Master Soal Pas Ganjil KLS 9 K2013 Bing-1

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WAKTU : 120 Menit

I. Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer!

1. Boy : Have you heard if I won the bike race this morning?
Leo : Really? . . .
A. I hope you don’t lie to me.
B. I must congratulate you.
C. You must win the race.
D. Are you parents proud of you?

2. Tia : Congratulations on winning the speech contest at our school.

Cindy : Thanks. I’ll represent our school at the regional speech contest.
Tia : I’m so proud f you. . . . .
Cindy : Thanks a lot, Tia.
A. I can win the contest too
B. Let’s attend the contest now.
C. I hope you can win the contest.
D. You should invite to the contest.

3. Dina : I have washed all the dirty plates, Ma’am.

Mother : . . . .
A. Good job, dear!
B. Congratulations!
C. I hope you’ll do it again.
D. It’s not important to tell.

4. Lucy : I don’t want to eat anything because I have toothache.

Harry : It must be hurt so bad. I ever experienced the same thing. . . . .

A. You have to eat as much as possible .

B. You must visit a dentist soon.
C. You have to come to my house.
D. You have to going to have toothache.

5. Andi : I think we should have some extra class for the exam preparation.
Wahyu : . . . . We can understand and master of the exam well.
A. I hope our school will consider about that.
B. Let’s talk about it to our teacher.
C. I don’t think it’s a good idea.
D. I agree with you.

6. Santi : So, where will we go?

Rika : How about beach?
Meli : . . . . We have visited a lot of beach this year.
Tanti : Lake? Sentani Lake sounds interesting, right?
A. That’s so true
B. I quite agree
C. I think so, too
D. I don’t think so

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This text is for questions 7 to 10

7. The medicine is used to cure . . . .

A. minor aches
B. diabetics
C. lemon taste
D. headache

8. “This medication can cause adverse effect.”

The underlined word means . . . .
A. poison
B. healing
C. breaking
D. meditation

9. Children with diabetic are not allowed to consume this medicine because . . . .
A. it may cause drowsiness
B. it may cause impair alertness
C. it can cause adverse effects
D. it can relieve cough

10. To know more information about the contraindication we should . . . .

A. see the composition
B. read the leaflet inside
C. store in a cool place
D. avoid direct sunlight

This text is for questions 11 and 12.



Your best friend


11. Why did the writer send the card?

A. To encourage his friend.
B. To make his friend happy.
C. To congratulate his friend .
D. To join the Math Olympiad.

12. Who was the card sent to?

A. Akmal.
B. Akmal’s friend.
C. An Olympic athlete.
D. The Math Olympiad Committee.

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This text is for questions 13 and 14.
Last week,my friend and I went on a trip to see a waterfall. We left school at seven thirty in the
morning. We arrived on the waterfall site at nine o’clock. It was a nice place, especially the waterfall. It’s so
high, more than 100 meters. The air was so fresh, and the water from up was so clear and cool. Some of us
played with water and the other just watched the scenery. At noon, we had lunch together. We were really

13. How was the air?

A. It was hot
B. It was cool
C. It was clear
D. It was fresh

14. “It was a nice place, … .” (line 3).

What does the word “It” refer to?
A. Waterfall
B. School
C. Nice Place
D. A trip

This text is for questions 15 to 17.

It is good to have fruit juice in the morning. You can have apple, melon or even orange juice.
Let’s learn how to make apple juice. The first thing you have to do is to prepare the blender. First, wash
and clean it with fresh water. Next, prepare a clean and sharp knife. You need it to cut the apple. Then, wash as
many apples as you wish. Cut them into pieces. After that, put the apple pieces into the blender. Press the “ON”
button and set the button on 1,2 or 3. You may add sugar to taste. When you have finished, pour the apple juice
into glasses, for serving. Add ice cubes if you like.

15. The text is about . . . .

A. How to peel apples
B. How apple juice tastes
C. How to make apple juice
D. How to wash and clean a blender

16. “You need it to cut the apple.

” The underlined word it refers to . . . .
A. a knife
B. an Apple
C. a glass
D. a blender

17. We wash and clean the blender in order to . . . .

A. make it work properly\
B. keep the blades sharp
C. remove dirt from the blades
D. make the apple juice sweet

This text is for questions 18 to 20.

Dear Intan,

Congratulation on your success on the college entrance exam. May today success be just the beginning of
your long life achievement and happiness. Remember the challenge is waiting for you in the college.
Nevertheless, I believe that you can handle it well. Good luck!

Your best friend,


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18. The purpose of the text above is . . . .
A. To persuade someone
B. To entertain someone
C. To congratulate someone
D. To invite someone

19. What did Intan do?

A. Won the contest.
B. Passed the college entrance exam.
C. Invited Mutiara to her celebration day.
D. Graduated from university.

20. “. . . beginning of your long life achievement and happiness.”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . . .
A. upset
B. misery
C. sadness
D. joyful

This text is for questions 21 to 24.

