Count Vlad: Burst Thick Open Pack Make Catch Meet Come Keep Travels Filling Know/learn

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Chapter 1.
1. Learn the words.

A heap of bones, to lick a finger, to pull the cork from a bottle, to fill a glass with, a special occasion, to
raise smth in the air, to leave smth in the will, at midnight, to scare smb, to admit, by any chance, to frighten
smb, to claim, so far, the headline, to believe in ghosts, to ring the doorbell, a servant, to tear smth open, a
look of relief, to keep smb in suspense, the name rings a bell, to make the blood run cold, to suck blood,
bloodshot eyes, to be badly in need of help, the departure times, to hate doing smth, not to miss smth for the
world, a reliable source, news travels fast, there is no point in doing smth, protection, to burst into laughter,
to pretend to do smth, a coffin.

2. Listen and fill in the gaps with no more than two or three words.

1. It was early autumn in the year 1895. Alfred Sackville-Jones and Lord Ernest Deboy were sitting in front
of an ….. in Alfred’s apartment.
2. Alfred pulled the cork from a ….. and filled a glass with dark red wine.
3. As he drank his wine, Ernest looked out through the window, into the streets of London, but all he could
see was ….. .
4. Alfred went to his desk and picked up the newspaper and looked admiringly ….. .
5. The next day, on the train to Dover, Alfred was reading an early morning newspaper. The headline on
page three ….. .
3. Comprehension questions.

1. What were Alfred and Ernest celebrating?

2. What subject did Ernest know everything about?
3. Which country had they just returned from?
4. What kind of person was the man with no head?
5. How did Ernest describe Count Dracula?
6. What did Count Dracula’s telegram say?
7. What did Alfred read in the newspaper when he was on the train?
8. How did Alfred persuade Ernest to continue the journey?
9. What did Ernest have with him for protection?
10. What two things did Ernest wish he’d brought with him?
4. Choose the correct item.

1. After swimming in the pool for an hour, my eyes were … .

A/ thick B/ dusty C/ bloodshot D/ short
2. The little girl likes to … she’s grown up by dressing in her mother’s clothes.
A/ notice B/ pretend C/ admit D/ persuade
3. It took ages to open the wine because we couldn’t get the … out of the bottle.
A/ cork B/ cab C/ case D/ coffin
4. The person we hire for the job must be … .
A/ pointed B/ hopeless C/ frightful D/ reliable
5. His name … . I’m sure I’ve met him before.
A/ makes me comfortable B/ rings a bell C/ catches my eye D/ keeps me in suspense
5. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list:

burst thick open pack make catch meet come keep travels filling know/learn

1. to … smb in person 7. a … meal

2. to … into laughter 8. to … smb in suspense
3. an … fire 9. to … one’s bags
4. (bad) news … fast 10. to … one’s eye
5. … fog 11. to … alive
6. to … by heart 12. to … oneself comfortable
Chapter1. A telegram from Count Dracula.
I. Listen and complete the text with right prepositions.
It was early autumn…the year 1895. Alfred Sackville-Jones and Lord Ernest Deboy were sitting … … … an
open fire … Alfred’s apartment. … the table lay a heap … bones, all that remained … the meal they had just
eaten. Licking a finger, Alfred got …his feet. He pulled the cork … a dusty bottle and filled a glass …. Dark red
wine. His eyes lit … as he passed the glass … his nose. Alfred passed the glass …Ernest, who raised it … the
air …a smile.
II. Complete the text;
--Now after such a ……….and …….meal, my dear …., I suggest we ………off with one of my very ….. wines.
---Perfect. ……….. perfect! I’ve been …… it for a special……. .
---What are we ………….., my old boy?
---……….my birthday. ……………., the end of another…………. ………… .
--I’ve got a ……….. …………… .
---You’re a liar. You have a ……… …….. . You know by …… everything about every ….. that has ever ….. .
I. Complete the missing words.
Alfred, who worked for a ……….. called …. ….., and Lord Ernest had just …….. from …….., where they had
…… an unusual …. .
A Count and hid family ….. …… to live in an … …. That the Count’s ….. had left him in … …. . However,
….. . …., a strange …….
Without a……. and…… …… a Viking began ……….. at ………. . The Viking ……… as loudly as he could,
and …….. everybody.
……………, everybody in the castle was very …. , which was ….. they asked Alfred and Lord Ernest … …… .
II. Fill in the verbs, using the correct forms.
As he ……. his wine, Ernest …… out through the window into the streets of London, but all he …. ….. was
smoke and fog.
Alfred ……… more wine and Ernest …. himself comfortable again.
---You ….. I rather ….. this ghost-hunting business.
Ernest … to …….as he …. his pipe.
----What a hopeless actor that Viking ….!
----He …. More like a mouse than a monster.
----………. Trying to ……. The family out of the castle so that he …. …… it as his.
---Well, we …… the case, which ….. three so far this year. I ….. we’re ….. quite famous.
Alfred … to his desk and ….. up the newspaper and …… admiringly at the headline: ”Britons …. Viking’s
missing head.”
I. Listen. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs:
Just the door bell ….. , which ….. the both men ….. a little. A minute later, Alfred’s servant …. , ……. a
Alfred ….. it open. He …….. telegrams. A look of relief ….. on his face.
--- You ….., I …… we’re in business again, my dear Ernest.
----Oh, ….. on! Don’t ….. me in suspend I ….. you have got a bad memory, after all. Those pointed teeth, I’ll
never ….. them as long as I …. .enough to ….. your blood …. cold.
---- Teeth. Yes, of course, a handsome pair. Perfect for …… blood. And those bloodshot eyes. What a funny
looking man he … . And what a frightful accent! He ……. like an old frog.
Alfred ….. the telegram under the lamp and …. reading: “Dracula village. 10th of November 1895.
……… always …… my visit to England and particularly ……. You and your remarkable friend who …. So much
about bats. I …… bad news. I … …… and badly in …. of your help. I …. to …… the Dracula name before I ….
this world. Please …. quickly.
Yours, Count Vlad Dracula.”

