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Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Issue One
Date December 1998

Vegetation -
Managing the

This Standard details the minimum
management requirements for the
control of Vegetation.

Submitted by

This document is the property of

Railtrack PLC. It shall not be
Patricia Dingwall reproduced in whole or in part without
Standards Project Manager the written permission of the Controller,
Safety Standards,
Railtrack PLC.
Authorised by
Published by
Safety & Standards Directorate,
Railtrack PLC,
Railtrack House, DP01
Euston Square
London NW1 2EE
Richard Spoors
Controller, Safety & Standards © Copyright 1998 Railtrack PLC
Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

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Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Issue One
Vegetation - Managing the Risk Date December 1998
Page 1 of 6

Section Description Page

Part A
Issue Record 2
Responsibilities 2
Compliance 2
Health and Safety Responsibilities 2
Supply 2

Part B
1 Purpose 3
2 Scope 3
3 Principles 3
4 Competency 3
5 Requirements 3

References 6

Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Issue One
Date December 1998 Vegetation - Managing the Risk
Page 2 of 6

Part A
Issue Record
This Standard will be updated when necessary by distribution of a complete

As this Standard has been completely revised black lines in the margin, used to
indicate separate revisions, have been omitted.

Issue Date Comments

1 December 1998 Supersedes GC/ZH0001 - Management of
Lineside Vegetation

Railway Group Standards are mandatory on all members of the Railway Group*
and apply to all relevant activities which fall within the scope of each individual’s
Railway Safety Case. If any of those activities are performed by a Contractor,
the contractor’s obligations in respect of Railway Group Standards is
determined by the terms of the contract between the respective parties. Where
the contractor is himself a duty holder of a Railway Safety Case then Railway
Group Standards apply directly to the activities described in his Railway Safety

* The Railway Group comprises Railtrack and the duty holders of the Railway
Safety Cases accepted by Railtrack

The requirements of this Railway Group Standard shall be complied with by
1st April 1999.

Health and Safety

In issuing this Standard, Railtrack PLC makes no warranties, express or
implied, that compliance with all or any Railway Group Standards is sufficient
on its own to ensure safe systems of work or operation. Each user is reminded
of its own responsibilities to ensure health and safety at work and its individual
duties under health and safety legislation.

Controlled and uncontrolled copies of this Standard may be obtained from
Industry Safety Liaison, Safety and Standards Directorate, Railtrack PLC,
Railtrack House, DP01, Euston Square, London NW1 2EE.

Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Issue One
Vegetation - Managing the Risk Date December 1998
Page 3 of 6

Part B
1 Purpose
The purpose of this Standard is to detail the management requirements for the
control of risks which arise due to the presence of vegetation within the scope
as described below.

2 Scope
This Standard applies to the areas of railway infrastructure as indicated in
GA/RT6001. It shall additionally apply where there is a potential for transfer of
risks to the operation of the railway from outside the areas identified in the
above RGS.

This Standard does not identify additional measures that may be required to
control and / or manage vegetation in features designated by statute, e.g.
SSSI’s (see English Nature booklet ) which shall be considered separately.

3 Principles
This Standard supports the HMRI Railway Safety Principles and Guidance,
particularly Principle 1 and the underlying Infrastructure Principles.

The risks that may result from the growth and encroachment of vegetation onto
the infrastructure shall be assessed and appropriate controls and measures
implemented to ensure that the risk to railway operations and activities are
reduced to as low as reasonably practicable.

4 Competency
Any member of the Railway Group who is responsible for the infrastructure shall
ensure that competent persons are available to assess and manage the risks
from lineside vegetation growth and encroachment.

5 Requirements
A management system shall be put in place which includes a strategic plan for
the management of vegetation. The plan shall be reviewed on a regular basis
but at least once every 5 years and updated accordingly. Whenever new work
is carried out it shall be designed to minimise the effects of any hazards
including those listed in Clause 5.3.

This management system shall detail requirements for hazard identification
processes, risk assessment and review procedures, and indicate those locations
which will be regularly inspected.

The management system shall also detail those locations which have particular
requirements and for which records must be kept.

Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Issue One
Date December 1998 Vegetation - Managing the Risk
Page 4 of 6

The hazards relating to the presence of vegetation shall be identified. Hazards
to be considered shall include at least the following:

• those affecting / influencing railhead conditions including adhesion and track

circuit conditions;
• those which may impede or prevent the proper inspection of the
• damage to drainage systems and water courses from intrusive growth;
• danger from falling trees or parts thereof;
• impairment of sight lines of rail traffic and road traffic to trackside workers;
• impairment of sight lines of rail traffic to road users and pedestrians using
authorised crossings;
• short circuit of electric traction supplies and train control systems;
• tripping and slipping hazards;
• reduction of clearances;
• encroachment into and obstruction of positions of safety, safe refuges and
safe walking routes;
• fires; spontaneous, accidental or maliciously started;
• legislative requirements and third party liabilities including noxious and
invasive weeds, pests, etc.;
• the possibility of trespass;
• the consequences of adverse weather on the vegetation, such as snow, ice,
freezing rain, strong winds, etc., which introduce further hazards to the
operation of the railway;
• signal and lineside sign sighting by train drivers;
• the stability of structures, embankments and cuttings;
• the stability of neighbouring property;
• settlement or heave of infrastructure as a result of seasonal changes on
large trees.

The risks associated with the hazards identified in Section 5.3 and any other
significant hazards shall be assessed for sections of routes. The following shall
be considered when assessing the magnitude of the risks:

• electrification systems;
• train control and communication systems;
• use of adjacent land, e.g. domestic, industrial, agricultural, etc.;
• management practises undertaken to control vegetation growing in adjacent
• topographical features;
• consequences of delayed implementation of vegetation management to fit in
with engineering possession requirements.
• level of vandalism;
• line speed and volume of traffic;
• type of traffic;
• gradients.

Local plans shall be produced for sections of routes with significant risks.
These plans shall include:-

• recommended frequency of intervention;

• methods of control;

and shall take into account:-

• ecology and environmental designations;

• environmental impact of intended vegetation control.

Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Issue One
Vegetation - Managing the Risk Date December 1998
Page 5 of 6

Where significant changes are identified, the associated risks shall be
reassessed and where necessary revised measures implemented.

Changes to be considered shall include:-

• electrification of route;
• installation of track circuits;
• introduction of new / different rolling stock;
• growth rate and type of vegetation.

Consideration shall be given to the means of incorporating reports from:

• unplanned observations;
• planned inspections undertaken as part of the management system; and
• neighbours / statutory authorities.

Records shall be kept for those locations where local plans exist. These records
shall include details of the hazards posed to the infrastructure and the planned
measures (including timescales) necessary to mitigate the associated risks.

Uncontrolled copy from the catalogue dated August 2004

Railway Group Standard

Issue One
Date December 1998 Vegetation - Managing the Risk
Page 6 of 6

English Nature Booklet “What you should do about SSSIs” :

GA/RT6001 Railway Group Standards Change Procedure


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