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Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Issue Two
Date June 2003

Trackbed and
Track Drainage

This document mandates
requirements for the design,
inspection and maintenance of the
trackbed and track drainage.

Submitted by

This document is the property of the Rail

Safety and Standards Board Limited. It
Marie Marks shall not be reproduced in whole or in
Standards Project Manager part without the written permission of the
Controller, Railway Group Standards,
Rail Safety and Standards Board.
Authorised by
Published by:
Rail Safety and Standards Board
Evergreen House
160 Euston Road
London NW1 2DX
Anne Blakeney
Acting Controller, Railway Group Standards © Copyright 2003 Rail Safety and
Standards Board Limited
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Issue Two
Trackbed and Track Drainage Date June 2003
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Section Description Page

Part A
A1 Issue record 2
A2 Implementation of this document 2
A3 Scope of Railway Group Standards 3
A4 Responsibilities 3
A5 Health and safety responsibilities 3
A6 Technical content 3
A7 Supply 3

Part B
B1 Purpose 5
B2 Application of this document 5
B3 Definitions 6
B4 Principles 7
B5 Introduction 7

Part C Requirements for the trackbed and track drainage

C1 Trackbed investigation 9
C2 Performance requirements for trackbed 9
C3 Track drains 12
C4 Modification of cutting and embankment slopes 12
C5 Quality control at renewal 12
C6 Acceptance of trackbed materials 12
C7 Design records 13
C8 Competence requirements for design 13

Part D Requirements for inspection and assesment

D1 Inspection and assessment of trackbed 14
D2 Increasing the speed, axle weight or tonnage of trains 14
D3 Inspection of track drainage 15
D4 Records of inspections and assessments 15

Part E Requirements for maintenance and corrective action

E1 Maintenance of trackbed 16
E2 Maintenance of drainage 16

A Illustration of trackbed terminology 17

References 18


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Issue Two
Date June 2003 Trackbed and Track Drainage
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Part A
A1 Issue record
Issue Date Comments
One September 1995 Original document (titled ‘Track Standards
Manual - Section 6: Ballast and Formation’).
Two June 2003 Replaces issue one. Title revised to
‘Trackbed and Track Drainage’.
Requirements relating directly to lateral
track stability (for example, width of ballast
shoulders) transferred to GC/RT5021, issue

Amended or additional parts of have not been marked by a vertical black line in
the adjacent margin since the document has been restructured.

This document will be updated when necessary by distribution of a complete


A2 Implementation of
this document
The publication date of this document is 07 June 2003.

This document comes into force on 02 August 2003.

The dates by which compliance with the requirements of this document is to be

achieved are set out in Part B2. Where those dates are later than the date on
which this document comes into force, this is to give Railway Group members
additional time to plan and commence implementation so as to achieve full
compliance by the dates set out in Part B2.

This document supersedes the following Railway Group Standards, either in

whole or in part as indicated:

Railway Issue Title RGS Date(s) as of which

Group No. sections sections are
Standard superseded superseded
by this
GC/RT5014 1 Track 7.10, 7.11, 02 August 2003
Standards 7.12, 7.15,
Manual - 8.2, 8.3, 8.7,
Section 6: 10.1, 10.2,
Ballast and 11.1, 11.2,
Formation Appendix A
4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 04 October 2003
6.1, 6.2, 7.1,
7.2, 7.3, 7.4,
7.5, 7.6, 8.1,
8.4, 8.5, 8.6,
8.8, 8.10,
8.11, 9.1,
4.3, 8.9 07 February 2004

Sections 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 7.13, and 7.14 of GC/RT5014 Issue 1 will be superseded
by GC/RT5021 Issue 2 (anticipated October 2003).


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Issue Two
Trackbed and Track Drainage Date June 2003
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GC/RT5014 Issue 1 will be withdrawn on 07 February 2004, or when GC/RT5021

Issue 2 comes into force, whichever is the later.

A3 Scope of Railway
Group Standards
The overall scope of Railway Group Standards is set out in Appendix A of
GA/RT6001. The specific scope of this document is set out in Part B2.

