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Part A

1 What is meant by Data Analysis? BTL1 Remembering

2 Explain Casual Relationship/ experimental research Design? BTL3 Applying

3 Why is level of measurement important? BTL4 Analyzing

4 What is Multidimensional scaling? BTL1 Remembering

5 What are the factors affecting Research design? BTL2 Understanding

6. Define Interval scale. BTL1 Remembering


1. What are the various types of experimental design used in research? BTL1 Remembering

(i) Explain the various factors affecting internal validity.(8marks)

(ii) Classify the different factors affecting external validity

and construct validity.(5marks) BTL2 Understanding

(i) Where can casual research be used ?(6marks)

3. BTL3 Applying
(ii) Identify the pros and cons of casual research?(7marks)

4. Explain in detail about the major types of research designs. BTL4 Analyzing

(i)Can you elaborate in detail the factorial design.(7marks)

5. (ii)Elaborate the concept of completely randomized design.(6marks) BTL5 Evaluating

(i) Narrate the procedure for developing a Scalogram.(8marks)

6. (ii) Illustrate the same by an example.(5marks) BTL6 Creating

7. What are the different methods of scales construction, pointing out

8. the merits and demerits of each BTL1 Remembering

(i)List out different types of scales and explain.(6marks)

9. (ii)Compare content validity and predictive validity.(7marks) BTL2 Understanding

(i) Can you elaborate the steps involved in the construction of a

10. semantic differential scale?(8marks)

(ii) Narrate the concepts of reliability and validity.(5marks) BTL3 Applying

10. (i) What do you mean by measurement? Explain the most widely used

BTL4 Analyzing
classification of measurement scales with examples.(8marks)
(ii) Analyze the importance of sampling technique.(5marks)
What is focus group interview? Write about the advantages of focus BTL1 Remembering
11. group interviews.

Distinguish between nominal scale & ordinal scale and also between BTL2 Understanding
interval scale & ratio scale.Give examples.

Explain internal validity & external validity and clarify their BTL4 Analyzing
13. interrelationship by an example.

Explain about in-depth interviews. Discuss its BTL1 Remembering

14. advantages and disadvantages.


Shameem answered that the team was apathetic and there could be multiple reasons for this
apathy.Thus, it was essential that the team be studied to identified what was the group
reaction to the working conditions at Danish.Also it was important to identify what was
perceived as the major problem area. Shameem was also of the opinion that there might be a
difference between the old and new employees. Thus this angle also was to be given due
recognition when conducting a survey. Raghu said,this seems to be a logical approach to the
problem, but don’t you think before you go to the team members you must at least identify
1. what could be the reasons for the lackluster performance at Danish by looking at the other
organizations or by talking to the HR consultants who have some experience of the
same”.Shameem listened attentively and said, “I think there is a lot of merit in what you say.
So this is what I will do ”


a) What is the research design(s) Shameem is likely to recommend? Why?(10marks)

b ) Identify the variables, hypotheses and the units under the study.(5marks)

You are employed by the product manager of Tarai Foods Ltd. Who wants to know the
ideal price differential between the company frozen vegetables and those marketed by
Mother diary. The customers of the frozen vegetables are mostly working women.
2. Identify the Variables, test units, Hypotheses and research design.
You are the HRD Manager with ABB (India) .ABB has recently taken over a major unit in
Kolkata. You are sent on a posting there and are given the task of introducing a new
operation scheme which your parent organization feels will improve efficiency. But you
perceive during your stay that there is an underlying dissatisfaction amongst the employees
and it is essential to gauge their views and opinion about the takeover and their expectations
before introducing the scheme. What is the recommended research design? What would be
the variables, hypotheses and the population under study?

Develop a likert scale to measure the perception of bank customers towards the concept of
4. internet banking.

1. The mean life time of a sample of 400 light bulbs produced by a company is found to be 1600
hours with a standard deviation of 150 hrs. Test the hypothesis that the mean life time bulbs produced
in general is higher than the mean life of 1570 hours at 1% LOS

2. In a big city 325 men out of 600 men were found to be smokers does this information support the
conclusion that the majority of men in this city are smokers?
Given at 5% LOS z=1.645

3. The number of Bike accidents per month in a Bengaluru city were as follows
12, 8, 20, 2, 14, 10, 15, 6, 9, 4
Are these frequencies in agreement with the belief that accident conditions were the same during this
ten month period? Use Chi-Square test to test the belief at 5% LOS (level of Significance)
Given 𝜒0.05 for 9 d.f = 16.919

