Drug Study

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Name of the Drug Drug Mechanism of Action Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic name: Mefenamic Pharmacologi Anti-inflammatory CNS: Drowsiness, Leukopenia Before:
Acid c: insomia, dizziness,
Analgesic Eosinophilia Check doctor’s order
NSAID nervousness,
Inhibits synthesis of confusion, Thrombocytopenic purpura Assess pain score
Brand name: Ponstel prostaglandins in body headache.
Agranulocytosis Assess for history of allergies to NSAID’s
Therapeutic: tissues by inhibiting at least 2
Analgaesic cyclooxygenase GI: Severe Pancytopenia Educate patient that prolonged use of drug
Anti-pyretic isoenzymes, diarrhea, may damage liver
Bone marrow hypoplasia
cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) ulceration, and
and -2 (COX-2) bleeding; nausea, Renal failure (including
vomiting, papillary necrosis & acute Do not increase or double the dose, follow
May inhibit chemotaxis,
abdominal interstitial nephritis) exactly as prescribed and indicated
may alter lymphocyte
cramps, flatus,
activity, decrease Acute interstitial nephritis has Administer drug with full glass of water
proinflammatory cytokine been associated with
hepatictoxicity. Do not break, chew, or crush capsule and
activity, and may inhibit hematuria, proteinuria, &
neutrophil aggregation. nephrotic syndrome
Skin: Urticaria, rash Do not administer with anticoagulants and
These effects may
contribute to its anti- other drugs that causes GI upset
inflammatory activity
Document accordingly
Monitor for adverse effects
Instruct discontinuation of medication if
adverse effect occurs
Generic name: Anti-biotic Inhibits growth of amoebae Headache Brain disease Observe the 10 R’s before giving the drug.
by binding to DNA, resulting
Metronidazole Anti-bacterial Nausea Fevers Instruct to take drug with food or milk to
in loss of helical structure,
decrease GI upset.
Amebicide strand breakage, inhibition Dry mouth Mouth sores
of nucleic acid synthesis Inform that drug may turn urine brown, don’t
Brand name: Flagyl Antiprotozoal Vomiting Pain with urination
and cell death be alarmed.
Diarrhea Prickling or tingling sensations
that may become
loss (anorexia)
Pelvic pain or pressure
Decrease of libido
Furry tongue
Peripheral neuropathy

Name of the Drug Drug Mechanism of Side Effects Adverse Effect Nursing Responsibilities
Classification Action

Generic name: Anti- ineffective Prevents bacterial allergic reactions like diarrhea Advice the patient’s family to take the
Amoxicillin drug cell wall synthesis itching or hives, swelling of medication with meals for better absorption and
during replication. the face, lips, or tongue stomach upset to reduce GI discomfort.
breathing problems headache
Sensitive Penicillin Bactericidal Instruct the patient’s family to take medication
Brand name: Amoxil Antibiotics as prescribed even after feeling better and not
blistering, peeling, or abnormal taste
loosening of the skin, sense to double dose.
including inside the mouth
skin rash Teach the patient’s family to report sore throat,
dizziness bruising, bleeding and joint pain, this may
vaginal yeast indicate blood dyscrasias.
trouble sleeping
seizures Advice patient to report bloody, mucoid
diarrhea which may indicate
trouble passing urine, dark pseudomembranous colitis.
urine, or a decrease in the
quantity of urine

unusually weak or tired

unusual bleeding or bruisin


yellowing of
the eyes or skin

Generic name: Celecoxib Non-steroidal Exhibits anti- Stomach ache Chest pain Before:
cyclooxygenase - inflammatory, Difficulty breathing
Brand name: celebrex 2 (COX-2) analgesic, and Diarrhea Weakness on one side Assess patient’s history of allergic reaction to
of the body drug
inhibitor, anti- antipyretic action
Nausea Slurred speech
inflammatory due to inhibition of Stomach pain Monitor complete blood count, electrolyte
drug (NSAID) the enzyme COX-2 Swelling of feet or hands Vomiting blood or levels, creatinine clearance, and occult fecal
something that looks blood test and liver function test results every 6-
Therapeutic: Body aches like coffee grounds
Antirheumatic 12 months.
Bloody diarrhea or
Dizziness tarry stools
Pregnancy risk During:
Trouble sleeping Unusual bleeding or
category C bruising
Instruct patient to take drug with food or milk.
Upper airway Severe skin rash or
congestion or infection blistering of skin
Teach patient to avoid aspirin and other NSAIDs
Swelling of the face,
(such as ibuprofen and naproxen) during
Rash throat, tongue, or
Difficulty swallowing or therapy.
Blood-tinged urine, After:
dark urine, or trouble
passing urine Advice patient to immediately report bloody
Fever stools, blood in vomit, or signs/symptoms of liver
Extreme tiredness or damage.
lack of energy
Yellowing of skin or


