displays Quotes table

showing only the quotes with the status 'Accepted’.

3. Select the quote for which you want to create the new sale

4. The system displays ‘Order against quote’ dialog box.

Figure 62: Order against quote

5. When more than one quote is selected, the box ‘Sale order
setup’ is enabled with the following options:

• 'One order for all selected quotes (grouped by customer) ‘:

Select this to create only one order for all the quotes belonging
to the same customer.

• 'One order for each selected quote': Select this to create an

independent sale order for each quote.

6. In ‘Lines setup’ box, you can choose any of the following

options to select lines from the quotes for the sale orders:

• 'Insert all the lines from the quote': Select this to add all the
quote lines to the sale order.

• 'Select lines from the quote': Select manually the quote lines
you want to include.

Lantek Expert III Sales management

7. Click OK.

8. The system displays Sale order: Enter the Reference dialog box

9. Enter the reference for the sale order, and then click OK. The
system creates the corresponding sale order records importing
the data of the selected quotes.

5.2.3 Copy from existing sale order

To create a new sale order by copying the existing sale order details, do
the following:

1. In the Sale orders table, select a sale order, and then click
Actions list.

2. Select Copy sale order. The system displays Copy sale order
dialog box.

Figure 63: Copy sale order

3. Enter a new ‘Reference’ and change the required details such

as ‘Customer’, ‘End customer’, ‘Contact’ and ‘Delivery date’.

4. Select the ‘Apply new customer’s details’ check box, in case the
customer is different, to automatically add the new customer

5. Click OK. A new sale order is created in the Sale orders table
with the details of the existing selected sale order.

Sales management Lantek Expert III

5.2.4 Copy sale order lines

You can also copy sale order lines from one sale order to another.

To copy the sale order lines, do the following:

1. In the Sale order lines table, select a sale order line which you
want to copy, and then click Actions list.

2. Select Copy sale order lines. The system displays Sale order
reference dialog box.

Figure 64: Sale order reference

3. Select the sale order to which you want to copy the lines.

4. Click OK. The selected sale order line is copied to the

concerned sale order.

# If you enter a new reference in the Sale order

reference dialog box, a new sale order with the copied sale
order line will be created in the Sale orders table.

5.3 Sending a Sale order for Manufacturing

You can send the sale order for manufacturing if the item ordered is not available in
the warehouse and item type is manufacturing.

Lantek Expert III Sales management

To send a sale order for manufacturing, do the following*:

1. In the Sale orders table, click Actions list.

2. Click Manufacturing orders against sale orders. The system displays

‘Manufacturing orders against sale orders’ dialog box.

Figure 65: Manufacturing orders against sale orders

3. Enter the details, and then click OK. A new manufacturing order will be

# When the delivery date is updated in a sale order, the delivery date of
the manufacturing order and the manufacturing operation gets
automatically updated.

The status of the Sale order must be ‘Accepted’.


Sales management Lantek Expert III

5.4 Delivery notes

You can create and manage the delivery of the items using Delivery notes table
(Main menu -> Sales management -> Delivery notes).

Figure 66: Delivery notes

The Lines tab in the Delivery notes window displays details of all the items to be
delivered to the customer on the date mentioned in the Delivery notes table.

Delivery notes can be created as follows:

• Directly

• Against order

5.4.1 Creating delivery note directly

You can create a delivery note directly from the Delivery notes table (refer
Creating an element, on page 30).

Lantek Expert III Sales management

5.4.2 Creating delivery note against order

To create a delivery note against order, do the following:

1. In the Delivery notes table, click Actions list.

2. Click Delivery note against order. The system opens the Sale
orders table showing only the sale orders with the status

3. Select the required element from the Sale orders table.

4. The system displays Delivery note against order dialog box.

Figure 67: Delivery note against order

5. When more than one order is selected, the box ‘Delivery notes
setup’ is enabled with the following options:

• ‘One ship for all selected orders (grouped by customer) ‘: Select

this to create only one delivery note for all the orders belonging
to the same customer.

• ‘One delivery note for each selected order': Select this to create
an independent delivery note for each order.

6. In ‘Lines setup’ box, you can choose any of the following

options to select the lines from the orders for the delivery notes:

• 'Select lines from sale orders': Select manually the lines you
want to include.

• 'Insert all the lines from the orders': Select this to add all the
lines of the orders to the Delivery note.

Sales management Lantek Expert III

7. Click OK.

8. The system displays Delivery note: Enter the reference dialog


9. Enter the reference of the delivery note and then click OK. The
system creates a delivery note in the Delivery notes table.

You can specify in the delivery note whether the sale order status is
invoiced or to be invoiced. When the delivery note is shipped, the system
manages the batches available in the warehouse.

5.5 Invoices
You can create and manage the invoice of the transactions using Invoices table
(Main menu -> Sales management -> Invoices).

Figure 68: Invoices (Details)

The Lines tab in the Invoices (Details) window displays information on the price of
each item invoiced.

The Paydays tab in the Invoices (Details) window displays the invoice amount and
the payment status.

Lantek Expert III Sales management

The Distributions tab in the Invoices (Details) window displays the entries which
are created in the Journal when you execute the Account invoice action from the
Invoices table.

Invoices can be created as follows:

• Against a sale order

• Against a delivery note

5.5.1 Creating an invoice directly

You can create an invoice directly from the Invoices table (refer Creating
an element, on page 30).

5.5.2 Creating an invoice against a sale order

To create an invoice against a sale order, do the following:

1. In the Invoices table, click Actions List.

2. Click Invoice against order. The system opens the Sale orders
table showing only the sales orders with the status as

3. Select the required sale order from the list. The system displays
Invoice against order dialog box.

Figure 69: Invoice against order

Sales management Lantek Expert III

4. When more than one order is selected, the box ‘Invoice setup’ is
enabled with the following options:

• ‘One invoice for all selected orders (grouped by customer) ‘:

Select this to create only one invoice for all the orders belonging
to the same customer.

• ‘One invoice for each selected order': Select this to create an

independent record for each order.

5. In ‘Lines setup’ box, you can choose any of the following

options to select the lines from the orders for the invoice:

• 'Insert all the lines from the orders': Select this to add all the
lines of the orders to the Invoice.

• 'Select lines from sale orders': Select manually the lines you
want to include.

6. Click OK. The system displays Invoice: Enter the reference

dialog box.

7. Enter the reference of the invoice and then click OK. The
system creates invoice in the Invoices table.

5.5.3 Creating an invoice against a delivery note

To create an invoice against a delivery note, do the following:

1. In the Invoices table, click Actions List.

2. Click Invoice against delivery note. The system opens the

Delivery notes table.

Lantek Expert III Sales management

3. Select the required delivery note from the list. The system
displays Invoice against delivery note dialog box.

Figure 70: Invoice against delivery note

4. When more than one delivery note is selected, the box ‘Invoice
setup’ is enabled with the following options:

• ‘One invoice for all selected delivery notes (grouped by

customer) ‘: Select this to create only one invoice for all the
delivery notes belonging to the same customer.

• ‘One invoice for each selected delivery note': Select this to

create an independent record for each delivery note.

5. In ‘Lines setup’ box, you can choose any of the following

options to select the lines from the orders for the invoice:

• 'Select lines from delivery notes': Select manually the lines you
want to include.

• 'Insert all the lines from the delivery notes': Select this to add all
the lines of the delivery notes to the Invoice.

6. Click OK. The system displays Invoice: Enter the reference

dialog box.

7. Enter a reference of the invoice and then click OK. The system
creates invoice in the Invoices table

Sales management Lantek Expert III

5.6 Sales tracking

You can track the sales process in your company using the Reports center (Main
menu -> Sales management -> Reports center).

The Reports center provides information about the monthly sales, quarterly sales,
pending invoices, sale orders, and delivery notes.

The Sales analysis report helps you to analyze the sales done in a specific period.

The Pending invoices report helps you to track the pending payments.

Figure 71: Reports center

You can track automatically all the sales done in a specific period. This will help you
to evaluate the growth rate of the sales yearly.

Lantek Expert III Purchase management


6 Purchase management
The Purchases management module helps to create and track the purchase orders,
purchase delivery notes, purchase invoices, warehouse receipts and supplier information.

You can create one or more purchase orders by using the data imported from the pending
sale orders.

6.1 Purchase orders

You can use the Purchase orders table to create and manage the purchase orders
for all the purchases (Main menu -> Purchases management -> Purchase orders).

Figure 72: Purchase orders

Purchase management Lantek Expert III

A purchase order can be for a product or for a service. A purchase order is issued
by a customer to a supplier for the purchase of goods or services. A purchase order
includes the description, price, and discount of the item; method of payment and the
supplier name and address.

The Purchase orders table also helps you to track the following:

• ‘Received’: Purchase delivery note corresponding to the order is received.

• ‘Delivery note’: Purchase delivery note is created.

• ‘Invoiced’: Purchase invoice corresponding to the order is created.

The Lines tab in the Purchase order (Details) window gives information about the
items included in the purchase order. It points out the ship status, invoice status,
quantity, and price of the item.

The Items backlogs lines tab in the Purchase order (Details) window gives
information about the unavailable or insufficient items in the warehouse.

Purchase orders can be created as follows:

• Directly

• Automatically

6.1.1 Creating a purchase order directly

You can create a purchase order directly from the Purchase orders table
(refer Creating an element, on page 30 ).

6.1.2 Creating a purchase order automatically

To create a purchase order automatically, do the following:

1. In the Purchase orders table, click Actions list.

2. Click Automatic purchase orders. The system displays

Automatic purchase orders dialog box.

Lantek Expert III Purchase management

Figure 73: Automatic purchase orders

3. To create purchase orders for different suppliers, select 'One

purchase order for each supplier'. If you want to create a
purchase order for only one supplier, do not select this check
box and enter the reference of the supplier in the 'Supplier' field.

4. If you select only one supplier, the system activates the 'Only
select the items of the supplier' field. Select this field to generate
a purchase order of the items with the specified default supplier.

5. Select the 'Select all pending items' field to create purchase

orders of all the items with pending quantities. Do not select this
field in case you want to select manually the items you want to
include in the purchase order.

6. Click OK. The system displays Item backlogs lines table.

7. Select the lines you want to include. The system creates new
purchase order in the Purchase orders table.

6.2 Purchases delivery notes

You can create and manage the purchases delivery notes of the items using the
Purchases Delivery notes table (Main menu -> Purchase management ->
Purchases delivery notes).

