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General Knowledge Booster-12

Grade: 4
Name__________ Date__________

Q1. Which city is also known as the leather city?

Q2. List the mythological versions of dragon.
Q3. Who is known as Grand old man of India?
Q4. Who was the first President of India?
Q5. When do the people of Maldives celebrate their Independence Day?
(a) 26th July
(b) 14th August
(c) 26th August
(d) 25th May
Q6. What is the new name of Calcutta?
Q7. Olympics held after every _____ years.
Q8. Which of the following is used for the remedy of cough and cold?
(a) Tulsi leaves
(b) Neem leaves
(c) Eucalyptus leaves
(d) Vasaka leaves

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