Name of the Drug Drug Mechanism of Action Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic name: Pharmacologic: Anti-inflammatory CNS: Drowsiness, insomia, Leukopenia Before:
Mefenamic acid NSAID dizziness, nervousness,
Analgesic Eosinophilia Check doctor’s order
confusion, headache.
Brand name: Therapeutic: Inhibits synthesis of prostaglandins Thrombocytopenic Assess pain score
Ponstel Analgaesic in body tissues by inhibiting at least purpura
Assess for history of allergies
Anti-pyretic 2 cyclooxygenase isoenzymes, GI: Severe diarrhea,
Agranulocytosis to NSAID’s
cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and -2 ulceration, and bleeding;
(COX-2) nausea, vomiting, Pancytopenia Educate patient that
abdominal cramps, flatus, prolonged use of drug may
May inhibit chemotaxis, may alter Bone marrow hypoplasia
constipation, damage liver
lymphocyte activity, decrease
hepatictoxicity. Renal failure (including
proinflammatory cytokine activity, During:
papillary necrosis & acute
and may inhibit neutrophil
interstitial nephritis) Do not increase or double
aggregation. These effects may
Skin: Urticaria, rash the dose, follow exactly as
contribute to its anti-inflammatory Acute interstitial nephritis
prescribed and indicated
has been associated with
hematuria, proteinuria, & Administer drug with full
nephrotic syndrome glass of water
Do not break, chew, or crush
capsule and tablet
Do not administer with
anticoagulants and other
drugs that causes GI
Generic name: Therapeutic: Inhibits protein synthesis in stomach pain Antibiotic-associated Assess allergy to
Clindamycin Lincosamide susceptible bacteria, causing cell diarrhea: clindamycin, history of
antibiotic death. These infections include nausea asthma or other allergies.
severe diarrhea
Brand name: acne and bacterial vaginosis.
Assess site of infection or
Cleocin HCl, Cleocin Pediatric, Pharmacologic: vomiting bloody diarrhea
acne, skin color, lesions.
Cleocin Phosphate, Cleocin Antibiotic
stomach cramping
Phosphate ADD-Vantage, State the importance and
diarrhea and pain
Clindesse, ClindaMax Vaginal purpose of the drug.
rash If hypersensitivity reacton
dehydration occurs, stop the
metallic or unpleasant administration immediately.
loss of appetite
taste in your mouth Report severe or watery
weight loss
diarhhea, abdominal pain,
Severe skin rashes, such as inflamed mouth, or vagina,
Stevens-Johnson syndrome skin rash, or lessions.
and toxic epidermal
Take full prescribed course
of oral drug. Do not stop
severe rash taking without notifying the
health care provider.
peeling skin
swollen face or tongue
blisters on your skin or
blisters in or around your
nose, mouth, and eyes

Name of the Drug Drug Mechanism of Action Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic name: Vitamin B Vitamin B complex essential Flushing Taking extremely high Obtain a careful history of dietary intake and
Folic Acid Complex for nucleoprotein synthesis levels of folic acid drug and alcohol usage prior to start of
Brand name: (vit. B9) and maintenance of normal nausea, loss of may increase your risk therapy.
Folvite erythropoiesis. Acts against appetite of developing cancer Drugs reported to cause folate deficiency
folic acid deficiency that of the colon or include oral contraceptives, alcohol,
impairs thymidylate synthesis bloating, gas; rectum. barbiturates, methotrexate, phenytoin,
and results in production of primidone, and trimethoprim. Folate
defective DNA that leads to bitter or deficiency may also result from renal dialysis.
megaloblast formation and unpleasant Keep physician informed of patient's
arrest of bone marrow taste in your response to therapy.
maturation. mouth Monitor patients on phenytoin for
subtherapeutic plasma levels.
Folic acid is used for sleep problems
preventing and treating low
blood levels of folate (folate depression or
deficiency). feeling excited
or irritable
Name of the Drug Drug Mechanism of Action Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic name: Antihypertensive It is used to treat heart Tiredness Fainting Instruct patient to take medication as directed,
failure (condition in which Weakness shortness of breath at the same time each day, even if feeling well.
Carvedilol Beta-blockers the heart cannot pump Lightheadedness weight gain Do not skip or double up on missed doses. Take
enough blood to all parts of dizziness swelling of the arms, missed doses as soon as possible up to 4 hr
Brand name: the body) and high blood headache hands, feet, ankles, before next dose. Abrupt withdrawal may
pressure. diarrhea or lower legs precipitate life-threatening arrhythmias,
Coreg/Coreg® C nausea/vomiting chest pain hypertension, or myocardial ischemia.
It also is used to treat vision changes slow or irregular
people who have had a joint pain heartbeat Advise patient to change positions slowly to
heart attack. difficulty falling rash minimize orthostatic hypotension, especially
asleep hives during initiation of therapy or when dose is
Often used in combination cough, dry eyes itching increased.
with other medications. numbness difficulty breathing
Carvedilol is in a class of burning and swallowing Advise patient to carry identification describing
medications called beta- tingling in the arms disease process and medication regimen at all
blockers. It works by relaxing or legs times.
blood vessels and slowing
heart rate to improve blood
flow and decrease blood

