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Facebook Usage and Communication Skills of Grade 11 Student of Sta.

Cruz National
High School - Senior High School

A Research Paper Presented to

5 The Faculty of the Senior High School
Sta. Cruz National High School
Sta. Cruz Davao Del Sur


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Academic Track



Romeo lll C. Ponsica

Edryl P. Burgos

20 Elizabeth Jesalan


August 14 , 2019
Introduction I
Background of the Study

With the development of new communication technologies at the beginning sites,

Facebook became one of the most popular social network sites all around the globe.

30 Facebook has been widely used by people of different ages and gender.

The occurrence of so many different social networking sites like facebook generation

has both positive and negative impacts. As for positive side, they have become essential tools

for mankind to communicate virtually with anyone regardless of the distance. However in a

research conducted by Moeller (2016), she found out that the rapidly growing new forms of

35 communications, which are social networking sites like Facebook, have resulted in the dying

of interpersonal, or communication skills.

Staying in touch on Facebook is so easy that it can inhibit some people from interacting

in traditional ways. For young children that need to interact face to face with others to learn

social norms, communicating through Facebook alone can prevent them from developing

40 social skills.

For the 4th straight year, the Philippines is tops in worldwide social media use. The

Philippines also beats Thailand this year for most time spent online. A report by creative

agency We Are Social and social media management platform Hoot suite showed Filipinos

spend the most time on the Facebook. The “Digital 2019: Global Digital Overview” showed

45 Filipinos spend an average of 10 hours, 2 minutes on the internet via any device. Even

though Facebook is by now used by a much wider variety of users, university students are

still its “biggest fans”. Results from a recent paper Ellison et al.
2 (2007) reported that 94% of

student are active Facebook users, spending 60-90 minutes online each day communicating

with their Friends List of 150-200 people. Similarly, Wiley and Sisson (2006; as cited in
50 Pempek et al, 2009) conducted a large survey on student from universities in the developing

countries indicated that 91% of student use the Facebook.

Facebook is largest social network become so popular for young people that

they hardly use email or other way of communication. Currently Facebook is used by many

people to connect with their friends and relatives here in Davao City. Though it can unite

55 people with common interest and/or beliefs through groups and other pages, and reunite lost

family members and friends. According to consumer reports survey, there are 7.5 million

children under 13 with accounts and 5 million under 10 , violating the sites terms of service

here in Davao City, and show that there are a lot of student who are spending much of their

time in Facebook. Davao City had 85 to 95 percent of the student who used Facebook.

60 Facebook is largest social network become so popular for young people that they hardly use

email or other way of communication. Currently Facebook is used by many people to

connect with their friends and relatives here in Davao City.

Facebook has become the central facilitator for daily communication with peer,

family and acquaintance. It is affecting out relationships and decrease the quality of inter –

65 personal communication. Improvement of language an impairment of communication skills

caused by the extensive use of social media furthermore people often use shortened versions

of words in order to type and send their messages as quickly as possible and so on

completely ruins the grammar and syntax sometimes people tend to forget that they are

neglecting the beauty of language when they are online busy with social media specifically

70 Facebook.

Statement of the problem

This study will be conducted to determine the significant

3 relationship between

Facebook usage and communication skill of grade 11 student of Sta. Cruz National High

School-Senior High School.

75 Specifically, this research seeks to answer the following specific question.

1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:

1.1 Gender
1.2 Age


80 2. What is the extent of Facebook Usage in terms of:

2.1 Social Function

2.2 Communication Skills?

3. What is the level of communication skill in terms of:

3.1 Verbal Communication

85 3.2Non-Verbal Communication?

