APS - Decontamination

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Ansell Protective Solutions

CPC Decontamination
Types of decontamination

1. Technical = Planned ahead, special showers, decon agents and other


2. Emergency = Use lots of water

3. Mass-decon = Large number of people, or example 80 pers/min

NOTE: Taking off the clothers => 80% of the contamination is gone



 Always create different zones, to separate contaminated persons from


 Place the decon tent in the correct wind direction i.e. wind blowing from the
clean area towards the contaminated area

What is decontamination?

Decontamination means taking away the harmful chemicals either physically or chemically:

Wiping off, rub or brush the chemical of the suit (preferbly solid contaminants)

To dissolve and/or neutralize the chemical by using another chemical or, most commonly, water.

Decontamination - Does it work and how?

Wash the suit on outside Chemical on surface or inside the material

Concentration = 0 Concentration = > 0

Direction of chemical transport


Wash of the chemical! Revers direction of transport!

Decontamination procedure

1. First decon for safe doffing

Wash with water 4O - 50 oC + detergent

2. Decontamination
Type of chemical?

3. Hygienic cleaning
Wash with water 4O - 50 oC + detergent

Decontaminating Industrial Chemicals

3 types of chemicals, from decontamination point of view:

 Volatile

 Water soluble (approx solubility > 60 g/l water)

 Acids
 Alkali
 Others (example: salts, alcohols)
 Water insoluble (approx solubility < 60 g/l water)

Decontaminating Industrial Chemicals

 Volatile

Examples: organic solvents like benzene, hexane, toluene.

Air the suit / hang the suit in well ventilated area at 30 - 40 oC or outdoors

Decontaminating Industrial Chemicals

 Soluble in water

Examples: phenol, ethylene glycol, sodium chloride

Wash with lots of water 40 - 50 oC + detergent

Decontaminating Industrial Chemicals

 Insoluble in water

Examples: styrene, nitrobenzene

1. Wipe with solvent: ethanol, white spirit, other suitable solvent or

a commercial decontamination agent

2. Wash with water 40 - 50 oC + detergent

Decontaminating Industrial Chemicals

 Acid & Alkali

Examples Acids: sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid
Examples Alkali: sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide

1. Neutralise with dilute alkali (if an acid) or acid (if an alkali)

2. Rinse with water
3. Check pH with a pH-stick (pH 7 is neutral)

Warfare Agents

Chemical warfare agents (CWA)

 Mustard gas
 Sarine
 VX
 Phosgene

Biological Warfare agents (BWA)

 Smallpox
 Anthrax

Trellchem® - Decontaminating CWA

Calcium hypochlorite, 30 % solution in 15 min

 Mustard gas
 Lewisite
 Tabun
 Sarine Oxidizes / Neutralises all!
 Soman
 VX
 Cyanogen chloride

Trellchem® - Decontamination BWA

Calcium hypochlorite, 30 % solution in 15 min

Alternatively use:
 Calcium hypochlorite 5 – 10 % in 2 – 4 hours
 Hydrogen peroxide, 3 % in 5 min
 Alkaline solution pH 10-11 for example Sodium hydroxide
 Formaldehyde solution

Kills all virus, bacteria and funghi!

Trellchem® - Decontamination Dont’s

Do not use:
Decontamination solution “DS-2”
 This is a very corrosive solution (due to the amine content) intended for
decon of vehicles and weapon
 If used on the suits, the material may be affected
Boiling the suits in water
 Should only be done with suits that are made of rubber materials only,
without plastic components which may be damaged.
Hot air containers
 See Boiling above
 UV light is very aggressive and may degrade the polymer materials.

Equipment for decontamination

Detergent, decon
agent and


Decon basin or cabin

Remember to take care of
Soft brush the waste water!!

Hygienic cleaning

Handwash at 40 ºC using mild detergent & soft brush

Important to dry the suit!

 Top Trock
 Fan (for example a hair dryer)
 or similar


Check the suit for:

1. Mechanical damages on material and components (abrasion, tears,

holes etc.)

2. Chemical degradation (stiff, sticky etc.)

3. Gastightness

Degradation – Chemical damage

Degradation is a chemical reaction between chemical and suit material which is irreversible
i.e. it cannot be repaired.

Degradation can be detected by changes in the material properties (feeling, appearance) like
for example:
1. Stiffness, hardness, brittleness
2. Swelling, stickiness, “sponginess”
3. Any of 1 or 2 in combination with a colour change.

WARNING! Take the suit out of service and replace it.

NOTE: Degradation also includes natural aging of a material, for example ozon cracks.

Trellchem® Reusable suits

As long as the decontamination is properly performed

– and there is no evidence of chemical attack –
the chemical resistance of the suit will not be effected.


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