A4 Responsibilities
Railway Group Standards are mandatory on all members of the Railway Group*
and apply to all relevant activities that fall into the scope of each individual’s
Railway Safety Case. If any of those activities are performed by a contractor, the
contractor’s obligation in respect of Railway Group Standards is determined by
the terms of the contract between the respective parties. Where a contractor is
a duty holder of a Railway Safety Case then Railway Group Standards apply
directly to the activities described in the Safety Case.

* The Railway Group comprises Network Rail Infrastructure Limited, Rail Safety
and Standards Board Limited, and the train and station operators who hold
railway safety cases for operation on or related to infrastructure controlled by
Network Rail Infrastructure Limited.

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited is also known as Network Rail.

Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited is also known as RSSB.

A5 Health and safety

In issuing this document, RSSB makes no warranties, express or implied, that
compliance with all or any documents published by RSSB is sufficient on its own
to ensure safe systems of work or operation. Each user is reminded of its own
responsibilities to ensure health and safety at work and its individual duties
under health and safety legislation.

A6 Technical content
The technical content of this document has been approved by:

Jon Taylor, Principal Track and Structures Engineer, RSSB

Enquiries should be directed to RSSB – Tel: 020 7904 7518

A7 Supply
Controlled and uncontrolled copies of this document may be obtained from the
Industry Safety Liaison Dept, Rail Safety and Standards Board, Evergreen
House, 160 Euston Road, London NW1 2DX.


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Date June 2003 Trackbed and Track Drainage
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Issue Two
Trackbed and Track Drainage Date June 2003
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Part B
B1 Purpose
This document mandates requirements for the design, inspection and
maintenance of the trackbed and track drainage.

B2 Application of this
B2.1 To whom the requirements apply
This document contains requirements that are applicable to duty holders of the
infrastructure controller category of Railway Safety Case.

B2.2 Compliance requirements

The requirements of this document apply to all ballasted track in running lines,
whether placed on an earthwork (for example, natural ground or fill) or a
structure (for example, a bridge deck).

B2.2.1 Compliance requirements for Part C

The requirements of Part C apply to:

a) new trackbed (see section B3 for definition of ‘new trackbed’)

b) trackbed renewals (see section B3 for definition of ‘renewal [of trackbed]’).

The requirements of Part C shall be complied with no later than

04 October 2003, with the exceptions set out below.

Compliance with section C5 (Quality control at renewal) is required no later than

07 February 2004.

When Approval in Principle is given before 04 October 2003, but the

infrastructure has not yet been brought into service, the design shall be reviewed
and, where reasonably practicable, brought into line with the requirements of this

B2.2.2 Compliance requirements for Part D

The requirements of Part D apply to existing track and shall be complied with no
later than 07 February 2004.

B2.2.3 Compliance requirements for Part E

The requirements of Part E apply to existing track and shall be complied with no
later than 04 October 2003.

B2.3 General compliance requirements

Until the compliance dates, or the date by which compliance is achieved (if
earlier), the applicable requirements of the predecessor documents shall
continue to be met (see Part A for details).

After the compliance dates, or after the date by which compliance is achieved (if
earlier), Railway Group members shall not deviate from the requirements set out
in this document.

Where it is considered not reasonably practicable to comply with the

requirements set out in this document, authorisation not to comply shall be
sought in accordance with GA/RT6001, GA/RT6004 or GA/RT6006.

B2.4 Related requirements in other documents

General requirements for track design, construction, inspection and maintenance
are set out in GC/RT5021. These requirements include limits on track geometry.

Specific requirements for non-ballasted track (including concrete slab track,

longitudinal timbers and directly fastened track on bridges) are set out in


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Issue Two
Date June 2003 Trackbed and Track Drainage
Page 6 of 18

Requirements for the safe management of embankments, cuttings and natural

slopes are set out in GC/RT5151.

Requirements for pipelines, buried services and undertrack crossings are set out
in GI/RT7008.

B3 Definitions
Appendix A illustrates the major terms defined below and gives a typical example
of a trackbed.