Generic name: Antianginals Used to treat high blood slower heart Allergic reactions Before giving this medication, as client if he/she
Propranolol pressure, irregular rate Breathing medical history, especially of: breathing
Antiarrhythmics ( heartbeats, shaking problems problems (e.g., asthma, bronchitis, emphysema),
Class II) (tremors), and other diarrhea Changes in blood heart failure, certain types of heart rhythm
conditions. It is used after a sugar problems (sinus bradycardia, Wolff-Parkinson-
Brand name: Antihypertensives heart attack to improve the dry eyes Cold hands or feet White syndrome, second- or third-degree
 Hemangeol chance of survival. It is also Nightmares or atrioventricular block), overactive
Headache used to prevent migraine hair loss trouble sleeping thyroid (hyperthyroidism), kidney disease, liver
 Inderal LA
suppressants headaches and chest nausea Dry, peeling skin disease, blood circulation problems (e.g.,
 InnoPran XL pain (angina). Hallucinations Raynaud's disease), a certain type of tumor
beta-blockers Lowering high blood weakness or Muscle cramps or (pheochromocytoma), mental/mood
pressure helps prevent tiredness weakness disorders (e.g., depression), certain
strokes, heart attacks, Slow heart rate muscle/nerve disease (myasthenia gravis),
and kidney problems. Swelling of your severe allergic reactions.
Preventing chest pain can legs or ankles
help improve your ability Sudden weight
to exercise. gain
This drug works by blocking vomiting
the action of certain natural
chemicals in your body
(such as epinephrine) that
the heart and blood vessels.
This effect reduces heart
rate, blood pressure, and
strain on the heart.


Drug Study:

Name of the Drug Mechanism of Action Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Drug Classification
Generic name: Antibiotic Second generation cephalosporin Thrombophlebitis Chest pain Determine history of hypersensitivity reactions to
Cefuroxime that Diarrhea Cough cephalosporin, penicillin and history of allergies
inhibits cell-wall synthesis, promoting
Nausea Loose stools particularly to drugs before therapy is initiated.
Brand name: osmotic Rash Unusual bleeding or Report onset 0f loose stools.
Zoltax instability: usually Pruritus bruising Absorption of cefuroxime is enhanced by food.
bactericidal Urticaria Unusual weakness or Notify prescriber about rashes of super
Increased serum tiredness infections.
cretonne and BUN, Shortness of breath
decreased Swollen glands

Generic name: Mucolytic Decreases viscosity of Nausea and vomiting Urticaria Instruct patient to follow directions exactly.
N-acetylceistein C respiratory tract Urticarial Flushing Explain the importance of using drug as directed
secretions and promote Mild fever Pruritus It has an unpleasant odor and when undiluted,
Brand name: their removal by breaking Hypotension Rash has irritating and sclerosing properties on the GI
Solmucol disulphide bonds. Wheezing Rhinorrhoea mucosa. Must be diluted with a proper solution
It is also an antioxidant, dyspnea Pharyngitis to mask the odor and limit GI irritation prior to
so it may play a role in dyspepsia orals.
preventing cancer. drowsiness