4. The following figures shows the distribution of digits in numbers chosen at random from a
telephone directory: 10 marks

Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Freque 1026 1107 997 966 1075 933 1107 972 964 853
Test whether the digits may be taken to occur equally frequently in the directory ( the table value of
χ2 for 9 d.f at 5% level of significance is 16.92

5. To test the hypothesis that the average number of days a patient is kept in the three local hospitals
say A B and C is same, a random check on the number of days the seven patients stayed in each
hospital reveals the following:
Hospital 8 5 9 2 7 8 2
Hospital 4 3 8 7 7 1 5
Hospital 1 4 9 8 7 2 3
Test the hypothesis at α =0.05 use ANOVA method

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.






Business Research – Definition and Significance – the research process – Types of Research –
Exploratory and causal Research – Theoretical and empirical Research – Cross –Sectional and time

– series Research – Research questions / Problems – Research objectives – Research hypotheses –

characteristics – Research in an evolutionary perspective – the role of theory in research.


Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

1. Define Research. BTL1 Remembering

2. State the objectives of research. BTL2 Understanding

3. Identify the criteria of good research. BTL3 Applying

4. Analyze Quantitative and Qualitative Research. BTL4 Analyzing

Create an example for Cross –Sectional And Time – Series

5. Research. BTL5 Evaluating

6. Based on your understanding explain Laboratory Research. BTL6 Creating

7. What are the characteristics of hypothesis? BTL1 Remembering

8. Classify the types of hypothesis. BTL2 Understanding

What judgment would you give for Clinical Or Diagnostic

9. Research? BTL3 Applying
10. Explain Research Design. BTL4 Analyzing

11. Create an example for Theoretical And Empirical Research. BTL5 Evaluating

12. Create a hypothesis for any problem. BTL6 Creating

13. What is Applied research? BTL1 Remembering

14. Compare Conceptual Vs Empirical Research. BTL2 Understanding

15. Identify the characteristics of research design. BTL3 Applying

16. List the objectives of empirical research. BTL4 Analyzing

17. What is meant by Descriptive research? BTL1 Remembering

18. State the objectives of doing analytical research. BTL2 Understanding

19. What are the sources of hypothesis? BTL1 Remembering

20. What is meant by Exploratory Research? BTL1 Remembering


1. What are the Rules in Hypothesis Development? BTL1 Remembering

2. Explain in detail the various types of research design. BTL2 Understandin

3. Identify the different types of hypothesis. BTL3 Applying

4. Bring out the procedure for hypothesis testing BTL4 Analyzing

5. (i) Formulate the basic steps in research process.(8marks) BTL5 Evaluating

(ii) Discuss the role of theory in research.(5marks)

6. Give the application areas of research. And explain its BTL6 Creating
importance in business

7. What is a Business research? Why it is required? BTL1 Remembering

8. (i) How do you frame research objectives?(6marks) BTL2 Understandin
(i i) What are the characteristics of hypothesis?(7marks)
9. (i) Explain in detail the research in an evolutionary BTL3 Applying
(i i) Identify the problems encountered by researcher in India.(5marks)

10. Examine the various types of research & their relative merits & demerits. BTL4 Analyzing

11. (i) What do you mean by Historical Research?(7marks) BTL1 Remembering

(i i) What is Cross sectional & time-series research?(6marks)

12. Classify the uses of descriptive research/causal research in the following BTL2 Understanding
(i)Cite examples for hypothesis formulation.(7marks) (ii)Identify
cause and effect relationship for the same.(8marks)

13. Analyze the role of exploratory research for the following tasks: BTL4 Analyzing
(i)Illustrate with examples for defining a problem precisely.(7marks)
(ii)Identify alternative course of action for the above illustrated

14. (i)What do you mean by Empirical research?(5marks) BTL1 Remembering

(ii)Brief out the factors affecting business research?(8marks)


1. The Diet drink manufacturer in the study finds that young women are more health conscious and
are looking at low calories options. Thus, any communication or advertisement for the product
has to emphasize the health aspect. The purchase probability is also influenced by their education
level and the nature of their profession. Other factors such as available brands, celebrity
endorsement and dieticians recommendations also have an impact on them.
a) Identify your research problem and hypothesis.(5marks)

b ) Identify and classify the variables under study. (5marks)

c) Is it possible to generate a theoretical framework for the study?(5marks)

2. The Indian Army wants to ascertain why young students do not select the armed forces as a
career option in their graduation.
a) How would you formulate a research problem to resolve the dilemma? (5marks)

b ) What would be the variables under study? (5marks)

c) How would you generate the descriptive and relational hypothesis for the


3. How would you distinguish between a management decision problem and a management research
problem? Do all decision problems require research? Explain and illustrate with example?