Purchase management Lantek Expert III

Figure 74: Purchases delivery notes

The Good receipts lines window in the Purchases delivery notes (Details) window
displays information of all the items purchased from the supplier on the date

Purchases delivery notes can be created as follows:

• Directly

• Against a purchase order

6.2.1 Creating purchase delivery note directly

You can create a purchase delivery note directly from the Purchases
delivery notes table (refer Creating an element, on page 30).

6.2.2 Creating good receipt against a purchase


To create a good receipt against a purchase order, do the following:

1. In the Purchases delivery notes table, click Actions list.

Lantek Expert III Purchase management

2. Click Good receipt against purchase order. The system

opens the Purchase orders table showing only the purchase
orders with the status as 'Accepted’.'

3. Select the required element from the list. The system displays
Good receipt against purchase order dialog box.

Figure 75: Good receipt against purchase orders

4. When more than one purchase order is selected, the box

‘Delivery notes setup’ is enabled with the following options:

• ‘One good receipt for all selected purchase orders (grouped by

supplier)‘: Select this to create only one good receipt for all the
purchase orders belonging to the same supplier.

• ‘One good receipt for each selected purchase order': Select this
to create an independent good receipt for each purchase order.

5. In ‘Lines setup’ box, you can choose any of the following

options to select the lines from the orders for the good receipt:

• 'Insert all the lines from the purchase orders': Select this to add
all the lines of the purchase orders lines to the good receipt.

• 'Select lines from purchase orders': Select manually the lines

you want to include.

6. Click OK. The system displays Good receipt: Enter the

reference dialog box.

7. Enter a reference of the good receipt and then click OK. The
system creates good receipt in the Purchase delivery notes

Purchase management Lantek Expert III

6.2.3 Creating good receipt reception

To create good receipt reception, do the following:

1. In the Purchase delivery notes table, Click Actions list.

2. Select Good receipt reception. The system displays Good

receipt reception dialog box.

Figure 76: Good receipt reception

3. Select the ‘Warehouse’ and ‘Location’. If required, change the

original quantity to match the actual reception of goods.

4. Click OK. The system creates an entry movement in the

Warehouse movements table.

# In case of sheet or profile item, you can assign a

tracking number while creating a good receipt reception
(refer Creating warehouse movements based on tracking
numbers, on page 131).

Lantek Expert III Purchase management

6.3 Purchases invoices

You can create and manage the purchases invoices of the purchased items using
the Purchases invoices table (Main menu -> Purchase management -> Purchases

Figure 77 Purchases invoices

The Purchase invoices lines tab in the Purchases Invoices (Details) window
displays information of the items purchased from the supplier. The total price of the
various lines in the Purchases invoices lines table is the total value of the invoice.

The Paydays tab in the Purchases Invoices (Details) window provides information
about the invoice amount and the payment status.

You can view the name, type and nature of account of the invoice amount in the
Distributions tab of the Purchases Invoices (Details) window.

Purchase invoices can be created as follows:

• Directly

• Against a purchase order

• Against a purchase delivery note

Purchase management Lantek Expert III

6.3.1 Creating a purchase invoice directly

You can create a purchase invoice directly from the Purchases Invoices
table (refer Creating an element, on page 30).

6.3.2 Creating a purchase invoice against a

purchase order

To create a purchase invoice against a purchase order, do the following:

1. In the Purchase invoices table, click Actions List.

2. Click Purchase invoice against purchase order. The system

opens the Purchase orders table showing only the purchase
orders with the status as ‘Accepted'.

3. Select the required purchase order from the list. The system
displays Purchase invoice against purchase order dialog box.

Figure 78 Purchase invoice against purchase order

4. When more than one purchase order is selected, the box

‘Invoice setup’ is enabled with the following options:

• ‘One purchase invoice for all selected purchase orders (grouped

by supplier) ‘: Select this to create only one purchase invoice for
all the purchase orders belonging to the same supplier.

Lantek Expert III Purchase management

• ‘One purchase invoice for each selected purchase order': Select

this to create an independent purchase invoice for each
purchase order.

5. In ‘Lines setup’ box, you can choose any of the following

options to select the lines from the orders for the invoice:

• 'Insert all the lines from the purchase orders': Select this to add
all the lines of the purchase orders lines to the invoice.

• 'Select lines from purchase orders': Select manually the lines

you want to include.

6. Click OK. The system displays Purchase invoice: Enter the

reference dialog box.

7. Enter reference of the invoice and then click OK. The system
creates purchase invoice in the Purchase invoices table.

6.3.3 Creating a purchase invoice against a good


To create a purchase invoice against a good receipt, do the following:

1. In the Purchase invoices table, click Actions List.

2. Click Purchase invoice against good receipt. The system

opens the Purchases delivery notes table.

3. Select the required purchase delivery note from the list. The
system displays Purchase invoice against good receipt dialog

Figure 79: Purchase invoice against good receipt

Purchase management Lantek Expert III

4. When more than one purchase delivery note is selected, the

box ‘Invoice setup’ is enabled with the following options:

• ‘One purchase invoice for all selected good receipts (grouped

by supplier) ‘: Select this to create only one purchase invoice for
all the delivery notes belonging to the same supplier.

• ‘One purchase invoice for each selected good receipt': Select

this to create an independent record for each delivery note.

5. In ‘Lines setup’ box, you can choose any of the following

options to select the lines from the delivery notes for the invoice:

• 'Insert all the lines from the good receipts: Select this to add all
the lines of the purchase delivery notes lines to the invoice.

• 'Select lines from the good receipts': Select manually the lines
you want to include.

6. Click OK. The system displays Purchase invoice: Enter the

reference dialog box.

7. Enter reference of the invoice and then click OK. The system
creates purchase invoice in the Purchase invoices table.

6.4 Receipt of purchase orders in warehouse

You can execute a receipt of purchase order in the warehouse when the item is
received at the warehouse. The system generates a warehouse movement by using
the data of the purchase order received (refer Receipt of purchase orders, on
page 135).

When the purchase delivery note is received, you can define the warehouse,
destination location; assign batch number for each delivery note line, and associate
documents to the batch.

Lantek Expert III Manufacturing


7 Manufacturing
The Manufacturing module of Expert III enables you to manage the manufacturing process
of your company involving all the key aspects such as: work centers, manufacturing orders,
manufacturing operations, labor tickets, actual and estimated costs.

This chapter also explains the following:

• Manufacturing process of a previously defined item

• Manufacturing of a new order

• Follow the manufacturing process

7.1 Work centers

Work centers are resources available for manufacturing. (Main menu ->
Manufacturing -> Configuration elements -> Work centers)

Figure 80 Work centers

Lantek Expert III

7.1.1 Creating a work center

You can create a work center directly from the Work Centers table (refer
Creating an element, on page 30).

To create a work center for cut and punch operations from the Work
centers table, click Actions list, and then click Install work center.

# You can remove a work center from the system. The system displays a
warning message listing all the related information that will be deleted in
the process of removing a work center.

7.1.2 Assigning operations to a work center

Based on the manufacturing needs, you can assign one or more

operations to a work center.

To assign an operation to a work center, do the following:

1. In the Work centers table, double-click to open the work center


2. Click the Operations tab at the bottom of the window.

3. Click New, and then enter the data required. The system
creates an operation assigned to the work center.

4. Click Save.

# You can create more than one operations assigned to

the work center as required.

Lantek Expert III Manufacturing

7.2 Manufacturing orders

The Manufacturing module enables to create and manage the manufacturing
orders of the company based on requirements such as: shortage of items, fulfillment
of a sales order, and increase of stock (Main menu -> Manufacturing ->
Manufacturing orders).

Figure 81 Manufacturing orders

Manufacturing orders can be created as follows:

• Against items

• Against sale orders

Lantek Expert III

7.2.1 Manufacturing orders against items

All the items created in the Items table with the type manufacturing require
a manufacturing order (refer Types of items, on page 29).

To create a manufacturing order against an item, do the following:

1. In the Manufacturing orders table, click Actions list.

2. Click Manufacturing orders against items. The system opens

the Items table.

3. Select one or more items from the Items table. The system
displays Manufacturing orders against items dialog box.

Figure 82 Manufacturing orders against items

4. Enter ‘Quantity’, ‘Priority’, ‘Customer’ name, and ‘Delivery date’.

5. Select the 'Explode manufacturing orders' check box and the

corresponding routings if you want to exploit the order.

When you exploit the manufacturing order, the system

automatically creates the operations related to that order in the
Manufacturing operations table.

If the ‘Explode manufacturing orders’ check box is not selected,

the manufacturing order is saved without the corresponding

6. Select 'Put on hold' check box, to put the manufacturing order

on hold.

Lantek Expert III Manufacturing

7. Click Apply to all if you select more than one item from the
Items table.

8. Click OK. The corresponding manufacturing order is created in

the Manufacturing orders table.

# You can also view the manufacturing orders in

Browser ( ) mode (refer Browser window, on page 16 ).

# To explode the pending manufacturing order, select

the required order, and then click Actions list -> Explode
manufacturing orders.

7.2.2 Manufacturing orders against sale orders

A manufacturing order is created to fulfill the needs of a particular sale

order (refer Sending a Sale order for Manufacturing, on page 79).

To create a manufacturing order against a sale order, do the following:

1. In the Manufacturing orders table, click Actions list.

2. Click Manufacturing orders against sale orders.

3. Select the required order in the Sale orders table. The system
displays Manufacturing orders against sale orders dialog box.

Figure 83 Manufacturing orders against sale orders

Lantek Expert III

4. Enter ‘Quantity’, ‘Priority’, ‘Customer’ name, and ‘Delivery date’.

5. Select the 'Explode manufacturing orders' check box and the

corresponding routings if you want to exploit the order.

When you exploit the manufacturing order, the system

automatically creates the operations related to that order in the
Manufacturing operations table.

If the ‘Explode manufacturing orders’ check box is not selected,

the manufacturing order is saved without the corresponding

6. Select 'Put on hold', if you want to put the manufacturing order

on hold.

7. Click OK. The corresponding manufacturing order is created in

the Manufacturing orders table.

7.3 Manufacturing operations

The Manufacturing operations table displays the manufacturing status of each item
(Main menu -> Manufacturing -> Manufacturing operations).