4. Is there significant relationship between Facebook Usage and Communication


Conceptualize Frameworks


90 Communication skill
Facebook Usage
The •respondents
Socialwas classified according to gender
• and age, in order to gather the
data and information •
that will be used for our research. Non - Verbal
Their responses was gathered
• Communicatio
through thensurvey
Skills questionnaires that anonymously given to the respondents and that it
includes the following questions that will be useful for our research. After the gathering of

95 data and information from the respondents related to the study, there was an in class

observation to balance the gathered data to the communication skill of the students. A

comparison system using graphs of assessing the gathered data was used to weigh and

balance out the research. Profile of the Students - Gender - Age Communication Skills of the

Students Survey Questionnaires to the to the grade 11 students to gather information on

100 Facebook usage.


There is no significant relationship between the Facebook usages to the

communications skill of grade 11 student of Sta. Cruz National High School - Senior High


105 Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This Study is to determine if the social media network “Facebook” has a significant

relationship to the communication skill of grade 11 students of Sta. Cruz National High

School – Senior High School through a survey that conducted during the 1 st semester of the

school year 2019 – 2020.

110 The survey questionnaires on Facebook usage of selected student will be used on

gathering information of this study.

Significance of the study

Through the survey that conducted to the grade 11 student of Sta. Cruz National High

115 School-Senior High School and asked a few questions about the facebook usage and

communication skill. To ensure honesty of their answers, the survey questions asked to them

anonymous and confidential and will not be used against them in any way. This study will be

of benefit to the following: Teacher, Parents and Student.

Definition of Terms

120 Facebook -The term used in this study refers to the social networking website that allows

users to create profiles, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.

Sender - The term used in this study refers to the users who send messages to receiver.

Receiver - The term used in this study refers to the users who receive messages from the


125 Communication Skills - The term used in this study refers to the Verbal Communication

and Non-Verbal Communication.


Review of Related Literature II

135 This chapter presents the gathered researches from different sources. These studies will

be used as a guide and support to our research. Our related literature starts with the

information about Facebook and social networking, as well as the possible effects that might

affect students when Facebook and social networking is being used extensively.

In recent years, social networking sites (Facebook) have gained phenomenal popularity

140 among youth. The birth of Facebook in 2004 has communicates develop and maintain

friendship. Facebook, the most inexpensive and convenient way to communicate with a

social network service and dubbed as the worlds most well-liked social network service

today has grown to an estimated 1 billion users since its launch in 2004 (Ellison et al, 2012)

Philippines, there are about 30 million active users as of 2012.Making it as the 8 th country in

145 the world with high number of use (HEW, K.F 2011).

The Internet tends unfolded many more recent avenues

6 all year long which let you

people can do communicate and a couple of liberal, confidently social policy networking

sites (SNSs) enjoying in} a crucial part. accurately second user sand crack of twenty-two
2008, Forrester analysis {estimated tax return|declaration of twenty-two estimated tax|tax

150 return|income tax return|return} seventy fifth of Safari browser users got involved one

day style of ‘social media’ (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Specifically, Facebook users for

twenty-four|in charge of|in command of|in control of|answerable for} for a couple of thirty

seventh.5% of the entire apply it to Population Commission (Saleem, 2010) and a couple

of Facebook assets for twenty-four an surprisingly terrorist organization.9% of on their

155 lonesome over and over frolicked web content (Srinivasan, 2009a).

This season special approach fashionable tends prompted researchers to deteriorate

interested in what's going kinds of folks think about web content social

policy consultant tools in their interactions confidently others (Correa, Hinsley,

& exhausted Zúñiga,2010)

160 These sites can be oriented towards work-related contexts (e.g.,,

romantic relationship initiation (the original goal of, connecting those with

shared interests such as music etc (e.g.,, or the college student population

(the original incarnation of Participants may use the sites to interact with

people they already know offline or to meet new people. The online social network

165 (facebook) application analyzed in this article, Facebook, enables its users to present

themselves in an online profile, accumulate “friends” who can post comments on each

other’s pages, and view each other’s profiles. Facebook members can also join virtual groups

based on common interests, see what classes they have in common, and learn each others’

hobbies, interests, musical tastes, and romantic relationship status through the profiles.