On Wednesday, my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far
from Malioboro.
On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa
and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu
temple is being renovated.
On Friday morning, we went to YogyaKraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky because
we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at 4
p.m. At 5 p.m, we heard the announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.
In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.

21. Based on the text, the writer writes it to . . . .

A. tell past event
B. entertain readers
C. describe the smugglers
D. report an event to the police

22. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The writer and his/her friends went to Yogyakarta.
B. They left for Yogyakarta by wisata bus.
C. They visited the temples in Prambanan.
D. They went to Yogya Kraton on Friday morning.

23. “Then we continued our journey . . . .“ (paragraph 3)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . . .
A. arrive
B. travel
C. leave
D. walk

24. “ . . . We visited the temples in Prambanan . . . .” (Paragraph 2)

What does the underlined word “We” in the sentence refer to?
A. Students and Syiwa.
B. Brahmana and Wisnu.
C. Students and Wisnu.
D. Writer and the students.

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This text is for questions 25 to 28.

25. The purpose of the text above is . . . .

A. to give detail information about the product
B. to tell the reader about new product
C. to describe the nutrition facts of the product
D. to persuade the reader to buy the product

26. “ . . . depending on your calorie needs”.

The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . . .
A. Necessity
B. things
C. foods
D. diets

27. How many grams of saturated fat does the product contain?
A. 11 g
B. 6 g
C. 22 g
D. 38 g

28. When would it be best to consume the product?

A. At May 2019
B. After 01 May 2019
C. During May 2019
D. Not more than 01 May 2019

This text is for questions 29 to 31.

Pull, Not push

A year ago, I visited my aunt in Jakarta. She showed me around and took me shopping at some malls. I was
really awestruck by the glamorous malls. While window – shopping with her, nature called. My aunt showed me
the rest room. She didn’t come in, she waited outside. I entered one of the cubicles.

When I’d finished, I tried to open the cubicles door. I pushed and pushed again. Nothing happened. I
started to get panic. I tried to push again. Zero, I cried out my auntie’s name several times. I heard her coming,
she sounded panic too. I said I couldn’t open the door. Abruptly, in one fling, the door was wide open. I heard
people burst into laughter. Not knowing to what happened, I stepped out of the cubicles. Later, I found out that I
was supposed to pull, not push the door. I wanted the ground to swallow me up.

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29. When did the writer visit her aunt in Jakarta?
A. A year ago.
B. Two years ago.
C. Last holiday.
D. Yesterday.

30. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. She got panic when she couldn’t open the door.
B. She heard people burst into laughter.
C. She cried out her auntie’s name several times.
D. She stepped out of the cubicles.

31. “I was really awestruck by the glamorous malls.” (paragraph 1 )

The underlined word has the same meaning with . . .
A. Blaze.
B. Unimpressed
C. Astonished.
D. Proud.

This text is for questions 32 to 34.

How to Operate the Fan

1. Press ‘Cover Release’ button to access the control panel.

2. To turn the fan on, press ‘Power’ button on the remote control.
3. To cycle through high, medium and low speed setting (3-2-1), press ’Speed’ button on the
remote control.
4. To turn the oscillation on and off, press ‘Oscillation’ on the remote control.
5. To set your fan to automatically switch off, press ‘Timer’ button on the remote control. When
set, the fan will run and switch off automatically after the set duration of time (1,2,4 or 8 hours)
has lapsed.
6. To activate the breeze mode, press ‘Breeze’ button on the remote control. When turned on, the
fan will randomly cycle through the three speeds setting recreating a natural outdoor breeze. To
activate sleep mode, press “Breeze” button again. This function slows the fan’s speed and when
used in conjunction with the timer setting, will ultimately switch the fan off.
7. To turn the fan off, press “Power” button on the remote control.
8. To close the cover, use one hand to hold the fan housing and the other hand to slide down the
cover until it fits into place.

Your fan features a LED display panel. When a specific feature
is activated on your fan, the LED panel will light up showing
which features have been activated.

32. What is the text about?

A. How to remove a control panel cap.
B. How to turn thefan on automatically.
C. How to operate a tower fan with a remote control.
D. How to fix a tower fan with a remote control.

33. How do users know which panel is active?

A. They have to press any panel button.
B. The LED panel will light up.
C. The fan will create breeze.
D. The tower fan will turn on.

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34. Who do you think will most likely read the text?
A. A person who just bought the tower fan.
B. A company which produces tower fans.
C. A person who intends to buy a tower fan.
D. A person who creates an electronic advertisement.