Figure 84: Manufacturing operations

The Manufacturing Operations table also allows you to manage the items reserves
and warehouse movements.

Lantek Expert III Manufacturing

All the data related to the item is imported when the corresponding manufacturing
order is exploited in the Manufacturing orders table.

7.3.1 Change work center, material and

thickness of manufacturing operation

You can change work center, material and thickness of the pending
manufacturing operations.

To change the work center, material and thickness, do the following:

1. In the Manufacturing operations table, select the manufacturing

operation for which you want to change the work center,
material and thickness. Click Actions list.

2. Click Change work center, material and thickness. The

system displays Change work center, material and thickness
dialog box.

Figure 85: Change work center, material, thickness

3. Select the ‘Machine’ check box to change the work center and
select the required work center by navigating to the Operations
(Selection) table.

4. Select the ‘Material’ check box to change the material and

select the required material by navigating to the Materials
(Selection) table.

5. Select the ‘Thickness’ check box to change the thickness and

enter the required thickness.

6. Click OK. The system changes the work center, material and
thickness of the selected manufacturing operation

Lantek Expert III

7.3.2 Manufacturing operations against items or

sale order

You can import the manufacturing orders of the items, pending sale
orders, 2D geometries and 3D geometries to create related manufacturing

To import the manufacturing order of an item, sale order, 2D geometries or

3D geometries, do the following:

1. In the Manufacturing operations table, click Actions list.

2. Click Import. The system displays Please select what you want
to import dialog box.

Figure 86: Please select what you want to import

3. Select the required option and Click OK.

4. The system displays Items or Sale orders table. Select the

required element from the corresponding table and in case of
2D and 3D geometries select the required type of file that you
want to import from the displayed window.

5. Enter the required details. The corresponding element will be

available in the Manufacturing operations table.

Lantek Expert III Manufacturing

7.3.3 Nesting and machining of cutting up


You can perform the nesting and machining of the selected operation in
the Manufacturing operations table.

To perform this action, do the following:

1. In the Manufacturing operations table, select the required


2. Click Actions list, and then click Nest. The system opens a
Expert – Nesting and machining window.

Figure 87: Nesting and machining

3. Perform the nesting and the machining of the selected


4. Click Save to save the nesting. The status of the operations

changes to ‘Nested’.

# After nesting, you can validate the operation (refer

‘Validating labor tickets’ in Page 108).

Lantek Expert III

7.4 Validation of nesting or manufacturing

When the manufacturing order is exploited, the system creates corresponding
manufacturing operation in the Manufacturing operations table. You can now
validate all the nesting or manufacturing operations. This will help you to calculate
the actual cost involved in the manufacturing.

7.4.1 Work Operating System (WOS)

You can validate all the nesting or manufacturing operations using Work
Operating System (WOS). For further details on using WOS, for effective
validation refer to Lantek WOS manual.

Figure 88: Work Operating System

Lantek Expert III Manufacturing

7.4.2 Validating labor tickets

If you do not validate all the ‘Required quantity’ or there is no ‘Available

quantity’ of the required item, the corresponding fields will appear in red.

To validate a labor ticket, do the following:

1. In the Manufacturing operations table, select the required

operation, and then click Actions list.

2. Click Validate labor tickets.

3. Enter the begin time and end time used for the operation, the
details of the employee validating the operation and the
manufactured quantity.

Figure 89: Validate labor tickets

4. Click OK to accept the changes.

# If you omit some of the data, the system automatically

calculates the 'Current cost' according to the estimated
costs specified before.

# You can also validate labor tickets directly from the

main menu (Main menu -> Manufacturing -> Validate
labor tickets

Lantek Expert III

# You can repeat ‘Validate labor tickets’, if required, to

complete all the operations in the manufacturing order.

7.5 Manufacturing status

Once you have validated all the operations related to the manufacturing order, the
status of the order changes to 'Finished' in the Manufacturing operations table.

Figure 90: Manufacturing operations status

The various statuses indicated in the Manufacturing operations table are as follows:

• ‘Pending’: The manufacturing operation is not assigned to the job and the
operation is pending

• ‘Pending with job’: The manufacturing operation is assigned with the job
but nesting is not done.

• ‘Nested’: The entire manufacturing operation is nested.

• ‘Finished’: The entire manufacturing operation or nesting is completed.

• ‘Nested without finishing’: Only partial quantities in the manufacturing

operation are nested or validated and the entire manufacturing operation
is not completed.

• ‘Undefined’: The status of manufacturing operation is not defined.

• ‘Available’: Nesting is available in office.

• ‘In workshop’: The manufacturing operations are assigned for

manufacturing in the workshop. The system updates the ‘Available’ status
to “In workshop” when the operations have elements to be validated. This

Lantek Expert III Manufacturing

happens if the ‘Update manufacturing operation status when the previous

operation is validated’ configuration parameter is enabled.

• ‘Working’: The manufacturing operation of the item is in progress

• ‘Paused’: The manufacturing operation is paused

• ‘In manufacturing’: The manufacturing operation of item is started

• ‘Error’: Machining operation error.

• ‘In supplier’: Machining has been outsourced.

7.6 Grouping and filtering manufacturing

You can use the grouping and filtering options to select the operations for nesting.
The most usual groupings are work centers, material, thickness and so on. It allows
you to optimize production and material use.

Figure 91: Manufacturing operations

Lantek Expert III

7.7 Manufacturing costs

You can view the costs associated to a manufacturing process in the Manufacturing
costs of operations table (Main menu -> Manufacturing -> Manufacturing orders ->
Navigate to components -> Manufacturing costs -> Manufacturing costs of

Figure 92: Manufacturing costs of operations

You can define the ‘Standard cost’ and ‘Current cost’ of the items in this table. When
you exploit a manufacturing order in the Manufacturing orders table, the system
automatically imports all other related costs of the operation from the Work centers
and Raw materials consumption tables. These costs include ‘Employee costs’,
‘Work center costs’ and ‘Item costs’. You can also effectively manage the real costs
of the manufacturing process.

Lantek Expert III Outsourcing


8 Outsourcing
The Outsourcing module allows you to manage the excessive work load. It provides you
with the latest technology and expertise required to complete a task. You can also
subcontract some of the process of your enterprise to meet the increasing demand of the
client and track the items through entry or exit delivery notes.

# You can define an operation as an outsourcing operation only when a work center
is defined as an outsourcing work center.

8.1 Outsourcing orders

You can create and manage the outsourcing orders in the Outsourcing orders table
(Main menu -> Outsourcing -> Outsourcing orders).

Figure 93: Outsourcing orders (Details)

Lantek Expert III

The Outsourcing orders lines tab at the bottom of the Outsourcing orders (Details)
window provides information on the item, manufacturing details, material, thickness
and so on.

You can create an outsourcing order directly from the Outsourcing orders table
(refer Creating an element, on page 30).

You can also create an outsourcing order against manufacturing operation as


1. In the Outsourcing orders table, click Actions list.

2. Click Outsourcing order against manufacturing operation. The

system opens Manufacturing operations table displaying all the pending
outsourcing operations.

3. Select the required manufacturing operation for which you want to create
an outsourcing order.The system displays Outsourcing order: Enter the
reference dialog box.

Figure 94: Outsourcing order: Enter the reference

4. Enter the reference number for the outsourcing order and click OK. The
outsourcing order against manufacturing operation is created in the
Outsourcing orders table.

Lantek Expert III Outsourcing

8.2 Outsourcing exit delivery notes

You can create and manage the materials sent to the supplier through Outsourcing
exit delivery notes table (Main menu -> Outsourcing -> Outsourcing exit delivery

Figure 95: Outsourcing exit delivery notes (Details)

The ‘Outsourcing exit delivery notes lines’ in the Outsourcing exit delivery notes
(Details) window provides information on the item, name, delivery date and so on.

You can create the outsourcing exit delivery notes directly from the Outsourcing exit
delivery notes table (refer Creating an element, on page30).

You can also create an outsourcing exit delivery note against outsourcing order as

1. In the Outsourcing exit delivery notes table, click Actions list.

2. Click Exit delivery note against outsourcing order. The system opens
Outsourcing orders table showing only orders with the ‘Status’ as

3. Select an outsourcing order for which an outsourcing exit delivery note

has to be created. The system displays Exit delivery note against
outsourcing order dialog box.

Lantek Expert III

Figure 96: Exit delivery note against outsourcing order

4. When more than one outsourcing order is selected, the box ‘Outsourcing
exit delivery note set up’ is enabled with the following options:

• ‘One exit delivery note for all selected outsourcing orders (grouped by
supplier)‘: Select this to create only one exit delivery note for all the
outsourcing orders belonging to the same supplier.

• ‘One exit delivery note for each selected outsourcing order': Select this to
create an independent exit delivery note for each outsourcing order.

5. In ‘Lines setup’ box, you can choose one of the following options to select
the lines from the orders for the delivery notes:

• ‘Select lines from the outsourcing orders: Select manually the lines you
want to include.

• ‘Insert all the lines from the outsourcing orders’: Select this to add all the
lines of the outsourcing orders to the exit delivery notes.

6. Click OK. The system displays Outsourcing exit delivery note: Enter the
reference dialog box.

7. Enter reference of the exit delivery note and then click OK. The system
creates an exit delivery note in the Outsourcing exit delivery notes table.

Lantek Expert III Outsourcing

You can also send the created outsourcing exit delivery note to the supplier as

1. In the Outsourcing exit delivery notes table, click Actions list.

2. Click Exit delivery note against outsourcing order. The system

displays Tracking number assignment dialog box.

Figure 97: Tracking number assignment

3. Enter the tracking number, and click OK. The system prompts if the
inventory detachment to be automatically selected.

4. Click Yes to select automatically or click No and select by navigating to

the Inventory detachment table.

5. Click OK. The system sends the exit delivery notes and the ‘Status’ of the
exit delivery note is changed to ‘Sent’ in the Outsourcing exit delivery
notes table.

Lantek Expert III

8.3 Outsourcing entry delivery notes

You can create and manage the materials sent by the supplier through Outsourcing
entry delivery notes table (Main menu -> Outsourcing -> Outsourcing entry
delivery notes).

Figure 98: Outsourcing entry delivery notes (Details)

The ‘Outsourcing entry delivery notes lines’ in the Outsourcing exit delivery notes
(Details) window provides information on the item, name, reception date and so on.