Nominally single-sized granular material of specified properties, placed on the
blanket (where provided), subgrade or structure to provide vertical and lateral
support to the sleepers or bearers.

A layer, or several layers, laid over the subgrade to give the trackbed its desired
performance characteristics. The layers can include layers of granular material
and geosynthetics.

Dynamic sleeper support stiffness

The peak load divided by the peak deflection of the underside of a rail seat area
of an unclipped sleeper subjected to an approximately sinusoidal pulse load at
each railseat; the pulse load being representative in magnitude and duration of
the passage of a heavy axle load at high speed, typically 20 tonnes at 100 mph.
A falling weight deflectometer can be used to measure dynamic sleeper support
stiffness directly.

A cutting, embankment or natural ground supporting the track. Compare with

General term for synthetic layers included in the trackbed either to enhance the
properties of, or replace, a granular trackbed layer. It includes geotextiles,
geogrids, geomembranes and geocomposites.

New trackbed
Trackbed layers placed where there was previously no track. Compare with
‘Renewal [of trackbed]’.

Renewal [of trackbed]

The replacement of existing trackbed layers or provision of new trackbed layers.
For the purposes of this document, renewal includes remodelling, relaying, track
lowering and reballasting.

The replacement of former trackbed layers or provision of new trackbed layers

when track that has been removed is subsequently re-instated is classed as a
‘renewal’ for the purposes of this document, not a ‘new trackbed’.

Required depth of ballast

The minimum depth of ballast, measured from underside of sleeper to top of
blanket layer (if provided) or subgrade, that gives the desired life before it needs
to be replaced.

Something built to support or retain a load. For the purposes of this document,
the term includes bridges, viaducts, tunnels and culverts, but excludes


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Issue Two
Trackbed and Track Drainage Date June 2003
Page 7 of 18

The upper part of the earthworks or natural ground on which the blanket layer
rests. The subgrade includes any capping layer (prepared subgrade) designed
to alter the stiffness of the subgrade.

A general term referring to the ballast, blanket and subgrade.

Trackbed layers
A general term referring to all layers placed between the subgrade and the
underside of sleepers or bearers.

Track category
The classification of a section of track by usage and speed, so that requirements
relating to design, maintenance, renewal and inspection of the track can be
specified and applied. The procedure for categorising track is given in

Track geometry
Measured values of the vertical profile and alignment of track, assessed against
acceptable values set out in standards.

Wet bed
A short length of trackbed whose upper surface is visibly contaminated by slurry
which has risen from within the ballast.

B4 Principles
This document supports the following HMRI Safety Principles:

Safety Principle 5 - The track should provide for the safe guidance and support
of trains.

Safety Principle 7 - Earthworks and structures supporting the track should be

capable of carrying and transferring the forces exerted by the trains.

B5 Introduction
This section (B5) is a descriptive introduction to GC/RT5014. It does not contain
mandatory requirements.

B5.1 Trackbed elements

Conceptually, the trackbed consists of two elements:

a) The required depth of ballast, as defined in section B3. Ballast deteriorates

with traffic passing, and with track maintenance activities and the effects of
environmental contamination. It therefore requires occasional replacement.

b) The formation, consisting of blanket (if present) and subgrade, upon which
the required depth of ballast is placed. Ideally this should be permanent,
and not require replacement or maintenance. The formation may also
include an additional depth of ballast, for example to protect vulnerable
layers within the blanket. When reballasting, this additional depth of ballast
is left in place.

Note that the required depth of ballast is not the same as the total depth of
trackbed layers (ballast plus blanket) that is required to distribute the load over
the subgrade.

Appendix A illustrates a typical trackbed. The requirements for each layer are
described in Part C.


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Date June 2003 Trackbed and Track Drainage
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B5.2 Investigation before trackbed is renewed

When trackbed is to be renewed, the resources and track possession time
needed for an adequate treatment of the trackbed can be ensured if the results
of a trackbed investigation are available in sufficient time (see section C1). An
increase in the scope of work at a late stage, because of a late trackbed
investigation, could result in undesirable compromise, leading to an inadequate
treatment of the trackbed.

