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Sagacad, Dinas, Zamboanga del Sur

2nd Quarter Examination
Science 9


I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which atomic model is proposed by Schrodinger?
a. Nuclear model c. raise bread model
b. Planetary model d. quantum mechanical model
2. The symbol “n” in the Bohr theory of atomic structure refers to
a. The energy of electron
b. The total energy of the atom
c. The number of electron in an energy level
d. The orbit in which an electron is found.
3. What are the orbitals present in the fifth principal energy level?
a. S orbital c. s, p, d orbitals
b. S, p orbitals d. s, p, d, and f orbitals
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the atomic model of Bohr?
a. The hydrogen is made up of a positively charged nucleus.
b. The electron revolves around the nucleus in a circular orbit.
c. The energy of the electron in a given orbit is not fixed.
d. An electron can absorb or emit a quantity of radiation.
5. Which orbital designation has the highest energy?
a. 2s b. 2p c. 3d d. 4s
6. Which combination describes the flame color of the compound when heated?
a. Sodium chloride – orange c. potassium chloride- blue
b. Copper (II) sulfate- violet d. boric acid- red
7. What occurs when an electron moves from high energy level to a low one?
a. Another electron goes from a low energy level to a high one
b. The atom moves faster
c. Colored light is given off
d. This process is not possible.
8. Who proposed the probability that electrons will be found in certain locations around the nucleus of an
a. Neils Bohr c. Ernest Rutherford
b. Erwin Schrodinger d. J.J. Thomson
9. How does ionic bonding take place?
a. Two non-metallic elements of different kinds form strong forces of attraction.
b. Two non- metallic element of the same kind form strong forces of attraction.
c. A non- metallic element like fluorine is attracted to a metallic element like sodium.
d. A metallic element like sodium transfers an electron to a non- metallic element like fluorine.
10. What kind of chemical bond will form between two oxygen atoms?
a. Ionic bond c. polar covalent bond
b. Metallic bond d. nonpolar covalent bond
11. Which of the following type of bonds will have the highest electrical and thermal conductivity?
a. Ionic bond c. polar covalent bond
b. Metallic bond d. nonpolar
12. Why can metals be hammered without breaking?
a. They are ductile c. they are malleable
b. They are not brittle d. Their particles are strong.
13. When does covalent bonding take place?
a. It takes place when atoms share electrons with one another
b. It takes place when the attraction between atoms is strong.
c. It takes place when atoms collide with one another.
d. It takes place when atoms attain stability.
14. Nitrogen ( N ) belongs to family 5A and it is diatomic. How many nonpolar covalent bonds will there be
in 𝑁2 molecule?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
15. Which among the following shows that an atom is stable?
a. Having 2 valence electrons c. having 6 valence electrons
b. Having 4 valence electrons d. having 8 valence electrons
16. Which of the properties of atoms is the most suitable reference for the kind of bond that will take place
between/ among them?
a. Atomic size c. ionization energy
b. Electronegativity d. electron affinity

(17-19 ) Observe the number that corresponds to the valence electrons, electronegativity and ionization energy of
metals and non-metals using a periodic table.

17. What kind of element has less than 4 valence electrons?

a. Metals b. Non- metals c. ions d. halogens
18. What kind of element has high electronegativity?
a. Metals b. Non- metals c. halogens d. ions
19. Which of the following elements found in the periodic table has low ionization energy?
a. Metals b. Non- metals c. halogens d. ions