170 ( Lampe, Ellison, & Steinfield, 2006)

Facebook constitutes a rich site for researchers interested

7 in the affordances of social

networks due to its heavy usage patterns and technological capacities that bridge online and

offline connections. We believe that Facebook represents an understudied offline to

online trend in that it originally primarily served a geographically-bound community (the

175 campus). When data were collected for this study, membership was restricted to people with

a specific host institution email address, further tying offline networks to online membership.

In this sense, the original incarnation of Facebook was similar to the wired Toronto

neighborhood studied by Hampton and Wellman (e.g., Hampton, 2002; Hampton &

Wellman, 2003), who suggest that information technology may enhance place-based

180 community and facilitate the generation of social capital. 1 Previous research suggests that

Facebook users engage in “searching” for people with whom they have an offline connection

more than they “browse” for complete strangers to meet (Lampe, Ellison, & Steinfield,


Time spent on Facebook

185 On the whole, previous research suggests that students primarily spend between 10

and 60 min on Facebook per day (Christofides, Muise, & Desmarais, 2009; Joinson, 2008;

Lampe et al., 2006; Muise, Christofides, & Desmarais, 2009; Orr et al., 2009; Pempek et al.,

2009; Ross et al., 2009; Sheldon, 2008a; Stern & Taylor, 2007; Valenzuela, Park, & Kee,

2009). For example, a majority of students (79% of 97 students) reported that they spent

190 between 10 and 60 min on Facebook daily (Ross et al., 2009). About 96% of 364 students

logged onto Facebook from less than 10 min to 60 min every day (Stern & Taylor, 2007).

Participants reported spending an average of 38.93 min on Facebook each day, with female

students appearing to spend significantly more time on the network site than male students

(Muise et al., 2009).

195 Students use Facebook to maintain their former network of high school friends and

also to build and sustain bonds with new friends on their campuses (Ellison et al., 2007,
2011; Junco &Mastrodicasa, 2007). They use Facebook to initiate and maintain friendships

and to seek out new information about those in their social circle (Ellison et al., 2011).
Social capital

200 broadly refers to the resources accumulated through the relationships among people

(Coleman, 1988). Social capital is an elastic term with a variety of definitions in multiple

fields (Adler & Kwon, 2002), conceived of as both a cause and an effect (Resnick, 2001;

Williams, 2006). Bourdieu and Wacquant (1992) define social capital as “the sum of the

resources, actual or virtual, that accrue to an individual or a group by virtue of possessing a

205 durable network of more or less institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintance and

recognition” (p. 14). The resources from these relationships can differ in form and function

based on the relationships themselves.

For individuals, social capital allows a person to draw on resources from other

members of the networks to which he or she belongs. These resources can take the form of

210 useful information, personal relationships, or the capacity to organize groups (Paxton, 1999).

Access to individuals outside one’s close circle provides access to non-redundant

information, resulting in benefits such as employment connections (Granovetter, 1973).

Moreover, social capital researchers have found that various forms of social capital,

including ties with friends and neighbors, are related to indices of psychological well-being,

215 such as self esteem and satisfaction with life (Bargh & McKenna, 2004; Helliwell & Putnam,


The practice of social information seeking is related to student’s perceived levels of

social capital (the resources obtained from their relationships and interactions such as

emotional support (Ellison et al., 2011). Social capital is related to improved self-esteem,

220 fewer psychological and behavioral problems, and improved quality of life (McPherson et

al., 2014). Furthermore, increased social capital can help students feel more of a connection
to their institution, which is related to more positive educational outcomes

(Pascarella&Terenzini, 2005).
Social Capital and the Internet

225 The Internet has been linked both to increases and decreases in social capital. Nie

(2001), for example, argued that Internet use detracts from face-to-face time with others,

which might diminish an individual’s social capital. However, this perspective has received

strong criticism (Bargh & McKenna, 2004). Moreover, some researchers have claimed that

online interactions may supplement or replace in-person interactions, mitigating any loss

230 from time spent online (Wellman, Haase, Witte, & Hampton, 2001). Indeed, studies of

physical (e.g., geographical) communities supported by online networks, such as the Netville

community in Toronto or the Blacksburg Electronic Village, have concluded that computer-

mediated interactions have had positive effects on community interaction, involvement, and

social capital (Hampton & Wellman, 2003; Kavanaugh, Carroll, Rosson, Zin, & Reese,

235 2005).