You can create an Outsourcing entry delivery notes directly from the Outsourcing
entry delivery notes table (refer Creating an element, on page 30).

You can create an outsourcing entry delivery note against outsourcing order as

1. In the Outsourcing entry delivery notes table, click Actions list.

2. Click Entry delivery note against outsourcing order. The system

opens Outsourcing orders table showing only the orders with the ‘Status’
as ‘Accepted’.

3. Select an outsourcing order for which an outsourcing entry delivery note

has to be created. The system displays Entry delivery note against
outsourcing order dialog box.

Lantek Expert III Outsourcing

Figure 99: Entry delivery note against outsourcing order

4. When more than one outsourcing order is selected, the box ‘Outsourcing
entry delivery note set up’ is enabled with the following options:

• ‘One entry delivery note for all selected outsourcing orders (grouped by
supplier)‘: Select this to create only one entry delivery note for all the
outsourcing orders belonging to the same supplier.

• ‘One entry delivery note for each selected outsourcing order': Select this
to create an independent entry delivery note for each outsourcing order.

5. In ‘Lines setup’ box, you can choose any of the following options to select
the lines from the orders for the delivery notes:

• ‘Select lines from the outsourcing orders': Select manually the lines you
want to include.

• 'Insert all the lines from the outsourcing orders': Select this to add all the
lines of the outsourcing orders to the entry delivery notes.

6. Click OK. The system displays Outsourcing entry delivery note: Enter the
reference dialog box.

7. Enter reference of the entry delivery note and then click OK. The system
creates an entry delivery note in the Outsourcing entry delivery notes

Lantek Expert III

You can also create an outsourcing entry delivery note against exit delivery note as

1. In the Outsourcing entry delivery notes table, click Actions list.

2. Click Entry delivery note against exit delivery note. The system opens
Outsourcing exit delivery notes table.

3. Select an outsourcing exit delivery note for which an outsourcing entry

delivery note has to be created. The system displays Entry delivery note
against exit delivery note dialog box.

Figure 100: Entry delivery note against exit delivery note

4. When more than one exit delivery note is selected, the box ‘Outsourcing
entry delivery note set up’ is enabled with the following options:

• ‘One entry delivery note for all selected exit delivery note (grouped by
supplier)‘: Select this to create only one entry delivery note for all the exit
delivery notes belonging to the same supplier.

• ‘One entry delivery note for each selected exit delivery note’: Select this to
create an independent entry delivery note for each exit delivery note.

5. In ‘Lines setup’ box, you can choose any of the following options to select
the lines from the orders for the delivery notes:

• 'Select lines from the delivery note’: Select manually the lines you want to

• 'Insert all the lines from the delivery note’: Select this to add all the lines of
the exit delivery note to the entry delivery notes.

Lantek Expert III Outsourcing

6. Click OK. The system displays Outsourcing entry delivery note: Enter the
reference dialog box.

7. Enter reference of the entry delivery note and then click OK. The system
creates an entry delivery note in the Outsourcing entry delivery notes

You can receive the outsourcing entry delivery note as follows:

1. In the Outsourcing entry delivery notes table, click Actions list.

2. Click Entry delivery note reception. The system displays Entry delivery
note reception dialog box.

Figure 101: Entry delivery note reception

3. Select the warehouse, tracking number and so on.

4. Click OK. The system receives the entry delivery notes and the ‘Status’ of
the entry delivery note is changed to ‘Received’ in the Outsourcing entry
delivery notes table.

Lantek Expert III

8.4 Outsourcing invoices

You can create and manage the outsourcing invoices for the outsourcing
transactions using the Outsourcing invoices table (Main menu -> Outsourcing ->
Outsourcing invoices).

Figure 102: Outsourcing invoices (Details)

The Outsourcing invoices lines tab at the bottom of the Outsourcing invoices
(Details) window provides information regarding the price, discount and so on. The
total price in various lines is the total amount of the invoice.

The Pay days tab at the bottom of the Outsourcing invoices (Details) window
provides information regarding the invoice amount and payment status.

The Distributions tab at the bottom the Outsourcing invoices (Details) window
provides information regarding the name, type of account and so on.

You can create an outsourcing invoice directly from the Outsourcing invoices table
(refer Creating an element, on page 30).

Lantek Expert III Outsourcing

You can create an outsourcing invoice against outsourcing order as follows:

1. In the Outsourcing invoices table, click Actions list.

2. Click Outsourcing invoice against outsourcing order. The system

opens Outsourcing orders table showing only the orders with the ‘Status’
as ‘Accepted.

3. Select the order for which the invoice has to be created. The system
displays Outsourcing invoice against outsourcing order dialog box.

Figure 103: Outsourcing invoice against outsourcing order

4. When more than one order is selected, the box ‘Outsourcing invoice set
up’ is enabled with the following options:

• ‘One outsourcing invoice for all selected orders (grouped by supplier)‘:

Select this to create only one invoice for all the orders belonging to the
same supplier.

• ‘One outsourcing invoice for each selected order’: Select this to create an
independent invoice for each selected order.

5. In ‘Lines setup’ box, you can choose one of the following options to select
the lines from the orders for the delivery notes:

• 'Select lines from the outsourcing orders’: Select manually the lines you
want to include.

• 'Insert all the lines from the outsourcing orders’:Select this to add all the
lines of the order to the invoice.

Lantek Expert III

6. Click OK. The system displays Outsourcing invoice: Enter the reference
dialog box.

7. Enter reference of the invoice and then click OK. The system creates a
new invoice in the Outsourcing invoices table.

You can create an outsourcing invoice against outsourcing entry delivery note as

1. In the Outsourcing invoices table, click Actions list.

2. Click Outsourcing invoice against entry delivery note. The system

opens Outsourcing entry delivery notes table.

3. Select the delivery note for which the invoice has to be created. The
system displays Outsourcing invoice against entry delivery note dialog

Figure 104: Outsourcing invoice against entry delivery note

4. When more than one delivery note is selected, the box ‘Outsourcing
invoice set up’ is enabled with the following options:

• ‘One outsourcing invoice for all selected entry delivery notes (grouped by
supplier)‘: Select this to create only one invoice for all the delivery notes
belonging to the same supplier.

• ‘One outsourcing invoice for each selected entry delivery note’: Select this
to create an independent invoice for each selected delivery note.

5. In ‘Lines setup’ box, you can choose one of the following options to select
the lines from the orders for the delivery notes:

Lantek Expert III Outsourcing

• 'Select lines from the delivery note’: Select manually the lines you want to

• 'Insert all the lines from the delivery note’: Select this to add all the lines
of the delivery note to the invoice.

6. Click OK. The system displays Outsourcing invoice: Enter the reference
dialog box.

7. Enter reference of the invoice and then click OK. The system creates a
new invoice in the Outsourcing invoices table.

8.5 Work in progress (WIP)

The WIP (Work in progress) application provides information about the status of
operations. You can track the manufacturing process of a product and also identify
the quantity of the outsourcing operations that have been validated (Main menu->
Outsourcing -> WIP).

Figure 105: Warehouses (selection)

You can view WIP for a particular company by entering ‘Reference’ and ‘Name in
respective edit box.

Lantek Expert III

In the ‘Warehouses (Selection)’ table, click Select click Actions list and select
Show WIP. The system displays WIP dialog box. You can view product, name,
quantity, manufacturing order, operation and cost for that respective company.

Lantek Expert III Warehouses management


9 Warehouses management
The Warehouses management module of Expert III tracks the movements and the storage
of materials within the warehouses of your enterprise. It also allows you to work with several
warehouses at the same time and provides updated information about the stock, status, and
cost of the products in each warehouse. For the best distribution of products, the module
helps you to allocate various physical locations for the warehouses.

9.1 Warehouses
You can create and manage the warehouses using the Warehouses table (Main
menu -> Warehouses management -> Configuration elements -> Warehouses ->
Warehouses (Browser) -> Warehouses (Details)).

Figure 106: Warehouses (Details)

Warehouses management Lantek Expert III

The Warehouses table also indicates whether or not the warehouse is an

outsourcing warehouse or automatic warehouse.

9.1.1 Creating a new warehouse

You can create a new warehouse from the Warehouses table (refer
Creating an element, on page 30).

9.2 Stock quantities

The Stock quantities table helps you to monitor the location and quantity of the items
in the warehouse. It allows you to define the strategy to determine the cost of a
particular item. You can assign items to a warehouse, select a method to update the
stocks, and view the weight, length, width, and thickness of the items in the
warehouse (Main menu -> Warehouses management -> Stock control -> Stock

Figure 107: Stock quantities

The Items backlogs lines tab at the bottom of Stock quantities (Details) window
provides you the details of the backlogs of a particular item in a warehouse.

Lantek Expert III Warehouses management

The Details in warehouse tab at the bottom of Stock quantities (Details) window
provides you the details of the quantity of a particular item in a warehouse following
the warehouse movements.

The Inventory detachment tab at the bottom of Stock quantities (Details) window
provides you the details of stock quantities according to the tracking number.

9.2.1 Assigning an item to a warehouse

You can assign an item to a warehouse from the Stock quantities table
(refer Creating an element, on page 30).

The details of the quantity of item in the Stock quantities table are
displayed in the following fields:

• ‘Stock quantity’: Actual quantity of item available in the


• ‘Allocated quantity’: Quantity of item for sale or manufacturing

orders. These items have not left the warehouse but assigned
to various orders.

• ‘Ordered quantity’: Quantity of item ordered through a purchase

order. The purchase order has been recorded but the items
have not been received in the warehouse or manufactured.

• ‘Pending quantity’: Quantity of item required to fulfill the sale or

manufacturing orders. This occurs if the required item is not
available in the warehouse or has not been allocated.

The cost of a particular item in the Stock quantities table is defined using
the two accounting principles (refer Glossary, on page 174).

• First in first out (FIFO)

• Last in first out (LIFO)

Warehouses management Lantek Expert III

9.3 Warehouse movements

The Warehouse movements table helps you to record the entry or exit movements
of the item in a warehouse. These movements are carried out to allocate the
requested stock and to manage the stock levels (Main menu -> Warehouses
management -> Warehouse movements).

Figure 108: Warehouse movements (List)

The Warehouse movements table also provides information on the ‘Type’, ‘Class’,
‘Material’, ‘Thickness’, ‘Length’, and ‘Width’ of the item.

