Statistical Treatment Self Esteem

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Statistical Treatment and Tables

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: look for mean and sd for age,
length of service and monthly salary – I don’t have the data eh?
a. Age (frequency, percentage, mean and sd) – Pregnant Teenagers

Age f %

13 to 15 10 26 %

16 to 20 29 74 %

Total 39 100%

a.2 Age (frequency, percentage, mean and sd) – Non-Pregnant Teenagers

Age f %

13 to 15 19 38 %

16 to 20 31 62 %

Total 50 100%

b. Educational level (frequency and percentage) – Pregnant Teenagers

Educational Attainment f %

Elementary level 2 5%

High School level 22 56 %

College level 15 39 %

Total 39 100%
b.2. Educational level (frequency and percentage) – Non-Pregnant Teenagers

Educational Attainment f %

Elementary level 0 0%

High School level 38 76%

College level 12 24%

Total 50 100%

c. Economic Status (I recommend Monthly Income not economic status) - Age (frequency,
percentage, mean and sd) Pregnant Teenagers

Monthly Net Income in Pesos F %

5,000 to 8,000 20 51 %

9,000 to 12,000 10 26 %

13,000 to 16,000 8 20 %

17,000 to 20,000 1 3%

Total 39 100%

c.2. Economic Status (I recommend Monthly Income not economic status) - Age (frequency,
percentage, mean and sd) Non-Pregnant Teenagers

Monthly Net Income in Pesos f %

5,000 to 8,000 24 48%

9,000 to 12,000 8 16%

13,000 to 16,000 3 6%

17,000 to 20,000 15 30%

Total 50 100%

2. What is the level of self-esteem among the respondents? (I scored this based on Rosenberg’s
Manual source:
Scores between 26 and up (High)
15-25 (Average or Normal)
14 below (Low)

Self-Esteem of Pregnant f %

Low 6 15.38%

Average 33 84.62%

High 0 0%

Total 50 100%

Self-Esteem of Non-Pregnant f %

Low 5 10%

Average 45 90%

High 0 0%

Total 50 100%
3. Are there any significant differences between the levels of self-esteem of pregnant teens in
comparison to non-pregnant teens. (Independent Samples t-test, we use only ANOVA for three
groups (you just have only 2 kaya t-test for independent samples)– you may want to explore the
relationship between self esteem and demographics – age, net income or educational attainment
–my wishful thinking)

Difference between Self-Esteem of Pregnant Teens to Non-Pregnant Teens

Variable N Mean SD t-cal t-crit df p Decision

Self Esteem of 39 16.56 1.83 -2.08 +/- 87 0.040384 Reject Ho

Pregnant Teens 1.9867

Self-Esteem of Non- 50 17.4 1.92

Pregnant Teens

The 39 pregnant teen’s self-esteem (M = 16.56, SD = 1.83) is significantly lower compared to

the self-esteem of 50 non-pregnant teens 28 participants (M = 17.4, SD = 1.92) demonstrated
significantly by their scores, t(87) =-2.08, p = .04.

4. What program can be designed and proposed to the Barangay San Isidro officials to help the
youth development?


Abante Babae!: A Personality Development Enhancement Program for Female Teenagers

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