4. Select a research problem enlist the variables in the problem and formulate a theoretical framework to
demonstrate the link between the variables understudy.


Types of data –Primary Vs Secondary data –Methods of primary data collection – Survey Vs Observation–
Experiments –Construction of questionnaire and instrument– Validation of questionnaire –Sampling plan –Sample
size –determinants optimal sample size –sampling techniques –Probability Vs Non–probability sampling methods.


Q.No Questions BT Competence


What is Primary data?

1. BTL1 Remembering

2. Compare the advantages and disadvantage of Secondary Data. BTL2 Understanding

Identify the methods of primary data collection.

3. BTL3 Applying

Classify the various sampling methods.

4. BTL4 Analyzing

How would you state the concept of Pilot Study?

5. BTL5 Evaluating

Construct a sampling plan.

6. BTL6 Creating

Define Observation.
7. BTL1 Remembering

8. Differentiate quota sampling and simple random sampling. BTL2 Understanding

Identify the features of a good sample design.
9. BTL3 Applying

Analyze the concept of convenience sampling.

10. BTL4 Analyzing

State the Sources of secondary data.

11. BTL5 Evaluating

Can you explain the term Warranty Card?

12. BTL6 Creating

Define Questionnaire.
13. BTL1 Remembering

Compare stratified sampling with cluster sampling.

14. BTL2 Understanding

Identify the factors in determining appropriate sample size.

15. BTL3 Applying

Analyze the attributes of sampling error.

16. BTL4 Analyzing

What are the government sources of data?

17. BTL1 Remembering

What do you understand by structured interview?

18. BTL2 Understanding

What is meant by Feedback?

19. BTL1 Remembering

What is Panel data?

20. BTL1 Remembering


What do you mean by Observation? Explain various types of observation.

1. BTL1 Remembering

(i)Explain interview? Can you elaborate the steps involved in interview method of
2. data collection.(8marks) BTL2 Understanding
(ii)How To Make Interview Successful ?(5marks)

3. How would you apply questionnaire technique? BTL3 Applying

(i) List out the different methods of collecting data.(8marks)

4. (i i) Explain its merits & demerits.(5marks) BTL4 Analyzing

5. Discuss the importance of projective techniques. BTL5 Evaluating

6. (i) What criteria would you use for a good questionnaire? (7marks)
BTL6 Creating
(i i) Explain in detail the construction of questionnaire. (6marks)

7. What are the various methods of collecting primary data? BTL1 Remembering

(i)Compare questionnaire & schedule.(7marks)

8. (ii)Categorize the different types of interview techniques in
detail.(6marks) BTL2 Understanding

(i) Explain the

technique of sampling.(8marks)
(i i) List down its
9. merits & demerits.(5marks) BTL3 Applying

Explain about eight most essential factors to be borne in mind while designing
10. questionnaires. BTL4 Analyzing

11. What is meant by an experiment and survey? BTL1 Remembering

12. Distinguish between probability & non probability sampling methods. BTL2 Understanding

(i)Discuss the importance of sampling design.(8marks) (ii)List out the BTL4 Analyzing
characteristics of a good sample design.(5marks)

(i) What is the role of direct observation as a business research method?(6marks) BTL1 Remembering
(ii) Explain in detail about in-depth interviews.(7marks)

1. ‘Majority of the researchers make use of primary sources of data and secondary data sources do not
really contribute to a scientific enquiry’ Do you agree/disagree with this statement? Explain.

2. Meera Sanyal has decide to open a placement agency. Kindly advise her on:

a) What would be the ideal location for her setup? (5marks)

b ) Who should she target- in terms of both individual and corporate clients? (5marks)

c) What databases would come in useful here? (5marks)

Sridhar from Bengaluru, had developed an electric car- VERVE ( it is fully automatic, no clutch,
no gears) two – door hatch back, easily seating two adults and two children with a small turning
radius of just 3.5 meters). It runs on batteries and as compared to other electric vehicles, has an
onboard charger to facilitate easy charging which can be carried out by plugging into any 15 amp
socket at home or work. A full battery charge takes less than seven hours and gives a range of 80
km. A full charge consumes just about 9 units of electricity. Somehow the product did not take
off the way he expected. He is contemplating about repositioning the car. As he stood looking at
the prototype, he knew that there were a couple of questions to which he must find answers
before he undertook the repositioning exercise. Who should be the targeted segment- old people,
young students, just going to college, housewives? What should be the positioning stance? What
kind of image would these customers relate to? Was a new name or punch0 line required? How
should the promotions be undertaken? Hyundai had done it with Shah Rukh Khan, should he also
consider a celebrity? If yes who?