35. Arrange the following words into a good sentence.

will – around – jogging – housing – I – be – complex – the

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 5–1–6–8–3–2–4–7
B. 5–1–3–6–2–8–7–4
C. 5–6–1–3–2–4–8–7
D. 5–1–6–3–2–8–4–7

36. Arrange the following words into a good sentence.

are – the – in – football – rain – the – playing – children

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 2–4–1–3–6–8–7–5
B. 2–7–4–3–6–5–1–8
C. 2–8–1–7–4–3–6–5
D. 2–8–1–4–7–3–6–5

37. Arrange the following sentences into a meaningful passage.

How To make a cup of ginger tea
1). While waiting for the water to boil, pour instan ginger powder into a cup.
2). After the water boils, pour the hot water into the cup.
3). Stir the ginger powder, honey, and hot water with a teaspoon.
4). Boil a cup of water in a pan.
5). Sip it to taste.
6). After pouring hot water, add a teaspoon of honey in it.

A. 4–1–2–6–3–5
B. 4–2–1–3–6–5
C. 4–2–1–6–5–3
D. 4–1–5–6–3–2

For questions 38 to 40, choose the best options to complete the text below.

It (38) . . . when I arrived at the railway station. I walked out of the station and sat on a
bench, waiting for my cousin who was going to fetch me. Suddenly, a little girl with an umbrella
approached me. She offered me an umbrella. I (39) . . . my head and refused the offer politely.
She looked a bit disappointed, the she approached a man, offering him her umbrella. The little girl
was happy when the man agreed to use her umbrella. The little girl, with a smaller umbrella,
walked behind the man. She didn’t care that she was cold and her clothes were (40) . . . because
of the rain.

38. A. rain
B. rained
C. had rained
D. was raining

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39. A. shook
B. turned
C. nodded
D. stooped

40. A. dry
B. old
C. wet
D. new

Complete the text with the correct words in the box.

a. Pour b. Ingredients
c. Cup d. Jasmine
e. Water

Making Teh Poci

(1) . . . :
Black tea with strong aromatic jasmine
Lump sugar
Boiling (2) . . .
Steps :
 Take some black tea with strong aromatic (3) . . . and then put in the poci.
 Don’t forget to put lump sugar in the poci.
 (4) . . . boiling water in the poci.
 Then, wait for about 5-7 minutes to get the tea ready to drink.
 Make sure that the aromatic tea is smelt. It means that the tea is ready to surve.
 Pour the tea in a small clay (5) . . . too to serve the tea.
 The last one, don’t ever wash the poci, you just need o take out the rest of the tea.

“Good Luck”

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28. The teacher – cheat – angry – will – be –the test – if – during – students
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A. 1–4–3–5–7–8–6–9–2
B. 1–4–5–3–7–9–2–8–6
C. 1–4–5–3–7–2–9–8–6
D. 1 – 4 – 5 – 3 – 7 – 8 – 6– 2 – 9

29. Arrange the words into a correct sentence.

classified – three – types – lagoons – main – into – are
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. 4 – 7 – 5 – 3 – 6 – 2 – 1
B. 4 – 7 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 3
C. 4 – 7 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 5 – 1
D. 4 – 7 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 6 – 2

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For number 39 to 41, fill the blanks to complete this paragraph.
Below are the steps to make instant fried noodle. ...
Boil the noodle in two glasses of. . . (39) and simmer for 3 minutes.
. . . (40) the noodle from the water and drain it.
Put the noodle on a plate.
Pour the seasoning, soy sauce, and chili powder into the noodle, and
mix . . . (41).
Spread fried onion and the noodle is ready to serve.

A. oil
B. milk
C. soup
D. water

31. . . . .
A. put
B. take
C. pour
D. mix

32. . . .
A. heavily
B. well
C. fast
D. gently

Complete the text of number 42 – 44

Once upon a time there lived a butterfly that was very proud
of its beautiful wings. It flew hither and thither, …(42)..its
wings. When flying, the butterfly met a bee and greeted it, “Hi,
bee. People like to say with me due to my beautiful wings.
What about you? You have plain wings and people keep away
from you ..(43).. you stings.”

The bee smiled and said, “it’s true that your wings are more
beautiful than those of …(44).. , but I am beneficial for others.
Despite my stings, people raise me to get honey I produce. My
honey is good for their health and beauty.”

33. A. flying
B. Showing off
C. pushing up
D. Breaking off

34. A. but
B. instead
C. in spite of
D. because of

35. A. I
B. Me
C. my
D. mine

36. a new car - will - they - one - My parents - have - sold - the old – if - buy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The correct arrangement of the words is…..
A. 5 – 6 – 1 – 8 – 4 – 9 – 3 – 2 – 7 – 10
B. 5 – 2 – 10 – 1 – 9 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 4

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C. 9 – 3 – 10 – 8 – 4 – 7 – 2 – 5 – 6 – 1
D. 9 – 8 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 10 – 3

The text is for numbers 46 - 47

37. 4What is the text talk about?

A. Chidren’s cold and allergy medicine
B. The uses of allergic rhinitis
C. The direction for the children
D. The symptoms of the diseases

38. How many doses do children 6 to under 12 years consumption the medicine in 24 – hour period?
A. 4 tsp every 4 hours
B. 2 tsp every 4 hours
C. 2 – 4 tsp everyday
D. ask doctor

A. after they are ripe

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