II. Complete the story with appropriate words:

The next day, on the …. to Dover, Alfred was reading an …. morning …. .The …. on page three …… his eye.
Ernest …… …. His eyes and looked …… at his friend. ‘VAMPIRE COUNT DEAD”
“Count …. Of Transylvania died … …… in his …… near Vilcea, after a …. …. . A report from a ….. ….. says
that before his …. the Count had asked two British ….. to ……… his ….. .”
Good heavens, …… travels …… .
III. Complete the dialogue. Who said these words?
---I suppose there’s .. …… on going on.
---I’m ……. Not going back. You might even get the ….. to see the ……. ……. ….., in person.
---Do you …… we’ve got …….. we ……?
---You …… , …………. and so on?
---I was …………. more of ……… .
---Let me see. I’ve got my …………., my buffalo ….. and some …… .That ……. do. And , of course, I was
……boxing ………at school.
---I was ………… whether we should have brought a ……. with us, and maybe … ……. .
---I had no …… you were …….
Ernest …….into ………., which …… Alfred fell ….. …… . He picked … his paper…… and …………to
read. Ernest just …. ….. to sleep, ……….. he was in a ………. And meeting the ………. …… .
Chapter 2.

1. Learn the words

To conquer, a fearless officer, to expect smb to do smth, to torture the prisoners, to tear the body apart, a
one-eyed man, along with smb, a crooked man, from the shadow, to bend over smth, to set off on a journey,
the sound of horses’ hooves, by the dim light, to carve, deadly silence, deep hollow eyes, to throw oneself
on the bed, to look forward to smth/ doing smth, scary, to share smth with smb, a pillow, the wax seal,
whatever happens, to commit a crime, to be accused of smth, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot
make him drink, to beware of smb, to swear, a canvas, wet, to rub smth with a finger, unlikely, to smell the
substance, a grave, to dig up, to bury, to die to get down to work, to yawn, to unbutton, to insist on doing

2. Listen and choose the correct item.

1. Alfred had just finished reading “A Complete A/ Map of Transylvania.”
B/ History of Transylvania.”
C/ Theory of Transylvania.”
2. Prince Vlad Dracula tortured people by pushing A/ sharp pieces of wood through their
B/ sharp knives through their stomach.
C/ spears through their stomach.
3. Gregory wore a black overcoat, black gloves and a A/ black cap
B/ black hood
C/ black top hat
4. There was a vampire bat A/ stuck on the castle door.
B/ put on the castle door.
C/ carved on the castle door.
5. Alfred threw himself on the big four-posted bed and felt the A/ soft velvet covers.
B/ soft woolen covers.
C/ soft silk covers.

3. Comprehension questions.

1. Who was Ernest’s favourite writer?

2. How do vampire bats suck blood?
3. What was the old man’s reaction to hearing the name of Dracula?
4. How did Alfred and Ernest get to Dracula castle?
5. Who was waiting for Alfred and Ernest at the castle?
6. What kind of place was the castle?
7. Who was the portrait of in Ernest and Alfred’s room?
8. What did Alfred think he saw when he looked at the portrait?
9. What did Alfred and Ernest decide to do the following night?
10. Why did Alfred want to swap beds with Ernest?