B5.3 Inspection and investigation of trackbed

Since the essential elements of the trackbed are buried, it is not practicable to
undertake frequent routine visual inspection, as is done for other track
components. Trackbed problems are already well advanced by the time visual
evidence appears at the ballast surface. However, long before this there are
various indicators, such as poor track geometry and heavy silting in drains, that
suggest the trackbed may be at fault. Section D1 sets out the circumstances
when an investigation of the trackbed is required.

During the life of the trackbed there could be several occasions when
investigation is considered necessary, including:

a) detailed investigation for design of the trackbed (see section C1)

b) quality control at renewal (see section C5)

c) interim assessment of residual life (see section D1.3)

d) before the speed, axle weight or tonnage of trains is increased (see section

As a general principle it is desirable to keep the amount of intrusive trackbed

investigation to a minimum (see section D1.4). Although the objectives for each
of the above investigations could be different, and different parties could
undertake the investigations, the information required from each investigation
could be the same. Proper record keeping can reduce the need for intrusive
trackbed investigation by eliminating the need for duplicating investigations (see
sections C7 and D4.1).

Whilst it is impracticable to undertake routine inspection of the trackbed directly,

it is possible to regularly inspect and maintain track drains to ensure that the
performance of the trackbed is not compromised (see Parts D and E).


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Issue Two
Trackbed and Track Drainage Date June 2003
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Part C
Requirements for the trackbed and track
C1 Trackbed
C1.1 Requirement for trackbed investigations
Before trackbed design and renewal are carried out, sufficient data shall be
collected on the nature, condition and relevant dimensions of the existing
trackbed layers and subgrade to determine the nature of the work required and
to reduce, to an acceptable level, the risk of unforeseen ground conditions
resulting in an inadequate treatment of the trackbed.

C1.2 Requirement to investigate track drainage

Track drainage shall be investigated as part of the investigation of trackbed. In
addition to inspecting any existing drains and catchpits, the investigation shall
consider the condition of the material surrounding the drain from the point of
view of both:

a) protecting the drain against ingress of clay, silt, sand or other fine particles

b) allowing effective drainage of rainwater and groundwater from the trackbed.

C1.3 Timing of trackbed investigations

Trackbed investigations shall be carried out in sufficient time to ensure that
provision can be made for the work required (for example, replacement of the
blanket layers) in the resources and track possession time allocated for

C2 Performance
requirements for
C2.1 General performance requirements
The trackbed shall be designed to enable the required standard of track
geometry to be achieved for the speed, axle weight and tonnage of traffic to be
carried, taking into account the proposed track type and track maintenance

For new trackbed, a minimum dynamic sleeper support stiffness of 60 kN/mm

per sleeper end shall be provided.

For trackbed renewal in areas with a history of poor track geometry, or where the
vertical or horizontal alignment is to be changed significantly, the infrastructure
controller shall be satisfied that the renewed trackbed will provide a minimum
dynamic sleeper support stiffness of 30 kN/mm per sleeper end.

The design of trackbed layers shall address the following:

a) distribution of loads on the subgrade

b) prevention of overstressing of the subgrade

c) prevention of premature deterioration of the ballast and track components

d) provision of uniform, adequate sleeper support stiffness

e) the need for transition zones where ballasted track abuts non-ballasted track
or where a change in support stiffness beneath ballasted track prevents the
required track geometry from being readily achieved.


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Date June 2003 Trackbed and Track Drainage
Page 10 of 18

C2.2 Width of trackbed layers

All trackbed layers shall be wide enough to:

a) assist in meeting the requirements for the trackbed set out in section C2.1

b) provide an effective interface with the track drain (or appropriate cess where
no track drain is present).

C2.3 Track ballast requirements

C2.3.1 Requirements for ballast specification
Ballast shall be specified to:

a) assist in meeting the requirements for the trackbed set out in section C2.1

b) assist in providing the vertical and lateral support to sleepers and bearers
needed to meet the requirements of GC/RT5021.

C2.3.2 Properties to be addressed in ballast specification

The specification of ballast shall address the following properties:

a) material durability

b) resistance to crushing

c) resistance to attrition

d) particle size distribution

e) particle shape.