The movements in a warehouse are categorized as follows:

• ‘Manual’: The entry or exit of the stock is not associated with any other
concepts specified below. This option is used if an item is damaged or
expired (refer Creating an element, on page 30).

• ‘Good receipt reception’: The stock enters the warehouse because of the
purchase order. This category can only be an entry.

• ‘Delivery note shipment’: The stock exits the warehouse because of the
sale order. This category can only be an exit.

• ‘Project’: The stock enters or exits the warehouse according to the

requirements of a project. This category can be an entry or exit.

Lantek Expert III Warehouses management

• ‘Manufacturing’: The stock enters or exits the warehouse for a

manufacturing process. This category can be an entry or exit. The system
adds or subtracts the specified quantity according to the type of
movement defined (entry/exit).

• ‘Work center’: The stock enters or exits the warehouse to fulfill the
requirements of a work center. This category can be an entry or exit.

• ‘Inventory adjust’: This category is similar to the 'Manual' category. You

can select this option to adjust the stocks (when you create a new
warehouse, move stock to another location, correct the deviations
between the theoretical quantity and the real quantity of items, and so
on). You can adjust the stock using the Inventory adjust application in
the Actions list (refer Inventory adjustment, on page 133). This
category can be an entry or exit.

• ‘Transfer between warehouses’: The stock enters or exits the warehouse

because of transfer of the stock from one warehouse to another
warehouse. You can transfer the stock using the Transfer between
warehouses application in the Actions list (refer Inventory adjustment,
on page 133). This category can be an entry or exit.

• ‘Outsourcing order’: The stock enters or exits the warehouse because of

an outsourcing order. This category can be an entry or exit.

# To delete a warehouse movement, use the Cancel warehouse movement

application in the Actions list. The system cancels the movement and
readjusts the stock levels in the warehouse.

# If you delete a warehouse movement using the Delete ( ) button,

the system deletes it from the warehouse movement list but the related data
of the element remains.

Warehouses management Lantek Expert III

9.3.1 Creating warehouse movements based on

tracking numbers

You can create new warehouse movements by assigning tracking

numbers. To create new warehouse movements by assigning tracking
numbers, do the following:

1. In the Warehouse movements table, click Actions list.

2. Click Detachment warehouse entry movement. The system

displays Detachment warehouse entry movement dialog box.

Figure 109: Detachment warehouse entry movement

3. Select an item, warehouse, and enter the quantity. You can

click the Explode ( ) button next to ‘Quantity’ field to assign

tracking numbers. The system displays the number of fields in
‘Tracking number section’ equivalent to the quantity entered.

4. Select the ‘Tracking number’ by navigating to the Tracking

numbers table from the fields in the ‘Tracking number’ section
or enter the number manually in the fields of the ‘Tracking
number’ section.

5. You can assign the same tracking number to all the quantities.
Enter or navigate to the Tracking numbers table from the
‘Tracking number’ field at the bottom of the Detachment

Lantek Expert III Warehouses management

warehouse entry movement dialog box and click Apply all to

enter the fields in the ‘Tracking number’ section with the same
tracking number.

6. You can assign series of tracking numbers to the quantities.

Click Automatic reference ( ) button and select an

automatic reference and then click Apply next to enter the
fields in the ‘Tracking number’ section with series of numbers.

7. Click OK. The system creates new warehouse movement by

assigning tracking numbers. In case different tracking numbers
are assigned, there will be a different warehouse movement for
each tracking number and if the same tracking number is
assigned to all the quantities, there will be one warehouse
movement showing the total quantity.

# You can assign the tracking numbers only to the sheets

and profiles. The ‘Tracking number’ section will not be
displayed for any other type of items.

# The ‘Apply next’ button is activated only if you select

Automatic reference ( ) button.

# The tracking numbers can also be assigned to the

existing warehouse entry movements of the sheet and
profile items using the Tracking number assignement
application in the Actions list.

Warehouses management Lantek Expert III

9.3.2 Inventory adjustment

You can adjust the stock quantities of items or create new warehouse
movements based on the required quantities. To adjust the inventory or
create a new warehouse movement based on quantities, do the following:

1. In the Warehouse movements table, click Actions list.

2. Click Inventory adjust. The system displays Items table.

3. Select the required item for which you want to adjust the
inventory. The system displays Inventory adjust dialog box.

Figure 110: Inventory adjust

4. You can navigate to the Employees table to select the

employee responsible for the inventory adjustment and enter
the required quantity which you want to adjust in the ‘New
quantity’ field.

5. You can also enter same quantity for all the selected items. This
is applicable only when two or more items are selected for the
inventory adjustment. Select the items for which you want to
enter the same quantity and the ‘Quantity’ field at the top of the

Lantek Expert III Warehouses management

Inventory adjust dialog box is activated. Enter the quantity in

this field and the system automatically enters the same quantity
in all the ‘New quantity’ fields.

6. Click New ( ) button and enter the mandatory fields, to create

a new warehouse movement for the specified quantity of items.

7. Click OK. The system records the warehouse movements

based on the new quantities.

9.3.3 Transfer items between warehouses

You can transfer the items from one warehouse to another warehouse
based on your requirements. The system automatically creates the entry
and exit movements in the warehouses. To transfer the items between
warehouses, do the following:

1. In the Warehouse movements table, click Actions list.

2. Click Transfer between warehouses. The system displays

Items table.

3. Select the required item which has to be transferred. The

system displays Transfer between warehouses dialog box. The
‘Items’ section displays the item details and ‘Origin’ section
displays the existing warehouse details from where the item has
to be transferred.

Warehouses management Lantek Expert III

Figure 111: Transfer between warehouses

4. Click New ( ) button in the ‘Destination’ section to select the

new warehouse, location, and enter the quantity of items to be

5. Click Apply and the system transfers the specified quantity of

items to the selected new warehouse. The respective entry and
exit warehouse movements are recorded.

# The ‘Unit’ field is displayed in the Transfer between

warehouses window (refer Figure 111: Transfer between
warehouses) only if the unit of the item is not ‘unt’ and
also the other fields such as tracking number and variant
are displayed in this window depending on the item

9.3.4 Receipt of purchase orders

You can execute the receipt of purchase order in the warehouse when the
item is received in the warehouse. To execute the receipt of purchase
orders, do the following:

1. In the Warehouse movements table, click Actions List.

Lantek Expert III Warehouses management

2. Click Receipt of purchase orders. The system opens the

Purchase orders table showing only the purchase orders with
the status ‘Accepted'.

3. Select the required purchase order from the list. The system
displays Good receipt against purchase order dialog box.

Figure 112: Good receipt against purchase order

4. Select more than one purchase order, the ‘Delivery notes setup’
is enabled with the following options:

• ‘One good receipt for all selected purchase orders (grouped by

supplier)‘: Select this to create only one delivery note for all the
orders belonging to the same supplier.

• ‘One good receipt for each selected purchase order': Select this
to create an independent record for each order.

5. In the ‘Lines setup’, you can select any of the following options
to include the lines from the purchase orders to the delivery

• 'Insert all the lines from the purchase orders’: Select this to add
all the lines of the purchase orders to the delivery notes.

• 'Select lines from the purchase orders’: Select manually the

lines you want to include.

6. Click OK. If you select ‘Select lines from the purchase orders’,
the system displays Purchase orders lines table. Select the
required purchase order lines from the list.

Warehouses management Lantek Expert III

7. The system displays Good receipt: Enter the reference dialog


Figure 113: Good receipt: Enter the reference

8. Enter the reference of the good receipt and then click OK. The
system displays Good receipt reception dialog box.

Figure 114: Good receipt reception

9. Select a warehouse where the items have to be received. You

can also assign the tracking numbers for the sheets and profile

10. You can enter one tracking number for all the quantities or
different tracking numbers for all the quantities. Click Explode

( ) button next to ‘Reception date’ or ‘Tracking number’ to

assign different tracking numbers and warehouses to the

Lantek Expert III Warehouses management

11. Select the ‘Tracking number’ by navigating to the Tracking

numbers table or enter the number manually in the ‘Tracking
number’ next to the ‘Purchase order’ field.

12. You can assign the same tracking number to all the quantities.
Enter or navigate to the Tracking numbers table from the
‘Tracking number’ field at the bottom of the Good receipt
reception dialog box and then click ‘Apply all’ to enter the
‘Tracking number’ fields with the same tracking number.

13. You can assign series of tracking numbers to the quantities.

Click Automatic reference ( ) button and select an automatic

reference and then click ‘Apply next’ to enter the Tracking
number’ fields with series of numbers.

14. Click OK. The system creates warehouse entry movements and
also records the good receipts in the Purchases delivery notes

# You can assign tracking numbers only to the sheets

and profiles. The ‘Tracking number’ section will not be
displayed for any other type of items.

# The ‘Apply next’ button is activated only if you select

Automatic reference ( ) button.

# If the good receipt for the purchase order is already

recorded, then when you launch this action the system
displays only the Good receipt reception dialog box to
receive the goods in the warehouse.

Lantek Expert III Financial management


10 Financial management
The Financial management module of Expert III enables you to plan, monitor, forecast,
organize and control the monetary resources of your organization to achieve optimum
financial and economic benefits. It covers the entire financial procedures of your
company. It allows you to create and maintain the complete information on the period of
accounting, different charts of accounts, journal entries, general ledger, balance sheet,
profit and loss account and so on.

Expert III Financial management enables you to do the following:

• Create accounts and account categories through chart of accounts.

• Manage balance sheet and profit and loss account.

• Manage bank accounts and banking movements.

• Manage purchase and sales invoices.

10.1 Banking
You can manage the transactions of the bank accounts of your company using the
Banking table. You can also import the journal entries (refer Journal entries, on
page 157) related to the banking account to this window. The Banking table
provides information about the accounting period (refer Accounting periods, on
page 158), enterprise to which the account belongs, category of the account, bank
to which the account belongs, currency in which the bank account operates and the
balance amount (Main menu -> Financial Management -> Banking).

Financial management Lantek Expert III

Figure 115: Banking

10.1.1 Recording banking transactions of an


You can create an element to record the banking transactions of an

account in the Banking table (refer Creating an element, on page 30).

10.1.2 Importing banking movements

You can import the journal entries related to a banking account that are
not reflected in the Banking details table to the table. You can select an
existing account with journal entries and import all the accounted journal

Lantek Expert III Financial management

To import the journal entries, do the following:

1. In the Banking table, select the newly created account with

journal entries.