1. What kind of research study should Sridhar undertake? Define the objectives of his
research. (5marks)
2. Do the stated objectives have scope for a qualitative research? (5marks)

3. Which methods would you recommend and why? (5marks)

4. “It is never safe to take published statistics at their face value without knowing their meaning &
limitations”. Elucidate this statement by enumerating & explaining the various points which you
would consider being using any published data. Illustrate your answer with example.


Data Preparation –editing –Coding –Data entry –Validity of data – Qualitative Vs Quantitative data

analyses –Bivariate and Multivariate statistical techniques –Factor analysis –Discriminant analysis –
cluster analysis –multiple regression and correlation – multidimensional scaling –Application of
statistical software for data analysis.

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

1. What is meant by Factor Analysis? BTL1 Remembering

2. What is the difference between Type I and Type II error? BTL2 Understanding

3. Construct a Dummy Variable. BTL3 Applying

4. Can you identify the variables used in Multivariate analysis? BTL4 Analyzing

How would you bring out the significance of using multiple discriminant
5. analysis? BTL5 Evaluating

6. Illustrate the research uses of Multiple Regression? BTL6 Creating

7. What is meant by Exploratory variable? BTL1 Remembering

Can you make a distinction between Discrete variable & Continuous

8. Variable? BTL2 Understanding

9. Identify the usage of field editing. BTL3 Applying

10. Explain the concept of Multicollinearity. BTL4 Analyzing

11. How would you state the application of Multiple Regressions? BTL5 Evaluating

12. Explain the application of SPSS with its Features. BTL6 Creating

13. What is meant by Criterion Variable? BTL1 Remembering

Differentiate between multiple regression analysis and multiple

14. discriminant analysis. BTL2 Understanding

15. Identify the purposes of coding. BTL3 Applying

16. State the formula for pearson's Rank corelation. BTL4 Analyzing

17. What is a code book and what information does it contains? BTL1 Remembering

18. Can you make a distinction between Univariate& Bivariate? BTL2 Understanding

19. What is Wilks lambda ?For what purpose is it used? BTL1 Remembering
20. What steps are involved in editing questionnaire? BTL1 Remembering


Write a short notes on:

(i)Cross Tabulation(4marks) BTL1 Remembering


1. (iii) Coefficient of variation(3marks)

(iv ) Analysis of Variance(ANOVA) (3marks)

Describe the data preparation process, commencing from the stage of

questionnaire checking,upto the stage of Understanding

2. selecting a data analysis strategy. BTL2

3. Identify the purpose of using Descriptive Analysis. BTL3 Applying

4. Examine the steps involved in conducting MDS (Multi Dimensional Scaling). BTL4 Analyzing

5. Elaborate the various methods of Factor Analysis. BTL5 Evaluating

Illustrate with any three sample practical examples, the concept of

6. discriminate analysis. BTL6 Creating

(i) Define Multiple Discriminate Analysis.(3marks)

7. BTL1 Remembering
(ii) Elaborate when and where it can be used?(10marks)

8. Classify and explain briefly about multivariate techniques. BTL2 Understanding

(i) Write the format of ANNOVA table.(7marks)

9. BTL3 g
(ii) How do you conduct ‘T’ test in regression table?(6marks)

(i)Elaborate the steps to be taken in the application of multivariate

10. BTL4 g
(ii) Illustrate about its uses with an example.(6marks)
What are the purposes of statistical analysis of research data? BTL1 Remembering


(i)Classify different types of correlation in detail.(6marks)

(ii)What is the function of Factor Analysis and explain its research Understanding

12. application?(7marks) BTL2

13. (i) Describe the purpose & basic principles of factor analysis.(8marks)
(ii) How do you interpret the results of factor analysis?(5marks) BTL4 Analyzing

(i)What is discriminant analysis?(4marks) Remembering

(ii)What are the methods involved in discriminant analysis?(9marks) BTL1

Indicate the type of measurement scale you would use for each of the following
characteristics. Why did you choose the scale you did? Develop the appropriate
question for each characteristic and the scale chosen.