Recently, researchers have emphasised the importance of Internet-based linkages for the

formation of weak ties, thatfunction the inspiration of bridging social capital. as a result of

on-line relationships could also be supported by technologies like distribution lists, exposure

directories, and search capabilities (Resnick, 2001), it's potential that new styles of social

240 capital and relationship building can occur in on-line social network sites. Bridging social

capital can be increased by such sites, thatsupport loose social ties, permitting users to form

and maintain larger, diffuse networks of relationships from that they mightdoubtless draw

resources (Donath & boyd, 2004; Resnick, 2001; Wellman et al., 2001). Donath and boyd

(2004 )

245 In Putnam’s (2000) read, bonding social capital reflects robust ties with family and

close friends, United Nations agency can be during a position10to produce emotional support

or access to scarce resources. Williams (2006) points out that tiny empirical work has

expressly examined the results of the net on bonding social capital, though some studies have

questioned whether or not the net supplements or supplants robust ties (see Bargh &

250 McKenna, 2004, for a review). it's clear that the net facilitates new connections, therein it

provides folks with an alternate thanks to connect with others United Nations agency share

their interests or relative goals (Ellison, Heino, & Gibbs, 2006; Horrigan, 2002; Parks &

Floyd, 1996). These new connections could lead to a rise in social capital; as an example, a

2006 bench web survey reports that on-line users square measure a lot of possible to possess

255 a bigger network of shut ties than non-Internet users, which web users square measure a lot

of possible than non-users to receive facilitate from core network members (Boase,

Horrigan, Wellman, & Rainie, 2006). However, it's unclear however social capital formation

happens once on-line and offline connections square measure closely coupled, like

Facebook. Williams (2006) argues that though researchers have examined potential losses of

260 social capital in offline communities thanks to multiplied web use, they need not adequately

explored on-line gains that may complete this.

Maintained Social Capital and Life Changes

Social networks change over time as relationships are formed or abandoned.

Particularly significant changes in social networks may affect one’s social capital, as when a

265 person moves from the geographic location in which their network was formed and thus

loses access to those social resources. Putnam (2000) argues that one of the possible causes

of decreased social capital in the U.S. is the increase in families moving for job reasons;

other research has explored the role of the Internet in these transitions (Cummings, Lee, &

Kraut, 2006; Wellman et al., 2001). Wellman et al. (2001), for example, find that heavy

270 Internet users rely on email to maintain long distance relationships, rather than using it as a

substitute for offline interactions with those living nearby. 11

Some researchers have coined the term “friendsickness” to visit the distress caused

by the loss of association to recent friends once a juvenile person moves away to school
(Paul & Brier, 2001). net technologies feature conspicuously in a very study of

275 communication technology use by this population by Edward Estlin Cummings, Lee, and

Boche (2006), WHO found that services like email and instant electronic communication

facilitate faculty students stay near to their high school friends when they leave home for

school. we tend to thus introduce a live focusing specifically on the upkeep of existing social

capital when this major life amendment knowledgeable by faculty students, specializing in

280 their ability to leverage and maintain social connections from high school. Young adults

moving to school have to be compelled to produce new networks in school. However, they

typically leave friends from high school with whom they'll have established made networks;

fully abandoning these high school networks would mean a loss of social capital. Grandiose

(1973, 1982) has urged that weak ties offer a lot of profit once the weak tie isn't related to

285 stronger ties, as is also the case for maintained high school relationships.