2. Click Import banking movements. The system automatically

imports all the journal entries related to that account to the
Banking details table and updates the 'Balance' field in the
Banking table.

10.2 Banking details

This table displays the banking transactions of an account of your company. You
can also plan your expected revenues and expenses, reconcile them with the actual
movement in the bank and account the transactions (Main menu -> Financial
management -> Banking -> Navigate to components -> Banking details).

Figure 116: Banking details

The colors in the table represent the different transaction statuses:

Financial management Lantek Expert III

• Red: Transaction is not reconciled and not accounted.

• Yellow: Transaction is reconciled but not accounted.

• Green: Transaction is reconciled and accounted.

# You can also view the Banking details below the Banking (details)
window (refer Figure 115: Banking, on 141). It is preferable to edit the
Banking details table from this window as all the information regarding
the bank account is displayed in the top window.

10.2.1 Recording a transaction

You can record a transaction of an account in the Banking details table.

(refer Creating an element, on page 30)

10.2.2 Reconciling bank account

You can reconcile your bank account and generate the accumulated
balance accordingly. The reconciliation of the account can be done in
two ways: reconcile upon the forecasted amount and reconcile if there is
any addition or deduction in the forecasted amount.

To reconcile the bank account, do the following:

• To reconcile the bank account if there is no change in the

forecasted amount:

1. In the Banking details table, select an entry, and then click

Actions list.

2. Click Bank reconciliation. The system displays the Bank

reconciliation dialog box.

Lantek Expert III Financial management

Figure 117: Bank reconciliation

3. Click OK. The account will be reconciled and the accumulated

balance will be generated.

• To reconcile the bank account if there is any change in the

forecasted amount:

1. In the Banking details table, select an entry, and then click

Actions list.

2. Click Bank reconciliation. The system displays the Bank

reconciliation dialog box (refer Figure 117: Bank
reconciliation, on page 144).

3. In the Resultant bank reconciliation table, you can use the add
or delete buttons on the right side, to add or deduct the
forecasted amount. The 'Reconciled quantity' and 'Pending
quantity' fields will be updated automatically. The 'Reconciled'
field displays the amount in the account to be reconciled. The
'Pending quantity' displays the difference between the sum of
the values in the 'Amount' field of the Resultant bank
reconciliation table and the value in the 'Amount' field of the
Selected forecast table.

Financial management Lantek Expert III

4. Select the ‘Remove the remaining not reconciled amount’ check

box to avoid the pending amount getting displayed in the
Banking details window.

5. Click OK. The account will be reconciled and the accumulated

balance will be generated.

10.2.3 Undo reconciling bank account

This action allows you to undo a reconciliation of a reconciled bank


To undo reconciliation, do the following:

1. In the Banking details table, select the reconciled transaction,

and then click Actions list.

2. Click Bank unreconciliation. The ‘Reconciled’ check box will

be cleared and the color of the transaction line changes to red
indicating that the transaction is not reconciled or accounted.

# An accounted transaction cannot be unreconciled.

10.2.4 Account a transaction

You can account your bank transactions in the journal from the Banking
details table. The transactions will be recorded in the Journal entry lines
table and the related tables.

To account a transaction*, do the following:

1. In the Banking details table, select the transaction to be

accounted, and then click Actions list.

2. Click Account transaction. The selected transaction will be

accounted in your bank account.

* The transaction should be reconciled before accounting.

Lantek Expert III Financial management

10.2.5 Unaccount a transaction

You can delete an accounted bank transaction in the journal from the
Banking details table. The transaction will be unaccounted in the Banking
details table and deleted from the Journal entry lines table and the
related tables.

To perform the action, do the following:

1. In the Banking details table, select the transaction to be

unaccounted, and then click Actions list.

2. Click Unaccount transaction. The selected transaction will be

unaccounted in your bank account and deleted from the Journal
entry and related tables.

10.3 Assets
This table allows you to manage the assets of your company. You can also create
the depreciation entries (refer Glossary, on page 174), enter the market value and
obtain the residual value of the assets. (Main menu -> Financial management ->

Financial management Lantek Expert III

Figure 118: Assets details and depreciation entries

10.3.1 Recording an asset

You can record an asset of your company in the Assets table (refer
Creating an element, on page 30).

10.3.2 Creating depreciation entries

To create depreciation entries for a specific period of time, do the


1. In the Assets (Details) window, click Actions list.

2. Click Create depreciation entries. The system displays Enter

the dates dialog box.

Lantek Expert III Financial management

Figure 119: Create depreciation entries

3. Enter the required dates in the ‘From’ and ‘To’ field.

4. Enter the required values in the ‘Debit account’ and ‘Credit

account’ fields. You can navigate to the Accounts table to select
the required entries.

5. Click OK. The depreciation entries for that period will be

generated into the Depreciation entries table.

# In case, the generated entry is not displayed in the

Depreciation entries table, click the Refresh button ( ).

10.4 Charts of accounts

This table allows you to create the different chart of accounts of your enterprise. It
gives the financial information about the enterprise listing all the accounts of the
enterprise. (Main menu -> Financial management -> Accounting -> Charts of

Financial management Lantek Expert III

Figure 120: Charts of accounts

# You can also access this table from Main menu -> Financial
management -> Setup -> Accounting periods (Details) -> Chart of
accounts tab

10.4.1 Creating a chart of account

You can create a chart of account for your company in the Charts of
accounts table (refer Creating an element, on page 30).

10.4.2 Converting an old chart of accounts to


To convert an old chart of accounts to new, do the following:

1. In the Charts of accounts table, select a chart of accounts that

you want to convert, and then click Actions list.

2. Click New chart of accounts conversion. The system displays

New chart of accounts conversion dialog box.

Lantek Expert III Financial management

Figure 121: New chart of accounts conversion

3. In the Chart of accounts section, the system automatically

displays the 'Enterprise', 'Origin chart of accounts', and
'Accounting period' of the selected chart of accounts that is to
be converted. You can enter the reference of the new chart of
accounts or navigate to the Chart of accounts table to select a
'New chart of accounts'.

4. In the Excel files section, attach the excel sheets of the original
pattern and the new pattern of the chart of accounts. Click
Convert. The selected chart of accounts is converted to the
new chart of accounts.

10.5 Account categories

This table allows you to create different account categories for your enterprise's
accounting system in an accounting period. An account category organizes
accounts of similar type into a group. You can categorize the accounts based on the
type of the balance in the account. (Main menu -> Financial management -
> Accounting -> Charts of accounts -> Navigate to components -> Account

Financial management Lantek Expert III

Figure 122: Account categories

10.5.1 Creating an account category

You can create an account category in the Account categories table

(refer Creating an element, on page 30).

10.6 Accounts
This table allows you to record the financial transactions of the accounts of your
enterprise in an accounting period. You can also calculate the budget of an account
in an accounting period using this table (Main menu -> Financial management -
> Accounting -> Charts of accounts -> Navigate to components -> Accounts).

Lantek Expert III Financial management

Figure 123: Accounts

# You can also access this table from Main menu -> Financial
management -> Setup -> Accounting periods (Details) -> Chart of
accounts tab

10.6.1 Creating an account

You can create an account in the Accounts table (refer Creating an

element, on page 30).

10.6.2 Calculating budget

To calculate the budget of an account* in an accounting period, do the


1. In the Charts of accounts table, select the required account, and

then click Actions list.

Financial management Lantek Expert III

2. Click Calculate budget. The system displays Calculate budget

dialog box.

Figure 124: Calculate budget

3. In the ‘Calculate based on’ field, select the chart of accounts

based on which the budget has to be calculated. The system
displays the selected chart of accounts in the ‘Chart of
accounts’ field.

4. Select the ‘Calculate from periods’ check box to calculate the

budget based on the defined periods.

5. Click Budget to use the data from the defined periods or click
Actual data to use the data that will be entered in the field
under Method section.

6. If you have selected Budget, under Method section, you can do

either one of the following:

• Click Percent and enter the required percentage in the blank

field that has to be added or subtracted from the amount in the
defined periods.

• Click Fixed amount and enter the required amount in the blank
field that has to be added or subtracted from the amount in the
defined periods. Under Distribution section, click Divide

Lantek Expert III Financial management

between periods to divide the amount among all the periods or

click Amount per period to use the amount as the budgeted
amount for each period.

7. If you have selected Actual data, under Method section, you

can do the following:

• Click Fixed amount and enter the required amount in the blank

• Under Distribution section, click Divide between periods to

divide the amount among all the periods or click Amount per
period to use the amount as the budgeted amount for each

8. Click OK and the budgeted amount will be displayed in the

'Total budget' field.

* The account type should be Profit and loss.

# If ‘None’ is selected in the ‘Calculate based on field’, the

budget is not calculated based on any chart of accounts. The
system selects ‘Fixed amount’ as the default method under
Method section. The amount defined can be proportionally
divided among the different periods or a particular amount can
be assigned to each period

# If you select ‘Calculate from periods’ check box and click

Budget, the system displays the sum of all the amounts of the
defined periods in the ‘Total’ field.

# If you select Budget without selecting ‘Calculate from periods’

check box, the system displays the value in the ‘Total budget’
field of the table in the ‘Total’ field.

10.7 Budget periods

This table allows you to create and view the various time intervals for an accounting
period. It also displays the budgeted amount for each period. You can divide an
accounting period into as many periods as your enterprise requires. (Main menu ->
Financial management -> Accounting -> Charts of accounts (Details) -> Accounts
(Details) -> Budget tab)

Financial management Lantek Expert III

Figure 125: Budget periods

10.7.1 Creating a budget period

You can create* a budget period in the Accounts table (refer Creating
an element, on page 30).

* You can create an element in this table, only if the ‘Type’ field in
the Accounts table is ‘Profit and loss’.

10.8 Journals
This table displays the details of the journals in the various accounting periods of an
enterprise. You can view the total credit and total debit of an enterprise in an
accounting period (Main menu -> Financial management -> Accounting ->

Lantek Expert III Financial management

Figure 126: Journals

# You can also access this table from Main menu -> Financial
management -> Setup -> Accounting periods (Details) -> Journals tab

Journal can be created as follows:

• Directly

• Using predefined journal entry

10.8.1 Creating a journal directly

You can create a journal in the Journals table (refer Creating an

element, on page 30).