Table 1.
Element Family/ Group Electronegativity
20. Arrange these elements in increasing order in
lithium 1 0.98
Fluorine 7 4.0 valence electrons
Sulfur 6 2.5 a. Li < Ca < Al < N < S < F
Calcium 2 1.0 b. Ca < Li < Al < N <S < F
Nitrogen 5 3.0 c. Li < F < S < Ca < N < Al
aluminum 3 1.5 d. Li < Ca < Al < S < N < F
21. Arrange the elements in increasing order according to its electronegativity values
a. Li < Ca < Al < N < S < F
b. Ca < Li < Al < N <S < F
c. Li < F < S < Ca < N < Al
d. Li < Ca < Al < S < N < F
22. What do you notice with the number of valence electrons, electronegativity values and ionization
energies of the elements?
a. As the number of valence electrons increase, electronegativity and ionization energy are not varied.
b. As the number of valence electrons increase, electronegativity and ionization energy are remains
c. As the number of valence electrons increases, electronegativity and ionization energy are also
d. As the number of valence electrons decreases, electronegativity and ionization energy are increase.
23. Detect the number of bonding and nonbonding electrons through computation based on Octet Rule.
Determine the total available valence electrons (TAVE) in a compound of 𝐻2 S. Compute TAVE.
a. 7 b. 8 c. 4 d. 10
24. Compute for the Octet rule requirement that each atom should have 8 valence electrons to become
stable except for hydrogen, it only needs 2 electrons to become stable. What would be the number of
shared electrons (bonds).
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 1
25. What kind of bond will result when two identical non- metallic atoms combine?
a. Ionic bond c. polar covalent bond
b. Metallic bond d. nonpolar covalent bond
26. How is the bond in 𝐵𝑟2 different from the bond in 𝑀𝑔𝐹2 ?
a. The bond in 𝐵𝑟2 is metallic while the bond in 𝑀𝑔𝐹2 is covalent.
b. The bond in 𝐵𝑟2 is ionic while the bond in 𝑀𝑔𝐹2 is covalent.
c. The bond in 𝐵𝑟2 is covalent while the bond in 𝑀𝑔𝐹2 is ionic.
d. There is no need difference between the two.
27. Why do atoms react with one another to form chemical bonds?
a. To attain stability c. to form molecules
b. To form compounds d. to produce ions.
28. Which of the following substances when dissolve in water will conduct electricity?
a. Glucose c. gasoline
b. Oil d. monosodium glutamate
29. Refer to Periodic Table. What bond holds the atoms of the elements in Groups 1 and 2 of the Periodic
a. Nonpolar covalent bond c. metallic bond
b. Polar covalent bond d. ionic bond
30. Which of the following statements best describes organic compounds?
a. Organic compounds are compounds that contain carbon and oxygen only.
b. Organic compounds are compounds that are produced by living things.
c. Organic compounds are composed mainly of carbon and hydrogen.
d. Organic compounds are compounds that contain carbon atoms only.
31. How do carbon atoms form many organic compounds?
a. By attracting other elements toward themselves to form the bonds.
b. By forming many bonds with other carbon atoms and other elements
c. By sharing their electrons with other metal and non - metal elements.
d. By transferring their electrons to the atoms of surrounding elements.
32. What is the maximum number of bonds a carbon atom can form?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
33. Emmanuel Juan, a fisher man, went home with some of his catch. He told his son to cook the fish but his
son said, “Father, the stove ran out fuel.” He told him to buy some so they can start cooking. Which
organic compound do you think the boy will buy?
a. Kerosene c. lubricating oil
b. Gasoline d. isopropyl alcohol
34. Which of the following pairs of organic compounds is highly flammable?
a. Gasoline, acetone c. lubricating oil, isopropyl alcohol
b. Water, ethyl alcohol d. liquefied petroleum gas, kerosene
35. Honey is applying something to the ball bearings of the wheels of her bicycle so that friction will be
minimized. Which of the following material do you think she is using?
a. Vinegar c. kerosene
b. Isopropyl alcohol d. lubricating oil
36. A gasoline boy was being scolded by his store manager for smoking in the vicinity of the gasoline station.
Why do you think the manager scolded his employee?
a. Because gasoline is volatile c. because is viscous
b. Because gasoline is flammable d. all of the above
37. Joimee scratched herself when her arm bumped into the concrete post. What do you think should she
apply to make her bruises free from harmful germs?
a. Formalin b. isopropyl alcohol c. water d. acetone
38. Which organic compound is used as a cleaning agent?
a. Gasoline c. liquefied petroleum gas ( LPG )
b. Kerosene d. ethyl alcohol
39. What is the common use of methane?
a. Disinfectant c. artificial ripening agent
b. Fertilizer d. fuel
40. Salvador has to remove the red paint from the paintbrush so that he could still use it again next time.
What organic compound should he use?
a. Acetic acid c. kerosene
b. Lubricating oil d. formaldehyde

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