4. Match the descriptions to the people.

1. very tall, hollow eyes, large head a/ Mania

2. short, old, thin white hair b/ Gregory
3. bloodshot eyes, sharp teeth c/ Rodolfo
4. old, crooked, dressed in black d/ Count Vlad

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions: on into off out up

1. They set … on their journey very early in the morning.

2. She went into the garden and dug … all the dead flowers.
3. He called the airport to find … what time his sister’s plane was arriving.
4. I can’t go … much further, can we have a rest now?
5. Get … the car and I’ll give you a lift to work.

6. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1. Don’t worry, the dog won’t hurt you, it’s … . HARM

2. I never watch horror films. They’re too … for me. SCARE
3. It was good to hear the children’s … as they played. LAUGH
4. Police in the USA carry guns for … PROTECT
5. He got … out of bed and went downstairs. SLEEP

7. Match the words with their definitions.

1. endless a/ brave
2. conquer b/ not straight
3. fearless c/ to damage, ruin
4. absurd d/ to do
5. crooked e/ to persist
6. dim f/ that can be seen
7. visible g/ to take control of
8. commit h/ without an end
9. spoil i/ not bright
10. insist j/ silly
Chapter 2. A Visit to Count Vlad.

A. I. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions:

The journey ….. Europe was long and tiring. Ernest slept most … the day, walking …. Night to study the
night life …….. the carriage window or read his favourite writer, Edgar Allan Poe, ….. Alfred read endless
books …. Every Dracula …. ….. the 16th century.
…. The train made its way deeper ……. Dracula’s country, Alfred was just finishing the fifth and last
volume …. “A Complete History of Transylvania”.
II. Complete the story with the words and phrases you have listened:
---Fascinating! It …. …… thanks … …. that the Turks …. ………. the rest of Europe. They say … …. …
…… officer, loved by …. ….. .
---Who on earth …. …. …… about, dear fellow? I wish you …. …… …… me to read …… ……. .
--- The …. ……… .Prince Vlad Dracula. A …… …. . He had one …… ………. , though. He …….
torturing …. …….. by pushing …… …… of …… through their …. or ….. their …….. apart.
---Charming …….! It ….. ….. anything about …. …… their ……. Too, does it?
---It ….. that ….. the ….Count …… , or should I say, …….. , ……… blood. Hard to ….. …… . Seemed
pretty …….. to me.
---I was those ….. …. His. Not exactly …. …. Would ….. one’s dear old …. … ……. .
--- Ernest, …. ……. …… , how can …. ….. blood?
---Just like …… …… is there?
----That’s what we’re here .. ….. …. , dear boy, isn’t it?
III. Describe the old man, complete the missing words:
An old ……. man ….. ….. of the …… and …… to the sky. He …… at him …. Of the ….. of his … …. And
ask …. .At the ….. of ……. The old man …. ….. from Alfred …. …….. .

B. I. Complete the sentences:

Four …. …… , just as the …. … ……… above the …. … … ….. , the train … …. Vilcea ….. . Alfred and
Ernest, along with … ….. …. , got … and ….. to … ….. to ….. Dracula’s …… , who was …. To ….. them
----I …. He got our …… . I don’t ….. …… here the night.
Alfred and Ernest …… the old man to …. ….. …… and two …. ….. were ….. ……… .
As…. …… they had got in, the …. …. …. on the last … … their ….. … Dracula Castle.
II. Describe Gregory.
A …… …… man appeared from the …. . His name … ….. and he wore a …. …… ,… …… and a …. …..
…. . He spoke … ….. that Alfred had to ….. ….. to ….. him.

