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1.1 Background of the Study

A stain is a discolorant that can be clearly distinguished from
the surface, material or medium it is found upon. Fabric stain is a common
problem among people especially to mothers. Many students and other
people have experienced to be stained by inks of ballpens and
markers,natural pigments on food can also cause stains. Protein-based
stains, oil-based stains,tannin stains, dye stains and combination stains are
also types of stains
Other stain removers are indeed very effective in its use. But
along with their useful effects, they also bring out serious harm to human
because of its huge chemical compound. It can cause irritation on the
eyes,throat and nose. People with sensitivities to the chemicals in chlorine
bleach may experience more intense symptoms after exposure. Even
though these stain removers are not that expensive, they are often toxic to
both human and other animals if misused.
Botanical stain remover is a good alternative for these
chemicals. There are naturally occurring plant materials that can be an
alternative for these chemicals such as Citrus x Limon and Psidium
Citrus x Limon is credited with innumerable benefits to
promote hydration,supports weightloss, improves skin quality, helps
prevent kidney stones and the source of Vitamin C, it is also the main
ingreant on the removalof stains. Psidium Guajava serves as an anti-
microbial on fabric. Citrus x Limon and Psidium Guajava are reported to
possess the ability on th stain removal on fabric
The Main objective of the study was to test the ability of Citrus x Limon on
the removal of stain and Psidium Guajava for anti-microbial.
Specifically, the research aims to:
 Determine the effectivity of Psidium Guajava on removing stains.
 Determine the effects when exposed to stained fabric.
 Determine the capability of Psidium Guajava on anti-microbial when
mixed with Citrus x Limon.

Null Hypothesis
 There is no significant difference in the use of Citrus x Limon
and Psidium Guajava as fabric stain remover.

Alternative Hypothesis
 There is significant difference in the use of CitrusxLimon and
Psidium Guajava
1.4 Statement of the problem
The purpose of this study is to determine the effectivity of
CitrusxLimon and Psidium Guajava on the removal of stains and to the
The study aims to answer the following questions:
1. Will the study be effective on the removal of stains?
2. What will be the effects when the product is exposed to the fabric?
3. What will be the difference of the said product on other stain
1.5 Significance of the Study
Lemon are laden with nutritious benefits that goes far outside. The role
of a garnish. Lemon health benefit includes improving vitamin C levels,
decreasing blood cholesterol, liver function and etc. Psidium Guajava is
also being used in medicinal purposes.The fruit and the leaf of the guava
has been proved that it may give benefit to human health.But these results
would also contribute to help people, this would also benefit consumers
and the populace as it helps find a cheaper, more acquirable, safer and
effective alternative for their products

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