10.8.2 Creating a journal using a predefined


To create a journal using a predefined entry, do the following:

Financial management Lantek Expert III

1. In the Journals table, click Actions list.

2. Click Create predefined journal entry. The system displays

the Predefined entry dialog box.

Figure 127: Predefined entry

3. Enter a ‘Reference’ for the journal. You can navigate to the

Predefined entries table to select the required element from
which you want to create a new entry.

4. Click OK. The system creates a new journal entry based on the
selected predefined entry.

10.9 Journal entries

This table allows you to record the accounting entries of the journal. It displays all
the transactions of the enterprise, a short description of each transaction and how
the debit and credit balance affected by each transaction. (Main menu -> Financial
management -> Accounting -> Journals -> Navigate to components -> Journal

Lantek Expert III Financial management

Figure 128: Journal entries

10.9.1 Creating a journal entry

You can create a journal entry in the Journal entries table (refer
Creating an element, on page 30).

# You can edit the details of each entry in the table by navigating
to the Journal entry lines table. (Main menu -> Financial
management -> Accounting -> Journals -> Navigate to
components -> Journal entries -> Navigate to components -
>Journal entry lines)

# When you create, update or delete a journal entry line; the

related accounts category, accounts and the general ledger
entries are updated accordingly.

10.10 Accounting periods

This table displays accounting information for the financial year for which the
accounts are maintained. You can also create or close an accounting period using

Financial management Lantek Expert III

the Actions list (Main menu -> Financial management -> Setup -> Accounting

Figure 129: Accounting periods

You can also divide the accounting period into different periods of time by navigating
or using the Periods tab from the Accounting periods table and the distribution of
data corresponding to the accounting period is also displayed in accordance with
such periods.

# From the Accounting periods table you can also access chart of
accounts, journals, general ledgers, balance sheet structures and the
periods either by navigating or from the tabs in the Accounting periods
details window.

10.10.1 Creating accounting periods

In case there is no accounting periods, you can create an accounting


To create an accounting period, do the following:

1. In the Accounting periods table, select the required accounting

period, and then click Actions list.

2. Click Create a new accounting period. The system displays

Create a new accounting period dialog box.

Lantek Expert III Financial management

Figure 130: Create a new accounting period

3. In the ‘Accounting period settings’, enter a name for the

‘Accounting period’, select an ‘Enterprise’ and ‘Currency’. Limit
the accounting period by selecting the ‘Start date’ and ‘End

4. In the ‘Chart of accounts settings’, select the required master

document by navigating to the Chart of accounts table and
choose a name for the Chart of accounts.

5. In the ‘Books settings’, enter a name for journal and general


6. In the ‘Balance sheet structure settings’, select the type of

structure whether it is a balance sheet or profit and loss, select
a master structure by navigating to the Balance sheet structure
table and choose a name for the structure.

7. Click OK. A new accounting period is created with the given


10.10.2 Closing accounting periods

You can close two types of accounting periods: the current

accounting period that is opened and the reopened accounting

• To close the current accounting period, do the following:

Financial management Lantek Expert III

1. In the Accounting periods table, select the required

accounting period, and then click Actions list.

2. Click Close accounting period. The system

displays Create a new accounting period dialog box.

Figure 131: Close an accounting period

3. In the ‘Accounting period settings’, the system

displays the enterprise, currency, start date and end
date of the new accounting period using the data
from the current period. Enter a name for the
accounting period.

4. Select 'Mark like closed the current period' check

box to mark the 'Closed' field in the table, to indicate
that the accounting period is closed.

5. In the ‘Chart of accounts settings’, the system

displays the reference of the chart of accounts of the
current accounting period. Enter a name for the
chart of accounts.

6. Select 'Transfer banking' check box to transfer the

current banking for the new accounting period.

Lantek Expert III Financial management

7. Select 'Maintain associated elements' check box to

retain the associated elements of the current period
for the new accounting period.

8. In the ‘Book settings’, enter a name for the journal

and General ledger.

9. Select 'Create closing/opening entry' check box to

create a closing/opening entry.

10. In the ‘Balance structure settings’, enter the type,

master structure and name of the structure.

11. Click OK. The system closes the current accounting

period and automatically creates a new accounting
period with the given specifications.

• To close the reopened accounting period, do the following:

1. In the Accounting periods table, select the required

accounting period, and then click Actions list.

2. Click Close accounting period. The system

displays Create a new accounting period dialog box.

Figure 132: Close reopened accounting period

3. Select the 'Mark like closed the current period' check

box to mark the accounting period as closed. This
field will not be active if it has been selected while
closing the accounting period for the first time.

4. Select the 'Recalculate closing/opening entry' check

box to eliminate any errors in the calculation or to
incorporate additional data added to the accounting

Financial management Lantek Expert III

5. Select the 'Transfer again banking' check box to

transfer the current banking for the new accounting

6. Click OK. The system closes the accounting period.

10.11 General ledgers

This table allows you to create and display the general ledgers of each accounting
period of your company. You can create the general ledger every year. It displays all
the financial accounts of the company listing the debits, credits and the total balance
of the account (Main menu -> Financial management -> Setup -> Accounting
periods -> Navigate to components -> General ledgers).

Figure 133: General ledger

The General ledger entries window in the General ledgers (Details) window displays
all the journal entries created until that moment will be displayed, with the debit and
credit balance, and the accumulated balance of the account.

Lantek Expert III Financial management

10.11.1 Creating a general ledger

You can create a general ledger in the General Ledgers table (refer
Creating an element, on page 30).

10.12 Balance sheet structures

This table allows you to create the company's balance sheet, profit and loss account
and cash flow statement, its structure and its components. You can also view the
structures of the current and previous years. You can create these documents from
the beginning or copy the structures of previous years (Main menu -> Financial
management -> Setup -> Balance sheet structures).

Figure 134: Balance sheet structures

Balance sheet structure can be created as follows:

• Directly

• Using an existing structure

Financial management Lantek Expert III

10.12.1 Creating a balance sheet structure


You can create a balance sheet structure in the Balance sheet

structures table (refer Creating an element, on page 30).

10.12.2 Creating a balance sheet structure using

an existing structure

To create a balance sheet structure using an existing structure, do the


1. In the Balance sheet structures table, click Actions list.

2. Click Copy balance structure. The system displays the Copy

balance structure dialog box. The dialog box is divided in two
main sections: Source balance structure and Target balance
structure. In the first section, you have to select the source
structure from which you want to create the new balance sheet
structure. In the second section, you have to configure the
parameters of the new structure.

Figure 135: Copy balance sheet structure

3. In the Source balance structure section, enter the source

structure in the 'Balance sheet structure' field. You can navigate

Lantek Expert III Financial management

to the Balance sheet structures table to select the required

element. When you select the balance sheet structure, the
system automatically imports the values of the 'Accounting
period' and 'Enterprise' fields.

4. In the Target balance structure section, enter the name of the

new structure in the 'Balance sheet structure' field.

5. Enter the accounting period for which you want to create the
new balance sheet structure in the 'Accounting period' field. You
can navigate to the Accounting periods table to select the
required element. When you select the accounting period, the
system automatically imports the value to the 'Enterprise' field.

6. Select ‘Copy balance elements’ check box to copy the sections

of the source balance sheet structure.

7. Select ‘Create accounts and categories’ to transfer the same

accounts and categories to the new structure. This check box is
enabled only if the ‘Copy balance elements’ check box is

8. Click OK. The system creates a new balance sheet structure

according to the defined parameters.

10.13 Balance sheet elements

This table allows you to create the elements of the balance sheet structure; either
the Balance sheet, Profit and loss account or the Cash flow statement (Main menu -
> Financial management -> Setup -> Balance sheet structures -> Navigate to
components -> Balance sheet elements).

Financial management Lantek Expert III

Figure 136: Balance sheet elements

You can also define the account categories and accounts for the balance sheet by
navigating or using the tabs at the bottom of the Balance sheet elements (Details)
window. The Balance sheet formula elements tab in the Balance sheet elements
window displays details of the defined elements that are used to calculate the total
and subtotal amounts in the profit and loss account.

10.13.1 Creating a balance sheet element

You can create a balance sheet element in the Balance sheet

elements table (refer Creating an element, on page 30).

10.14 Predefined entries

This table allows you to record predefined journal entries for the entries that are
recurring in nature (Main menu -> Financial management -> Setup -> Predefined

Lantek Expert III Financial management

Figure 137: Predefined entries

You can create new journal entries in the Journal table based on these predefined
entries using the action Create predefined journal entry in the Actions list of the
Journals table. The Predefined entry lines window in the Predefined entries (Details)
window displays the details of the predefined entry.

10.14.1 Creating a predefined entry

You can create a predefined entry in the Predefined entries table

(refer Creating an element, on page 30).

Lantek Expert III Financial management


General problems

Deactivate filter.

A filter is applied. On the View menu, select

When I open some tables, Filters, and then click (All
I cannot see all the records elements).
in it.

Other records are in

next pages. Click the Next page icon ( ).

On the Tools menu, click

The system does not Check that the Automatic references. In
create the value of automatic reference Automatic references window,
‘Reference’ field is selected for the select the required reference
automatically. connected user. and the corresponding
‘Mandatory’ field.

When I execute a report in

You have a filter
the system, all the selected Check the applied filters in
applied in the reports
records doesn’t appear in reports.
the report.

You have not

When I save a quote, the Change the configuration for
configured the
program says the element automatic references and
automatic references
already exists. assign the new value.

When I try to open a

The path of the report
report, the system shows Check the path for the reports
files is incorrect in the
an error containing that the in general configuration.
report doesn’t exist

Items and backlogs

When I duplicate the You have to duplicate the

You have not copied
complex product the product with the component
the product correctly
components are not tab opened.

Financial management Lantek Expert III


Sales management

When I make an order

Quotes with status as
against a quote, quotes do Refer Creating a sale order
‘Accepted’ only will be
not appear in the selection against quote, on page 77.

When I try to create a

delivery note against an Sale orders with
Refer Creating delivery note
order, sale orders do not status as ‘Accepted’
against order, on page 82.
appear in the selection only will be displayed

When I try to create an

Sale orders with See Creating an invoice
invoice against order, sale
status as ‘Accepted’ against a sale order, on page
orders do not appear in the
only will be displayed. 84.
selection window.