C. I. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions:

Alfred was woken…. …. the sound …. horses’ hooves ….. wood. The carriage had stopped ….the bridge
…..the water surrounding Dracula Castle. Then, they passed…….the thick stone walls. ……the dim light
……the carriage, Ernest caught a glimpse …….the enormous old door.
II. Complete the sentences with the missing words:
--You’ve got ………………………., dear boy.
--No, really, ……… ………….. I’m sure………………………..!
When they entered…………………………………………….., the two servants…………………….., ready
to ……them. They two were in black, and…………………………….. stone.
As mania took…………….., the sound………………………………………………… . She said nothing,
Finally alone, Alfred……………………………………………………..
and…………………………………………………………………………….. .
Ernest was wide……. and ………. ……with his candle.
III. Describe the characters:
IV. Complete the dialogue:
---I don’t know…………………., but………………………. .
---The silence is……………………….. .This place……………………………… .
---You can’t…………….. .I’m so……… , I’d even………………………………….. .
D. I. Complete the text:
Just as he said that he heard…………………………………………………………………….. .
Old Gregory………………………and……………………………….. .
--Mr. Aleferd Shagswill, a……………………………. .
--That’s…….I thought……………………………………..
--I expect…………………………………………………….
Just Gregory had left,……………………………………………………………………..
--You know, I think……………………………………………………………………………
Ernest shone his………on …………………………………………………………….
The teeth were not………, only the dark…………………… .Alfrd
--Do you mean……………………………….. ……….here?
--Most………, old sport. You wouldn’t…………………………………………….would you?
II. Complete the Count’s letter.
Alfred….. …..the wax…..and…………..
“Dear Alfred, I feel…………………………… We may not………………………………….
Whatever……….., come and see me………………………………. I will
I have…………..a crime, but not………………………………………………………..
The time has come………………………and that of…………………………………………
Don’t leave a………………………..and remember………………………………
Beware of……………………and………………………………….
I cannot go on. My….and ……..are……….to………………………………
I leave…………………………………………………………………………
I trust that, as…………………………………………………………………….and……..
Your……….. ……………, Count Dracula.

E. I. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs:

Alfred………..up at the Count’s portrait, and for a moment he …………he……the mouth move.
---That portrait…..almost alive. I’d…..I……his face…….just now.
---Funny you….. …….that, old boy. The canvas……..a bit wet.
Ernest………the canvas with a finger.
---…………awfully like blood.
----Blood! ….. …… .Probably just paint. This damp climate!
Ernest ….. the substance on his finger, but…….nothing.
---Now, what…you…… the Count……..when he ……..,”…..and…….me when you…….” After all,
he……he …. …….
II. Complete the text with the words and phrases:
---He probably meant………………………………….
---You mean…………………………………..
---It won’t be………………….
---Do you………………………..?
---Absolutely, dear boy. It…………………………………………………………………
---Oh, all right…………………………
---I know you’re………………………., but I’m……………… How about…………………………….?
We can……………………………………….and………………………………Count.
Alfred yawned and……………………………
---By the way, did………………….when ……………… have…………………………..?
---I’d hate………………………….
Chapter 3.
I. Learn the words:

To snore peacefully, to send the covers flying, to hand smth. to smb., a dressing gown, to stare at, a razor, a
shaving brush, to do a little exploring, the general idea, to light up at the sound, the family graveyard,
enormous, to be loaded with, to hover over smb., a tray, to stagger, a log, to open the shutters, a wrinkled
face, to whisper a reply, to be madly in love, to be heartbroken, nasty rumours, to calm down, rather
embarrassing, to die for smb., a spade, in the direction of smth., the castle gates, the screech of an owl, rusty,
to point to, to do smb. good, the soil, loose, to disturb, eternal rest, to take off the lid, to let out a cry, a cane,
in the shape of, to make the way back, a cape, a hood, in amazement, to grab, to take off the cloak,
ordinary .

1. Listen and correct the mistakes.

1. Mania showed Ernest where the Count was buried.

2. The family graveyard was outside the castle by a lake.
3. The Count’s wife died fifty four years ago.
4. The end of the Count’s cane is in the shape of a horse.
5. They saw a figure riding a black horse.

2. Comprehension questions.

1. Why did Alfred have blood on his neck?

2. What did Alfred and Ernest have for breakfast?
3. Why were the shutters always closed?
4. What did Count Vlad’s wife look like?
5. What was the name of the Count’s horse?
6. What was Gregory’s opinion of his master?
7. What did Alfred ask Gregory to do at midnight?
8. What kind of night was it?
9. What did people say the Count did when there was a full moon?
10. What was strange about Count Vlad’s body?

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrasal verbs.

Let smb in(to) to allow smb to enter

Take off to remove one’s clothes
Let smb out (of) to allow smb to leave
Draw away from to go away from
Come up to to go near

1. He … his coat and hat when he entered the room.

2. They … me and asked me the way to the station.
3. He opened the door to … the cat … the kitchen.
4. They … him … prison after he had done hit time.
5. Se … the nasty looking dog.