Colour of a dishwasher

1. Age of a TV

Occupation Brand Loyalty

Readership of a newspaper
Intention to purchase a TV

Bigbaazar is conducting a customer preference and customer satisfaction survey..”Prepare

a code book for the questionnaire designed.Which questions require post-coding?


Personal details


1. ge: [ ] under 25 [ ] 25-35 [ ] 35-45 [ ] 45 & above

2. ex: [ ] Male [ ] Female.

3. ccupation: [ ] Student [ ] Self-employed [ ] Professional [ ] Service [ ] Housewife.

4. re you: [ ] Single ] Married.

5. onthly income:
[ ] Below 10000 [ ] Rs 10000-20000 [ ] Rs 20000-40000 [ ] Rs40000 &
above 6 How frequently do you visit Big Bazaar?

[ ] Once in a week [ ] Once in 15 days


[ ] Once in a month [ ] Once in 2-3 months

7. Which products do you purchase more often in Big Bazaar?

[] Groceries [] Electronic Goods [] Apparels

[] Others (specify)

[] Various Brands [] others (specify)

8. Will big bazaar provide more type of company products in one product category?
[ ] yes [ ] no [ ] not many [ ] none

9. How is the store space in B.BAZAAR for moving around for products?

[ ] it’s free space [ ] not free space [ ] small space [ ] congested 10. How
are the re-preventatives interactions are at big bazaar?
[ ] effective [ ] not effective [ ] Good [ ] no Interaction

11. Will big bazaar reminding & intimating their store discounts & prices
to all customers in store
[ ] YES cleanly intimating [ ] NO clarity intimating [ ] NO

intimation at all

12. How is the customer service department in store, is it effective in providing service? [ ]
fast service [ ] slow service [ ] not sufficient service [ ] not

good service

13. Will big bazaar offer any special, discount on prices?

[ ] yes season wise

[ ] no special offers

14. If yes, what are they?

(A) Buy one (b) 50% off,40%,off (c) Buy one get (d)Get two for 900
Get one 60% off two (example)

(e) Buy one get second one 60% (f) others

off on price discounts.

15. Why customers visiting

(went) to retail stores

[ ] general [ ] product
[ ] buying interest [ ] information seeking
interest interest
16. Have you purchased any product at BIG BAZAAR just by visiting first
time? [ ] yes[ ] no[ ] not first time [ ] more than two times (visiting)

17. How do you feel (satisfied) after shopping at Big Bazaar?

[ ] feel very satisfied[ ] satisfied[ ] not satisfied

18. Give your suggestion to improve the store more attractive and more preferable.

The table below presents the ranks which were assigned by three judges to the works of ten

SNO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Judge A 5 7 4 1 3 2 9 8 10 6

Judge B 4 8 3 2 7 1 10 6 9 5

Judge C 8 6 2 10 4 1 3 9 5 7

Compute the spearman’s Rank order correlation coefficient for each pair of ranking and

Which two judges are most alike in their opinions about these artists?

Which two judges are different in their opinions about their artists?

4. Distinguish between correlation and regression with the help of an example.


Research report –Different types –Contents of report –need of executive summary–
chapterization–contents of chapter –report writing –the role of audience –readability–
comprehension –tone –final proof –report format –title of the report –ethics in research–
ethical behavior of research –subjectivity and objectivity in research.


Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

Define research report.

1. BTL1 Remembering

What is the difference between executive summary and abstract?

2. BTL2 Understanding

Identify the characteristics of a good Report.

3. BTL3 Applying

Discuss the objectivity in writing a marketing research report.

4. BTL4 Analyzing

How would you categorise report based on the function?

5. BTL5 Evaluating

Explain ethics in research.

6. BTL6 Creating

Define synopsis.
7. BTL1 Remembering

Can you state about longitudinal study?

8. BTL2 Understanding

Identify the different types research report.

9. BTL3 Applying

What is the prime purpose of including limitations in a research

10. report? BTL4 Analyzing

How would you focus on readability in research report?
11. BTL5 Evaluating

Can you cite the essential contents of an executive summary?

12. BTL6 Creating

Define Bibliography.
13. BTL1 Remembering

What is meant by the footnotes?

14. BTL2 Understanding

What is the need for effective documentation?

15. BTL3 Applying

Analyze the “Tell Em” and “KISS Em” priniciples.

16. BTL4 Analyzing

What is meant by Popular Report?

