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Grid Computing

Seminar report

Neha Bhambu
B.Tech Final yr
Computer Science
A Grid is a collection of distributed
heterogeneous computing and data
resources available through network
tools and protocols which enable
controlled and coordinated sharing
and appear as a single large virtual
computing system
 SETI@Home made the idea of finding extraterrestrial
life exciting by allowing the public to process radio logs
for peaks and regular signals by providing the
computing power of a supercomputer by utilizing
scavenging CPU cycles of so many idle PCs disperserd
at so many diverse locations all around the world . concentrates on the computational
needs of solving encrypted strings through brute force
methods .
 NSPA ,Globus grid project ,Teragrid ,zetagrid are
providing viable grid services through the use of Web
Services based on OGSA/OGSI standards.
 A virtual organization is a collaboration of various
individuals or institutions with a common goal sharing
resources like storage , computing power , software,
data ,file sharing in a highly controlled way with clearly
defined access rights .
Types of grid
1.On the basis of shared
Computational grid
Data Grid
Scavenging grid

2.On the basis of

topology :
Cluster grid
Intra grid
Inter grid
Extra grid
3. On the basis of
Enterprise grid
Partner grid
Service grid
Grid Layered

• OGSA is a distributed interaction and computing

architecture that is based around the Grid service,
assuring interoperability on heterogeneous systems so
that different types of systems can communicate and
share information.It is itself evolving and attempts to
describe the core capabilities of the grid. definition of
standard service interfaces and protocols.
• Some of the facilitites provided:
• Naming: Each grid service instance is globally, uniquely,
and for all time named by a Grid Service Handle (GSH).
• Factories: Create new grid service instances and
maintain a group of service data elements that can be
queried. A factory will also have an associated registry
to keep track of these instances and enable discovery.
• Stateful: A grid service instance has a state. A process
can be initiated via a method call on a service port type
and its state checked using the GSR.
• The Open Grid Services Interface (OGSI) specification
is a
• companion standard that defines the interfaces and
protocols that will be used between the various services
in a grid environment. The OGSI is the standard that will
provide the inter-operability between grids designed
using OGSA.
• OGSI consists of specifications on how work is
managed, distributed, and how service providers and
grid services are described. Web services, particularly
the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Web
Services Description Language (WSDL), are a major
part of this specification.
Grid Service Semantics
• Web Services model used as it is a distributed object
• The Grid service interface is described by WSDL to
use the service. A new tag gsdl has been added to the
WSDL document for Grid service description. The
UDDI registry and WSIL document are used to locate
Grid service. The transport protocol SOAP is used to
connect data and application for accessing Grid
service .
• The interfaces of Grid services address discovery,
dynamic service instance creation, life-time
management, notification, and manageability.
Grid Service Handling
Service versioning and upgrading
The portTypes of a Grid service and the
versioning information are specified in
the Grid service's serviceType in
OGSA. Grid Services in a distributed
system can be independently upgraded
based on the versioning information
defined in WSDL. The compatibility
between Grid services can be managed
in OGSA based on the versioning
information. The service client can
easily find and invoke a Grid service
with right method signatures.
Grid service instance creation and
The user application invokes create Grid
service requests on the factory
interface to create a new service
instance. An initial lifetime of the
instance can be specified before the
service instance is created.The newly
created service instance will keep the
user credentials for interacting with
other systems over the Internet. The
newly created Grid service instance will
be automatically assigned a globally
unique name called the Grid Service
Handle (GSH). In a transient stateful
service if a failed operation happens,
the keeplive messages stop . Then the
Grid service instance automatically
times out .
Grid Service Commands
Grid Service Deployment
• The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) servlet of Simple
Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and the real
implementation of the Grid service can be deployed on
an application server . All the invocation messages will
be captured by the SOAP RPC servlet, which routes the
messages to the corresponding Grid service. Grid
services can be published to a Universal Description,
Discovery and Integration (UDDI )egistry, or WS-
Inspection (WSIL ) documents .
GRAM is the module that provides the remote execution and
status management of the execution. When a job is submitted
by a client, the request is sent to the remote host and handled
by the gatekeeper daemon located in the remote host. Then
the gatekeeper creates a job manager to start and monitor
the job. When the job is finished, the job manager sends the
status information back to the client and terminates.
MDS(Monitoring and Discovery Service)
MDS gives users the ability to obtain vital information about the
grid and grid resources. It utilizes LDAP(lightweight directory
access protocol) to execute queries. MDS provides access to
static and dynamic information of resources. Basically, it contains
the following components:
Grid Resource Information Service (GRIS)
Grid Index Information Service (GIIS)
Information Provider
MDS client
• The infrastructure is based on the SSL protocol (Secure
Socket Layer), public key encryption, and x.509
• GSI authentication
GSI offers users a secure authentication option by
creating a time-stamped proxy based on the user's
private key. Users can't submit jobs to run or transfer
data without creating the proxy. Once created, the proxy
is used to grant -- or deny -- access to resources found
throughout the grid. Because the proxy is used across
the system, this gives the end user the ability to sign on
only once. In a PKI, all entities (users and resources)
are identified by a globally unique name known as a
Distinguished Name (DN).
• GSI authorization
The GSI handles user authorization by mapping the
user to a local user on the system being accessed. In a
GSI-enabled grid, the system receiving the request
reads the user's name from the proxy, and then
accesses a local file to map that name to a local user.
• GSI secure communication
By default, GSI secures communications using digital
certificates for mutual authentication and SSL/TLS for
data encryption. The Toolkit contains OpenSSL, which it
uses create an encrypted tunnel between grid clients
and servers.
• A proxy credential is a short-term credential that is
created by a user,which can be used in place of the
long-term credential to authenticatethat user .
Grid FTP
GridFTP provides a secure and
reliable data transfer among grid
nodes. The word GridFTP can
referred to a protocol, a server, or a
set of tools.
GridFTP protocol
GridFTP is a protocol intended to
be used in all data transfers on the
GridFTP server and client
Globus Toolkit provides the
GridFTP server and GridFTP client,
which are implemented by the
in.ftpd daemon and by the globus-
url-copy command, respectively.
They support most of the features
defined on the GridFTP protocol.
The GridFTP server and client
support two types of file transfer:
standard and third-party. The
standard file transfer is where a
client sends the local file to the
remote machine, which runs the
FTP server. Third-party file transfer
is where there is a large file in
remote storage and the
client wants to copy it to another
remote server.
Grid service working :
Grid Computing