5. Find the odd one out.

1. hood cape cloak log

2. razor soil gravestone marble
3. manic loose mad crazy
4. whisper dig snore squeal
5. direction path knee way

6. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. Falling down in front of all those people was one of the most … things that’s ever happened to me
2. The Major is an … man, respected by everyone in the city.
3. It was raining … hard, so we decided to stay in and watch the match on TV.
4. He promised to love and respect his wife … .
5. She seems very sad lately! She doesn’t have any … for anything.
6. The ladder she was using to paint the flat was … and she fell off it.
7. After a filling meal and a glass of expensive French wine, the Count lay … on his bed and fell asleep.
Chapter 3. The Man in the Black Cape.
Answer the questions:
1.What was Alfred doing in the morning?
2. Why did Alfred scream?
3. Who did he see?
4. What did Ernest look like?
5. What did E. hand A.?
6. What did E. ask A.?
7. Where did A. look over?
8. How did the portrait seem?
9. What did E. give him?
10. What did they have to do that morning?
11. What has E. done ?
12. Why was blood running down A.’s neck?
13. What did A. notice?
14. Where was the family graveyard?
15. Where did they go down?
16. What did they have for breakfast?
17. What did Mania and Rodolfo do?
18. When did Gregory appear? What did he do?
19. Why did Gregory come to the table?
20. What did A. ask him?
21. What look appeared in his face?
22.What was Gregory’s answer?
23. When did the Count’s wife die?
24. Did they have children?
25. Did the Count marry again? Why?
26. What did his wife look like?
27. What did the Count swear?
28. When did the Count go out after that?
29. What started then?
30. Why was Gregory very excited?
31. What happened to the dead people?
32. What did A. find rather embarrassing?
33. What did A. ask Gregory to find?
34. What did they ask Gregory to open?
35. Where did they meet that night?
36. What was the weather like?
37. Why did the follow the path with difficulty?
38. What did they hear?
39. What was the place where Dracula was buried?
40. What was said about the Count on such nights?
41. That did they do then?
42. Who touched the wood first?
43. What were they about?
44. Did A. want to disturb the Count?
45. What did E. ask A. to do?
46. Why did E. let out a cry?
47. Why did E. cry out?
48. What did they have to do?
49. What did E. swear?
50. What did they find in the coffin?
51. What was on the end of the cane?
52. Why did E. stop dead?
53. Why was there blood?
54. What did they do then with the coffin?
55. What did A. remember?
56. What did they hear at that moment?
57. What did they see?
58. What did E. think?
59. What was the trouble?
60. What did A. notice in their bedroom?
Chapter 4.
1. Learn the words.

To serve breakfast, to be concerned, to waste energy, to give smb. regards, to shuffle out of the room, an expert
on smth., to avoid, to feel insecure, an undertaker, a gravestone, a lid, a broad smile, a horrendous screech, to
light a candle, precisely, a blood-chilling scream, to sound hollow, to affect, an odd idea, the resemblance, the
locals, to pour, a dimly lit room, to raise a hand, a white apron, a barrel, to have a little chat, to sob, strong
accusations, a proof, to starve to death, stores, to drag, staircase, to stumble, surgical, a dot, intruders, to keep
one’s eyes off, a scratch.
2. Answer the questions.

1/ Who had a strange dream?

2/ Who asked Gregory to take them into the village?
3/ Whose sister had just been killed?
4/ Who said the Count was a good and generous man?
5/ Who said the Count was a devil?

3. Comprehension questions.

1/ Why didn’t Rodolfo serve breakfast?

2/ What explanation did Alfred give for the Count’s red cheeks?
3/ What was Alfred doing in Ernest’s dream?
4/ What did Alfred hear during the night?
5/ Why do Alfred and Ernest decide to go into the village?
6/ What was the weather like?
7/ What happened when Alfred and Ernest entered the inn?
8/ How did Count Vlad’s wife die?
9/ How had Count Vlad helped the people of the village?
10/What did the dead girl look like?

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition : WITH FROM ON IN UP

1/ My brother is an expert … pedigree horses. He knows everything about them.

2/ I admire people who believe … themselves.
3/ The drunken man stumbled … the stairs.
4/ The leaf fell off the tree and landed … the grass.
5/ The teacher asked us to gather … our books and leave the classroom.
6/ His hair dripped … water wen he came in from the storm.
7/ A nice chandelier hung … the dining-room ceiling.

