Soft Skills For Successful: Career

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14soft skills

for successful
1. Communication skills
Why you need it: Both written
and verbal communication skills
are of utmost importance in the
workplace because they set the
tone for how people perceive you.
They also improve your chances
of building relationships with co-
workers. Communication skills
boost your performance because
they help you to extract clear
expectations from your manager
so that you can deliver excellent

1. Communication skills (con…)

Why employers look for it:

Workers are more productive
when they know how to
communicate with their peers,
says Robinson. If you can clearly
express the who, what, when,
where, why, and how of a project,
you’ll be a hot ticket.

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your-life.html 4
1. Communication skills (con…)
How to gain it: One way to hone
your communication and
presentation skills is to join
Toastmasters, a national
organization that offers public
speaking workshops.

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communicator.html 5
2. Teamwork

WhyThis is ait:festive
you need title
A company’s success
is rarely dependent on one person doing
something all by him/herself. Success is
the result of many people working
toward a common goal. When
employees can synthesize their varied
talents, everyone wins.

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2. Teamwork (con…)
Why employers look for it:
Employers look to team
players to help build a
friendly office culture, which
helps retain employees and,
in turn attracts top talent.
Furthermore, being able to
collaborate well with your
co-workers strengthens the
quality of your work.

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2. Teamwork (con…)
How to gain it: To generate
goodwill, lend a hand when
you see a co-worker in
need. (“Hey, I know you
have a ton on your plate.
How can I help?”) Another
way to build rapport is to
cover for a colleague while
she’s on vacation, says
business etiquette and
career coach Karen

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3. Willingness to learn
Willingness to learn is showing
that you’re happy to learn new
things and what you need to
know to do your job. It also
means that when, for example,
your coach says that you need
to work on your passes, or your
kapa haka teacher says you
need to improve your poi
actions, you don’t get too
upset, but take it calmly and try
hard to do better.

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4. Problem solving

Why you need it: When something

goes wrong, you can either
complain or take action. Tip: It’s the
latter that will get you noticed.
Knowing how to think on your feet
can make you indispensable to an

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4. Problem solving (con…)
Why employers look for
it?: Nothing is a given.
Companies rely on problem
solvers—a.k.a. their top
performers—to navigate
unexpected challenges.

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4. Problem solving (con…)
How to gain it: “Always approach
your boss with a solution, not a
problem,” says Robinson. So when
an issue crops up, sit down and
think through how you’re going to
address it before bringing it to your
boss’ attention.

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5. Leadership skills
Why you need it: Having
confidence and a clear vision
can help influence your co-
workers and get them on
board with your ideas now and
in the future. Displaying such
leadership skills helps you gain
visibility within an organization,
which can lead to more
opportunities for promotions or
salary bumps.

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5. Leadership skills (con…)
Why employers want
it: Bosses and managers
are always looking for
employees with leadership
potential because those
workers will one day be
taking over the reins and
building on the company’s

5. Leadership skills (con…)
How to gain it: Being a
leader isn’t merely about
getting people to do what
you want. Leadership
means inspiring and helping
others reach their full
potential. One way to do
that is to become the
internship supervisor, which
gives you the opportunity to
manage people, learn how
to motivate a team, and take
on more responsibility.
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6. Interpersonal Skills
Interpersonal skills are the
skills we use every day
when we communicate and
interact with other people,
both individually and in
People with strong
interpersonal skills are often
more successful in both
their professional and
personal lives.

6. Interpersonal Skills (con…)

Interpersonal skills
include a wide variety of
skills, though many are
centred around
communication, such as
listening, questioning and understanding body language. They
also include the skills and attributes associated with emotional
intelligence, or being able to understand and manage your own
and others’ emotions.
There are two important tools for developing interpersonal skills:

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7. Problem solving skills
In nearly every sector,
problem solving is one of
the key skills that
employers seek in job
applicants. It is hard to find
a blue collar, administrative,
managerial, or professional
position that doesn't require
problem solving skills of
some kind.

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8. Time management skills
Employees who manage their time well
are more productive, more efficient, and
more likely to meet deadlines.
They focus on the most important and
time sensitive tasks and limit the amount
of time wasted on non-essential duties.
Effective time management requires staff
to analyze their workload, assign priorities,
and maintain focus on productive
endeavors. Employees who are excellent
time managers can eliminate distractions
and enlist support from colleagues to help
accomplish their goals.

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9. Initiative
The number one
among the desirable
soft skills: showing
initiative. This means
you don’t just sit
around and wait until
someone gives you a
task. You play an
active part in the
project. It is about
finding your
own role and thinking

9. Initiative
How can I advance the team?
What hasn’t anyone thought
about yet? Offer your help
when you spot serious issues
that others have missed. You
won’t just train your eye for
such opportunities, but you will
also make your fellow human
beings happy by doing so.

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10. Adaptability skills
Why you need it: Things
don’t always go as
planned, and instead of
digging in your heels,
you need to be able to
pivot and find alternate
solutions. “Successful
leaders are the ones
who know how to be
flexible when problems
arise,” says Robinson.

10. Adaptability skills (con…)

Why employers look for it: ĐỀ
“The speed
of change in any given workplace is
so rapid,” says Joel Garfinkle,
executive coach and author of Getting
Ahead: Three Steps to Take Your
Career to the Next Level.
Consequently, employers need
workers who can adapt to industry
shifts and keep the company current.

10. Adaptability skills (con…)
How to gain it: Push yourself to
be an early adopter of change.
“For example, adapting to
technology without mourning
what used to be true yesterday
is crucial for people to be seen
as someone who is capable of
meeting new challenges,” says
Garfinkle. Inquire about training
sessions and offer to teach
your co-workers what you

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11. Critical thinking
The ability to use imagination,
reasoning, past experience,
research, and available resources
to fundamentally understand and
then resolve issues is attractive
for obvious reasons. Highlight this
skill by listing an example (or
speaking of one in an interview) of
a time when your company was
dealt a sticky situation and you
effectively addressed/resolved it
via critical thinking skills.

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12. Creativity
This is probably the most
underrated soft skill because it
usually takes someone creative to
appreciate the need for others
who are, and most people just
aren’t that creative. Creativity
doesn’t mean being an artist; it
means being resourceful and
innovative in finding solutions to
problems at work. Can you tell a
story of an unusual or
unconventional way that you
solved a problem at work?
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13. Attitude
Attitude might not be everything,
but it’s extremely valuable.
Employers want employees who
are positive, even in stressful and
challenging circumstances. They
want to hire applicants with a “can
do” attitude, who are flexible,
dedicated and who are willing to
contribute extra, if necessary, to
get the job done.

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14. Work Ethic.
While you may have a manager,
companies don’t like to spend
time micromanaging employees.
They expect you to be
responsible and do the job that
you’re getting paid to do, which
includes being punctual when you
arrive at work, meeting deadlines,
and making sure that your work is
error free. And going the extra
mile shows that you’re
committed to performing your
work with excellence.


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