C2.4 Required depth of ballast to be provided at renewal

When determining the required depth of ballast to be provided at renewal, the
following items shall be addressed:

a) the desired life before it needs to be replaced

b) the proposed method of maintenance

c) sleeper type

d) the presence of a geosynthetic (or other vulnerable layer) beneath the


e) site constraints.

C2.5 Blanket requirements

C2.5.1 Requirements for design of blankets
The design of the blanket shall enable the requirements of the trackbed layers
(see section C2.1) to be achieved. Additionally, the design of the blanket shall
address the following:

a) prevention of ballast contamination due to the upward migration of clay, silt,

sand or other fine particles

b) prevention of build up of pore water pressure in the subgrade.

C2.5.2 Specification of granular materials used in blankets

The specification of granular materials used in the blanket shall address the

a) material durability

b) particle size distribution


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Issue Two
Trackbed and Track Drainage Date June 2003
Page 11 of 18

c) permeability

d) chemical composition (avoidance of contamination by substances

hazardous to health).

C2.5.3 Crossfall of blanket layers

All layers forming the blanket shall have a crossfall sufficient to direct runoff from
the ballast towards the track drain (or appropriate cess, where no track drain is
present). Usually a crossfall between 1 in 20 and 1 in 40 is necessary to meet
this requirement.

C2.6 Requirements for geosynthetics used in trackbed construction

A geosynthetic shall only be used in the trackbed where it can be shown that its
presence will not compromise the stability of the track.

In addition to having the mechanical properties required to fulfil its designated

function, the specification for a particular class of geosynthetic shall address the
following general properties:

a) durability (resistance to weathering, chemical attack and microbiological


b) resistance to damage on installation

c) resistance to long-term damage resulting from mechanical interaction with

other trackbed layers.

C2.7 Subgrade requirements

The subgrade shall be designed to be stable and to support all static and
dynamic loads applied through the trackbed layers.

The upper surface of the subgrade shall have a crossfall sufficient to direct runoff
towards the track drain (or appropriate cess, where no track drain is present).
Usually a crossfall between 1 in 20 and 1 in 40 is necessary to meet this

If seasonal ground movements (shrinkage and swelling) or other slow

earthworks movements occur which prevent the required standard of track
geometry from being achieved, an investigation shall be undertaken to determine
the most appropriate method of managing the movements (for example, by
ground treatment, provision of a capping layer or additional maintenance).

C2.8 Ballasted track on structures

Site constraints can impose limits on the design of ballasted track on structures
(for example, bridge decks or tunnel inverts). Where ballasted track is placed on
a structure, the design shall address the following:

a) distribution of rail traffic and other loads on the structure

b) provision for drainage

c) protection of the surface of the structure from abrasion, particularly where

waterproofing is installed

d) retention of ballast

e) effects of the expansion and contraction of the structure

f) the need for transition zones between the structure and adjacent


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Date June 2003 Trackbed and Track Drainage
Page 12 of 18

C3 Track drains
C3.1 Provision of track drains
Track drains shall be provided in any location where it is likely that water will
accumulate in the trackbed for sufficient time to compromise the performance of
the trackbed.

C3.2 Design of track drains

Track drainage systems shall be designed to accommodate the runoff from the
trackbed and adjacent catchment area, as well as any groundwater which could
be present or is reasonably foreseeable. Occasional surcharging of the drainage
system is permissible, provided that the duration of surcharging is not likely to
affect the stability of the track.

The design shall incorporate means to protect the drain against ingress of clay,
silt, sand or other fine particles.

On a piped drainage system, catchpits shall be provided at intervals that will

permit inspection and maintenance of the drain to be undertaken.

C3.3 Design of ancillary equipment

Where a track drainage system includes ancillary equipment (for example,
sumps, pumps, interceptors and retention ponds), the equipment shall be
designed to allow for inspection on a regular basis and cleaning when

Catchpits shall be fitted with covers that fit securely and are capable of carrying
a person’s weight.