5. Fill in the correct word(s) : very heart, surgical, pour, broad fill

1/ a … smile 2/ from the … of smth/smb 3/ to have a … of smth

4/ to … with rain 5/ a … instrument
6. Choose the correct item.
1/ The police discovered … of his crime and arrested him.
A/ compliments B/ accusation C/ stores D/ proof
2/ During the war there was not enough food, so many people … to death.
A/ stumbled B / starved C/ sobbed D/ suggested
3/ My mother always wears a(n) .. when she’s cooking.
A/ bundle B/ rouge C/ apron D/ stool
4/ He gets angry very easily; he has a … temper.
A/ fiery B/ drunken C/ tasty D/lifeless
5/ He … over a stone on the road and broke his ankle.
A/ wasted B/ stumbled C/ coughed D/ served
6/ He asked the … for two pints of beer.
A/ historian B/ journalist C/ intruder D/landlord

Chapter 4. Village.
I. Act out the dialogue using the following words:
Mania: to be sick
Alfred: poor fellow; climate; damp; as bad as; to give sb. regards.
Alfred: a jolly nice chap; to take life; seriously.
Ernest: dead people; to look; grey; lifeless.
Alfred: ask; the expert on death; to avoid; to make sb. feel; insecure.
Ernest: red cheeks; alive; strange.
Alfred: as dead as; rouge; undertakers; customers; to look; big day.
Ernest: by the way; a funny dream; the Dracula Cemetery; to dig up.
Alfred: no dream; happened.
Ernest: wait; to stop for a rest; on a gravestone; a sandwich.
Alfred: never; to eat; to sit.

II. Tell the class Ernest’s dream using the following words:
wouldn’t; only a dream; suddenly; the coffin lid; to open; to come out; long white fingers; pointed nails; to
follow by; to shine in the moonlight; to be half out; to look up; in a broad smile; teeth dripping with; funny
Romanian accent; time to finish; a horrendous screech; a vampire bat; to land; to wake sb. up; unfortunate;
to want to see.

III. Answer the questions:

1. What time did they hear the scream?
2. What did Ernest do as he couldn’t go back to sleep?
3. What did he read?
4. Did they hear the scream at the same time?
5. How did Alfred describe the scream?
6. What did they have for breakfast?
7. What did they think about the ghost on the horse?
8. What did Ernest suggest?
9. What did they ask Gregory?
10. How did the explain the reason of their going there?
Chapter 5.

1. Learn the words.

A blazing fire, roast goose, to drink a toast to smth., hospitality, an absolute treasure, the evidence, hardly, a
coincidence, to catch up on , can’t help doing smth., faintly, a well, to point to, a moan, to play a trick on
smb., to take to smb., to bleed the patients, greedy, to be exhausted, mist, inspiration, to lean over smth.,
vital, a clove of garlic, a solution to smth., a stable, an ox, to keep a close eye on smb., to deserve smth.

2. Listen and put the events in the correct order.

A/ Alfred and Ernest meet Rodolfo by the well.

B/ Rodolfo is seen getting out of the well.
C/ Alfred and Ernest hear a scream echoing through the castle.
D/ Gregory tells Alfred and Ernest about the Doctor.
E/ Alfred and Ernest visit the Count’s grave.

3. Comprehension questions.

1/ What was the wonderful meal Alfred and Ernest had?

2/ What was covering the well?
3/ What was Rodolfo’s nickname? Why?
4/ What kind of medicine does the doctor practise?
5/ What was Rodolfo carrying?
6/ What did Rodolfo say about the well?
7/ What was strange about the Count’s grave?
8/ Where might they find a message from the Count?
9/ Why had Alfred been eating garlic?
10/Why did Ernest think that Rodolfo must be very strong?

4. Match the similes. As strong as an ox

As blind as the sea/ocean

As light as a cucumber
As white as the hills
As cool as a post
As deaf as a kitten
As old as a feather
As weak as a ghost/sheet
As deep as a bat

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the multi-part verbs:

Keep away to stay away

Catch up on to manage to complete
Call out to speak in a loud voice
Hold on to wait
Take to smb. To like smb.

1/ My daughter … her new babysitter straight away.

2/ Could you … a minute? I’m rather busy at the moment.
3/ He’s working on Saturday as he has some work to … .
4/ He … her name, but she couldn’t hear because of the noise of the traffic.
5/ She … from trouble by obeying and respecting her parents.
6. Fill in the funny story with one of the following words.

Patient surgical condition medicine moans health intrigued emergency screams worried

A mother took her young son to the doctor because she was 1 … about his 2 … . The woman waited outside
while the doctor examined his 3 … . She could hear 4 … from inside the room, echoing around the waiting
area. The doctor called out to his receptionist bring in his 5 … instruments. Anxious and 6 … by her son’s 7
…, she asked the receptionist. “There’s no 8 … . The 9 … you can hear are the doctor’s. He can’t get his 10
… cupboard open!”

7. Fill in the correct form of the idioms.

One’s mind plays tricks on oneself, have pity on smb., keep a very close eye on smb., be in sm’b favour,
better to be safe than sorry.