Educational usage of Facebook

Facebook is seen as a favorable educational tool owing to its structure and various

utilities. On the other hand, how and for which purposes these tools will be used in

educational contexts is still awaiting researchers' interest. In the related studies it is argued

290 that Facebook and other social networks facilitate informal learning because of their active

role in members' daily lives. Social network sites support collaborative learning, engage

individuals in critical thinking, enhance communication and writing skills through activating

members work in personalized environments (Ajjan & Hartshorne, 2008; Lockyer &

Patterson, 2008). In addition to these, Lee and McLoughlin (2008) claim that social networks

295 are pedagogical tools because people can use them for connectivity and social support,

collaborative information discovery and sharing, content creation and knowledge and
information aggregation and modification. Considering the educational utilities offered by

Facebook such as providing members with intentional or spontaneous learning opportunities

by bringing people together around shared interests, exchanging information, sharing ideas,

300 discussing topics, collaborating etc., in this study, the construct of educational usage of

Facebook is investigated under three topics; communication, collaboration and

resource/material sharing.

Communication Skills

Verbal and nonverbal correspondence are found as far as cooperating floods of

305 unconstrained and representative correspondence, and presented "pseudo-unconstrained"

shows. Unconstrained correspondence is characterized as the nonintentional correspondence

of persuasive passionate states dependent on organically shared nonpropositional signal

frameworks, with data transmitted through presentations. Representative correspondence is

the purposeful correspondence, utilizing adapted, socially shared sign frameworks, of

310 propositional data transmitted by means of images. Pseudo-unconstrained correspondence

includes the deliberate and vital control of showcases. A unique meta-investigation shows

that, as verbal representative correspondence, nonverbal analogic (pantomimic)

correspondence is identified with left half of the globe cerebral handling. Conversely,

unconstrained correspondence is identified with the correct half of the globe (R.Buck, C.

315 A.VanLear, January 2006).

Nonverbal conduct incorporates every single open act aside from discourse.

Correspondence means passing on data through sign. We use non-verbal communication

without monitoring it, see and translate other individuals' non-verbal communication. Three

classes of nonverbal conduct are the verbal-vocal, nonverbal-vocal, and nonverbal-nonvocal.

320 A few motions delineate the connection among verbal and nonverbal conduct. Nonverbal

marvels are most significant in the organizing and event of relational

13 correspondence and the

development to-development guideline of the connection. Nonverbal signs help manage the

framework, prompting progressive system and need among communicators, flagging the
progression of connection, and giving meta-correspondence and input. Encounters show us

325 unwittingly that space imparts (F.B.,Mandal 2014).

Preceptors are commonly viewed as good examples for their students as the

principle instances of fitting proficient correspondence furthermore, moral lead. Preceptors

capably impact students, as students will in general duplicate educators' conduct deliberately

and unconsciously. Some highlights of clinical ability (eg, sympathy, empathy, advising, and

330 indicating backing to patients) may must be unequivocally talked about with students, as

they are frequently covered up inside the correspondence procedure. Besides, amateurish or

improper conduct, for example, eye moving, toe tapping, and absence of mindful tuning in

ought to be stayed away from. There is constrained proof to demonstrate a supported change

in students' conduct and frames of mind because of direct perception of preceptors and other

335 individuals from the medicinal services group(A.Odhayani AND S.Ratnapalan, October


Recording can be an incredible asset for students to improve relational abilities,

right mix-ups, and at last accomplish proficient, successful correspondence. Recording

preceptors: Videotaping preceptors' conferences includes a significant asset for learning

340 relational abilities. Watching perfect talking abilities upgrades students' inspiration to imitate

those abilities in clinical practice. It empowers students to watch their preceptors cooperate

with patients while giving them an opportunity to think about the correspondence. Students

will have the option to express their emotions about the meeting and recognize both verbal

and nonverbal signals. Likewise, they can share contemplations and input with educators and

345 friends; as a result, they can recognize proper methods for speaking with patients.So as to
empower dialog and sharing of thoughts, preceptors must be open and tolerating of input, in

this manner themselves increasing more knowledge and mindfulness about demonstrating
for students the way toward looking for instructing on relational abilities. Recording

students: Watching their very own correspondence with patients by looking into tapes of

350 themselves encourages students to see the conference procedure from patients' points of

view. It very well may be utilized as a type of self-appraisal to distinguish correspondence

qualities also, shortcomings during meetings and to watch and comprehend persistent

reactions. Watching a recorded meet with instructors' criticism adds extensively to students'

meeting procedures and capacity to lead discussions effectively. Recording is a significant