This describes the “user side” of a computing system where
users interact via which controls a set of distributed back end
resources. GCE‟s fulfill (at least) two functions :
• “Programming the User Side of the Grid”
• Controlling user interaction – rendering any output and
allowing user input in some (web) page. This includes
aggregation of multiple data sources in a single portal page.
• A nugget is defined as a code module individually
programmed to provide a particular service like SQL interface
. GCE programming refers to their integration.This integration
is termed as workflow and in acommon modelled paradigm a
graphical interface where one can choose nuggets from a
palette and link „ports‟ or channels of the nugget.
• Catalog of primitive GCE
functions needed to
program the grid
enabled as a command Shell
line interface .
GCE Shell must express:
• Negotiated interaction
between nuggets and
• Files and services
hirarchies at all levels of
system .
• Distinction between
object and its metadata.
GCE Shell must have
following features:
• Search
• Discovery
• Registration
• Security
• Better workflow
• Groups and
collaboration features
• Meta-data handling
• Management and
• Networks
• Negotiation primitives
for service interaction
Problem Solving
• A problem solving environment is a
computational system that provides a
complete and convenient set of high level tools
for solving problems from a specific domain.
The PSE allows users to define and modify
problems, choose solution strategies, interact
with and manage appropriate hardware and
software resources, visualize and analyze
results, and record and coordinate extended
problem solving tasks.
User Portal
with multiple grid services
Grid Bandwidth
Bandwidth considerations
comprise :
CPU usage The CPU bandwidth
of the grid is the maximum rate
at which the grid can operate.
Network usage. The bandwidth
available to
a grid and that used by the grid in
its normal operation. Larger
bandwidth availability enables
us to build more complex, high
power grids.
• Bandwidth will be affected by a
number of factors :
• Number of clients in the grid
• Number of work units distributed
each time
• Period required to process each
• Work unit size (source and Cooperative
response) computing
• A WorkQueue table holds using a
the information about all of dynamic server
the work units in the system .Each client can
and their status, such as
waiting, assigned to a client, measure its
or completed. A second own
table, ActiveUnits, holds the performance
information about which and then
clients have which units. report it to
• Serial job flow
In this case there is a single
thread of job execution Job Flow
where each of the
subsequent jobs has to wait
for its predecessor to end
and deliver output data as
input to the next job. This
means any job is a
consumer of its
predecessor, the data
Parallel job Flow
Each job may receive a
discrete set
of data, and fulfills its
computational task
independently and delivers
its output.
Network job flow
More analysis needs to be
done to determine how best
to split the application into
individual jobs, maximizing
parallelism. It also adds
more dependencies on the
grid infrastructure services
• Grids have become viable by the use of
standards like OGSA and OGSI and are
instrumental in harnessing huge
computing power and storage resources
by coordinated and controlled sharing on
heterogeneous systems.
• In future grid computing will become
ubiquitous and use of web services will
become even more pronounced as web
services are based on distributed
computing model .
• Grid services are transient ,autonomus
and are being developed as large inter
grids .
• Grid services are being sponsored by
industrial and techno bigwigs like IBM,
Entropia, NSPA and standards being
constructed at Global Grid Forum .
• Globus toolkit versions are being
developed which provide features for grid
services development.
• Security is a big consideration and GSI
norms enforcement assures reliability.
IBM Redbooks:
Louis Ferriera , Victor Bersotis. 2002. Introduction to
Grid Computing with Globus
Bart Jacobs, Norbert Breinstein 2002. Enabling
Applications for Grid Computing with globus
White Papers
Ian Foster Carl Kesselman Steven Tuecke 2001 The
Anatomy of the Grid
Ian Foster Carl Kesselman Steven Tuecke 2002
The Physiology of the Grid
AIan Foster Carl Kesselman Steven Tuecke 2002
Security Architecture for Grids
Geoffery Fox 2001
Grid Computing Environments
Gregor von Laszewski 2000. Problem Solving
Environments and Portals
Web Pages:

Qun Zhou Leng Zheing 2002 . Developing Grid

computing applications, Part 1_files,
Martin C.Brown 2003 .Merging grids and web

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