1/ “… master?” begged the slave, “please, don’t punish me.”

2/ Mother told us to take some extra pullovers with us on our skiing holiday as … .
3/ The policemen … the murder suspect.
4/ I thought I saw a dolphin in the swimming pool: I think …. .
5/ We were going to have a picnic but the weather wasn’t …, so we cancelled it.
Chapter 6.
1. Learn the words.

To provide smth., to slip out, the coat of arms, the pervious day, to feel uneasy, to fade away, to strike a match,
to make out, to go hurtling down, the fatal splash, a passageway, to lead, a dim light, grunts, to reveal, to grab,
the rebels, to manage to do smth, to get smb. under control, to boil with anger, to give birth to smb., the heir to
smth., an estate, to feel great guilt for smth., to sort smth. out, to unwound, to make an attempt to do smth., to
sigh with relief, to investigate, to pop smb. into the village, to drop, cyanide, to take a joke.

2. Listen and choose the right letter.

1/ That night Alfred and Ernest were too tired to go
A/ grave digging. B/ truffle digging. C/ garden digging.
2/ Alfred reached the well
A/ second. B/ last. C/ first.
3/ The steps of the well were
A/ dry and dusty. B/ wet and slimy. C/ neat and clean.
4/ Radu is the heir to the Dracula
A/ estate B/ name. C/ money.
5/ Alfred thought that they must investigate
A/ Gregory. B/ Dr Magorsky. C/ Rodolfo.
3. Comprehension questions.
1/ How did Rodolfo move the stone from the well?
2/ What was built onto the side of the well wall?
3/ What happened to Ernest in the well?
4/ What was the underground room like?
5/ What did the person with Rodolfo look like?
6/ What was Rodolfo’s reaction when he saw Alfred and Ernest?
7/ What did Ernest do to stop Rodolfo?
8/ Who was Radu?
9/ What did the word “Radu” mean?
10/ What did Rodolfo agree to do?

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions : TO, OUT, FROM, WITH, ON.

1/ Has Dave recovered … his illness yet?

2/ Our teacher always insists … silence when we do a test.
3/ The manager will sort … any problems you might have.
4/ This path leads … the lake.
5/ The passengers on the plane were provided … a hot meal.

5. Match a word from A with its synonyms in B. A 1. Attempt B a/ deadly

2. opportunity b/ try
3. fatal c/ interesting
4. naive d/ hungry
5. fancy e/ chance
6. handy f/ innocent
7. fascinating g/ useful
8. starving h/ like/want

6. Fill in the gaps with a word or phrase: under control, hurtled, sense, whistles, slippery

1/ She could … smth. awful had happened by the look on her husband’s face.
2/ My father always … a tune when he’s working in the garden.
3/ Be careful driving to work. The roads are from the rain.
4/ The brakes on the lorry weren’t working properly and it … down the road at a dangerous speed.
5/ Don’t worry about a thing; everything’s … .

Chapter 7.
1. Learn the words.
For some reason, to insist on doing smth., to do badly, to be worth a fortune, under circumstances, rumours, to
have a taste for smth., to be unfounded, to assure smb., to blackmail, to force smth. out of smb., to threaten to
do smth., confrontation, to take smb. by the collar, to calm down, falcon, a flapping of wings, a vicious creature,
to draw smth. out, a tame bird, to come in close contact with smb., in admiration, to talk about smth. casually, to
hang upside down, to wrap, tightly, a human being, faithful, peasants, concerned, on the contrary, to give smth.
a miss, to stick to smb., to get one’s hands on smth.

2. Listen to the cassette and say who said what.

1/ “I believe that vampires are humans who have died and come back to earth”.
2/ “The doctor is an animal, he has killed thousands by bleeding them to death”.
3/ “A beautiful creature, Doctor. But also a deadly one, if you let it be”.
4/ “On the contrary, dear boy. It was like a gentle kiss. You should try it sometime’.
5/ “You can’t prove it. The Count never recognised you as his son”.

3. Comprehension questions.

1/ Who drove Alfred and Ernest to the doctor’s house?

2/ What was Dr Magorsky’s house like?
3/ What did the Doctor say about Count Vlad?
4/ Why did Rodolfo get so angry?
5/ How did Rodolfo find out about what had happened to the Count?
6/ What was in the next room?
7/ What happened to Ernest?
8/ What were the bats in the Doctor’s laboratory doing?
9/ What did the Doctor say about his vampire bats?
10/ What did Ernest say about the bite from the vampire bat?