When I create a new sale

order line and proceed to Items with ‘Sale’
select an item, the item check box selected See Sale orders, on page 74.
does not appear in the only will be displayed.
selection window.

When I delete a sale order The lines of a sale order,

created against a quote, The lines of the order delivery note or invoice must
the quote still has the are not deleted. be deleted, before deleting the
status ‘ordered’. order.

Check the status of

I am unable to send a sale See Sending a Sale order for
the sale order is
order for manufacturing. Manufacturing, on page 79.

When I try to send a sale

Check whether the
order to manufacturing
type of the product is See Sending a Sale order for
operations, the system
manufacturing and it Manufacturing, on page 79.
does not create any
has operations or not.
manufacturing operations.

Purchase management

When I create a purchase The product has not In the products module of the
order line using automatic been correctly purchase prices module, you
purchase order, the configured. have to check whether the

Lantek Expert III Financial management

product is not weight product is weight based or not.



When I try to validate a

nesting, the system
Check whether the Go to items backlogs, look for
displays a warning that I
sheets are reserved the sheet, and then reserve it
do not have any sheets,
for nesting or not. for the job.
but I have sheets in my

When I try to validate a

Click Save as. Once it is
job, I am unable to find a
The job is not in CAM saved, you will be able to see
particular job in the Jobs
the “X” mark

When I validate an Change the configuration for

You have configured
operation, all the automatic validations in
automatic validations.
operations are validated. manufacturing configuration.

You have not

When I exploit a
configured correctly
manufacturing operation, You can select another initial
the initial
the status of some status in the work center
manufacturing status
operations is pending and I operations window.
of the work center
can’t validate them.

When I receive a sheet, I You have not

You can configure the option in
can’t assign a batch configured batches
manufacturing configuration, in
number for that sheet. management.
the parameter “item tracking
for sheets”.

When I validate an
The entry warehouse
operation and I want to
of the next operation You have to make a
validate the next operation,
is not the same as the warehouse movement or an
I can’t do it because the
previous exit entry from manufacturing.
product quantity is not
warehouse operation.

You don’t have to do it

I can’t tell the system that in the complex product; You have to go to the
a complex product will be you must do it in the operations and assign the
made by outsourcing. operations of the external operation.
complex product.

Financial management Lantek Expert III

You have to assign the price to

When I create a product, You have not
the material in the materials
the manufacturing costs of configured the
module and the cost to the
the material and work material price and the
work center in the work centers
center are zero. work center cost.

In the sheets module, I You have to change the

You don’t have to
cannot change the name identifier names in the
use the interface
of the user identifiers with manufacturing tree and use the
the interface editor CAM configuration.

Warehouses management

When I delete the

Deleting the movement You have to use the option
warehouse movement, the
does not update the ‘Cancel the warehouse
stock quantity is not
quantity. movement’.

While assigning tracking You have to select an

numbers, when I click the automatic reference with the
There are no values values in its fields. You can
Automatic reference ( ) in the automatic navigate from the Automatic
button, the reference value reference fields. references table to the
is not displayed in the Automatic reference fields
‘Tracking number’ field. table and create the fields.

Financial management

I am not able to undo a The transaction is See Undo reconciling bank

reconciled transaction. accounted. account, on page 145.

I am not able to account a The transaction is not See Account a transaction,

transaction. reconciled. on page 145.

I am not able to calculate The account type is See Calculating budget, on

the budget for an account. not ‘profit and loss’. page 152

I am not able to create a

The account type is See Creating a budget
budget period in the
not ‘profit and loss’. period, on page 155.
Accounts table.

Lantek Expert III Glossary


Actual cost The sum of the actual labor, material, and associated overhead
costs that are charged against a job as it moves through the
production process.

Allocation A reservation of material based on an accepted order or system-

generated order.

Auxiliary data The additional details or information recorded.

Average price The average cost of an item including labor, material, and

Backlog All unshipped customer orders.

Balance sheet

structures This is the organizational arrangement of balance sheet


Budgeted amount This is a planned amount for the anticipated revenues and
projected expenses.

Batch A particular quantity of item processed at the same time with the
same process parameters. A batch may consist of more than
one item number but all items are considered to have the same
characteristics for purposes of traceability.

CAD/CAM A software which enables CAD (Computer Aided Design)
generated instructions to be directly loaded to the production
equipment once the design has been approved, integrating with
the appropriate CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software

Glossary Lantek Expert III

Credit balance This is the balance that remains in the financial account in favor
of the account holder. This amount represents an income in the
profit and loss account and liability in the balance sheet.

CRM Customer Relationship Management. Usually used when

referring to programs which manage relationships with current or
potential clients/customers.

Debit balance Debit balance is the amount that is owed or borrowed. This
amount represents an expense in profit and loss account and
asset in the balance sheet.

Depreciation This is a non cash expense that reduces the value of an asset
due to wear and tear, age, or obsolescence.

Dunning A demand for repayment of the pending amount.

ERP Enterprise Resource Planning. A packaged business software
system that allows a company to automate and integrate most of
its business processes, to share common data and practices
across the entire enterprise, and to produce and access
information in a real-time environment.

Explode The process of exploiting a manufacturing order.

FIFO First In First Out. This is a method that assumes the first units
purchased are the first to be sold. In other words, the last units
purchased are always the ones remaining in inventory.

Fixed cost Costs that do not change in the short-term because of changes
in production volumes, distribution volumes or labor.

Fixed price Costs that do not vary because of production volume. For
example, rent, insurance, taxes, and so on.

Lantek Expert III Glossary

Inventory Raw, intermediate or finished items that are physically stocked

by an organization. The sole purpose of inventory is to fill a
future internal or external demand.

Item Any unique material or product stored or handled.

Labor tickets The resources used to manufacture a specific quantity of an
item, both in terms of employees and work centers.

LIFO Last In First Out. This is a method that assumes the last units
purchased are the first to be sold. Therefore, the first units
purchased always remain in inventory.

Margin The cost added to an existing product or project status by
processing the next operation or performing an additional

Market value This is the value at which an asset would be traded in the
market. It often takes into account the future growth potential.

Markup An amount added to a cost price in calculating a selling price,

especially an amount that takes into account overhead and
profit. The markup may be expressed as a percentage or as an
absolute monetary amount.

Module The independent pieces of a large application. The following are

some modules in Lantek Expert III: CRM, Sales management,
Manufacturing and so on.

Nesting Sheet parts distributed on a sheet or remnant.

Operation A production step or activity that may be composed of individual
tasks, with a defined start and stop time.

Glossary Lantek Expert III

Outsourcing The transfer of certain business functions to outside contractors.

It is a process in which a company contracts with another
company to manage certain services.

Quote A specific determination of the cost, timing, description, and
terms associated with a projected goods or services to be
provided by a supplier to a customer.

Raw material Purchased items that are used in components or finished goods.

Reconcile Analysis and adjustment of differences between the cash

balance shown on a bank statement, and the amount shown in
the account holder's records.

Routing Describes the various phases involved in the process of making

an item. If the manufacturing process of an item includes more
than one operation, such process combines all the operations
into a single routing.

Validate The process of checking the manufacturing orders satisfy all the
criteria for manufacturing operation.

Warehouse movement To move items between various locations in the warehouse.

Work centers Machine registered in Lantek that manages several elements:

operations and nestings.

WOS Work Operating System. This is a system developed to manage

the nesting and machining of metal sheets.

Lantek Expert III Index


Field filter ........................................................ 21
Account categories .....................................150 G 
Accounts .....................................................151 General ledgers ...............................................163
Chart of accounts ........................................ 148

Accounting periods .........................................158
Invoices ........................................................... 83
Creating accounting periods ....................... 159
create an invoice .......................................... 84
Actions list ........................................................19
Items ................................................................ 28
Advanced filter .................................................22
classes of items ............................................ 28
Assets .............................................................146
Costs ............................................................ 36
Create depreciation entries ......................... 147
Costs associated with manufacturing items . 38
B  Costs associated with purchase items .......... 37
Balance sheet ..................................................164 create an assembled item ............................. 31
elements ......................................................166 item structures ............................................. 32
structures ....................................................164 operations assignments ................................ 33
Banking Purchase prices ............................................ 35
create and manage bank accounts ....... 140, 142 Sale prices .................................................... 39
Budget periods ................................................ 154 types of items ............................................... 29
Types of profits............................................ 41

Items backlogs
types of backlogs ......................................... 44
addresses .......................................................50
Associated companies ..................................48 L 
auxiliary data ................................................49 Last report ........................................................ 20
Contacts ........................................................52 Log on and log off ........................................... 11
Dunning management ................................... 54 Logic of the software ....................................... 12
Creating a new element ....................................30 Browser window .......................................... 16
details window ............................................. 15

list window .................................................. 15
Delivery notes ...................................................81
Main menu ................................................... 12
create a delivery note .................................... 81
Modules ....................................................... 13
Tables .......................................................... 14

Index Lantek Expert III

workspace .....................................................12 create a purchase delivery note .................... 91

create good receipt reception ....................... 93

Purchases invoices ........................................... 94
Manufacturing ..........................................98, 140
create a purchase invoice ............................. 95
grouping and filtering options .................... 110
Manufacturing costs ...................................111 Q 
Manufacturing operations ...........................103 Quotes .............................................................. 64
manufacturing order against an item .......... 101 Quote tracking ............................................. 72
Manufacturing orders .................................100

manufacturing orders against a sale order .. 102
Reports center .................................................. 20
Manufacturing status ..................................109
nesting and machining ................................ 106 S 
Validating labor tickets............................... 108 Sale orders ....................................................... 74
Work centers................................................. 98 copy sale order ............................................. 78
WOS ...........................................................107 create a sale order ........................................ 76
send the sale order for manufacturing.......... 79

Sales tracking ...................................................87
Navigate to components ................................... 18
System help ..................................................... 24
O  Contents ....................................................... 25
Outsourcing ....................................................112 Index ............................................................ 25
Outsourcing entry delivery notes ................117 Search .......................................................... 26
Outsourcing exit delivery notes .................. 114

outsourcing invoices ................................... 121
User help.......................................................... 26
outsourcing orders ...................................... 112

Warehouses .....................................................126
Purchase orders................................................. 88
assign an item to a warehouse ....................128
create a purchase order ................................. 89
receipt of purchase orders ...........................135
Purchases delivery notes...................................90

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