355 showing instrument from which students distinguish zones to improve when they need to

educate others. It is helpful in perceiving their real conduct during associations with patients,

as it isn't conceivable to be completely mindful of all that one is doing during a meeting,

especially for nonverbal signals. Tapes can be utilized for concentrate alone, correlation with

companions, and examining correspondence improvement after some time. In case recorded

360 meetings are not accessible, cuts from prevalent TV arrangement can be utilized to educate

students a few nuts and bolts of good correspondence. Reproduced interviews with

entertainers (institutionalized patients) can likewise be utilized for this reason. Recording a

meeting requires formal educated assent from patients and must keep up patients' security

and secrecy. This incorporates appropriate transfer of any chronicles after use. It is

365 significant that students additionally offer agree to be recorded, and that they comprehend

the reason for such chronicles. Utilizing tapes can be in fact costly and tedious, albeit

numerous individuals have individual gadgets that can be utilized. Utilizing tapes has the

upside of being effectively dealt with by clients; they can be rehashed, eased back down or

accelerated, and halted as vital(A.Odhayani AND S.Ratnapalan, October 2011).

370 Relational abilities Unit should assume their different

15 jobs to make the course a

triumph. It was likewise prescribed that each one of those included ought to have standard

gatherings to defeat the issues that have been referenced above so as to enhance exhibitions

and the instructing and learning process. Winneba, P.O. Box 25, Winneba, Central Region,

Ghana (2015)

375 Relational abilities are indispensable for an understudy's scholastic achievement and

future vocation prospects. In the present testing condition, understudies must have scholastic

aptitude, yet additionally the essential abilities to improve their learning and employability

prospects later on. ANTON LUCANUS (November 21, 2017)

These worries might be demonstrative of comparable issues influencing oral

380 correspondence provincially, broadly, and even universally. Assuming this is the case, at that

point the proposed arrangements offered thus may give guidance. In the event that not, at

that point being proactive instead of responsive may forestall a few or these worries from

getting to be reality.

First we will research on the hypothesis of correspondence and its association with

385 different controls, so as to indicate out what degree they have affected the hypothesis of

correspondence. We will likewise move in the manner the hypothesis of correspondence

identifies with the language and the manners in which the last communicates meaning.

Non-verbal relational abilities, additionally called gesture based communication or

quiet language, incorporate all practices performed within the sight of others or saw either

390 deliberately or unwittingly.

Relational abilities are a significant component of accommodation industry.

Comprehension of execution desires are keys to the accomplishment of vacationer

fulfillment. Great oral and composed relational abilities are the top aptitudes critical to
accommodation experts at various position levels.
395 Internet based life and online correspondence is accepted to have antagonistic impact

on social aptitudes and correspondence among young people. Quite a while in the past, when

web based life didn't exist and social correspondence and association were the main method

for correspondence.

On the off chance that you come up short on any or these aptitudes, don't be

400 disheartened. Invest a smidgen of energy every day getting the hang of, perusing, and

rehearsing basic correspondence systems. It might appear to be hard to turn into a

magnificent communicator, yet with training, you'll before long find that you can do it.

Furthermore, who knows? You may considerably find that you're a whiz.

Interpersonal Skills

405 While communication skills are the performance of specific tasks and behaviors by

an individual, interpersonal skills are inherently relational and process oriented. Interpersonal

skills focus on the effect of communication on another person. This competency has been

described as “humanistic qualities” by the American Board of Internal Medicine

(ABIM). Interpersonal skills build on basic communication skills, which alone are

410 insufficient to create and sustain a therapeutic relationship. Lack of interpersonal skills may

help explain why patients’ experience of an encounter only loosely correlates with objective

ratings of the physician's communication skills. Important elements of interpersonal skills

include respect, including treating others as one would want to be treated; paying attention to

the patient with open verbal, nonverbal, and intuitive communication channels; being