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the multi-part verbs:
Make out to discern, be able to see
Go by (of time) pass
Stick out to extend (beyond smth. else)
Feed off to survive by eating smth.
Stick to (of rules etc) to follow
1/ Hardly ever does a day … without me calling my best friend.
2/ The teacher sent him out for … his tongue at one of his classmates.
3/ You must … the directions so that you don’t get lost.
4/ Vampire bats … the blood of small animals.
5/ In the dark, I could only … the outline of the castle.

5. Choose the correct word.

1/ The children were waiting exciting/ excitedly to open their Christmas presents.
2/ No one could calm her down, she was hysterical/ hysterically.
3/ This year we had an extreme/ extremely cold winter.
4/ He replied casual/ casually that he didn’t know anything about the theft.
5/ He’s decided to speak public/ publicly about the events which led up to his arrest by the police.

6. Choose the correct item.

1/ The house was … by tall trees. A/ topped B/ surrounded C/ well-kept D/ brushed back
2/ There’s a … going round that she got married. A/ rumour B/ drive C/ rubbish D/ circumstance
3/ Her … husband is said to have been very rich. A/ rare B/ unfounded C/ late D/ extreme
4/ In the old days murderers were executed … . A/ madly B/ hysterically C/ extremely D/ publicly
5/ The path … up to the top of the hill. A/ led B/ threatened C/ worried D/ hunted
6/ The lions performing at the circus are … . A/ mad B/ squashed C/ tame D/ faithful
7/ The … had a piece of land where he grew vegetables. A/ monster B/ falcon C/ parrot D/ peasant

Chapter 8.

1. Learn the words.

To have smth on one’s mind, to approach smth., a shot, to stick one’s head out of the window, to stand a chance
of hitting smb., t be thrown off the carriage, to manage to do smth., to drop behind, to stop at nothing, to bleed
badly, first aid, the wound, a good opportunity to do smth., to pretend to be, to trust smb., to marry smb.
secretly, to treat smb. like smb., a priest, to make fun of smb., evil, to jealous of smb., to make a confession, to
spread the rumours, there’s no point in crying over spilt milk, to recognise smb. as a son, to search smth. high
and low, to share interest in smth., a great fear of ghosts, flakes, underneath, a waste of time, to unscrew the
handle, last will and testament.

2. Comprehension questions.

1/ What happened to Alfred and Ernest as they were leaving the Doctor’s house?
2/ Why had Rodolfo been angry with Count Vlad?
3/ Why was the Doctor called “Doctor Lover”?
4/ Who was the figure on the horse that Alfred and Ernest had seen?
5/ Why had Rodolfo helped the Doctor?
6/ Why did they need to find the Count’s will?
7/ What was the weather like when they reached the cemetery?
8/ What did the Count look like when they opened the coffin?
9/ Where did they find the Count’s will?
10/ What strange thing did Ernest notice when they laid the Count on his back?

3. Match the following expressions and explain what they mean.

1/ A bird in the hand a/ is better than none.

2/ A rolling stone b/ spoil the broth.
3/ Too many cooks c/ is not gold.
4/ Half a loaf d/ is worth two in the bush.
5/ All that glitters e/ gathers no moss.

4. Find the solution to the puzzles. Then find the missing word which is made from the first letter of each

1/ Type of gun that Ernest carries.

2/ The name of Vlad’s first-born son.
3/ The name of the person who works for the Globe.
4/ Type of vehicle driven by Gregory.
5/ Person who arranges the burial of the dead.
6/ Doctor Magorsky is known as “The …”.
7/ A person of high birth is one of these.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions : WITH FOR AT OVER OF

1/ He aimed … the target and fired his gun.

2/ The police are searching … the escaped prisoners.
3/ She hates it when people don’t agree … her.
4/ He made fun … his younger brother, who couldn’t run as fast as he did.
5/ The boy turned his plate … by accident and spilled his food on the floor.

6. Choose the correct item.

1/ My husband’s mother … me like her own daughter. A/ swears B/ rolls C/ treats D/ spreads
2/ When we woke up on Christmas morning, there was a … of snow on the ground. A/ spade B/ lid C/ will
D/ layer
3/ He feels very … about being treated so badly by the company. A/ bitter B/ hollow C/ boney D/ boring
4/ The nurse injected the liquid into his … . A/ cane B/ vein C/ flake D/ testament
5/ I have a(n) … to make. It was me who broke the window. A/ adventure B/ confession C/ opportunity D/

7. Match the opposites. Dead, hit, thoughtful, boring, soft. Hard, exciting, alive, miss,

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