17. BTL1 Remembering

Can you state about business report?

18. BTL2 Understanding

What is meant by ethical dilemma?

19. BTL1 Remembering

Define Cauterization.
20. BTL1 Remembering
(i) What precautions one should be taken while preparing

1. research report?(8marks) BTL1 Remembering

(i i) How would you do final proof reading?(5marks)

(i) Define the report writing.(3marks)

2. BTL2 Understanding
(i i) What are the steps involved in Report writing?(10marks)

Discuss the ethical issues to be taken care at the research

3. design stage, field work stage, data analysis and findings, BTL3 Applying

presentation stage.

Graphically illustrate the consumer decision –making process

described in the following paragraph:

The consumer first becomes aware of the need. Then the

consumer simultaneously searches for information from several

4. sources: retailers, advertising, word of mouth and independent BTL4 Analyzing

publications. After that, a criterion is developed for evaluating

the available brands in the market place. Based on this

evaluation ,the most preferred brand is


(i) List the eight vital guidelines that the client should

remember while evaluating the goodness of a research

5. report.(5marks) BTL5 Evaluating

(ii ) Describe the evaluation of a marketing research project

in retrospect.(8marks)

The following passage is taken from a marketing research report

prepared for a group of printers and lithographers without much

formal education who run a small family owned business:

To measure the image of the printing industry, two different

scaling techniques were employed. The first was series of

semantic differential scales. The second consisted of a set of

6. Likert scales. The use of two different techniques for BTL6 Creating

measurement could be justified based on the need to assess the

convergent validity of the findings .Data obtained using both

these techniques were treated as interval scaled. Pearson

product moment correlations were computed

between the set of ratings. The resulting correlations were

high, indicating a high level of convergent validity.

Rewrite this paragraph so that it is suitable for inclusion in the


7. What is the need for preparing rough draft? Discuss. BTL1 Remembering

8. Explain about research report and its format. BTL2 Understanding

(i)Examine the ethical behavior in research.(7marks)

9. (ii)Explain the rules / mechanisms of writing a research BTL3 Applying


10. Write an essay on report writing. BTL4 Analyzing

What are the ethical issues involved in research?

11. BTL1 Remembering
Explain in detail.

(i)Mention the different types of report.(7marks)

(ii)Point out the difference between a technical report
12. BTL2 Understanding

and a popular report.(6marks)

(i)Explain the technique and importance of oral

presentation of research findings.(8marks)

13. BTL4 g
(ii) Is only oral presentation sufficient? If not


(i) What points will you keep in mind while preparing a

research report? Explain.(7marks)
14. (ii) Describe the different forms in which a research BTL1

work may be reported?(6marks)


Mr.Mohan Mehta has a chain of restaurants in many cities of northern India and was
interested in diversifying his business. His only son, Kamal, never wanted to be in the
hospitality line. To settle Kamal into a line which would intrest him, Mr.Mehta decided to
venture into a garment manufacturing. He gave this idea to his son, who liked it very much.
Kamal had already done a course in fashion designing and wanted to do

something different for the consumers of this industry. An idea struck him that he
should design garments for people who are very bulky but want a lean look after
wearing readymade garments. The first thing that came to his mind was to have an
estimate of people who wore large sized shirts(40 size

and above) and large sized trousers (38 size and above)A meeting was called of
experts from the garment industry and a number of fashion designers to discuss on how
they should proceed. A common for many of them was to know the size of such a
market. Another issue that was bothering them was how to approach the respondents, It
was believed that asking people about the size of their shirt or trouser may put them off
and there may not be any worthwhile response. A Suggestion that came up was that they
should employ some observers at entrances of various malls and their jobs would be to
look at people who walked into the malls and see whether the concerned person was
wearing a big size shirt or trouser. This would be a better way of approaching the
respondents .This procedure would help them to estimate in a very simple way the
proportion of people who wore a big sized garments.


a. Name the sampling design that is being used in the study. (3marks) b .
What are the limitations of the design so chosen? (5marks)
c. Can you suggest a better design? (3marks)

d . What method of data collection is being employed? (4marks)

Discuss in detail the steps that a researcher needs to follow to formulate a good

2. research report. Do the criteria become different for different kinds of reports?
Explain with examples.

Identify an organization and prepare a report which contains recommendations for

3. improving its operations in India.

Visual representation of results are best understood by a reader thus special

care must be taken for this formulation. Examine the truth of this statement
by giving suitable examples

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