C3.4 Under-track drains

Under-track drains shall be laid deep enough to avoid damage from any future
renewal and maintenance activity. They shall be designed to withstand rail traffic

C3.5 Requirements for the control of discharge from drains

Requirements for the control of discharge from drains are set out in legislation.

C4 Modification of
cutting and embankment
Before the slopes of cuttings and embankments are modified, either by trimming
or adding new material (for example, as a maintenance activity, or to provide
additional width as part of a realignment or remodelling scheme, or to provide a
cess walkway), the effect on the factor of safety against slope failure shall be

If the factor of safety is reduced, an assessment shall be made to determine

whether the proposed modification is likely to compromise the long-term stability
of the slope. Modifications that are likely to compromise the long-term stability of
the slope shall not be undertaken.

C5 Quality control at
Procedures and specifications for trackbed renewals shall be in place which
ensure that track drainage, ballast and blanket layers are installed correctly. The
procedures shall include a requirement for the inspection of each trackbed layer
by a competent person before the next layer is placed.

C6 Acceptance of
trackbed materials
Trackbed materials, including geosynthetics and ballast, shall be accepted for
use on Network Rail controlled infrastructure in accordance with the
requirements of GI/RT7002.


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C7 Design and
construction records
All documents relating to the design and construction of trackbed and drainage,
including as-built drawings or records and geotechnical reports which document
the blanket or subgrade properties, shall be retained until all elements referred to
in the document have been replaced or removed entirely from site.

The requirements for the management of safety related records of elements of

the infrastructure are described in GI/RT7001.

C8 Competence
requirements for design
C8.1 Competence requirements for design of trackbed
The infrastructure controller shall ensure that trackbed design is undertaken only
by an engineer who:

a) can demonstrate that he/she has a full understanding of the purpose of each
trackbed layer and its design criteria

b) has sufficient experience of geotechnical investigation to judge whether the

proposed design is commensurate with the quality and quantity of site data

C8.2 Competence requirements for design of drainage systems

The infrastructure controller shall ensure that design of the drainage system and
assessment of runoff are undertaken only by an engineer who:

a) is competent to undertake the design

b) able to assess whether or not the services of a hydrologist are required.


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Part D
Requirements for inspection and
D1 Inspection and
assessment of trackbed
D1.1 General requirements for trackbed inspection
General requirements for track inspection are set out in GC/RT5021. Items to be
identified and reported in track inspections include signs of ballast slurrying or
effects of inadequate drainage on ballast conditions.

A reporting procedure shall be in place to ensure that any strong indications of

poor trackbed (for example, poor track geometry or heavy silting in drains), noted
during the course of any track inspection, testing and recording, are recorded
alongside other trackbed data.

D1.2 Interim assessment to determine cause of poor track geometry

Where track geometry is poor and excessive maintenance is required to allow
safe running of trains, the condition of the trackbed shall be assessed.

The investigation to support the assessment shall be designed to establish

whether poor track geometry is attributable to the condition of the trackbed or its
inadequacy (for example, insufficient stiffness), and if so, the extent of the

Where the assessment shows it to be necessary, measures shall be taken to

enhance the performance of the trackbed or other control measures shall be
applied to maintain safety.

D1.3 Interim assessment of residual life

When the need arises to assess trackbed condition to determine optimum
maintenance or renewal strategy, such as for route upgrades, a plan of
investigation shall be instigated to assess the suitability of the existing trackbed
and its residual life.

D1.4 General requirements for trackbed investigation

When a trackbed investigation is considered necessary, the most appropriate
combination of intrusive and non-intrusive techniques shall be used, taking into
account available knowledge about the types of trackbed layers present.

The use of intrusive investigation techniques (for example, trial holes) which
penetrate the blanket or subgrade shall be kept to the minimum necessary to
meet the requirements of sections D1.2 and D1.3.

When intrusive investigation techniques are used, holes penetrating the blanket
or subgrade shall be made good before backfilling.

Track drainage shall be considered as an integral part of the trackbed for the
purpose of the trackbed assessments required by sections D1.2 and D1.3.