Generic name: Therapeutic: bronchodilator It relieves nasal congestion Chest pain Nervousness, Use minimal doses for minimal periods; drug
Salbutamol – and reversible tolerance can occur with prolonged use.
Irregular heartbeat shaking
nebule Pharmacologic: bronchospasm by relaxing Maintain a beta-adrenergic blocker (cardio
Adrenergic the smooth muscles of the Rapid breathing headache selective beta-blocker, such as atenolol,
Brand name: bronchioles. The relief from should be used with respiratory distress) on
Confusion mouth/throat
Albuterol nasal congestion and standby in case cardiac arrhythmias occur.
bronchospasm possible by Severe dizziness dryness Prepare solution for inhalation by diluting 0.5
the following mechanism mL 0.5% solution with 2.5 mL normal saline;
Difficulty breathing irritation
that takes place when deliver over 5–15 min by nebulization.
salbutamol is administered. Wheezing changes in taste Do not exceed recommended dosage;
administer pressurized inhalation drug forms
Fast/pounding cough
during second half of inspiration, because
heartbeat nausea the airways are open wider and the aerosol
distribution is more extensive.
Heartburn dizziness
Generic name: Mineral and electrolyte Serve as cofactor for Gastric irritation Upset stomach Monitor progression of zinc deficiency symptoms
Zinc Sulfate replacement/ many enzymatic Vomiting Nausea during therapy.
supplement reactions. Required for Heartburn Swelling of face, Encourage patient to comply with the diet
Brand name: normal growth and tissue Sore throat throat, lips or tounge recommendation.
Zincate repair, wound healing and Fever Ask the patient to notify any of the healthcare
sense of taste and smell. Chills team if he/she feels nausea and vomiting,
Hives abdominal pain or tarry stools occur
Emphasize the importance follow up exams.
Generic name: Anti- ineffective drug Prevents bacterial cell wall diarrhea allergic Advice the patient’s family to take the
Amoxicillin Penicillinase-Sensitive Penicillin synthesis during reactions like itching medication with meals for better absorption and
stomach upset
Antibiotics replication. or hives, swelling of to reduce GI discomfort.
Brand name: Bactericidal headache the face, lips, or Instruct the patient’s family to take medication
Amoxil tongue as prescribed even after feeling better and not
abnormal taste sense
breathing problems to double dose.
skin rash blistering, peeling, Teach the patient’s family to report sore throat,
or loosening of the bruising, bleeding and joint pain, this may
vaginal yeast
skin, including inside indicate blood dyscrasias.
infection the mouth Advice patient to report bloody, mucoid
dizziness diarrhea which may indicate
trouble sleeping pseudomembranous colitis.
trouble passing
urine, dark urine, or
a decrease in the
quantity of urine
unusually weak unu
sual bleeding or brui
yellowing of
the eyes or skin

Generic name: Therapeutic: Hinders or kills Severe/bloody stomach pain Assess allergy to clindamycin, history of asthma
Clindamycin Lincosamide antibiotic susceptible bacteria diarrhea nausea or other allergies.
stomach cramping vomiting
Assess site of infection or acne, skin color, lesions.
Brand name: Pharmacologic: Inhibits bacterial protein and pain diarrhea
Cleocin HCl, Antibiotic synthesis by binding to fever rash State the importance and purpose of the drug.
Cleocin 50S subunit of ribosome. dehydration metallic or
If hypersensitivity reacton occurs, stop the
Pediatric, loss of appetite unpleasant taste in
Cleocin weight loss your mouth administration immediately.
Phosphate, Severe skin rashes,
Report severe or watery diarhhea, abdominal
Cleocin such as Stevens-
pain, inflamed mouth, or vagina, skin rash, or
Phosphate ADD- Johnson syndrome
Vantage, and toxic epidermal
Clindesse, necrolysis: Take full prescribed course of oral drug. Do not
ClindaMax severe rash stop taking without notifying the health care
Vaginal peeling skin provider.
swollen face or
blisters on your skin or
blisters in or around
your nose, mouth,
and eyes
Generic name: Pharmacologic: Interferes with bacterial Anemia Lethargy Reduce dosage with hepatic or renal failure.
Pen G Na Penicillin cell wall synthesis during Thrombosis Assess for hypersensitivity to drug.
active multiplication, white patches or Hallucinations Assess for any contraindications to the drug.
Brand name: Therapeutic: causing cell wall death sores inside your Give IM injection in upper outer quadrant of
Benzylpenicillin Anti-ineffective and resultant bactericidal mouth or on your lips; Seizures the buttock.
Antibiotic activity against easy bruising, unusual Arrange for regular follow up, including blood
susceptible bacteria. bleeding, pale or Glossitis tests to evaluate.
yellowed skin, severe
tingling, numbness, Stomatitis
muscle weakness;
red or pink urine, dark Nephritis
colored urine;
swelling in your hands Rash fever
or feet;

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