415 personally present in the moment with the patient, mindful of the importance of the

relationship; and having a caring intent, not only to relieve suffering but also to be curious
and interested in the patient's ideas, values, and concerns. Epstein adds flexibility, or the

ability to monitor the relationship in real time and adjust interpersonal skills as necessary.
Communication in Teams

420 Interactions with other people form only one aspect of communication and

interpersonal skills; other important aspects include teamwork with peers, colleagues, and

myriad others. Competence in teamwork communication includes skill in speaking up

against an authority gradient, clarity in assuring the sequence of message sent–message

received, and attentiveness to roles and relationships, monitoring, and backup.

425 Communication failure within health care teams causes mistakes that threaten patient

safety. Communication and interpersonal competence within health care teams usually is

learned through a hidden curriculum of on-the-job training, or not at all. Teaching and

assessing communication and interpersonal competence is common in other high-reliability

industries such as aviation and nuclear energy, but has only recently begun to be applied to

430 medical teams. Although this is a critically important aspect of competence in

communication, the 2002 conference did no more than identify it for further study.





This chapter presents the method to be used, the setting of the study, the respondents of

455 the study, the research instrument, and data gathering procedure to be used for the research.

A. Research Design

This study employs the Descriptive Correlation design in gathering data and

information necessary to solve major problems and subsidiary problems. Using survey

questionnaires to selected individuals and the method of comparison and contrast to sort out,

460 assess and site out relevant information needed for this research.

B. Sampling Design and Technique

The study used Simple Random Sampling in determining the samples of the study.

We are going to select randomly of grade 11 student in Sta. Cruz National High School-

Campus were the respondents of our study.

465 C. Research Instrument

The instruments used in the study are researcher-made questionnaires. The

questionnaires will be designed in a way that it shall meet the main objective of the study

which is to determine the significant relationship of the usage of Facebook to the

communication skill of the selected students to be tallied and assessed accordingly.


D. Data Gathering
The researchers asked permission from the dean of the School of Education to

administer the student-respondents of the study and then the copy will be submitted and

furnished to the office of the dean of the School of Education of Sta. Cruz National High

475 School-Senior High School.

The researchers personally submitted the questionnaires to the respondents and

assure them of confidentiality to be able to obtain honesty in the respondent’s answers.

E. Statistical Tool/Data Analysis

For the data analysis we will examine and build relation different data information

480 that we will gather through questionnaire. This study will use tables to summarize the

data( tabulating methods) then we will used computer based spreadsheets to sort and filter

the data what is tin the table. This computer based tables will use to display the analysis

results as a graph and charts for further verification to measure the central tendency, it will

calculated some percentage values of findings to transform all the obtained data into useful

485 data in order to extract result for reaching a clear and strong conclusion and decision making

for this study.


Facebook Usage and Communication Skills Survey


Age: Gender : Female Male


How much time do you spend in facebook? Little or Between 2 Between 4 – 8h

no time -3 hours 7 hours ab
1. Using facebook and other social media accounts
for communicating.
2. Doing research for school activities.
3. Playing online games.
Facebook usage 5 4 3 2
Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Dis
Agree Disagree
4. Facebook is part of my everyday activity
5. I am proud to tell people I’m on Facebook
6. Facebook has become part of my daily routine
7. I feel out of touch when I haven’t logged onto
Facebook for a while
8. I feel I am part of the Facebook community

9. I would be sorry if Facebook shut down

Self Esteem
1. I feel that I’m a person of worth, at least on an equal
plane with others.
10. I feel that I have a number of good qualities
11. I am able to do things as well as most other
12. On the whole, I am satisfied with myself

13. Face to face communication feels me comfortable

14. Expressing positive feelings to other people
15. Continuing the conversation when other
people speak to you
16. Asking a question
17. Speaking about own opinion or situation
495 The items of the scale are given in statement form. You are requested to read each statement
carefully and give your responses by putting a check ( / ) mark only the option which you
find that is most appropriate and true in your case. There’s no right/wrong answer.


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