D2 Increasing the
speed, axle weight or
tonnage of trains
Before the speed, axle weight or tonnage of trains using a track is significantly
increased, the effect of the changes on the performance of the trackbed shall be

If the assessment shows that the proposed changes are likely to result in
unacceptable deterioration of track geometry, taking into account the proposed
track maintenance arrangements, measures shall be taken to enhance the
performance of the trackbed before the proposed changes are implemented.


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D3 Inspection of track
General requirements for track inspection are set out in GC/RT5021. Items to be
identified and reported in track inspections include flooding and collapsed

In addition to the track inspection required by GC/RT5021, the infrastructure

controller shall have procedures in place to ensure that track drains, catchpits,
channels, outfalls and other associated equipment are inspected at a frequency
sufficient to enable any measures to be taken to correct deficiencies before the
performance of the trackbed is compromised.

Requirements for inspection of track drainage in conjunction with detailed

trackbed investigation are set out in section C1.

D4 Records of
inspections and
D4.1 Trackbed
Records of trackbed assessments shall be retained for at least ten years, or until
the trackbed is replaced, whichever occurs sooner.

Requirements for the retention of records relating to the design and construction
of the trackbed and drainage are set out in section C7. These records include
geotechnical reports documenting blanket or subgrade properties.

D4.2 Drainage
Records of inspections shall be kept for a minimum of two years, or until the
subsequent inspection, if the intervening period is longer than two years, for
audit purposes. Where regular silting or frequent surcharging occurs, records
shall be retained until at least ten years after the problems are considered to
have been rectified.

Records of inspections shall include, as a minimum:

a) the date and method of inspection

b) the name, title and organisation of the person undertaking the inspection

c) the faults and defects found

d) any subsequent actions taken

e) any decisions to take no action about reported faults or defects, and the
reasons for the decisions.

D4.3 Management of safety related records

The requirements for the management of safety related records of elements of
the infrastructure are set out in GI/RT7001.


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Part E
Requirements for maintenance and
corrective action
E1 Maintenance of
When either indications of a possible localised trackbed failure or a wet bed
appears in the track, the track geometry shall be maintained in the short term by
localised packing of sleepers or digging out of wet beds, taking any measures
necessary to ensure the safety of trains while doing so.

If the treated fault recurs after taking the above measures, or if multiple faults
occur, this shall be regarded as an indication of poor trackbed for the purposes
of section D1.1 and an interim assessment shall be undertaken in accordance
with section D1.2 to determine whether trackbed renewal is required.

E2 Maintenance of
All track drains, lineside ditches, culverts and watercourses shall be maintained
to permit the free flow of water.

Where deficiencies in the drainage system are identified these shall be rectified
in sufficient time to ensure that the performance of the trackbed and subgrade
are not compromised.

Catchpits shall be kept covered to prevent accidents to staff and ingress of

debris liable to cause blockage of the drain.


Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Issue Two
Trackbed and Track Drainage Date June 2003
Page 17 of 18

Appendix A
Illustration of trackbed terminology
(This content of this appendix is not mandatory)

Additional ballast depth

to protect geosynthetic
during future

Ballast Ballast
Geosynthetic Trackbed

Blanket Trackbed

Capping Subgrade

Natural ground
or fill

Typical example Defined terms

on natural ground
or fill


Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Issue Two
Date June 2003 Trackbed and Track Drainage
Page 18 of 18


Railway Group Standards and other Railway Group Documents

GA/RT6001 Railway Group Standards Change Procedures
GA/RT6004 Temporary Non-Compliance with Railway Group Standards
GA/RT6006 Derogations from Railway Group Standards
GC/RT5021 Track System Requirements
GC/RT5151 Safe Asset Management - Embankments and Cuttings
GI/RT7001 Management of Safety Related Records of Elements of the Infrastructure
GI/RT7002 Acceptance of Systems, Equipment and Materials for Use on Railtrack
Controlled Infrastructure
GI/RT7008 Pipelines, Buried Services and Undertrack Crossings

The Catalogue of Railway Group Standards and the Railway Group Standards
CD-ROM give the current issue number and status of documents published by

Other References
HS(G)153/1 HMRI Railway Safety Principles and Guidance


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