Ssila 2019

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Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City

Day 2 – Friday, January 5th, 2018


Executive Committee Meeting

Location and Time: Embassy Room, 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM

Special session: Dene (Athabascan) Languages in Story, Poem, and Song

Room: Milano
Organizers: Olga Lovick (First Nations University of Canada)
Siri Tuttle (University of Alaska Fairbanks)

10:00 Olga Lovick (First Nations University of Canada), Siri Tuttle (University of Alaska Fairbanks). Welcome
and introduction.
10:05 Justin Spence (University of California, Davis). Reading Performativity: Exceptional Prosody in
Transcribed Hupa Narratives.
10:25 Siri Tuttle (University of Alaska Fairbanks). Vocables and Vowel Inventories in Lower Tanana Dene.
10:45 Questions and discussion
11:00 Sharon Hargus (University of Washington). The Kwadacha Tsek’ene Nats’oodalh stories.
11:20 Olga Lovick (First Nations University of Canada). The Che’ t’iin iin (Tailed People) of Tetlin: between
human and animal.
11:35 Questions and discussion
Genealogical and areal linguistics
Room: Audubon
Chair: Raina Heaton (University of Oklahoma)

9:00 Jens Van Gysel (University of New Mexico). A Historical Glottometric Account of Enlhet-Enenlhet Genetic
9:30 John Elliott (University of Hawai’i at Mānoa). Enlhet-Enenlhet alignment in the Chaco areal context.
10:00 Katarzyna Wojtylak (James Cook University). Language contact in Caquetá and Putumayo river basins in
Northwest Amazonia.
10:30 Jorge Emilio Rosés Labrada (University of Alberta). Amazonian areal features in Sáliban grammar.
11:00 Anna Berge (Alaska Native Language Center). Lexical Evidence for the Former Presence of Unangam
Tunuu in Currently Alutiiq Areas.

Room: Vienna
Chair: Marianna Di Paolo (University of Utah)

9:00 Ryan E. Henke (University of Hawai’i at Mānoa). The development of possession in the L1 acquisition of
Northern East Cree.
9:30 Katherine Riestenberg (Smithsonian Institution). Asymmetries in the L2 acquisition of Macuiltianguis
Zapotec tones.
10:00 Susan Kalt (Brown University). Attrition and reconfiguration of evidential marking in Southern Quechua
and Andean Spanish. Read by Anna Babel (Ohio State University).

Room: Vienna
Chair: Martin Kohlberger (Leiden University)

10:30 Dan Hintz (SIL International). The elaboration of similative case in Quechua.
11:00 Diane Hintz (SIL International). Development units and their morphological marking in Quechua narrative
11:30 Stephanie Farmer (Macalester College). Máíhɨk̃ i noun classification and the general-specific split.
12:00 Ewa Czaykowska-Higgins (University of Victoria). Clitic Distribution in Nxaʔamxcín Salish.

Special session: Language change and documentation in the Americas: Studies in honor of
Lyle Campbell
Room: Milano
Organizers: Wilson Silva (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Thiago Chacon (University of Brasilia)
Nala H. Lee (National University of Singapore)

2:00 Wilson Silva (Rochester Institute of Technology). Introduction.

2:05 Keren Rice (University of Toronto). Continuity and change in a northern Dene language area: reconsidering
2:25 Raina Heaton (University of Oklahoma). Variation and change in the distribution of *-(V)n and *-(V)w in
2:45 Marianne Mithun (University of California, Santa Barbara). Alienability and affectedness.
3:05 Ives Goddard (Smithsonian Institution). Place names of Eastern Algonquian origin and what their study can
tell us.
3:25 John Justeson (University at Albany, SUNY). Day names of Greater Lowland Mayan divinatory calendars.
3:45 Terrence Kaufman (University of Pittsburgh). Adventures in Decipherment.
4:05 Chris Rogers (Brigham Young University). Contextualizing language data in documentary linguistics.
4:25 Discussion
4:55 Final remarks

Room: Fontainbleau
Chair: Bruce Mannheim (University of Michigan)

2:00 Zachary O’Hagan (University of California, Berkeley). Lexical Semantics and Caquinte Frustrative
2:30 Carolyn Jane Anderson (University of Massachusetts Amherst). The San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec Andative
and Venitive.

Demonstratives (and determiners)

Room: Fontainbleau
Chair: Zachary O’Hagan (University of California, Berkeley)

3:30 Doris Payne (University of Oregon), Alejandra Vidal (CONICET). Determiners and Demonstratives in
Pilagá (Gran Chaco, Argentina).
4:00 Amalia Skilton (University of California, Berkeley). Perceptual meanings in Ticuna demonstratives.
4:30 Irina Wagner (University of Colorado Boulder), Andrew Cowell (University of Colorado Boulder). Syntax
and semantics of demonstratives in Southern Sierra Miwok.
Syntax 1
Room: Vienna
Chair: Jorge Emilio Rosés Labrada (University of Alberta)

2:00 Pamela Munro (University of California, Los Angeles). How to Swear in Zapotec: The Grammar of
Tlacolula Valley Zapotec Expletives.
2:30 Richard Rhodes (University of California, Berkeley). The Sayuleño middle suffix.
3:00 Robin Quizar (Metro State University of Denver). Absolutive Antipassives in Ch’orti’ (Mayan); A
Historical/Comparative View.
3:30 Esteban Diaz Montenegro (Université Lumière Lyon 2, Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage). Clause
Types and Directive Speech Acts in Nasa Yuwe.

Historical linguistics
Room: Vienna
Chair: Anthony Yates (University of California, Los Angeles)

4:00 Tania Granadillo (University of Western Ontario). Verbal person markings in Chayma: old data, new
4:30 Daniel Hieber (University of California, Santa Barbara). Lessons from an isolate: Chitimacha diachrony in
areal perspective.

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